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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Communication as dialogue : its progressive recognition in modern Christian, academic and broadcast discourses

Emmanuel, Dominic January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Anglican-Roman Catholic Ecumenical Dialogue: A Case for a Rahnerian Logic of Symbol

Dart, Eric S. 17 May 2016 (has links)
This dissertation examines the ecumenical relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion and the necessity for a symbolic cognitive and narrative conversion in both communions. Drawing upon Karl Rahner's theology of symbol, this dissertation argues that such a cognitive and narrative conversion is determined by the interpretation and appropriation of God's mystery as the origin and goal of Christian activity and belief. As such, there is a demand for a second naïveté in both communions, whereby, the methods employed by ecumenical dialogue extend beyond the logic of criticism and seek to embrace a postcritical logic of symbol. / McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts; / Theology / PhD; / Dissertation;

Contemporary attitudes towards Mary in the United States: the reception of ecumenical dialogues by clergy and laity of eight denominations

Boccardi, Donald, S.M. January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Encountering Eucharistic Presence Within a Postmodern Context: A Dialogue Among Chauvet, Schmemann and Zizioulas

DelVitto, Jason Gary 25 April 2013 (has links)
The Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Churches, as well as other Christian communities, are faced with the challenges of postmodern thought, which calls into question some of the foundational theological and philosophical constructs through which Christianity has articulated the mystery of Eucharistic presence. Louis-Marie Chauvet, Alexander Schmemann and John Zizioulas, the interlocutors presented in this dissertation, recognize that for centuries, Eucharistic theology has been shaped within a metaphysical/Scholastic framework which confines, in many respects, the experiential/relational aspects of the divine/human dynamic as mediated in the Eucharistic celebration. An appeal for a paradigmatic shift is made evident in their respective works based on a renewed understanding of the various strata of the symbolic order and the paradigm of relationality as being the primary contexts within which the people of God celebrate his presence. This shift is necessary in order to correct the problematic of a causal, mechanistic, reductionist, overly-metaphysical, dualist framework as well as a static onto-theological construct, to which Eucharistic theology has been subjected to for centuries. There is a call for a re-thinking of Eucharistic presence in light of a theology which is rooted in the mutually supportive principles of lex orandi est lex credendi and of a Patristic theological landscape. The methodology of this dissertation is comparative and dialogical in nature in which each theologian articulates the need for a scholarship of Eucharistic presence to be established on new terrain and a new trajectory which will prove to be more appropriate in expressing the mystery of presence as it is grounded and expressed within the Apostolic faith and practice.<br>By appealing to and implementing the theologies here presented, we can develop a renewed vision of Eucharistic presence that may provide a common ground for an ecumenical enterprise, reaffirming the most essential component of faith: God's presence among humanity and in creation. This ecumenical enterprise must not remain within the realm of the abstract or theoretical, but needs to culminate in a true union of the churches born of a common unity in faith and eventual Eucharistic practice. In addition, these three theologians' contributions will continue to provide contemporary and future scholars in sacramental theology with an innovative approach to further articulate the mystery of presence through media which speak to the contemporary world while remaining rooted in antiquity. / McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts; / Theology; / PhD; / Dissertation;


LEDA VENTURA CARNEIRO 16 March 2020 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação trata da questão de Maria dentro do Cristianismo, no âmbito do diálogo entre a Igreja Católica e as Igrejas protestantes. Partimos de uma abordagem sobre o ecumenismo na atualidade, com ênfase no ecumenismo espiritual, para situarmos um contexto no qual se pode aprofundar o tema de Maria. A perspectiva que adotamos foi a aproximação do ensinamento do Magistério da Igreja, conforme o Capítulo VIII da Constituição Lumen Gentium, com o qual confrontamos o livro do Grupo de Dombes Maria no desígnio de Deus e a Comunhão dos Santos, que tomamos com ponto central desta dissertação. Esse livro foi vivamente investigado e apresentamos um resumo do seu conteúdo com suas propostas de interesse ecumênico. Do mesmo livro levantamos as ideias que são tratadas nas seções finais da explanação. Nestas seções, iniciamos por enfatizar aspectos do diálogo com a Comissão Internacional Anglicano-Católica Romana (ARCIC) e a Federação Luterana Mundial. A seguir, identificamos pontos de contato do livro de Dombes e da Constituição Lumen Gentium com a Exortação Marialis Cultus, como chave para aproximações sobre uma visão da figura de Maria, tendo também em conta a ótica de alguns outros autores, em contribuições atuais. Desenvolvemos, no final, alguns aspectos teológicos e pastorais do tema, ainda em perspectiva ecumênica, e apontamos, em especial, para os elementos promotores de consenso entre as Igrejas verificados na pesquisa. Foram priorizadas metodologias e propostas que pudessem servir de base para o desenvolvimento do diálogo ecumênico sobre Maria. / [en] This dissertation deals with the question of Mary within Christianity, in the context of the dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Protestant Churches. We started with an approach to ecumenism today, with an emphasis on spiritual ecumenism, to situate a context in which the theme of Mary can be deepened. The perspective that we adopted was the approach of the teaching of the Magisterium of the Church, according to Chapter VIII of the Constitution Lumen Gentium, with which we confronted the book of the Dombes Group Mary in the design of God and the Communion of Saints, that we took as the central point for this dissertation. This book was thoroughly investigated and we presented a summary of its content with its proposals of ecumenical interest. From the same book we raised the ideas that are dealt with in the final sections of the explanation. In these sections, we started by emphasizing aspects of the dialogue with the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) and the Lutheran World Federation. Next, we identified points of contact from the book of Dombes and from the Constitution Lumen Gentium with the Exhortation Marialis Cultus, as key to approximations on a vision of the figure of Mary, also taking into account the perspective of some other authors, in current contributions. We developed, in the end, some theological and pastoral aspects of the theme, still in an ecumenical perspective, and we pointed, in particular, to the elements that promote consensus among the Churches verified in the research. Methodologies and proposals that could serve as a basis for the development of ecumenical dialogue on Mary were prioritized.

L'icône, porteuse d'Évangile : étude comparative de la portée de l'icône en théologie orthodoxe et de l'Écriture Sainte en théologie occidentale / The icon, bearer of the Gospel : comparative study of the significance of the icon for the orthodox theology and of the Holy Scripture for the occidental theology

Dobre, Emanuel 18 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail propose une présentation de l’icône orthodoxe à partir de la notion d’« Évangile ». En analysant la portée détenue par l’Écriture Sainte en théologie occidentale, il a été possible de présenter l’Évangile comme la Bonne Nouvelle du salut réalisé par le Christ. L’Évangile se donne aux humains dans leur existence terrestre par diverses médiations prises du monde et qui deviennent porteuses de grâce dans leur corporéité même. L’icône est décrite comme porteuse d’Évangile en analogie avec le rôle et la place accordés à l’Écriture Sainte dans différentes traditions chrétiennes. L’icône et l’Écriture sont des formes de parole et peuvent être reconnues, dans la foi, comme des formes de la Parole de Dieu. Outre le fait d’être vecteurs de grâce, d’autres traits rapprochent l’icône et l’Écriture : la corporéité, une note de relativité, l’annonce correcte seulement dans un contexte ecclésial, le témoignage de l’événement de l’Incarnation auquel elles renvoient et dont elles dépendent. / This work provides an approach to the icon starting from the notion of « Gospel ». An analysis of the importance of the Holy Scripture in the western theology allows us to present the Gospel as the Good News of the salvation accomplished by Christ for the humankind. The Gospel is conveyed to the human being in his daily life through various means. These means are mediations taken from the creation and they become grace bearers through their very corporeity. Following an analogy with the role and the importance given to the Holy Scripture throughout different Christian traditions, the icon is described as a « Gospel bearer ». The icon and the Scripture are both a form of the word and they can both be recognized, through faith, as a form of the Word of God. Besides being vectors of grace, the icon and the Scripture share other common characteristics: the corporeity, some amount of relativity, the correct proclamation in the church only, and the witness of the event of the Incarnation.


JEFFERSON GRIJO BRASIL 05 January 2021 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa está ligada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Teologia da PUC-Rio na área de Teologia Sistemático-Pastoral, linha de pesquisa: Religião e Modernidade; e ligada ao projeto de pesquisa Temas sobre a Igreja e os Diálogos. O início do século XX apresentou ao mundo o atual movimento pentecostal, que se expandiu consideravelmente no cristianismo, e sua maneira de atuação missionária tem despertado a atenção de muitos pesquisadores. Nesta tese é analisada a missão da Igreja do Evangelho Quadrangular, que integra o movimento, tanto no tocante à sua participação histórica quanto na teologia. A pesquisa buscou um teólogo que discutisse temas pneumatológicos e da teologia da missão, encontrando em José Comblin um interessante referencial teórico para compor um diálogo sobre a missão e o Espírito Santo. Esse proeminente teólogo, além de ocupar-se dos temas pertinentes à missão dessa denominação, também atuou como missionário, refletindo a partir do agir. Propõe-se aqui o diálogo ecumênico, por se tratar de uma prática pentecostal em diálogo com um expoente da teologia católica. A hipótese da pesquisa é que o crescimento da IEQ no Brasil está relacionado à sua missão pelos leigos . A missão, para a IEQ, inicia-se com uma evangelização de anúncio taumatúrgico, pela cura dos indivíduos. Vemos que para Comblin a missão tem um caráter de libertação do ser humano. Nesse ponto as duas noções de missão podem dialogar. Observa-se que na atualidade a reflexão da IEQ está se abrindo da cura do indivíduo para ter também o cuidado com o ser humano e tudo que diz respeito à vida, como a ecologia e as diferenças sociais. / [en] The research is linked to the Graduate Program in Theology at PUC-Rio in the area of Systematic-Pastoral Theology, line of research: Religion and Modernity; and linked to the research project Themes on the Church and the Dialogues. The beginning of the 20th Century introduced to the world the current pentecostal movement, which it expanded considerably in Christianity, and its way of missionary work has awakened the attention of many researchers. In this thesis is analyzed the mission of the Foursquare Church, which integrates the movement, both in terms of its historical participation and in Theology. The research sought a theologian who discussed pneumatological themes and the mission Theology, finding in José Comblin an interesting theoretical reference to compose a dialogue about the mission and the Holy Spirit. This prominent theologian, in addition to deal with relevant themes to the mission of that denomination, also served as a missionary, reflecting from the act itself. It s proposed here the ecumenical dialogue, as it is a pentecostal practice in dialogue with an exponent of the Catholic Theology. The hypothesis research is that the growth of the Foursquare Church in Brazil is related to its mission by the laypeople. The mission for the Foursquare Church begins with an evangelization of thaumaturgical proclamation, for the healing of individuals. We see that for Comblin, the mission has a liberation character of the human being. At this point, the two notions of mission can dialogue. It is observed that nowadays the reflection of Foursquare Church is opening up from the healing of the individual to also have the care of the human being and everything that concerns to life, such as Ecology and social differences.

De Mar Babaï le Grand à Mar Denkha IV : la Déclaration christologique commune assyro-catholique de 1994 / From Mar Babai the Great to Mar Denkha IV : the Assyrian-Catholic common christological declaration of 1994

Khoshaba, Philippe 06 July 2017 (has links)
La Déclaration christologique commune signée à Rome en 1994 entre l’Église catholique et l’Église assyrienne témoigne d’une volonté réelle de retour à la foi une et commune entre les deux Églises. Elle met un terme à une séparation datant du Ve siècle, lors des querelles christologiques entre les deux patriarches Nestorius et Cyrille d’Alexandrie. L’Église de l’Orient vit, depuis toujours, un double isolement : l’un géographique, politique et culturel car située jadis en dehors des frontières de l’Empire romain, et l’autre dogmatique et ecclésiologique dû à sa défense de maîtres œcuméniques condamnés tels Nestorius et Théodore de Mopsueste. Elle exploite des termes anthropologiques kyana (nature), qnoma et parsopa (personne), de la langue syriaque, à la base des controverses et des incompréhensions sur la personne une du Christ. Dans ce débat, le rôle de Mar Babaï le Grand, au VIIe siècle, est capital, car il donne, dans son livre Liber de Unione, une définition précise de ces termes et systématise la théologie syro-orientale. Il est à l’origine de la confession christologique : deux natures, deux qnomé en une personne. La Déclaration christologique de 1994, révèle au monde ce qui unit les deux Églises : la personne du Christ. Elle est le fruit d’un travail concerté du Conseil pontifical pour la promotion de l’unité des chrétiens et de l’Église de l’Orient. Le désir de Mar Denkha IV, de signer un accord christologique avec Rome a rencontré celui d’André de Halleux, du côté catholique et de Mar Bawai Soro, du côté assyrien. Le Comité mixte assyro-catholique poursuit cette tâche en vue de l’unité, de 1995 à 2004, épaulé par la Fondation « Pro Oriente ». En 2005, le dialogue est suspendu avec le refus de la signature de l’accord sur les sacrements par les Assyriens. L’année 2007, laisse entrevoir une reprise possible du dialogue entre les deux partis. / The Common Christological Declaration signed in Rome in 1994 between the Catholic Church and the Assyrian Church testifies to a genuine desire for a return to the common faith between the two Churches. It puts an end to a separation dating from the 5th century, due to the Christological quarrels between the two patriarchs Nestorius and Cyril of Alexandria.The Church of the East has always had a double isolation: one geographical, political and cultural since it was formerly outside the borders of the Roman Empire, and the other dogmatic and ecclesiological due to its defense of ecumenical masters condemned such as Nestorius and Theodore de Mopsueste. It exploits the anthropological terms kyana (nature), qnoma and parsopa (person), of the Syriac language, at the basis of the controversies and misunderstandings on the one person in Christ. In this debate, the role of Mar Baba the Great in the seventh century is crucial, for in his book Liber de Unione he gives a precise definition of these terms and systematizes Syro-Oriental theology. He is at the origin of the Christological confession: two natures, two qnome in one person. The Christological Declaration of 1994 reveals to the world what unites the two Churches: the person of Christ. It is the result of a concerted effort by the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the Unity of Christians and the Church of the East. The desire of Mar Denkha IV to sign achristological agreement with Rome met that of André de Halleux on the Catholic side and Mar Bawai Soro on the Assyrian side. The Assyro-Catholic Joint Committee continued this task with a view to unity, from 1995 to 2004, supported by the "Pro Oriente" Foundation. In 2005, the dialogue was suspended with the refusal of the Assyrians to sign the agreement on the sacraments. The year 2007, aims at resuming the dialogue between the two parties.

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