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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konfliktų vadyba ir jų sprendimų modelis bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Conflicts management and the soliution of conflicts in the secondary school

Obulaitis, Pranas 08 June 2004 (has links)
SUMMARY The comprehensive school of Lithuania is oriented towards humanistic relations. The background of this education is humanistic psychology that is poited to the natural powres and abilities of a child. Social skills are being developed through the creation of safe surroundings. In order to create such surroundings it is necessary to deal with interpersonal conflicts of schoolchildren. The talking point in our schools today is the soliution of conflicts. If we want to cope with this problem, we have to find more alternative ways of soliution and prepare the community of a school for them. New interpersonal relations – learning trought cooperation – have to be presented in our schools. More efficient and radical reforms in the schools of Lithuania are allowed by the intensifying laws of education. Lots of various and distinctive programmes of preventionare being produced and preventive projects are being done as well. The number of people, who work according to these programmes, is inreasing because it is becoming a popular advantage, wich supplements individual capacity. It is intended to explicate pedagogical and psychological backing for families, to creat a secure setting in primary forms that would be comfortable and fitted for both learning and teaching. Such things as a great regard of scool members for each other or for collective objectives of a school depend on this setting. We should also consider such important factors like friendly and relations of... [to full text]

Socialinio pedagogo vaidmuo sprendžiant blogai mokyklą lankančių vaikų problemas / The role of a social pedagogue, while solving problems of bad children attendance

Tamulionienė, Jolita 08 June 2004 (has links)
This work is about the role of a social pedagogue, while solving problems of bad children attendance. The main aim of the work is to show the opportunities of social pedagogue, solving bad school attendance problem. In the theoretical part of work the following topics are overviewed; the educational reform in Lithuania, socializational problems and their prevention, the purpose of social pedagogue and his work trends, the features of adolescent spread, unwillingness to learn and the ways it is shown. In the practical part the results of the investigation. The information was gathered, while interviews with schoolchildren, dealing with class monitor's information about children, who attend school badly and method's of social pedagogue's work with a contrete pupil. In this work you can find the results of the investigation, which show the reasons of bad school attendance, pupls' and class monitors' opnions, talking about relationship with teachers, classmates, and how it influences the children wish and unwillingness to attend school and the model of social pedagogue's work.

Sėkmingo auklėjimo daugiavaikėje šeimoje prielaidos / Assumptions of sucessful education in big families

Atkočiūnienė, Lina 08 June 2004 (has links)
The family situation and its development are complicated in Lithuania today: the traditional famyli qualities are disappearing, low birthrate cannot ensure generation change, and the number of social-risk families and abandoned children is really worrying.

Informacinių technologijų modelio panaudojimo įgyvendinimo galimybės Lietuvos švietimo institucijose / Implementation of information technologies in the Lithuanian education system institutions

Kirvelevičius, Nerijus 21 June 2004 (has links)
In this work the appliance of information technologies in the social sphere is analyzed,especially in education. It is sought to properly discuss various methods, tendencies and ways of information technologies integration into education.

Edukologijos (pradinio ugdymo) studijų programos studentų praktikantų problemos ir paramos poreikiai / Problems and Support Needs of Students of Education Science (Primary Education) Having Teaching Problems

Nausėdienė, Romana 02 June 2006 (has links)
In the Master’s study ”The problems and need for help among students practicing at school, studying according to the programme of educology (primary education)” scientific, pedagogical and psychological literature, referred to the appointment of a guardian to trainee-teachers is being discussed. A theory and practice problem in teachers’ preparation is being discussed as well as the problems of organising pedagogical practice in Lithuania, possible ways of their solution. The importance of communication and reflection of a pedagogue is also dealt with. An investigation is going on in the study about the problems students face during their pedagogical practice at school. On the data of carried out numerous research it is stated that both university and college students have difficulties during their pedagogical practice while integrating themselves into school-life, communicating with hyperactive schoolchildren, formulating lesson tasks and finding ways how to solve communicaton problems both between pupils and teachers. College students tend to overestimate themselves in pedagogical work. University students, whose psychological preparation is better, evaluate themselves more critically, they are more inclined to analyse their work and solve their problems by themselves. The study also analyses problems that teachers-experts, who have trainees in primary classes, face. According to the data of qualitative research, pedagogues willingly help students to integrate into... [to full text]

Ugdomosios aplinkos pradinėse klasėse kūrimo galimybės / Possibilities of formation of learning environment in primary school

Simulikienė, Regina 13 June 2006 (has links)
Master's thesis “Possibilities of formation of learning environment in primary school" analyses the theoretical basis of formation of learning environment and reveals the possibilities of its formation. According to the works of many scholars, such as L. Jovaisa, B. Bitinas, A. Zulumskyte, etc. the conception of learning environment was formulated and its structure analyzed. A profound analysis of documents and governmental decisions regulating primary education and significant to the formation of learning environment was carried out. Assumptions of formation of auspicious learning environment are revealed: • through psychological recognition of primary student, by emphasizing that it was not enough for the teacher “to know the change of child's mind and understand child's development following <...> the psychology of age only" (Butkiene and Kepalaite, 1996, p. 104), but the learner has to be recognized directly as "children develop differently and individual development may not have some typical features" (Ruzgiene and Petruziene, 2005, p. 96); • through analysis of ergonomical analysis of learning environment, as according to V. Kucinskas (1997) and A. Zulumskyte (2006), the space impacts emotions and spiritual state of students of various age and therefore, comfortable environment stimulates activity and mobilizes nervous and mental functions; • through revealing educator's role in the process of formation of learning environment as his competence has much... [to full text]

Po universitetinių (tęstinių) studijų efektyvumo tyrimas šiuolaikinėje Lietuvos švietimo sistemoje / Research of efficacy after university (continuity) studies in contemporary educated system of Lithuania

Gudonavičienė, Dalia 13 June 2006 (has links)
Research of efficacy after university (continuity) studies in contemporary educated system of Lithuania Master’s work. This master’s final work in social – educated aspect analyses adult’s attitude in continuity their educate, educate qualify increase action, collected and evaluated information, give recommendations how further create efficacy of continuity studies in educated system of Lithuania. Fulfiled theoretical and quantity date analysis ascertain, that educated reform common aim – aspire that everyone has to acquire appropriate qualifications and it always perfect. Summed results, maintain that educate qualify and their plan system has to become part of constant educated system. It is carefully analyses adult’s educate motivation. It is confirmed author’s formulated hypothesis of research, that continuity studies extend conditions for each teacher to receive new knowledge, deep understanding, skills, widen attitude, interests and received knowledge ideal adapt in practice.

Pilietiškumo samprata Lietuvos kariuomenėje / Conception of public in the Lithuanian Army

Rodzis, Audrius 20 June 2006 (has links)
The main aim of investigation was to examine the maturity of public between professional and national service soldiers in the Lithuanian Army. Methods used during investigation: questionnaires given for professional and national service soldiers in the Lithuanian Army. 100 professional service soldiers and 100 national service soldiers from various sevice places. According to investigation’s results was established the maturity of public between professional and national service soldiers in the Lithuanian Army and factors, which influence it. The investigation showed that it is showed high attention for training of nurture public. The investigation let to set tendentions of valuables and Weltanshauung by soldier. The values opinion majority’s of soldiers is the same as majority’s stereotypes in the society.

Muzikos mokyklų mokinių nesėkmingo mokymosi priežastys ir jų šalinimo galimybės / The reasons of unsuccessful learning of music school children and the possibilities of their elimination

Gudienė, Lina 20 June 2006 (has links)
The analytic review of the literature lets do the theoretical providence, that the change of art developing is going too slow and too little correspond the needs of quickly changing society. It is actual to analyze the existing situation and look for the new ideas how to optimize MS’ activity by democratizing, humanizing the process of development and seeking to make the modern effective and improving non- formal educational organization. The purpose of survey – is to highlight the reasons of unsuccessful (self) learning of MS’ children and the possibilities of their elimination. In this work were used the following methods of fact-finding: analysis of theoretical – scientific literature, analysis of documents; empirical – questionnaires. The purpose of ques-tionnaires – is to investigate the point of view of respondents towards the process of development in MS, to reveal the providence of developing process and optimizing the content using the mod-ern experience of education management (the principles of change proposed by the general qual-ity management and after creative modification of 14 management responsibilities of W. Dem-ing). In the onetime quantitative estimative survey participated teachers from 5 music schools and schoolchildren of 1-7 classes from the same schools. Also was done the qualitative questioning analysis of parents of former pupils of music schools. With reference to the data of survey it can be maintained, that most often cases of unsuccessful... [to full text]

VIII – X klasių muzikos vadovėlių turinio vykdymo tyrimai / The Analysis of Implementation of Music Textbooks Content for the Students of Grade 8-10

Miškinis, Artūras 22 June 2006 (has links)
The music teacher, who works at school, tries to implement the program of musical education and the content of the music textbook so that his students would advance the higher level of musical skills. If he wants to work successfully in the modern school, the music teacher has to select the material suitably according to the students’ skills and knowledge. The Master’s work analyzes how the content of the textbooks of musical training is implemented in the general schools of grade 8-10. The scientific- theoretical literature and methodology about musical education are studied in the Lithuanian secondary schools. The research was implemented, which analyzed how the content of the textbooks of grade 8-10 is implemented in Radviliškis secondary schools the first time and which is the students’ level of those grades. The data of this research has shown the position in the schools of the district.. This training experiment, which was done in Radviliškis Gražinos secondary school 8a class in 2004-2005, has shown that the content of the music textbook can be implemented by practicing the individual program of musical education and learning what students are able to do and to advance the students to the higher level of musical level.

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