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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les églises nancéiennes du XVIII ème siècle : de l'outil à l'édifice / The Churches of Nancy of the Eighteenth Century : from Tool to Building

Samba, Anatole 26 February 2011 (has links)
Ma thèse s'intitule "Les églises nancéiennes du XVIIIe siècle, de l'outil à l'édifice." C'est une étude sur les chantiers concernant les édifices cultuels élevés durant les règnes des ducs Léopold (1697-1729) et François III Étienne (1729-1737). Y est essentiellement traité le processus de construction architecturale depuis l'extraction des matériaux (pierre, bois) des carrières et forêts lorraines jusqu'au parfait achèvement des sanctuaires projetés. Ce travail se penche aussi sur les outils dont faisaient usage les carriers - dans les carrières de Viterne, d'Euville, de Lérouville, de Sorcy-Saint-Martin, de Savonnières-en-Perthois, etc. - et les tailleurs de pierre au XVIIIe siècle : masses, pics, marteaux taillants, coins, brettures, gradines, etc. L'on s'y arrête également sur la rétribution des ouvriers, des architectes conducteurs de travaux et des entrepreneurs, et sur quelques conflits d'intérêts ayant donné lieu à des procès. Ce travail s'organise sur quatre parties : la première, introductive, est une promenade dans les rues de la capitale duché de Lorraine afin de découvrir et visiter les églises érigées sous les règnes de Léopold et François III. La seconde est consacrée aux matériaux et outils ayant servi à élever ces sanctuaires. La troisième concerne la construction et reconstruction des édifices cultuels. Et la quatrième et dernière se penche sur les ouvriers accomplissant leur travail dans les chantiers. / Unavailable

On Edifice

Bradbury, Joseph D. 01 May 2013 (has links)
This collection of essays intends to draw out the complex relationship between structure and identity in the American West. Specifically, this collection considers the inherent connection between Mormon meetinghouses and the Salt Lake City Downtown Rising project completed in 2012, and both Mormons and non-Mormons who choose to establish a home and an identity in the West. Although the obvious addressees are Mormon and non-Mormon, the applicable audience is far-reaching in that the identity of a specific region established primarily by one faction of people is, much like all things, subject to change. This change and this identity crisis resemble the worn façade of an aged structure. With time, a new identity emerges and from it a new understanding of time and place is engendered. This project was funded by curiosity and a restless mind. The societal benefits, like any piece of literature, are incalculable.

Puissance publique et édifices du culte de la période moderne à 1905 / Public power and places of worship from the modern period until 1905

Ducros, François-Régis 27 September 2011 (has links)
Les rapports entre puissance publique et édifices du culte – et notamment la multiplicité d’usages de ces derniers – se comprennent par l’étude de la réception des normes canoniques relatives aux églises et par la transformation de leur sens en droit séculier.Selon l’enseignement du droit canonique, l’édifice cultuel est un lieu liturgiquement consacré au culte, revêtant dès lors une nature théologico-juridique spécifique.Empruntant au langage du droit romain antique, la doctrine canonique le qualifie de ressacræ.Au XVIe siècle, l’apparition des cultes issus de la réforme protestante etl’interprétation moderne des textes du Corpus iuris civilis conduisent la doctrine séculière etla puissance publique à repenser juridiquement le statut canonique des sanctuaires. D’unlieu sacré, l’édifice religieux devient progressivement à un lieu destiné au culte pour n’êtreplus qu’un édifice juridiquement affecté au culte.Au-delà du simple glissement lexical, on assiste, depuis l’ancien droit jusqu’à laséparation des Églises et de l’État, à un changement d’appréhension juridique de l’édificedu culte. Le lieu de culte confié à la protection de la puissance publique est finalement misà la disposition du culte par celle-ci. / The relations between public power and places of worship – and notably themultiplicity of their using – can be understood by the study of canonical norms reception’sand the transformation of their meaning in secular law.According to the teaching of the canon law, the place of worship is a place liturgicallydedicated to worship, holder of a particular theological and juridical nature. Borrowingfrom the antic roman law language, the canonical doctrine call him res sacræ.In the 16th. century, the apparition of worship issued of the protestant reform and themodern interpretation of texts from the Corpus iuris civilis lead the secular doctrine and thepublic power to rethink legally the canonical status of the sanctuaries. From a sacred place,the place of worship become progressively a place assigned to the worship and finally just abuilding legally affected to the worship.Beyond the simple lexical sliding, we are present, from the french ancient law until theseparation of Churches and State, at a juridical grasp’s change of the place of worship.This place, entrusted to the public power’s care, is at last putted at the worship disposal bypower.

Langres – Andemantunnum (Haute-Marne, Champagne-Ardenne) : Étude urbanistique de la capitale de cité des Lingons / Langres- Andemantunnum (Haute-Marne, Champagne-Ardenne) : urbanistic study of the city of Lingons' capital

Menec, Florine 12 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour sujet : Langres- Andemantunnum (Haute-Marne, Champagne-Ardenne). Étude urbanistique de la capitale de cité des Lingons. Afin de mener à bien ces travaux de recherche, des reprises d’archives de fouilles, des enquêtes auprès des habitants, l’exploitation de manuscrits d’érudits des XVIIIe et XIXe et de notes inédites de chercheurs locaux ont, entre autres, été nécessaires. L’importante masse de données collectées a permis d’aborder de nouvelles problématiques concernant la voirie et l’organisation urbaine de cette capitale antique, le rempart du Bas-Empire, les aménagements hydrauliques, les édifices publics, l’habitat, l’artisanat, les nécropoles et le suburbium. Toutes ces nouvelles données permettent désormais d’appréhender un peu mieux l’occupation du promontoire durant l’Antiquité. Le processus d’installation de l’oppidum, l’élaboration d’un programme urbain réfléchi dès le Ier siècle ap. J.-C. et les conséquences urbaines des troubles du Bas-Empire font partie des étapes fondamentales qu’a connu le promontoire langrois. Certaines des caractéristiques propres à l’organisation urbaine de ces différentes phases d’occupation perdurent encore aujourd’hui dans le plan de la ville du XXIe siècle. / The topic of this thesis is: Langres- Andemantunnum (Haute-Marne, Champagne-Ardenne). Urbanistic study of the city of Lingons' capital. In order to carry out this research, excavation archives takeovers, local survey, the exploitation of eighteenth and nineteenth erudites manuscripts and unpublished notes of local researchers, among others, were required. The huge mass of data collected has helped to address new problematics regarding roads and urban organization of this ancient capital, the rampart of the Late Roman Empire, water projects, public buildings, housing, crafts, cemeteries and suburbium. Thanks to these new data it is now possible to better understand the occupation of the promontory during antiquity. The setup process of the oppidum, the development of a carefully designed urban program as of the first century AD and urban consequences of the Late Roman Empire disorders are among the fundamental stages experienced by the langrois promontory. Some of the urban organization characteristics of these different phases of occupation have influenced the current city map.

A arquitetura no processo de humanização dos ambientes hospitalares / The architecture in the process of humanization of hospitalar ambients

Ciaco, Ricardo José Alexandre Simon 24 March 2010 (has links)
A questão da humanização hospitalar parece ser temática bastante recorrente hoje, nas ciências da saúde, bem como na arquitetura. Este estudo visa compreender, através de um olhar voltado para a arquitetura, a estruturação e as práticas dos processos de humanização nos ambientes hospitalares. Para tanto, realizam-se incursões teóricas para melhor precisar o conceito de humanização em uma abordagem arquitetônica, tanto na perspectiva do utente, quanto na do trabalhador da saúde, bem como se realiza uma revisão da legislação que trata do assunto, visando uma melhor compreensão do papel do Sistema Único de Saúde no processo de humanização hospitalar. Ainda a partir de uma abordagem teórica, procura-se estabelecer parâmetros que possibilitem avaliar se estabelecimentos assistenciais de saúde podem ou não ser considerados humanizados, tentado-se elencar os requisitos básicos para se desenvolver uma arquitetura eficiente quanto à humanização desse ambientes. A partir dos referenciais teóricos da humanização hospitalar nas suas relações com a arquitetura, parte-se para uma análise de campo que permita, a partir das práticas em curso nos hospitais, verificar se há efetivamente uma preocupação de desenvolvimento e implantação de uma arquitetura voltada para a questão da humanização, bem como se os requisitos arquitetônicos apontados teoricamente dão conta e são suficientes para se pensar em uma arquitetura com tal propósito. Nossa hipótese é a de que como nos hospitais públicos há menor disponibilidade de recursos, a preocupação com a humanização volta-se exclusivamente para os princípios essenciais e básicos de uma arquitetura preocupada com questão, sendo esses princípios arquitetônicos por si sós já suficientes para garantir um nível adequado de humanização no ambiente hospitalar. Desta maneira, o corpus de análise volta-se para o sistema público de saúde, elencando-se quatro estabelecimentos assistenciais de saúde que atendem preferencialmente usuários do SUS, em diferentes portes e complexidades operacionais, possibilitando assim uma visão prática mais abrangente. São eles o Hospital Escola Municipal de São Carlos, o Hospital do Câncer de Barretos, a Santa Casa de Porto Alegre e a Santa Casa de São João da Boa Vista. Desta forma, espera-se então entender se nos hospitais destinados ao atendimento público a presença da arquitetura, por meio de requisitos básicos, é eficiente na humanização dos ambientes. E, por fim, fornecer subsídios para a estruturação de uma arquitetura hospitalar mais eficiente na questão da humanização. / The matter of hospitalar humanization seems to be subject quite recurring nowadays in the sciences of health, as well as in architecture. This study aims to understand through the architecture point of view the structuring and the practices of the humanization process within the hospitalar ambient. For this intention, it will be realized theoretical incursions for better precise the concept of humanization in an architectonical approach, either through the patient or the employee of the health area perspectives, as well as it will be revised the legislation about the subject in order to better comprehend the function of the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) within the process of hospitalar humanization. Still through a theoretical approach, it is expected to establish parameters that make possible to evaluate if the health buildings either or not can be considered humanized, trying to map the basic requirements for the development of an efficient architecture focused on the humanization of hospitalar ambients. From this theoretical approach of the hospitalar humanization within its relationship with architecture, a field analysis is implemented in order to verify in the hospitalar practices if there is a real concern in developing and implementing an architecture focused on the humanization, as well as if the architectonic requirements identified in the theory were enough to reflect an architecture with this intention. Our hypothesis is that since the public hospitals have lower availability of resources, the concern with the humanization is exclusively related to the essential and basic principles if an architecture worried with the issue, being these architectonic requirements enough for ensuring an adequate level of humanization of the hospital ambient. Thus the analysis corpus will be the public health system, considering four hospitals that serve preferentially SUS patients, with different sizes and complexity of operation: Hospital Escola Municipal de São Carlos, Hospital do Câncer de Barretos, Santa Casa de Porto Alegre and Santa Casa de São João da Boa Vista. We expect to understand if in these public hospitals the presence of the basic architectonic requirements are enough and sufficient for the humanization of the ambients. At last, we intend to provide contribution for the development of a hospitalar architecture more efficient and worried with the question of humanization.

Interventions On Immovable Archaeological Heritage As A Tool For New Formation Process

Simsek, Gokce 01 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In the preservation discourse, interventions are generally viewed as technical issues. Considering that interventions cause variety of changes in the characteristics of archaeological edifices starting from the excavation, these changes constructs and shapes the archaeological edifices in terms of its appearance and meaning. In that respect, interventions act as tools for making changes in archaeological edifices by causing transformation of existing characteristics, loss of some others and adding new ones. Based on this, the study aims to evaluate interventions by putting change at the center in order to understand how interventions affect archaeological edifice in constructing its appearance and meaning. The study is based on evaluation of intervention through a &amp / #8216 / new formation process&amp / #8217 / , which is based on two phases. The first phase deals with evaluation of changes in values through the &amp / #8216 / value formation process&amp / #8217 / . The second phase is related with the assessment of changes in the characteristics of archaeological edifice as a whole, in terms of its physical, functional and semantic characteristics. This approach enables the examination of the process of change starting from prior to excavation and the assessment of interventions through the principles of change (reliability, consistency, legibility) and the &amp / #8216 / value formation process&amp / #8217 / . The evaluation method is sampled on certain intervened archaeological edifices on the Curetes Street in Ephesus. The study concludes that the interventions are significant tools for making changes in archaeological edifices throughout its new lifecycle. The &amp / #8216 / value formation process&amp / #8217 / and the &amp / #8216 / new formation process&amp / #8217 / approach can make it possible to predict changes in archaeological edifices, prevent value conflicts caused by interventions and improve the quality of change shaped by interventions. Approaching the intervention process as a change management problem necessitates to develop appropriate change strategies and to define this process as a &amp / #8216 / new formation process&amp / #8217 / .

A arquitetura no processo de humanização dos ambientes hospitalares / The architecture in the process of humanization of hospitalar ambients

Ricardo José Alexandre Simon Ciaco 24 March 2010 (has links)
A questão da humanização hospitalar parece ser temática bastante recorrente hoje, nas ciências da saúde, bem como na arquitetura. Este estudo visa compreender, através de um olhar voltado para a arquitetura, a estruturação e as práticas dos processos de humanização nos ambientes hospitalares. Para tanto, realizam-se incursões teóricas para melhor precisar o conceito de humanização em uma abordagem arquitetônica, tanto na perspectiva do utente, quanto na do trabalhador da saúde, bem como se realiza uma revisão da legislação que trata do assunto, visando uma melhor compreensão do papel do Sistema Único de Saúde no processo de humanização hospitalar. Ainda a partir de uma abordagem teórica, procura-se estabelecer parâmetros que possibilitem avaliar se estabelecimentos assistenciais de saúde podem ou não ser considerados humanizados, tentado-se elencar os requisitos básicos para se desenvolver uma arquitetura eficiente quanto à humanização desse ambientes. A partir dos referenciais teóricos da humanização hospitalar nas suas relações com a arquitetura, parte-se para uma análise de campo que permita, a partir das práticas em curso nos hospitais, verificar se há efetivamente uma preocupação de desenvolvimento e implantação de uma arquitetura voltada para a questão da humanização, bem como se os requisitos arquitetônicos apontados teoricamente dão conta e são suficientes para se pensar em uma arquitetura com tal propósito. Nossa hipótese é a de que como nos hospitais públicos há menor disponibilidade de recursos, a preocupação com a humanização volta-se exclusivamente para os princípios essenciais e básicos de uma arquitetura preocupada com questão, sendo esses princípios arquitetônicos por si sós já suficientes para garantir um nível adequado de humanização no ambiente hospitalar. Desta maneira, o corpus de análise volta-se para o sistema público de saúde, elencando-se quatro estabelecimentos assistenciais de saúde que atendem preferencialmente usuários do SUS, em diferentes portes e complexidades operacionais, possibilitando assim uma visão prática mais abrangente. São eles o Hospital Escola Municipal de São Carlos, o Hospital do Câncer de Barretos, a Santa Casa de Porto Alegre e a Santa Casa de São João da Boa Vista. Desta forma, espera-se então entender se nos hospitais destinados ao atendimento público a presença da arquitetura, por meio de requisitos básicos, é eficiente na humanização dos ambientes. E, por fim, fornecer subsídios para a estruturação de uma arquitetura hospitalar mais eficiente na questão da humanização. / The matter of hospitalar humanization seems to be subject quite recurring nowadays in the sciences of health, as well as in architecture. This study aims to understand through the architecture point of view the structuring and the practices of the humanization process within the hospitalar ambient. For this intention, it will be realized theoretical incursions for better precise the concept of humanization in an architectonical approach, either through the patient or the employee of the health area perspectives, as well as it will be revised the legislation about the subject in order to better comprehend the function of the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) within the process of hospitalar humanization. Still through a theoretical approach, it is expected to establish parameters that make possible to evaluate if the health buildings either or not can be considered humanized, trying to map the basic requirements for the development of an efficient architecture focused on the humanization of hospitalar ambients. From this theoretical approach of the hospitalar humanization within its relationship with architecture, a field analysis is implemented in order to verify in the hospitalar practices if there is a real concern in developing and implementing an architecture focused on the humanization, as well as if the architectonic requirements identified in the theory were enough to reflect an architecture with this intention. Our hypothesis is that since the public hospitals have lower availability of resources, the concern with the humanization is exclusively related to the essential and basic principles if an architecture worried with the issue, being these architectonic requirements enough for ensuring an adequate level of humanization of the hospital ambient. Thus the analysis corpus will be the public health system, considering four hospitals that serve preferentially SUS patients, with different sizes and complexity of operation: Hospital Escola Municipal de São Carlos, Hospital do Câncer de Barretos, Santa Casa de Porto Alegre and Santa Casa de São João da Boa Vista. We expect to understand if in these public hospitals the presence of the basic architectonic requirements are enough and sufficient for the humanization of the ambients. At last, we intend to provide contribution for the development of a hospitalar architecture more efficient and worried with the question of humanization.

Searching for the Grandiose / Searching for the Grandiose

Wallhammar, Johan January 2018 (has links)
This project is called “Searching for the Grandiose” and consequently dives into this both historical and contemporary field of architecture. With a basis in architectural history, architectural theory and popular culture the project aims to understand and create grandiose architecture.  Both built and imaginary, this area of architecture has always inspired and pushed the boundaries for the possibilities of our profession. Furthermore, in the search for the grandiose also follows a possibility of the limitless – both economically, technically and mentally. In trying to design the grandiose, the architect must loosen the chains of reality and strive for the impossible and awesome. Consequently – a vast architectural fantasy is here created on an imaginary site with no restrictions in regards to size, program or economy.

Budoucnost brněnského výstaviště / Brno Trade Fairs Future

Kousal, Petr January 2018 (has links)
Brno will continue to be the city and the centre of the fairs. The historical part around the pavilion A is opened to public and the fairs are concentrated around the pavilion Z, where a new city entrance is planned within a linear park, also a new pavilion and a superstructure with residence of BVV is planned. Newly, the terminal Lipová is designed with the cableway station, which is not only an attraction over the valley of Pisárky, but also represents a form of transport to the campus Bohunice and back to the trade fair center. The design of an exhibition pavilion is situated in a part of Brno-Pisárky, in western area of BVV. The Pavilion contains an exhibition hall and an entrance edifice on a new axis directed from an Anthropos over an superstructure on a significant pavilion Z. The entrance edifice in a central of pavilion is surrounded by exhibition area and its centre is plaza with natural woody plants and colonnade. Entries are leaded on galleries on this level. Galleries are opened into the exhibition hall. A restaurant has a specific view on the dominant-pavilion Z. A visitor goes through the plaza and descends on monumental stairs to the pavilion Z into area of BVV in a primary direction. The visitor descents from the plaza over each galleries to the exhibiton area in a secondary direction. The proposal offers to the visitors and exhibitors not only gathering outdoor relaxation area on the plaza, but moreover interesting experiences from galleries. The total built area of the pavilion is almost equal to the exhibition area, because the design creates the entry level on the third floor. The new building meets the requirements of modern exhibitions and will be used for social and educational events - balls, weddings, conferences, cultural events - concerts, theater, opera performances and sports events. The Pavilion will be visited by inhabitents of all ages not only from Brno, from near and distant surroundings, but also by visitors from abroad.

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