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Ecopreneurship in Theory and Practice : A Proposed Emerging Framework for EcopreneurshipKainrath, David January 2009 (has links)
What is Ecopreneurship? This thesis proposes to define ecopreneurship in theory, and to increase the understanding of it in practice. Ecopreneurship can be seen as one of several ways of doing business in a more environmentally friendly way. It is conzeptualized as the intersection of entrepreneurship theory and sustainability studies. A non-exhaustive list of three sub-concepts of Ecopreneurship is identified and discussed: Eco-Innovation, Eco-Commitment and Eco-Opportunity. In addition to the theoretical framing, this study also includes an empirical part, in which by means of multiple case studies, insight is gained on how Ecopreneurship and its sub-concepts manifest in practice. Apart from the three concepts already identified in the theoretical part of this study, the themes of social equity, indirect Ecopreneurship and the time aspect of Eco-Innovation emerged from the analysis of the case studies. This thesis presents an emerging framework for ecopreneurship, which still has gaps to be filled if accepted as a framework.
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The Effects of Environmental Innovation on Market ValueSheppard, Michael January 2007 (has links)
This paper describes the effects of environmental innovation, or EI, on the market value of a firm. EI involves the creation or enhancement of ‘green’ products or ‘eco-efficient’ production processes which result in improved environmental performance. The study involves the selection of a number of press releases related to EI and environmental performance. These form the basis of an event study to determine the effect of these announcements on share prices. Results indicate that the market recognizes the value of EI, especially for product-driven initiatives. It is also found that the market values good environmental performance, particularly when it has been recognized externally through an award, membership, or certification. Implications for policy and for management are discussed.
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The Effects of Environmental Innovation on Market ValueSheppard, Michael January 2007 (has links)
This paper describes the effects of environmental innovation, or EI, on the market value of a firm. EI involves the creation or enhancement of ‘green’ products or ‘eco-efficient’ production processes which result in improved environmental performance. The study involves the selection of a number of press releases related to EI and environmental performance. These form the basis of an event study to determine the effect of these announcements on share prices. Results indicate that the market recognizes the value of EI, especially for product-driven initiatives. It is also found that the market values good environmental performance, particularly when it has been recognized externally through an award, membership, or certification. Implications for policy and for management are discussed.
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Drivers of eco-innovationAhmed, Shohana, Kamruzzaman, Mohammad January 2010 (has links)
Contemporary business world is now facing a challenge, a shift from traditional innovation to eco-innovation. Organizations need to recognize the importance of environment in any aspect of innovation. This paper aims to deduce the drivers of eco-innovation from the overview of existing literature and empirical study to provide an understanding of the organization aiming towards eco-innovation. The aim of this thesis is to identify the drivers of eco-innovation and objectives being able to understand and review the contribution of innovation and eco-innovation as separate entities.This research is limited to the investigation of drivers of eco-innovation in one single organization i.e. Tekniska Verken, Linköping. Conceptual model of drivers of eco-innovation is created from previous research and verified through empirical study. The model of this research is to outline the three categories of drivers within the limit and scope of this analysis. However modification of the model on the basis of additional drivers has been duly appreciated and elucidated to reflect reality of the research.
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Eco-innovation, Performance environnementale et impact économique sur les entreprises : étude de cas des groupes Papetiers présents en France / Eco-innovation, environmental performance and economic impact on firms : case study of some papers groups in FranceBoubaker, Wided 14 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse cherche à démontrer qu’une meilleure Performance Environnementale (PE), à travers la mise en place des initiatives éco-innovantes, influence positivement la Performance Financière (PF) d’une entreprise. Comme hypothèse de base, nous avons choisi celui de Porter (1991) qui insiste sur les avantages de la mise en œuvre de stratégies environnementales respectant le principe du développement durable. Cette hypothèse s’oppose totalement à la vision néoclassique qui considère les coûts de protection de l’environnement comme des coûts supplémentaires et excessifs susceptibles de freiner le développement économique de l’entreprise. Pour valider notre hypothèse de recherche, nous avons choisi de tester économétriquement, moyennant la méthode de la régression linéaire, la relation entre la PE et la PF en choisissant comme indicateur de PE le montant des investissements et des dépenses environnementaux (IE), le pourcentage de fibres certifiées (FC) ainsi que les indices «Valeur Durable»Environnement , relatifs à chacune des ressources environnementales. Ces indices sont calculés selon l’approche « Sustainable Value » destinée à évaluer la contribution des entreprises à la durabilité et qui représente une application du raisonnement de l’analyse financière classique aux ressources environnementales. On a choisi de mener cette étude dans une perspective statique et dynamique dans le but d’évaluer les effets de la PE sur la PF à court et à moyen terme, en évaluant et l’effet courant de la PE et son effet retardé d’une et de deux années sur la PF. Les résultats ainsi dégagés à partir de cette étude économétrique ont fourni une validation de notre hypothèse principale de recherche, stipulant qu’une bonne PE influence positivement la PF et la rentabilité des entreprises. Nous constatons que, les efforts et les initiatives environnementaux sont profitables dès la première année de leur mise en place sauf que l’intensité de ce profit varie selon la nature de l’éco-innovation (éco-innovation produit, éco-innovation procédé) et selon les caractéristiques propres à chacune des entreprises. / This thesis seeks to demonstrate that improved Environmental Performance (EP), through the implementation of eco-innovative initiatives , positively influences Financial Performance ( FP) of a company. As basic hypothesis, we chose that of Porter ( 1991), which emphasizes the benefits of implementing environmental strategies respecting the principle of sustainable development. This hypothesis is totally opposed to the neoclassical vision that considers the costs of environmental protection as additional and excessive costs that may hamper the company's economic development. To validate our research hypothesis , we chose to test econometrically , through the method of linear regression, the relationship between EP and FP choosing as EP indicators, environmental investments and expenses (IE), the percentage of certified fiber (CF) and the "Sustainable Value"Environment indexes, relative to each of the environmental resources. These indexes are calculated using the approach "Sustainable Value" destined to evaluate the corporate sustainability and who represents an application of reasoning of classical financial analysis to environmental resources. We chose to conduct this study in a static and dynamic perspectives in order to assess the effects of EP on FP in a short and a medium term, through the evaluation of both the current effect and the one and two years delayed effect of the EP in FP. The results thus released from the econometric study provided a validation of our main research hypothesis , stating that a good EP influence positively the FP and the profitability of the Company.We note that the environmental initiatives are profitable since the first year of their implementation, except that the intensity of this profit varies according to the nature of Eco-innovation (Eco-innovation product, Eco-innovation process) and according to the characteristics of each company.
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Eco-inovação na gestão sustentável da cadeia de suprimentos : um estudo no setor de alimentosCanto, Natália Rohenkohl do January 2016 (has links)
Considerando-se a importância crescente e a complementaridade das temáticas de eco-inovação e de Gestão Sustentável da Cadeia de Suprimentos (GSCS), bem como a relevância do setor de alimentos no Brasil, este trabalho apresenta o objetivo de analisar como a eco-inovação contribui para a GSCS no setor de alimentos. Realizou-se um estudo de caso múltiplo em duas Cadeias de Suprimento Sustentáveis (CSSs) que possuem práticas eco-inovadoras: uma cadeia cuja empresa focal é eco-inovadora desde seu início (cadeia Alfa, born green); e outra cuja empresa focal está mudando seu posicionamento em prol da eco-inovação (cadeia Beta). A coleta de dados contou com materiais secundários, 20 entrevistas semiestruturadas e visitas in loco. Os resultados indicam que a eco-inovação é incorporada na estratégia da maioria das empresas. As principais práticas referem-se a produtos e processos eco-inovadores, sendo motivadas tanto por drivers internos (preocupações ambientais por parte dos gestores e busca por eficiência) quanto externos (pressões normativas e cooperação). Existe um alinhamento parcial das cadeias em favor da sustentabilidade, sendo que os relacionamentos mais próximos ocorrem entre o elo produtor e as indústrias. Foram encontradas relações com membros não tradicionais, como o terceiro setor e o governo. As principais barreiras à eco-inovação referem-se a questões técnicas, financeiras e concorrenciais. Questões relacionadas aos consumidores são vistas tanto como barreira (pelo desconhecimento e falta de atitude de compra) quanto como oportunidade (pelas tendências de sustentabilidade e alimentação saudável). Outra oportunidade refere-se à diferenciação frente a concorrentes e posicionamento da empresa. Os resultados indicam o elo produtor como o mais frágil da cadeia, pela necessidade de seguir rigorosamente a legislação, sem obter muitos incentivos governamentais que amparem perdas ou o remunerem pelos serviços ambientais prestados. O trabalho contribui ao expor a perspectiva de um país em desenvolvimento, salientando a importância da eco-inovação para uma GSCS mais competitiva, principalmente no caso de cadeias born green. A partir do investimento inicial da empresa focal em eco-inovação, esta busca ou desenvolve outros elos alinhados a estas práticas. Os dados encontrados apontam para a importância crescente do setor de alimentos eco-inovadores, que é uma ótima opção para empresas agregarem valor à sua imagem e seus produtos. / Considering the increasing importance and complementarity of the issues of eco-innovation and Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM), as well as the relevance of the food industry in Brazil, the goal of this work is to analyze how eco-innovation contributes to the SSCM in the food sector. A multiple case study was conducted in two Sustainable Supply Chains (SSCs) that have eco-innovative practices: chain Alpha, which focal company is eco-innovative since its beginning; and chain Beta, which focal company is changing its position in favor of eco-innovation. Data collection included secondary data, 20 semi-structured interviews and on-site visits. The results indicate that eco-innovation is incorporated into the strategy of most companies. The main practices refer to products and eco-innovative processes, which are motivated by internal drivers (environmental concerns by managers and search for efficiency) and external drivers (regulatory cooperation and pressures). There is a partial alignment of the chains in favor of sustainability, and the closest relationships occur between producers and industries. Relations with non-traditional members (third sector and government) were also found. The main barriers to eco-innovation are technical, financial and competitive. Consumers-related issues are seen both as a barrier (for their lack of knowledge and purchasing attitude) and as an opportunity (because of sustainability and healthy eating trends). Another opportunity is the differentiation against competitors and the positioning of the company. The results indicate that the producer is the weakest link of the chain, as it must follow strict rules, but does not have government incentives that support losses or remunerate his environmental services. The work contributes by exposing the perspective of a developing country, stressing the importance of eco-innovation for a more competitive GSCS, especially in the case of born green chains. When the focal company invests in eco-innovation, it searches or develops other links according to these practices. The findings indicate the growing importance of eco-innovation in the food sector, which is a great option to add value to the company’s image and products.
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O cenário calçadista ambientalmente orientado e as práticas de design que reduzem o impacto do fim de vida útil dos calçados / The footwear sector environmentally oriented and the design practices that reduce the impact the end of shoes useful lifeGuarienti, Gabriela Rorato January 2018 (has links)
O cenário competitivo da indústria da moda, no qual se insere a indústria calçadista, configura ciclos curtos e rápidos de produção e comercialização característicos do modelo fast fashion, porém, a crescente preocupação com aspectos sociais e ambientais tem despertado o interesse da sociedade por uma mudança de postura frente a estas questões. O posicionamento de marcas com foco na preservação ambiental pode viabilizar melhorias em produtos que ainda são projetados e manufaturados de forma convencional, ou resultar em inovações significativas no desenvolvimento de produtos ambientalmente amigáveis. A proposta do estudo foi realizar um diagnóstico do cenário atual do design de calçados ambientalmente orientado, identificando as práticas utilizadas nos processos de design que colaboram na redução do impacto ambiental do final de vida útil dos calçados. Para melhor compreender os fatos, o estudo foi subdividido em quatro etapas. A primeira etapa contempla a revisão de literatura; a segunda etapa é resultado de pesquisa desk; na terceira etapa, realizou-se levantamento de dados por interrogação direta de pessoas através de entrevistas em diferentes amostras; e na quarta etapa realizadas as análises e interpretação dos resultados. A pesquisa básica, de abordagem qualitativa e objetivos exploratórios, utilizou-se de amostras não-probabilísticas definidas conforme os critérios estabelecidos para cada fase Os resultados alcançados apontam que, mesmo com tecnologia e informação globalizada, na prática, pouco é feito em design e produção de calçados em prol da redução de impactos ambientais. Incluem-se nessa realidade clusters tradicionais de produção, como o do Vale dos Sinos no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, sendo as iniciativas calçadistas que levam em consideração o cuidado com o meio ambiente, ainda, restritas e isoladas representando nichos distintos. A indústria calçadista segue aos moldes tradicionais de produção e percebe-se que, quando há uma mudança, esta é impulsionada, principalmente, por legislações ou acidentes ambientais gerados por seus dejetos, ou então são empresas que surgem com foco em desenvolver produtos ambientalmente orientados para nichos de mercado. Desta forma, na maior parte do desenvolvimento os designers reproduzem o sistema de criação rápida, obedecendo ao contexto de coleções e preços cada vez mais enxutos. O conhecimento sobre o assunto ainda é pouco explorado e, por consequência, falta articulação entre os atores da cadeia para uma mobilização efetiva na busca por soluções para o desenvolvimento sustentável do setor. / The competitive landscape of the fashion industry, which includes the footwear industry, sets up short and fast production and marketing cycles characteristic of the fast fashion model, but the growing concern with social and environmental aspects has aroused society's interest in a change position on these issues. The positioning of brands focused on environmental preservation can enable improvements in products that are still designed and manufactured in a conventional way, or result in significant innovations in the development of environmentally friendly products. The purpose of the study was to carry out a diagnosis of the current scenario of environmentally oriented footwear design, identifying the practices used in the design processes that collaborate in reducing the environmental impact of the end of the shoe life. To better understand the facts, the study was subdivided into four stages. The first stage contemplates the literature review; the second stage is the result of desk research; in the third stage, data were collected by direct interrogation of people through interviews in different samples; and in the fourth stage, the analyzes and interpretation of the results were carried out. The basic research, with a qualitative approach and exploratory objectives, was used of non-probabilistic samples defined according to the established criteria for each phase. The results show that, even with technology and globalized information, in practice little is done in the design and production of footwear in favor of reducing environmental impacts Traditional clusters of production, such as Vale dos Sinos in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, are included in this reality. Footwear initiatives that take into account the care for the environment are still restricted and isolated, representing different niches. The footwear industry follows the traditional patterns of production and it is noticed that when there is a change, this is mainly driven by environmental laws or accidents generated by their waste, or else they are companies that are focused on developing environmentally oriented products for niche markets. In this way, in most of the development, the designers reproduce the system of fast creation, obeying to the context of collections and prices more and leaner. The knowledge about the subject is still little explored and, as a consequence, there is a lack of articulation between the actors in the chain for an effective mobilization in search of solutions for the sustainable development of the sector.
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Coordenação entre os instrumentos das políticas de ciência e tecnologia e ambientais na Europa e no Brasil (2000-2014) / Coordination between economic tools of environmental and science and technology policies in Europe and Brazil (2000-2014)Ruy, Lucas Seneme [UNESP] 31 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Lucas Seneme Ruy null (lucasseneme@gmail.com) on 2017-08-01T04:57:08Z
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Dissertação biblioteca.pdf: 1065928 bytes, checksum: aa40c8654fa43e1f5334d5ab63bc1e62 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-08-03T17:10:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-05-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / As inovações ambientais são a base para direcionar todas as atividades rumo à economia verde, que é considerado o novo paradigma técnico-econômico, sendo capaz de transformar toda a base de conhecimentos pré-estabelecida e, consequentemente, incentivar a tomada de decisão dos agentes em prol deste tipo de inovação, benéfica tanto economicamente quanto ambientalmente. O mercado é importante para este direcionamento, mas pode ser ineficiente ou vagaroso demais nesta transição de base científica, o que justifica a intervenção de outros agentes da sociedade, entre eles, o Estado. O Estado consegue estimular as inovações ambientais realizando uma abordagem integrada entre políticas de ciência e tecnologia e políticas ambientais. Para isso, é necessário estímulos aos setores mais limpos e punir (ou estimular inovações ambientais) dentro de atividades poluentes. O objetivo do trabalho é averiguar se há esta sinergia entre estas políticas no Brasil em comparação com países selecionados da Europa, que apresentaram bom desempenho em relação a geração e difusão de inovações ambientais. Os resultados constataram que há um grande distanciamento do Brasil frente a Europa em relação as políticas de ciência e tecnologia e ambientais voltadas a inovações ambientais, bem como a baixa utilização de estímulos econômicos, impactando diretamente no desempenho das inovações ambientais brasileiras. / Environmental innovations are the basis for directing all economic activities towards green economy, which is considered to be a new techno-economic paradigm and capable of transforming the entire pre-established knowledge base and therefore, encouraging the agents decision making to be in favor of these innovations, which are, at the same time, beneficial both economically and environmentally. Market is fundamental for this direction; however, it might be inefficient or slow in this transition of scientific basis, which justifies the intervention of other society agents, among them, the State. The State is able to promote environmental innovations by creating an integrated approach between science and technology policies and environmental policies. In order to achieve this purpose, it is necessary to encourage the cleaner sectors and discourage polluting activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate how synergistic are the science and technology policies and environmental policies in Brazil in comparison to those in Europe, which presented a good performance regarding generation and diffusion of environmental innovations. Results showed that there is a great distance from Brazil and Europe when considering science and technology policies and environmental policies directed to environmental innovations. Moreover, Brazil has a poor use of economic instruments, which reflects directly on Brazilian environmental innovations performance.
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O cenário calçadista ambientalmente orientado e as práticas de design que reduzem o impacto do fim de vida útil dos calçados / The footwear sector environmentally oriented and the design practices that reduce the impact the end of shoes useful lifeGuarienti, Gabriela Rorato January 2018 (has links)
O cenário competitivo da indústria da moda, no qual se insere a indústria calçadista, configura ciclos curtos e rápidos de produção e comercialização característicos do modelo fast fashion, porém, a crescente preocupação com aspectos sociais e ambientais tem despertado o interesse da sociedade por uma mudança de postura frente a estas questões. O posicionamento de marcas com foco na preservação ambiental pode viabilizar melhorias em produtos que ainda são projetados e manufaturados de forma convencional, ou resultar em inovações significativas no desenvolvimento de produtos ambientalmente amigáveis. A proposta do estudo foi realizar um diagnóstico do cenário atual do design de calçados ambientalmente orientado, identificando as práticas utilizadas nos processos de design que colaboram na redução do impacto ambiental do final de vida útil dos calçados. Para melhor compreender os fatos, o estudo foi subdividido em quatro etapas. A primeira etapa contempla a revisão de literatura; a segunda etapa é resultado de pesquisa desk; na terceira etapa, realizou-se levantamento de dados por interrogação direta de pessoas através de entrevistas em diferentes amostras; e na quarta etapa realizadas as análises e interpretação dos resultados. A pesquisa básica, de abordagem qualitativa e objetivos exploratórios, utilizou-se de amostras não-probabilísticas definidas conforme os critérios estabelecidos para cada fase Os resultados alcançados apontam que, mesmo com tecnologia e informação globalizada, na prática, pouco é feito em design e produção de calçados em prol da redução de impactos ambientais. Incluem-se nessa realidade clusters tradicionais de produção, como o do Vale dos Sinos no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, sendo as iniciativas calçadistas que levam em consideração o cuidado com o meio ambiente, ainda, restritas e isoladas representando nichos distintos. A indústria calçadista segue aos moldes tradicionais de produção e percebe-se que, quando há uma mudança, esta é impulsionada, principalmente, por legislações ou acidentes ambientais gerados por seus dejetos, ou então são empresas que surgem com foco em desenvolver produtos ambientalmente orientados para nichos de mercado. Desta forma, na maior parte do desenvolvimento os designers reproduzem o sistema de criação rápida, obedecendo ao contexto de coleções e preços cada vez mais enxutos. O conhecimento sobre o assunto ainda é pouco explorado e, por consequência, falta articulação entre os atores da cadeia para uma mobilização efetiva na busca por soluções para o desenvolvimento sustentável do setor. / The competitive landscape of the fashion industry, which includes the footwear industry, sets up short and fast production and marketing cycles characteristic of the fast fashion model, but the growing concern with social and environmental aspects has aroused society's interest in a change position on these issues. The positioning of brands focused on environmental preservation can enable improvements in products that are still designed and manufactured in a conventional way, or result in significant innovations in the development of environmentally friendly products. The purpose of the study was to carry out a diagnosis of the current scenario of environmentally oriented footwear design, identifying the practices used in the design processes that collaborate in reducing the environmental impact of the end of the shoe life. To better understand the facts, the study was subdivided into four stages. The first stage contemplates the literature review; the second stage is the result of desk research; in the third stage, data were collected by direct interrogation of people through interviews in different samples; and in the fourth stage, the analyzes and interpretation of the results were carried out. The basic research, with a qualitative approach and exploratory objectives, was used of non-probabilistic samples defined according to the established criteria for each phase. The results show that, even with technology and globalized information, in practice little is done in the design and production of footwear in favor of reducing environmental impacts Traditional clusters of production, such as Vale dos Sinos in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, are included in this reality. Footwear initiatives that take into account the care for the environment are still restricted and isolated, representing different niches. The footwear industry follows the traditional patterns of production and it is noticed that when there is a change, this is mainly driven by environmental laws or accidents generated by their waste, or else they are companies that are focused on developing environmentally oriented products for niche markets. In this way, in most of the development, the designers reproduce the system of fast creation, obeying to the context of collections and prices more and leaner. The knowledge about the subject is still little explored and, as a consequence, there is a lack of articulation between the actors in the chain for an effective mobilization in search of solutions for the sustainable development of the sector.
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Eco-inovação na gestão sustentável da cadeia de suprimentos : um estudo no setor de alimentosCanto, Natália Rohenkohl do January 2016 (has links)
Considerando-se a importância crescente e a complementaridade das temáticas de eco-inovação e de Gestão Sustentável da Cadeia de Suprimentos (GSCS), bem como a relevância do setor de alimentos no Brasil, este trabalho apresenta o objetivo de analisar como a eco-inovação contribui para a GSCS no setor de alimentos. Realizou-se um estudo de caso múltiplo em duas Cadeias de Suprimento Sustentáveis (CSSs) que possuem práticas eco-inovadoras: uma cadeia cuja empresa focal é eco-inovadora desde seu início (cadeia Alfa, born green); e outra cuja empresa focal está mudando seu posicionamento em prol da eco-inovação (cadeia Beta). A coleta de dados contou com materiais secundários, 20 entrevistas semiestruturadas e visitas in loco. Os resultados indicam que a eco-inovação é incorporada na estratégia da maioria das empresas. As principais práticas referem-se a produtos e processos eco-inovadores, sendo motivadas tanto por drivers internos (preocupações ambientais por parte dos gestores e busca por eficiência) quanto externos (pressões normativas e cooperação). Existe um alinhamento parcial das cadeias em favor da sustentabilidade, sendo que os relacionamentos mais próximos ocorrem entre o elo produtor e as indústrias. Foram encontradas relações com membros não tradicionais, como o terceiro setor e o governo. As principais barreiras à eco-inovação referem-se a questões técnicas, financeiras e concorrenciais. Questões relacionadas aos consumidores são vistas tanto como barreira (pelo desconhecimento e falta de atitude de compra) quanto como oportunidade (pelas tendências de sustentabilidade e alimentação saudável). Outra oportunidade refere-se à diferenciação frente a concorrentes e posicionamento da empresa. Os resultados indicam o elo produtor como o mais frágil da cadeia, pela necessidade de seguir rigorosamente a legislação, sem obter muitos incentivos governamentais que amparem perdas ou o remunerem pelos serviços ambientais prestados. O trabalho contribui ao expor a perspectiva de um país em desenvolvimento, salientando a importância da eco-inovação para uma GSCS mais competitiva, principalmente no caso de cadeias born green. A partir do investimento inicial da empresa focal em eco-inovação, esta busca ou desenvolve outros elos alinhados a estas práticas. Os dados encontrados apontam para a importância crescente do setor de alimentos eco-inovadores, que é uma ótima opção para empresas agregarem valor à sua imagem e seus produtos. / Considering the increasing importance and complementarity of the issues of eco-innovation and Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM), as well as the relevance of the food industry in Brazil, the goal of this work is to analyze how eco-innovation contributes to the SSCM in the food sector. A multiple case study was conducted in two Sustainable Supply Chains (SSCs) that have eco-innovative practices: chain Alpha, which focal company is eco-innovative since its beginning; and chain Beta, which focal company is changing its position in favor of eco-innovation. Data collection included secondary data, 20 semi-structured interviews and on-site visits. The results indicate that eco-innovation is incorporated into the strategy of most companies. The main practices refer to products and eco-innovative processes, which are motivated by internal drivers (environmental concerns by managers and search for efficiency) and external drivers (regulatory cooperation and pressures). There is a partial alignment of the chains in favor of sustainability, and the closest relationships occur between producers and industries. Relations with non-traditional members (third sector and government) were also found. The main barriers to eco-innovation are technical, financial and competitive. Consumers-related issues are seen both as a barrier (for their lack of knowledge and purchasing attitude) and as an opportunity (because of sustainability and healthy eating trends). Another opportunity is the differentiation against competitors and the positioning of the company. The results indicate that the producer is the weakest link of the chain, as it must follow strict rules, but does not have government incentives that support losses or remunerate his environmental services. The work contributes by exposing the perspective of a developing country, stressing the importance of eco-innovation for a more competitive GSCS, especially in the case of born green chains. When the focal company invests in eco-innovation, it searches or develops other links according to these practices. The findings indicate the growing importance of eco-innovation in the food sector, which is a great option to add value to the company’s image and products.
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