801 |
An analysis of supply and demand conditions in the animal-breeding industry in GreecePapaioannou, Michael C. January 1970 (has links)
No description available.
802 |
The competition for land between the Forestry Commission and the agricultural industry in Great Britain : a study in economic policyWalker, Kenneth Richard January 1958 (has links)
No description available.
803 |
"This is people's water" : water services struggles and the new social movements in Mpumalanga, Durban, 1998-2005Siwisa, Buntu Sesibonga January 2006 (has links)
This thesis forms part of the emerging studies on the backlogs in municipal services delivery and the attendant emergence of the new social movements in post-apartheid South Africa. It examines four areas. These are: the backlogs in water services delivery; the consequent politicisation of the water services struggles; the breakdown of social citizenship; and the nature, forms and the repertoire of the collective action of the new social movements. The thesis is based on fieldwork research I undertook in 2002 on the water services struggles in Mpumalanga, an African township located outside the small town of Hammarsdale in Durban. The fieldwork research results reveal the demographic characteristics of Mpumalanga and, more crucially, the extent of the water services crisis. The results evaluate the nature and the gravity of the water services delivery backlogs. More importantly, they gauge the depth of their involvement in the water services struggles in Mpumalanga and the extent of their success. These are weighed against the reports of the new social movements' involvement in the township by the leftist-cum-intellectual activists in Durban and by the leftist and mainstream media reports. They also revealed a detailed picture of the state of collective action in Durban, unearthing the nature and functioning of the Concerned Citizens' Forum (CCF), an umbrella-body of Durban-based social movements. The study questions the hallowed standing of the CCF, by claiming, through detailed study and fieldwork observation, that the CCF is given to 'crowd renting', lack of transparency, disorderly decision-making, racial and leadership crises. The thesis also contextualises the collective action programmes of the CCF by situating them in Mpumalanga's neighbourhood politics. By doing so, the reader encounters ruling party local councillors, opposition party local councillors, CCF leaders and intellectual-cum-activists, youth activists and local council officials and bureaucrats. The collusion and conflicts between these parties and stakeholders bring into the equation political opportunism, careerism, and the ruthless pursuit of financial gains. All these parties and variables reveal a complex and ever-shifting picture of collective action and the contentious politics of the new social movements in Mpumalanga and Durban, amidst the looming crisis of the breakdown of social citizenship, cost recovery and the water services struggles.
804 |
Armoede in 'n postmodernistiese AfrikaVan Deventer, Francois Abraham 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis looks at poverty in the Third World and tries per implication to understand how the
economy functions. Finally it suggests solutions for the poverty problem.
The first chapter looks at the definition of poverty and why this subject is important to study. It
also mentions that there are two ways to look at the poverty problem. The first is the structural
thesis and the second the modernisation thesis.
The second chapter looks at what the economy is and how it functions. It is emphasised that the
economy should be considered to be a complex ecosystem and not a mechanical machine.
The third chapter points out that there was a change in focus in the passed 50 years. Now
education and information have become much more important. This change is known as
postmodernism or globalisation and resulted in the decline of the power of the state.
The economic success of countries like the USA, Britain, Japan and Germany is considered in
the fourth chapter. The following factors are considered:
• The geographic location of a region includes phenomena like the rainfall, natural
disasters and mineral wealth.
• Historical factors like colonial oppression and the self image of groups.
• Diseases and nutrition which makes individuals less productive.
• Cultural factors like self-discipline, diligence and an over emphasis of the supernatural
• Property rights
• Communalism and social capital
• State intervention
• Technology which makes it possible to produce more with less
This chapter also looks at how these different factors interact together and makes the functioning
of the complex economic system possible.
In the fifth chapter we look at possible solutions for the poverty problem. It is pointed out that the
“annexation of the means of production” is no solution. The ignoring of the problem is also
rejected as no solution. The renewal of people’s mind is put forward as the solution.
The last chapter has a look at the conclusions of the thesis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling poog om na die armoede in Derde Wêreld lande te kyk en dan per
implikasie te verstaan hoe die ekonomie funksioneer en dan oplossings voor te stel.
Die eerste hoofstuk kyk na wat die definisie van armoede is en hoekom dit belangrik is om na
hierdie probleem te kyk. Dit wys ook daarop dat daar twee maniere is om na die armoede
vraagstuk te kyk, naamlik die strukturele tesis en die modernisasie tesis.
Die tweede hoofstuk kyk na wat die ekonomie is en hoe die ekonomie funksioneer. Daar word
daarop gewys dat die ekonomie as ’n komplekse ekostelsel beskou moet word en nie as ’n
meganistiese masjien nie.
Die derde hoofstuk wys daarop dat daar die afgelope 50 jaar ’n klemverskuiwing in die wêreld
plaasgevind het waar onderwys en inligting baie belangriker geword het. Hierdie tendens word
postmodernisme of globalisering genoem en het onder andere daartoe gelei dat die staat se mag
ingeperk is.
In die vierde hoofstuk word na die ekonomiese sukses van lande soos die VSA, Brittanje, Japan
en Duitsland gekyk. Daar word na die volgende faktore gekyk:
• Die geografiese ligging van ’n gebied omsluit verskynsels soos reënval, natuurlike rampe
en minerale rykdomme
• Historiesefaktore soos koloniale onderdrukking en groepe se selfbeeld
• Siektes en voeding wat mense minder produktief maak
• Kultuurfaktore soos selfdissipline, hardwerkendheid en oorbeklemtoning van die
• Eiendomsreg
• Kommunialisme en sosiale kapitaal
• Staatsinmenging
• Tegnologie wat dit moontlik maak om met minder meer te produseer
Daar word ook in hierdie hoofstuk gekyk hoe hierdie verskillende faktore op mekaar inwerk om
saam te werk om die komplekse ekonomiese stelsel te laat funksioneer.
Ons kyk in die vyfde hoofstuk na moontlike oplossings vir die armoede vraagstuk. Daar word
uitgewys dat “die anneksasie van die produksiemiddele en die herverdeling van rykdom” nie die
oplossing is nie. Die ignorering van die probleem word ook afgewys. Die oplossing word
voorgehou as die hernuwing van die denke van mense.
In die laaste hoofstuk word die gevolgtrekking van hierdie verhandeling voorgehou.
805 |
The need for the beneficiation of coffee exports in Kenya in order to improve economic performanceChesire, Milly C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Kenya has historically depended on its coffee industry as a major contributor to foreign exchange earnings and farm incomes. Between 1975 and 1986, coffee was Kenya's leading foreign exchange earner, contributing over 40 percent of total foreign exchange earnings. But since 1988, the Kenya coffee industry has undergone a rapid decline, characterised by very low export earnings, a huge decrease in production and productivity and consequently, increased poverty amongst coffee farmers. By 2000, it contributed only 10 percent of total foreign exchange earnings. This decline has arisen due to the global coffee crisis, in other words, the persisting large imbalance between supply (production) and demand (consumption), that has led to a major collapse in world coffee prices. Given the fact that the coffee crisis is expected to persist for several years to come, this study attempts to formulate coffee industry proposals that would lead to the optimisation of Kenya's coffee potential, as well as increased international competitiveness. Towards this end, it evaluates the intricate supply and demand patterns in the world coffee market to try to identify where the opportunities lie. It is found that even though the overall demand for coffee is growing slowly, there is an emerging niche or specialty coffee market that has arisen owing to new consumption patterns and increased awareness and preference by consumers of premium coffee origins. This niche market offers a route to rising standards of living to farmers, such as those in Kenya, who grow premium quality coffees. It is recommended that Kenya should pursue intense value addition of her coffee to enable her capture a bigger portion of her export sales. Similarly, Kenya will need to alter her production and marketing strategy to feed the emerging niche market instead of the mainstream market, as is currently the case. Furthermore, it is suggested Kenya should strive to increase domestic consumption, which is currently negligible. Other proposals that will support increased competitiveness of Kenya's coffee industry include reducing the cost of coffee production and improving the efficiency and performance of producer organisations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kenia is baie afhanklik van hul koffie-industrie aangesien dit 'n wesenlike bydrae tot die land se buitelandse valuta en binnelandse boerdery-inkomste lewer. Tussen 1975 en 1986 het koffie die meeste buitelandse valuta vir Kenia gegenereer. Hierdie prestasie kon egter nie volgehou word nie en sedert 1988 het Kenia se koffie-industrie agteruit geboer. Hierdie tydperk is gekenmerk deur verlaagde uitvoerverdienstes, en afnames in produksie en produktiwiteit wat grootskaalse armoede onder koffieboere teweeg gebring het. In 2000 het koffie-uitvoere slegs 10 persent van Kenia se buitelandse verdienstes bygedra. Hierdie negatiewe tendens is veroorsaak deur die globale koffiekrisis, oftewel die wanbalans tussen vraag (verbruik) en aanbod (produksie), wat internasionale koffiepryse tot baie lae vlakke gedryf het. Aangesien dit blyk asof die globale koffiekrisis vir nog 'n hele paar jaar sal aanhou, gaan hierdie navorsingsprojek poog om voorstelle vir Kenia se koffie-industrie te formuleer. Die voorstelle is gemik op die optimalisering van Kenia S8 koffie-industrie en om die land in staat te stel om internasionaal te kompeteer. Die navorsing evalueer ook die heersende intrinsieke patrone van vraag en aanbod in die wereld koffiemark en probeer om geleenthede te identifiseer. Dit is byvoorbeeld bevind dat alhoewel die totale vraag na koffie wereldwyd stadig toeneem, daar ontluikende nismarkte vir spesiale koffies onstaan het as gevolg van nuwe verbruikspatrone, asook 'n toenemende bewustheid van top gehalte koffie. Dit is veral verbruiksvoorkeure vir topgehalte koffie van 'n spesifieke gebied van oorsprong wat baie relevant is vir Kenia en dit is juis hierdie nismarkte wat 'n guide geleentheid bied aan Kenia se topgehalte koffieboere. Dit word dus aanbeveel dat Kenia op waardetoevoeging tot hul bestaande koffiebronne fokus, wat groter buitelandse valuta teweeg kan bring. Kenia sal egter hul produksie- en bemarkingstrategiee dienooreenkomstig moet aanpas om die fokus van die hoofstroom koffiemark na die ontluikende nismarkte te skuil. 'n Verdere voorstel is dat Kenia sy plaaslike koffie-verbruik vergroot en stimuleer aangesien dit tans baie laag is. Ander voorstelle wat Kenia se mededigingsvermoe in die koffiemark kan verbeter, sluit in inisiatiewe om produksiekostes te verlaag, asook om die effektiwiteit en prestasie van produsente-organisasies ta verbeter.
806 |
Is the supervisory regime of the Central Bank of Liberia adequate to provide effective and efficient bank supervision that will ensure a stable financial system?Donzo, Fonsia M. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary purpose of the research study is to establish whether the supervisory regime
of the Central Bank of Liberia (hereinafter referred to as CBL) is adequate to provide
effective and efficient bank supervision that will ensure stability in the financial system.
Stability in the financial sector and safety and soundness of the banking industry are of
paramount importance due to its linkages with all other sectors of the economy. Adequate
supervision and prudential regulations are central in ensuring financial sector stability.
This research focuses on the prudential regulations and other supervisory directives used
in the supervision of licensed bank-financial institutions, in terms of capital adequacy,
asset quality, management, earnings, liquidity and sensitivity to market risk, the
supervisory approach and the legal framework. The adequacy of the prudential
regulations and other supervisory directives are determined by comparing with
international standards. The results revealed that the prudential regulations largely meet
international standards. Thus, the supervisory regime is adequate and capable of
providing stability in the banking industry.
Banks are exposed to various kinds of risks in the conduct of their trading operations;
therefore, management is required to maintain a capital position that will cover the nature
and extent of risks to the bank:. The capital consists of two tiers; Tier I (primary) capital
and Tier 2 (secondary) capital. Banks are required to permanently maintain a capital
adequacy ratio that matches their total exposure to risk at the level of at least 8%. The
prudential regulations of the Central Bank of Liberia places assets into two risk baskets
while international organizations like the Bank for International Settlement has four or
five risk baskets based on the category of borrower, sovereigns, banks or corporates.
Earning assets reflect the bank's quality and existing potential of exposure to counter-party
associated with loan and investment portfolios, as well as off-balance sheet
transactions. Banks are required to make adequate provisioning against deteriorating loan portfolios and general provisions for performing loans. Sound and competent management is the most significant requirement for the strength,
potency and growth of any financial institution. Indicators of the quality of
management's competence are primarily specific to individual institutions. Moreover, it
is not easy to draw any conclusion vis-à-vis management soundness on the basis of
monetary indicators, as characteristics of a good management are rather qualitative in
Strong earnings and profitability profiles of a financial institution reflect its capacity to
absorb losses, fund expansion, be competitive in the banking industry, replenish and/or
increase capital base and pay dividends to shareholders. Good earnings quality is relied
upon by banking institutions as their first line of defense against capital reduction due to credit losses, interest rate risk, operational risk and decline in asset value.
Liquidity is often considered as an attestation of solvency for banking institutions. Banks
must maintain a minimum level of liquidity to settle obligations such withdrawals and for
giving out loans. Liquidity is a strong early warning signal, the shortage and/or the lack
of which erodes public confidence in a bank. Banks must guide against structural
maturity mismatch. Imprudent lending practice increases a bank's exposure to liquidity
risk. All licensed banks are statutorily required to maintain a minimum daily liquidity
ratio of 15%, which is a measure of the banks' liquid assets vis-à-vis deposits. Each
commercial bank is required to maintain reserve requirements representing 18% of
average deposits.
A suitable legal framework is a prerequisite for effective banking supervision.
Supervisors can be expected to act, free from political pressures, only if they cannot be
dismissed for doing their job. The New Financial Institutions Act 1999 and the Central
Bank Act 1999 give the Central Bank powers to grant and revoke bank. licenses,
supervise commercial banks and have unlimited access to privileged information.
There is a need to further strengthen the supervisory capacity in terms of providing
continuous short-term training and long-term or post-graduate studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van hierdie navorsingsverslag is om te bepaal of die toesighoudende stelsel van die
Sentrale Bank van Liberie (hierna verwys na CBL) toereikend is om doeltreffende en
doelmatige banksupervisie te verskaf wat stabiliteit in die finansiële stelsel sal verseker.
Stabiliteit in die finansieie sektor, en die veiligheid en betroubaarheid van die bankbedryf is uiters
belangrik as gevolg van die verwantskap met alle ander sektore van die ekonomie. Voldoende
supervisie en verstandige regulasies vorm die kern van stabiliteit in die finansiële sektor.
Hierdie navorsing is gerig op die verstandige regulasies en ander toesighoudende bepalings wat
gebruik word in die supervisie van gelisensieerde bank-finansiële instellings ten opsige van
kapitaaltoereikendheid, bategehalte, bestuur, verdienste, likiditeit en sensitiwiteit ten opsigte van
markrisiko, die benadering tot toesighouding en die regsraamwerk. Die toereikendheid van die
verstandige regulasies en ander toesighoudende bepalings word bepaal deur dit met internasionale
standaarde te vergelyk. Die resultale toon aan dat die verstandige regulasies grootliks aan
internasionale standaarde voldoen. Die toesigboudende stelsel is dus toereikend en daartoe in
staat om stabiliteit aan die bankbedryf te verskaf.
Banke word blootgestel aan verskeie soorte risiko in die uitvoer van hul handelsbedrywighede.
Daar word dus van die bestuur verwag om 'n kapitaalbasis te handhaaf wat die aard en omvang
van die risiko vir die bank sal dek. Die kapitaal bestaan uit twee vlakke: Vlak I (primêre) kapitaal
en Vlak 2 (sekondêre) kapitaal. Daar word van banke verwag om permanent 'n
kapitaaltoereikendheidsverhouding te handhaaf wat ooreenkom met hul totale blootstelling aan
risiko op 'n vlak van ten minsle 8%. Die verstandige regulasies van die Sentrale Bank van Liberie
plaas bates in twee risiko-mandjies terwyl internasionale organisasies soos die Bank for
International Settlement vier tot vyf risiko-mandjies het wat op die kategorie van die lener,
selfbesturende entiteit, bank of korporasie gegrond is.
Opbrengsgewende bates dui op die bank se gehalte en bestaande potensiaal vir blootstelling aan
teenpartye wat verband hou met lenings- en beleggingsportefeuljes sowel as
buitebalanstransaksies. Daar word van banke verwag om toereikende voorsiening teen
verslegtende leningsportefeuljes te maak en om algemene voorwaardes vir presterende lenings te stel. Betroubare en bevoegde bestuur is die heel belangrikste vereiste vir die krag, vermoë en groei van
enige finansiële instelling. Aanwysers van die gehalte van die bestuur se bevoegdheid is
hoofsaaklik op individuele instellings van toepassing. Verder is dit nie maklik om enige
gevolgtrekking ten opsigte van 'n bestuur se betroubaarheid te maak op grond van monetêre
aanwysers nie, omdat die kenmerke van 'n goeie bestuur eerder kwalitatief van aard is.
Sterk opbrengste en winsgewendheidsprofiele van 'n finansiële instelling dui op sy kapasiteit om
verliese te absorbeer, fondse uit te brei, mededingend in die bankbedryf te wees, sy kapitaalbasis
aan te vul en/of te vergroot, en dividende aan aandeelhouers te betaal. Bankinstellings maak staat
op goeie opbrengsgehalte as hul eerste verdedigingslyn teen kapitaalvermindering as gevolg van
kredietverliese, rentekoersrisiko's, bedryfsrisiko's en 'n afname in batewaarde.
Likiditeit word dikwels beskou as 'n bevestiging van solvensie vir bankinstellings. Banke moet 'n
minimum vlak van likiditeit handhaaf om verpligtinge soos onttrekkings na te kom en om lenings
toe te staan. Likiditeit is 'n sterk vroeë waarskuwingsteken, en die tekort en/of gebrek daaraan
knou openbare vertroue in die bank. Banke moet waak teen 'n strukturele wanafstemming van
looptye. Onverstandige uitleenpraktyk verhoog 'n bank se blootstelling aan likiditeitsrisiko. Alle
gelisensieerde banke word statutêr verplig om 'n minimum daaglikse likiditeitsverhouding van
15% te handhaaf, wat 'n maatstaf is van 'n bank se likiede bates teenoor deposito's.
'n Toepaslike regsraamwerk is 'n voorvereiste vir doeltreffende banksupervisie. Daar kan van
toesighouers verwag word om sonder enige politieke druk op te tree slegs indien hulle nie
afgedank kan word omdat hulle hul plig doen nie. Die New Financial Institutions Act van 1999
en die Central Bank Act van 1999 gee aan die Sentrale Bank die mag om banklisensies toe te
staan en herroep, om toesig oor kommersiële banke te hou en om onbeperkte toegang tot
beskermde inligting te kry.
Daar is 'n behoefte om die toesighoudende kapasiteit deur die verskaffing van deurlopende
korttermynopleiding en langtermyn- of nagraadse studie uit te bou.
807 |
An investigation of factors affecting the decline in foreign direct investment (FDI) in BotswanaPagiwa, Modisaotsile Mmilidzi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / The aim of this study was to investigate reasons/factors affecting the decline in
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Botswana.
It has been observed that there are many factors that help explain why the inflow
of (FDI) is skewed towards developed nations. Principal amongst them is the
population factor, that is, bigger markets and the level of technology. In the case
of developing countries in general and Botswana in particular it was found out
that FDI was attracted by the prospects of making massive profits.
Therefore multinational companies invest mostly in developing countries which
are endowed with natural resources such as ()iI, diamonds, gold and platinum.
Although Botswana is endowed with diamonds and other natural resources, it
has not been attracting the much needed FDI. Reasons advanced for its failure
to attract good FDI include among others, small population, the bureaucratic civil
service, lack of good infrastructure and lack of well trained human resources in
the fields of science, engineering and financial services.
808 |
The role of the central bank in economic recovery : lessons from LiberiaWalker, Richard H. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / The interaction between central bank role and fiscal policy is so crucial to the
macroeconomic outcome of any economy. The role of fiscal policy is so strong in
detennining central bank policies. This is why central bank behaviour is usually analyzed
using a model, which incorporates an effect of fiscal pressure on monetary policy
fonnulation. With primary deficit pressure by the fiscal authorities, the response to such
government budget deficit plays an interactive role in affecting the tradewoff weights
applied to the competing goals of monetary policy. The intenningling of these two
policies creates a counter-cyclical reaction, which finds roots in the Central Bank of
Liberia Act of 1999 that establishes the principal-agent relationship between the Central
Bank of Liberia and the government.
Liberia's emergence from intennittent periods of civil tunnoil and unrest has created the
dire need for an upswing of its ravaged economy. This is especially explained by the high
unemployment and illiteracy rate looming in the country. Additionally, there have been
the successive failures of national government to put in place the requisite mechanisms
for management and equitable distribution of the country's resources to its citizens.
This study gives a diagnosis and the symptoms of Liberia's economic state. According to
the World Bank, Liberia is listed in the category of Highly Indebted Poor Countries
(HIPC). Poverty traces a vicious cycle from low income to low saving and investment to
low output so back to low income.
This study identifies the role the Central Bank of Liberia can play in the economic
recovery process of Liberia. This study project will further examine and draw lessons
from other developing economies, which are applicable to Liberia. In this direction,
countries that are perfonning well in achieving moderate to high economic growth will
be looked at in an attempt to draw meaningful lessons for Liberia's drive for the
attairunent of economic growth.
It is expected that there is no quick fix to economic recovery especially so for a third
world country that has been plagued by numerous calamities resulting in the looting and
pillaging of the country's resources. The recovery of Liberia from its economic woes will
involve other stakeholders besides the Central Bank. This may include the sovereign
government through its line ministries and sector-specific agencies as well as the
multilateral and bilateral partners of Liberia making up the donor community.
This study also reveals the shape of Liberia's economy with regards to the structure of
the economy. The controlling of public debt and an encouragement of private debt for
investment purposes is a right step in the right direction along the path of economic
This study will also examine monetary policy instruments and their limitations as far as
the implementation is concerned. Monetary policy can be implemented by changing the
size of the monetary base. This directly changes the total amount of money circulating in
the economy. A central bank can use open market operations to change the monetary
809 |
Investment opportunities and poverty alleviation in NamibiaKeding, Wolfgang 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Republic of Namibia gained its independence from South Africa on 21 March 1990. The
divided economic sector between modem European orientated and the underdeveloped African
sector places major challenges on the government, the business sector and on the population
itself. Vast differences exist between income, educational level, and living conditions and life
expectations. The economy can be described as stable. Mining, fishing and agriculture are the
main contributors to the economy. Currently the government maintains a budget deficit of 23.5%
of the Gross Domestic Product. The economic policy can be described as open and democratic.
Exchange rates and interest rates are market-determined.
The comparatively high Gini - Coefficient of 0,7%, an unemployment rate of 34% and the
decrease of the life expectancy rate are major challenges faced by the government of the day.
Since independence Namibia has become a member of many regional and world organisations.
These organisations support Namibia in various development projects, which will contribute t a
stable economy.
The composition of the Namibian population together with the size of the country and its various
natural resources makes Namibia not very attractive for major manufacturers or industrialisation.
Therefore the development of Small Macro and Medium Enterprises are of utmost importance.
Namibia has developed a sophisticated financial sector, compared to other African countries. The
Namibian Stock Exchange was established during 1992 and has developed into the second
largest stock exchange in Africa. Treasury Bills and Government Bonds have been introduced as
investment tools. Various state-supported institutions have been founded to support economic
The Ministry of Trade and Industry implemented various tax incentives to attract foreign and local
investments. However these measures have not had the expected effect.
Namibia can learn few things from Mauritius, which has had basically the same historical
development and economic composition.
To ensure future investments in Namibia the government should consider the implementation of
an investment tax, the implementation of an Unemployment Insurance Fund, and the support of unemployed people. The effect of HIV/AIDS will have a major impact on the economy of the
The regional development will have a major effect on the national economy. The Southern African
Development Community should create a regional currency, a standard economic and political
structure and a free trade area. Such a regional development will have a positive effect on all
national economies.
Namibia has enough investment opportunities for national and foreign investors. Political and
economical stability has to be maintained to ensure continuous future support of the investors. To
fight poverty additional steps have to be taken so that within 20 years poverty in Namibia is not an
issue anymore. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Republiek van Namibië het op 21 Maart 1990 onafhanklik geword. Die groot ekonomiese
verskille tussen moderne Europese en ander ontwikkelde Afrikaanse sektore plaas die regering,
die besigheids sektor en die inwoners voor 'n groot uitdaging. Groot verskille bestaan tussen
inkomste, opvoeding, lewens omstandighede en verwagte lewensduur. Die ekonomie kan as
stabiel beskryf word. Huidiglik handhaaf die regering 'n begrotingstekort van 23.5% van die
Nasionale Bruto Binnelandse Produk. Die ekonomiese beleid kan as demokraties en oop beskryf
word. Die wisselkoerse en rentekoerse word deur die mark bepaal.
Die relatief hoë Gini koefisiënt van 0.7%, 'n werkloosheidspersentasie van 34% en 'n daling in die
verwagte lewensduur stel die regering voor 'n groot uitdaging.
Sedert onafhanklikheid het Namibië lid geword van talle streeks- en werêld organisasies. Hierdie
organisasies ondersteun Namibië in verskillende ontwikkelingsprojekte, wat 'n stabiele ekonomie
tot gevolg sal hê.
Die samestelling van die bevolking van Namibië en die grootte van die land tesame met die
natuurlike hulpbronne maak dit aanloklik vir groot fabrieke en industrieë. Die ontwikkeling van
mikro en klein besighede is dus uiters belangrik.
Namibië het 'n gesofistukeerde finansiële sektor in vergelyking met ander Afrika lande ontwikkel.
Die Namibiese effektebeurs is 1992 in die lewe geroep en het tot die tweede grootste
effektebeurs in Afrika ontwikkel. Skatkis briewe en regerings skuldbriewe is ingevoer as
beleggings moontlikhede. Verskillende regerings en ondersteunende instansies het onstaan om
ekonomiese ontwikkelling te bevorder.
Die Ministerie van Handel en Ontwikkeling het verskillende belasting voordele geskep om
buitelandse beleggers te trek. Tot op die huidige dag het hierdie voordele nie die gewensde effek
gehad nie.
Namibië kan baie van Mauritius leer, wat basies dieselfde historiese ontwikkeling gehad het en
dieselfde ekonomiese samestelling het.
Om toekomstige ontwikkeling te verseker, behoort die regering die implementering van 'n
beleggersbelasting te oorweeg, sowel as 'n werkloosheidsversekeringsfonds om werklose mense
te help ondersteun. Die effek van MIV/VIGS sal 'n groot uitwerking hê op die ekonomie van die
land. Streeksontwikkeling in Suider-Afrika sal 'n groot effek op die ontwikkelling van die nasionale
ekonomie hê. Die Suid Afrikaanse Ontwikkelings Vereniging behoort een gesamentlike
geldeenheid, 'n standaard ekonomiese en politieke beleid te hê om 'n vrye handelssone te
implementeer. Die streeksontwikkeling sal 'n positiewe effek op alle nasionale ekonomieë hê.
Namibië het genoeg beleggingsmoontlikhede vir nasionale en buitelandse ontwikkellaars.
Politieke en ekonomiese stabiliteit behoort gehandhaaf te word om toekomstige steun van
beleggers te waarborg. Om armoede te bekamp, moet addisionele stappe geneem word om te
verseker dat dit oor 20 jaar geen probleem meer sal wees nie.
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A multiplier analysis of the South African economy: 1980-2010Botha, Anthonie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to calculate and analyse GDP multipliers for the South African economy from input-output tables for seven data sets for the 1980-2010 period. The paper commences with a discussion of the nature, limitations, uses and underlying assumptions of input-output tables, followed by a presentation of the basic input-output model. The theory and methodology of the calculation of output multipliers is discussed.
The basic open and closed model methods used in this study are developed and distinguished. All the steps of the basic calculation of the multipliers are explained within the context of the two mathematical models used.
The four sets of multipliers generated by the model, namely simple GDP multipliers, simple type II GDP multipliers, total GDP multipliers, and total type II GDP multipliers are discussed and analysed for all seven data sets. The most significant trend identified is the steady decline in the value of the total GDP multiplier over the three decades reviewed. This is primarily attributed to the increasing openness of the South African economy following the end of the apartheid era.
The composition of the total GDP multipliers, in terms of the relative and absolute proportions of the direct, indirect and induced impacts are presented and analysed. The decline in the value of the total GDP multiplier was primarily due to a reduction in the relative and absolute contribution of the induced effect over the period reviewed.
This trend reflects the structural changes in the South African economy, the hallmark of which is the decline in the secondary industries, whose declining profitability was due to increased competitive discipline. This trend was compounded by overvalued and volatile real exchange rates, and resulted in low levels of investment and employment creation in this sector.
An examination of the intra-sector multipliers for the same period also showed a marked and consistent declining trend in the multiplier effect over the period under review. This was especially pertinent in the case of the secondary industries, for which a very similar pattern emerged across industries, with the time paths of the mean multiplier effect showing a very similar movement for almost all manufacturing industries.
It is suggested that policy makers should consider the significance and desirability of these structural changes. A combination of monetary and fiscal policy measures could do much to revitalise South Africa’s ailing manufacturing sector. The turnaround thereof could aid government’s objectives of employment creation and economic growth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om, op grond van inset-uitset tabelle, BBP vermenigvuldigers vir die Suid Afrikaanse ekonomie te bereken en te ontleed, vir die 1980-2010 periode. Die skripsie begin met ‘n bespreking van die aard, beperkings, gebruike en onderliggende aannames van inset-uitset tabelle, gevolg deur ‘n voorlegging van die basiese inset-uitset model. Die teorie en metodologie van die berekening van uitset vermenigvuldigers word bespreek.
Die basiese oop en geslote model metodes wat in die studie gebruik word, word ontwikkel and onderskei. Al die stappe in die basiese berekening van die vermenigvuldigers word verduidelik binne die konteks van die wiskundige modelle wat hier gebruik word.
Die vier stelle vermenigvuldigers wat deur die model gegenereer word, naamlik die eenvoudige BBP vermenigvuldigers, die eenvoudige tipe II BBP vermenigvuldigers, die totale BBP vermenigvuldigers en die totale tipe II BBP vermenigvuldigers, word bespreek en ontleed vir al sewe data stelle. Die volgehoue dalende tendens van die totale BBP vermenigvuldiger, is die betekenisvolste tendens wat hier waargeneem is. Dit word primêr toegeskryf aan die toenemende “oopheid” van die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonome na die einde van die apartheid era.
Die samestelling van die totale BBP vermenigvuldigers, in terme van die relatiewe en absolute proporsies, van die direkte, indirekte en afgeleide impak word gewys en ontleed. Die daling in die waarde van die totale BBP vermenigvuldiger, kan grootliks toegeskryf word aan ‘n afname in die relatiewe en absolute bydrae van die afgeleide effek oor die relevante periode.
Hierdie tendens wys op die strukturele veranderinge binne die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie, wat gekenmerk is deur die kwynende bydrae van die sekondêre industrieë, veral weens hul dalende winsgewendheid wat toegeskryf kan word aan ‘n toename in internasionale kompetisie. Hierdie tendens word versterk deur ‘n oorgewaardeerde en onstabiele reële wisselkoers wat aanleiding gee tot laer vlakke van belegging en werkskepping in hierdie sektor.
‘n Ontleding van die intra-industrie vermenigvuldigers wys verder op ‘n volgehoue en dalende tendens in die vermenigvuldiger effek oor die hele termyn. Dit is weereens veral pertinent in die geval van die sekondêre industrieë, waar ‘n baie soortgelyke patroon te voorskyn kom vir byna die hele sektor.
Dit word voorgestel dat beleidmakers die belangrikheid en wenslikheid van hierdie strukturele veranderinge in oënskou sal neem. ‘n Kombinasie van monetêre en fiskale beleidsmaatreëls kan baie doen om die kwynende plaaslike vervaardigingsbedryf te ondersteun, en ‘n meer lewensvatbare bedryf kan die owerheid help om sy doelwitte van groei en werkskepping te bereik.
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