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Mehrwegeausbreitung bei GNSS-gestützter PositionsbestimmungWildt, Steffen 28 July 2006 (has links)
GNSS-Messungen werden neben systembedingten Fehlereinflüssen vor allem von den Auswirkungen der Mehrwegeausbreitung und Signalbeugung insbesondere in der Empfangsumgebung dominiert. Verschiedene Dienste z.B. der Landesvermessungsämter haben deshalb ein primäres Interesse daran, die Auswirkungen der Effekte möglichst gering zu halten oder aber genau bestimmen zu können, um Korrekturwerte zu generieren. Mehrwege- und Beugungseffekte lassen sich besonders innerhalb von Netzstrukturen gut bestimmen. Liegen Sollkoordinaten aller Beobachtungsstationen vor gelingt dies auch in Echtzeit. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden neben einer detaillierten Beschreibung der jeweiligen Einflussgrößen auch Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, die genannten Effekte zu erkennen und Maßnahmen zur Reduktion der Auswirkungen auf das Meßergebnis zu ergreifen. Kern der Untersuchungen ist ein zweistufiges Modell zur Reduzierung von Mehrwegeeffekten in Echtzeit innerhalb von (Referenz-) Stationsnetzen durch Bestimmung von Korrekturwerten für originale und abgeleitete Meßwerte pro Epoche, Station und Satellit.
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Methods for Automated Creation and Efficient Visualisation of Large-Scale Terrains based on Real Height-Map DataKühnert, Kurt 15 December 2022 (has links)
Real-time rendering of large-scale terrains is a difficult problem and remains an active field of research. The massive scale of these landscapes, where the ratio between the size of the terrain and its resolution is spanning multiple orders of magnitude, requires an efficient level of detail strategy. It is crucial that the geometry, as well as the terrain data, are represented seamlessly at varying distances while maintaining a constant visual quality. This thesis investigates common techniques and previous solutions to problems associated with the rendering of height field terrains and discusses their benefits and drawbacks. Subsequently, two solutions to the stated problems are presented, which build and expand upon the state-of-the-art rendering methods. A seamless and efficient mesh representation is achieved by the novel Uniform Distance-Dependent Level of Detail (UDLOD) triangulation method. This fully GPU-based algorithm subdivides a quadtree covering the terrain into small tiles, which can be culled in parallel, and are morphed seamlessly in the vertex shader, resulting in a densely and temporally consistent triangulated mesh. The proposed Chunked Clipmap combines the strengths of both quadtrees and clipmaps to enable efficient out-of-core paging of terrain data. This data structure allows for constant time view-dependent access, graceful degradation if data is unavailable, and supports trilinear and anisotropic filtering. Together these, otherwise independent, techniques enable the rendering of large-scale real-world terrains, which is demonstrated on a dataset encompassing the entire Free State of Saxony at a resolution of one meter, in real-time.
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Towards Scalable Real-time Analytics:: An Architecture for Scale-out of OLxP WorkloadsGoel, Anil K., Pound, Jeffrey, Auch, Nathan, Bumbulis, Peter, MacLean, Scott, Färber, Franz, Gropengiesser, Francis, Mathis, Christian, Bodner, Thomas, Lehner, Wolfgang 10 January 2023 (has links)
We present an overview of our work on the SAP HANA Scale-out Extension, a novel distributed database architecture designed to support large scale analytics over real-time data. This platform permits high performance OLAP with massive scale-out capabilities, while concurrently allowing OLTP workloads. This dual capability enables analytics over real-time changing data and allows fine grained user-specified service level agreements (SLAs) on data freshness. We advocate the decoupling of core database components such as query processing, concurrency control, and persistence, a design choice made possible by advances in high-throughput low-latency networks and storage devices. We provide full ACID guarantees and build on a logical timestamp mechanism to provide MVCC-based snapshot isolation, while not requiring synchronous updates of replicas. Instead, we use asynchronous update propagation guaranteeing consistency with timestamp validation. We provide a view into the design and development of a large scale data management platform for real-time analytics, driven by the needs of modern enterprise customers.
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Pilot study on the influence of acute alcohol exposure on biophysical parameters of leukocytesShalchi-Amirkhiz, Puya, Bensch, Tristan, Proschmann, Undine, Stock, Ann-Kathrin, Ziemssen, Tjalf, Akgün, Katja 14 August 2024 (has links)
Objective: This pilot study explores the influence of acute alcohol exposure on cell mechanical properties of steady-state and activated leukocytes conducted with real-time deformability cytometry.
Methods: Nineteen healthy male volunteers were enrolled to investigate the effect of binge drinking on biophysical properties and cell counts of peripheral blood leukocytes. Each participant consumed an individualized amount of alcohol to achieve a blood alcohol concentration of 1.2 ‰ as a mean peak. In addition, we also incubated whole blood samples from healthy donors with various ethanol concentrations and performed stimulation experiments using lipopolysaccharide and CytoStim™ in the presence of ethanol.
Results: Our findings indicate that the biophysical properties of steady-state leukocytes are not significantly affected by a single episode of binge drinking within the first two hours. However, we observed significant alterations in relative cell counts and a shift toward a memory T cell phenotype. Moreover, exposure to ethanol during stimulation appears to inhibit the cytoskeleton reorganization of monocytes, as evidenced by a hindered increase in cell deformability.
Conclusion: Our observations indicate the promising potential of cell mechanical analysis in understanding the influence of ethanol on immune cell functions. Nevertheless, additional investigations in this field are warranted to validate biophysical properties as biomarkers or prognostic indicators for alcohol-related changes in the immune system.
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Influence of exercise on quantity and deformability of immune cells in multiple sclerosisProschmann, Undine, Shalchi-Amirkhiz, Puya, Andres, Pauline, Haase, Rocco, Inojosa, Hernán, Ziemssen, Tjalf, Akgün, Katja 05 August 2024 (has links)
Objective: The study aimed to investigate the effect of exercise on immune cell count and cell mechanical properties in people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) on different disease-modifying treatments (DMT) vs. healthy controls (HCs).
Methods: A cohort of 16 HCs and 45 pwMS, including patients with lymphopenia (alemtuzumab and fingolimod) as well as increased lymphocyte counts (natalizumab), was evaluated for exercise-mediated effects on immune cell counts and lymphocyte deformability. As exercise paradigms, climbing stairs at normal speed or as fast as possible and cycling were used, while blood samples were collected before, immediately, and 20 as well as 60 min post-exercise. Immune cell subtypes and lymphocyte deformability were analyzed using multicolor flow cytometry and real-time deformability cytometry.
Results: An increase in lymphocytes and selected subsets was observed following exercise in HCs and all pwMS on different DMTs. Patients with lymphopenia exhibited an increase in absolute lymphocyte counts and immune cell subsets till just below or into the reference range. An increase above the upper limit of the reference range was detected in patients on natalizumab. Exercise-induced alterations were observable even in low and more pronounced in high-intensity physical activities. Lymphocyte deformability was found to be only mildly affected by the investigated exercise regimes.
Conclusion: People with multiple sclerosis (PwMS) treated with alemtuzumab, fingolimod, and natalizumab respond to acute exercise with a comparable temporal pattern characterized by the increase of immune cell subsets as HCs. The magnitude of response is influenced by exercise intensity. Exercise-mediated effects should be considered when interpreting laboratory values in patients on immunomodulatory therapy. The impact of exercise on biophysical properties should be further elucidated.
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Responsive Execution of Parallel Programs in Distributed Computing EnvironmentsKarl, Holger 03 December 1999 (has links)
Vernetzte Standardarbeitsplatzrechner (sog. Cluster) sind eine attraktive Umgebung zur Ausf"uhrung paralleler Programme; f"ur einige Anwendungsgebiete bestehen jedoch noch immer ungel"oste Probleme. Ein solches Problem ist die Verl"asslichkeit und Rechtzeitigkeit der Programmausf"uhrung: In vielen Anwendungen ist es wichtig, sich auf die rechtzeitige Fertigstellung eines Programms verlassen zu k"onnen. Mechanismen zur Kombination dieser Eigenschaften f"ur parallele Programme in verteilten Rechenumgebungen sind das Hauptanliegen dieser Arbeit. Zur Behandlung dieses Anliegens ist eine gemeinsame Metrik f"ur Verl"asslichkeit und Rechtzeitigkeit notwendig. Eine solche Metrik ist die Responsivit"at, die f"ur die Bed"urfnisse dieser Arbeit verfeinert wird. Als Fallstudie werden Calypso und Charlotte, zwei Systeme zur parallelen Programmierung, im Hinblick auf Responsivit"at untersucht und auf mehreren Abstraktionsebenen werden Ansatzpunkte zur Verbesserung ihrer Responsivit"at identifiziert. L"osungen f"ur diese Ansatzpunkte werden zu allgemeineren Mechanismen f"ur (parallele) responsive Dienste erweitert. Im Einzelnen handelt es sich um 1. eine Analyse der Responsivit"at von Calypsos ``eager scheduling'' (ein Verfahren zur Lastbalancierung und Fehlermaskierung), 2. die Behebung eines ``single point of failure,'' zum einen durch eine Responsivit"atsanalyse von Checkpointing, zum anderen durch ein auf Standardschnittstellen basierendes System zur Replikation bestehender Software, 3. ein Verfahren zur garantierten Ressourcenzuteilung f"ur parallele Programme und 4.die Einbeziehung semantischer Information "uber das Kommunikationsmuster eines Programms in dessen Ausf"uhrung zur Verbesserung der Leistungsf"ahigkeit. Die vorgeschlagenen Mechanismen sind kombinierbar und f"ur den Einsatz in Standardsystemen geeignet. Analyse und Experimente zeigen, dass diese Mechanismen die Responsivit"at passender Anwendungen verbessern. / Clusters of standard workstations have been shown to be an attractive environment for parallel computing. However, there remain unsolved problems to make them suitable to some application scenarios. One of these problems is a dependable and timely program execution: There are many applications in which a program should be successfully completed at a predictable point of time. Mechanisms to combine the properties of both dependable and timely execution of parallel programs in distributed computing environments are the main objective of this dissertation. Addressing these properties requires a joint metric for dependability and timeliness. Responsiveness is such a metric; it is refined for the purposes of this work. As a case study, Calypso and Charlotte, two parallel programming systems, are analyzed and their shortcomings on several abstraction levels with regard to responsiveness are identified. Solutions for them are presented and generalized, resulting in widely applicable mechanisms for (parallel) responsive services. Specifically, these solutions are: 1) a responsiveness analysis of Calypso's eager scheduling (a mechanism for load balancing and fault masking), 2) ameliorating a single point of failure by a responsiveness analysis of checkpointing and by a standard interface-based system for replication of legacy software, 3) managing resources in a way suitable for parallel programs, and 4) using semantical information about the communication pattern of a program to improve its performance. All proposed mechanisms can be combined and are suitable for use in standard environments. It is shown by analysis and experiments that these mechanisms improve the responsiveness of eligible applications.
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Real-time studies of coupled molecular switches in photoresponsive materialsWeber, Christopher 16 December 2015 (has links)
Künstliche molekulare Schalter, wie beispielsweise Azobenzole, Diarylethene, Fulgide, Stilbene oder Spiropyrane wurden in den letzten Jahren intensiv erforscht, da sie zur Datenspeicherung, in selbstheilenden Materialien, molekularer Elektronik, Energiespeichern und mikromechanischen Anwendungen eingesetzt werden können. Eine der größten Herausforderungen im Forschungsfeld der molekularen Schalter ist die Frage, wie die Photoreaktion isolierter Moleküle in eine kontrollierte Photoreaktion wohldefinierter supramolekularer Systeme, wie z.B. organischer Dünnfilme oder 3D Nanostrukturen, übersetzt werden kann. Die Integration molekularer Schalter, beispielsweise von Azobenzolen, in supramolekulare Anordnungen kann zu emergenten Phänomenen wie kooperativem Schaltverhalten führen. Kooperatives Schalten bedeutet, dass die energetische Landschaft und daher auch die Isomerisationskinetik eines einzelnen molekularen Schalters von den isomerischen Zuständen benachbarter Schalter beeinflusst werden. Kooperatives Schaltverhalten, oder überhaupt Schaltbarkeit in geordneten Ensembles molekularer Schalter auf Oberflächen bewusst zu erzeugen hat sich allerdings aufgrund von sterischer Behinderung oder Delokalisierung angeregter Zustände als schwierig herausgestellt. Deshalb wäre ein besseres Verständnis der Voraussetzungen für Schaltbarkeit und kooperatives Verhalten molekularer Schalter in supramolekularen Systemen ein großer Schritt in Hinblick auf die Entwicklung von Bauelementen, die auf der gemeinsamen Bewegung molekularer Schalter basieren. Die in dieser Arbeit erzielten Resultate gewähren neue Einblicke in das Verhältnis zwischen der Photoisomerisierung einzelner Azobenzole und der Photoreaktion supramolekularer Systeme, was dabei helfen wird, neuartige und optimierte stimulireaktive Materialien zu entwickeln. / Synthetic molecular switches, such as azobenzenes, diarylethenes, fulgides, stilbenes or spiropyranes, have been intensively investigated in recent times because of their possible use in data storage, self-healing materials, molecular electronics, energy and information storage and optomechanics. One of the biggest challenges in the research field of molecular switches is the translation of the photoresponse of isolated molecules into a controlled photoresponse of well-defined supramolecular systems, such as organic thin films or functional nanostructures. The main focus of this thesis lies on the photoisomerization of multi-azobenzene compounds in different structural environments. Incorporation of molecular switches, for example azobenzene, into supramolecular assemblies can lead to emergent phenomena like cooperative switching behavior. Cooperative switching means that the energetic landscape and thus also the isomerization kinetics of a single molecular switch is influenced by the isomeric state of adjacent switches. However, it has proven difficult to establish cooperative switching behavior or even switching functionality at all in ordered ensembles of molecular switches on surfaces due to steric hindrance or delocalisation of excited states. Therefore, understanding the prerequisites for switching functionality and cooperative behavior of molecular switches in supramolecular assemblies is a crucial step towards the development of devices that make use of concerted motion of molecular switches. This thesis yields unprecedented insight into the relation between the photoisomerization of isolated azobenzenes and the photoresponse of supramolecular systems, which will ultimately help to build novel and optimized stimuli-responsive materials.
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Determination of Real-Time Network Configuration for Self-Adaptive Automotive SystemsZhang, Ziming 19 May 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The Electric/Electronic architecture of vehicle becomes more complex and costly, self-adaption can reduce the system, enhance the adaptive meanwhile reduce energy consumption and costs. The self-adaption needs the cooperation of both hardware and software reconfigurations, such that after the software is reconfigured the automotive network continues to fulfill the time constraints for time-critical applications. The thesis focuses on the real-time network reconfiguration. It uses EAST-ADL to model a real-time automotive system with timing events and constraints, which conforms to AUTOSAR timing extensions. The network media access is analyzed based on the model and a scheduling algorithm is developed. Then the concept is implemented by a use case, which is transformed from an EAST-ADL model to an executable simulation.
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Schedulability Tests for Real-Time Uni- and Multiprocessor Systems: Focusing on Partitioned ApproachesMüller, Dirk 19 February 2014 (has links)
This work makes significant contributions in the field of sufficient schedulability tests for rate-monotonic scheduling (RMS) and their application to partitioned RMS. Goal is the maximization of possible utilization in worst or average case under a given number of processors. This scenario is more realistic than the dual case of minimizing the number of necessary processors for a given task set since the hardware is normally fixed. Sufficient schedulability tests are useful for quick estimates of task set schedulability in automatic system-synthesis tools and in online scheduling where exact schedulability tests are too slow.
Especially, the approach of Accelerated Simply Periodic Task Sets (ASPTSs) and the concept of circular period similarity are cornerstones of improvements in the success ratio of such schedulability tests. To the best of the author's knowledge, this is the first application of circular statistics in real-time scheduling. Finally, the thesis discusses the use of sharp total utilization thresholds for partitioned EDF. A constant-time admission control is enabled with a controlled residual risk. / Diese Arbeit liefert entscheidende Beiträge im Bereich der hinreichenden Planbarkeitstests für ratenmonotones Scheduling (RMS) und deren Anwendung auf partitioniertes RMS. Ziel ist die Maximierung der möglichen Last im Worst Case und im Average Case bei einer gegebenen Zahl von Prozessoren. Dieses Szenario ist realistischer als der duale Fall der Minimierung der Anzahl der notwendigen Prozessoren für eine gegebene Taskmenge, da die Hardware normalerweise fixiert ist. Hinreichende Planbarkeitstests sind für schnelle Schätzungen der Planbarkeit von Taskmengen in automatischen Werkzeugen zur Systemsynthese und im Online-Scheduling sinnvoll, wo exakte Einplanungstests zu langsam sind.
Insbesondere der Ansatz der beschleunigten einfach-periodischen Taskmengen und das Konzept der zirkulären Periodenähnlichkeit sind Eckpfeiler für Verbesserungen in der Erfolgsrate solcher Einplanungstests. Nach bestem Wissen ist das die erste Anwendung zirkulärer Statistik im Echtzeit-Scheduling. Schließlich diskutiert die Arbeit plötzliche Phasenübergänge der Gesamtlast für
partitioniertes EDF. Eine Zugangskontrolle konstanter Zeitkomplexität mit einem kontrollierten Restrisiko wird ermöglicht.
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Determination of Real-Time Network Configuration for Self-Adaptive Automotive SystemsZhang, Ziming 17 April 2015 (has links)
The Electric/Electronic architecture of vehicle becomes more complex and costly, self-adaption can reduce the system, enhance the adaptive meanwhile reduce energy consumption and costs. The self-adaption needs the cooperation of both hardware and software reconfigurations, such that after the software is reconfigured the automotive network continues to fulfill the time constraints for time-critical applications. The thesis focuses on the real-time network reconfiguration. It uses EAST-ADL to model a real-time automotive system with timing events and constraints, which conforms to AUTOSAR timing extensions. The network media access is analyzed based on the model and a scheduling algorithm is developed. Then the concept is implemented by a use case, which is transformed from an EAST-ADL model to an executable simulation.:1. Introduction
2. Research Fundamentals
2.1. AUTOSAR Specifications for Modeling Function Communication
2.2. Media Access Control in Real-time Network
3. Function Communication Model and Determination of Network Configuration
3.1. Function Communication Model
3.2. Scheduling Algorithm for Media Access
4. Implementation of Communication Model and Plugin for Model Transformation
4.1. EAST-ADL Modeling Language
4.2. Implementation of Function Communication Model in EAST-ADL
4.3. Model Transformation Plugin and Simulation Tool Integration
5. Evaluation of the Function Communication Model
5.1. Use-Case Model for Evaluation
5.2. Time Values of Use-Case Model
5.3. Analysis and Evaluation of Simulation Result
6. Conclusion and Outlook
6.1. Conclusion of the Work
6.2. Outlook of the Future Work
A. OMNeT++ Simulation Log
B. EAST-ADL Model to Artop Model Mapping
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