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Sparse Linear Modeling of Speech from EEG / Gles Linjära Modellering av Tal från EEGTiger, Mattias January 2014 (has links)
For people with hearing impairments, attending to a single speaker in a multi-talker background can be very difficult and something which the current hearing aids can barely help with. Recent studies have shown that the audio stream a human focuses on can be found among the surrounding audio streams, using EEG and linear models. With this rises the possibility of using EEG to unconsciously control future hearing aids such that the attuned sounds get enhanced, while the rest are damped. For such hearing aids to be useful for every day usage it better be using something other than a motion sensitive, precisely placed EEG cap. This could possibly be archived by placing the electrodes together with the hearing aid in the ear. One of the leading hearing aid manufacturer Oticon and its research lab Erikholm Research Center have recorded an EEG data set of people listening to sentences and in which electrodes were placed in and closely around the ears. We have analyzed the data set by applying a range of signal processing approaches, mainly in the context of audio estimation from EEG. Two different types of linear sparse models based on L1-regularized least squares are formulated and evaluated, providing automatic dimensionality reduction in that they significantly reduce the number of channels needed. The first model is based on linear combinations of spectrograms and the second is based on linear temporal filtering. We have investigated the usefulness of the in-ear electrodes and found some positive indications. All models explored consider the in-ear electrodes to be the most important, or among the more important, of the 128 electrodes in the EEG cap.This could be a positive indication of the future possibility of using only electrodes in the ears for future hearing aids.
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Décours temporel de la perception visuelle des visages : de la catégorisation faciale à l'encodage d'une représentation individuelleJacques, Corentin 05 December 2007 (has links)
Etude de la dynamique temporelle de la catégorisation faciale depuis la détection d'un visage dans le champ visuel jusqu'a l'encodage d'une représentation individuelle du visage. Investigation de cette dynamique temporelle via l'électrophysiologie chez le sujet humain (potentiels évoqués). / Temporal dynamics of face visual categorization : an electrophysiological (event-related potentials) approach
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Comment le sens est-il extrait de l'information visuelle ? Le système visuel exploré des catégories à la conscienceKoenig, Roger 19 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Comment le sens est-il extrait de l'information visuelle ? Cette thèse est focalisée sur la capacité du système visuel d'humains et de singes à extraire et représenter l'information visuelle sur différents niveaux de complexité. Nous avons étudié différent niveaux de représentations visuelles, de la production de représentations visuelles primaires jusqu'à l'élaboration de représentations visuelles conscientes. Ce manuscrit présente six travaux dans lesquels nous avons exploré : (1) les attributs visuels nécessaires pour réaliser la tâche de catégorisation ultra-rapide chez l'homme et le singe au moyen de méthodes psychophysiques, (2) la dynamique spatio-temporelle de l'attention visuelle chez l'homme au moyen de méthodes psychophysiques, (3) les corrélats neuronaux des représentations de haut niveau en EEG grâce au développement d'une nouvelle technique appelée SWIFT, (4) les corrélats neuronaux de la conscience visuelle dans la rivalité binoculaire en EEG, (5) la synchronie des signaux cérébraux en fonction de la reconnaissance consciente au moyen d'enregistrements intracrâniens chez des patients épileptiques et (6) les corrélats neuronaux associés à la prise de conscience chez le singe au moyen d'enregistrements intracrâniens. Les résultats de ces travaux nous ont permis d'ébaucher un modèle de la perception visuelle, cherchant à dissocier l'attention et la conscience.
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Genetic, Hemodynamic, and Electrophysiological Correlates of Cortico-Limbic Function in Clinically Depressed IndividualsHegde, Jayanta January 2010 (has links)
Resting frontal electroencephalographic (EEG) asymmetry has been hypothesized to be a biological marker of clinical depression but may reflect an endophenotype specific to women. Frontal EEG asymmetry was assessed in individuals (22% male) with (n = 12) and without (n = 21) a DSM-IV diagnosis of lifetime Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) or Dysthmic Disorder on 4 occasions within a two-week period. Depressed women exhibited greater relative right frontal activity at rest than never-depressed women across occasions. In contrast, depressed men displayed greater relative left frontal activity than never-depressed men. The same participants engaged in a Passive Viewing Face task while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The present study did not replicate previous findings which show a hyperactive hemodynamic response in the amygdalae among depressed individuals. Mixed linear models indicated a lifetime depression by biological sex by amygdala activation interaction. For never-depressed control participants, frontal asymmetry is unrelated to the level of emotion-related amygdalae activation, but for lifetime depression spectrum participants, in both men and women, relatively greater amygdalae activation to emotional faces is associated with less left frontal activity as compared to those with less amygdalae activation to emotional faces. Also, when activation to emotionally expressive faces was closer to the levels of activation observed in the neutral face condition, the predicted pattern of association between frontal EEG asymmetry and depression based on the above findings was disrupted in men, but preserved in women. When levels of activation to emotion faces was considerably lower than that to neutral faces, the pattern was generally preserved for men, but not for women. Preliminary tests were also conducted in an attempt to replicate previous reports that document a positive correlation between the risk allele of the serotonin transporter gene and amygdalae activation. The present study failed to replicate this pattern, perhaps on account of the relatively small sample size available when non-Caucasian participants were excluded from the analysis.
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Transkranijinės magnetinės stimuliacijos įtaka galvos smegenų bioelektriniam aktyvumui / Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on bioelectrical brain activityVištartaitė, Giedrė 27 June 2014 (has links)
Šio darbo metu tirta skirtingų rTMS parametrų įtaka galvos smegenų bioelektriniam aktyvumui. Atlikus EEG duomenų spektrinę analizę, pademonstruota, jog aukšto dažnio rTMS virš KPFDLŽ, skirtingai nuo žemo dažnio rTMS virš DPFDLŽ, stimuliuojant aštuoniukės formos rite, statistiškai patikimai padidina alfa bangų dažnių diapazono absoliučią galią dešiniajame pusrutulyje. Paminėtina ir tai, kad po gydymo kurso rTMS aštuoniukės formos rite Kleino protokolu, skirtingai nei klasikiniu protokolu, frontalinėje srityje alfa bangų dažnio diapazone statistiškai reikšmingai sumažėja (F7-F8)/(F7+F8) asimetrijos koeficientas. Svarbu pažymėti, jog po rTMS stimuliacijos apvalia rite, palyginus su stimuliacija aštuoniukės formos rite, registruojami labiau išplitę, sudėtingesni smegenų bioelektrinio aktyvumo pokyčiai. / Recently rTMS emerged as a new clinical tool for the treatment of major depressive disorder. rTMS is noninvasive and easily tolerated method that is able to alter bioelectrical brain activity. This phenomenon is achieved by using alternating magnetic fields to induce electric currents in cortical tissue. Nowadays it is widelly accepted that lateralized alterations in brain activity might play a role in depressive symptoms. It has been found that major depressive disorder patients exhibit greater right frontal activity in contrast to left frontal hypoactivation (it should be noted, that cortical activity is inversely related with alpha power). Therefore rTMS is a potential method that can help to re-eastablish normal brain activity. In this study we examined effects of different rTMS parameters (protocols and stimulation coils) on bioelectrical brain activity modulation in patients with the treatment resistant major depressive disorder. It was shown that 10 Hz stimulation with the figure-eight coil over the left prefrontal area increases alpha power in the right hemisphere. In addition, it was demonstrated that 1 Hz stimulation over the left prefrontal cortex changes frontal alpha asymmetry. It should be underlined, that there appears to be no significant difference in clinical efficacy between the two protocols. It was also demonstrated that changes in frontal alpha asymmetry tend to correlate with the outcome of the treatment. Furthermore, it was shown that stimulation with... [to full text]
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Interaction between visual attention and the processing of visual emotional stimuli in humans : eye-tracking, behavioural and event-related potential experimentsAcunzo, David Jean Pascal January 2013 (has links)
Past research has shown that the processing of emotional visual stimuli and visual attention are tightly linked together. In particular, emotional stimuli processing can modulate attention, and, reciprocally, the processing of emotional stimuli can be facilitated or inhibited by attentional processes. However, our understanding of these interactions is still limited, with much work remaining to be done to understand the characteristics of this reciprocal interaction and the different mechanisms that are at play. This thesis presents a series of experiments which use eye-tracking, behavioural and event-related potential (ERP) methods in order to better understand these interactions from a cognitive and neuroscientific point of view. First, the influence of emotional stimuli on eye movements, reflecting overt attention, was investigated. While it is known that the emotional gist of images attracts the eye (Calvo and Lang, 2004), little is known about the influence of emotional content on eye movements in more complex visual environments. Using eye-tracking methods, and by adapting a paradigm originally used to study the influence of semantic inconsistencies in scenes (Loftus and Mackworth, 1978), we found that participants spend more time fixating emotional than neutral targets embedded in visual scenes, but do not fixate them earlier. Emotional targets in scenes were therefore found to hold, but not to attract, the eye. This suggests that due to the complexity of the scenes and the limited processing resources available, the emotional information projected extra-foveally is not processed in such a way that it drives eye movements. Next, in order to better characterise the exogenous deployment of covert attention toward emotional stimuli, a sample of sub-clinically anxious individuals was studied. Anxiety is characterised by a reflexive attentional bias toward threatening stimuli. A dot-probe task (MacLeod et al., 1986) was designed to replicate and extend past findings of this attentional bias. In particular, the experiment was designed to test whether the bias was caused by faster reaction times to fear-congruent probes or slower reaction times to neutral-congruent probes. No attentional bias could be measured. A further analysis of the literature suggests that subliminal cue stimulus presentation, as used in our case, may not generate reliable attentional biases, unlike longer cue presentations. This would suggest that while emotional stimuli can be processed without awareness, further processing may be necessary to trigger reflexive attentional shifts in anxiety. Then the time-course of emotional stimulus processes and its modulation by attention was investigated. Modulations of the very early visual ERP C1 component by emotional stimuli (e.g. Pourtois et al., 2004; Stolarova et al., 2006), but also by visual attention (Kelly et al., 2008), were reported in the literature. A series of three experiments were performed, investigating the interactions between endogenous covert spatial attention and object-based attention with emotional stimuli processing in the C1 time window (50–100 ms). It was found that emotional stimuli modulated the C1 only when they were spatially attended and task-irrelevant. This suggests that whilst spatial attention gates emotional facial processing from the earliest stages, only incidental processing triggers a specific response before 100 ms. Additionally, the results suggest a very early modulation by feature-based attention which is independent from spatial attention. Finally, simulated and actual electroencephalographic data were used to show that modulations of early ERP and event-related field (ERF) components are highly dependent on the high-pass filter used in the pre-processing stage. A survey of the literature found that a large part of ERP/ERF reports (about 40%) use high-pass filters that may bias the results. More particularly, a large proportion of papers reporting very early modulations also use such filters. Consequently, a large part of the literature may need to be re-assessed. The work described in this thesis contributes to a better understanding of the links between emotional stimulus processing and attention at different levels. Using various experimental paradigms, this work confirms that emotional stimuli processing is not ‘automated’, but highly dependent on the focus of attention, even at the earlier stages of visual processing. Furthermore, the uncovered potential bias generated by filtering will help to improve the reliability and precision of research in the ERP/ERF field, and more particularly in studies looking at early effects.
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Peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) is commonly used to promote use-dependent cortical plasticity for rehabilitation of motor function in spinal cord injury. Pairing transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with PNS has been shown to increase motor evoked potentials most when the two stimuli are timed to arrive in the cortex simultaneously. This suggests that a mechanism of timing-dependent plasticity (TDP) may be a more effective method of promoting motor rehabilitation. The following thesis is the result of applying a brain-computer interface to apply PNS in closed-loop simultaneously to movement intention onset as measured by EEG of the sensorimotor cortex to test whether TDP can be induced in incomplete spinal cord injured individuals with upper limb motor impairment. 4 motor incomplete SCI subjects have completed 12 sessions of closed-loop PNS delivered over 4-6 weeks. Benefit was observed for every subject although not consistently across metrics. 3 out of 4 subjects exhibited increased maximum voluntary contraction force (MVCF) between first and last interventions for one or both hands. TMS-measured motor map volume increased for both hemispheres in one subject, and TMS center of gravity shifted in 3 subjects consistent with studies in which motor function improved or was restored. These observations suggest that rehabilitation using similar designs for responsive stimulation could improve motor impairment in SCI.
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Functional significance of human sensory ERPs : insights from modulation by preceding eventsWang, Anli January 2010 (has links)
The electroencephalogram (EEG) reflects summated, slow post-synaptic potentials of cortical neurons. Sensory, motor or cognitive events (such as a fast-rising sensory stimulus, a brisk self-paced movement or a stimulus-triggered cognitive task) can elicit transient changes in the ongoing human EEG, called event-related potentials (ERPs). ERPs are widely used in clinical practice, and believed to reflect the activity of the sensory system activated by the stimulus (for example, laser-evoked potentials are used to substantiate the neuropathic nature of clinical pain conditions). When ERPs are elicited by pairs or trains of stimuli delivered at short inter-stimulus intervals (ISIs), the magnitude of the ERP elicited by the repeated stimuli is markedly reduced, a phenomenon known as response decrement. While the interval between two consecutive stimuli becomes longer, the reduced response is recovered. Thus, this phenomenon has been traditionally interpreted in terms of neural refractoriness of generators of ERPs ("neural refractoriness hypothesis"). This thesis, however, challenges this neural refractoriness hypothesis by describing the results of manipulating the preceding events of the eliciting stimulus. The first study examined the effect of variable and short ISIs on sensory ERPs, delivering trains of auditory and electrical stimuli with random ISIs ranging from 100 to 1000ms. In the second study, pairs of laser stimuli were presented in two comparable conditions. In the constant condition, the ISI was identical across trials in each block, while in the variable condition, the ISI was variable across trials. By directly comparing ERPs elicited by laser stimulation, this study aimed to explore whether lack of saliency in the eliciting stimulus could explain the response decrement during stimulus repetition. Finally, the third study tested the hypothesis that the reduced eliciting ERPs would recover if saliency were introduced by changing the modality of the preceding event. Thus, trains of three stimuli (S1-S2-S3) with 1s ISI were presented; S2 was either same or different in modality as S1 and S3 in each block. Results from these three experiments demonstrate that this "refractoriness hypothesis" does not hold, and suggest that the magnitude of ERPs is only partly related to the magnitude of the incoming sensory input, and instead largely reflects neural activities triggered by salient events in the sensory environment. These results are important for the correct interpretation of ERPs in both physiological and clinical studies.
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Disfluency as ... er ... delay : an investigation into the immediate and lasting consequences of disfluency and temporal delay using EEG and mixed-effects modellingBouwsema, Jennifer A. E. January 2014 (has links)
Difficulties in speech production are often marked by disfluency; fillers, hesitations, prolongations, repetitions and repairs. In recent years a body of work has emerged that demonstrates that listeners are sensitive to disfluency, and that this affects their expectations for upcoming speech, as well as their attention to the speech stream. This thesis investigates the extent to which delay may be responsible for triggering these effects. The experiments reported in this thesis build on an Event Related Potential (ERP) paradigm developed by Corley et al., (2007), in which participants listened to sentences manipulated by both fluency and predictability. Corley et al. reported an attenuated N400 effect for words following disfluent ers, and interpreted this as indicating that the extent to which listeners made predictions was reduced following an er. In the current set of experiments, various noisy interruptions were added to Corley et al.,'s paradigm, time matched to the disfluent fillers. These manipulations allowed investigation of whether the same effects could be triggered by delay alone, in the absence of a cue indicating that the speaker was experiencing difficulty. The first experiment, which contrasted disfluent ers with artificial beeps, revealed a small but significant reduction in N400 effect amplitude for words affected by ers but not by beeps. The second experiment, in which ers were contrasted with speaker generated coughs, revealed no fluency effects on the N400 effect. A third experiment combined the designs of Experiments 1 and 2 to verify whether the difference between them could be characterised as a context effect; one potential explanation for the difference between the outcomes of Experiments 1 and 2 is that the interpretation of an er is affected by the surrounding stimuli. However, in Experiment 3, once again no effect of fluency on the magnitude of the N400 effect was found. Taken together, the results of these three studies lead to the question of whether er's attenuation effect on the N400 is robust. In a second part to each study, listeners took part in a surprise recognition memory test, comprising words which had been the critical words in the previous task intermixed with new words which had not appeared anywhere in the sentences previously heard. Participants were significantly more successful at recognising words which had been unpredictable in their contexts, and, importantly, for Experiments 1 and 2, were significantly more successful at recognising words which had featured in disfluent or interrupted sentences. There was no difference between the recognition rates of words which had been disfluent and those which were affected by a noisy interruption. Collard et al., (2008) demonstrated that disfluency could raise attention to the speech stream, and the finding that interrupted words are equally well remembered leads to the suggestion that any noisy interruption can raise attention. Overall, the finding of memory benefits in response to disfluency, in the absence of attenuated N400 effects leads to the suggestion that different elements of disfluencies may be responsible for triggering these effects. The studies in this thesis also extend previous work by being designed to yield enough trials in the memory test portion of each experiment to permit ERP analysis of the memory data. Whilst clear ERP memory effects remained elusive, important progress was made in that memory ERPs were generated from a disfluency paradigm, and this provided a testing ground on which to demonstrate the use of linear mixed-effects modelling as an alternative to ANOVA analysis for ERPs. Mixed-effects models allow the analysis of unbalanced datasets, such as those generated in many memory experiments. Additionally, we demonstrate the ability to include crossed random effects for subjects and items, and when this is applied to the ERPs from the listening section of Experiment 1, the effect of fluency on N400 amplitude is no longer significant. Taken together, the results from the studies reported in this thesis suggest that temporal delay or disruption in speech can trigger raised attention, but do not necessarily trigger changes in listeners' expectations.
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Électroencéphalographie, fonctions sensori-motrices et profil cognitif associés au trouble de comportement en sommeil paradoxalMassicotte-Marquez, Jessica January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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