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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Education for sustainability through action research : an exploration through theory, policy and practice in Scottish secondary schools

Lloyd, Zoe Alise January 2015 (has links)
Environmental deterioration and social injustice highlight the discrepancy between ‘educated' and ‘wise' and, by corollary, call into question our approach to education. In order to investigate how we might advance Education for Sustainability (EfS) in a Scottish secondary school context this research engages with: relevant theory, the educational policy context, and practice in the form of two action research pilot projects. The concepts of utopianism and design are proposed as original and potentially useful to understand, guide and evaluate EfS and are linked to an analytical framework to clarify the concept of EfS endorsed in this thesis. The analytical framework developed comprises four thinking modes: systems thinking; future thinking; an emphasis on values and priorities; and action competency, each qualified through reference to practice. The pilot projects highlighted the challenges of monitoring and evaluating; illustrated opportunities and challenges to deliver EfS theory; offered new theoretical insights into EfS implementation; and enabled reflection on the status of EfS in the wider curriculum. The challenge of undertaking action research as a postgraduate student led to critical analysis of action research in academia. The thesis highlights the potentially promising policy context to facilitate EfS, particularly in Scotland, but also the practical challenges to implement EfS. Such challenges include: concerns over the clarity of policy documents; teachers' interest and ability to facilitate pupil-led learning; and resources to support the quality of EfS being delivered. Recommendations for future research include additional classroom-based projects; policy implementation analysis; and investigation of teachers' values, attitudes and capacity. It was concluded that utopianism, design, and the four thinking modes can potentially contribute to qualifying EfS in current policy and facilitate pupils to critique the status quo, and develop and share alternative visions of a sustainable future.

Identifying Opportunities for Education for Sustainability: Current Practices of Community-Based Environmental Groups

Skoien, Petra, n/a January 2006 (has links)
Education for sustainability (EFS) is emerging as a key strategy for learning and action towards sustainability. Community-based environmental groups are potentially important providers of, and contexts for, educating adults for sustainability because they engage the community in activities such as public awareness raising, advocacy and lobbying, community education, and participatory learning (UNESCO, 2004, p. 25). These groups have been identified as key stakeholders of EFS in UNESCO's strategic plan for the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, from 2005-2014 (UNESCO, 2004). Despite this recognition, there are few models or precedents to guide groups or programs in developing and implementing EFS in their strategies or activities. Additionally, education commonly associated with community-based environmental groups has been rather narrowly conceived as public awareness raising and individual behaviour change, and disconnected from advocacy (Clover, 2002a; Whelan, pending). This thesis addressed this gap in understanding by investigating the dimensions of education and learning in two community-based environmental groups in South-East QueensIand. The aim of this research was to develop a framework to explain and understand the role of education and learning within and by community-based environmental groups. The research inquiry was motivated by an interpretive interest in uncovering the educative dimensions arising from group members' engagement in the activities of community-based environmental groups. This aim was addressed through an investigation of: (1) the community education initiatives of community-based environmental groups; and (2) the learning that occurs within these groups through participation in social action, Two community-based environmental groups that participated in this study were Smogbusters, an environmental advocacy group, which focused on air quality and transport issues in Brisbane; and the Pumicestone Region Catchment Coordination Association, (PRCCA) a community-based natural resource management group. Information was gathered through participant observation, interviews with group members and project staff, and the collection of relevant documents from both groups. A conceptual framework based on five convergent themes in the contemporary EFS literature was used to interpret and analyse the activities of these groups, These are: (1) participation; (2) critical thinking; (3) local relevance; (4) holistic, interdisciplinary and systemic approaches; and (5) values-driven approaches. The analysis of both groups' community education initiatives revealed the use of approaches that extend beyond pubhc awareness, didactic, and information-based approaches to strategies that engaged the community more actively than was possible with conventional approaches. This reflects a more sophisticated and considered approach that connects education with advocacy as an integral part of groups' strategy and practice. The two case studies illustrate the use of participatory learning and action that incorporates adult learning approaches to enhance participation and learning. These findings contribute to knowledge that can help bridge the gap between education and advocacy in the activities of community-based environmental groups (Clover, 2002a; Whelan, 2005). The findings strongly suggest that the two groups engaged a form of education and action that approaches the potential of EFS as envisaged in policy documents and vision statements. The groups provided opportunities for action learning through advocacy and lobbying for policy change, and through a range of activities associated with addressing issues of natural resource management. In Smogbusters, participation in advocacy and education contributed to building the capacity of individuals to engage in social action for sustainable transport and air quality. In the PRCCA, group members' participation in natural resource management related activities developed their skills, knowledge and capacity to advocate for sustainable natural resource management practices. These findings confirm that local participation in environmental action and decision making builds on the individual and collective experiences of participants. Participation in action empowered and enabled group members to engage in action and change. In particular, participants developed a strong sense of their capacity to enact change, and to engage in social action. The findings of this research suggest that community-based environmental groups are important places for adults to gain a stronger sense of personal and collective agency towards sustainability. Further, participation in these groups is an important mechanism for environmental change to be brought about through collective action (Apel & Camozzi, 1996). The research findings confirm that adult and popular education pedagogies can optimise learning in community-based environmental groups (Foley, 1999; Clover & Hall, 2000; Clover; 2002a; Follen & HaIl, 1998; Newman, 1995a). The framework may be able to assist project coordinators in developing and implementing community education strategies into their programs. Finally, the findings have implications for policy and program development in the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.

Rethinking Education: A Paradigm for Education for Sustainability

Wilkins, Lynn D. 30 November 2011 (has links)
In this thesis I will argue that the current predicament we find ourselves in of unsustainable practices can only be addressed through a fundamental shift in the way we view the world and ourselves in it. It is my contention that our most immediate path to achieving this shift is through education. In this thesis I investigate the philosophical basis and justification for education as the impetus for change that will lead to sustainable societies. This inquiry will rethink Freire’s work within our current socio-historical context. Limitations and critiques of Freire’s work will be examined in order to investigate the ability of his work to form the foundation of a paradigm shift towards education that promotes sustainability. The work of C.A. Bowers is used as the basis to interrogate Freire’s work and to re-think some areas to overcome limitations of Freire’s work in his application to Education for Sustainability.

Rethinking Education: A Paradigm for Education for Sustainability

Wilkins, Lynn D. 30 November 2011 (has links)
In this thesis I will argue that the current predicament we find ourselves in of unsustainable practices can only be addressed through a fundamental shift in the way we view the world and ourselves in it. It is my contention that our most immediate path to achieving this shift is through education. In this thesis I investigate the philosophical basis and justification for education as the impetus for change that will lead to sustainable societies. This inquiry will rethink Freire’s work within our current socio-historical context. Limitations and critiques of Freire’s work will be examined in order to investigate the ability of his work to form the foundation of a paradigm shift towards education that promotes sustainability. The work of C.A. Bowers is used as the basis to interrogate Freire’s work and to re-think some areas to overcome limitations of Freire’s work in his application to Education for Sustainability.

Educação para a sustentabilidade em cursos de graduação em administração : proposta de uma estrutura analítica

Figueiró, Paola Schmitt January 2015 (has links)
O interesse em aproximar a temática sustentabilidade da formação dos administradores vem ganhando força. Principalmente a partir da última década, o movimento conhecido como Educação para a Sustentabilidade vem despertando mais interesse em diferentes níveis e, portanto, tem exigido transformações nas instituições de ensino. Em nível mundial com a proclamação da Década das Nações Unidas da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, e a criação do Principles for Responsible Managemet Education (PRME), e em nível local com as Diretrizes Curriculares para a Educação Ambiental, do Ministério da Educação do Brasil, tem-se exemplos de esforços e iniciativas que visam integrar a temática nas atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Diante disso, esta tese parte do pressuposto que quatro diferentes dimensões operacionais estão interligadas e são interdependentes no processo de mudança e adaptação das instituições de ensino – contextual, organizacional, curricular e pedagógica. O enfoque desta pesquisa foram os cursos de graduação em Administração com o intuito de responder ao seguinte questionamento: quais são os mecanismos que permitem a integração da temática sustentabilidade na formação em Administração sob a perspectiva das dimensões contextual, organizacional, curricular e pedagógica? Para tanto, a partir de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, realizada em cinco etapas, foi construída uma estrutura analítica com elementos que possibilitaram um mapeamento do cenário das instituições e dos cursos de Administração em cada uma das referidas dimensões. A fase empírica realizou-se no curso de Administração de duas instituições de ensino superior do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, sendo uma pública e uma privada. Por fim, foram indicados os mecanismos que podem gerar a integração da temática sustentabilidade no ensino superior em Administração, tais como: interação e do diálogo em diferentes níveis; troca e compartilhamento entre docentes; desenvolvimento de habilidades dos docentes; estímulo à inovação; e fortalecimento de parcerias. / Including sustainability issues on business administration programs is gathering strength in management schools. In particular, since the last decade, a movement known as Education for Sustainability is arousing interest in different educational levels, requiring, therefore, changes in educational institutions. There are examples of initiatives aiming at integrating the subject in teaching, research and outrecht in different scopes. Worldwide, it is worth citing the proclamation of United Nation Decade for Sustainable Development and the development of Principles for Responsible Managemet Education (PRME), and locally the National Curricular Guidelines for Environmental Education, from Brazilian Ministry of Education. In this regarding, this dissertation assumes that four different operational dimensions, that is, contextual, organizational, curricular and pedagogical are intertwined and interdependent in the process of change and adaptation of educational institutions. With the main focus on bachelor programs in business administration, this research aimed at answering the following research question: What are the mechanisms that allow to integrate sustainability issues on business administration programs under the perspective of contextual, organizational, curricular and pedagogical’s dimensions? Therefore, a qualitative research was conducted through five phases. First, an analytical framework was built with elements that allowed to mapping institutions and programs’ scenarios in each of these dimensions. An empirical phase took place in Business Administration bachelor programs in Higher Education Institutions of Rio Grande do Sul State, one public and one private. Based on elements from the analytical framework it was possible to identify differences among higher education institutions and its programs. Findings allowed to develop suggestions to different agents within the institutions. Finally, mechanisms to boost integration of sustainability into higher education in business administration were identified, as following: interaction and dialogue, interchanging, sharing, enabling, innovation and partnerships.

Inserção da sustentabilidade no processo de formação do administrador : desvendando possibilidades

Czykiel, Renata January 2013 (has links)
A preocupação com as questões ambientais e sociais vem aumentando ao longo dos anos, principalmente no que se refere à busca pela redução dos impactos causados pelo homem. Nesse contexto, têm sido discutidas formas de inserir a Sustentabilidade na vida dos cidadãos e nas decisões das organizações, visando aliar o crescimento econômico com a conservação do meio ambiente e com a equidade social. Os administradores, devido às funções que desempenham em seus postos de trabalho, tem a oportunidade de incluir em suas decisões e atitudes princípios da Sustentabilidade, desencadeando uma mudança que inicia dentro das organizações e reflete na sociedade. É no sentido de contribuir para a formação de um profissional ético e responsável que a inserção da Educação para a Sustentabilidade na formação do gestor foi tema deste trabalho. O objetivo principal foi de explorar possibilidades que permitissem relacionar de forma direta o tema Sustentabilidade nas diferentes áreas de atuação do Curso de Graduação em Administração da Escola de Administração da UFRGS. Para isso foi realizada uma pesquisa inicial por meio de questionário com alunos do final do curso a fim de conhecer o que pensam sobre a Sustentabilidade na sua formação e no mercado de trabalho. Em uma segunda etapa, foram analisados os programas de todas as disciplinas do curso para mapeamento dos conteúdos com maior relação direta com a Sustentabilidade. Foi selecionada uma disciplina de cada área (Finanças, Marketing, Administração Pública, Produção e Sistemas e Recursos Humanos) e um ou mais tópicos em cada uma delas para realização de uma aula por parte dos pesquisadores incluindo questões relacionadas com Sustentabilidade. Ao final de cada aula os alunos responderam a um questionário e aos professores responsáveis foi solicitado um depoimento. Para realização do estudo foram utilizados os métodos de análise documental e de pesquisa ação e os dados foram analisados através da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados revelam que estudantes acham importante que a Sustentabilidade seja abordada durante o curso de Administração e que a demanda por esse tipo de profissional existe e irá aumentar ao longo dos anos. Em relação às aulas ministradas, a maioria dos estudantes se disse muito interessada na temática e acham pertinente ou muito pertinente que o assunto seja incorporado à disciplina nos próximos semestres. Alguns pontos positivos da experiência destacados pelos alunos foram: a oportunidade de conhecer melhor o tema nos semestres iniciais do curso, a aplicação prática do tema no contexto das organizações e as dinâmicas e atividades realizadas. Na formação em Administração, a Sustentabilidade é percebida como um aspecto essencial, que representa agora um diferencial, mas que tende a se tornar um requisito básico para os profissionais. / Concerns about environmental and social issues have been increasing over the years, especially with regard to the efforts to reduce the impacts caused by man. In this context, new ways to insert Sustainability in citizens' lives and organizations decisions have been discussed, seeking to combine economic growth with environmental conservation and social equity. Administrators, due to the functions they perform in their jobs, have the opportunity to include in their decisions and attitudes principles of Sustainability, triggering a change that starts within organizations and reflects in the society. In order to contribute with the generation of a more ethical and responsible professional that insertion of Education for Sustainability in the graduation of managers was the subject of this work. The main objective was to explore possibilities that allow relating directly the theme Sustainability in different areas of the graduation course in Business Management of Business Management School at UFRGS. To accomplish these objectives, an initial research was conducted through a questionnaire to students at the end of the course in order to know what they think about sustainability in their graduation and in the labor market. After that, the programs of all disciplines of the Business Management Graduation Course were analyzed for mapping the content that is more directly related to Sustainability. It was selected from each discipline area (Finance, Marketing, Public Administration, Production and Systems and Human Resources) and one or more threads in each one of them to hold a class by researchers including issues related to sustainability. At the end of each class students answered a questionnaire and, to the teachers of those disciplines, a testimonial was asked. Documentary analysis and action research were used as methods for this project and data were analyzed using content analysis as technique. The main results show that students think nowadays it is important to have an approach regarding sustainability during the course of business management, and that the demand for this type of professional exists and will increase over the years. Regarding the classes, most students said that they are very interested in the theme and find relevant or very relevant that sustainability should be incorporated into the course in the next semester. Some positive points from the experience highlighted by the students were: the opportunity to learn more about the topic in the first semesters of the course, the practical application of the subject in the context of organizations and the dynamics and activities. In formation at management, sustainability is perceived as an essential aspect, which is now a difference, but it tends to become a basic requirement for professionals.

Inserção da sustentabilidade no processo de formação do administrador : desvendando possibilidades

Czykiel, Renata January 2013 (has links)
A preocupação com as questões ambientais e sociais vem aumentando ao longo dos anos, principalmente no que se refere à busca pela redução dos impactos causados pelo homem. Nesse contexto, têm sido discutidas formas de inserir a Sustentabilidade na vida dos cidadãos e nas decisões das organizações, visando aliar o crescimento econômico com a conservação do meio ambiente e com a equidade social. Os administradores, devido às funções que desempenham em seus postos de trabalho, tem a oportunidade de incluir em suas decisões e atitudes princípios da Sustentabilidade, desencadeando uma mudança que inicia dentro das organizações e reflete na sociedade. É no sentido de contribuir para a formação de um profissional ético e responsável que a inserção da Educação para a Sustentabilidade na formação do gestor foi tema deste trabalho. O objetivo principal foi de explorar possibilidades que permitissem relacionar de forma direta o tema Sustentabilidade nas diferentes áreas de atuação do Curso de Graduação em Administração da Escola de Administração da UFRGS. Para isso foi realizada uma pesquisa inicial por meio de questionário com alunos do final do curso a fim de conhecer o que pensam sobre a Sustentabilidade na sua formação e no mercado de trabalho. Em uma segunda etapa, foram analisados os programas de todas as disciplinas do curso para mapeamento dos conteúdos com maior relação direta com a Sustentabilidade. Foi selecionada uma disciplina de cada área (Finanças, Marketing, Administração Pública, Produção e Sistemas e Recursos Humanos) e um ou mais tópicos em cada uma delas para realização de uma aula por parte dos pesquisadores incluindo questões relacionadas com Sustentabilidade. Ao final de cada aula os alunos responderam a um questionário e aos professores responsáveis foi solicitado um depoimento. Para realização do estudo foram utilizados os métodos de análise documental e de pesquisa ação e os dados foram analisados através da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados revelam que estudantes acham importante que a Sustentabilidade seja abordada durante o curso de Administração e que a demanda por esse tipo de profissional existe e irá aumentar ao longo dos anos. Em relação às aulas ministradas, a maioria dos estudantes se disse muito interessada na temática e acham pertinente ou muito pertinente que o assunto seja incorporado à disciplina nos próximos semestres. Alguns pontos positivos da experiência destacados pelos alunos foram: a oportunidade de conhecer melhor o tema nos semestres iniciais do curso, a aplicação prática do tema no contexto das organizações e as dinâmicas e atividades realizadas. Na formação em Administração, a Sustentabilidade é percebida como um aspecto essencial, que representa agora um diferencial, mas que tende a se tornar um requisito básico para os profissionais. / Concerns about environmental and social issues have been increasing over the years, especially with regard to the efforts to reduce the impacts caused by man. In this context, new ways to insert Sustainability in citizens' lives and organizations decisions have been discussed, seeking to combine economic growth with environmental conservation and social equity. Administrators, due to the functions they perform in their jobs, have the opportunity to include in their decisions and attitudes principles of Sustainability, triggering a change that starts within organizations and reflects in the society. In order to contribute with the generation of a more ethical and responsible professional that insertion of Education for Sustainability in the graduation of managers was the subject of this work. The main objective was to explore possibilities that allow relating directly the theme Sustainability in different areas of the graduation course in Business Management of Business Management School at UFRGS. To accomplish these objectives, an initial research was conducted through a questionnaire to students at the end of the course in order to know what they think about sustainability in their graduation and in the labor market. After that, the programs of all disciplines of the Business Management Graduation Course were analyzed for mapping the content that is more directly related to Sustainability. It was selected from each discipline area (Finance, Marketing, Public Administration, Production and Systems and Human Resources) and one or more threads in each one of them to hold a class by researchers including issues related to sustainability. At the end of each class students answered a questionnaire and, to the teachers of those disciplines, a testimonial was asked. Documentary analysis and action research were used as methods for this project and data were analyzed using content analysis as technique. The main results show that students think nowadays it is important to have an approach regarding sustainability during the course of business management, and that the demand for this type of professional exists and will increase over the years. Regarding the classes, most students said that they are very interested in the theme and find relevant or very relevant that sustainability should be incorporated into the course in the next semester. Some positive points from the experience highlighted by the students were: the opportunity to learn more about the topic in the first semesters of the course, the practical application of the subject in the context of organizations and the dynamics and activities. In formation at management, sustainability is perceived as an essential aspect, which is now a difference, but it tends to become a basic requirement for professionals.

Educação para a sustentabilidade em cursos de graduação em administração : proposta de uma estrutura analítica

Figueiró, Paola Schmitt January 2015 (has links)
O interesse em aproximar a temática sustentabilidade da formação dos administradores vem ganhando força. Principalmente a partir da última década, o movimento conhecido como Educação para a Sustentabilidade vem despertando mais interesse em diferentes níveis e, portanto, tem exigido transformações nas instituições de ensino. Em nível mundial com a proclamação da Década das Nações Unidas da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, e a criação do Principles for Responsible Managemet Education (PRME), e em nível local com as Diretrizes Curriculares para a Educação Ambiental, do Ministério da Educação do Brasil, tem-se exemplos de esforços e iniciativas que visam integrar a temática nas atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Diante disso, esta tese parte do pressuposto que quatro diferentes dimensões operacionais estão interligadas e são interdependentes no processo de mudança e adaptação das instituições de ensino – contextual, organizacional, curricular e pedagógica. O enfoque desta pesquisa foram os cursos de graduação em Administração com o intuito de responder ao seguinte questionamento: quais são os mecanismos que permitem a integração da temática sustentabilidade na formação em Administração sob a perspectiva das dimensões contextual, organizacional, curricular e pedagógica? Para tanto, a partir de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, realizada em cinco etapas, foi construída uma estrutura analítica com elementos que possibilitaram um mapeamento do cenário das instituições e dos cursos de Administração em cada uma das referidas dimensões. A fase empírica realizou-se no curso de Administração de duas instituições de ensino superior do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, sendo uma pública e uma privada. Por fim, foram indicados os mecanismos que podem gerar a integração da temática sustentabilidade no ensino superior em Administração, tais como: interação e do diálogo em diferentes níveis; troca e compartilhamento entre docentes; desenvolvimento de habilidades dos docentes; estímulo à inovação; e fortalecimento de parcerias. / Including sustainability issues on business administration programs is gathering strength in management schools. In particular, since the last decade, a movement known as Education for Sustainability is arousing interest in different educational levels, requiring, therefore, changes in educational institutions. There are examples of initiatives aiming at integrating the subject in teaching, research and outrecht in different scopes. Worldwide, it is worth citing the proclamation of United Nation Decade for Sustainable Development and the development of Principles for Responsible Managemet Education (PRME), and locally the National Curricular Guidelines for Environmental Education, from Brazilian Ministry of Education. In this regarding, this dissertation assumes that four different operational dimensions, that is, contextual, organizational, curricular and pedagogical are intertwined and interdependent in the process of change and adaptation of educational institutions. With the main focus on bachelor programs in business administration, this research aimed at answering the following research question: What are the mechanisms that allow to integrate sustainability issues on business administration programs under the perspective of contextual, organizational, curricular and pedagogical’s dimensions? Therefore, a qualitative research was conducted through five phases. First, an analytical framework was built with elements that allowed to mapping institutions and programs’ scenarios in each of these dimensions. An empirical phase took place in Business Administration bachelor programs in Higher Education Institutions of Rio Grande do Sul State, one public and one private. Based on elements from the analytical framework it was possible to identify differences among higher education institutions and its programs. Findings allowed to develop suggestions to different agents within the institutions. Finally, mechanisms to boost integration of sustainability into higher education in business administration were identified, as following: interaction and dialogue, interchanging, sharing, enabling, innovation and partnerships.

Educação para a sustentabilidade em cursos de graduação em administração : proposta de uma estrutura analítica

Figueiró, Paola Schmitt January 2015 (has links)
O interesse em aproximar a temática sustentabilidade da formação dos administradores vem ganhando força. Principalmente a partir da última década, o movimento conhecido como Educação para a Sustentabilidade vem despertando mais interesse em diferentes níveis e, portanto, tem exigido transformações nas instituições de ensino. Em nível mundial com a proclamação da Década das Nações Unidas da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, e a criação do Principles for Responsible Managemet Education (PRME), e em nível local com as Diretrizes Curriculares para a Educação Ambiental, do Ministério da Educação do Brasil, tem-se exemplos de esforços e iniciativas que visam integrar a temática nas atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Diante disso, esta tese parte do pressuposto que quatro diferentes dimensões operacionais estão interligadas e são interdependentes no processo de mudança e adaptação das instituições de ensino – contextual, organizacional, curricular e pedagógica. O enfoque desta pesquisa foram os cursos de graduação em Administração com o intuito de responder ao seguinte questionamento: quais são os mecanismos que permitem a integração da temática sustentabilidade na formação em Administração sob a perspectiva das dimensões contextual, organizacional, curricular e pedagógica? Para tanto, a partir de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, realizada em cinco etapas, foi construída uma estrutura analítica com elementos que possibilitaram um mapeamento do cenário das instituições e dos cursos de Administração em cada uma das referidas dimensões. A fase empírica realizou-se no curso de Administração de duas instituições de ensino superior do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, sendo uma pública e uma privada. Por fim, foram indicados os mecanismos que podem gerar a integração da temática sustentabilidade no ensino superior em Administração, tais como: interação e do diálogo em diferentes níveis; troca e compartilhamento entre docentes; desenvolvimento de habilidades dos docentes; estímulo à inovação; e fortalecimento de parcerias. / Including sustainability issues on business administration programs is gathering strength in management schools. In particular, since the last decade, a movement known as Education for Sustainability is arousing interest in different educational levels, requiring, therefore, changes in educational institutions. There are examples of initiatives aiming at integrating the subject in teaching, research and outrecht in different scopes. Worldwide, it is worth citing the proclamation of United Nation Decade for Sustainable Development and the development of Principles for Responsible Managemet Education (PRME), and locally the National Curricular Guidelines for Environmental Education, from Brazilian Ministry of Education. In this regarding, this dissertation assumes that four different operational dimensions, that is, contextual, organizational, curricular and pedagogical are intertwined and interdependent in the process of change and adaptation of educational institutions. With the main focus on bachelor programs in business administration, this research aimed at answering the following research question: What are the mechanisms that allow to integrate sustainability issues on business administration programs under the perspective of contextual, organizational, curricular and pedagogical’s dimensions? Therefore, a qualitative research was conducted through five phases. First, an analytical framework was built with elements that allowed to mapping institutions and programs’ scenarios in each of these dimensions. An empirical phase took place in Business Administration bachelor programs in Higher Education Institutions of Rio Grande do Sul State, one public and one private. Based on elements from the analytical framework it was possible to identify differences among higher education institutions and its programs. Findings allowed to develop suggestions to different agents within the institutions. Finally, mechanisms to boost integration of sustainability into higher education in business administration were identified, as following: interaction and dialogue, interchanging, sharing, enabling, innovation and partnerships.

Inserção da sustentabilidade no processo de formação do administrador : desvendando possibilidades

Czykiel, Renata January 2013 (has links)
A preocupação com as questões ambientais e sociais vem aumentando ao longo dos anos, principalmente no que se refere à busca pela redução dos impactos causados pelo homem. Nesse contexto, têm sido discutidas formas de inserir a Sustentabilidade na vida dos cidadãos e nas decisões das organizações, visando aliar o crescimento econômico com a conservação do meio ambiente e com a equidade social. Os administradores, devido às funções que desempenham em seus postos de trabalho, tem a oportunidade de incluir em suas decisões e atitudes princípios da Sustentabilidade, desencadeando uma mudança que inicia dentro das organizações e reflete na sociedade. É no sentido de contribuir para a formação de um profissional ético e responsável que a inserção da Educação para a Sustentabilidade na formação do gestor foi tema deste trabalho. O objetivo principal foi de explorar possibilidades que permitissem relacionar de forma direta o tema Sustentabilidade nas diferentes áreas de atuação do Curso de Graduação em Administração da Escola de Administração da UFRGS. Para isso foi realizada uma pesquisa inicial por meio de questionário com alunos do final do curso a fim de conhecer o que pensam sobre a Sustentabilidade na sua formação e no mercado de trabalho. Em uma segunda etapa, foram analisados os programas de todas as disciplinas do curso para mapeamento dos conteúdos com maior relação direta com a Sustentabilidade. Foi selecionada uma disciplina de cada área (Finanças, Marketing, Administração Pública, Produção e Sistemas e Recursos Humanos) e um ou mais tópicos em cada uma delas para realização de uma aula por parte dos pesquisadores incluindo questões relacionadas com Sustentabilidade. Ao final de cada aula os alunos responderam a um questionário e aos professores responsáveis foi solicitado um depoimento. Para realização do estudo foram utilizados os métodos de análise documental e de pesquisa ação e os dados foram analisados através da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os principais resultados revelam que estudantes acham importante que a Sustentabilidade seja abordada durante o curso de Administração e que a demanda por esse tipo de profissional existe e irá aumentar ao longo dos anos. Em relação às aulas ministradas, a maioria dos estudantes se disse muito interessada na temática e acham pertinente ou muito pertinente que o assunto seja incorporado à disciplina nos próximos semestres. Alguns pontos positivos da experiência destacados pelos alunos foram: a oportunidade de conhecer melhor o tema nos semestres iniciais do curso, a aplicação prática do tema no contexto das organizações e as dinâmicas e atividades realizadas. Na formação em Administração, a Sustentabilidade é percebida como um aspecto essencial, que representa agora um diferencial, mas que tende a se tornar um requisito básico para os profissionais. / Concerns about environmental and social issues have been increasing over the years, especially with regard to the efforts to reduce the impacts caused by man. In this context, new ways to insert Sustainability in citizens' lives and organizations decisions have been discussed, seeking to combine economic growth with environmental conservation and social equity. Administrators, due to the functions they perform in their jobs, have the opportunity to include in their decisions and attitudes principles of Sustainability, triggering a change that starts within organizations and reflects in the society. In order to contribute with the generation of a more ethical and responsible professional that insertion of Education for Sustainability in the graduation of managers was the subject of this work. The main objective was to explore possibilities that allow relating directly the theme Sustainability in different areas of the graduation course in Business Management of Business Management School at UFRGS. To accomplish these objectives, an initial research was conducted through a questionnaire to students at the end of the course in order to know what they think about sustainability in their graduation and in the labor market. After that, the programs of all disciplines of the Business Management Graduation Course were analyzed for mapping the content that is more directly related to Sustainability. It was selected from each discipline area (Finance, Marketing, Public Administration, Production and Systems and Human Resources) and one or more threads in each one of them to hold a class by researchers including issues related to sustainability. At the end of each class students answered a questionnaire and, to the teachers of those disciplines, a testimonial was asked. Documentary analysis and action research were used as methods for this project and data were analyzed using content analysis as technique. The main results show that students think nowadays it is important to have an approach regarding sustainability during the course of business management, and that the demand for this type of professional exists and will increase over the years. Regarding the classes, most students said that they are very interested in the theme and find relevant or very relevant that sustainability should be incorporated into the course in the next semester. Some positive points from the experience highlighted by the students were: the opportunity to learn more about the topic in the first semesters of the course, the practical application of the subject in the context of organizations and the dynamics and activities. In formation at management, sustainability is perceived as an essential aspect, which is now a difference, but it tends to become a basic requirement for professionals.

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