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Eco-innovation tools for the early stages : an industry-based investigation of tool customisation and introductionO'Hare, Jamie A. January 2010 (has links)
The challenge of transitioning to an environmentally sustainable system of production and consumption is both a major risk and a significant opportunity for companies involved in the design and manufacture of products. One approach that might assist companies in meeting this challenge is ‘eco-innovation’, which aims to deliver new products and processes that provide customer and business value but significantly decrease environmental impacts. <br /> The aim of the research was to understand how eco-innovation tools can be developed and introduced to a company such that they are adopted into the long-term practices of the company and contribute to the development of eco-innovative products. A ‘toolbox for eco-innovation’ was developed by adapting existing innovation tools for the purposes of eco-innovation. The initial toolbox was tested through in-house trials before subsequent trials in industry with a refined suite of tools. One-day workshops were held with six producers of electrical and electronic equipment. Four of these companies went on to participate in more in-depth tool introduction studies in which the tools were customised to the specific needs of the company and its design team. Formal tool feedback sessions and individual interviews with members of the design team were used to asses the effectiveness of the tool customisations. The organisational drivers and barriers for the long-term adoption of eco-innovation tools were also investigated. <br /> The contributions to knowledge of this research are: <br /> <ul> <li>The development of a toolbox for eco-innovation.</li> <li>The validation of tool customisation as an approach to improving the introduction of eco-innovation tools.</li> <li>The definition of a generic process for tool introduction based on tool customisation which is appropriate for workshop-based design and innovation tools (including eco-innovation tools).</li> <li>Insights into the organisational drivers and barriers for the long-term adoption of eco-innovation tools.</li> <li>A model for the management of eco-innovation activities. </li> </ul>
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Direito eco-evolutivo: níveis de observação para decisões na hipercomplexidadeTybusch, Jerônimo Siqueira 27 February 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 27 / Nenhuma / O presente trabalho pretende desenvolver a idéia de um Direito Eco-Evolutivo baseado em níveis de observação/percepção capazes de possibilitar decisões em conflitos ambientais hipercomplexos. A comunicação ecológica provoca relações de complementaridade, concorrência e antagonismo no seio das instituições jurídicas, promovendo interações de desorganização/reorganização permanentes, similares a de um ecossistema. Através da transposição de categorias originárias da biologia (heterotrofia, parasitismo, mutações), física (termodinâmica) e química (entropia), bem como da utilização de metáforas do Sistema da Arte, linguagem e Semiótica possibilitar-se-á compreensões aprimoradas do fenômeno social no que tange a alta complexidade dos problemas ambientais postos à decisão junto ao Direito. Para tanto, propõem-se a construção de sete níveis de observação, sete tipos de lentes microscópicas, das quais se utilizarão os órgãos jurídicos responsáveis por dirimir/decidir acerca destas situações. Desta forma, busca-se a / The present work intends to develop the idea of an Eco-Evolution Right based on levels of perceptions capable to make possible decisions in Hyper-Complexity ambient conflicts. The ecological communication provokes relations of complementarities, competition and antagonism in the role of the legal institutions, promoting permanent, similar interactions of reorganization of an ecosystem. Through the transposition of originary categories of biology (heterotrophy, parasitism, mutations), physics (thermodynamic) and chemistry (entropy), as well as of the use of metaphors of the System of the Art, language and Semiotics improved understandings of the social phenomenon will be made possible in that it refers to the high complexity of the ambient problems ranks to the together decision to the Right. For in such a way, they consider it construction of seven levels of comment, seven types of microscopically lenses, which will use the responsible legal agencies for decisions about of these situations. Of this form, it p
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A ciência contábil e a eco-eficiência dos negócios / The accounting and the eco-efficiency of the businessesCassio Luiz Vellani 04 April 2007 (has links)
Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Responsabilidade Social Corporativa e Sustentabilidade Empresarial são conceitos que convergem para o mesmo objetivo: integrar os aspectos econômicos, sociais e ecológicos dos negócios. A eco-eficiência pode ser utilizada para integrar desempenho econômico e ecológico. Há no mercado divulgação de empresas que mantém ações que visam à proteção ambiental. No entanto, para contribuir para a sustentabilidade do negócio essas atividades devem convergir para a eco-eficiência. Para isso, a ação ecológica empresarial deve atuar sobre os resíduos emitidos pelas operações da própria empresa e os gastos nelas incorridos devem resultar em benefícios econômico-financeiros ao negócio. Nesse contexto, este estudo identifica a seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: em termos contábeis, como podem ser categorizadas as ações ecológicas empresariais para fornecer informações sobre eventos relacionados com a eco-eficiência do negócio? O objetivo desta dissertação é: categorizar as ações ecológicas empresariais visando o fornecimento de informações econômico-financeiras sobre eventos relacionados com a eco-eficiência do negócio. Este trabalho, por meio de um estudo de corte transversal, análise de conteúdo, pesquisa exploratória, descritiva, básica e indutiva, identifica 608 exemplos de ações ecológicas mantidas por empresas, das quais 450 atuam sobre elementos não relacionados com os próprios detritos por meio de programas de desenvolvimento sustentável, educação ambiental, reciclagem, preservação e recuperação; e 158 sobre os resíduos emitidos pela própria companhia durante o processamento de seus produtos e serviços em quatro direções: I. reduzir o consumo de insumos, substituir os não-renováveis por renováveis, reciclados ou retirados de forma ecológica; II. transformar resíduos em insumos; III. transformar resíduos em produtos; IV. promover a coleta seletiva de lixo, reduzir a emissão de resíduos, neutralizar o efeito tóxico dos resíduos e cumprir com obrigações contratuais. Há duas categorias para as ações ecológicas empresariais. As que podem aumentar a eco-eficiência do negócio ficam separadas dos programas voltados ao desenvolvimento sustentável da sociedade, mas externos ao negócio da empresa. Isso organiza os gastos e resultados incorridos nas ações ecológicas empresariais e gera informação sobre o caminho para a empresa integrar desempenho ecológico e econômico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi alcançado, pois identifica uma forma de organização capaz de favorecer o processo de fornecimento de informações sobre os fluxos monetário e físico envolvidos com inputs e outputs do sistema empresa e o efeito das ações ecológicas nesses fluxos. Esse tipo de informação é útil para os executivos da gestão ambiental administrarem a eco-eficiência do negócio e pode ser fornecida pelo subsistema da ciência contábil chamado de Contabilidade Ambiental ou Contabilidade da Gestão Ambiental. Por fim, a pesquisa resulta em um sistema de gestão da eco-eficiência empresarial e aponta caminhos para futuros estudos. / Sustainable Development, Corporative Social Responsibility and Enterprise Sustainability are concepts that converge the same to objective: to integrate the economic, social and ecological aspects of the businesses. The eco-efficiency can be used to integrate economic and ecological performance. It has in the market spreading of companies that keeps actions that aim at the environmental protection. However, to contribute for the sustainability of the business these activities they must converge to the eco-efficiency. For this, the enterprise ecological action must act on the residues emitted for the operations of the proper company and the expenses in incurred them must result in economic-financial benefits to the business. In this context, this study it identifies the following question of research: in accounting terms, how can be categorized the enterprise ecological actions to supply information on events related with the eco-efficiency of the business? The objective is: to categorize the enterprise ecological actions being aimed at the supply of information economic-financiers on events related with the eco-efficiency of the business. This dissertation, by means of study of transversal cut, content analysis, explorer, descriptive, basic and inductive research, identifies 608 examples of ecological actions kept by companies, of which 450 act on elements unrelated to the debris of the proper firm by means of programs of sustainable development, environmental education, recycling and preservation and recovery; and 158 act on the residues emitted for the proper company during of the processing of its products and services in four directions: I. to reduce the consumption of raw materials, to substitute not renewed them for renewed, recycled or removed of ecological form; II. to transform residues into raw materials; III. to transform residues into products; IV. to promote the garbage collection selective, to reduce the emission of residues, to neutralize the toxic effect of the residues or to fulfill with contractual obligations. It has two categories for the enterprise ecological actions. The ones that they can increase the eco-efficiency of the business are separate of the programs directed to sustainable development of the society, but external to business of the company. This organizes the expenses and results incurred into the enterprise ecological actions and generates information on the way it company to integrate ecological performance and economic. The objective of this work was reached, therefore it identifies a form of organization capable to favor the process of supply of information on the monetary and physical flow involved with inputs and outputs of the system company and on the effect of the ecological actions in these flows. This type of information is useful for the executives of the environmental management to manage the eco-efficiency of the business and can be supplied by the subsystem of accounting call of Environmental Accounting or Environmental Management Accounting. Finally, the research results in a enterprise eco-efficiency management system and points a way with respect to future studies.
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Caracteriza??o epidemiol?gica de munic?pio sem autoctonia para leishmaniose tegumentar americana. / Epidemiological characterization of a non-disease municipality for american cutaneous leishmaniasis.Bustamante, Maria Cristina Fortes Santos de 19 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:16:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2008 - Maria Cristina Forbes Santos Bustamante.pdf: 1772291 bytes, checksum: 84cc7e884259a3fc0a8ca095cc88b7df (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-12-19 / Funda??o Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / The knowledge about epidemiology of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis - ACL still has
gaps. The influences of environmental and peridomestic characteristics over its occurrence are
not well defined. This study aimed to investigate the asymptomatic occurrence of Leishmania
(Viannia) braziliensis in humans and dogs, and to evaluate the natural infection of
phlebotomine vectors at Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin, a disease-free of autochthonous ACL
municipality, part of an endemic region. An epidemiological inquiry was developed from
march/2006 to december/2007 with the support of the Family Health Program of the
Municipality Health Secretary Office in the five sanitary areas. Fifty families participated in
the study, yielding a total of 95 volunteers who were exposed or not to known risk factors.
Procedures involved structured interviews, Montenegro skin Test (IDRM), serology done by
Enzime Linked Immunossorbent Assay (ELISA), and Indirect Immunofluorescence (IIF). All
the volunteers had their dogs examined by the serology procedures and including a clinical
exam. The existing environment was reported and phlebotomine sand flies were captured in
the peridomestic environment to have all the present species identified. Infection by L. (V.)
braziliensis was also determined by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Observed
frequencies for positive results in humans were: 9%, 6.4% and 13.8% for IDRM, ELISA and
IFI, respectively. Of 39 dogs examined, 5.1% were positive for ELISA and 23% for IFI, and
from the seven species of phlebotomine sand flies captured, Lutzomyia migonei (59%) and L.
intermedia (20.9%) were the most frequent. Natural infection rate of phlebotomine vectors
were 5% or less, by PCR. The absence of active cases and the low percentage of positive tests
found in humans and dogs, and the non-matching results, lead to the suggestion that there is
no extra forest transmission of L. (V.) braziliensis in the county, despite of the high natural
infection rate of phlebotomines sand flies. Large areas of preserved forests scattered around
52% of the municipality appears to be the only and main difference from the surrounding
municipality, thus allowing maintenance of the ecological niches of the phlebotomine sand
flies and reducing the pressure for adaptive changes. / O conhecimento acerca da epidemiologia da Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana (LTA)
ainda possui lacunas. As influ?ncias de caracter?sticas ambientais e peridom?sticas sobre sua
ocorr?ncia n?o est?o bem definidas. Este estudo buscou investigar a poss?vel ocorr?ncia de
infec??o assintom?tica por Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis em humanos e c?es e a infec??o
natural dos flebotom?neos vetores no munic?pio de Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin, indene para
LTA aut?ctone e circundado por munic?pios end?micos. Foi realizado um inqu?rito
epidemiol?gico entre mar?o de 2006 e dezembro de 2007, sendo investigadas as cinco ?reas
de sa?de do munic?pio, com apoio do Programa de Sa?de da Fam?lia da Secretaria Municipal
de Sa?de. Participaram do estudo cinq?enta fam?lias expostas ou n?o aos fatores de risco
conhecidos, totalizando noventa e cinco volunt?rios. Entrevistas estruturadas,
Intradermorrea??o de Montenegro (IDRM) e sorologia para leishmaniose, por ELISA e por
Imunofluoresc?ncia Indireta (IFI) foram realizadas nos volunt?rios, cujos c?es foram tamb?m
submetidos a exame cl?nico e sorologia pelos mesmos m?todos. O ambiente circundante foi
descrito e flebotom?neos foram capturados nos peridomic?lios para identifica??o das esp?cies
presentes e de infec??o por L. (V.) braziliensis pela t?cnica de rea??o em cadeia de polimerase
(RCP). As freq??ncias encontradas de positividade nos testes em humanos foram de: 9%,
6,4% e 13,8% para IDRM, ELISA e IFI, respectivamente. Dos trinta e nove c?es examinados
5,1%, foram positivos ao ELISA e 23% ? IFI. Das sete esp?cies de flebotom?neos capturadas,
predominaram Lutzomyia migonei (59%) e L. intermedia (20,9%). A taxa de infec??o natural
dos flebotom?neos foi de at? 5% ? RCP. A aus?ncia de casos ativos e as baixas positividades
verificadas nos testes em humanos e em c?es e a discord?ncia entre os resultados levam a
supor que n?o ocorre transmiss?o extraflorestal de L. (V.) braziliensis no munic?pio, a
despeito da alta taxa de infec??o natural dos flebotom?neos. Grandes ?reas de mata preservada
dispersas pelo territ?rio (52% do munic?pio) parecem ser o ?nico diferencial em rela??o aos
munic?pios circundantes, permitindo a manuten??o dos nichos ecol?gicos dos flebotom?neos e
reduzindo a press?o por mudan?as adaptativas.
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Eco campus como vertente sustentável: sua implementação e ações com ênfase no campus da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) / Eco Campus as a sustainable aspect: its implementation and actions with emphasis on the campus of the University of São Paulo (USP).Mariana Auad Proença 02 May 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação com tema: \"Eco Campus como vertente sustentável: sua implementação e ações com ênfase no campus da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) \" apresentada para a banca de Mestrado, abordará questões relativas a uma das vertentes dentro do contexto da Sustentabilidade aplicada como Eco Campus. Esta vertente é ressaltada através do papel das universidades na implementação e promoção de ações sustentáveis por meio do desenvolvimento de Planos Ambientais dentro de seus campi. Assim sendo, os capítulos que compõem esta pesquisa englobam as características mais relevantes de complementação dos conceitos e aplicações de Planos Ambientais. Concluindo, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de contribuir para a Universidade de São Paulo (USP) através da concepção de um \"guia base\" no que diz respeito às relações vinculadas ao conceito de Eco Campus, as universidades e seus Planos Ambientais e no direcionamento de pesquisas vinculadas a edificações sustentáveis. Como também, ressalta a importância das universidades em contribuir como \"laboratórios vivos\" para suas cidades dentro do contexto da sustentabilidade. / The present dissertation with theme: \"Eco Campus as a sustainable aspect: its implementation and actions with emphasis on the campus of the University of São Paulo (USP)\" presented to the Master\'s bank, will address issues related to one of the aspect within the context by applying sustainability as EcoCampus. This aspect is highlighted through the role of universities in the implementation and promotion of sustainable actions through the development of Environmental Plans within their campuses. Thus, the chapters that compose this research encompass the most relevant characteristics of complementing the concepts and applications of Environmental Plans. In conclusion, the research was developed with the main objective of contributing to the University of São Paulo (USP) through the conception of a \"base guide\" regarding the relationships, which embodied the Eco Campus concept, the universities and their Environmental Plans and the direction to the researches that are linked to sustainable buildings. It also highlights the importance of universities to contribute as \"living laboratories\" to their cities within the context of sustainability.
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Vers une meilleure prise en compte des utilisateurs en écoconception : Propositions d'éléments méthodologiques pour l'enrichissement d'une démarche d'optimisation amont / Towards a better consideration of users during the ecodesign process : proposal of methodological elements for enriching an early optimization approachPopoff, Alexandre 18 December 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est le développement d’une méthodologie d’aide à l’écoconception permettant l’optimisation multi-objectifs du cycle de vie de produits. Le premier axe de travail est focalisé sur la phase d’utilisation. Il s’intéresse à la manière dont différents segments d’utilisateurs vont utiliser un même produit et aux répercussions que vont avoir ces différentes utilisations sur les performances de son cycle de vie. Le deuxième axe vise à élaborer une méthodologie de modélisation réaliste et pertinente du cycle de vie de produits. Il est centré sur une problématique cruciale des problèmes d’optimisation : l’élaboration de l’objectif de résolution. Il propose l’utilisation de technique d’identification et de quantification des besoins clients afin de définir un objectif de résolution orientant vers les solutions de conception respectant au mieux les attentes des clients. Le troisième axe a pour but d’obtenir, par l’optimisation, une sélection d’alternatives de conception permettant de maximiser les performances du système. Une modélisation “gros grain” du produit incluant ses composants et leurs alternatives y est réalisée. / The goal of the thesis is the development of an ecodesign-aid methodology for the multi criteria optimization of a product’s life cycle. The first axis is focused on the use phase. It aims at understanding how a variety of user sis going to use the same product in a variety of diverse ways and how these differences are going to impact negatively or positively the performances of the porduct’s life cyle. The second axis aims at developing a life cycle modelisation method focused on realism and pertinence. It is centered around a crucial problem of every optimization exercice: the definition of the optimization objective that will guide the whole optimization process. Here is proposed the use of a technique for the identification and the quantification of the customers needs. These characterized needs are then used to define an optimization objective that favors the solutions which best respect the customer’s demands. The third axis widen the scope of the product’s model to include design alternatives. The goal is to better the life cycle performances through simultaneous design optimization and design alternatives selection.
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Plateforme d'éco-conception de motorisation brushless - Application au moteur de ventilateur grand public / Eco-conception platform of brushless motor - Application to public fanPichot, Renaud 14 December 2018 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, la conception de moteurs électriques est stratégique dans l’activité industrielle.La poussée des véhicules électriques avec la recherche de fortes efficacités pour des raisons d’autonomie stimule cette activité. Ce travail de thèse entre dans un même contexte avec une contrainte de coût très importante liée au développement de produit dans le domaine du grand public.Cette thèse est une contribution à la conception de machines électriques dans un contexte industriel. Elle intègre les coûts et les contraintes d’un industriel avec la prise en compte du processus d’industrialisation du moteur ainsi que les variations des coûts de matières premières. Une plateforme d’éco-conception de moteur sera présentée intégrant différentes topologies.La première partie de ce mémoire présente un bref état de l’art sur les machines synchrones à aimants permanents (MSAP) qui permet de faire le choix des topologies pertinentes.Les contraintes industrielles sont considérées avec la présentation d’un modèle industriel sur les coûts liés à la fabrication des moteurs et un modèle économique sur les fluctuations des coûts des matières premières.Dans une seconde partie, ces topologies seront optimisées à l’aide des algorithmes génétiques pour une application dans le domaine de la ventilation. Cette étude a mis en avant l’écart entre la topologie MSAP en surface avec la ferrite et la MSAP insérés avec du néodyme du point de vue économique et performance. À la suite de cette comparaison, une nouvelle topologie correspondant à un mélange des deux types d’aimants dans le rotor est introduite pour s’orienter sur une configuration à concentration de flux.Des mesures expérimentales valident les résultats présentés dans cette thèse sur les topologies MSAP en surface et MSAP insérés, la topologie à concentration de flux sera prototypée ultérieurement. / Nowadays, design of electric motors is strategic in industrial activity. The thrust of electric vehicles stimulates this activity. Indeed, high efficiencies are needed to seek autonomy.The same constraints apply in the consumer product industry along with a very significant cost concern.This thesis is a contribution to the design of electrical machines in an industrial context.An eco-design platform will be presented. It integrates the costs and the constraints of an industrialist: the process of mass production and raw materials cost variations.The first part of this paper presents a brief state of the art on BLDC motors. Relevant topologies are selected for the platform. Two new models are proposed in this work. The first one is an industrial model taking into account costs related to mass production. The second one is an economic model which considers raw material cost fluctuations.In a second part, surface permanent magnet (SPM) and the inserted permanent magnet (IPM) topologies will be optimized using genetic algorithms. An application in the ventilation field is chosen to compare these topologies. This study highlighted the gap between both topologies concerning cost and performance. As a result of this comparison, a flux concentration topology is presented. A mixture of two types of magnets in the rotor allow to reach a technico economic compromise.Experimental measurements validate the results presented in this thesis on SPM and IPM topologies. The flux concentration topology will be prototyped in future works.
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développement d'une méthode d'éco-innovationSamet Kallel, Wafa 16 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Nous assistons aujourd'hui à une évolution de la conscience collective pour la prise en compte de l'environnement en conception de produit industriel. Cette réalité du monde industriel conduit à reconsidérer le développement d'outils classiques de conception et d'innovation pour intégrer la problématique environnementale. L'innovation, paramètre majeur du développement et de la croissance de l'entreprise, doit aussi conduire à des concepts éco-innovants. Il existe peu de méthodes complètes d'éco-innovation. Il est indispensable de développer une méthode alliant l'analyse du problème dans le sens du développement durable, la formalisation adaptée et la sélection des outils de résolution adéquats. L'utilisation des outils d'éco-innovation permettra aux entreprises de s'approprier le concept de développement durable à l'échelle de l'émergence de leurs produits. Cette approche intégrée de conception permet d'influencer les modes de production et de consommation, d'anticiper les besoins futurs des utilisateurs et d'assurer la pérennité de la société. Ces travaux de thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre de la mutation de la Méthode d'Aide à l'INnovation (MAL'IN) vers un outil d'éco-innovation. La démarche actuelle MAL'IN permet d'analyser et structurer un problème de conception de produit, de le formaliser et de le résoudre. Adaptée aux phases préliminaires de conception, la méthodologie est basée sur l'analyse fonctionnelle, l'analyse des phénomènes physiques et sur la définition des biais d'attaque du problème. La résolution fait appel à des outils adaptés de la théorie TRIZ et d'autres outils développés dans ce cadre. L'enjeu de la thèse concerne l'intégration de la vision développement durable dans la méthode actuelle MAL'IN à travers la structuration et la mise en place de connaissances environnementales nécessaires au stade de la recherche de concepts et de ainsi faire évoluer cet outil vers un outil d'éco-innovation. Les travaux de thèse impliquent d'une part, l'intégration de la vision environnementale aux outils existants de la méthode MAL'IN notamment dans la phase d'analyse et de formalisation du problème de conception et, d'autre part, le développement de nouveaux outils d'éco-innovation permettant d'adapter et de structurer la démarche existante en fonction des nouvelles données d'analyse environnementale du produit. L'ensemble des méthodes proposées doit apporter des réponses cohérentes de la spécification du besoin jusqu'à la recherche de concepts éco-innovants. La méthode développée doit convenir à tous les membres du groupe de créativité, en particulier, il faut s'assurer que l'expression des différentes connaissances et des orientations de structuration et de formalisation soit compréhensibles et interprétables par les participants. L'éco-innovation impose, entre autres, la personnalisation du produit, un designer intervient classiquement dans ce cadre. Les outils doivent être conçus pour être interprétés par cet intervenant particulier.
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Environmental Management at Small Hotels : A Case study at Bastedalen Herrgård, SwedenHu, Xin January 2007 (has links)
<p>A hotel stands for comfort and a high stand of living. This could mean a high per capita consumption of energy, water and other resource, as well as creating a large amount of waste and pollution due to the necessity of having a high standard of hygiene and a high turnover of guests.</p><p>This thesis is about the hotel environmental management. After surveys of hotels and interviews with hotel managers as to their environmental management, a case study of a small hotel was carried out, namely the Bastedalen Herrgård and Kina Park.</p><p>The case Bastedalen Herrgård told us that its guests have expressed some requirement to hotel environmental management given the fact that the answer rate was very low. When the guests were asked to provide answers to environmental questions, the dominant answers were positive. But these answers are not necessary leading to the positive behavior. This implies that more in-depth study towards customer’s environmental behavior is needed.</p><p>It was true in Bastedalen that the hotels owner is playing an important roll in the process toward better environmental management and will decide whether or not to do this and in which direction. It was also true that the hotel owner in this case had not enough resources to follow the example of big hotels. A micro-hotel and other SMEs were obviously in need of financial and technical support to be more “green”. They are also short of relevant information and knowledge.</p>
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Det är svårt att bryta upp : En studie av Equity Carve‐Outs / Breaking up is hard to do : ‐ A study of Equity Carve‐ Outs.Söderlund, Fredrik, Hedman, Tomas January 2008 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur moderbolagets aktiekurs reagerar, därmed påvisa eventuell onormal avkastning när ett moderbolag beslutar sig för och sedan avyttrar en del av ett dotterbolag till börsen (Equity Carve‐Out). Delsyftet är att undersöka sambandet mellan onormalavkastning i storleken på avyttrade andelar samt beskriva de motiv som anges och analysera detta mot storleken på avknoppad andel.</p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>Undersökningen är en eventstudie med en kvantitativ ansats. Empirin består av sekundärdata i form av börskurser och index.</p><p><strong>Teori: </strong>Eventstudien bygger på hypotesen om effektiva marknader, teorin om asymmetrisk information, agent teori samt teorin om avknoppningsfördelar.</p><p><strong>Empiri: </strong>Eventstudien bygger på 25 Equity Carve‐Outs genomförda mellan åren 1991‐2007 och behandlar aktieutvecklingen dels vid beslut och dels vid genomförandet av en avknoppning, detta relateras sedan till tidigare forskning.</p><p><strong>Resultat </strong></p><ul><li>ECO mellan åren 1991 och 2007 har generellt medfört svagt positiva priseffekter vid beslutet om avknoppning och positiva priseffekter vid avyttringen. </li><li>En ECO motsäger sig inte den effektiva marknadshypotesen i dess halvstarka form. </li><li>Det finns inget samband i marknadsreaktionen beroende på storleken i avyttrad andel. </li><li>Angivna motiv skiljer sig generellt inte beroende på hur stor andel som avyttras. </li></ul> / <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The aim of this bachelor thesis paper is to investigate parent company stock market reactions to decision and sale of a subsidiary through an Equity Carve‐Out. A secondary purpose is to investigate the correlation between the abnormal returns and the amount of stocks sold in a subsidiary and describe the motives associated whit the sale, and relate those motives to the amount of stocks sold in the subsidiary.</p><p><strong>Methodology: </strong>An event study with a quantitative approach based on empirics consisting of abnormal returns, calculated based on the adjusted market model.</p><p><strong>Theoretical perspectives: </strong>This study is based on the efficient market hypothesis, asymmetric information hypothesis, agency theory and divestiture gains hypothesis.</p><p><strong>Empirical foundation: </strong>The study is based on 25 Equity Carve‐Outs during the period 1991‐2007 on the Swedish stock exchange.</p><p><strong>Conclusion </strong></p><ul type="disc"><li>Equity Carve‐Outs between 1991 and 2007 have generated slightly positive price effects at the time of decision and increasingly positive price effects at the time of the sale. </li><li>An Equity Carve‐Out does not contradict the efficient market theory. </li><li>There is no immediate correlation between the market reaction and the size in the subsidiary retained. </li><li>Parent company motives do not differ depending on the size in the subsidiary retained. </li></ul><p> </p>
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