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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interna flöden och processer på Å&R Carton : processbaserad verksamhetsanalys och förbättringsförslag för ledtidsreduktion / Internal Processes at Å&R Carton : Process Based Analys and Proposals to Reduce Time in the Supply Chain

Gustafson, Anders January 2003 (has links)
Denna rapport syftar till att, på Å&R Carton i Norrköping, analysera de interna flödena och processerna samt ge förslag på hur ledtider ska kunna reduceras väsentligt. Ett sätt att uppfylla syftet är att dela in verksamheten i processer genom olika metoder och kriterier förprocessbestämning. Valda metoder i rapporten är; kvalitativ ansats med hög validitet och reliabilitet, processbaserad verksamhetsanalys och procedurbeskrivning. Genom omfattande litteraturstudier, insamlande av data i form av intervjuer, benchmarking, platsundersökningar och interna dokument har nulägesmodeller arbetats fram. Analysen av dessa visar bland annat på att såväl planeringsprocessen som inköpsprocessen idag inte fungerar värdeadderande och bör ses över. Därutöver finns också andra processer som bidrar till ett komplext flöde. Dessa behöver effektiviseras eller ändras för att korta ledtider. Vidare visar analysen på att en omfattande attitydsundersökning behövs, dels för att komma till rätta med vissa stämningar och dels för att på sikt skapa en effektiv arbetsmiljö. Till förbättringsförslagen hör, förutom en attitydsundersökning, förslaget att utarbeta tydliga mål och strategier. Sedan måste dessa kommuniceras till samtliga anställda, till exempel genom arbetsgrupper. Vidare föreslås att Å&R Carton tittar på automatisk datafångst som ett mycket kostnadseffektivt sätt att kontrollera det totala flödet. På lång sikt bör också företaget titta på att implementera processorientering. Dock behöver företaget först och främst se till att skapa en förändringsvillig attityd för att nå framgång i sitt effektiviseringsarbete. Slutsatsen blir att Å&R Carton har stor potential att väsentligt förkorta sina ledtider om företaget hanterar situationen rätt. För att lyckas kan delar av denna rapport användas där det viktigaste är att en engagerad ledning visar vägen. / The purpose of this final thesis is to analyse the internal processes at Å&R Carton in Norrköping and give proposals to reduce time in the Supply Chain. One way to fulfill the purpose is to use Process Based Analys and split the organisation in different processes. Process Based Models have then been constructed by studying litterature, benchmarking, internal documents and making a lot of interviews. The analys shows that different processes must be changed to make the flow through the Supply Chain more efficient. The analys give us also recommendations like attitude investigations and implementation of ECR. The conclusion is that Å&R Carton have great potential to reduce time in the Supply Chain if the management are active, follow the recommendations and show the employees the way about.

Energieeintrag langsamer hochgeladener Ionen in Festkörperoberflächen / Energy dissipation of highly charged ions interacting with solid surfaces

Kost, Daniel 11 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Motiviert durch die in der Literatur bisher unvollständige Beschreibung der Relaxation hochgeladener Ionen vor Festkörperoberflächen, besonders in Bezug auf den Eintrag potenzieller Energie in Oberflächen und der Aufstellung einer vollständigen Energiebilanz, werden in dieser Arbeit komplementäre Studien präsentiert, die sowohl die Ermittlung des Anteils der deponierten potenziellen Energie als auch die Ermittlung der emittierten potenziellen Energie ermöglichen. Zum Einen wird zur Bestimmung des eingetragenen Anteils der potenziellen Energie eine kalorimetrische Messanordnung verwendet, zum Anderen gelingt die Bestimmung der emittierten potenziellen Energie mittels doppeldifferenzieller Elektronenspektroskopie. Für vertiefende Studien werden Materialien unterschiedlicher elektronischer Strukturen (Cu, n-Si, p-Si und SiO2 ) verwendet. Im Falle der Kalorimetrie wird festgestellt, dass die eingetragene potenzielle Energie linear mit der inneren potenziellen Energie der Ionen wächst. Dabei bleibt das Verhältnis zwischen der eingetragenen potenziellen Energie und der inneren potenziellen Energie nahezu konstant bei etwa (80 ± 10) %. Der Vergleich von Cu, n-Si und p-Si zeigt im Rahmen der Messfehler keine signifikanten Unterschiede in diesem Verhältnis. Es liegen jedoch deutlich unter jenem von SiO2. Die Elektronenspektroskopie liefert ein dazu komplementäres Ergebnis. Für Cu und Si konnte ebenfalls eine lineare Abhängigkeit zwischen emittierter Energie und innerer potenzieller Energie festgestellt werden. Das Verhältnis wurde hierfür bis zum Ladungszustand bis Ar7+ zu etwa (10 ± 5) % unabhängig vom Ladungszustand bestimmt. Im Gegensatz dazu liefert SiO2 eine nahezu verschwindende Elektronenausbeute. Für Ar8+ und Ar9+ steigt die Elektronenausbeute wegen der Beiträge der LMM-Augerelektronen für alle untersuchten Materialien leicht an. Der Anteil der emittierten Energie eines Ar9+ -Ions wird für Cu und Si zu etwa 20 % und für SiO2 zu etwa 10 % angegeben. Diese Ergebnisse sind in guter Übereinstimmung mit den Kalorimetrieexperimenten und erfüllen die Energiebilanz. Zusätzlich werden die experimentellen Ergebnisse mit einer Computersimulation modelliert, welche auf dem erweiterten dynamischen klassischen Barrierenmodell basiert. Aus diesen Rechnungen kann zudem jener Anteil der deponierten potenziellen Energie erhalten werden, welcher durch Bildladungsbeschleunigung vor der Oberfläche in kinetische Energie umgewandelt wurde. / Motivated by the incomplete scientific description of the relaxation of highly charged ions in front of solid surfaces and their energy balance, this thesis describes an advanced complementary study of determining deposited fractions and re-emitted fractions of the potential energy of highly charged ions. On one side, a calorimetric measurement setup is used to determine the retained potential energy and on the other side, energy resolved electron spectroscopy is used for measuring the re-emitted energy due to secondary electron emission. In order to study the mechanism of energy retention in detail, materials with different electronic structures are investigated: Cu, n-Si, p-Si and SiO2 . In the case of calorimetry, a linear relationship between the deposited potential energy and the inner potential energy of the ions was determined. The total potential energy which stays in the solid remains almost constant at about (80 ± 10) %. Comparing the results of the Cu, n-Si and p-Si targets, no significant difference could be shown. Therefore we conclude that the difference in energy deposition between copper, n-doped Si and p-doped Si is below 10 %, which is significantly lower than using SiO2 targets. For this purpose, electron spectroscopy provides a complementary result. For Cu and Si surfaces, an almost linear increase of the re-emitted energy with increasing potential energy of the ion up to Ar7+ was also observed. The ratio of the re-emitted energy is about (10 ± 5) % of the total potential energy of the incoming ion, almost independent of the ion charge state. In contrast, an almost vanishing electron emission was observed for SiO2 and for charge states below q=7. For Ar8+ and Ar9+, the electron emission increased due to the contribution of the projectile LMM Auger electrons and the re-emitted energy amounts up to 20 % for Cu and Si and around 10 % for SiO2 .These results are in good agreement with the calorimetric values. In addition, the experimental results are compared with computer simulations based on the extended dynamical over-the-barrier model. From these calculations, the ratio of deposited potential energy that is transformed into kinetic energy before deposition due to the image charge acceleration can be maintained.

Study of 14O as a test of the unitarity of the CKM matrix and the CVC hypothesis

Burke, Jason Timothy January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.); Submitted to the University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (US); 1 Jun 2004. / Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information. "LBNL--56278" Burke, Jason Timothy. USDOE Director. Office of Science. Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics. Division of Nuclear Physics (US) 06/01/2004. Report is also available in paper and microfiche from NTIS.

Energieeintrag langsamer hochgeladener Ionen in Festkörperoberflächen

Kost, Daniel 26 April 2007 (has links)
Motiviert durch die in der Literatur bisher unvollständige Beschreibung der Relaxation hochgeladener Ionen vor Festkörperoberflächen, besonders in Bezug auf den Eintrag potenzieller Energie in Oberflächen und der Aufstellung einer vollständigen Energiebilanz, werden in dieser Arbeit komplementäre Studien präsentiert, die sowohl die Ermittlung des Anteils der deponierten potenziellen Energie als auch die Ermittlung der emittierten potenziellen Energie ermöglichen. Zum Einen wird zur Bestimmung des eingetragenen Anteils der potenziellen Energie eine kalorimetrische Messanordnung verwendet, zum Anderen gelingt die Bestimmung der emittierten potenziellen Energie mittels doppeldifferenzieller Elektronenspektroskopie. Für vertiefende Studien werden Materialien unterschiedlicher elektronischer Strukturen (Cu, n-Si, p-Si und SiO2 ) verwendet. Im Falle der Kalorimetrie wird festgestellt, dass die eingetragene potenzielle Energie linear mit der inneren potenziellen Energie der Ionen wächst. Dabei bleibt das Verhältnis zwischen der eingetragenen potenziellen Energie und der inneren potenziellen Energie nahezu konstant bei etwa (80 ± 10) %. Der Vergleich von Cu, n-Si und p-Si zeigt im Rahmen der Messfehler keine signifikanten Unterschiede in diesem Verhältnis. Es liegen jedoch deutlich unter jenem von SiO2. Die Elektronenspektroskopie liefert ein dazu komplementäres Ergebnis. Für Cu und Si konnte ebenfalls eine lineare Abhängigkeit zwischen emittierter Energie und innerer potenzieller Energie festgestellt werden. Das Verhältnis wurde hierfür bis zum Ladungszustand bis Ar7+ zu etwa (10 ± 5) % unabhängig vom Ladungszustand bestimmt. Im Gegensatz dazu liefert SiO2 eine nahezu verschwindende Elektronenausbeute. Für Ar8+ und Ar9+ steigt die Elektronenausbeute wegen der Beiträge der LMM-Augerelektronen für alle untersuchten Materialien leicht an. Der Anteil der emittierten Energie eines Ar9+ -Ions wird für Cu und Si zu etwa 20 % und für SiO2 zu etwa 10 % angegeben. Diese Ergebnisse sind in guter Übereinstimmung mit den Kalorimetrieexperimenten und erfüllen die Energiebilanz. Zusätzlich werden die experimentellen Ergebnisse mit einer Computersimulation modelliert, welche auf dem erweiterten dynamischen klassischen Barrierenmodell basiert. Aus diesen Rechnungen kann zudem jener Anteil der deponierten potenziellen Energie erhalten werden, welcher durch Bildladungsbeschleunigung vor der Oberfläche in kinetische Energie umgewandelt wurde. / Motivated by the incomplete scientific description of the relaxation of highly charged ions in front of solid surfaces and their energy balance, this thesis describes an advanced complementary study of determining deposited fractions and re-emitted fractions of the potential energy of highly charged ions. On one side, a calorimetric measurement setup is used to determine the retained potential energy and on the other side, energy resolved electron spectroscopy is used for measuring the re-emitted energy due to secondary electron emission. In order to study the mechanism of energy retention in detail, materials with different electronic structures are investigated: Cu, n-Si, p-Si and SiO2 . In the case of calorimetry, a linear relationship between the deposited potential energy and the inner potential energy of the ions was determined. The total potential energy which stays in the solid remains almost constant at about (80 ± 10) %. Comparing the results of the Cu, n-Si and p-Si targets, no significant difference could be shown. Therefore we conclude that the difference in energy deposition between copper, n-doped Si and p-doped Si is below 10 %, which is significantly lower than using SiO2 targets. For this purpose, electron spectroscopy provides a complementary result. For Cu and Si surfaces, an almost linear increase of the re-emitted energy with increasing potential energy of the ion up to Ar7+ was also observed. The ratio of the re-emitted energy is about (10 ± 5) % of the total potential energy of the incoming ion, almost independent of the ion charge state. In contrast, an almost vanishing electron emission was observed for SiO2 and for charge states below q=7. For Ar8+ and Ar9+, the electron emission increased due to the contribution of the projectile LMM Auger electrons and the re-emitted energy amounts up to 20 % for Cu and Si and around 10 % for SiO2 .These results are in good agreement with the calorimetric values. In addition, the experimental results are compared with computer simulations based on the extended dynamical over-the-barrier model. From these calculations, the ratio of deposited potential energy that is transformed into kinetic energy before deposition due to the image charge acceleration can be maintained.

Installation of a New Electron Cyclotron Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (ECR-PECVD) Reactor and a Preliminary Study ofThin Film Depositions

Dabkowski, Ryszard P. January 2012 (has links)
<p>A new electron cyclotron plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (ECR-PECVD) reactor has been installed and tested at McMaster University. The focus of this project was the installation of the reactor and the growth of silicon oxide, silicon oxynitride, cerium doped silicon oxynitride and aluminium doped silicon oxide films to test the capabilities of the reactor. Silicon oxide films were prepared with near-stoichiometric compositions and silicon rich compositions. Good repeatability of the growths was seen. An increase in deposition temperature showed stable refractive index and a decrease in the growth rates. Silicon oxynitride films of varying compositions were prepared, and showed a non-uniformity of ~1% and growth rates of ~3.5 nm/min. Films prepared with a low oxygen flow were seen to be nitrogen rich. Although the depositions using Ce(TMHD)4 showed significant cerium incorporation, there was also high carbon contamination. One likely cause of this is the high sublimator temperature used during depositions or a thermal shock to the precursor during initial system calibration. A definitive cause of the carbon contamination has not been established. The cerium films showed strong blue luminescence after post-deposition annealing in N2 above 900° C. A drop in the luminescence was observed at 1100° C and a return of the luminescence at 1200° C. Generally, high cerium incorporation was associated with higher total luminescence. Al(THMD)3 was evaluated as an aluminium precursor for Al-doped silicon oxide films. The films showed aluminium content up to 6% demonstrating the viability of using Al(THMD)3 as a Al doping precursor.</p> / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Psychological and Family Correlates and Predictors of Pass/Delay from the Preoperative Psychological Evaluation and Postoperative Bariatric Surgery Outcomes

Kiser, Haley M. 12 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

共同銷售情報系統的運用及其效益之研究-以日常消費品(Consumer Packaged Goods)產業為例 / Implementation & Performance Evaluation on Common Sales Database Information System : A Study of Consumer Packaged Goods Industry

林志宏, Lin Chih Hung Unknown Date (has links)
銷售情報一直是行銷研究的一個重心,透過銷售情報之收集,可以掌握與了解消費者對各種不同商品、價格、通路及促銷活動的反應,以協助製造商、批發商及零售商擬定出有效的生產、配銷、商品選擇及販賣等重要決策。而日常消費品產業基本上是以產品的銷售為核心的相關產業之集合體,因此經由多個不同通路上銷售情報之收集與分析,便可使產業中的各廠商掌握更精準可靠的情報,進而使各廠商在經營上同沾其利。由於國內的日常消費品產業仍以中小企業居多,以其有限的資金與人才,往往無法積極掌握商品銷售情報,進行管理資訊系統之維護與更新,也無法即時採用資訊與通訊之新科技,使得其經營效率偏低,並逐漸喪失其競爭力。因此,在不危及業者競爭核心的前提下,如能集合多數業者共享資訊,參考日本流通資訊服務中心(RDS)的作法,推廣情報共享觀念與共存共榮的經營理念,來建立共同銷售情報系統,並以此系統產生一些有用的整體性市場資訊的報告,提供給參與的業者做為其經營管理之參考,勢必對國內日常消費品產業的整體競爭力及經營效率的提昇,有極大的助益。有鑑於此,本研究以了解影響加入共同銷售情報系統的因素為探討的重心,並對共同銷售情報系統的運用情形及運用的成效進行探討與分析,希望藉由此研究,能夠找出加入共同銷售情報系統的誘因與其運作的可能機制,及對其成效進行評估,以做為工研院電通所在推廣共同銷售情報系統時的參考,並提高業者加入共同銷售情報系統的誘因,期能推廣情報共享及促進良性競爭的商業環境。 針對超市、超商及量販店業者進行問卷調查統計資料分析的結果,可歸納出影響業者加入共同銷售情報系統之意願具顯著正相關的因素包括:對同業合作的需求程度、和同業合作共享銷售資訊的意願、即時取得正確交易資訊、業者支持與提供正確資料、提供重要的報表種類數量、多數同業的加入以及相關成本的節省;而影響業者加入共同銷售情報系統之意願具顯著負相關的因素為可投入資訊系統的資金。而由訪談業者之意見可歸納出業者對於共同銷售情報系統的運用及其所重視的效益如下:1、對於共同合作機制之建立的看法方面,受訪業者普遍認為,共同銷售情報系統應由公法人來主導或推動較佳。2、對於策略性資訊系統的建構方面,受訪者普遍已建構類似的系統,主要是以公司內部資料的分析為主,不過可利用共同銷售情報系統產生的整體性資料來做標竿的比較。3、由於上、下游廠商間的互信基礎仍嫌不足,因此快速反應這樣的作法仍有待推廣,以提高供應鏈上多層次的附加價值。4、對於資訊科技的運用方面,受訪業者普遍有利用電子郵件、傳真及銷售時點情報系統來收集或傳遞資訊,同時也建構行銷資料庫來做商品的分析。而由於電子資料交換系統的建置成本太高,且政府有關單位的推廣不足,因此導致業者較少採用此一系統。由於受訪業者目前與共同銷售情報系統正式連接的時間還不夠長,且加入系統的業者也不夠多,因此,對於共同銷售情報系統所產生的效益仍不易用具體的數字來評估,是以本論文的效益評估以受訪業者分別對於財務面、行銷與顧客服務面、企業內部流程面及員工成長面所較重視的項目來衡量的。在財務面:受訪業者普遍較重視流通成本的削減、銷售量的增加、存貨的減少、存貨周轉率的提昇、獲利率的提升及產品市場佔有率的提升等方面;在行銷與顧客服務面:受訪業者普遍較重視服務水準及品質的提昇、缺貨率的下降、保有原有的顧客及提供合理化的價格;在企業內部流程面:受訪業者普遍較重視訂購循環的縮短、引入新的商品、開發出自有商品、能分析消費者的使用型態、能提供最佳產品組合、銷售商情的掌握與運用、能提昇銷售預測精確度、對上游廠商談判力的提昇及同業間合作或競爭關係的改變;在員工成長面:受訪業者普遍較重視員工能學習到最新的電腦作業系統以及分析資料的能力。 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………..1 第一節 研究背景……………………………………………………………………1 第二節 研究動機……………………………………………………………………2 第三節 研究目的……………………………………………………………………4 第四節 研究範圍……………………………………………………………………4 第五節 研究流程……………………………………………………………………5 第六節 章節架構……………………………………………………………………6 第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………………..7 第一節 共同銷售情報系統…………………………………………………………7 第二節 資訊科技的運用………………………………………………………….32 第三章 研究方法…………………………………………………….61 第一節 研究架構………………………………………………………………..61 第二節 研究假設………………………………………………………………..64 第三節 研究變數操作性定義與衡量…………………………………………..69 第四節 問卷發展………………………………………………………………..77 第四章 資料分析…………………………………………………….80 第一節 回收樣本之基本資料分析……………………………………………….80 第二節 產業特性對加入共同銷售情報系統的意願之相關性分析…………….88 第三節 公司特性對加入共同銷售情報系統的意願之相關性分析…………….89 第四節 管理者特質對加入共同銷售情報系統的意願之相關性分析………….90 第五節 業者對於系統的認知程度對加入系統的意願之相關性分析………….91 第六節 本章總結………………………………………………………………….92 第五章 個案描述與分析…………………………………………….95 第一節 受訪業者基本資料分析…………………………………………………95 第二節 甲超商…………………………………………………………………..97 第三節 乙超市…………………………………………………………………..103 第四節 丙超市…………………………………………………………………..108 第五節 丁物流行銷公司………………………………………………………..113 第六節 工研院電通所…………………………………………………………..120 第七節 本章總結………………………………………………………………..128 第六章 結論與建議…………………………………………………135 第一節 研究結論………………………………………………………………..135 第二節 研究限制………………………………………………………………..139 第三節 後續研究建議…………………………………………………………..140 參考文獻…………………………………………………………….141 附錄一……………………………………………………………….150 附錄二……………………………………………………………….155 附錄三……………………………………………………………….159 / The scope of retailing industry covers foods , clothes , housing , transportation , education , and entertainment , etc.. Since it is closely related to our daily life , the demand of retailing industry will by no means grow when the income of people increases , the life style changes and the standard of living rises. In order to enhance the response to market , the retailers have to take some actions . Internally , evaluation system needs to be established based on observed data , and the operating process has to be standardized and formalized to ensure the service quality. In the marketing segment , retailers should consider both software and hardware to establish the image of the company and reinforce the competency of the company in order to gain more market share in the violent and complicated retailing market. And the most important of all is to monitor the information of sales. Once the information of the sales is monitored , managers can effectively control the levels of inventory , place order in more economic scale and meet the variety of demand. Therefore , it is indispensable to manage the company with computerized process and utilize the sales information system. Since the sales information is one of the focus of the marketing research , managers can fully understand and learn the reaction from consumers in the different products , prices , places and promotions strategies through the collection of sales information. And based on the sales information , producers , wholesalers and retailers can effectively make decisions about production , distribution , merchandise selection and selling. Since there are more and more chain stores of supermarkets , hypermarkets , and convenience stores arised , these modern retailing mode becomes the mainstream in the retailing market. It changes not only the purchasing behavior of the consumers , but also the business strategies and operation models of the producers in the supply chain. The consumer packaged goods industry is basically the conglomerate of the related industries which focus on selling of products. Thus , collecting the sales information through different channels , the firms in consumer packaged goods industry can actually help other firms in their supply chain to get more exact and reliable information , and also improve performance in both. In Taiwan , the domestic consumer packaged goods industry is composed mostly of small and median enterprises (SMEs). Due to limited money and manpower of SMEs , they are limited from aggressively accessing the sales information and maintaining and upgrading of the MIS. They are also incapable of catching the trend of the information technology and communication. And this will make the firms lose their competency . Therefore , if most of the firms of the consumer packaged goods industry would share the sales information without weakening their core competence , the Japanese Retailer Data Service (RDS) could be adapted as a good reference to promote the idea of sharing sales information and establish the common sales information system. The common sales information system will provide useful reports of the overall market information , and to the firms who join in this system as reference points for running their business. This system will also improve the competency and operation efficiency of the whole consumer packaged goods industry. According to the passage thereinbefore , this research tries to find the factors which will affect the firms to join in or not the common sales information system , and further explore and analyze the implementation situation and performance of the common sales information system. Hopefully , this research will be able to find the attractive factors for the firms to join the common sales information system , possible operating mechanism to run the system , and evaluation criteria . The results could also be referenced for the Computer and Communication Research Laboratories (CCL) of ITRI when they promote the common sales information system to attract more firms to join the system in order to promote the idea of sales information sharing and a good business environment for competition. Based on the outcome of the statistical analysis, some factors are strongly related to the willingness of retailers to join the common sales information system. These factors are as follows : the degree of needs to cooperate with counterparts, the will of sharing the sales information with counterparts , real time information acquiring, the firms' supporting and the collected data providing , the important report providing , most counterparts' participating , saving on the related costs. All of the above factors are positively related to the willingness of the firms to join the common sales information system ; But , the budget on investing the information system is negatively related to the willingness of the firms to join the common sales information system. Based on the interviews with the participating firms , the applications and the possible benefits coming from the common sales information system can be summarized as follows : 1. On the viewpoint of establishing the cooperative mechanism , most of the respondents think that the common sales information system should be directed or promoted by the public legal sectors. 2. On the viewpoint of establishing the strategic information system , most of the respondents have built up this system but now mainly use it to analyze the internally produced data which they believed can be compared with the overall market information produced by the common sales information system. 3. Due to lack of mutual trust among the different tiers of supply chain , the concepts and applications of QR/ECR should be continually promoted to provide more added values for the supply chain. 4. From the applications of information technology , most of the respondents gather or transfer information by using e-mail , fax and point of sale(POS)system . They also develop marketing database to analyze the sales. Since the time that the firms joined the common sales information system is not long enough and there are only limited firms joined this system , performance produced by the common sales information system are difficult to be evaluated concretely. So the performance of the system at this stage is only based on the importance perceived by the respondents on the dimensions such as financial performance , marketing and customer service , business internal process , and the growth of staff. On the dimension of financial performance , most of the respondents emphasize more on the reduction of the logistics cost , the increase of the sales , the reduction in the inventory , the increase of the turnover rate , the increase of the profitability and the increase of the market share;on the dimension of marketing and customer service , most of the respondents emphasize more on the improvement of the level of service and quality , the reduction of the shortage rate , keeping the original customers and providing the reasonable price;on the dimension of business internal process , most of the respondents emphasize more on the reduction of the order cycle , introduction of the new products , development of the products with its own brand , the ability to analyze customers' patterns, providing the best mix of the products , monitoring and utilizing the sales information , improving the accuracy of sales forecast , increasing the bargaining power to the suppliers , and the change on the cooperation or competition relationship among the counterparts;on the dimension of staff's growth , most of the respondents emphasize more on that the staff can learn more the latest computer related operation and the ability to analyze the information.

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