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學習行為與軟體交易策略之比較:個體心智能力對學習行為之影響戴中擎, Tai, Chung Ching Unknown Date (has links)
因應電子化交易興起而進行的一系列人機互動研究顯示, 縱使人類會透過學習而改善其表現, 電腦化的交易程式獲利能力還是遠勝於真人交易者之表現。本研究遂以遺傳規劃演算法作為學習型交易者之代表, 與一系列電腦化交易策略相競爭, 以探討學習的功效及其限制。
本研究採用離散型雙方喊價機制, 摒除了計算能力所造成之決策時間差異所會帶來的影響, 亦排除掉人類情緒、預期、相關知識不足等可能因子, 在計算能力對等的情況下, 單純地來評估學習與理性設計策略的結果。並且首次嘗試將影響學習至鉅的智商因子帶入模型之中,
實驗結果顯示學習具有相當的能力, 即使是在對環境缺乏認識的情況下, 隨著時間的經過其表現最終可凌駕理性設計的策略之上, 然而學習所需的時間是學習型交易者的一大弱點。同時, 本研究也顯示對於以遺傳規劃建構的學習型交易者而言, 其虛擬智商的參數愈高, 學習的效果也愈佳。此研究因此可作為未來在代理人基經濟學模型中, 更深入地探討智商水準不同所造成之行為差異的基礎。 / The study of a series of human-agent interactions as well as computerized trading tournaments in double auction markets has exhibited a general superiority of computerized trading strategies over learning agents. The ineffectiveness
of learning motivates the study of learning versus designed trading agents in this research. We therefore initiates a series of experiments to test the capability of learning GP agents and rationally-designed trading strategies. The results shows that with the cost of time, eventually learning agents can beat all other trading strategies.
At the same time, the notion of intelligence is introduced into the model to investigate the influence of individual intelligence on learning ability. We utilize the population size of the GP trader as the proxy variable of IQ which
is a measure of general intelligence. The results show that individuals with higher intelligence can perform better than those with lower intelligence, which manifests its importance discovered in Psychological research.
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The implementation of the Lisbon strategy in an heterogeneous Europe : the case of the southern countries concerning the education and training systems / L’application de la stratégie de Lisbonne dans une Europe hétérogène : le cas de l’ éducation et de la formation dans les pays du sudChatziangelidou, Kalliopi 01 October 2013 (has links)
L'objet de la présente thèse est d'analyser l'incidence des politiques menées dans le cadre des systèmes d'éducation et de formation grec et italien afin de se conformer aux exigences de la stratégie de Lisbonne 2000. Le niveau d'influence de la politique de l'UE sur les structures des deux pays et ses effets sur les réformes nationales sont liés à la relation, entre structures nationales et internationales en ce qui concerne les politiques d'éducation et de formation. Les réformes ne sont pas nécessairement le résultat de la politique de l'Union européenne ; elles peuvent également être le résultat de la voie nationale suivie et intervenir indépendamment des politiques européennes. Cela permet de se demander si le changement de la politique nationale est lié aux directives internationales ou s'il est le résultat indépendant de l'évolution de l'État. / The present thesis attempts a policy impact analysis through the Greek and Italian education and training policies undertaken to respond to the Lisbon's Strategy 2000 requirements. The level of influence of the EU policy within the domestic structure of both countries and its dynamic on national reforms is related to the relationship, - level of influence-, between national and international structure as concerns the educational and training policies. Reforms are not necessarily results of the European's Community policy, but they can be results of the national pathway and they would have taken place in any case. The above hypothesis leads to the query if national policy change is linked to the international directives or it is the independent result of the State's development.
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Exploring the Blue Economy Nexus: Government, Industry, and Market’s Perspectives on SeafoodJingjing Tao (18273118) 29 March 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Seafood plays a pivotal role in global economies, livelihoods, and nutritional security. However, climate change and global pandemics pose significant threats to seafood harvests, production, supply chains, and marketing channels. The focus of my thesis is to understand the impact of external factors on our seafood resources and explore adaptive strategies in the face of uncertainties. We utilize economics techniques to study human-nature systems by zooming into social elements (government agencies, industry stakeholders, and fish farmers/fishermen) and aquatic resources. The three essays of my thesis delve into this inquiry from the perspectives of government, industry, and market, accordingly.</p><p dir="ltr">The first chapter in my thesis, <i>Climate Change and Snow Crab Harvest - Applying Random Effect Estimators with Instrumental Variable</i>, estimates the snow crab harvest function with unbalanced panel data of eastern Bering Sea snow crab, Canadian snow crab, Japanese snow crab, and Barents Sea snow crab. Specifically, we analyze the relationship between snow crab biomass, stock, and catch. To address the endogeneity of stock in the harvest function, climate change indicators are selected as instrumental variables. We identify that the Arctic Sea ice extent is effective in addressing the endogeneity and the random effects instrumental variable model with error components two stage least squares estimator performs the best to control heterogeneity. We find that a 1% increase in snow crab fishing effort is associated with a 0.42% increase in snow crab harvest, and a 1% increase in snow crab stock causes a 0.98% increase in snow crab harvest. The reported estimates indicate a large stock-harvest elasticity and provide supporting evidence for government fishery agencies to prioritize stock enhancement in policy designs.</p><p dir="ltr">The second chapter, <i>Online Media Sentiment Analysis of Shrimp and Salmon in the United States</i>, employs online media analytics on shrimp and salmon in the US to provide insights into consumer perceptions and potential demand signals for seafood. Search hits and mentions are quantified for top sources, domains, and prevalent terms. In addition, sentiment drivers and sentiment values are identified and calculated using natural language processing tools. The results reveal that the occurrence of peak mentions does not necessarily coincide with the peak of net sentiment, and farmed seafood consistently exhibits lower net sentiments compared to their wild counterparts. Autoregressive modeling is conducted to predict the dynamics of seafood’s net sentiments. The regional analysis demonstrates that public attitudes toward both farmed shrimp and salmon in the East North Central region exhibit a more positive net sentiment, while the New England and Middle Atlantic regions tend to have a lower net sentiment for farmed shrimp and salmon, respectively. The fitted forecast model serves as a supplementary tool for industry stakeholders to quickly respond to future public perceptions. Regional statistics also help the seafood industry tailor business strategies to different regions.</p><p dir="ltr">In the third chapter, <i>Comparative Case Study of Small-Scale Fish Processing for Local Seafood Supply</i><i>,</i> we examine the feasibility of utilizing a shared-use commercial kitchen and on-farm kitchen to support small-scale local fish processing, which helps diversify marketing channels in the US Midwest and supply seafood to local food systems. A case study of each facility type is assessed for economic viability for fish farmers. The financial analysis suggests farmers interested in processing tilapia or rainbow trout from 2,500 lbs to 5,000 lbs per year utilize rental commercial kitchens. A minimum of 15% markup and processing of 10,000 lbs/year tilapia is required to make the on-farm kitchen option more viable. For farmers who process rainbow trout, 10,000 lbs/year with a 10% markup using an on-farm kitchen is a better choice. Factoring in the stochastic variability of raw product prices, rental rates, and set-up costs, we provide simulated ranges for economic metrics including profitability index, payback period, and net present values. The reports of estimated costs, revenues, and breakeven prices, provide fish farmers with suggested selling prices, kitchen choices, and production levels to achieve optimum profits under risks.</p>
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