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Um arcebisbo em defesa do poder episcopal: as relações entre D. Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires e o Santo Ofício português (1559-1582) / An Archbishop in defense of episcopal power: the relationship between Friar Bartolomeu dos Mártires and the portuguese Holy Office (1559-1582)Pereira, Juliana Torres Rodrigues 18 April 2017 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar o projeto de Reforma da Igreja e governo episcopal levados a cabo por D. Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires, Arcebispo de Braga (1559-1582), bem como seus conflitos com as demais autoridades que poderiam interferir em sua jurisdição dentro da Arquidiocese: o Cabido da Sé, a Coroa, e, principalmente, o Tribunal do Santo Ofício português. Em 1559, Bartolomeu dos Mártires (O.P) tornou-se a cabeça da mais importante diocese do Reino e desenvolveu ali um modelo alternativo para lidar com delitos religiosos. Durante seu governo sobre Braga, ele parece ter tido uma relação complicada com qualquer instituição que desafiasse sua autoridade. Tal postura difere do que se costuma afirmar como o padrão das conexões entre bispos e o Santo Ofício, geralmente caracterizada pela complacência e cooperação. Através de seus escritos, sua ação no Concílio de Trento, e especialmente a forma como regia sua arquidiocese, colidindo com poderes de diversas ordens para assegurar a afirmação de sua jurisdição, Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires tornou-se uma personagem distinta que pode ser de grande ajuda para que se entenda a concepção distinta de Reforma da Igreja que motivou o episcopado tridentino. / This thesis has the goal of analyzing the project of Catholic Reformation and episcopal government conducted by D. Friar Bartolomeu dos Mártires, Archbishop of Braga (1559-1582), and his conflicts with the other authorities that could interfere in his jurisdiction within the Archdiocese: the Cathedral Chapter, the Crown and, most of all, the portuguese Holy Office Tribunal. In 1559, Bartolomeu dos Mártires (O.P.) became the head of the most important diocese of the Realm and developed there an alternative way to deal with religious crimes. During his rule over Braga, he seems to have had a complicated relationship with any institution that defied his authority. This position was very different from what is often said to be the pattern of the connections between bishops and the Holy Office, generally characterized by compliance and cooperation. Through his writings, his action in the Council of Trent and especially the way he ruled his archbishopric, colliding with distinct powers to secure the assertion of his jurisdiction, Friar Bartolomeu dos Mártires became a distinguished character who can be extremely helpful to better understand the specific conception of Catholic Reformation that motivated the tridentine episcopate.
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Logiques migratoires sur les hautes terres centrales de Madagascar : le cas des Zanakantitra de Ramainandro, depuis le début du XIXème siècle / Logical migration on the highlands of Madagascar : the case of the Ramainandro’s Zanakantitra since the early nineteenth centuryRafidimalala, Isabelle Odette 11 December 2014 (has links)
L'intensité de la mobilité à l'intérieur du pays merina est illustrée par la première réforme agraire d'Andrianampoinimerina pour assurer les délimitations du royaume et en organiser l'expansion. Des territoires, les lohombitany, sont attribués à certains groupes pour récompenser la fidélité et les services rendus au souverain.Les Ramainandro, faisant partie des Merina, constituent ainsi l'objet par excellence d'une étude sur les apports des migrations. Leur regroupement à l'ouest de l'Ankaratra, suite à l'acquisition d'un lohombitany sous Radama I, leur octroya un statut social distinct, se manifestant par l'émergence de l'intelligentsia et des religieux chrétiens.Deux grandes raisons expliquent leur ascension: d'une part, le rôle catalyseur des missionnaires chrétiens qui ont fait de Ramainandro son terrain de prédilection et d'autre part, la reconnaissance française suite au soutien d'une fraction du groupe qui lutta contre l'insurrection des Menalamba au début de la colonisation.Actuellement, ils continuent de se déplacer un peu partout, sans rompre avec le territoire qui leur a été attribué, conservant leur identité d'une manière remarquable. L'attachement au tombeau ancestral et aux terres ancestrales constitue une preuve irréfutable de l'appartenance territoriale et l'identité du groupe. En outre, les membres du groupe ont constitué une généalogie profonde justifiant leur droit au lohombitany. De puissants réseaux d'associations sont formés pour revendiquer le statut de Ramainandro.L'étude généalogique, l'analyse biographique ainsi que les récits de vie permettent de découvrir le portrait des Ramainandro, comme groupe appartenant anciennement à l'Ambodirano et l'Imerina. / The degree of mobility within the Merina region is showed by the first agrarian reform leaded by the King Andrianampoinimerina in order to ensure the limits of the kingdom and organize its expansion in the 18th century. Territories, called lohombitany are at that time allotted to some groups by way of reward for the loyalty and service towards the sovereign. The Ramainandro, part of the Merina tribe are an excellent topic for a study about the contribution of migration. Their grouping in the west of the Ankaratra massif, due to the acquisition of a lohombitany under Radama I, conferred them a distinct status, confirmed by the emergence of the Christian intelligentsia and monks. Two main reasons can explain the exceptional rise of this tribe: on one hand, the catalyst role of the Christian missionary who chose Ramainandro as one of its favorite field; on the second hand, the French recognition resulting from the support given by a fraction of the group which helped to weaken the anti-French insurrection of the Menalamba, on the beginning of colonization. Currently, they continue to migrate without breaking with the territory assigned to them, retaining their identity in a remarkable way. The attachment to ancestral shrine and ancestral lands is an irrefutable proof of territorial belonging and group identity. In addition, the group carried out a detailed genealogy in order to justify their right to the lohombitany in question. Moreover, powerful networks of associations are founded to claim the status of Ramainandro. The genealogical study, biographical and life stories help to discover the portrait of Ramainandro tribe as formerly belonging to the groups of Ambodirano and Imerina
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O clero católico na fronteira ocidental da América portuguesa (Mato Grosso colonial, 1720-1808) / The catholic clergy in the western frontier of Portuguese America (colonial Mato Grosso, 1720 - 1808)Corbalan, Kleber Roberto Lopes 26 September 2018 (has links)
Este estudo procura traçar o perfil do clero católico no Mato Grosso, especialmente aquele atrelado à Prelazia durante o período colonial. Busca-se compreender como a situação de fronteira inter-imperial, definiu os padrões de comportamento moral e as práticas de assistência religiosa no extremo ocidental da América portuguesa, desde a chegada dos primeiros eclesiásticos em 1720, no momento das primeiras descobertas auríferas pelos sertanistas paulistas; até à posse do primeiro bispo na Prelazia de Cuiabá em 1808. Nosso objetivo é analisar o processo de implantação da rede eclesiástica dependente do Bispado do Rio de Janeiro e as contradições geradas pela vigência do Padroado. Na condição de atores decisivos do devassamento e da conquista territorial, os eclesiásticos agiram e reagiram às ações regalistas da Coroa portuguesa, mas também se adaptaram, à precariedade do seu estatuto de clero encomendado, diferenciando-se, portanto do que ocorria em outras regiões da América portuguesa, onde prevalecia a primazia do clero colado. / This study propose a historical approach of the catholic clergy in the captaincy of Mato Grosso, mainly the one related to the Prelature occurred during the colonial period. The aim to comprehend how the circumstances of inter-imperial frontier defined the patterns of moral behavior and practices of religious assistance on the western frontier of Portuguese America, since the arrival of the first ecclesiastics in the year of 1720, at the time when occurred the earliest gold discoveries done by the sertanistas originated from Sao Paulo, until the period when the first bishop, took his office of the Prelature in Cuiabá in 1808. We aim to analyze the implementation of the ecclesiastical structure dependent on the Bishopric of Rio de Janeiro, as well as, the contradictions generated by the validity of the Patronage. The ecclesiastics, as decisive actors of the territorial conquest, acted and reacted to the Portuguese Crowns regalists actions, as well as, these clergymen also adapted themselves, concerning the precariousness of their ordained clergy status, differing, therefore, from what happened in other regions of Portuguese America, where the primacy of the clergy colado ( directly paid by the Crown) was prevailed.
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O clero católico na fronteira ocidental da América portuguesa (Mato Grosso colonial, 1720-1808) / The catholic clergy in the western frontier of Portuguese America (colonial Mato Grosso, 1720 - 1808)Kleber Roberto Lopes Corbalan 26 September 2018 (has links)
Este estudo procura traçar o perfil do clero católico no Mato Grosso, especialmente aquele atrelado à Prelazia durante o período colonial. Busca-se compreender como a situação de fronteira inter-imperial, definiu os padrões de comportamento moral e as práticas de assistência religiosa no extremo ocidental da América portuguesa, desde a chegada dos primeiros eclesiásticos em 1720, no momento das primeiras descobertas auríferas pelos sertanistas paulistas; até à posse do primeiro bispo na Prelazia de Cuiabá em 1808. Nosso objetivo é analisar o processo de implantação da rede eclesiástica dependente do Bispado do Rio de Janeiro e as contradições geradas pela vigência do Padroado. Na condição de atores decisivos do devassamento e da conquista territorial, os eclesiásticos agiram e reagiram às ações regalistas da Coroa portuguesa, mas também se adaptaram, à precariedade do seu estatuto de clero encomendado, diferenciando-se, portanto do que ocorria em outras regiões da América portuguesa, onde prevalecia a primazia do clero colado. / This study propose a historical approach of the catholic clergy in the captaincy of Mato Grosso, mainly the one related to the Prelature occurred during the colonial period. The aim to comprehend how the circumstances of inter-imperial frontier defined the patterns of moral behavior and practices of religious assistance on the western frontier of Portuguese America, since the arrival of the first ecclesiastics in the year of 1720, at the time when occurred the earliest gold discoveries done by the sertanistas originated from Sao Paulo, until the period when the first bishop, took his office of the Prelature in Cuiabá in 1808. We aim to analyze the implementation of the ecclesiastical structure dependent on the Bishopric of Rio de Janeiro, as well as, the contradictions generated by the validity of the Patronage. The ecclesiastics, as decisive actors of the territorial conquest, acted and reacted to the Portuguese Crowns regalists actions, as well as, these clergymen also adapted themselves, concerning the precariousness of their ordained clergy status, differing, therefore, from what happened in other regions of Portuguese America, where the primacy of the clergy colado ( directly paid by the Crown) was prevailed.
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Avaliação do processo orçamentário como instrumento de controle interno para gestão das instituições eclesiásticasSilva, Aidê de Jesus 11 June 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-06-11 / Recognized as nonprofit entities, the Churches currently see in front of enormous challenges, all structure survives through donations, which enhances the need for efficient management. In order to corroborate the internal controls of these ecclesiastical institutions and broaden the discussion of management studies and church accounting, this study aimed to verify if the budget is used as an internal control tool for management of Dioceses and Archdioceses present in Brazil. For the research we used the method of survey data collection that allowed the interpretation of data obtained through cluster analysis, developed with IBM SPSS Statistics statistical software using the Two Step Cluster method. In addition, it was found in the survey the level of maturity of the budget process developed in these institutions. The survey results show that these institutions use the budget as an internal control instrument, however, it is important that standardization of the budget process to meet all the Dioceses and Archdioceses. And the level of maturity where are these institutions is the third level budget process comprising a defined process; however, with no sophisticated procedures, but with formalization of existing practices / Reconhecidas como entidades do terceiro setor, as Igrejas se veem atualmente diante de enormes desafios, toda estrutura sobrevive por meio de doações, o que potencializa a necessidade de uma gestão eficiente. Com o intuito de corroborar com os controles internos destas Instituições Eclesiásticas e ampliar a discussão acerca de estudos sobre gestão e contabilidade eclesiástica, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar se o orçamento é utilizado como instrumento de controle interno para gestão das Dioceses e Arquidioceses presentes no Brasil. Para a pesquisa utilizou-se o método de coletas de dados survey que possibilitou a interpretação dos dados obtidos por meio da análise de clusters, desenvolvidos com o software estatístico IBM SPSS Statistics, utilizando o método Two Step Cluster. Além disso, foi verificado na pesquisa o nível de maturidade do processo orçamentário elaborado nestas instituições. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram que estas instituições utilizam o orçamento como instrumento de controle interno, no entanto, é importante que haja padronização do processo orçamentário para atender a todas as Dioceses e Arquidioceses. E o nível de maturidade em que se encontram estas Instituições é o nível três do processo orçamentário que compreende um processo definido; no entanto, com procedimentos não sofisticados, porém com formalização das práticas existentes
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A tolerância em John Locke e os limites do poder civil / The lockean doctrine of toleration and the limits of the civil powerReis, Daniela Amaral dos 17 December 2007 (has links)
A liberdade religiosa foi uma das questões mais debatidas no século 17 na Inglaterra. Esse problema estava intimamente relacionado com o do alcance da jurisdição civil ou, ainda, da relação entre o poder civil e o poder eclesiástico. John Locke participou ativamente das discussões da época e dedicou vários escritos ao tema, incluídos os Two Tracts on Government, o Essay concerning Toleration e as Letters concerning Toleration. Mas foi somente nestas últimas que o filósofo deu a forma final aos argumentos em defesa da tolerância que influenciaram toda a modernidade. Nelas encontramos a separação da Igreja e do Estado, pela diferenciação entre a finalidade, o objeto e os instrumentos comunidade política e da comunidade eclesiástica. Além disso, nelas identificamos a argumentação relativa à ineficácia da força para persuadir e à impossibilidade de se mostrar publicamente o conhecimento da verdadeira religião, que contribuem para excluir de uma vez por todas o direito do magistrado de impor uma religião oficial. O objetivo principal desta dissertação é expor e analisar esses argumentos, desde sua gênese até sua elaboração final, para mostrar as bases racionais e o alcance prático da doutrina lockiana da tolerância. / Religious freedom was one of the most controversial issues in the seventeenth century in England. Such matter was closely related to the extension problem of the civil jurisdiction or, yet, to the relation between civil power and the ecclesiastic power. John Locke actively participated in debates of the time and dedicated numerous pieces of writing to the theme. We can point out, among them, Two Tracts on Government, Essay concerning Toleration, Letters concerning Toleration. But it was only in the latter the philosopher gave the final form to the arguments in defense of the toleration, therefore, influencing modernity as a whole. Separation of Church and Estate can then be found in those letters due to the political and ecclesiastic communities differences in aims, objects and instruments. Besides, the arguments for inefficiency of power to persuade as well as for the impossibility of showing publicly the knowledge of the true religion can be identified in such letters, what contributes to the radical exclusion of the magistrate right to impose an official religion. The main objective of this essay is to expose and to analyze those arguments, from their geneses to their final elaboration, to show the rational bases and the practical reach of the lockean doctrine of toleration.
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Um arcebisbo em defesa do poder episcopal: as relações entre D. Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires e o Santo Ofício português (1559-1582) / An Archbishop in defense of episcopal power: the relationship between Friar Bartolomeu dos Mártires and the portuguese Holy Office (1559-1582)Juliana Torres Rodrigues Pereira 18 April 2017 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar o projeto de Reforma da Igreja e governo episcopal levados a cabo por D. Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires, Arcebispo de Braga (1559-1582), bem como seus conflitos com as demais autoridades que poderiam interferir em sua jurisdição dentro da Arquidiocese: o Cabido da Sé, a Coroa, e, principalmente, o Tribunal do Santo Ofício português. Em 1559, Bartolomeu dos Mártires (O.P) tornou-se a cabeça da mais importante diocese do Reino e desenvolveu ali um modelo alternativo para lidar com delitos religiosos. Durante seu governo sobre Braga, ele parece ter tido uma relação complicada com qualquer instituição que desafiasse sua autoridade. Tal postura difere do que se costuma afirmar como o padrão das conexões entre bispos e o Santo Ofício, geralmente caracterizada pela complacência e cooperação. Através de seus escritos, sua ação no Concílio de Trento, e especialmente a forma como regia sua arquidiocese, colidindo com poderes de diversas ordens para assegurar a afirmação de sua jurisdição, Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires tornou-se uma personagem distinta que pode ser de grande ajuda para que se entenda a concepção distinta de Reforma da Igreja que motivou o episcopado tridentino. / This thesis has the goal of analyzing the project of Catholic Reformation and episcopal government conducted by D. Friar Bartolomeu dos Mártires, Archbishop of Braga (1559-1582), and his conflicts with the other authorities that could interfere in his jurisdiction within the Archdiocese: the Cathedral Chapter, the Crown and, most of all, the portuguese Holy Office Tribunal. In 1559, Bartolomeu dos Mártires (O.P.) became the head of the most important diocese of the Realm and developed there an alternative way to deal with religious crimes. During his rule over Braga, he seems to have had a complicated relationship with any institution that defied his authority. This position was very different from what is often said to be the pattern of the connections between bishops and the Holy Office, generally characterized by compliance and cooperation. Through his writings, his action in the Council of Trent and especially the way he ruled his archbishopric, colliding with distinct powers to secure the assertion of his jurisdiction, Friar Bartolomeu dos Mártires became a distinguished character who can be extremely helpful to better understand the specific conception of Catholic Reformation that motivated the tridentine episcopate.
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Le curé au prétoire : justice écclésiastique et développement de l'idéal sacerdotal tridentin dans le diocèse de Beauvais au XVIIe siècleSaule, Kevin 07 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie un volet méconnu de la réforme catholique. Grâce à l’étude d’un peu moins de 200 procédures judiciaires instruites par la justice ecclésiastique au XVIIe siècle à l’encontre de curés déviants du diocèse de Beauvais, notre recherche entend appréhender le rôle du tribunal ecclésiastique (l’officialité) dans le processus de disciplinement du clergé paroissial. Organisée en trois parties (« Les siècles des désordres » ; « Le curé délinquant dans son milieu paroissial » ; « Le curé délinquant face à ses juges »), la thèse démontre que, loin d’être marginalisée, l’officialité diocésaine de Beauvais parvient à maintenir ses prérogatives sur les prêtres, sans voir son champ de compétences contesté par les juridictions laïques. La justice de l’évêque fonctionne le plus souvent selon les mêmes principes que la justice royale, en cherchant plus à concilier et à réformer qu’à punir. La sentence de l’official, toujours lourde, n’est finalement prononcée que lorsque le curé a prouvé qu’il était incapable de s’amender malgré de multiples rappels à l’ordre. Les curés délinquants ayant maille à partir avec la justice épiscopale ont un profil particulier. Issus des milieux les moins défavorisés, formés « sur le tas », ils sont très souvent originaires d’un diocèse étranger et appartiennent tous – ou presque – aux générations antérieures à la mise en place du séminaire diocésain. Grâce à des soutiens nombreux et variés dans leur paroisse, les curés aux mœurs dissolues parviennent à se maintenir dans leur cure pendant de longues années avant que les scandales ne provoquent leur disgrâce. La vie religieuse de la paroisse n’est pas fortement perturbée par l’inconduite du curé comme le montrent les registres paroissiaux, les fonds des fabriques et les dossiers de paroisses. Contrairement aux discours alarmants tenus par certains plaignants, les ouailles ne se détournent pas de l’église à la suite des scandales et ne remettent pas en cause la validité des sacrements administrés par le curé. / This dissertation examines a little known part of the Catholic reformation. Thanks to the study of not less than 200 cases against deviant priests investigated by ecclesiastical courts in the diocese of Beauvais in the XVIIth century, our research tries to understand the part played by ecclesiastical courts (i.e. « officialités ») in the process of controlling parish priests. This dissertation is divided into three parts – « The Centuries of Disorders », « The Delinquent Priest in his Parish » and « The Delinquent Priest in Court » - and shows that, far from being marginalised, the Beauvais ecclesiastical court succeeds in keeping its prerogatives over priests without seeing its sphere of competence challenged by secular courts. Most of the time, the bishop’s judicial decisions work according to the same principles as the King’s, trying to reconcile and reform rather than to punish. The sentence of the judicial vicar (the « officialis ») is always severe and eventually only handed down when the priest showed he was unable to mend his ways in spite of numerous warnings. The deliquent priests who are at odds with the bishop’s justice have a distinctive profile. They come from the least underprivileged backgrounds, they were trained « on the job », they often come from a foreign diocese and all, or almost all, belong to generations living before the setting up of diocesan seminaries. Thanks to multitudinous and varied support from their parish, the morally depraved priests manage to remain in the place for many years before scandals cause them fall into disfavour. The religious life in the area is not greatly disturbed by the misbehaviour of the priest as the parish records and files as well as the mill resources show. Unlike the alarming speech of some plaintiffs, the flock doesn’t turn away from the Church after the scandals nor questions the validity of the sacraments administered by the priest.
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La rappresentanza degli interessi religiosi dei fedeli nelle comunità locali / The Representation of Interests of Religious Faithful in Local CommunitiesPERSANO, DANIELE 13 March 2008 (has links)
La riforma del Titolo V della parte II Cost. ha aperto nuove prospettive per la tutela degli interessi religiosi dei fedeli nelle comunità locali, che trovano adeguata rappresentanza nelle Diocesi, Province e Regioni Ecclesiastiche. / The reform of Title V of Part II Const. He opened up new prospects for the protection of the interests of religious believers in local communities, which find adequate representation in the Diocese, Ecclesiastical Provinces and Regions.
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Saint Paul, the Ismāʻīlīs, and the end of the world : new visions of the religious lawVelji, Jamel A. January 2004 (has links)
Hasan Salah, a 13th-century exponent of the Isma'ili qiyamat doctrine, and Saint Paul the Apostle, the author of much of the New Testament, believed that during their lifetimes, a Messiah had come. The arrival of the Messiah triggered the end time; in this new time of sacredness, both authors believed that it was impossible---and even counterproductive---to gain salvation by following the traditional religious law. This thesis juxtaposes both authors' conceptions of the religious law, highlighting how each author reinterprets scripture to argue that the law simply cannot bring salvation in this new time. It then discusses how, in place of the law, both authors advocate a new, more individual soteriology structured around the Messianic figure. This thesis then discusses the seven shared structural features of both eschatologically based theologies, strengthening the corpus of evidence suggesting that Isma'ili thinkers often incorporate specifically Christian elements into their theology.
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