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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of elementary principal selection procedures and relationship to student achievement

Ortega, Janie 11 February 2015 (has links)
Not available / text

From expectations to success : examining the relation of educational expectations to educational attainment for African American and white adolescents

Imes, Amy Elizabeth 23 May 2013 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study is to assess the extent to which educational expectations contribute to educational attainment for different subgroups of youth using a model of educational attainment that draws from two theoretical frameworks – status attainment theory and the expectancy-value theory of achievement motivation. This combined model of educational attainment posits that certain factors contribute to attainment, including SES, achievement, self-concept of ability, educational values, and educational expectations. A within-subject fixed-effects approach is used in all of the models tested to address issues of endogeneity. Empirical findings suggest that expectations may not influence attainment for African American youth and youth from low-SES families. In the present study, the relations of expectations for attending college to the amount of education attained are investigated for African American and White youth and for youth from high and low SES backgrounds. Although there is no evidence suggesting that expectations contribute to attainment differently for males and females, research suggests that the link between achievement and self-concept of ability may differ by gender. Overall, the data support the hypotheses that: a) educational expectations predict educational attainment for each subgroup assessed; and b) educational values and self-concept of ability are precursors of this relation. However, the association between achievement and self-concept of ability is not statistically different for males and females. The results of this study suggest that expectations are important for attainment irrespective of race, socio-economic status, and gender differences. Because such similarities have not previously been reported in the literature, this study makes a unique contribution and may serve as a guide for future investigation. / text

Professor, uma profissão professada : o homem no exercício do magistério (1975 - 2005)

Nunes, Suzana Mary de Andrade 08 August 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study is about the aspects of male teacher work configuration in the period from 1975 until 2005 in Sergipe. It is based on Education History presupposes from both Cultural History and Sociology approach. The intention of this research is to comprehend the processes of professional choice, through the mechanisms of disturbance and changes accurred in a socio-historical view; the academic training and the investments in the career of teaching in the perspective of requirements and demands of a professional qualification from the lives histories of six teachers from the secondary and high education. It is expected with this investigation a contribution to the studies of teacher profession history in Sergipe. / Este estudo trata de aspectos da configuração do trabalho docente masculino no período de 1975 a 2005 em Sergipe. Fundamenta-se em pressupostos da História da Educação a partir da abordagem da História Cultural e da Sociologia. Intenta-se nesta pesquisa compreender os processos de escolha profissional, através dos mecanismos de perpetuação e mudanças ocorridas numa visão sócio-histórica; a formação e investimentos na carreira do magistério dentro de uma perspectiva de exigências e demandas de uma qualificação profissional a partir da história de vida de seis professores do ensino médio e superior. Espera-se, assim, contribuir para os estudos da História da Profissão docente em Sergipe. As trajetórias dos professores-homens pesquisadas que atuam no magistério público em Sergipe permitiram elucidar aspectos significativos do trabalho docente na atualidade. Na maioria dos relatos a escolha profissional aconteceu vinculada a questões sócio-econômicas e à presença próxima de professoras na família mães, tias, esposas, entre outras. Alguns dos professores desenvolveram outras atividades laborais juntamente com o magistério. O investimento profissional, através da busca pelo Mestrado em Educação, conforme revelaram os professores, foi feito visando melhorias salariais e a conquista de novos postos de trabalho.

Biudžeto paskirstymas švietimo sistemoje:situacija ir tendencijos / The Budget Distribution in Educational System: Situation and Tendencies

Liaugaudienė, Edita 28 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojami švietimo biudžeto formavimo bei įgyvendinimo teoriniai aspektai, atlikta Mažeikių ir Šilalės rajonų švietimo stebėsenos rodiklių lyginamoji analizė; atlikta Mažeikių ir Šilalės savivaldybių švietimo biudžeto paskirstymo lyginamoji analizė; ištirta švietimo institucijų vadovų pozicija švietimo finansavimo paskirstymo klausimais; įvertintas mokinio krepšelio panaudojimo efektyvumas, sąlygojantis mokymo kokybę. Magistro baigiamajame darbe identifikuotos pagrindinės švietimo finansavimo problemos: formuojant valstybinę švietimo politiką nėra numatyta ilgalaikė švietimo finansavimo sistema, neįvertinami visi galimi finansavimo šaltiniai, nepakankami pritraukiamas privatus kapitalas, mokyklos nepakankamai aprūpinamos mokymo priemonėmis, laboratorine įranga, geltonaisiais autobusais ir kt. / The objective of the research-to investigate the budget distribution in educational system situation and tendencies taking the case of Silale and Mazeikiai district general education schools. The theoretical aspects of educational budget formation and implementation were analyzed in the Master thesis. The comparative analysis of monitoring indicators was accomplished in Mazeikiai and Silale districts. There was investigated the position of the educational leaders concerning educational finance distribution. The student basket’s use efficiency which can determinate education quality was also evaluated. The main educational financing problems are indentified in the Master thesis: forming the state educational policy there is no long term educational financing system, all possible financing sources are not deliberated, there is lack of private fund, the schools are lack of training tools, laboratory equipment, yellow busses, etc.

Vaikų dienos centrų vaidmuo tenkinant mokinių specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius / The role of day care centers in meeting needs of pupils with special educatinal needs

Visockytė, Gerda 01 February 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbe analizuojamas vaikų dienos centrų vaidmuo tenkinant mokinių specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius. Tyrime dalyvavo 109 dalyviai: 60 Šiaulių miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų pedagogų, 40 Lietuvoje veikiančių vaikų dienos centrų darbuotojų, 5 Šiauliuose įsikūrusio dienos centro ugdytiniai, 3 minėto dienos centro ugdytinių tėvai (globėjai) ir specialioji pedagogė. Anketinės apklausos metodu siekta išsiaiškinti, bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų atstovų žinių pobūdį apie vaikų dienos centrus ir požiūrį į juose vykdomą veiklą bei galimą bendradarbiavimą. Taip pat, tirta Lietuvje veikiančių dienos centrų darbuotojų nuomonė, apie jų įstaigų veiklą, siūlomas paslaugas, pagalbos pobūdį. Siekta įvertinti vaikų dienos centrų teikiamų paslaugų įvairovę ir kryptingumą mokyklinio amžiaus vaikams ir jų tėvams. Užsibrėžta išsiaiškinti, kiek vaikų dienos centrus lankančių mokinių turi specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių. Interviu apklausa tirta specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių bei jų tėvų nuomonė apie dienos centrus ir juose teikiamas paslaugas. Taip pat, siekta atskleisti vaikų dienos centro, kaip papildomo resurso, tenkinant specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių turinčių mokinių poreikius galimybę. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad didelė dalis mokyklų pedagogų mažai domisi vaikų užimtumu po pamokų, nežino, ar jų klasės ugdytiniai lanko dienos centrą. Pripažįstamas informacijos apie vaikų dienos centrus trūkumas. Labiau pabrėžiamas teigiamas vaikų dienos centrų vaidmuo mokinių užimtumo ir ugdymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Master‘s thesis analyses the role of day care centers in meeting needs of pupils with special educational needs. To reach the result, was used questinnaire method. 109 people were involved in researc: 60 school pedagogues from Siauliai, 40 day care center specialists from all over Lithuania, 5 pupils from the day care center of Siauliai, 3 patents and a special needs educator who works in the same day care center. The main task of the questinnaire method was to find out the schools of general education knowledge of the nature of the child day care centers, and they approach to their current activities and possible cooperation. Also to find out the day care center specialist opinion about their institutions, the services offered and the nature of assistance. The objective was to assess the children's day care centers for the various services provided and the orientation of school-age children and their parents. Aims to determine the number of children attending day care centers to students with special educational needs. Interview Survey were studied the special needs students and their parents' views on a day care center and its services. It also aimed to reveal the child day care center as an additional resource to meet the needs of special education (learning) needs of students with access needs. The study found that a large part of the school teachers have little interest in children's after-school jobs, do not know whether the class of learners attending day care... [to full text]

Vývoj elementárního školství v Závratci a okolí v letech 1815-1918 / Development of Elementary Education in Zavratec and Surrounding other Towns between 1815-1918

Lebduška, Václav January 2011 (has links)
of the diploma thesis The diploma thesis focuses on the analysis of historical development of system of education in a particular region in the context of historical influences. The thesis is formally divided into two parts. The first is descriptive and deals with the process of formation of elementary schools from their historical origins untill the first half of 19th century. Particular attention is devoted to essential education reforms and to socio- economical status of teachers. The second part of the thesis focuses on the history of local schools in Závratec and its surroundigs between 1820 and 1918. With the application of microanalytical method, there is a description of particular social situations and historical contexts of the establishment and development of one of the elementary schools.

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