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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Taikomosios kūno kultūros efektyvumas pacientams po galvos smegenų insulto, siekiant funkcinio nepriklausomumo / Effciency of the applied physical training in the restoration of functional independence of patiens suffering from the effects of brain insult

Grušaitė, Vaida 08 June 2006 (has links)
Brain insult is one of the main medical – social problems of current concern, both due to the high death-rate and severe residual physical disability caused by this illness. So far, one of the rehabilitation program elements, very widely discussed as a measure helping to recover functional independence of patients suffering from the after-effects of insult, is kinesitherapy. Implementation of the applied physical training in rehabilitation is not widely discussed yet. The objective of this study is to analyze the efficiency of educational experimental motor training program in the development of functional independence. Tasks of this study are as follows: • To assess the functional state of patients suffering from the effects of insult before rehabilitation; • To develop an education kinetic training program; • To assess the change functional state indicators at the end of rehabilitation period. • To assess the efficiency of experimental educational motor training program. This research has been conducted in a Public Institution Mazeikiai Hospital, in the department of in-patient rehabilitation, from 30 September 2004 to 29 December 2005. 80 brain insult patients were covered by this study. All of them were subdivided into two groups of 40 individuals in each: comparison group (CG) and experimental group (EG). A therapy of physical exercises was applied to the control group, while the experimental group underwent experimental educational motor training program. ... [to full text]

Pradinių klasių moksleivio, kaip mokytojo bendradarbio, ugdymo sistema mokykloje / The Training System of the Elementary - School Child as a Teacher's Worker at School

Girulienė, Jolita 09 June 2006 (has links)
Learning in cooperation is a new educational movement that has changed turn of mind in our schools essentially. Researches show that most educators don’t have enough educational concepts and don’t keep the ones they have as a whole. Educational concepts are the basics of cooperation and they help us to understand the main point of the system of cooperation. That is why it cannot be developed in the practice successfully. Problematic questions, like Is it possible to educate an elementary-school child to be a co-worker? and What system should the education be based on? arise from such a situation. The aim of the research is to investigate the development of a pupil’s, an educator’s associate, education and its conditions and to find the spheres where educational interaction should be improved. In order to approach the problems I have chosen the ways: to investigate the theory of educational cooperation; to find out pupils’ and teachers’ attitude to cooperation; to determine the peculiarities of interaction of pupils and teachers and the role of a teacher and a pupil; to show the factors that are essential the cooperation to be functional and perfect. Analysis of nonfiction, the evaluation of source information (the survey), the analysis of the statistics, average, stated correlation, standard deviation and comparative analysis are the methods of the research work. Elementary school teachers and junior pupils were the respondents. 305 respondents took part in the research... [to full text]

Efektyviai dirbančių pradžios mokyklos vadovų - lyderių raiškos galimybių empirinis tyrimas / Empirical research of expression possibilities of effectively working primary school leaders

Palubinskas, Vaidas 09 June 2006 (has links)
Today, during the society’s democratization process, the role of the primary school head teacher has not lost its significance, on the contrary, it has developed into a qualitatively new level. Now the head teacher is not only an efficient doer, but also the initiator of the institution’s policy and the guarantee of successful team work. The success and efficiency of the organisation activity depends on leader’s personality and qualified management: planning, organization, supervision control. So, the head teacher of nowadays is a strategist, manager, administrator, leader, etc.

Ikimokyklinės ugdymo įstaigos gamtinės aplinkos svarba vaikų pažinimo kompetencijos plėtotei / The Importance of Natural Environment of a Preschool Institution for the Development of the Cognitive Competency

Palionienė, Alina 12 June 2006 (has links)
The Relevance of the Research. In the general programmes/curricula and the Standards of Education of the School of General Education of Lithuania (2003) it is stated that “preschool, primary and basic child education is considered as one of the most important priorities of contemporary education policy, as the basis for lifelong learning”. Contemporary preschool education regulations are an aspiration to help a child to acquire competencies necessary for everyday life and successful education/self-education at school, the basis of which is the sum total of already possessed value attitudes, gained abilities and skills, and experience. It is not enough to call child’s competencies an aspiration – it is important to attempt to “measure” them, and it is what has been emphasized in the present work. The importance of one of the competencies – the cognitive competency – is emphasized in Preschool Education Standards (2003). The straightest way to the development of child’s cognitive competency is the formation of natural environment in a preschool institution. Cognitive psychology considers permanent investigation of environment as one of the most important factors of the development of child personality. In contemporary reformed nursery school the investigation activity, its importance, significance, functionality, relations between natural environment and the cognitive competency is little or almost not investigated area. The Object. The importance of natural environment for the... [to full text]

Paramos formos ikimokyklinio amžiaus specialiųjų poreikių turintiems vaikams / The forms of maintenance given to children with special demands in preschool institutions

Bobinienė, Vilma 14 June 2006 (has links)
In this master’s graduation dissertation is treated the maintenance given to children with special demands in preschool institutions and outside them. Wishing to create in Lithuania democratic and civil society in which all its members would be given equal possibilities it is necessary to study more properly the problems of families who bring up disabled children. Only knowing the main problems of these families it is possible to organize the maintenance properly. When a family brings up a child who has developmental disorders some services can guarantee an effective maintenance for him and his family: health service, training, custodial and care services, employment service, leisure service and others. Besides, it is necessary to coordinate the activity of these services. The experience of developed states shows that if only one of these services will not perform its functions all the maintenance will not be effective. According to accredited laws of Lithuania children with special demands can get such maintenance outside the institution: preferential transport service, free legal consultations, diurnal centers for disabled people, leisure occupation and so on. It is really interesting if they use this aid, if the attend diurnal centers intended for them, if they go to summer camps intended for disabled. Working in preschool institutions we face with complaints of parents that they fail an aid in these institutions. The aim of the work: to find the forms of maintenance... [to full text]

Paauglių saviraiškos galimybės atliekant solo dainas / Self-expression facilities of the teenagers performing songs solo

Stasevičiūtė, Eglė 20 June 2006 (has links)
In the work of Master both self-expression of teenagers and facilities performing songs solo have been examined. It was determined that during the stage of adolescence way of performance singing solo depends on both psychological and physiological qualities which decide child’s musical potentiality of self-expression. This kind of self-expression allows the personality to unfold and realise oneself in the activity of music. Conceptions and opinions as the key teaching form of music about singing based on various authors have been revised in the work, too. However, when performing songs solo during the stage of adolescence it evokes negative emotions. First part of the work of Master discusses psychological and physiological peculiarities and conceptions of self-expression of a teenager. It has been determined that the following factors have strong influence on teenager’s personality and possibility to express oneself through the singing solo: emotions, requirements, interests, motivation and self-confidence. Second part of the work explains the point of the singing solo as well as means and factors of the impact of an educator which allow the student to show oneself actively during the course of singing solo. Various ways of solo performance have been displayed and described. The results of empirical research are stated in the third part of the work. It has been aspired to study the possibilities of self-expression of the students of 6-8th form when performing songs solo and... [to full text]

Tėvų dalyvavimo ugdant vaikus ikimokyklinėse grupėse ypatumai / The features of parents involvement in a nurture of children in preschool groups

Petrulionienė, Raminta 21 June 2006 (has links)
The subject of a master's work- the features of parents involvement in a nurture of children in preschool groups.

E.Veličkos ir V.Krakauskaitės muzikos vadovelių lyginamoji analizė / E.Velicka and V.Krakauskaite music course books comparative analysis

Naujikaitė, Elinga 22 June 2006 (has links)
Music – one of universal lessons, because includes rational, emotional, logic and intuition. Music subject elementary education main goals: nurture kids musicality, form creativity and emotional personality. Of course musical education in elementary school is not possible without appropriate music course book. Music course book matter forms main music culture, forms aesthetic taste, harmony sense, induces art creativity and expression. Together gives knowledge about own and worlds nations music culture, forms skills to understand and value artwork. Course books show the world, teaches how to know it better and be in it. In elementary classes music educators has opportunity to work with course books released by E. Velicka and V.Krakauskaite. Most important course book mission – to grow a child. In democratic society there can’t be one “right” course book, one “right” author and etc. Very often we hear different responses about that course book. But is course books material helping children to collect experience, to develop thinking, creativity, to form skills, abilities, knowledge required in his life? How and how much is represented educational material in different authors course books? This work topic – E. Velicka and V. Krakauskaite music course books comparative analysis. Research object – E. Velicka and V.Krakauskaite music course books. Research goal – to compare in quantitative viewpoint E. Velicka and V. Krakauskaite in music course books stated educational material... [to full text]

Žaidimų taikymas mokant pasirenkamojo teatro dalyko 11-12 ( gimnazijų 3-4) klasėse / The games ussing in the lessons or activity of drama

Šakalienė, Audronė 22 June 2006 (has links)
According to the ana lysis oh literature we can stase that involving of game in the lessons or activity of drama is important and significant. Drama games cold be observed as good mean of academic education, self – expression, aquirement of social skills and integration. Due to drama games students learn to find out new ways of solving problems, experience and better understand fulings and emotion. Through the games im drama lessons or activity studens deepen their skills of self – knowledge and understanding others, body language and tolerance. Practical application of games in the lessons or activity of drama provers that thgis method is significant for 11 – 12 formers and helps to solve psychological problems that occur at the beginning of studies. Variety of games in the lessons or activity of drama excite the imagination, help stu dents better understand language and concept peculiarities and giwe joy. So we con say the every drama games is new emotional, experience, pedagogics of fulings, i.e. unforgetoble moments full of emotions and adventures and wonderful creative atmosphere. Drama lesion or activity the games is very attractive, because it reflects social relity, at the time drills of practical activity and real life modeling function prevail.

Tėvų ir pedagogų bendrdarbiavimo ypatumai ugdant vaikus su cerebriniu paralyžiumi / Cooperation between pedagogue and parents in upbringing of child with cerebrical paralysis

Stankevičiūtė, Aurelija 25 June 2006 (has links)
The theme of this work is actual and timely, because the process of education for the children with cerebral palsy requires a number of specialists: special education teachers, physiotherapists, speech specialists, tutors, assistants, social workers and parents. Each one of them has his own functions, which may have a different influence. So the topic of a great importance for all of the specialists, is to have a common goal, and by means of different methods and co-ordination of actions, to achieve it's accomplishment. Discussions held with pedagogical staff and parents show that specialists of special education and care are not communicating enough with each other, not sharing their ideas, not always are working together as a team. The education is in luck of continuation, educational programs are often not discussed with parents, the co-ordination of the work of specialists is also not at the high level. The week link would also be the communication between administration of the institution, the pedagogical staff and parents. The models of such communication are not completed yet as well. The research made, allows me to make the following conclusions: • The educational process requires knowing and systematically studying every child. On the other hand it needs to find out a lot about the family and the situation around the child at home. • One of the most important child's educational principles is a team work. It makes educational process to be complex and comprehensive... [to full text]

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