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A History of the Federal and Territorial Court Conflicts in Utah, 1851-1874Kilts, Clair T. 01 January 1959 (has links) (PDF)
In 1847 the Mormon pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake valley, bringing with them their own court system, which was to be their main resource for litigation for the next two years. The Church courts which were set up after 1847 proved insufficient, and in 1849 a need was felt for civil courts which could be used in the litigation with Gentile emigrants that were passing through the valley. To solve this problem, the State of Deseret was formed on March 12, 1849, giving the valley a civil authority. This was to last less than two years, for on September 9, 1850, Congress created out of the State of Deseret the Territory of Utah.
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A journey through the "desert" of unemployment : pastoral responses to people "between jobs"Smith, Jacoba Lourensa 30 November 2006 (has links)
In this research project the research participants and I embarked on a journey through the "desert" of unemployment. I was introduced to the research participants at Jacob's Well, a ministry for people "between jobs" The effects of unemployment on a male's identity were explored, as well as the pastoral response of caregivers to people "between jobs". A phenomenological study was undertaken in which interviews with the participants formed the basis of the research. The structured section of the interviews was guided by the research questions, but the largest part of the interviews was about the participants' personal journeys "between jobs." The role of a ministry like Jacob's Well, catering for people "between jobs", was highlighted and recommendations for practical theology and pastoral praxis were made. / Practical Theolgy / M.Th. (Practical Theology with specialiisation in Pastoral Therapy)
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Vergelykende studie na die kerklike diens van genesingPieterse, Cornelius Louwrens 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die kerklike diens van genesing bet deur die geskiedenis uitgestaan as een van die aktiwiteite van die kerk van Jesus Christus wat vanwee verskillende redes voortdurend in die brandpunt was. Die afgelope dekades is gekenmerk deur die toename van gelowiges uit verskillende denominasies en groepe wat by die nadenke oor en beoefening van die diens van genesing in die kerk betrokke geraak bet. Die toename bet meegebring dat die kerklike diens van genesing op verskillende wyses (praktyke) beoefen is en dat verskillende redes as
regverdiging daarvoor aangebied is. Onderliggend hieraan le bepaalde teoriee waarvan die beoefenaars soms bewus was, en soms nie. Die huidige navorsing ondersoek die teoriee en praxes van verskillende genesingsbedienings binne 'n bepaalde akademiese en kerklike raamwerk. In die verband
is 'n vergelykende studie deur middel van 'n kwalitatiewe ondersoek na die werk van twee uiteenlopende instansies gedoen, naamlik die London Healing Mission ( wat onder toesig van die Anglikaanse kerk funksioneer en daarom 'n vaste tradisie bet), en die Vineyard Christian Fellowship van Boise, in die VSA, wat 'n jong gemeente is, en by die sogenaamde 'Third Wave' beweging inpas. Die teoriee en praktyk van elke bediening word in die studie ge!dentifiseer en met mekaar vergelyk. Uit hierdie vergelyking word verskillende gevolgtrekkings gemaak, onder andere oor die bestaansreg van die kerklike diens van genesing en die formaat wat dit behoort aan te neem. Sekere opmerkinge word op grond van die navorsingsresultate gemaak wat in die Pinkster, Charismatiese en Gerefonneerde kerke asook vir die kerk in die algemeen, van waarde kan wees.
Die navorsingsresultate word gebruik om 'n bedieningsmodel vir die genesingsbediening in die kerk te ontwerp. Die ondersoek word afgesluit met aanbevelings met die oog op moontlike toekomstige navorsing. / Throughout history the healing ministry has been one of the outstanding activities of the church of Jesus Christ which remained continuously and for various reasons the focal point of attention. The past decades were characterized by an escalation of believers from different denominations and groups who became involved in the meditation and practicing of the healing ministry in the church. This escalation has resulted in the healing ministry being practiced in multiple ways and various reasons being given as justification for doing so. This was done in the presence of underlying theories of which the practitioners were either consciously or subconsciously aware or unaware of. The present research explores the theories and practices of the healing ministry within a
particular academic and ecclesiastical context. A comparative study was undertaken by means of a qualitative investigation covering the work of two divergent institutions namely: The London Healing Mission (which is supervised by the Anglican Church and therefore has a specific tradition) and the Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Boise, USA, which is a 'new' congregation and fits in with the so called Third Wave movement. The theories and practices of both these ministries are identified and compared with one another. Various conclusions are reached through this comparison, referring amongst others to the healing ministry's right of existence and the format in which it should be practiced. Remarks that are being·made with regard to the results of the research should
be of value to the Pentecostal, Charismatic and Reformed churches in particular, but to the Church in general as well. These results are also used to design a ministering model for the healing ministry. The study concludes with certain recommendations for possible future research. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)
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Andreas Norrelius' Latin translation of Johan Kemper's Hebrew commentary on Matthew edited with introduction and philological commentaryEskhult, Josef January 2007 (has links)
This thesis contains an edition of the Swedish Hebraist Andreas Norrelius’ (1679-1749) Latin translation, Illuminatio oculorum (1749), of the converted rabbi Johan Kemper’s (1670-1716) Hebrew commentary on Matthew, Me’irat ‘Enayim (1703). The dissertation is divided into three parts. The focus lies on the introduction, which concentrates on issues of language and style. Andreas Norrelius’ Latin usage is elucidated on its orthographical, morphological, syntactic, lexical and stylistic levels. The features are demonstrated to be typical of scholarly Neo-Latin: Through a broad comparative synchronic approach, conspicuous linguistic phenomena are taken as points of departure for the exploration of scholarly Latin prose in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, especially the vocabulary and phraseology of philological, theological, and exegetical discourse. An intellectual historical background is outlined that places the ambitions and the achievements of the author and the translator as well as the texts used for comparison in their scholarly and cultural setting against a general European and specific Swedish background. Furthermore, the introduction deals with various questions relating to translation techniques and strategies. In particular, the method for the translation of biblical passages is analysed and put in relation to the humanistic Latin Bible translations. Moreover, the life and work of Johan Kemper is described in the light of all historical sources available. The life of Andreas Norrelius is also portrayed, and the questions about the date and authorship of the Latin translation are thoroughly addressed. The second part contains the editio princeps of the Latin translation. Andreas Norrelius’ own prolegomena about Kemper’s early life has been made accessible as well. The third part provides a philological commentary focused on the explanation of specific linguistic and exegetical questions in the text edited.
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La Bibliothèque du Collège pontifical canadien à Rome (1888-1974) : une bibliothèque québécoise outre-merBouchard, Éric 07 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire cherche à dresser l’historique de la bibliothèque du Collège pontifical canadien de 1888 à 1974, soit au moment où le Collège occupait le bâtiment sis au 117 rue des Quatre-Fontaines à Rome. Par cette recherche, nous tenterons de déterminer si cette bibliothèque, de par son origine, son intégration dans le monde catholique, son administration, son fonctionnement, sa fréquentation, et la nature de sa collection, peut être considérée comme une bibliothèque québécoise d’outre-mer, c’est-à-dire une bibliothèque faisant partie intégrante du réseau des bibliothèques canadiennes-françaises de l’époque. De plus, nous verrons dans quelle mesure cette bibliothèque a été l’objet de relations franco-québécoises à l’étranger. / This thesis seeks to establish the history of the library of the Pontifical Canadian College from 1888 to 1974, when the College occupied the building at via Quatro Fontane 117 in Rome. Through this research, we will attempt to determine whether this library, in its origin, its integration in the Catholic world, its directors, its operation, attendance, and the nature of his collection can be viewed as an oversea library of Quebec, that is to say a library an integral part of the French-Canadians libraries at this time. The same way we try to prove if that library was the subject of relations between France and Quebec abroad.
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La subsistance du clergé séculier en Centrafrique : possible auto-prise en charge / The subsistence of the secular clergy in Central African Republic : possible self-relianceKette, Justin-Sylvestre 21 September 2018 (has links)
Bien que le Code de droit canonique prévoie au canon 281 la rémunération des clercs et leur assistance sociale en cas de maladie, d’invalidité ou de vieillesse, cette disposition est loin d’être appliquée convenablement aux prêtres séculiers de Centrafrique. En plus de la pauvreté structurelle, le pays est en proie à une guerre civile qui a détruit tout le tissu socio-économique. Mais la guerre ne justifie pas tout. Il y a un problème de gestion et d’administration des biens ecclésiastiques. La gestion rigoureuse et transparente des maigres ressources financières dont dispose l’Église reste un défi majeur. S’il est vrai que la subsistance du clergé est de la responsabilité de l’Église, les prêtres ont aussi une part importante à jouer. Notre thèse propose les mesures à prendre pour rendre possible l’auto-prise en charge des prêtres en Centrafrique. / Although the Code of Canon Law provides at canon 281 the remuneration of clerics and their social assistance in case of sickness, invalidity or old age, this provision is far from being properly applied to the secular priests of Central Africa. In addition to structural poverty, the country is in the throes of a civil war that has destroyed the entire socio-economic fabric. But war does not justify everything. There is a problem of management and administration of ecclesiastical goods. The rigorous and transparent management of the meager financial resources available to the Church remains a major challenge. While it is true that clergy subsistence is the responsibility of the Church, priests also have an important part to play. Our thesis proposes the steps to be taken to make possible the self-reliance of the priests in the Central African Republic.
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Sacré crédit! Apogée et déclin du crédit ecclésiastique dans l'Espagne moderne / Sacré crédit! The rise and fall of ecclesiastical credit in early modern SpainMilhaud, Cyril 21 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les évolutions du marché du crédit de long terme (les censos) dans l'Espagne moderne. Après une description des acteurs et du fonctionnement de ces marchés dans le premier chapitre, le deuxième chapitre s'intéresse aux conséquences de la fragmentation juridictionnelle sur l'intégration du marché du crédit. Ensuite, le troisième chapitre étudie le fonctionnement et la gouvernance d'un ordre religieux en particulier et met en évidence le rôle d'intégration joué par les institutions ecclésiastiques. Enfin, le dernier chapitre examine la répression financière exercée par la Couronne à la fin du XVIIIe siècle et son rôle déterminant dans le retrait des institutions religieuses des marchés du crédit et la contraction de l'offre de crédit qui s'en est suivie. / This project analyses the evolutions of long-term credit markets (the censos) in eraly modern Spain. After a description of the actors and the functioning of these markets in the first chapter, the second chapter focuses on the consequences of jurisdictional fragmentation on credit market integration. Then, the third chapter examines the functioning and the economic governance of a single religious order and sheds light on the integration role performed by ecclesiastical institutions. The last chapter studies the financial repression implemented by the Crown in the late eighteenth century and its decisive role in the withdrawal of religious institutions from the credit market and the subsequent credit contraction.
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Towards Christianity without authority : pluralism, skepticism, and ecclesiastical power in selected examples of humorous Newfoundland writingFralic, Michael Lloyd 02 February 2007
In recent decades in Newfoundland, a sustained interest in Christian symbols, stories, and values has been paired with increasing criticism of Christian religious institutions and agents. Newfoundlands burgeoning tradition of professional humour has reflected this changing set of relationships to Christianity. This robust young humour tradition richly reflects the ongoing pluralization and secularization of Newfoundland culture, and abundantly exemplifies humours distinctive potential as a means of addressing potentially contentious or vexing issues. Yet, surprisingly, literary criticism has almost entirely avoided the prominent stream of Newfoundland humour that addresses the islands religious legacy.<p>This project aims to begin to correct this substantial critical omission, examining points of continuity among a number of works produced over the past four decades. It focuses on the works embrace of political and/or epistemological pluralism, typically married to religious skepticism and to misgivings about conventional arrangements of religious power.
Chapter One provides an historical and critical context for the project, introduces subsequent chapters, and speculates on ramifications of the pluralistic current that runs through the works in the study. Chapter Two examines religious jokes in Newfoundland joke books. It emphasizes the jokes overall tendency toward (an often ambiguous) religious conservatism, as well as the books latent pluralism regarding interdenominational relations. Chapter Three focuses on journalist and playwright Ray Guys often fierce satire of Christian religious agents and institutions. It argues that Guys satire utterly rejects the legitimacy of religious authority in the civic realm, largely on the grounds that transcendent truthfulness is often invoked as a means of justifying otherwise objectionable power. Chapter Four explores the ecumenical religious humour of columnist and memoirist Ed Smith. It focuses on Smiths playful efforts to harmonize Christian faith and practice with a measure of religious uncertainty presented as a necessary foundation for humane coexistence. Chapter Five examines Ed Kavanaghs novel The Confessions of Nipper Mooney. Primarily, it explicates and examines the novels liberal favouring of the individual moral conscience, and the symbolic association of its religiously dissident and/or marginalized protagonists with elements of the Catholic tradition. Chapter Six discusses Berni Stapletons comic play The Pope and Princess Di. The chapter emphasizes the plays presentation of symbols constant subjection to alteration and hybridization, and its cautious regard for valuable symbols (religious or otherwise) that nonetheless become destructive when viewed as sacrosanct.<p>Chapter Seven concludes the study by considering the works participation in political, philosophical, and literary/dramatic movements that problematize long-established religious modes and support a secular-pluralist outlook. It reflects on the role of humour in movements for change and on didacticism and popular humour as features of publicly engaged literature; it discusses other works of Newfoundland humour that approach religious matters from similarly secular, though less overtly political, angles; and it speculates on some social implications of the ascendancy of liberal, pluralistic values, considering these Newfoundland works in a more general Canadian cultural context.
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Towards Christianity without authority : pluralism, skepticism, and ecclesiastical power in selected examples of humorous Newfoundland writingFralic, Michael Lloyd 02 February 2007 (has links)
In recent decades in Newfoundland, a sustained interest in Christian symbols, stories, and values has been paired with increasing criticism of Christian religious institutions and agents. Newfoundlands burgeoning tradition of professional humour has reflected this changing set of relationships to Christianity. This robust young humour tradition richly reflects the ongoing pluralization and secularization of Newfoundland culture, and abundantly exemplifies humours distinctive potential as a means of addressing potentially contentious or vexing issues. Yet, surprisingly, literary criticism has almost entirely avoided the prominent stream of Newfoundland humour that addresses the islands religious legacy.<p>This project aims to begin to correct this substantial critical omission, examining points of continuity among a number of works produced over the past four decades. It focuses on the works embrace of political and/or epistemological pluralism, typically married to religious skepticism and to misgivings about conventional arrangements of religious power.
Chapter One provides an historical and critical context for the project, introduces subsequent chapters, and speculates on ramifications of the pluralistic current that runs through the works in the study. Chapter Two examines religious jokes in Newfoundland joke books. It emphasizes the jokes overall tendency toward (an often ambiguous) religious conservatism, as well as the books latent pluralism regarding interdenominational relations. Chapter Three focuses on journalist and playwright Ray Guys often fierce satire of Christian religious agents and institutions. It argues that Guys satire utterly rejects the legitimacy of religious authority in the civic realm, largely on the grounds that transcendent truthfulness is often invoked as a means of justifying otherwise objectionable power. Chapter Four explores the ecumenical religious humour of columnist and memoirist Ed Smith. It focuses on Smiths playful efforts to harmonize Christian faith and practice with a measure of religious uncertainty presented as a necessary foundation for humane coexistence. Chapter Five examines Ed Kavanaghs novel The Confessions of Nipper Mooney. Primarily, it explicates and examines the novels liberal favouring of the individual moral conscience, and the symbolic association of its religiously dissident and/or marginalized protagonists with elements of the Catholic tradition. Chapter Six discusses Berni Stapletons comic play The Pope and Princess Di. The chapter emphasizes the plays presentation of symbols constant subjection to alteration and hybridization, and its cautious regard for valuable symbols (religious or otherwise) that nonetheless become destructive when viewed as sacrosanct.<p>Chapter Seven concludes the study by considering the works participation in political, philosophical, and literary/dramatic movements that problematize long-established religious modes and support a secular-pluralist outlook. It reflects on the role of humour in movements for change and on didacticism and popular humour as features of publicly engaged literature; it discusses other works of Newfoundland humour that approach religious matters from similarly secular, though less overtly political, angles; and it speculates on some social implications of the ascendancy of liberal, pluralistic values, considering these Newfoundland works in a more general Canadian cultural context.
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La Bibliothèque du Collège pontifical canadien à Rome (1888-1974) : une bibliothèque québécoise outre-merBouchard, Éric 07 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire cherche à dresser l’historique de la bibliothèque du Collège pontifical canadien de 1888 à 1974, soit au moment où le Collège occupait le bâtiment sis au 117 rue des Quatre-Fontaines à Rome. Par cette recherche, nous tenterons de déterminer si cette bibliothèque, de par son origine, son intégration dans le monde catholique, son administration, son fonctionnement, sa fréquentation, et la nature de sa collection, peut être considérée comme une bibliothèque québécoise d’outre-mer, c’est-à-dire une bibliothèque faisant partie intégrante du réseau des bibliothèques canadiennes-françaises de l’époque. De plus, nous verrons dans quelle mesure cette bibliothèque a été l’objet de relations franco-québécoises à l’étranger. / This thesis seeks to establish the history of the library of the Pontifical Canadian College from 1888 to 1974, when the College occupied the building at via Quatro Fontane 117 in Rome. Through this research, we will attempt to determine whether this library, in its origin, its integration in the Catholic world, its directors, its operation, attendance, and the nature of his collection can be viewed as an oversea library of Quebec, that is to say a library an integral part of the French-Canadians libraries at this time. The same way we try to prove if that library was the subject of relations between France and Quebec abroad.
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