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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Learning Organization? Evaluating the University of Canterbury's Strategic Transition toward Sustainability

Tew, Mandy January 2005 (has links)
Institutions of higher educations (IHE), particularly universities, have a significant role to play in the global transformation to socio-ecological sustainability. This study focuses on the strategic planning efforts of one university, the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand where The Natural Step Framework (TNSF) is being used to develop a pan-University Sustainability Plan. Drawing upon the triple helix model of university-government-industry interactions for knowledge creation, and integrating principles of education for sustainable development into strategic organizational learning and change processes within higher education, this study suggests that advocates for sustainability within IHE can use the TNSF to assess institutional barriers and communicate specific opportunities in order to institutionalize strategic sustainable development and promote socio-ecological innovation. / <p>100 Eheart Street SE Blacksburg, VA 24060</p>

Educação para sustentabilidade: contribuições para o desenvolvimento do tema em pós-graduações em administração / Education for sustainability: contributions to the theme of development postgraduates in administration

Marques, Carolina Sampaio 30 June 2016 (has links)
Education for Sustainability is seen as a powerful change and social transformation tool aimed at greater equity in relations between society and the environment. Thus, this dissertation aims to analyze the scenario of Education for Sustainability in cur¬sos Graduate Sensu stricto in Rio Grande do Sul State Administration - Brazil. For this, the nine master's programs in existing Administration in Rio Grande do Sul were searched. In terms of methodological procedures, a descriptive and exploratory research of qualitative nature was carried out to meet four distinct stages: i) analyze the pedagogical projects of the nine courses, covering characterization of the subjects and relations with sustainability in the curriculum; ii) the documentary analysis of all 1813 dissertations have been published in the gauchos masters, seeking to relate these documents to Sustainability; iii) analyzes of publications derived from dissertations to identify which "green" dissertations were published in books, events and journals and vi) interviews with coordinators of the programs to identify concepts of program management for Sustainability and teachers from different lines of research aimed at identify the concepts of Sustainability, teaching strategies and learning methodologies. In total, sixteen teachers and coordinators were interviewed. The results show that the pedagogical projects of the courses are committed to issues of regionalities and sustainable issues, but when that aspect is transferred to the subjects of the courses, this query can not be measured directly. In the item analysis of dissertations, it was observed that they do not have great representation, with only 126 of the total 1813 in academic master's degrees in Administration of Rio Grande do Sul. It was also observed that the Graduate programs do not have the incentive to sustainable management and conceptions of teachers are private and are related to the line of research in which they are linked not with the Graduate program. Thus, it analyzes the scenario is still capable of improvement, such as encouraging the publication of dissertations "green", the integration of sustainable curriculum and improvements in sustainable management. / A Educação para Sustentabilidade é vista como uma poderosa ferramenta de mudanças e transformações sociais visando uma maior equidade nas relações entre a sociedade e o ambiente. Assim, esta dissertação objetiva analisar o cenário da Educação para Sustentabilidade nos cursos de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Administração do estado do Rio Grande do Sul Brasil. Para isso, os nove programas de mestrado em Administração existentes no Rio Grande do Sul foram pesquisados. Em termos de procedimentos metodológicos, uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória de natureza qualitativa foi realizada, visando atender quatro etapas distintas: i) analisar os projetos pedagógicos dos nove cursos, contemplando caracterização das disciplinas e relações com a Sustentabilidade no currículo; ii) Análise documental de todas as 1813 dissertações já publicadas nos mestrados gaúchos, buscando relacionar esses documentos com a Sustentabilidade; iii) análises das publicações oriundas das dissertações visando identificar quais as dissertações verdes foram publicadas em livros, eventos e periódicos e vi) Entrevistas com coordenadores dos programas visando identificar concepções sobre gestão dos programas para a Sustentabilidade e professores de diferentes linhas de pesquisa visando identificar as concepções sobre Sustentabilidade, estratégias de ensino e metodologias de aprendizagem. No total, dezesseis professores e coordenadores foram entrevistados. Os resultados apontam que os projetos pedagógicos dos cursos estão comprometidos com temáticas de regionalidades e com questões sustentáveis, porém quando este aspecto é transferido para as disciplinas dos cursos, este quesito não pode ser mensurado de forma direta. No quesito análise das dissertações, observou-se que estas não possuem grande representatividade, sendo apenas 126 do total de 1813 nos mestrados acadêmicos em Administração do Rio Grande do Sul. Observou-se também que os programas de Pós-Graduação não possuem o incentivo para a gestão sustentável e as concepções dos docentes são particulares e possuem relação com a linha de pesquisa na qual estão vinculados e não com o programa de Pós-Graduação. Desse modo, analisa-se que o cenário ainda é passível de melhorias, como o fomento a publicação de dissertações verdes , a integração de um currículo sustentável e melhorias na gestão sustentável.

The Role of Community College Faculty in Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Development

Rachelson, Anouchka 10 November 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the attitudes, beliefs, and practices of community college professors regarding education for sustainable development (ESD). In-depth interviews with 14 professors from different disciplines were conducted. The participants taught at Miami Dade College, Florida, a Talloires Declaration signatory since 2006, and all had attended Green Studies professional development workshops. Written documents such as assignments and samples of student work were used for triangulation. The annual report of the college’s Earth Ethics Institute and its Web site served as additional sources. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed for common themes. The Talloires Declaration’s 10-point action plan and the key characteristics of ESD (UN DESD, 2006) served as the conceptual framework. The study found that the professors considered ESD an essential issue. The majority discussed the economic and social aspects of ESD; however, the environmental aspect was mentioned most frequently. The professors’ conceptualizations of ESD were influenced by their experiences and evidenced by the metaphors they used. Although their engagement with ESD differed, the professors expressed optimism toward ESD related teaching and learning. They regarded ESD as compatible with their subjects, and most had already been infusing sustainability into their courses or planned to do so. Additionally, the participants’ teaching practices reflected many of the characteristics of ESD. Even though the professors considered ESD challenging, they believed that they could make contributions to the college’s effort. The metaphor of “Planting a Seed” was frequently used to describe this holistic approach. The study also found that many professors regarded interpersonal relationships and communication significant factors for the advancement of ESD. The participants described several challenges to integrating ESD at their college. These related to time constraints, density of curriculum, institutional size and fragmentation, dearth of administrative support and incentives, students’ lack of academic preparation and sustainability awareness, students’ inability to focus on ESD because of personal, social, or economic circumstances, and professors’ frustration about a divisive atmosphere as a result of their engagement with sustainability. Despite these obstacles, the professors believed that ESD could be successfully woven into the community college experience.

Nature Experiences and Education for Sustainability in Physical Education and Teacher Education : Environmental Identities of PE Teachers in Sweden and Switzerland

Jacot, Valerie January 2023 (has links)
Sport, as a human activity, contributes to the changes happening in the natural environment, making the sport sector a responsible actor for sustainable development. Experiences in nature can raise awareness about our natural environment and possibly influence pro-environmental behaviour and our identities. Such nature experiences can be reached in schools with teachers as implementers and role models. Swedish schools for example, have a concept called friluftsliv, which introduces children to outdoor experiences as part of Physical Education (PE). In Switzerland, a similar country to Sweden in many aspects, such a concept is non-existent. Thus, this study aims to observe possible differences and similarities between environmental identities of PE teachers in Sweden and Switzerland, how those developed and manifest today.  Primary and secondary school PE teachers from Switzerland and Sweden were asked to draw nature and were interviewed individually as well as in separate group discussions. The model of Education for Sustainability, Transformative Learning Theory, and Identity Theory serve as the theoretical framework of this work. The results show that there are many individual differences in how the PE teachers’ environmental identities manifest. Some see nature as a platform for activities, some deeply care for it, some seek interactions with it or even perceive themselves as a part of the natural world. When it comes to Swiss participants, main influences on their environmental identity were identified before Physical Education teacher education (PETE) through sport-related activities with their family, in associations or their leisure time, whereas the Swedish experiences were more sport-unrelated, connected to family experiences and as part of PETE. I conclude, according to the model of Education for Sustainability, that there were less transformative learning effects and therefore less behavioural change achieved in Swiss PETE than in Swedish PETE. The main difference was the amount of reflection about said nature experiences, which was more present in the Swedish context. Incorporating this reflective aspect into PE curricula could be an approach to increase this reflective aspect, in Switzerland as well as in Sweden.

An evaluation of the implementation of the ”school environmental policy and management plan” in schools in Mpumalanga

De Lange, Aletha Maria 30 June 2004 (has links)
Environmental education is a response to the environmental crisis. Due to the diversity of the environment, environmental education processes face a challenge, locally and globally, because it should respond to the diversity of local environmental issues, and contribute towards the addressing of local environmental issues. It is therefore important that environmental education programs focus on local environmental issues, and in the analysis there of accommodates investigative, problem solving and environmental action skills, because such programs proof to be more successful. The introduction of environmental education into formal education can only be successful within a structure that is conducive to a holistic integrated approach and accommodates investigative, problem solving and environmental action skills. Research however proves that within the school context, environmental education processes, as well as the addressing of local environmental issues, is fragmented. The development of a school environmental policy and management plan can provide a valuable framework for a holistic approach to the organization of environmental education processes in schools, that is integrated with the curriculum, resulting in the effective management of resources and the addressing of local environmental issues. Through this research, the implementation of school environmental policies and management plans in Mpumalanga was evaluated, in terms of the integration of environmental education processes in the curriculum, the organization of environmental education processes in schools, the effective management of resources in schools, and the addressing of local environmental issues. The conclusion was drawn that the implementation of school environmental policies and management plans contributes towards curriculum integration of environmental education, the organization of environmental education processes, the management of resources and the addressing of environmental issues in schools. The more exposure a school gets in terms of implementation of school environmental policies and management plans the higher the achievement in the mentioned areas. It can therefore be deducted that exposure to the implementation of school environmental policies and management plans will lead to the integration of the environment in the curriculum, the organization of environmental education processes in schools, the management of resources and the addressing of environmental issues in schools. / Educational Studies / D.Ed (Didactics)

Formació d'educadors en ciutats històriques en el marc de l'educació per a la sostenibilitat. Estudi de cas del Programa d'educació ambiental i coneixement de la ciutat de Girona

Medir i Huerta, Rosa M., 1961- 11 May 2007 (has links)
La tesi s'estructura al voltant de dues grans finalitats: la primera és identificar les destreses i capacitats professionals, basades en l'educació per a la sostenibilitat, necessàries per als educadors no formals que treballen en ciutats històriques. La segona consisteix en aportar un procés avaluatiu -dirigit a la finalitat anterior- d'un programa educatiu en funcionament: el Programa d'educació ambiental i coneixement de la ciutat de l'Ajuntament de Girona. S'aporten uns resultats per al cas d'estudi -punts forts, punts febles i propostes de millora- que poden induir als canvis i a la transformació del Programa. Quant a la formació d'educadors en ciutats històriques, s'identifiquen dotze àmbits formatius i seixanta-cinc destreses i capacitats professionals per a la seva formació. Els àmbits formatius són els següents: comunicació; dinamització de grups; pensament crític; visió holística de la realitat; compromís amb l'entorn; valors per a la sostenibilitat; visió històrica i patrimonial del medi; visió de futur del medi; metodologies i habilitats docents; avaluació i investigació; teories i pràctiques de l'educació per a la sostenibilitat; coneixements disciplinaris. Els àmbits i les destreses i capacitats professionals són justificats a partir dels resultats del cas d'estudi i dels marcs teòrics utilitzats en el desenvolupament de la investigació. / This dissertation is structured around two purposes: the first one is to identify the skills and professional capacities, based on education for sustainability, that the non formal educators which work in historical cities must possess. The second one, consists of contributing an evaluation process - addressed to the first purpose - of an educational running program: the Environmental Education and Knowledge of the City Program, belonging to the council of Girona.The results for the case study are contributed - strong points, weak points and proposals to improve -, and they can induce to change and transformation of the Program. Related to educators training in historical cities, twelve formative fields and sixty-five skills and professional capacities are identified. The formative fields are the following: communication; groups invigorating; critical thinking; holistic vision of reality; commitment with environment; values for sustainability; holistic and patrimonial sight of environment; future view of environment; methodologies and abilities for teaching; evaluation and research; theories and practices of education for sustainability; disciplinary knowledge. The formative fields, skills and professional capacities, are justified starting from the results of the case study and the theoretical framework used in the research development.

An evaluation of the implementation of the ”school environmental policy and management plan” in schools in Mpumalanga

De Lange, Aletha Maria 30 June 2004 (has links)
Environmental education is a response to the environmental crisis. Due to the diversity of the environment, environmental education processes face a challenge, locally and globally, because it should respond to the diversity of local environmental issues, and contribute towards the addressing of local environmental issues. It is therefore important that environmental education programs focus on local environmental issues, and in the analysis there of accommodates investigative, problem solving and environmental action skills, because such programs proof to be more successful. The introduction of environmental education into formal education can only be successful within a structure that is conducive to a holistic integrated approach and accommodates investigative, problem solving and environmental action skills. Research however proves that within the school context, environmental education processes, as well as the addressing of local environmental issues, is fragmented. The development of a school environmental policy and management plan can provide a valuable framework for a holistic approach to the organization of environmental education processes in schools, that is integrated with the curriculum, resulting in the effective management of resources and the addressing of local environmental issues. Through this research, the implementation of school environmental policies and management plans in Mpumalanga was evaluated, in terms of the integration of environmental education processes in the curriculum, the organization of environmental education processes in schools, the effective management of resources in schools, and the addressing of local environmental issues. The conclusion was drawn that the implementation of school environmental policies and management plans contributes towards curriculum integration of environmental education, the organization of environmental education processes, the management of resources and the addressing of environmental issues in schools. The more exposure a school gets in terms of implementation of school environmental policies and management plans the higher the achievement in the mentioned areas. It can therefore be deducted that exposure to the implementation of school environmental policies and management plans will lead to the integration of the environment in the curriculum, the organization of environmental education processes in schools, the management of resources and the addressing of environmental issues in schools. / Educational Studies / D.Ed (Didactics)

Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Support of Strategic Sustainable Development

Gu, Chen Chen, Gomes, Telma, Brizuela, Victor Samuel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis looks at how Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) be carried out to help society move towards sustainability. It starts by introducing the reader into the essential concepts about Strategic Sustainable Development (SSD), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), TVET, and the barriers to integrating ESD into TVET. It also provides information about the case study conducted in a TVET organization in Ireland which is integrating ESD into TVET. The thesis presents the key aspects that TVET organization need to have in order to successfully support SSD and it also provides a definition of success which is developing a workforce skilled for sustainability where sustainability is defined by the four sustainability principles. After presenting the key aspects, it looks at the strengths and weaknesses, in the lens of the key aspects, of the case study and three other TVET organizations. It later provides with recommendations based on the challenges found integrating ESD into TVET and the presented key aspects in order for TVET organizations to reach the vision of success. / <p>Telma Gomes - phone: 0736280415 - tegomes@uol.com.br Victor Samuel Brizuela - samworks@gmail.com Chen Chen Gu -guchenchen880309@163.com,</p>

Slutet är nära! : Hållbarhet, klimatångest och hotet om undergång i skönlitteratur och läromedel för årskurs 4-6 / The Eve of Destruction! : Sustainability, ecophobia and the threat of impending doom in literature and text-books for grades 4–6 in Swedish schools.

Weilander, Johan, Gustavsson, Emil January 2019 (has links)
Med utgångspunkt i en ökning av så kallad klimatångest bland barn, är denna studies syfte är att undersöka och analysera ekologiska frågeställningar inom barnlitteratur och läromedel för mellanstadieelever för att se hur försöken att skapa ekologiskt medvetna medborgare görs, hur ansvaret mellan barn och vuxna behandlas, hur det hållbara samspelet mellan natur och mänsklighet problematiseras och hur hotet om undergång skildras och hanteras. Analysen genomförs med hjälp av en kvalitativ textanalys av de skönlitterära verken Kometen kommer av Tove Jansson och Slutet av Mats Strandberg, samt av fyra läromedel i SO- och NO-ämnen ur serien Utkik.Resultatet visar att texterna tar upp hållbarhetsfrågor mestadels ur ett människocentrerat perspektiv, men där människan samtidigt skuldbeläggs för klimatkrisen och där barnen åläggs ansvaret för att lösa den. Balansgången mellan att aktivera barnen och utbilda dem i hållbarhet utan att orsaka klimatångest visar sig vara svår att hantera. Skönlitteraturen gör det via skildringar om undergång, och läromedlen genom att uttryckligen beskriva hotet. En medvetenhet om vilket material som väljs ut och varför är ett nödvändigt didaktiskt förhållningssätt. / With basis in the increase of so-called climate anxiety among children, the purpose of the study is to investigate and analyse ecological issues in children’s literature and text books meant for pupils in grades 4–6. We examine how pupils are required to become ecologically aware citizens, how the responsibility among children and adults is handled, how the interplay between nature and humanity is problematised and how the threat of destruction is depicted. The qualitative text analysis focuses on the two novels Kometen kommer (Comet in Moominland, by Tove Jansson) and Slutet (The End, by Mats Strandberg), as well as four text books of different subjects in the Utkik (Outlook) series.The result shows that the texts describe issues of sustainability from a human-centered perspective, where man is considered responsible for the climate crisis and the children are enjoined the responsibility of putting an end to it. The balance between activating the children and teaching them about sustainability, without causing even more anxiety, seems difficult to handle. The novels use apocalyptic themes, while the text books expressively focuses on describing the different factors of threat. A conscious selection of teaching material and children’s literature – what? and why? – is a necessary didactical approach.

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