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Počátky premonstrátů v Čechách / The Beginnings of Premonstratensian Order in BohemiaZemanová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The Beginnings of Premonstratensian Order in Bohemia. This thesis deals with the beginnings of Premonstratensian Order and their coming to Bohemia. At first, attention is devoted to the history which is briefly characterized by political, economic, and religious conditions in Bohemia in the first half of the twelfth century. The next chapter will take us through the life of St. Norbert, his conversion to Christianity, as well as the foundation and circumstances of the Premonstratensian Order. In this chapter, the Order's form of organisation, characteristics, and daily habits are also discussed. The subject of the fourth chapter is the establishment of the Premonstratensian Order in Bohemia. There are also discussed the persons who had the main credit for coming the Premonstratensian Order to Bohemia. It was their greatest admirer Jindrich Zdik, as well as the bishop Daniel and the provost of Steinfeld named Eberwin. The next section is dedicated to the description of the consequential creation of the first male and female monasteries in Bohemia such as Strahov, Doksany, Litomysl, Zeliv and Lounovice. There are also mentioned the first abbots and priors of these monasteries. In conclusion, there is a brief summary and evaluation of the contribution of the Premonstratensian Order.
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A Musician's Guide to Latin Diction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Choral RepertoireTaylor, Sean D. 30 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Saint Paul, the Ismāʻīlīs, and the end of the world : new visions of the religious lawVelji, Jamel A. January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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L’évolution d’un droit ecclésiastique européen vers un droit ecclésiastique de l’union : la contribution de l’église orthodoxe / The evolution of a european ecclesiastical law to an ecclesiastical law of the Union : the contribution of the Orthodox ChurchGeorgiadis, Savvas 28 September 2013 (has links)
Le phénomène du religieux joue un rôle important en Europe. Le droit ecclésiastique stipule les rapports juridiques entre l’Etat et les Eglises et les Religions. L’article 9 CEDH et son développement jurisprudentiel créent les conditions d’existence d’un droit ecclésiastique européen de facto. En outre, la Déclaration 11 annexée au Traité d’Amsterdam, la Charte des Droits fondamentaux de l’Union et le Traité de Lisbonne forment les fondements d’un droit ecclésiastique de l’Union, dans la perspective d’une convergence plus avancée. La contribution de l’Eglise Orthodoxe à la construction européenne est considérée indispensable par le biais des Représentations des Eglises Orthodoxes localement établies au sein de l’Union Européenne, ainsi que de sa tradition ecclésiale. / The religious phenomenon plays an important role in Europe. The ecclesiastical law regulates the relationship between the State and the Churches/Religions. The article 9 of the ECHR and its jurisprudential development create conditions for the existence of a de facto European ecclesiastical law. In addition, the Declaration 11 annexed to the Amsterdam Treaty, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Lisbon Treaty are the foundations of an Ecclesiastical law of the Union from the perspective of a more advanced convergence. The contribution of the Orthodox Church to the European construction is considered indispensable through representations of the locally established Orthodox Churches, within the European Union and its ecclesiastical tradition. / Το θρησκευτικό φαινόμενο παίζει ένα σημαντικό ρόλο στην Ευρώπη. Το εκκλησιαστικό δίκαιο ρυθμίζει τις σχέσεις Εκκλησιών και Θρησκειών με το κράτος. Το άρθρο 9 ΕΣΔΑ και η νομολογιακή του ανάπτυξη δημιουργούν τις δομές ύπαρξης ενός ευρωπαϊκού εκκλησιαστικού δικαίου de facto. Από την άλλη, η Δήλωση 11 της Συνθήκης του Άμστερνταμ, ο Χάρτης Θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων και η Συνθήκη της Λισσαβόνας διαμορφώνουν τα θεμέλια ενός Εκκλησιαστικού δικαίου της Ένωσης, υπό τη προοπτική μίας πιο προχωρημένης σύγκλησης. Η συνεισφορά της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας στην οικοδομή της Ευρώπης θεωρείται απαραίτητη μέσω των αντιπροσωπειών των κατά τόπους Ορθόδοξων Εκκλησιών στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση αλλά και μέσω της εκκλησιαστική της παράδοση.
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La procédure devant les tribunaux ecclésiastiques de l'Église de Grèce : une analyse nomocanonique de la loi étatique 5383/1932 / The procedure before the Ecclesiastical (Church) Courts of the Church of Greece : a nomocanonical analysis of the state law 5383/1932Tzaros, Apostolos 20 June 2019 (has links)
Le présent travail intitulé « La procédure devant les tribunaux ecclésiastiques de l’Église de Grèce : une analyse nomocanonique de la loi étatique 5383/1932 », ambitionne d’être la première monographie consacrée à la Loi 5383/1932, loi concernant les tribunaux ecclésiastiques grecs, dite aussi, d’après la définition du Conseil d’État, loi du droit disciplinaire ecclésiastique. Elle concerne 82 métropoles et l’archevêché d’Athènes. La procédure disciplinaire est une procédure judiciaire ; elle consiste en un procès au cours duquel doivent être appliqués tous les principes d’un procès juste. Ces tribunaux aussi doivent offrir la garantie d’un jugement juste. Le critère consiste à savoir s’ils saisissent une différence selon les règles du droit, avec compétence pour cette différence dans le cadre d’une procédure préétablie. La Loi 5383/1932 est un texte juridique et, pour la traiter, nous avons appliqué les méthodes juridiques et canoniques, dites nomocanoniques, d’analyse et d’interprétation. / The present work bears the title, «The Procedure before the Ecclesiastical (Church) Courts of the Church of Greece: A nomocanonical analysis of the state law 5383/1932» which aspires to constitute the first monograph devoted to Law 5383/1932, a law that concerns the Greek Ecclesiastical courts, or better yet, the law regarding ecclesiastical disciplinary law according to the case law of the Council of State. This law concerns 82 metropolises (cathedrals) and the archdiocese of Athens. The disciplinary procedure is a judicial procedure that entails a hearing during which all of the principles of a fair trial must be applied. These courts owe a duty to offer the guarantees of a fair trial. The criterion is to know whether they are vindicating a difference with the rules of law having jurisdiction over this difference in the context of an existing procedure. Law 5383/1932 is a legal text and, in order to analyze it, we have used the legal and Canon law methods otherwise known as legal rule analysis and interpretation.
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The role played by the church management and the court of law in legitimising the status of Lebowakgomo congregationPhatudi, Jakobus Ramphelane 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Lebowakgomo congregation is situated in the Northern Province the growth point of former Lebowa Government The study was based on the understanding the procedures and processes which were followed when legitimising the congregational secession .
Secession is an act to withdraw formally from a union, especially from a religious organisation.
The secession of Lebowakgomo congregation from Lerato congregation took a decade before it was implemented. The secession was delayed by technical problems such as the expulsion of the minister, the death of an eider's son, the arrival of three ministers and various interpretations of the Church Order.
The Process of secession was affected by the legacy of change within the community. That is, the idea of secession was introduced to the congregation by the minister in trying to curb congregation administration problems. This process could not take off because some of the
congregants had not fully conceptualised the idea.
The process of secession ended into conflicts of ideology and also in the interpretation of the Church Order of which lead to additional attitudinal developments within the management structures of the NGKA. The church council of Lebowakgomo also developed an attitude against the Synodical commission which lead to the involvement of the court of law as an arbitrator.
The hypothesis tested in this thesis is:
"Is Lebowakgomo congregation a legitimate congregation within the structures of the NGKA?"
Lebowakgomo congregation is the first to challenge a decision made by the Synod. It is the first to demand its rights through the court of law. This was a drastic change with regard to the Church history of the NGKA. Thus, this study has traced the development of Lebowakgomo secession until it was legitimised by the court of law.
The main thrust of this study was to provide academic reasoning to the following questions,
Is secession legitimised after being approved by:
- the Church council?
- the Presbytery council?
- after a secession ceremony was held?
- after registration by the Synodical commission secretary?
- after being published in the Church news paper?
The positive ruling by the court of law in legitimising Lebowakgomo congregation within the structures of the NGKA, was noted in spite of dissatisfaction expressed by some church structures and church management. This clearly indicated that the role of church managers
in a changing society is one in constant metamorphosis with regard to reconstructing and developing church organisation and management. / Church History / Th. M. (Church History)
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Willibald of Eichstätt (700-787 CE) and Christian topography of early Islamic JerusalemAist, Rodney January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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La Réforme catholique dans le diocèse de Toulouse (1590-1710) / The Catholic Reformation in the Diocese of Toulouse (1590-1710)Martinazzo, Estelle 20 October 2012 (has links)
Le diocèse de Toulouse, situé à cheval sur le Languedoc et le Gascogne, a subi d’importantes destructions durant les guerres de Religion. Un tiers des édifices religieux ont été détruits en 1596. Inséré dans une région où les protestants ont conquis de nombreuses villes, les Toulousains se sentent littéralement assiégés par le protestantisme, et cette appréhension renforce les ressorts d’une politique religieuse menée par l’archevêque, le puissant parlement de Toulouse et les laïcs. La Réforme catholique débute en 1590, au moment du concile provincial sous l’impulsion du cardinal de Joyeuse (1588-1605). Celui-ci, fortement empreint des idées borroméennes, en pose les cadres durables. Une visite systématique du diocèse est menée, des institutions nouvelles sont mises en place et les fondements du concile de Trente sont publiés par le biais des canons du concile provincial. Ses successeurs, malgré les longues périodes devacance du siège archiépiscopal, poursuivent la politique menée. On observe alors, grâce aux conférences ecclésiastiques notamment, un glissement des institutions, mises au service d’une meilleure connaissance des réalités religieuses et de la réforme des prêtres et des fidèles. Une campagne importante de reconstructions débute aussi de manière assez précoce dans le diocèse et constitue une des réussites les plus remarquables de la Réforme catholique,néanmoins avec une chronologie différenciée. Il en est de même pour la réforme des prêtres, dont nous étudierons les nombreux ressorts. La Réforme catholique implique de nombreux acteurs. Leur multiplicité est liée à la structure sociale de la ville de Toulouse, ville parlementaire par excellence. La politique religieuse connaît alors une articulation constante entre la Réforme catholique, comme réforme in capito et in membris et la Contre-Réforme, c’est-à-dire la volonté d’éradiquer toute présence du protestantisme. Cette politique, menée bien au-delà du cadre administratif du diocèse, constitue une grande réussite de la fin du XVIIe siècle. / The diocese of Toulouse, located in Languedoc and Gascony, suffered significant destruction during the Wars of Religion. One-third of the religious buildings were destroyed in 1596. Inserted in a region where protestants conquered many cities, the Tolosans felt literally besieged by Protestantism, and this anxiety helped to strenghten the religious policy, conducted by the archbishop, the powerful Parliament of Toulouse or the laymen. The Catholic Reformation began in 1590, with the Cardinal de Joyeuse (1588-1605) and his provincial Council. He was strongly influenced by Borromean ideas, and he imposed the Reformation sustainable frameworks. A visit of the diocese was conducted, new institutions were created, and the foundations of the Council of Trent were published through the canons of the provincial Council. His successors, espite long periods of vacancy of the archiepiscopal seat, continued this policy. Through ecclesiastical conferences, we can observe a mutation of the institutions, a better knowledge of religious realities and an important reform of the priests and the faithful. A significant campaign of reconstruction was also started quite early, and became one of the most remarkable successes of the Catholic Reformation. Nevertheless, the chronology is differentiated. We will also study many aspectsof the reform of the clergy. The Catholic Reformation involved many actors. Their diversity was related to the social structure of the city of Toulouse, parliamentary city par excellence. The religious policy was then a constant articulation between the Catholic Reformation as a reform in capito and in membris and the Counter-Reformation, that is to say the eradication of any Protestant. This policy, which was carried out well beyond the geographical boundaries of the diocese, was a success at the end of the 17th century.
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A imagem da autoridade episcopal no período merovíngio através da "Vita Sancti Marcelli" e demais "Vitae" de Venâncio Fortunato /Charrone, João Paulo. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Ruy de Oliveira Andrade Filho / Banca: Ana Paula Tavares Magalhães Taconi / Banca: Leila Rodrigues da Silva / Resumo: O nome Venantius Fortunatus é bem representado nas coleções bibliográficas, mas quase todos os trabalhos concentram se em sua produção poética. Assim, parecem-nos bastante esquecidos pela crítica os escritos hagiográficos em prosa desse autor. O presente estudo pretende sob um ângulo que nos sugere ainda insuficientemente considerado, devido ao vasto campo de estudos que permitem as referidas fontes documentais analisar a adaptação hagiográfica de uma idealizada identidade episcopal construída em favor dos bispos gauleses do último quarto do sexto século, que pretendiam utilizar as imagens dos santos predecessores que ocuparam as suas respectivas sés, para afirmarem e/ou construírem sua autoridade religiosa e política frente à sua comunidade de fiéis e às autoridades públicas do reino franco. / Abstract: Venantius Fortunatus is well represented in bibliographical collections, but most literature concentrates on his poetic production. As a consequence, little attention has been paid to his hagiographyc writings in prose. This work intends to analyse -even if it is from a still insufficiently developed perspective, due to the vast array of studies that these documental sources may prompt-- how Gaulish bishops' of the last quarter of the sixth century built an idealized Episcopal identity through the images of those saints who had previously occupied their respective cathedrals. This was done in order to build up and/or strengthen their religious and political authority before their community of faithful and the public authorities of the Frankish kingdom. / Mestre
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Nulidade matrimonial: a Igreja Católica diante dos casamentos que fracassaram / Nullity of marriage: the Catholic Church and the marriages that have been failedSilva, Flávia Moreira da 03 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-07-11T12:29:39Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-05-03 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Fundação São Paulo - FUNDASP / Marriage is known as a symbolic ritual and a psychological necessity that has existed
for thousands of years and has been accompanying the development of humanity since then.
The Catholic understanding regarding marriage marked the Western culture, and even though
it was extremely demanding, it was for many centuries the only one considered socially
acceptable. With the advent of postmodern society, where effective bonds have become more
fragile, the Catholic proposal of indissoluble marriage presents itself as an exception, in
addition of being less understood and accepted. At the same time, cases of marital separation
are multiplied, followed by new relationships. The impact of divorce is felt in a peculiar way
by the Catholic Church because of its historically stricter stance in the understanding of
marriage. Divorces and new relationships place the Catholic faithful in an irregular position
within the institution with a consequent feeling of exclusion and marginalization. The
problem has been faced by the Catholic Church with the development of a peculiar practice
that seeks to analyze the validity of marriages celebrated by its faithful and the possible
declaration of Nullity: those are the Canonical Marriage processes carried out in the
Ecclesiastical Courts. The objective of this research was to verify how the Catholic Church
has responded to the reality of the numerous marriages that failed and to address the main
psychological and religious questions manifested by the individuals involved in the processes
of declaration of Nullity of Marriage. The methodological approach used started from a
descriptive research in the records of the cases of Marriage Annulment carried by the
Interdiocesan Marriage Tribunal of Aparecida (TEIA) where I work as an expert psychologist.
Thirty five cases were selected from the city of São José dos Campos – SP. It was chosen
cases entered the Court in 2014, and marriage duration up to five years. We work with the
hypothesis that those cases, by their own dynamics, also have a therapeutic character, because
it inevitably puts the person in contact with his/her history. Those processes are therefore an
excellent opportunity that can favor self-knowledge. We also verified the most frequent
psychological causes of failure of marriages among the cases / O matrimônio entendido como ritual simbólico e necessidade psicológica existe há
milhares de anos e acompanha o próprio desenvolvimento da humanidade. A compreensão
Católica do matrimônio marcou a cultura ocidental e, mesmo sendo extremamente exigente,
foi, por muitos séculos, a única considerada socialmente aceitável. Com advento da sociedade
pós-moderna, onde os vínculos afetivos se tornaram mais frágeis, a proposta Católica de
matrimônio indissolúvel se apresenta como uma exceção, além de ser cada vez menos
compreendida e aceita. Paralelamente, multiplicam-se casos de separação conjugal, seguidos
de novos relacionamentos. O impacto das separações conjugais é sentido de um modo
peculiar pela Igreja Católica em razão de sua postura, em geral, historicamente mais rígida
frente a compreensão do matrimônio. A separação conjugal e uma nova união coloca o fiel
católico em uma situação institucional irregular, com consequente sensação de exclusão e
marginalização. Frente a tal problemática, a Igreja Católica desenvolveu ao longo dos séculos
uma prática peculiar que visa analisar a validade dos matrimônios celebrados por seus fiéis e a
possível Declaração da Nulidade dos mesmos: são os processos Jurídicos Canônicos
realizados nos Tribunais Eclesiásticos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar como a Igreja
Católica tem respondido à realidade dos inúmeros matrimônios fracassados e abordar as
principais questões de ordem psicológica e religiosas manifestadas pelos indivíduos
envolvidos nos processos de Declaração de Nulidade Matrimonial. O enfoque metodológico
utilizado para compor esse estudo partiu de pesquisa descritiva nos autos dos processos de
Declaração de Nulidade Matrimonial TEIA, onde atuo como psicóloga perita. Foram
selecionados trinta cinco processos oriundos da cidade de São José dos Campos – SP que
ingressaram no Tribunal ano de 2014, cuja a duração dos casamentos foi até cinco anos.
Trabalhamos com a hipótese de que estes processos, pela dinâmica que lhe é própria, possuem
também um caráter terapêutico, pois inevitavelmente coloca a pessoa em contato com sua
história. Uma excelente oportunidade para tomar consciência de si, o que pode favorecer o
autoconhecimento. Verificamos ainda quais são as causas psicológicas mais frequentes dos
fracassos das uniões conjugais presentes nos respectivos processos
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