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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Institutionella komplikationer för att uppnå en stabil demokratisering : En kvalitativ fallstudie om Libyens demokratiseringsprocess i en institutionell avsaknad

Nilsson, Truls January 2018 (has links)
This research study is about the process of democratization currently taking place in Libya. For decades, the now dead dictator Muammar Gaddafi has ruled Libya, himself as the central power. Under his rule, he led a policy that deinstitutionalized the country. When the dictatorship was overthrown, there were hopes that the country would begin its democratization. Now when democratization has started, free and known elections have taken place and a constitution has been formed. The constitution guarantees the most basic human rights and that the country will eventually become a democracy. New data show that the civil war and the absence of institutions makes it impossible to achieve the goal of democracy. This study aims to problematize the absence of institutions in order to achieve consolidated democratization. The starting point for the study is to assume the basis of the theoretical framework's criteria on what a consolidated democratization is. One assumption in the study is that public institutions are absolutely necessary in order for a consolidated democratization to be achieved.

Venezuelas demokratiska tillbakagång : En teoriprövande fallstudie om tidsperioden 2005 – 2017 / Venezuela's democratic decline : A theory testing case study between the period 2005 - 2017

Selander, Daniella January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine whether Venezuela's democratic decline could be explained by the consolidation theory of Juan Linz and Alfred Stepan. Between the years 2005 – 2017, the organization Freedom House concluded that Venezuela’s political and civil rights declined, resulted in that Freedom House classified Venezuela from “partly free” in 2005 to “not free” in 2017, and several scientists classified Venezuela year 2017 as an autocracy. The method is to apply the consolidation theory and its five arenas (the civil society, the political society, rule of law, state bureaucracy and economic society) in the case Venezuela between the years 2005 – 2017. Each arena contains different qualifications which are all needed for a state to transition from democracy to consolidated democracy. However, in this thesis the aim is to study if the consolidation theory is able to explain a state’s transition from democracy to autocracy. By using material as scientific articles and reports, it is concluded that each arenas’ qualifications have deteriorated between the years 2005 - 2017. Therefore, it is found that the consolidation theory works very well in explaining a state’s transition from democracy to autocracy, which in this case is Venezuela.

The Fading of the Rainbow Nation? : A Study about Democratic Consolidation in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Malmgren, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
This thesis addresses the level of democratic consolidation in South Africa. The study aimed to provide a deeper understanding of the current political situation and the general state of democracy. As a method, a single case study was used where the political situation in post-apartheid South Africa was applied upon the concept of democratic consolidation by using five distinctive consolidation arenas: civil society, political society, judiciary, bureaucratic society and economic society. The results of the analysis show a variance in the degree of democratic consolidation in the country. The judiciary is very much well-functioning and independent and can therefore be classified as consolidated. The civil society and some elements of the political society are mostly functioning and can be classified as mostly consolidated with some reservations, while the bureaucratic and economic societies are deemed to be not consolidated. However, South Africa also possesses several obstacles for genuine consolidation that applies to all arenas, namely high degrees of violence, low social trust, and institutional weakness. The democratic system in South Africa is not currently considered to be under serious existential threat and has proven itself capable of withstanding high degrees of pressure. Nevertheless, it is found to be suffering from a type of democratic fatigue and transformation stagnation, which could have the potential to result in more serious implications in the future. South Africa can therefore be classified as a partly consolidated democracy.

Kvalificerad revisor : En ohygienisk historia

Helenius, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den kvalificerade revisorns huvudsakliga uppgift är att i sin profession gentemot sina kunders intressenter intyga riktigheten eller meddela eventuella oriktigheter eller oegentligheter i sina kunders finansiella rapporter respektive deras förvaltning. Den kvalificerade revisorn är en viktig spelbricka i ett fungerande näringsliv. Revisorsinspektionens roll är att tillse att näringslivet i Sverige har tillgång till de kvalificerade revisorer som behövs och att dessa kvalificerade revisorer har den kompetens de behöver för att klara av sitt uppdrag. Revisorsyrket är en profession med hög status men antalet revisorer som avgår i förtid från sitt yrke har ökat och är per 2018 års ingång nästan lika många som pensionsavgångarna. Syfte:  Syftet med studien är att bidra med att hitta några av de anledningar som gör att kvalificerade revisorer avgår i förtid samt att undersöka och försöka förstå dessa anledningar. Metod: Studien har gjort avstamp i en abduktiv ansats där jag utgått från redan befintlig teori inom närliggande områden. Denna befintliga teori har sedan legat till grund för en teoretisk referensram med begrepp som strukturerats i Herzbergs tvåfaktorsmodell och sedan testats i empiriska studier. Jag har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med före detta kvalificerade revisorer. Det material som erhölls i dessa intervjuer har transkriberats och sedan strukturerats och analyserat med hjälp av innehållsanalys i förhållande till den teoretiska referensramen. Resultat: Kvalificerade revisorer avslutar sin anställning för att de anser att det inte finns någon balans i arbetsbelastningen, det finns inga marginaler om något oförutsett skulle hända. Detta skapar en känsla av otillräcklighet som sedermera påverkar önskan att lämna professionen. Utöver detta kan även svårigheter för enskilda kvalificerade revisorer att välja att göra karriär enligt up or out-systemet på byråer inom revisionsbranschen samt svårigheten att samarbeta med mindre kunder där det finns ett större förväntningsgap påverka beslutet att avsluta sin profession i förtid. / Background: The main task of the certified auditor is to ensure that the financial reports from his or her clients are substantially correct and to report any irregularities or fraud found in the financial reports or in the management. The certified auditor is an important member of a well working economy. The main task of the Swedish Public Authority (Sw. Revisorsinspektionen) is to make sure that the Swedish business sector has the correct amount of certified auditors needed and that these certified auditors have the accurate knowledge needed to do the auditing. The profession of auditing is a profession with high status, but the number of auditors who resigned from their occupation prematurely has risen, and is, by the beginning of 2018, almost as high as the amount who resigned due to retirement. Purpose: The aim of this study is to find some of the reasons that render certified auditors to resign as auditors prematurely and to investigate and understand these reasons. Methods: The study sets off in an abductive approach where I build my case from existing theory in adjacent areas. This existing theory is then used to build a theoretical framework in which the concepts that are analyzed using content analysis are structured in Herzberg’s two-factor model and subsequently tested in empirical studies. I have conducted semi-structured interviews with former certified auditors. The material that was thus obtained in these interviews has been transcribed and then structured and analyzed in relation to the theoretical framework. Conclusions: Certified auditors choose to terminate their careers as auditors because they consider the work load to be unbalanced and to crammed, there are no marginals in case something unforeseen happens. This creates a feeling of insufficiency which eventually effects the desire to quit working as an auditor. In addition, there may also be difficulties for individual certified auditors to choose if they want to make career in terms of the up or out-system that exists in audit firms. Also, certified auditors may experience trouble in collaborating with smaller clients in due to the expectation gap. These concepts also affect the decision to terminate the certified auditors profession prematurely.

Status konsolidering: Turkiet : En fallstudie om utmaningarna för en konsolideringsprocess i Turkiet. / Status consolidation: Turkey : A case study about the challenges for a consolidationprocess in Turkey.

Aksak, Rona Isabelle January 2019 (has links)
Turkey is one of the most powerful and influential nations in the Middle East with many important alliances, but what is the status of the democracy in the country? This thesis aims to explain the challenges towards a consolidation process in Turkey. A case study is used as a methodology and the research question is analysed with the help of the theoretical framework from Juan Linz and Alfred Stepans with their five consolidation arenas. The analysis examines the civil society, political society, economic society, rule of law and state bureacracy in Turkey. These five arenas indicates to which extent the consolidation difficulties exists. The results shows that many internal factors, with civil liberties in danger, has complicated the democratic consolidation. The country’s history with several military coups and ongoing battles with the kurdish guerilla PKK has also kept back the democracy.

Democracy and Gender Equality in South Africa : A Case Study about South Africa's consolidation of democracy with the perspective of gender equality

Börjesson, Isabell January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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