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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Representing African Migrants' experience in Europe: A study of narratives on the Surprising Europe website

Ochola, Anne Brenda January 2016 (has links)
Migration is a continuous process in an increasingly globalized world and African migrants have for a long time migrated to Europe mostly for economic reasons. Due to biased reporting of life in Europe by both western and African media as well as half-truths by Africans living in Europe who seldom tell the whole story of their lives abroad; a lot of African migrants arrive in Europe with a very idealistic image. African migrants thereby risk a lot in pursuit of a better life in Europe. When they finally arrive, a lot of their idealistic expectations are not met, forcing them to be filled with regret and the wish that they had known the full truth before migrating. This study examines an online platform (Surprising Europe’s website), that connects African migrants by inviting them to share stories about their migration experiences in an effort to better inform those intending to migrate. The use of interviews of the producers to better understand the project as well as their intentions, and a narrative analysis of all the 30 articles on the website are analysed. The results indicate that the danger of telling one sided stories contribute to the existing narrative of a western idealistic image of “gold lying on the streets”; as well as an illustration of the authors exhibiting a transformation from people who were formerly Surprising Europe’s audience, now constructing narratives in a collaborative way with the producers. The website therefore demonstrates how an online platform for mediated communication can be used to offer fragmented identities as well as a sense of belonging, offering a voice to the previously voiceless despite their migration status.

Straipsnių pasikartojimo internetinėje žiniasklaidoje analizė / Articles of online media recurrence analysis

Skarbalius, Ramūnas 18 June 2013 (has links)
Šiame darbe yra pateikiama informacija apie esamų darbų apžvalgą, kuriuose yra minimas panašios bei pasikartojančios informacijos ieškojimas, taip pat aprašoma darbų analizė, kuriuose yra minimas informacijos nuskaitymas iš internetinio portalo bei jos išsaugojimas. Dabartinėje rinkoje egzistuojančių programinių paketų bei karkasų apžvalga, kurių pagalba galima nuskaityti informacija iš internetinio puslapio paverčiant DOM objektais. Po darbų bei sistemų analizės sukurta sistema, kuri sugeba nuskaityti iš „Delfi.lt“ portalo turimo archyvo straipsnius bei komentarus. Pasinaudojant sukurtu programiniu kodu sukurta žinių bazė, kurią sudaro straipsniai ir straipsniams priklausantys komentarai. Žinių bazėje yra sukaupta 10 metų „Delfi.lt“ straipsniai. Atlikus panašiu darbų apžvalgą susijusią su pasikartojančios informacijos paieška įgyvendintas algoritmas, kurį naudojant galima nurodytoje žinių bazėje surasti skirtingus žodžius, suskaičiuoti žodžių reikšmingumą žinių bazę sudarantiems tekstams, bei paskaičiuoti skirtingų dokumentų panašumą. Naudojantis sukurtu programiniu kodu atlikta panašios informacijos paieška bei priimtas sprendimas ar pavyko rasti atsikartojančios informacijos ar ne. / This work describes the overview of the existing works whose has been carried out in the information extraction from the web site and the received information saving. Also describes overview of existing works where are mentioned duplicated information search. In current time ware overviewed existing software packages and frameworks, whose can help retrieve information from web pages and convert all HTML elements to DOM objects. After other existing works overview and systems analysis was created a system which is able to scan „Delfi.lt" portal archive for articles and comments. Using developed program code was created 10 years knowledge base, where are included all articles and articles comments. Also was adapted program code which can find all different words, words counts per documents and documents similarity from created knowledge base, and from results was decided are possible to found duplicated information or not.

Content Marketing via Online Media in Interior Design Market / Obsahový marketing přes online média na trhu interiérového dizajnu

Jakešová, Nina January 2014 (has links)
This work aims to provide an overview of current knowledge in the field of content marketing. Based on that, it defines key requirements for successful content marketing via online media. The system can be further used for creating or re defining content marketing for any company that wishes to effectively attract and retain their customers by providing them with valuable information. In the practical part, the thesis discusses the case of Insidecor, a company providing a web portal that showcases interior design products and inspiration available on Czech market. Based on the theoretical knowledge, description of the company's business, market situation and primary research, the thesis proposes key areas for improvement of the company's content marketing initiative.

Online Media Use and Adoption by Hurricane Sandy Affected Fire and Police Departments

Chauhan, Apoorva 01 May 2014 (has links)
In this thesis work, I examine the use and adoption of online communication media by 840 fire and police departments that were affected by the 2012 Hurricane Sandy. I began by exploring how and why these fire and police departments used (or did not use) online media to communicate with the public during Hurricane Sandy. Results show that fire and police departments used online media during Hurricane Sandy to give timely and relevant information to the public about things such as evacuations, damages, weather, and cleanup and to engage in two-way communications with their constituents. In their messages, fire and police departments sought to make the information provided more credible by referencing, rebroadcasting, and recommending other authoritative entities. Though some departments saw online media as a useful and effective means of communication with members of the public, other departments found them difficult to use given the challenging circumstances of Hurricane Sandy such as flooding and power outages. Next, I explore how a large-scale disaster event like Hurricane Sandy affects online media adoption by affected fire and police departments. I found an increase in online activity over Facebook, Twitter, and Nixle by the affected fire and police departments compared to before Hurricane Sandy. However, it is unclear whether this increase in online activity can be attributed to Hurricane Sandy or a natural increase over time.

Status of Accountability in Online News Media: A Case Study of Nepal

Acharya, Bhanu Bhakta January 2014 (has links)
Scholars contend that media accountability to the public and professional stakeholders has been improving in recent years because of the increased use of digital platforms. Since most studies related to online news media accountability have focused on developed countries, this research study examines the state of accountability in online news media in Nepal, where access to online media is very limited and audiences are barely aware of media's journalistic responsibilities. By employing case study research method with three data sources, this research study assesses the state of online media accountability in Nepal, key challenges for ensuring accountability in journalism created using digital platforms, and the role of audiences in making online news media accountable. The study finds that Internet accessibility, media literacy, and availability of resources are the primary challenges to making media accountable in Nepal. The study concludes by offering recommendations for future research and practical applications.

Intergenerational differences in the digital age : A quantitative assessment of internet use and online media consumption across five generations in Sweden

Flink, Isak January 2023 (has links)
This study highlights the importance of considering generational factors in the pursuit of understanding online media consumption. This thesis argues that previous explanations of why people may or may not consume news and political information are insufficient on their own. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of how people are using the internet and how people engage with political information and media online, generational factors must also be considered. This is done through quantitively examining the correlations between social media use and the number of online media sites visited within a week through five different generations using Swedish survey data from 2016 and 2020. The results of the analysis are mixed, as clear differences in online media consumption between the generations could be identified in 2020 whilst it could not in 2016. The general findings indicates that social media use is positively correlated with online media consumption, and that these correlations vary to a certain degree between different generations. The results of the analysis should not be interpreted as showing causality, but rather as an introductory overview that could inform future research on the role of generations online.

Environmental Impacts of ICT: Present and Future

Arushanyan, Yevgeniya January 2016 (has links)
ICT is developing rapidly and is playing an increasingly important role in society. High expectations are placed on ICT in relation to sustainable development. In order to provide basis for decision-making and ensure that ICT is used in the best possible way for enabling sustainable development, the sustainability impacts of ICT need to be studied. This thesis aims to provide new knowledge on the environmental impacts related to ICT, to explore the potential of ICT to contribute to sustainability, and discuss ways of assessing environmental impacts of ICT. In order to fulfill the aim a literature review of existing LCA studies of ICT was done, an LCA case study of printed and online media was performed, a methodological framework for sustainability assessment of scenarios was developed and then applied for environmental assessment of future ICT societies. The results show that manufacturing and use phase are the life cycle stages contributing the most to the ICT environmental impacts. For online newspapers online distribution and content production may give significant contribution to the overall impact. User behavior was observed to be crucial for the results of comparisons of ICT solutions with their traditional counterparts. The following key issues were concluded to influence the environmental risks and opportunities in future ICT societies: energy mix, economic conditions, life styles, technology, and environmental ambitions, incentives and regulation. The potential of ICT for sustainability is affected by these key issues. A new methodological framework (SAFS) was developed for the assessment of future scenarios (societal level). Life cycle assessment (LCA) was used for assessment on a product level. Application of both methods, their benefits, drawbacks, and challenges of assessment were discussed. Both types of assessments were concluded to be important to support decision-making. / Utveckligen inom informations- och kommunikationsteknologi (IKT) sker snabbt och IKT spelar en allt viktigare roll i samhället. Samtidigt finns stora samhällsutmaningar inom hållbarhetsområdet, och ganska höga förväntningar ställs på IKT att kunna bidra till en hållbar utveckling. Vissa studier hävdar att IKT kan spela en avgörande roll för att stödja olika hållbarhetsstrategier och att IKT kan möjliggöra övergången till en mindre resursintensiv ekonomi. För att ge underlag för beslutsfattande och stödja att IKT används på bästa sätt för att möjliggöra hållbar utveckling, behöver hållbarhetseffekter av IKT studeras. När det gäller miljöpåverkan måste både negativa och positiva, direkta och indirekta effekter beaktas. Det är viktigt att förstå miljöpåverkan genom hela livscykeln för specifika enskilda IKT-lösningar men också att studera IKTs sammanvägda effekter i en mer övergripande kontext, för att identifiera potentiella risker och möjligheter ur miljösynpunkt.  Dessutom behöver IKTs roll när det gäller att stödja möjligheter till miljöförbättringar och motverka risker identifieras. Denna avhandling syftar till att ge ny kunskap om IKTs miljöpåverkan, att undersöka IKTs potential för att bidra till en hållbar utveckling, och diskutera metoder för bedömning av miljökonsekvenser av IKT samt utmaningar relaterade till den typen av bedömningar. Avhandlingen omfattar en litteraturstudie av tidigare livscykelanalyser (LCA) av IKT, en LCA-studie av traditionella och online tidningar, utveckling av ett ramverk för hållbarhetsbedömning av scenarier samt användningen av det ramverket för en miljöbedömning av framtida IKT-samhällen. Resultaten visar att andra typer av miljöpåverkan än klimatpåverkan och energi inte är tillräckligt belysta i miljöbedömningar av IKT, vilket skapar en risk för suboptimering och att miljöproblem flyttas från en typ av påverkan till en annan. Tillverknings- och användningsfasen ger upphov till störst miljöpåverkan i IKT-produkters livscykel. För nättidningar visade det sig att distribution och innehållsproduktion kan ge betydande bidrag till den totala miljöpåverkan, beroende på tidningarnas egenskaper och läsarnas beteende. Generellt har användarnas beteenden visat sig vara avgörande för resultaten vid jämförelser mellan IKT-lösningar och deras mer traditionella motsvarigheter. Ett antal nyckelområden som påverkar uppkomsten av risker och möjligheter när det gäller miljöeffekter i framtida IKT-samhällen har identifierats. De är energimix, ekonomiska förhållanden, livsstilar, teknik, samt miljöambitioner, -incitament och -lagstiftning. Potentialen för IKT att bidra till hållbar utveckling påverkas av dessa nyckelområden, och potentialen skulle troligen inte realiseras helt utan incitament eller miljölagstiftning. Båda typerna av miljöbedömningar - på produkt och samhällsnivå - är viktiga för att stödja beslutsfattande. En ny metod utvecklades för bedömning av framtidsscenarier (på samhällsnivå) – Sustainability assessment framework for scenarios (SAFS). För miljöbedömning av produkter användes livscykelanalys (LCA). Tillämpningen av båda metoderna, deras fördelar och nackdelar, och utmaningar vid användning av metoderna diskuteras. Resultat från avhandlingen kan ge underlag rörande möjliga miljöeffekter av IKT idag och i framtiden för diskussion inom IKT-sektorn och bland politiker och beslutsfattare. På så sätt kan diskussioner om hur IKT kan bidra till hållbarhet underlättas. Metodutveckling och diskussion i denna avhandling kan vara av intresse för forskare och praktiker. / <p>QC 20160613</p>

The February 20th Movement Communication Strategies: Towards Participatory Politics

Abadi, Houda 11 August 2015 (has links)
The wave of mass protests in the Middle East and North Africa highlighted the crucial role of information communication technologies in mobilization and political change. Debate among scholars revolved around the Internet’s potential for toppling authoritarian regimes. However, rather than seeing the Arab Spring as a direct result of social media, this study examines how the online and offline media strategies converged, interacted, or prevailed within the various socioeconomic and political contexts. It looks at the purposes and functions of each medium, with a discussion of the dialectical relationship between them. Drawing on interviews and fieldwork in Morocco, as well as a critical examination of the movement’s communications, this study contributes to the debate about the role of social media and the Arab Spring. It analyzes an Arab Spring movement that did not call for regime change, investigates relationships between the activists’ use of online and offline media, and examines the multiple forms of communication flows in meaning making and nation building within dominant and non-dominant Moroccan publics. Finally, the study explores how the February 20th movement’s communication approaches functioned within the historical, cultural, and sociopolitical context of Morocco in the present day. The findings show that the activists generally relied on the online social platforms to respond to state allegations against the movement, counter hegemonic practices of the state, and to mobilize followers both locally and internationally. While the online environment helped set the agenda for political discussion, it was also, unable, on its own, to mobilize the Moroccan people to the streets. Online platforms simply could not substitute for traditional offline communication, with the result that the activists had to utilize both online and offline communication channels. Dismissing the notion that a homogenous Moroccan communication strategy prevailed in the February 20th movement, the demographic and political contexts in specific cities played a major role in the choice of communication platforms or messages. The study found the activists relied on offline communication strategies, with a particular focus on aesthetic practices to mobilize the subaltern publics. Through implentation of various cultural and linguistic practices, the movement worked to reformulate the traditional concepts of nation and state, create a shared history of oppression and resistance, and envision a new era of participatory politics.

Killing Flies With a Shotgun: How the Internet Set a New Journalistic Standard and Style

Maher, Kelly M. 08 1900 (has links)
Today, both the way a story is told and how long the viewer's attention can be held are often as important as the story itself. This study shows how online media sets new standards for narrative and continues some print traditions. This study focuses on the dialogue between print and online media. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of this dialogue through story length, readability, shovelware and story packaging shows the numerous effects the Internet has had on news media content.

Návrh marketingové komunikace projektu FitCamp Prague se zaměřením na online média / The marketing communications proposal of project FitCamp Prague focused on online media

Šrámková, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
Title: The marketing communications proposal of project FitCamp Prague focused on online media. Objectives: Taking into account the limited financial resources, the objective of this thesis is to mix the best design of communication tools and new ways of communication, through which the communication objectives of the project FitCamp Prague, can be fulfilled. For this reason the thesis focuses on the online media as the main communication channel. Methods: This study will implement a situational analysis of current marketing situations, which will be built on the SWOT analysis for an overview of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and on the competitive analysis and customer segmentation. Marketing research will be conducted through interviews. Results: The result of the thesis will create a new marketing communication proposal for the project FitCamp Prague for the period of September 2013 - December 2014. The proposal will be mainly focused on online media. This proposal will be submitted to the organizing team and applied directly into practice. Key words: marketing communication, online media, Facebook, FitCamp Prague

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