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There’s an App for That: Foreign Language Learning Through Mobile- and Social Media-Based Video GamesHoy, Trenton Edward 01 May 2011 (has links)
There is no doubt that the video game industry is undergoing a major upheaval, yet in spite of the recent reconceptualization of video games, educational games as a whole remain the pariah of the industry. Very little has been done in the wake of recent social and industry trends to adapt instruction of academic subjects, especially foreign language, for delivery through video games. Prior studies discussing the potential of games developed specifically for language learning have focused primarily on general principles and have offered no recommendations for platform, genre, or other aspects of design. Through an online survey as well as qualitative analysis of gaming forum discussions and student evaluations of an existing educational language game, this study goes straight to the learners and players themselves in order to determine the opinions and behavioral intentions of potential customers. By synthesizing these insights into consumer demand with theory and industry trends, this study argues that mobile or casual games that are intrinsically social and communicative hold the most potential for success, both in academia and in the industry.
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The Effect Of Picture Vocabulary Games And Gender On Four Year-old Children' / s English Vocabulary Performance: An Experimental InvestigationKalaycioglu, Hatice Elif 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the educational games as a technique in the preschool-level English vocabulary learning of four year-olds. A true-experimental study design, specifically randomized pre-test, post-test control group design, was adopted. The sample was 33 private preschool children who were four years old. There were 17 females and 16 males in total. Data collection instrument was the 24-item English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Vocabulary Performance checklist prepared in accordance with the Total Physical Response (TPR) lessons&rsquo / content by the researcher. A pilot study, reliability and validity checks were done. In a four-week period, totally 24 vocabulary items were presented with picture cards by using Total Physical Response Method to both groups. In the experimental group, picture vocabulary games were used additionally while the control group did not receive picture vocabulary games. At the end, independent-samples t-test was conducted and the results indicated a significant difference in English Vocabulary achievement in favor of the experimental group which was taught by the educational picture vocabulary games with a large effect size. In addition, whether or not there was a gender effect on learning vocabularies of English as a foreign language with picture vocabulary games in the experimental group and without picture vocabulary games in the control group was investigated by means of t-tests. As a result, non-significant gender effect was found for both experimental and control group in learning English vocabulary.
Upon understanding the remarkable effectiveness of the picture vocabulary games on English language learning for four year-olds, it can be implied that more picture vocabulary games should be devised for very young learners by the experts for the classroom use and the number of the books about educational vocabulary games should be increased. Furthermore, policy makers ought to prepare English as a foreign language curriculum including games for early childhood education programs, and integrate a new course about teaching English to very young learners into foreign language teacher training and education
programs of the universities for pre-service teachers in the scope of a national foreign language policy.
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Using a game template as a multimedia-based cognitive tool to facilitate novices' conceptual understanding of object-oriented programmingYuen, Timothy Tung-Ming, 1978- 15 October 2012 (has links)
This study examined how a multimedia-based cognitive tool (MCT) facilitates novices' conceptual understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP). The tool used in this study was CSNüb, a game template created in Adobe Flash. The MCT design framework guided CSNüb's design. The MCT design framework was synthesized from literature on constructivist, multimedia, and motivation learning theories and computer-based cognitive tool design principles. Students worked with CSNüb to develop a simple role-playing game (RPG). Through clinical interviews and process tracing methods, it was found that CSNüb affected novice computer science students' conceptual understanding of OOP through five cognitive processes and factors: cognitive disequilibrium evoked through multimedia-based feedback, exploring for resources that scaffold understanding, changing the level of awareness of the "bigger picture" and ability for higher-level thinking, and consistent refinement of solutions and mental models within the problem space. The five cognitive processes and factors were found to be the result of three levels of interaction with CSNüb. At the Tool Level, students received conflicting information, generally through multimedia-based feedback from the CSNüb, which placed students in states of disequilibrium. At the Interaction Level, students interacted with the CSNüb to resolve their disequilibrium through exploring resources within the tool and refining their solution. They were able to experiment and test out their understanding on OOP. At the Cognitive Level, students used the resources as cognitive scaffolds found through exploration, which in turn, increased the degree of awareness and influenced the level at which they understood the object-oriented system. The five cognitive processes and factors through the three levels of interaction were formed into one model--the MCT Interaction Model (MCTIM)--as a general explanation for how MCTs, such as CSNüb, affects novice students' conceptual understanding. / text
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El juego lingüístico multilingüe y la narración de identidad: evidencia de diarios de una estudiante de españolReeves, Robin A. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Indiana University, 2007. / Title from screen (viewed on July 23, 2007). Department of World Languages and Cultures, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Advisor(s): Marta Antón, Kimmaree Murday, Paz Rabanal. Includes vitae. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 82-86).
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Os jogos educativos como ferramenta de aprendizagem enfatizando a educação ambiental no ensino de ciênciasChefer, Sonia Mara 29 July 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar os jogos educativos como proposta de prática investigativa, bem como avaliar a aprendizagem por meio desse instrumento no Ensino de Ciências, sobre o tema transversal Meio Ambiente, enfatizando a Educação Ambiental no Ensino Fundamental. Evidencia a Educação Ambiental, considerando a aprendizagem significativa, com destaque específico para a utilização de jogos educativos. Discute o Ensino de Ciências no Brasil, a Educação Ambiental, os Jogos Educativos, a Aprendizagem Significativa, com base na literatura pertinente ao tema. A pesquisa abrange uma população de 65 alunos. Para a coleta dos dados utilizou-se de questionários com questões abertas e fechadas para levantamento dos conhecimentos prévios dos alunos (pré-teste) e pós-teste. Apresenta resultados sobre a utilização de jogos didáticos no encaminhamento metodológico, de forma significativa no processo de ensino aprendizagem de Ciências e que facilitem a compreensão do conteúdo de forma motivadora e divertida. Demonstra que o jogo educativo constitui-se em um importante auxílio para o trabalho curricular por seu caráter motivacional, desafiador e construtivo; pode ser inserido no planejamento disciplinar e utilizado como proposta pedagógica, pois possibilitou um ambiente educativo e descontraído com evidências de aprendizagem significativa. A proposta da utilização dos jogos educativos no ensino de Ciências e Educação Ambiental se formaliza a partir da constatação das características lúdicas de ensino que o material produzido possui. Dessa maneira, podem proporcionar ao professor um recurso que possibilita chamar a atenção do aluno, aguçando a curiosidade em buscar novos conhecimentos sobre o ambiente em que vive. Como produto final desta pesquisa, estruturou-se uma Unidade Didática, com um conjunto ordenado de atividades, estruturadas e articuladas, visando auxiliar o professor de Ciências em sua ação pedagógica durante o ano letivo. / This research aims to analyze the educational games as a proposed research practice, and assess learning through this instrument in Science Teaching, on the cross-cutting theme Environment, emphasizing the Environmental Education in Elementary Education. Evidence Environmental Education, considering the significant learning, with specific emphasis on the use of educational games. Discusses the teaching of science in Brazil, Environmental Education, the Educational Games, Meaningful Learning, based on the literature relevant to the topic. The research covers a population of 65 students. To collect the data we used questionnaires with open and closed questions for survey of students' prior knowledge (pretest) and posttest. Presents results on the use of educational games in methodological routing significantly in the teaching and learning of Science to facilitate understanding of the content in a motivating and fun way. Demonstrates that the educational game constitutes an important aid for curriculum work for his motivational, challenging and constructive character; can be inserted in the disciplinary planning and used as a pedagogical proposal, it enabled a substantial and relaxed environment with evidence of significant learning. The proposed use of educational games in teaching Science and Environmental Education is formalized based on the findings of the entertaining features of teaching that has produced the material. Thus, the teacher can provide a resource that enables call the student's attention, sharpening the curiosity to seek new knowledge about the environment in which he lives. As a final product of this research, structured on a Didactic Unit, with an ordered set of activities, structured and articulated, aiming to help the science teacher in their pedagogical activities during the school year.
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Jogo digital educativo para o ensino de matemáticaLealdino Filho, Pedro 13 February 2014 (has links)
Acompanha: Manual operacional do jogo digital educacional: “As aventuras de Simon Bile” / A educação matemática tem como um dos desafios criar espaços motivadores para o ensino. Jogos digitais tem o potencial de influir positivamente sobre o sentimento dos alunos quanto ao ambiente da disciplina e assim contribuir com os estudos. Este trabalho investiga elementos para o desenvolvimento de jogos digitais educativos, buscando uma relação clara com teorias de ensino-aprendizagem e aplicando técnicas de engenharia de software. O objetivo da pesquisa é aferir a motivação conseguida por um jogo educativo de matemática, “As aventuras de Simon Bile”, implementado dentro da dissertação. Depois de um teste inicial durante o desenvolvimento do jogo, uma pesquisa experimental foi conduzida com uma amostra de 50 alunos dividida em dois grupos, de controle e experimental. Utilizaram-se como instrumentos um questionário demográfico e um questionário de motivação baseado no modelo ARCS de Keller (2010). A análise dos dados indicou resultados favoráveis, no sentido do jogo construído sobre problemas matemáticos ser motivador para os alunos e permitir que eles dediquem tempo a ele. / One of the challenges of mathematics education is creating motivational spaces to teach. Digital games are powerfull tools that have positive impact in students' feelings toward the subject and then contribute to their studies. The present work investigates the fundamental elements to develop educational digital games, in order to find a clear relationship between learning theories and software engineering. The aim of this research was assess the motivation achieved by an educational digital game, called “The Simon Bile’s Adventure”, developed during the dissertation. After an initial test during the game development, an experimental research was conducted with a sample of 50 students divided in two groups, control and experimental. A survey was used as an instrument based in ARCS model of keller (2010) and a demographic survey. The datas' analysis indicated positive outcomes, because the game, that has been constructed within mathematical problems, motivated students to enjoy it and spend time on it.
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Sequência didática para o ensino de ácidos e bases: da experimentação ao jogo numa abordagem contextualizada / Didactic sequence for the teaching of acids and bases: from experimentation to play a experimentation to contextualized approachGondin, Carolyne de Oliveira 15 December 2016 (has links)
Acompanha: Sequência didática - Ensino de ácidos e bases: da experimentação ao jogo numa abordagem contextualizada / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a contribuição de uma sequência didática, para a aprendizagem de estudantes, no ensino de funções ácidos e bases, em que se utilizou da experimentação, e, de um jogo, numa abordagem contextualizada. A abordagem metodológica foi qualitativa de natureza interpretativa, com observação participante, de sua natureza aplicada. Participaram da pesquisa, 26 estudantes, do primeiro ano do ensino médio, do turno matutino, de um colégio da rede estadual de ensino da Região Centro Sul do Paraná, Brasil. A análise de dados foi realizada, a partir de categorias, e subcategorias, estratificadas do conteúdo das respostas dos estudantes, no programa MAXQDA. A análise e interpretação, dos dados foram realizadas a partir do desenvolvimento da sequência didática, que integrou diferentes atividades, em oito momentos, articulada desde uma experimentação problematizadora, a um jogo didático, numa abordagem contextualizada. Indicou contribuições da atividade experimental problematizadora, como uma estratégia eficiente, para problematização, contextualização, e, o estímulo a questionamentos de investigação. Possibilitou a realização de discussões, reflexão, registros, e, levantamento de hipóteses a respeito do tema, que foram fundamentais para geração de dados, a respeito das concepções iniciais dos estudantes, sobre ácidos e bases. Despertou a curiosidade dos estudantes para os acontecimentos experimentais, fazendo com que agissem como protagonistas na construção de seu conhecimento na busca de respostas, numa atitude cientifica. O desenvolvimento do jogo didático elaborado estimulou de forma unânime a motivação dos estudantes, potencializou o interesse, a curiosidade, participação ativa nas atividades, melhorando o relacionamento entre estudantes, e como consequência a evolução conceitual, social e emocional. De forma geral, a sequência didática, contribuiu para que os estudantes estabelecessem relações entre os conteúdos científicos de ácidos e base, e o seu contexto, sendo instigados na busca pelo saber. De forma que, foi possível observar contribuições nas dimensões de abrangência conceitual, procedimental, e atitudinal, previstas nas intenções educacionais. / The aim of this research was to evaluate the contribution of a didactic sequence for the learning of students in the teaching of acid functions and bases, in which experimentation and a game in a contextualized approach were used. The methodological approach was qualitative of an interpretative nature, with participant observation, of its applied nature. Twenty-six students participated in the study, from the first grade of high school, of the morning term, of a state school in the Southern Center Region of Paraná, Brazil. The data analysis was carried out, from categories, and subcategories, stratified of the content of the students' answers, in the MAXQDA program. The analysis and interpretation of the data were obtained from the development of the didactic sequence, which integrated different activities, in eight moments, articulated from a problematizing experimentation, to a didactic game, in a contextualized approach. It indicated contributions of problematizing experimental activity, as an efficient strategy, for problematization, contextualization, and the stimulation of research questions. It made possible the accomplishment of discussions, reflection, registers, and hypotheses about the subject, which were fundamental for data generation, regarding the initial conceptions of the students about acids and bases. It aroused the curiosity of the students for the experimental events, causing them to act as protagonists in the construction of their knowledge in the search for answers in a scientific attitude. The development of the elaborated didactic game unanimously stimulated students' motivation, enhanced interest, curiosity and active participation in activities, improving students’ relationships and as consequence a conceptual, social and emotional evolution has arisen. In general, the didactic sequence contributed to the students establishing relationships between the scientific contents of acids and base and their context, being instigated in the search for knowledge. Thus, it was possible to observe contributions in the dimensions of conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal scope, foreseen in educational intentions.
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Game design aplicado em simulações interativas educacionais / Game design applied to interactive simulations for learningRibeiro, Rafael João 25 August 2017 (has links)
Acompanha: Guia prático de programação de simulações PhET para o ensino de ciência e matemática: básico e avançado / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos da aplicação de game design em uma simulação interativa do projeto PhET no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, e quanto ao interesse dos estudantes em acessarem, espontaneamente, as simulações. A metodologia envolveu 75 estudantes do Ensino Médio em um design experimental com grupo de controle (S) e grupo experimental (G). A análise dos dados apontou que a aplicação de game design não afeta (p = 0,16) a aquisição de conhecimento e a atitude dos alunos ao final da aula. Porém, uma diferença com significância (p < 0,01 e r = 0,34) foi observada para o teste de retenção, sendo maior para o grupo G. A diferença entre o teste de retenção e o pós-teste (p <0,001 e r = 0,38) foi favorável para o grupo G. As curvas de regressão para a retenção apresentaram-se inclinadas e com um gap positivo para o grupo G, quando comparado com o grupo S, utilizando o conhecimento prévio como covariante. O experimento foi replicado em um design quase-experimental com 64 participantes, a comparação com o teste de retenção, manteve-se favorável para o grupo G, reforçando a validade externa do experimento. O efeito positivo na retenção de conhecimento, proporcionado pela seção de jogo é discutido com referência na Teoria da Carga Cognitiva. A seção de jogo presente na simulação potencializa a sua função como material instrucional, facilitando a construção e automatização de esquemas cognitivos na memória de trabalho dos estudantes. Um maior interesse dos estudantes, em acessarem as simulações PhET, foi observado após a aplicação de elemento de game design sociointerativo, no caso, com um placar de pontuações. Esse resultado foi discutido com referência no conceito de Homo ludens. Tendo como referência o escopo teórico de Richard E. Mayer, é possível compreender as observações obtidas nesta pesquisa, o qual destaca que: métodos de aprendizagem por descoberta, sem orientação, geralmente, são ineficientes e ineficazes para promoverem a aprendizagem conceitual. A aplicação de game design permite que a simulação seja utilizada tanto em espaços formais de ensino, com foco na aprendizagem pela descoberta guiada, como em situações adversas, em uma aprendizagem baseada em jogos digitais. Como contribuição para a área de Design Instrucional no ensino de Ciência, conclui-se nesta tese: a presença de uma seção de jogo em uma simulação interativa de Física possui efeitos positivos na retenção de conhecimento (d = 0,81), na motivação dos estudantes em acessarem, espontaneamente, as simulações, e não há evidências de aumento de carga cognitiva na memória de trabalho dos aprendizes. / This research aimed to investigate the effects of applying game design to a PhET interactive simulation on the teaching and learning process, and on student interest in spontaneously accessing the simulation. The methodology involved 75 high school students in an experimental design with a control group (S) and an experimental group (G). Data analysis highlighted that applying game design did not affect the acquisition of knowledge and student attitudes at the end of the class (p = 0.16). However, a significant difference (p <0.01 and r = 0.34) was observed for the retention test, being greater for the G group. The difference between the retention test and the post-test (p <0.001 and r = 0.38) was favorable for the G group. The regression curves for retention were inclined with a positive gap for the G group when compared with the S group, using previous knowledge as a covariate. The experiment was replicated in a quasiexperimental design with 64 participants, and the retention test comparison remained favorable for the G group, reinforcing the external validity of the experiment. The positive effect on knowledge retention provided by the game section is discussed with reference to cognitive load theory. The game section present in the simulation enhances its function as instructional material, facilitating the construction and automation of cognitive schemes in students' working memory. Greater student interest in accessing the PhET simulation was observed after adding a sociointeractive game design element, in this case, a high score board. This result was discussed with reference to the concept of Homo ludens. With reference to the theoretical scope of Richard E. Mayer, it is possible to understand the results obtained: learning methods by discovery, without guidance, are generally inefficient and ineffective in promoting conceptual learning. Applying game design allows the simulation to be used in both formal teaching spaces focused on learning by guided discovery and in adverse situations with digital game-based learning. As a contribution to the area of instructional design in science teaching, this thesis concludes that the game section present in a physics interactive simulation positively affects the retention of knowledge (d = 0.81) and student motivation to spontaneously access the simulation, with no evidence of cognitive load increases in students’ working memory.
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Aprendizado significativo aplicado ao ensino de algoritmosBarbosa, Le?nidas da Silva 25 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:47:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-25 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The course of Algorithms and Programming reveals as real obstacle for many students during
the computer courses. The students not familiar with new ways of thinking required by the
courses as well as not having certain skills required for this, encounter difficulties that sometimes
result in the repetition and dropout. Faced with this problem, that survey on the problems
experienced by students was conducted as a way to understand the problem and to guide solutions
in trying to solve or assuage the difficulties experienced by students. In this paper a
methodology to be applied in a classroom based on the concepts of Meaningful Learning of
David Ausubel was described. In addition to this theory, a tool developed at UFRN, named
Takkou, was used with the intent to better motivate students in algorithms classes and to exercise
logical reasoning. Finally a comparative evaluation of the suggested methodology and
traditional methodology was carried out, and results were discussed / A disciplina de Algoritmos e Programa??o se revela para muitos alunos como verdadeira
barreira durante os cursos de computa??o. Estes, n?o habituados com as novas formas de pensar
requeridas pela disciplina, bem como n?o possuindo certas habilidades necess?rias nesta,
encontram dificuldades que, por vezes, culminam na reprova??o e evas?o. Diante de tal problem?tica,
neste trabalho, um levantamento sobre os problemas vivenciados pelos alunos foi realizado,
como forma de entender o problema e nortear as solu??es buscadas na tentativa de resolver
ou amenizar as dificuldades encontradas pelos alunos. Aqui, foi descrita uma metodologia
a ser aplicada em sala de aula com base nos conceitos da teoria do Aprendizado Significativo
de David Ausubel. Al?m desta teoria, a ferramenta Takkou desenvolvida na UFRN foi utilizada
com a inten??o de melhor incentivar os alunos no aprendizado de algoritmos e no exerc?cio do
racioc?nio l?gico. Por fim uma pequena avalia??o comparativa entre a metodologia sugerida e
a metodologia tradicional foi realizada, discutindo-se os resultados obtidos
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Přehled výuky genetiky na ZŠ a gymnáziíchMACHOVÁ, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
This study analyses current and older Czech biology textbooks containing information and chapters about genetics. It also proposes suggestions for an update of textbooks content based on this analysis, and prepares methodical materials as help and possible inspiration for biology teachers.
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