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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zpracování obrazu při určování topografických parametrů povrchů / Image processing within determination of topographic surface parameters

Boháč, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This work deal with determination topohraphic parameters of a randomly rough surface by the help of method of shearing interferometry. It is a optical method for determination surface roughness. The basic idea is based of on deformation interference strips which are made by interference of the same mutually translated monochrome luminous wavefronts. The wavefront is created after transit or reflection monochrome lights from the surface of a studied sample. The wavefronts creates picture with deformed interference strips , which carries information about character of the surface. This information can be profited by algorithms of image processing from the picture . The thesis was developed in research project MSM 0021630529 Intelligent Systems in Automation.

Metoda fyzikálního modelování přechodových hran v obraze pro určení skutečné pozice obrysu předmětu / Image Transition Edge Physical Modeling Method for Exact Object Shape Position Determination

Kohoutek, Michal January 2009 (has links)
Doctoral thesis is focused on a design of a new original image transition edge physical modeling method for exact object shape position determination. Automatic Optical Inspection systems for the high accuracy optical measurements is main application area for designed method. The new method design is based on precise physical analysis of a defined imaging system. Object side telecentric lens, telecentric backlight source and CCD video camera are main parts of the analyzed imaging system. New image transition edge physical model and method for accurate shape position detection within the model are derived by geometrical and Fourier optics imaging system analysis. Possible influences of the model parameters changes to the accuracy of shape position detection are studied precisely. A new modeling function suitable for implementation in a new optimal approximation method is derived from the physical transition edge model. The modeling function optimal approximation method is implemented in to a Tester2D measuring system and verified by length etalon measurements. The Tester2D measuring system was successfully accredited for dimensions measurement in range with accuracy up to . Documentation of results of the accreditation process with the record of obtained results from measurement system in scope of preformed interlaboratory comparison tests are appended to the doctoral thesis.

Webové rozhraní pro zpracování obrazu / Web Interface for Image Processing

Beran, Milan January 2010 (has links)
This paper concerns design and implementation of a system which provides easier control of digital image processing console applications. The work is based on threes information technology domains: distributed systems, image processing and web technologies. The system consist of number of separated components communicating with each other in order of processing desired tasks. Control interface and the task daemon are implemented in PHP language. Image processing programs are implemented in C language using OpenCV graphic library. Control of the system is carried out through web graphical interface using dynamic control components implemented in Javascript language, jQuery library and jQueryUI interface. Part of the work is also a description of employment of the system in practical use in two environments, experiments concerning system performance and web interface user acceptance testing.

Größenanalyse an nicht separierten Holzpartikeln mit regionenbildenden Algorithmen am Beispiel von OSB-Strands

Plinke, Burkhard 02 October 2012 (has links)
Bei strukturorientierten, aus relativ großen Holzpartikeln aufgebauten Holzwerkstoffen wie z.B. OSB (oriented strand board) addieren sich die gerichteten Festigkeiten der einzelnen Lagen je nach Orientierung der Partikel und der Verteilung ihrer Größenparameter. Wünschenswert wäre eine Messung der Partikelgeometrie und Orientierung möglichst im Prozess, z.B. am Formstrang vor der Presse direkt durch den „Blick auf das Vlies“. Bisher sind regelmäßige on-line-Messungen der Spangeometrie aber nicht möglich, und Einzelspanmessungen werden nicht vorgenommen, weil sie zu aufwändig wären. Um die Partikelkonturen zunächst hinreichend für die Vermessung zu restaurieren und dann zu vermessen, muss ein mehrstufiges Verfahren angewendet werden, das eine Szene mit Strands und mehr oder weniger deutlichen Kanten zunächst als „Grauwertgebirge“ auffasst. Zur Segmentierung reicht ein Watershed-Algorithmus nicht aus. Auch ein zweistufiger Kantendetektor nach Canny liefert allein noch kein ausreichendes Ergebnis, weil sich keine geschlossenen Objektkonturen ergeben. Hinreichend dagegen ist ein komplexes Verfahren auf der Grundlage der Höhenschichtzerlegung und nachfolgenden Synthese: Nach einer Transformation der Grauwerte des Bildes in eine reduzierte, gleichverteilte Anzahl von Höhenschichten werden zwischen diesen die lokalen morphologischen Gradienten berechnet und herangezogen für die Rekonstruktion der ursprünglichen Spankonturen. Diese werden aus den Höhenschichten aufaddiert, wobei allerdings nur Teilflächen innerhalb eines für die gesuchten Spangrößen plausiblen Größenintervalls einbezogen werden, um Störungen zu unterdrücken. Das Ergebnis der Rekonstruktion wird zusätzlich verknüpft mit den bereits durch einen Canny-Operator im Originalbild detektierten deutlichen Kanten und morphologisch bereinigt. Diese erweiterte Höhenschichtanalyse ergibt ausreichend segmentierte Bilder, in denen die Objektgrenzen weitgehend den Spankonturen entsprechen. Bei der nachfolgenden Vermessung der Objekte werden Standard-Algorithmen eingesetzt, wobei sich die Approximation von Spankonturen durch momentengleiche Ellipsen als sinnvoll erwies. Verbliebene Fehldetektionen können bei der Vermessung unterdrückt werden durch Formfaktoren und zusätzliche Größenintervalle. Zur Darstellung und Charakterisierung der Größenverteilungen für die Länge und die Breite wurden die nach der Objektfläche gewichtete, linear skalierte Verteilungsdichte (q2-Verteilung), die Verteilungssumme und verschiedene Quantile verwendet. Zur Umsetzung und Demonstration des Zusammenwirkens der verschiedenen Algorithmen wurde auf der Basis von MATLAB das Demonstrationsprogramm „SizeBulk“ entwickelt, das Bildfolgen verarbeiten kann und mit dem die verschiedenen Varianten der Bildaufbereitung und Parametrierung durchgespielt werden können. Das Ergebnis des Detektionsverfahrens enthält allerdings nur die vollständigen Konturen der ganz oben liegenden Objekte; Objekte unterhalb der Außenlage sind teilweise verdeckt und können daher nur unvollständig vermessen werden. Zum Test wurden daher synthetische Bilder mit vereinzelten und überlagerten Objekten bekannter Größenverteilung erzeugt und dem Detektions- und Messverfahren unterworfen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Größenstatistiken durch den Überlagerungseffekt und auch die Spanorientierung zwar beeinflusst werden, dass aber zumindest die Modalwerte der wichtigsten Größenparameter Länge und Breite meist erkennbar bleiben. Als Versuchsmaterial dienten außer den synthetischen Bildern verschiedene Sortimente von OSB-Strands aus Industrie- und Laborproduktion. Sie wurden sowohl manuell vereinzelt als auch zu einem Vlies arrangiert vermessen. Auch bei realen Strands zeigten sich gleiche Einflüsse der Überlagerung auf die Größenverteilungen wie in der Simulation. Es gilt aber auch hier, dass die Charakteristika verschiedener Spankontingente bei gleichen Aufnahmebedingungen und Auswerteparametern gut messbar sind bzw. dass Änderungen in der gemessenen Größenverteilung eindeutig den geometrischen Eigenschaften der Späne zugeordnet werden können. Die Eignung der Verarbeitungsfolge zur Charakterisierung von Spangrößenverteilungen bestätigte sich auch an Bildern, die ausschließlich am Vlies auf einem Formstrang aufgenommen wurden. Zusätzlich wurde nachgewiesen, dass mit der erweiterten Höhenschichtanalyse auch Bilder von Spanplattenoberflächen ausgewertet werden könnten und daraus auf die Größenverteilung der eingesetzten Deckschichtspäne geschlossen werden kann. Das vorgestellte Verfahren ist daher eine gute und neuartige Möglichkeit, prozessnah an Teilflächen von OSB-Vliesen anhand von Grauwertbildern die Größenverteilungen der Strands zu charakterisieren und eignet sich grundsätzlich für den industriellen Einsatz. Geeignete Verfahren waren zumindest für Holzpartikel bisher nicht bekannt. Diese Möglichkeit, Trends in der Spangrößenverteilung automatisch zu erkennen, eröffnet daher neue Perspektiven für die Prozessüberwachung. / The strength of wood-based materials made of several layers of big and oriented particles like OSB (oriented strand board) is a superposition of the strengths of the layers according to the orientation of the particles and depending from their size distribution. It would be desirable to measure particle geometry and orientation close to the production process, e.g. with a “view onto the mat”. Currently, continuous on-line measurements of the particle geometry are not possible, while measurements of separated particles would be too costly and time-consuming. Before measuring particle shapes they have to be reconstructed in a multi-stage procedure which considers an image scene with strands as “gray value mountains”. Segmentation using a watershed algorithm is not sufficient. Also a two-step edge detector according to Canny does not yield closed object shapes. A multi-step procedure based on threshold decomposition and recombination however is successful: The gray values in the image are transformed into a reduced and uniformly distributed set of threshold levels. The local morphological gradients between these levels are used to re-build the original particle shapes by adding the threshold levels. Only shapes with a plausible size corresponding to real particle shapes are included in order to suppress noise. The result of the reconstruction from threshold levels is then matched with the result of the strong edges in the original image, which had been detected using a Canny operator, and is finally cleaned with morphological operators. This extended threshold analysis produces sufficiently segmented images with object shapes corresponding extensively to the particle shapes. Standard algorithms are used to measure geometric features of the objects. An approximation of particle shapes with ellipses of equal moments of inertia is useful. Remaining incorrectly detected objects are removed by form factors and size intervals. Size distributions for the parameters length and width are presented and characterized as density distribution histograms, weighted by the object area and linearly scaled (q2 distribution), as well as the cumulated distribution and different quantiles. A demonstration software “SizeBulk” based on MATLAB has been developed to demonstrate the computation and the interaction of algorithms. Image sequences can be processed and different variations of image preprocessing and parametrization can be tested. However, the detection procedure yields complete shapes only for those particles in the top layer. Objects in lower layers are partially hidden and cannot be measured completely. Artificial images with separated and with overlaid objects with a known size distribution were generated to study this effect. It was shown that size distributions are influenced by this covering effect and also by the strand orientation, but that at least the modes of the most important size parameters length and width remain in evidence. Artificial images and several samples with OSB strands from industrial and laboratory production were used for testing. They were measured as single strands as well as arrangements similar to an OSB mat. For real strands, the same covering effects to the size distributions revealed as in the simulation. Under stable image acquisition conditions and using similar processing parameters the characteristics of these samples can well be measured, and changes in the size distributions are definitely due to the geometric properties of the strands. The suitability of the processing procedure for the characterization of strand size distributions could also be confirmed for images acquired from OSB mats in a production line. Moreover, it could be shown that the extended threshold analysis is also suitable to evaluate images of particle board surfaces and to draw conclusions about the size distribution of the top layer particles. Therefore, the method presented here is a novel possibility to measure size distributions of OSB strands through the evaluation of partial gray value images of the mat surface. In principle, this method is suitable to be transferred to an industrial application. So far, methods that address the problem of detecting trends of the strand size distribution were not known, and this work shows new perspectives for process monitoring.

Ultra precision metrology : the key for mask lithography and manufacturing of high definition displays

Ekberg, Peter January 2011 (has links)
Metrology is the science of measurement. It is also a prerequisite for maintaining a high quality in all manufacturing processes. In this thesis we will present the demands and solutions for ultra-precision metrology in the manufacturing of lithography masks for the TV-display industry. The extreme challenge that needs to be overcome is a measurement uncertainty of 10 nm on an absolute scale of more that 2 meters in X and Y. Materials such as metal, ceramic composites, quartz or glass are highly affected by the surrounding temperature when tolerances are specified at nanometer levels. Also the fact that the refractive index of air in the interferometers measuring absolute distances is affected by temperature, pressure, humidity and CO2 contents makes the reference measurements really challenging. This goes hand in hand with the ability of how to design a mask writer, a pattern generator with a performance good enough for writing masks for the display industry with sub-micron accuracy over areas of square meters.  As in many other areas in the industry high quality metrology is the key for success in developing high accuracy production tools. The aim of this thesis is therefore to discuss the metrology requirements of mask making for display screens. Defects that cause stripes in the image of a display, the so called “Mura” effect, are extremely difficult to measure as they are caused by spatially systematic errors in the mask writing process in the range of 10-20 nm. These errors may spatially extend in several hundreds of mm and are superposed by random noise with significantly higher amplitude compared to the 10-20 nm.  A novel method for measuring chromium patterns on glass substrates will also be presented in this thesis. This method will be compared to methods based on CCD and CMOS images. Different methods have been implementedin the Micronic MMS1500 large area measuring machine, which is the metrology tool used by the mask industry, for verifying the masks made by the Micronic mask writers. Using alternative methods in the same system has been very efficient for handling different measurement situations. Some of  the discussed methods are also used by the writers for calibration purposes. / QC 20110517

Detekce poznávací značky v obraze / Image-Based Licence Plate Recognition

Vacek, Michal January 2009 (has links)
In first part thesis contains known methods of license plate detection. Preprocessing-based methods, AdaBoost-based methods and extremal region detection methods are described.Finally, there is a described and implemented own access using local detectors to creating visual vocabulary, which is used to plate recognition. All measurements are summarized on the end.

Určování poloh robotů Trilobot / Determination of Trilobot Robots Positions

Loyka, Tomáš January 2007 (has links)
This master's thesis is engaged in machine vision, methods of image processing and analysis. The reason is to create application to determine relative positions of Trilobot robots in the laboratory.

Hardwarová akcelerace filtrace obrazu / Hardware Acceleration of Image Filtering

Fiala, Martin January 2007 (has links)
This master's thesis contains introduction to image filtration problems, especially to theoretical outlets, whose origin lies in linear systems theory and mathematical function analysis. There are described some approaches and methods which are used to image smoothing and for edge detection in an image. Mainly Sobel operator, Laplace operator and median filter are covered. The main contents of this project is discussion of some approaches of hardware acceleration of image filtering and design of time effective software and hardware implementations of filters in a form of program functions and combinational circuits using theoretical knowledges about time complexity of algorithms. Hardware and software implementation of named filters was done too. For every filter, time of filtration was measured and results were compared and analyzed.

Contribució a l'estudi de les uninormes en el marc de les equacions funcionals. Aplicacions a la morfologia matemàtica

Ruiz Aguilera, Daniel 04 June 2007 (has links)
Les uninormes són uns operadors d'agregació que, per la seva definició, es poden considerar com a conjuncions o disjuncions, i que han estat aplicades a camps molt diversos. En aquest treball s'estudien algunes equacions funcionals que tenen com a incògnites les uninormes, o operadors definits a partir d'elles. Una d'elles és la distributivitat, que és resolta per les classes d'uninormes conegudes, solucionant, en particular, un problema obert en la teoria de l'anàlisi no-estàndard. També s'estudien les implicacions residuals i fortes definides a partir d'uninormes, trobant solució a la distributivitat d'aquestes implicacions sobre uninormes. Com a aplicació d'aquests estudis, es revisa i s'amplia la morfologia matemàtica borrosa basada en uninormes, que proporciona un marc inicial favorable per a un nou enfocament en l'anàlisi d'imatges, que haurà de ser estudiat en més profunditat. / Las uninormas son unos operadores de agregación que, por su definición se pueden considerar como conjunciones o disjunciones y que han sido aplicados a campos muy diversos. En este trabajo se estudian algunas ecuaciones funcionales que tienen como incógnitas las uninormas, o operadores definidos a partir de ellas.Una de ellas es la distributividad, que se resuelve para las classes de uninormas conocidas, solucionando, en particular, un problema abierto en la teoría del análisis no estándar. También se estudian las implicaciones residuales y fuertes definidas a partir de uninormas, encontrando solución a la distributividad de estas implicaciones sobre uninormas. Como aplicación de estos estudios, se revisa y amplía la morfología matemática borrosa basada en uninormas, que proporciona un marco inicial favorable para un nuevo enfoque en el análisis de imágenes, que tendrá que ser estudiado en más profundidad. / Uninorms are aggregation operators that, due to its definition, can be considered as conjunctions or disjunctions, and they have been applied to very different fields. In this work, some functional equations are studied, involving uninorms, or operators defined from them as unknowns. One of them is the distributivity equation, that is solved for all the known classes of uninorms, finding solution, in particular, to one open problem in the non-standard analysis theory. Residual implications, as well as strong ones defined from uninorms are studied, obtaining solution to the distributivity equation of this implications over uninorms. As an application of all these studies, the fuzzy mathematical morphology based on uninorms is revised and deeply studied, getting a new framework in image processing, that it will have to be studied in more detail.

Photogrammetric techniques for characterisation of anisotropic mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V

Arthington, Matthew Reginald January 2010 (has links)
The principal aims of this research have been the development of photogrammetric techniques for the measurement of anisotropic deformation in uniaxially loaded cylindrical specimens. This has been achieved through the use of calibrated cameras and the application of edge detection and multiple view geometry. The techniques have been demonstrated at quasi-static strain rates, 10^-3 s^-1, using a screw-driven loading device and high strain rates, 10^3 s^-1, using Split Hopkinson Bars. The materials that have been measured using the technique are nearlyisotropic steel, anisotropic cross-rolled Ti-6Al-4V and anisotropic clock-rolled commercially pure Zr. These techniques allow the surface shapes of specimens that deform elliptically to be completely tracked and measured in situ during loading. This has allowed the measurement of properties that could not have been recorded before, including true direct stress and the ratio of transverse strains in principal material directions, at quasi-static and elevated strain rates, in tension and compression. The techniques have been validated by measuring elliptical prisms of various aspect ratios and independently measuring interrupted specimens using a coordinate measurement machine. A secondary aim of this research has been to improve the characterisation of the anisotropic mechanical properties of cross-rolled Ti-6Al-4V using the techniques developed. In particular, the uniaxial yield stresses, hardening properties and the associated anisotropic deformation behaviour along the principal material directions, have all been recorded in detail not seen before. Significant findings include: higher yield stresses in-plane than in the through-thickness direction in both tension and compression, and the near transverse-isotropy of the through-thickness direction for loading conditions other than quasi-static tension, where significant anisotropy was observed.

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