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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainable practices in fashion design education

Ejaz, Nadia January 2022 (has links)
In this study, the current picture of fashion design education and the implementation of sustainable methods, at the university of Boras were reviewed. Sustainable fashion is a global challenge, and there is a lack of consumer knowledge of sustainability, which is a huge issue. In order to move towards a sustainable future in general, it is important to educate citizens so that they can better understand and develop positive attitudes towards sustainability. The types of sustainable practices offered by universities and how they are implemented are also important, as good practices and implementation may shape the long-term responsible attitudes of design students towards sustainability.

A aprendizagem baseada na prática e a educação sustentável de alunos de Administração da UFRGS

Wittmann, Kelly Fabiane Spier January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho buscou compreender como se configuram os saberes acerca da sustentabilidade de alunos de Graduação em Administração da UFRGS. As relações sociais, contextuais e materiais foram exploradas durante as atividades da disciplina de Gestão Socioambiental nas Empresas, a partir da perspectiva da aprendizagem baseada em práticas, do conceito de knowing-practice e de uma descrição detalhada das cenas de ação. O conceito de knowing-practice transmite a ideia de construção social do conhecimento e estabelece uma relação de equivalência entre saber e praticar. Para analisar os processos de ensino-aprendizagem e a constituição dos saberes acerca da sustentabilidade foi conduzido um estudo etnográfico onde foram identificadas e descritas as práticas de duas turmas de Graduação em Administração da UFRGS, durante os meses de março e dezembro de 2017. As descrições revelam que a aprendizagem e o saber são construídos e reconstruídos constantemente pelas práticas do coletivo. Os processos de aprender e organizar estão interconectados e são mediados pelas práticas. O saber é processual, relacional e emerge das ações situadas. Os achados em campo revelaram um entrelaçamento dinâmico e heterogêneo dos elementos (pessoas, tecnologia, ideias, discurso e ações) presentes no contexto das ações situadas na sala de aula O saber e o fazer enactados foram percebidos no discurso quando os estudantes relataram a substituição de práticas insustentáveis por outras sustentáveis a partir das experiências vivenciadas na disciplina de Gestão Socioambiental nas Empresas. A Educação Sustentável precisa recuperar o saber sensível para a construção do conhecimento. A prioridade dada ao saber técnico e normativo desumaniza e deixa de lado o saber pré-verbal, emocional e afetivo. O constante artesanar das experiências precisa envolver os estudantes e engajá-los em projetos e ações situadas que façam sentido. A construção coletiva da realidade a partir de processos reflexivos, colaborativos e com resultado tangível, seria uma possibilidade de aprendizagem e construção de saberes acerca da sustentabilidade. Um caminho para a compreensão da aprendizagem social acerca da sustentabilidade é a reflexividade. Novas posições discursivas e político-pedagógicas, menos normativas, especializadas e individuais poderiam colaborar com a construção de conhecimento no campo da educação e da sustentabilidade. / This scientific research intended to comprehend what constitutes the knowledge about sustainability from undergraduate students taking the Business Administration course at UFRGS. The social, contextual, and material relations were explored throughout the activities from the Socio-environmental Business Management subject, based on the practice-based perspective, the knowing-practice concept, and the detailed description of the action taken. The concept of knowing-practice brings the idea of the social construction of knowledge, establishing that the practice and the theoretical knowledge have equal relevance. In order to analyse the teaching-learning processes and the development of knowledge in the area of sustainability, an ethnographic study was conducted in wich the practices from two of UFRGS's Business Administration classes were identified and described, from March to December of 2017. The descriptions which this research yielded reveal that knowledge and learning are built and rebuilt continuously by collective practices. The learning and organizational processes are interconnected and mediated by the practice. Knowledge is processual, intertwined, and emerges from situational actions. The findings in the field revealed a dynamic and heterogeneous interweaving of the elements (people, technology, ideas, discourse and actions) present in the context of the actions located in the classroom Knowing-in-practice were perceived in the discourse, when the students reported the substitution of unsustainable practices for other sustainable ones starting from the experiences lived in the Socio-environmental Business Management subject. Sustainable Education needs to recover sensitive to the construction of knowledge. The priority given to technical and normative knowledge dehumanizes and leaves aside the pre-verbal, emotional and affective knowledge. The constant craftsmanship of experiences needs to involve students and engage them in projects and actions that make sense. The collective construction of reality from reflective and collaborative processes with tangible results, would be a possibility to learn and build knowledge about sustainability. One way to understand social learning about sustainability is reflexivity. New discursive and political-pedagogical positions, less normative, specialized and individuals could collaborate with the construction of knowledge in the field of education and sustainability.

Academic Success for the 21st Century Learner: Intrapersonal Intelligence and Resilience

Parker, Juanita Lynn 01 January 2016 (has links)
Internal and personal strengths are associated with positive academic outcomes in the higher educational setting and are particularly relevant to the 21st century learner in the modern complex and global society. There is limited research addressing the connection between intrapersonal intelligence, resilience, and academic success. This information is important to better assist students in developing qualities that foster academic success and sustainability. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlations between intrapersonal intelligence, as measured by the Multiple Intelligences Development Assessment Scales (MIDAS); resilience, as measured by the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC); and academic success, as measured by the Scale of Implicit Theory of Intelligence (SITI), grade point average (GPA), and grade level. Ninety-one undergraduate students recruited through an online research pool and flyers distributed on campus participated in the study. Participants were asked to complete 3 surveys and a demographic questionnaire. Constructivist and transformative learning theories were used to frame the study and address self-development in the learning process. Results of a multiple regression analysis revealed a significant correlation between intrapersonal intelligence and GPA (a component of academic success). This research study promotes positive social change by emphasizing the intrinsic strengthening and transformation of the learner for a sustainable education. To enhance academic outcomes, academic leaders could focus on developing curricula with objectives that support the increase of intrapersonal intelligence. Building awareness of the significance of intrapersonal intelligence and resilience is important for the development of a sustainable education and to equip students for the problem solving challenges of the 21st century.

Sustainable Development in Higher Education Curriculum¡ÐA Comparison between AACSB and ABET

Wang, Hui-chin 11 October 2011 (has links)
Since the trend of uprising awareness of sustainability in which strives for the balance of environmental protection, economic growth as well as social concern is mentioned and further discussed in important events before and slowly put into enforcement, neither industry nor education can ignore from this trend. This paper will contribute to address the important issues: 1. Discussing the background of sustainability issues from the important historical events and scholars points of view. 2. Endeavoring in discovering the current efforts made of sustainability by industries and educational institutes 3. Understanding sustainability education status applied in business and engineering schools in two accredited systems AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), and ABET(Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) in United States by analyzing the sustainability-related courses difference among academic backgrounds (accredited systems), regions, school ranking, undergraduate and graduate levels, topics as well as teaching methods. 4. Comparing the result of web-based survey between AACSB 460 accredited business school and ABET 382 engineering schools as well as to the similar sustainability-related course in previous studies based on questionnaire or web-based surveys. The results are as follows: 1. ABET accredited engineering school shows much more aggressiveness on providing sustainability-related courses, especially in west region. 2. Our web content analysis in both AACSB and ABET have lower result than questionnaire survey studies before. 3. Top 100 ranked school in both colleges have more than twice related course; however, AACSB places related courses on graduate level with compulsory and ABET tends to put on undergraduate level with electives. 4. Regarding to the sustainability issues, AACSB focus moral thinking &culture diversity while ABET endeavors in management of natural resource 5. Both colleges adopt most of traditional teaching methods: 61 % of AACSB have case study and discussion and 80 % of ABET use textbooks and assignments At the end, this study will apply the results to business practitioners, enables them have an understanding about their recruited professionals and students who have received which kinds of related subjects and issues taught in the school. For educators, the study provides them the comparisons in leading universities to examine their existing program for sustainability so as to enrich the cross-institutional academic exchanges.

Lärare och elevers förståelse för hållbar utveckling

Romander, Therese January 2015 (has links)
Syftet i denna uppsats är att undersöka hur väl lärares och elevers förståelse för begreppet hållbar utveckling stämmer överens med de mål och riktlinjer som satts upp av politiker. Hur väl förankras de beslut som tas på nationell och internationell politisk nivå och hur appliceras detta i skolan? Det känns viktigt att de beslut som tas av våra politiker inte enbart är fina ord utan innehåll och verkan utan att ett aktivt arbete sker på alla nivåer för att verkställa dessa beslut. Hur kan vi bäst uppnå en god kunskap och förståelse för hållbar utveckling hos dagens elever? Genom elevenkäter som delats ut till elever i årskurs två i en skola strax norr om Stockholm, enkätundersökning bland yrkesverksamma pedagoger på lågstadiet och i förskoleklass, samt studier av aktuell forskning inom hållbar utveckling och didaktik ämnar denna uppsats att undersöka lärares och elevers förståelse för hållbar utveckling. Lärare inom svensk skola visade sig i den undersökning som här gjorts inneha relativt goda kunskaper om hållbar utveckling. Enkätundersökningen visade dock på en stor spridning av både förståelse för begreppet hållbar utveckling, samt ibland en rent oacceptabel låg grad av inslag av hållbar utveckling i den faktiska undervisningen. Detta trots att vi har samma styrdokument och ska sträva efter en skola där eleverna ges en likvärdig utbildning som vilar på Vetenskaplig grund, beprövad erfarenhet och evidens (Wingborg, http://www.skolverket.se, 2013).

Rethinking Education: A Paradigm for Education for Sustainability

Wilkins, Lynn D. 30 November 2011 (has links)
In this thesis I will argue that the current predicament we find ourselves in of unsustainable practices can only be addressed through a fundamental shift in the way we view the world and ourselves in it. It is my contention that our most immediate path to achieving this shift is through education. In this thesis I investigate the philosophical basis and justification for education as the impetus for change that will lead to sustainable societies. This inquiry will rethink Freire’s work within our current socio-historical context. Limitations and critiques of Freire’s work will be examined in order to investigate the ability of his work to form the foundation of a paradigm shift towards education that promotes sustainability. The work of C.A. Bowers is used as the basis to interrogate Freire’s work and to re-think some areas to overcome limitations of Freire’s work in his application to Education for Sustainability.

Rethinking Education: A Paradigm for Education for Sustainability

Wilkins, Lynn D. 30 November 2011 (has links)
In this thesis I will argue that the current predicament we find ourselves in of unsustainable practices can only be addressed through a fundamental shift in the way we view the world and ourselves in it. It is my contention that our most immediate path to achieving this shift is through education. In this thesis I investigate the philosophical basis and justification for education as the impetus for change that will lead to sustainable societies. This inquiry will rethink Freire’s work within our current socio-historical context. Limitations and critiques of Freire’s work will be examined in order to investigate the ability of his work to form the foundation of a paradigm shift towards education that promotes sustainability. The work of C.A. Bowers is used as the basis to interrogate Freire’s work and to re-think some areas to overcome limitations of Freire’s work in his application to Education for Sustainability.

Pedagogical toolkit : How the value of repair can be increased through resilience

Sohrabi Kharazi, Mohammad January 2018 (has links)
In today’s society we buy, use and throw things away which has made waste an environmental problem which affects our planet negatively. To prevent further development of consumerism, sustainable movements must be made where society must climb up the ladder of waste hierarchy and start to integrate in preventing the production of waste. One way to manage and prevent waste is through changed consumer practices that encourage repair. As it seems the discussion about repair is a missing part in the Swedish structure about waste management. It is not a part of what children are being taugt and it is not a part of the ongoing discussion about environmental issues. The purpose with this thesis is to plant a seed of change among children and bring back the mindset where humanity integrate with the planet. The research question for this thesis is: “how can the value of repair be increased through resilience among children who are the future influencers?”. Through my research and methodology I decided to design a prototype of a pedagogical toolkit for kindergarten consisting of storytelling through a book and an interactive product. As a part of the design process, a workshop was performed where the core concept of my toolkit was tried out at a kindergarten. The workshop resulted in good management from the children of the content of the story and the interactive product. A pluralistic discussion about how they could help the main character Julia with the broken chair in relation to waste management occurred. The children were “nudged” through the story in the decisision making towards repair, which was the option they choosed. The prototype of my toolkit might not at this stage have resulted in actual increased knowledge about waste hierarchy and prevention of waste. However, according to my opinionen it has contribuited to an increased discussion about repair at the local place where I had my workshop. Hopefully the toolkit has started a thinking process in those children’s mindset and something new within the pedagogical aspects as regards sustainability and waste management. The value of repair can be increased through a pedagogical toolkit consisting of storytelling and an interactive part. Through my prototype of the toolkit a discussion about repair at local level has started. How this project will be developed will be left to the unknown and future explorations of the matter.

A aprendizagem baseada na prática e a educação sustentável de alunos de Administração da UFRGS

Wittmann, Kelly Fabiane Spier January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho buscou compreender como se configuram os saberes acerca da sustentabilidade de alunos de Graduação em Administração da UFRGS. As relações sociais, contextuais e materiais foram exploradas durante as atividades da disciplina de Gestão Socioambiental nas Empresas, a partir da perspectiva da aprendizagem baseada em práticas, do conceito de knowing-practice e de uma descrição detalhada das cenas de ação. O conceito de knowing-practice transmite a ideia de construção social do conhecimento e estabelece uma relação de equivalência entre saber e praticar. Para analisar os processos de ensino-aprendizagem e a constituição dos saberes acerca da sustentabilidade foi conduzido um estudo etnográfico onde foram identificadas e descritas as práticas de duas turmas de Graduação em Administração da UFRGS, durante os meses de março e dezembro de 2017. As descrições revelam que a aprendizagem e o saber são construídos e reconstruídos constantemente pelas práticas do coletivo. Os processos de aprender e organizar estão interconectados e são mediados pelas práticas. O saber é processual, relacional e emerge das ações situadas. Os achados em campo revelaram um entrelaçamento dinâmico e heterogêneo dos elementos (pessoas, tecnologia, ideias, discurso e ações) presentes no contexto das ações situadas na sala de aula O saber e o fazer enactados foram percebidos no discurso quando os estudantes relataram a substituição de práticas insustentáveis por outras sustentáveis a partir das experiências vivenciadas na disciplina de Gestão Socioambiental nas Empresas. A Educação Sustentável precisa recuperar o saber sensível para a construção do conhecimento. A prioridade dada ao saber técnico e normativo desumaniza e deixa de lado o saber pré-verbal, emocional e afetivo. O constante artesanar das experiências precisa envolver os estudantes e engajá-los em projetos e ações situadas que façam sentido. A construção coletiva da realidade a partir de processos reflexivos, colaborativos e com resultado tangível, seria uma possibilidade de aprendizagem e construção de saberes acerca da sustentabilidade. Um caminho para a compreensão da aprendizagem social acerca da sustentabilidade é a reflexividade. Novas posições discursivas e político-pedagógicas, menos normativas, especializadas e individuais poderiam colaborar com a construção de conhecimento no campo da educação e da sustentabilidade. / This scientific research intended to comprehend what constitutes the knowledge about sustainability from undergraduate students taking the Business Administration course at UFRGS. The social, contextual, and material relations were explored throughout the activities from the Socio-environmental Business Management subject, based on the practice-based perspective, the knowing-practice concept, and the detailed description of the action taken. The concept of knowing-practice brings the idea of the social construction of knowledge, establishing that the practice and the theoretical knowledge have equal relevance. In order to analyse the teaching-learning processes and the development of knowledge in the area of sustainability, an ethnographic study was conducted in wich the practices from two of UFRGS's Business Administration classes were identified and described, from March to December of 2017. The descriptions which this research yielded reveal that knowledge and learning are built and rebuilt continuously by collective practices. The learning and organizational processes are interconnected and mediated by the practice. Knowledge is processual, intertwined, and emerges from situational actions. The findings in the field revealed a dynamic and heterogeneous interweaving of the elements (people, technology, ideas, discourse and actions) present in the context of the actions located in the classroom Knowing-in-practice were perceived in the discourse, when the students reported the substitution of unsustainable practices for other sustainable ones starting from the experiences lived in the Socio-environmental Business Management subject. Sustainable Education needs to recover sensitive to the construction of knowledge. The priority given to technical and normative knowledge dehumanizes and leaves aside the pre-verbal, emotional and affective knowledge. The constant craftsmanship of experiences needs to involve students and engage them in projects and actions that make sense. The collective construction of reality from reflective and collaborative processes with tangible results, would be a possibility to learn and build knowledge about sustainability. One way to understand social learning about sustainability is reflexivity. New discursive and political-pedagogical positions, less normative, specialized and individuals could collaborate with the construction of knowledge in the field of education and sustainability.

Aprendizagem baseada em projetos : uma Pesquisa Ação Participante no processo de ensino/aprendizagem de Sustentabilidade no curso de Administração de Empresas

Gonzales, Rogério Leite January 2018 (has links)
Enquanto caminhamos para a terceira década no século XXI, o mundo enfrenta problemas expressivos e complexos, interligando desenvolvimento e estilo de vida, sem esquecer alguns desafios um pouco mais urgentes, como o aumento das desigualdades sociais, desmatamento e desaparecimento de espécies, mudanças climáticas, qualidade e escassez de água, e segurança alimentar. Ainda que possamos identificar os resultados do modelo positivista e mecanicista de desenvolvimento adotado, em especial no mundo ocidental, temos sido incapazes de agir para evitar a destruição do planeta. A educação popularizada nos últimos séculos, com o objetivo de sustentar e promover o modelo de desenvolvimento em questão, enfrenta um movimento global de contestação, e tampouco tem conseguido evoluir. Frente a esse panorama, este estudo, de caráter exploratório, faz uso da teoria da Educação Sustentável como ponto de apoio para propor uma metodologia de Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos (ABP) em turmas do curso de Administração de Empresas, e compreender os efeitos da ABP quando aplicada no ensino de Sustentabilidade. A Teoria da Aprendizagem Experiencial (TAE) dá o suporte teórico para o entendimento dos processos vividos pelos participantes da pesquisa. Para viabilizar a concepção, aplicação e acompanhamento dos resultados e verificar a percepção dos discentes, a metodologia utilizada foi a Pesquisa Ação Participante (PAP). Durante os doze meses de pesquisa no campo, foi possível desenvolver dois ciclos de aplicação da ABP, onde mais de 150 alunos construíram projetos que se propuseram ultrapassar os muros da universidade e influenciar a comunidade, tendo a sustentabilidade como tema transversal e conector das propostas desenvolvidas O estudo apoia-se na percepção dos alunos, através de processos contínuos de feedback e recursivos de adaptação da metodologia, para refinar a proposta metodológica de aplicação da ABP e verificar a percepção dos alunos com relação à proposta desenvolvida. Ainda que haja estranhamento por parte dos estudantes em um primeiro momento (a característica mais progressista da disciplina, que coloca o aluno em uma posição de protagonismo, em muitos casos induz à incapacidade ou não interesse em exercer esse papel), ao final do semestre, após repetidos processos de reflexão sobre a experiência vivida, o desconforto em geral é ressignificado como aprendizado. Tal qual a TAE e a PAP, a proposta desse trabalho é avançar no entendimento das formas e resultados possíveis de serem atingidos com o uso da ABP tendo a sustentabilidade como contexto, porém tendo clareza sobre a complexidade da temática e a recursividade do processo de aprendizagem e sobre espaços para melhorias e adequações da metodologia. Esperamos que esse movimento possa inspirar outros colegas docentes a fazer uso da ABP ou outras metodologias ativas que ajudem na transformação urgente e necessária que vivemos hoje. / As we move towards the third decade of the 21st century, the world faces significant and complex problems involving development and lifestyle, added by some more urgent challenges, such as increase in social inequalities, deforestation and extinction of species, climate change, and water scarcity and food safety. Although we can identify the results of the positivist and mechanistic model of development adopted in the Western world in particular, we have been unable to act in order to prevent the destruction of the planet. The education popularized in recent centuries with the aim of supporting and promoting the development model mentioned is being challenged in a global scale and has not been able to evolve. This exploratory study makes use of the Sustainable Education theory as a fulcrum in order to propose a Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology in business administration courses and understand the effects of PBL when applied to sustainability teaching. The Theory of Experiential Learning (TEL) gives the theoretical support for understanding the processes experienced by the study subjects. Participant Action Research (PAR) was used as methodology to facilitate the design, implementation and monitoring of results, and verify the perceptions of students. During the twelve months of field research, it was possible to develop two application cycles of PBL, where more than 150 students built projects targeting a public wider than the university community, using sustainability as an overarching theme connecting propositions The study is based on the students' perception through continuous feedback and recursive processes of methodology adaptation in order to refine the methodological proposition of application of PBL and verify the students' perception regarding the proposition developed. Although the students were initially uncomfortable (given the progressive characteristic of the course, which puts the student in a position of prominence, often making students feel unable to or not interested in playing this role), this discomfort is generally resignified as learning at the end of the semester, after repeated processes of reflection on the experience. Similar to TEL and PAR, the intention of this thesis is to advance our understanding of the forms and results achieved with the use of PBL having sustainability as context, while being aware of how complex the theme is and how recursive the learning process is. We also acknowledge that there is room for improvement and adaptation of the methodology. We hope that this initiative may inspire fellow educators to make use of PBL or other active methodologies in order to assist them in the urgent transformation which is needed today.

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