Spelling suggestions: "subject:"edad"" "subject:"edta""
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Evoluční model s učením (LEM) pro optimalizační úlohy / Learnable Evolution Model for Optimization (LEM)Weiss, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Numerical optimization of multimodal or otherwise nontrivial functions has stayed around the peak of the interest of many researchers for a long time. One of the promising methods that appeared is the hybrid approach of the Learnable Evolution Model that combines the well-established ways of artificial intelligence and machine learning with recently popular and efective methods of evolutionary programming. In this work, the method itself was reviewed with respect to what has been already implemented and tested and several possible new implementations of the method were proposed and some of them consequently implemented. The resulting program was then tested against a set of chosen nontrivial real-valued functions and its results were compared to those achieved with EDA algorithms.
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Efektivní implementace genetického algoritmu s využitím vícejádrových CPU / The Efficient Implementation of the Genetic Algorithm Using Multicore ProcessorsKouřil, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with acceleration of advanced genetic algorithm. For implementation, discrete and continuos versions of UMDA genetic algorithm were chosen. The main part of the acceleration is the utilization of SSE instruction set. Using this set, the functions for calculating fitness and new population sampling were accelerated in particular. Then the pseudorandom number generator that also uses SSE instruction set was implemented. The discrete algorithm reached the speed of up to 4,6 after this implementation. Finally, the algorithms were modified so that the system OpenMP could be used, which enables the running of blocks of code in more threads. The continuous version of algorithm is not convenient for parallelization, because computational complexity of that algorithm is low. In comparison, the discrete versions of algorithm are really appropriate for parallelization. Both the implemented versions reached the total acceleration of up to 4,9 and 7,2.
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Computing Random Forests Variable Importance Measures (VIM) on Mixed Numerical and Categorical Data / Beräkning av Random Forests variable importance measures (VIM) på kategoriska och numeriska prediktorvariablerHjerpe, Adam January 2016 (has links)
The Random Forest model is commonly used as a predictor function and the model have been proven useful in a variety of applications. Their popularity stems from the combination of providing high prediction accuracy, their ability to model high dimensional complex data, and their applicability under predictor correlations. This report investigates the random forest variable importance measure (VIM) as a means to find a ranking of important variables. The robustness of the VIM under imputation of categorical noise, and the capability to differentiate informative predictors from non-informative variables is investigated. The selection of variables may improve robustness of the predictor, improve the prediction accuracy, reduce computational time, and may serve as a exploratory data analysis tool. In addition the partial dependency plot obtained from the random forest model is examined as a means to find underlying relations in a non-linear simulation study. / Random Forest (RF) är en populär prediktormodell som visat goda resultat vid en stor uppsättning applikationsstudier. Modellen ger hög prediktionsprecision, har förmåga att modellera komplex högdimensionell data och modellen har vidare visat goda resultat vid interkorrelerade prediktorvariabler. Detta projekt undersöker ett mått, variabel importance measure (VIM) erhållna från RF modellen, för att beräkna graden av association mellan prediktorvariabler och målvariabeln. Projektet undersöker känsligheten hos VIM vid kvalitativt prediktorbrus och undersöker VIMs förmåga att differentiera prediktiva variabler från variabler som endast, med aveende på målvariableln, beskriver brus. Att differentiera prediktiva variabler vid övervakad inlärning kan användas till att öka robustheten hos klassificerare, öka prediktionsprecisionen, reducera data dimensionalitet och VIM kan användas som ett verktyg för att utforska relationer mellan prediktorvariabler och målvariablel.
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Duftpräferenz von Hochbetagten und ihre Wirkung auf die epidermale Barriere. Eine olfaktorische, psychophysiologische und hautphysiologische Untersuchung / Fragrance preference of the elderly and their effect on the epidermal barrier. An olfactory, psychophysiological and skin-physiological investigationKukshausen, Olga 23 July 2015 (has links)
Mit zunehmendem Alter lassen viele körperliche Funktionen nach, darunter auch das Riechvermögen und die Hautbarrierefunktion. Mit dem reduzierten Riechvermögen nehmen Lebensqualität und Wohlbefinden ab, der psychische Stress nimmt zu. Eine verminderte Hautbarrierefunktion korreliert mit einer fragilen Barriereintegrität und einer langsamen Barriereregeneration. Darüber hinaus ist bei jungen Probanden die Regeneration der Hautbarriere unter psychischem Stress verlangsamt und unter dem Einfluss sedierender Duftstoffe beschleunigt. Vergleichbare Untersuchungen mit älteren Probanden fehlen bis dato.
Die Altershaut bedarf einer speziellen Pflege um die Hautbarrierefunktion zu festigen. Die Akzeptanz eines Produktes korreliert mit der Akzeptanz seines Duftes. Untersucht wurde, ob Hochbetagte definierte Duftfamilien präferieren und ob dieser potentiell präferierte Duft in einer Magistralrezeptur die Barriereregeneration katalysiert.
In einer Fall–Kontroll–Studie mit Hochbetagten wurde durch die Darbietung der 5 Duftfamilien (Chypre, Fougère, Floral, Citral und Oriental) die Präferenz für Fougère gegenüber den anderen Duftfamilien festgestellt (p < .01) In einer einfach verblindeten Crossover-Studie wurde der Einfluss von Fougère auf die epidermale Barriere bei Hochbetagten untersucht. Im Seniorenheim (unselbstständige Hochbetagte, UH) sowie im eigenen Haushalt, selbstständig lebende Hochbetagte (SH) wendeten in der 1. Phase die Testemulsion A ohne Parfumöl (PÖ) und in der 2. Phase die Testemulsion B mit PÖ Fougère am Rücken und Dekolleté an. Die Phasen permutierten. Um den Einfluss des Duftes auf die Barriereregeneration an den Unterarmen zu untersuchen, wurde eine Barriereschädigung mittels Tesafilmabrisse bis zum dreifachen Anstieg des Basis-TEWL durchgeführt. Die Barriereregeneration ist bei den SH hochsignifikant schneller als bei den UH (p < .001). Die Anzahl der Tesafilm-Abrisse reflektiert die Barriereintegrität. Bei den UH wurden hochsignifikant weniger Tesafilm-Abrisse (M = 17) als bei den SH (M = 50) benötigt (p < .001), um einen Barriereschaden mit einem 3-fach erhöhten TEWL zu erreichen. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass SH in einer vergleichsweise guten psychischen Konstitution eine signifikant bessere Barriereintegrität aufweisen als die im Seniorenheim lebende UH.
Unter dem Einfluss der Fougère-haltigen Emulsion regenerierte die Barriere bei den UH signifikant schneller als unter dem Einfluss der PÖ-freien Emulsion (p < .01): 70%ige vs. 53%ige Regeneration 24h nach Barriereschädigung, obwohl die Rezeptur nicht am Ort der Barriereuntersuchung (Unterarm) angewendet wurde. Der biologische Mechanismus bedarf weiterer Untersuchungen. Das PÖ Fougère wird für die Hautpflege der heutigen Hochbetagtengeneration empfohlen.
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Diseño de tablas de registro unificadas para el diagnóstico y estimación del indicador de riesgo del patrimonio culturalMastroiacovo, Tanja 19 July 2021 (has links)
[ES] La presente investigación expone los resultados obtenidos en el diseño e implementación de unas tablas de registro para el análisis, gestión y manejo de las fases preliminares de diagnóstico del patrimonio cultural. Este proyecto nace de la necesidad de encontrar un método operativo capaz de brindar un enfoque objetivo para la toma de decisiones inherentes a las evaluaciones diagnósticas y estudios específicos a realizarse sobre los bienes culturales en condiciones de recursos limitados y elevado número de obras o elementos. Debido a la abundancia de variables, factores y materiales que influyen en la conservación del patrimonio cultural, el diseño de una matriz de datos y de una metodología de muestreo unificados representan el primer paso para la comprensión de sus exigencias, además de poner las bases para el futuro desarrollo de estudios de tipo estadístico. Éstos representan un recurso óptimo siendo una rama de las matemáticas que estudia las correlaciones y dependencias entre los fenómenos físicos y naturales y han sido empleados en varias áreas del conocimiento entre las cuales destacan las ciencias sociales, la ecología, la medicina y el control de calidad en los procesos industriales. Entre las herramientas ofrecidas por las ciencias estadísticas, que se ocupan de estudiar una determinada población por medio de recolección, recopilación e interpretación de datos, el análisis exploratorio de datos (EDA) representa un medio de comprensión y formulación de hipótesis a partir de unas tablas definidas de contingencia. En este trabajo se exponen los resultados derivados del diseño e implementación de las fichas de registro y análisis de datos adaptadas para las exigencias del sector de la conservación, ofreciendo un acercamiento a sus posibilidades aplicativas, ventajas y limitaciones en relación a la resolución de casos de estudio reales tratados a lo largo de la experiencia de formación, investigación y docencia en diferentes realidades y contextos. / [CA] La present investigació exposa els resultats obtinguts en el disseny i implementació d'unes taules de registre per a l'anàlisi, gestió i maneig de les fases preliminars de diagnòstic del patrimoni cultural. Aquest projecte naix de la necessitat de trobar un mètode operatiu capaç de brindar un enfocament objectiu per a la presa de decisions inherents les avaluacions diagnòstiques i estudis específics a realitzar-se sobre els béns culturals en condicions de recursos limitats i elevat nombre d'obres o elements. A causa de l'abundància de variables, factors i materials que influeixen en la conservació del patrimoni cultural, el disseny d'una matriu de dades i d'una metodologia de mostreig unificats representen el primer pas per a la comprensió de les seues exigències, a més de posar les bases per al futur desenvolupament d'estudis de tipus estadístic. Aquests representen un recurs òptim sent una branca de les matemàtiques que estudia les correlacions i dependències entre els fenòmens físics i naturals i han sigut emprats en diverses àrees del coneixement entre les quals destaquen les ciències socials, l'ecologia, la medicina i el control de qualitat en els processos industrials. Entre les eines oferides per les ciències estadístiques, que s'ocupen d'estudiar una determinada població per mitjà de recol·lecció, recopilació i interpretació de dades, l'anàlisi exploratòria de dades (*EDA) representa un mitjà de comprensió i formulació d'hipòtesi a partir d'unes taules definides de contingència. En aquest treball s'exposen els resultats derivats del disseny i implementació de les fitxes de registre i anàlisi de dades adaptades per a les exigències del sector de la conservació, oferint un acostament a les seues possibilitats aplicatives, avantatges i limitacions en relació a la resolució de casos d'estudi reals tractats al llarg de l'experiència de formació, investigació i docència en diferents realitats i contextos. / [EN] This research presents the results obtained in the design and implementation of registration tables for the analysis, management and handling of the preliminary diagnostic phases of cultural heritage. This project arises from the need to find an operational method capable of providing an objective approach for making decisions inherent in diagnostic evaluations and specific studies to be carried out on cultural assets in conditions of limited resources and a high number of works or elements. Due to the abundance of variables, factors and materials that influence the conservation of cultural heritage, the design of a data matrix and a unified sampling methodology represent the first step towards understanding its requirements, in addition to laying the foundations for the future development of statistical studies. These represent an optimal resource, being a branch of mathematics that studies the correlations and dependencies between physical and natural phenomena and has been used in several areas of knowledge, among which the social sciences, ecology, medicine and quality control stand out. in industrial processes. Among the tools offered by statistical sciences, which deal with studying a certain population by means of data collection, compilation and interpretation, exploratory data analysis (EDA) represents a means of understanding and formulating hypotheses from tables defined contingency. This work presents the results derived from the design and implementation of the data registration and analysis sheets adapted to the demands of the conservation sector, offering an approach to its applicative possibilities, advantages and limitations in relation to the resolution of cases of real studies treated throughout the experience of training, research and teaching in different realities and contexts. / Mastroiacovo, T. (2021). Diseño de tablas de registro unificadas para el diagnóstico y estimación del indicador de riesgo del patrimonio cultural [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/170194
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The effect of the Reaset Approach on the autonomic nervous system, state-trait anxiety and musculoskeletal pain in patients with work-related stress: A pilot study / Die Wirkung des Reaset-Approach auf das vegetative Nervensystem, die State-Trait-Angst und die Schmerzen des Bewegungsapparates bei Patienten mit arbeitsbedingtem Stress: Eine PilotstudieMeyers, Tom 05 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Work-related stress (WRS) is associated with musculoskeletal pain (MSP), changes in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and anxiety.
Objective: To determine the feasibility of a follow-up study and treatment efficacy of the Reaset Approach on MSP, ANS and State-Trait anxiety.
Methods: 15 subjects with WRS and MSP were assigned into 3 groups (Body, Head-Neck, Head-Neck-Body). Each group received a single 25 minute ‘Reaset Approach’ intervention. Heart rate variability (HRV), electro-dermal activity (EDA), State Trait Anxiety (STAI) and MSP were measured.
Results: HRV parameters: SDNN increased in 13 of 15 subjects while SD1 and SD2 increased in 12 of 15 subjects. EDA reduced in 10 of 14 subjects. State Anxiety reduced in all subjects and Trait Anxiety reduced in 14 of 15 subjects. MSP reduced in all subjects after the intervention and were still lower three days afterwards.
Conclusions: This pilot study determined that a follow-up study can ensue provided minor modifications are implemented and that the ‘Reaset Approach’ has an influence on the ANS, anxiety and MSP. Results do differ between groups. The intervention groups including the head and neck modalities demonstrated better results. / Hintergrund: Arbeitsbedingter Stress (ABS) ist verbunden mit muskelschmerzen, Veränderungen im autonomen Nervensystem (ANS) und Angst.
Ziel: Machbarkeit einer Follow-up-Studie und Wirksamkeit der Behandlung des Reaset Ansatzes auf ANS, Muskelschmerzen und State und Trait- Angst bestimmen.
Methoden: 15 Patienten mit ABS und Muskelschmerzen wurden in 3 Gruppen eingeteilt (Körper, Kopf-Hals, Kopf-Hals-Körper). Jede Gruppe erhielt eine einzige 25 Minuten dauernde 'Reaset Approach’-Behandlung. Herzfrequenzvariabilität (HRV), elektro-dermale Aktivität (EDA), State-Trait-Angstsinventar (STAI) und Muskelschmerzen (SF-MPQ) wurden gemessen.
Ergebnisse: Die HRV-wert: SDNN ist bei 13 von 15 Probanden erhöht, während SD1 und SD2 bei 12 von 15 Probanden zugenommen hat. EDA war bei 10 von 14 Probanden reduziert. Die State-Angst hat bei allen Probanden und die Trait-Angst bei 14 der 15 Probanden abgenommen. Muskelschmerzen waren bei alle Probanden anschließend an und drei Tage nach der Intervention reduziert.
Schlussfolgerung: Diese Pilotstudie hat gezeigt, dass eine Follow-up-Studie fortgesetzt werden kann, sofern kleinere Änderungen durchgeführt werden. Die 'Reaset Approach’ hat einen günstigen Einfluss auf die ANS, State-Trait-Angst und Muskelschmerzen. Ergebnisse zwischen den Gruppen sind unterschiedlich. Die Interventionsgruppen mit einschließlich der Kopf-Hals-Modalitäten zeigten bessere Ergebnisse..
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Interprétation automatique de données hétérogènes pour la modélisation de situations collaboratives : application à la gestion de crise / Automatic interpretation of heterogeneous data to model collaborative situations : application to crisis managementFertier, Audrey 29 November 2018 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit s’appliquent au domaine de la gestion de crise française, et notamment à la phase de réponse qui suit un évènement majeur, comme une crue ou un accident industriel. Suite à l’évènement, des cellules de crise sont activées pour prévenir et traiter les conséquences de la crise. Elles font face, dans l’urgence, à de nombreuses difficultés. Les parties-prenantes sont nombreuses, autonomes et hétérogènes, la coexistence de plans d’urgence engendre des contradictions et des effets en cascade se nourrissent des interconnexions entre réseaux. Ces constats arrivent alors que les données disponibles sur les réseaux informatiques ne cessent de se multiplier. Elles sont, par exemple, émises par des capteurs de mesures, sur des réseaux sociaux, ou par des bénévoles. Ces données sont l’occasion de concevoir un système d’information capable de les collecter pour les interpréter en un ensemble d’information formalisé, utilisable en cellule de crise. Pour réussir, les défis liés aux 4Vs du Big data doivent être relevés en limitant le Volume, unifiant (la Variété) et améliorant la Véracité des données et des informations manipulées, tout en suivant la dynamique (Vélocité) de la crise en cours. Nos états de l’art sur les différentes parties de l’architecture recherchée nous ont permis de définir un tel système d’information. Ce dernier est aujourd’hui capable de (i) recevoir plusieurs types d’évènements émis de sources de données connues ou inconnues, (ii) d’utiliser des règles d’interprétations directement déduites de règles métiers réelles et (iii) de formaliser l’ensemble des informations utiles aux parties-prenantes. Son architecture fait partie des architectures orientées évènements, et coexiste avec l’architecture orientée services du logiciel développé par le laboratoire Centre de Génie Industriel (CGI). Le système d’information ainsi implémenté a pu être éprouvé sur un scénario de crue majeure en Loire Moyenne, élaboré par deux Services de Prévision des Crues (SPC) français. Le modèle décrivant la situation de crise courante, obtenu par le système d’information proposé, peut être utilisé pour (i) déduire un processus de réponse à la crise, (ii) détecter des imprévus ou (iii) mettre à jour une représentation de la situation en cellule de crise. / The present work is applied to the field of French crisis management, and specifically to the crisis response phase which follows a major event, like a flood or an industrial accident. In the aftermath of the event, crisis cells are activated to prevent and deal with the consequences of the crisis. They face, in a hurry, many difficulties. The stakeholders are numerous, autonomous and heterogeneous, the coexistence of contingency plans favours contradictions and the interconnections of networks promotes cascading effects. These observations arise as the volume of data available continues to grow. They come, for example, from sensors, social media or volunteers on the crisis theatre. It is an occasion to design an information system able to collect the available data to interpret them and obtain information suited to the crisis cells. To succeed, it will have to manage the 4Vs of Big Data: the Volume, the Variety and Veracity of data and information, while following the dynamic (velocity) of the current crisis. Our literature review on the different parts of this architecture enables us to define such an information system able to (i) receive different types of events emitted from data sources both known and unknown, (ii) to use interpretation rules directly deduced from official business rules and (iii) to structure the information that will be used by the stake-holders. Its architecture is event-driven and coexists with the service oriented architecture of the software developed by the CGI laboratory. The implemented system has been tested on the scenario of a 1/100 per year flood elaborated by two French forecasting centres. The model describing the current crisis situation, deduced by the proposed information system, can be used to (i) deduce a crisis response process, (ii) to detect unexpected situations, and (iii) to update a COP suited to the decision-makers.
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Smart destinace cestovního ruchu / Smart Tourism DestinationKOUBOVÁ, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis is focused on the explanation of the Smart concept within the cities and tourist destinations, how the destination of Písek uses marketing communication to attract new visitors and to keep the existing ones. In this part, the reader will also be informed about the topic of measuring emotions, what the methods are, their strengths and weaknesses, and specifically how the EDA method (measurement of electrodermal activity, or skin conductivity) works, which was used in the practical part. The aim of thesis is to use new technologies in effective marketing of tourism destinations - based on measurement of emotional reactions using the EDA method, optimalization of visual communication for destination Písek and its surroundings as a city with a Smart city concept. The practical part describes how the questionnaire and measurement by the EDA method took place. During the research the respondents were shown pictures that were taken of Písek and its surroundings. Data processing was done by evaluating the questionnaire and EDA measurements. The results of both research methods were ranked in the Top Ten Positively/Negatively Ranked Images with Higher Emotional Response. Ten positively and ten negatively evaluated questionnaire and EDA measurements are also visualized in this thesis. It can be concluded from the research that the EDA method is suitable for the measurement of emotions and, together with the questionnaire, it provided interesting information on what type of images is suitable to use in the marketing communication of Píseckem, s. r. o.
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3D-electron microscopic characterization of interstitial cells in the human bladder upper lamina propriaNeuhaus, Jochen, Schröppel, Birgit, Dass, Martin, Zimmermann, Hans, Wolburg, Hartwig, Fallier-Becker, Petra, Gevaert, Thomas, Burkhardt, Claus J., Minh Do, Hoang, Stolzenburg, Jens-Uwe 19 February 2018 (has links)
1) Aims
To explore the ultrastructure of interstitial cells in the upper lamina propria of the human bladder, to describe the spatial relationships and to investigate cell-cell contacts.
2) Methods
Focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM), 3-View SEM and confocal laser scanning microscopy were used to analyze the 3D ultrastructure of the upper lamina propria in male and female human bladders.
3) Results
3View-SEM image stacks as large as 59µm x 59µm x 17µm (xyz) at a resolution of 16nm x 16nm x 50 nm and high resolution (5nm x 5nm x 10nm) FIB-SEM stacks could be analyzed. Interstitial cells with myoid differentiation (mIC) and fibroblast like interstitial cells (fIC) were the major cell types in the upper lamina propria. The flat, sheet-like ICs were oriented strictly parallel to the urothelium sheet-like morphology. No spindle shaped cells were present. We furthermore identified one branched cell (bIC) with several processes contacting urothelial cells by penetrating the basal membrane. This cell did not make any contacts to other ICs within the upper lamina propria. We found no evidence for the occurrence of telocytes in the upper lamina propria.
4) Conclusions
Comprehensive 3D-ultrastructural analysis of the human bladder confirmed distinct subtypes of interstitial cells. We provide evidence for a foremost unknown direct connection between a branched interstitial cell and urothelial cells of which the functional role has still to be elucidated. 3D-ultrastructure analyses at high resolution are needed to further define the subpopulations of lamina propria cells and cell-cell interactions.
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The effect of the Reaset Approach on the autonomic nervous system, state-trait anxiety and musculoskeletal pain in patients with work-related stress: A pilot studyMeyers, Tom January 2014 (has links)
Background: Work-related stress (WRS) is associated with musculoskeletal pain (MSP), changes in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and anxiety.
Objective: To determine the feasibility of a follow-up study and treatment efficacy of the Reaset Approach on MSP, ANS and State-Trait anxiety.
Methods: 15 subjects with WRS and MSP were assigned into 3 groups (Body, Head-Neck, Head-Neck-Body). Each group received a single 25 minute ‘Reaset Approach’ intervention. Heart rate variability (HRV), electro-dermal activity (EDA), State Trait Anxiety (STAI) and MSP were measured.
Results: HRV parameters: SDNN increased in 13 of 15 subjects while SD1 and SD2 increased in 12 of 15 subjects. EDA reduced in 10 of 14 subjects. State Anxiety reduced in all subjects and Trait Anxiety reduced in 14 of 15 subjects. MSP reduced in all subjects after the intervention and were still lower three days afterwards.
Conclusions: This pilot study determined that a follow-up study can ensue provided minor modifications are implemented and that the ‘Reaset Approach’ has an influence on the ANS, anxiety and MSP. Results do differ between groups. The intervention groups including the head and neck modalities demonstrated better results.:I. Abstract (En) III
II. Abstract (De) IV
III. Table of Contents V
IV. Index of figures VIII
V. Index of tables IX
VI. Index of abbreviations X
1 Introduction 1
2 Background 2
2.1 Work-related musculoskeletal pain 2
2.2 Work-related stress 3
2.3 Osteopathy and the autonomic nervous system 3
2.4 Stress, pain and osteopathy 4
3 Questions 6
3.1 Feasibility 6
3.2 Treatment effect 6
4 Methods 7
4.1 Study design 7
4.2 Participants 8
4.2.1 Inclusion criteria 8
4.2.2 Exclusion criteria 8
4.2.3 Recruitment 8
4.2.4 Randomization 10
4.3 Parameters 11
4.3.1 Heart rate variability 11
4.3.2 Electro-dermal activity 11
4.3.3 State anxiety 11
4.3.4 Trait anxiety 12
4.3.5 Perceived pain 12
4.4 Measuring Instruments 13
4.4.1 Heart rate variability 13
4.4.2 Electro-dermal Activity 13
4.4.3 State-Trait Anxiety Inventory 13
4.4.4 Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire 13
4.5 Interventions 14
4.5.1 Intervention ‘B’: Body 14
4.5.2 Intervention ‘HN’: Head and Neck 16
4.5.3 Intervention ‘HNB’: Head, Neck and Body 16
4.6 Study flow 18
4.7 Statistics 20
5 Results 21
5.1 Autonomic nervous system: Heart rate variability 21
5.1.1 SDNN 22
5.1.2 SD1 25
5.1.3 SD2 28
5.2 Autonomic Nervous System: Electro-dermal activity 31
5.3 Anxiety 34
5.3.1 State anxiety 34
5.3.2 Trait anxiety 37
5.4 Musculoskeletal pain 39
5.4.1 Visual analogue scale 40
5.4.2 Total Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire 43
6 Discussion 46
6.1 Discussion of the method 46
6.2 Discussion of the results 50
6.2.1 Autonomic nervous system 50 Heart rate variability 50 Electro-dermal activity 51
6.2.2 Anxiety 51 State anxiety 51 Trait Anxiety 52
6.2.3 Musculoskeletal pain 52
6.3 Suggestions for future research 53
7 Conclusion 54
8 Literature 55
9 Addendum 63
9.1 Table: SF-MPQ with Sensory, Affective and Evaluative dimension 63
9.2 Patient Information Sheet 64
9.3 Structured telephone interview 70
9.4 Structured pre-treatment interview 72
9.5 SF-MPQ permission 73
9.6 SF-MPQ 74
9.7 STAI License 76
9.8 STAI forms Y-1 and Y-2 77 / Hintergrund: Arbeitsbedingter Stress (ABS) ist verbunden mit muskelschmerzen, Veränderungen im autonomen Nervensystem (ANS) und Angst.
Ziel: Machbarkeit einer Follow-up-Studie und Wirksamkeit der Behandlung des Reaset Ansatzes auf ANS, Muskelschmerzen und State und Trait- Angst bestimmen.
Methoden: 15 Patienten mit ABS und Muskelschmerzen wurden in 3 Gruppen eingeteilt (Körper, Kopf-Hals, Kopf-Hals-Körper). Jede Gruppe erhielt eine einzige 25 Minuten dauernde 'Reaset Approach’-Behandlung. Herzfrequenzvariabilität (HRV), elektro-dermale Aktivität (EDA), State-Trait-Angstsinventar (STAI) und Muskelschmerzen (SF-MPQ) wurden gemessen.
Ergebnisse: Die HRV-wert: SDNN ist bei 13 von 15 Probanden erhöht, während SD1 und SD2 bei 12 von 15 Probanden zugenommen hat. EDA war bei 10 von 14 Probanden reduziert. Die State-Angst hat bei allen Probanden und die Trait-Angst bei 14 der 15 Probanden abgenommen. Muskelschmerzen waren bei alle Probanden anschließend an und drei Tage nach der Intervention reduziert.
Schlussfolgerung: Diese Pilotstudie hat gezeigt, dass eine Follow-up-Studie fortgesetzt werden kann, sofern kleinere Änderungen durchgeführt werden. Die 'Reaset Approach’ hat einen günstigen Einfluss auf die ANS, State-Trait-Angst und Muskelschmerzen. Ergebnisse zwischen den Gruppen sind unterschiedlich. Die Interventionsgruppen mit einschließlich der Kopf-Hals-Modalitäten zeigten bessere Ergebnisse..:I. Abstract (En) III
II. Abstract (De) IV
III. Table of Contents V
IV. Index of figures VIII
V. Index of tables IX
VI. Index of abbreviations X
1 Introduction 1
2 Background 2
2.1 Work-related musculoskeletal pain 2
2.2 Work-related stress 3
2.3 Osteopathy and the autonomic nervous system 3
2.4 Stress, pain and osteopathy 4
3 Questions 6
3.1 Feasibility 6
3.2 Treatment effect 6
4 Methods 7
4.1 Study design 7
4.2 Participants 8
4.2.1 Inclusion criteria 8
4.2.2 Exclusion criteria 8
4.2.3 Recruitment 8
4.2.4 Randomization 10
4.3 Parameters 11
4.3.1 Heart rate variability 11
4.3.2 Electro-dermal activity 11
4.3.3 State anxiety 11
4.3.4 Trait anxiety 12
4.3.5 Perceived pain 12
4.4 Measuring Instruments 13
4.4.1 Heart rate variability 13
4.4.2 Electro-dermal Activity 13
4.4.3 State-Trait Anxiety Inventory 13
4.4.4 Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire 13
4.5 Interventions 14
4.5.1 Intervention ‘B’: Body 14
4.5.2 Intervention ‘HN’: Head and Neck 16
4.5.3 Intervention ‘HNB’: Head, Neck and Body 16
4.6 Study flow 18
4.7 Statistics 20
5 Results 21
5.1 Autonomic nervous system: Heart rate variability 21
5.1.1 SDNN 22
5.1.2 SD1 25
5.1.3 SD2 28
5.2 Autonomic Nervous System: Electro-dermal activity 31
5.3 Anxiety 34
5.3.1 State anxiety 34
5.3.2 Trait anxiety 37
5.4 Musculoskeletal pain 39
5.4.1 Visual analogue scale 40
5.4.2 Total Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire 43
6 Discussion 46
6.1 Discussion of the method 46
6.2 Discussion of the results 50
6.2.1 Autonomic nervous system 50 Heart rate variability 50 Electro-dermal activity 51
6.2.2 Anxiety 51 State anxiety 51 Trait Anxiety 52
6.2.3 Musculoskeletal pain 52
6.3 Suggestions for future research 53
7 Conclusion 54
8 Literature 55
9 Addendum 63
9.1 Table: SF-MPQ with Sensory, Affective and Evaluative dimension 63
9.2 Patient Information Sheet 64
9.3 Structured telephone interview 70
9.4 Structured pre-treatment interview 72
9.5 SF-MPQ permission 73
9.6 SF-MPQ 74
9.7 STAI License 76
9.8 STAI forms Y-1 and Y-2 77
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