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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da resposta funcional ao exercício na vigência de derrame pleural e o impacto da toracocentese de alívio / Study of the functional response to exercise in the presence of pleural effusion and the impact of thoracentesis

Ana Maria Cartaxo de Alencar 01 December 2010 (has links)
Introdução: O derrame pleural, reduzindo a capacidade funcional pulmonar, torna os pacientes incapacitados para o desenvolvimento de suas atividades habituais. A retirada do líquido pleural através da toracocentese pode reverter este quadro, porém seu impacto especialmente na capacidade ao exercício não foi totalmente estabelecido. Objetivos: Avaliar o impacto da toracocentese de alívio na capacidade funcional ao exercício, no comportamento da função pulmonar e na força dos músculos respiratórios 48 horas pós toracocentese. Casuística e Método: Foram incluídos no estudo 25 pacientes com derrame pleural unilateral, documentado por radiografia de tórax. O teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6M), a escala modificada de dispnéia de Borg, as variáveis espirométricas: Capacidade Vital Forçada (CVF), Volume Expiratório Forçado no Primeiro Segundo (VEF1) e as medidas de Pressão Inspiratória Máxima (Pimax) e Pressão Expiratória Máxima (Pemax) foram analisados antes e 48 horas após a retirada de volumes superiores a 600 mL. Resultados: Foram removidos 1564 + 695 mL de líquido pleural. Os valores da distância percorrida, da CVF, do VEF1, da Pimax e da Pemax aumentaram (p < 0,001) enquanto o escore de dispnéia diminuiu (p < 0,001) após o procedimento. Observaram-se correlações estatísticas (p < 0.001) entre a distância percorrida e a CVF (r = 0.725) e VEF1 (r = 0.661) avaliadas 48 horas pós toracocentese e entre a variação da distância percorrida e a variação porcentual da CVF (r = 0,450) e do VEF1 (r = 0,472), corrigidos pelo volume de líquido retirado (p < 0,05). Conclusão: Embora ocorra melhora da função pulmonar após a toracocentese, os benefícios observados são mais evidentes em situações de esforço, o que possibilita melhor readaptação dos pacientes às suas atividades rotineiras. / Introduction: Pleural effusion reducing pulmonary functional capacity hinders patients in carrying out their habitual activities. Pleural fluid removal by thoracentesis reverts the clinical situation but its impact especially on exercise capacity has not yet been determined. Objectives: To evaluate the impact of thoracentesis in functional exercise capacity on pulmonary function and on muscle strength 48 hours after thoracentesis. Methods: Twenty five patients with unilateral pleural effusion documented by chest X-ray were included. The 6 minute walk test (TC6M), Borg\'s modified dyspnea scale, spirometric variables: CVF (forced vital capacity), VEF1 (forced expiratory volume in the first second), Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (Pimax) and Maximum Expiratory Pressure (Pemax) were analyzed before and 48 hours after the removal of volumes greater than 600 mL. Results: The mean of pleural effusion removed was 1564 + 695 mL. After the procedure values of walked distance, CVF, VEF1, Pimax and Pemax covered increased (p < 0.001) while dyspnea decreased (p < 0.001). Statistical correlations (p < 0.001) between the walked distance and FVC (r = 0.725) and VEF1 (r = 0.661) were established noted measured 48 hours post thoracentesis and between the variation of the distance walked and the percentage of variation of CVF (r = 0.450) and VEF1 (r = 0.472), corrected by the volume of fluid removed (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Despite an improvement in lung function after thoracentesis, the benefits noted are more evident in effort situations of exertion, allowing a better readaptation of patients to their routine activities.

Modélisation thermique avancée d’une paroi multiperforée de chambre de combustion aéronautique avec dilution giratoire / Advanced Thermal Modeling of Multiperforated Plates of Jet-Engine Combustion Chambers With Compound Angle Injection

Arroyo Callejo, Gustavo 03 May 2016 (has links)
Dans la chambre de combustion, les températures auxquelles les parois sont soumises sont supérieures aux températures de fusion des matériaux. Afin de protéger les parois, une partie de l'air froid provenant du compresseur est injectée par des milliers de perforations (multiperforation). Cependant, face à l'enjeu de la pollution, les motoristes considèrent des solutions qui limitent la quantité d'air disponible pour le refroidissement. Son optimisation s'avère donc capital. Néanmoins, la très petite taille des perforations rend les simulations numériques coûteuses, et des modèles homogènes permettant de s'affranchir du maillage des trous ont gagné de l'importance. De plus, des études récentes ont mis en évidence l'intérêt d'une injection d'air de refroidissement non-alignée avec l'écoulement chaud (solution baptisée dilution giratoire). Cette thèse se propose, d'une part de développer un modèle homogène adapté à ce type nouveau d'injection et d'autre part de contribuer à la compréhension de la multiperforation giratoire. / Ln the combustion chamber, temperatures up to 2000K are reached, which exceeds by far the melting point of the liner materials. ln order to protect the liner, cool air from the combustion chamber outer casing is injected into the combustor through a large number of sub-millimeter closely-spaced holes (effusion cooling). However, strict environmental legislation has led jet-engine manufacturers to consider techniques that reduce the quantity of air available for cooling. Therefore, cooling system must be carefully designed. However, the size of the holes makes detailed numerical simulations unaffordable. Aerothermal models that mimic effusion cooling behavior are a promising solution. On the Other hand, up to now, far too little attention has been paid to a novel effusion cooling technique (compound angle effusion cooling), where cold air injection is not aligned With the hot air flow direction. The aim of this dissertation is twofold: to establish an effusion cooling model and to investigate the flow field of compound angle effusion cooling.

Hourly fluctuation of middle ear pressure as a function of age in school-age children

Henry, Susan Hogue 01 January 1989 (has links)
Tympanometry is a useful means of evaluating the status of the middle ear. For the pediatric population, tympanometry is particularly valuable for determining the presence of middle ear effusion. The test has been incorporated in many school hearing conservation programs because of its ease of administration, objectivity, and diagnostic value. In a study by deJonge and Cummings (1985), the hourly fluctuation of middle ear pressure was reported in a group of kindergarten-age children. The variability of middle ear pressure for that group of children averaged 150 daPa. In the present study, a maturational effect of this hourly fluctuation was observed between a group of first-grade age students and sixth-grade age students. Results indicated the younger group averaged a range of 145 daPa, correlating well with the deJonge and Cummings study, while the older group averaged a range of 92 daPa. Thus, as a child matures, the hourly fluctuation of middle ear pressure decreases significantly.

Bright Facet Sign and its Association with Demographic and Clinical Variables

Longmuir, Gary Andrew 01 January 2015 (has links)
Low back pain has a significant impact on global public health and economics. The bright facet sign (BFS), a common finding on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lumbar spine, is associated with low back pain. While degenerative joint disease (DJD) affects low back pain, its presence appears independent of the BFS at the disc and facet joints at the same spinal level. Increased BMI, considered a risk factor for DJD, has an inverse association with the BFS. The independent relationship of DJD and the BFS is poorly understood and may represent a previously unreported pain pathway. In this nested case-control quantitative study, based on an accepted conceptual framework, 350 lumbar MRI studies on symptomatic patients with historic and anthropomorphic data related to low back pain were analyzed using Spearman's Rho and Multivariate Logistic Regression to examine any associations between the BFS at 3 spinal levels and the independent variables age, race/ethnicity, physical activity, BMI, trauma, low back pain, and DJD. The findings revealed significant associations between the BFS and the duration of pain, age, and gender at 1 or more spinal levels, the BFS and BMI and degenerative facet disease (DFD) at all 3 spinal levels, and no association between the BFS and degenerative disc disease (DDD). These results, contrary to current medical constructs where BMI, DFD, and DDD are considered predictive of low back pain, facilitate an improved understanding of joint function and contribute to the current body of knowledge related to low back pain. An understanding of the BFS as it relates to DJD and low back pain will assist clinicians with the early detection of spinal degeneration and the mitigation of pain and suffering, contributing to positive social change.

Λειτουργική μελέτη της διαγονιδιακής μεταφοράς στην υπεζωκοτική κοιλότητα

Ηλιοπούλου, Μαριάνθη 20 August 2014 (has links)
Η κακοήθης υπεζωκοτική συλλογή (ΚΥΣ), προκαλούμενη από μεταστατικά αδενοκαρκινώματα είτε από πρωτοπαθή μεσοθηλιώματα, αποτελεί μείζον κλινικό πρόβλημα καθώς σηματοδοτεί συστηματική νεοπλασματική διασπορά και χαμηλό προσδόκιμο επιβίωσης. Η τρέχουσα αντιμετώπισή της είναι μη αιτιολογική και συχνά αναποτελεσματική. Ενώ τα νεοπλάσματα που προκαλούν ΚΥΣ φέρουν καλά χαρακτηρισμένες μεταλλάξεις και ο υπεζωκότας θεωρείται προνομιακή ανατομική θέση γονιδιακής θεραπείας, οι μέχρι τώρα μελέτες της αποτελεσματικότητας της υπεζωκοτικής διαγονιδιακής μεταφοράς υπήρξαν αποσπασματικές. ΣΚΟΠΟΣ: Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης είναι ο χαρακτηρισμός της έκτασης, της αποτελεσματικότητας και της λειτουργικότητας της διαγονιδιακής μεταφοράς τόσο στο φυσιολογικό υπεζωκοτικό μεσοθήλιο, όσο και και στον πάσχοντα υπεζωκότα με πρωτοπαθείς ή μεταστατικούς όγκους. ΥΛΙΚΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΘΟΔΟΙ: Υγιείς ποντικοί φυσικού τύπου C57BL/6 και διαγονιδιακοί ποντικοί-ιχνηλάτες mT.mG έλαβαν ενδοϋπεζωκοτικές εγχύσεις 5 x 108 μολυσματικών μονάδων αδενοϊών τύπου 5 (Ad) που κωδικοποιούν τα γονίδια της λουσιφεράσης (Luc), της πράσινης φθορίζουσας πρωτεΐνης (GFP) και της Cre ρεκομπινάσης. Η αποτελεσματικότητα της διαγονιδιακής μεταφοράς μελετήθηκε με απεικόνιση βιοφωταύγειας/βιοφθορισμού, καθώς και με φθορίζουσα μικροσκοπία. Τα πειράματα επαναλήφθηκαν σε ποντικούς με ΚΥΣ, οι οποίες προκλήθηκαν μέσω υπεζωκοτικής έγχυσης 150.000 κυττάρων συγγενικού μεσοθηλιώματος υπεζωκότα (ΑΕ17) και αδενοκαρκινώματος πνεύμονα (LLC). Προκειμένου να μελετηθεί αν οι αδενοϊοί σε ποιο βαθμό μπορούν να διαμολύνουν κύτταρα in vitro , ανθρώπινες και ποντικίσιες κυτταρικές σειρές , φυσιολογικές και καρκινικές , διαμολύνθηκαν με 10ng/μl Ad-luc και Ad-GFP. AΠΟΤΕΛΕΣΜΑΤΑ: Η θωρακική φωτεινή εκπομπή ποντικών C57BL/6 κορυφώθηκε την πρώτη και υποχώρησε τη δεύτερη εβδομάδα μετά ενδοϋπεζωκοτική έγχυση Ad-Luc . Δύο εβδομάδες μετά από ενδοϋπεζωκοτική χορήγηση Ad-Cre σε ποντικούς mT.mG παρατηρήθηκε διάχυτη εξάλειψη του ερυθρού και εμφάνιση πράσινου φθορίζοντος σήματος σε όλες τις υπεζωκοτικές επιφάνειες, το οποίο εντοπιζόταν κατ’ αποκλειστικότητα στο μεσοθήλιο. Δύο εβδομάδες μετά από έγχυση Ad-Cre σε ποντικούς mT.mG που είχαν αναπτύξει όγκους παρατηρήθηκε πράσινος φθορισμός μαζί με τον κόκκκινο μέσα στους όγκους. Στατιστικώς σημαντική διαμόλυνση παρατηρήθηκε in vitro στα κύτταρα φυσιολογικού μεσοθηλίου, μεσοθηλιώματος ανθρώπου και ποντικού , αδενοκαρκινώματος πνεύμονα και παγκρέατος ποντικού. ΣΥΜΠΕΡΑΣΜΑΤΑ: Η ενδοϋπεζωκοτική έγχυση ανασυνδυασμένων αδενοιών αποτελεί αποτελεσματική μέθοδο διαγονιδιακής μεταφοράς στο φυσιολογικό και παθολογικό υπεζωκοτικό μεσοθήλιο. Ο βαθμός της διαγονιδιακής μεταφοράς επιβεβαιώνεται με τη διαμόλυνση φυσιολογικών και καρκινικών κυτταρικών σειρών in vitro. / --

Stogo dangų iš prilydomųjų ritininių medžiagų kokybės įvertinimas pagal suklijavimo siūlės struktūras / Welded roof-covering quality estimation according to welding conformation in the joint

Malko, Vasilijus 27 June 2008 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe analizuojama prilydomos stogo dangos susiklijavimo kokybė atsižvelgiant į tai, kiek laiko buvo kaitinama danga. Bandymams atlikti buvo naudojama UAB „Gargždų Mida“ danga. Iš dangos rulono buvo išpjauti bandiniai kurių ilgis ir plotis 15 ir 10 cm. Buvo numatyta, kad eksperimento metu bandiniai bus kaitinami nuo 1 sekundės iki 15, tačiau pasiekus 9 sekundžių kaitinimo ribą bandinys vos nesuirdavo, todėl daugiau laiko kaitinti buvo atsisakyta. Darbe išanalizuotos sutapdintų stogų rūšys, įvertinti kiekvienos rūšies privalumai ir trūkumai. Išnagrinėtos jų technologijos bei išryškinti veiksniai, labiausiai darantys įtaką būsimojo stogo sandarumui. Išanalizuoti sutapdintų stogų defektai, jų atsiradimo priežastys. Išnagrinėjus sutapdintų stogų technologijas ir pratekėjimo vietų nustatymo metodus, pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados. Darbą sudaro 8 dalys: įvadas, darbo tikslas, terminai ir apibrėžimai, stogų būklės analizė, sutapdintų stogų plokštumos sandarumo būklės analizė, ritininių stogo dangų įrengimas, ypatumai bei reikalavimai, prilydomosios stogo dangos klijavimo ypatumai, dangos prijungimo prie parapetų ir skardos paviršių ilgalaikis tyrimas, dangos prisiklijavimo ploto tyrimas atsižvelgiant į kaitinimo laiką, išvados, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 60 p. teksto, 39 pav., 10 lent., 55 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. / This job contains an analysis of welded roof covering joints and joints between wooden, metal, and cemented surfaces. All tested samples was made from roof covering material of “Gargždu Mida“ and „Ico Pal“. During experiments was investigated glued intersection among two roof coverings and among cover-base surface. It was showed that the quality of welded intersection depend on the time of heating the roof cover bottom layer. Optimal heating time is about 9 seconds, because in this time period we can reach maximum welded intersection without damaging the covering material inner structure. There is done the analysis of technology for flat roofs, the main factors are selected, which influence tightness of roofs. The analysis of shortcomings of roofs and its reasons is presented. The conclusions are presented, after analysis of technologies of flat roofs and method to determine the glued section of coverings. Structure: introduction, the objective, main concepts, flat roofs, , analysis of state of flat roofs, analysis of flat of roofs, ,created new method to determine the glued section, conclusions, references. Thesis consists of: 56p. text, 40 pictures, 10 tables, 55 bibliographical entries. Keywords: flat roof, effusion places, method analysis, flat tightness, roofing defects.

The Relationship Between 6/9 Distance Vision, Otitis Media with Effusion and Emergent Letter Name Knowledge

Casey, Maria Paula January 2013 (has links)
Background: There is a need for more well-controlled research on the relationship between vision and hearing limitations and emergent literacy to inform early literacy intervention. Two highly prevalent difficulties of early childhood, poor distance visual acuity and otitis media with effusion (OME), have been shown to be associated with literacy achievement. There is little research, however, on the relationship between these conditions and emergent literacy. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the relationships between (1) distance visual acuity and emergent letter name knowledge, and (2) OME status and emergent letter name knowledge in children at school entry. Method: A prospective cohort of children (N=298) was recruited at school entry. Participants were aged 5, did not require special education for high needs and spoke a nationally recognized language of New Zealand. Distance vision and tympanometry testing was performed and a parent report of OME was obtained. The Wechsler Individual Test of Letter Name Knowledge and the Vocabulary and Block Design sub-tests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children were administered. Covariates of reading achievement were also measured. Results: Twenty three percent of children knew fewer than 4 letters at school entry, 31.9% had marginal distance visual acuity of 6/9 in one or both eyes and 37.2% had a history of ear infections and/or a B tympanometry test at school entry. Logistic regression tests demonstrated that both 6/9 vision (OR= 2.069, CI0.95=0.999-4.227) and OME status 10 (OR=1.846, CI0.95=1.034-3.297) were significantly associated with low letter name knowledge at school entry, controlling for covariates of emergent literacy. Another analysis showed that children with 6/9 vision and/or OME at school entry were also at greater risk for low letter knowledge (OR=2.187, CI0.95=1.067 – 4.484) than children with 6/6 vision and no OME at school entry. Conclusions: The results of the current study indicate that 6/9 distance vision and OME are risk factors for low letter name knowledge at school entry. These factors warrant greater consideration with regard to early literacy intervention, classroom teaching practices and future research.

Kačių pleuritas / Cat pleuritis

Daftartaitė, Dovilė 05 March 2014 (has links)
Pagrindinis baigiamojo darbo tikslas buvo nustatyti kaip dažnai katės serga pleuritu, kokie yra pagrindiniai klinikiniai simptomai, nustatyti ir įvertinti rizikos veiksnius , išanalizuoti, kurie diagnostikos ir gydymo metodai yra efektyviausi. Norint pasiekti šį tikslą buvo suformuluoti darbo uždaviniai ir pasirinkta tyrimo atlikimo vieta. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas smulkių gyvūnų veterinarijos klinikoje " X" Kauno mieste nuo 2011 metų sausio 1 dienos iki 2013 metų sausio 1 dienos. Per šį laikotarpį kiekviena katė serganti kvėpavimo takų ligomis buvo registruojama klinikos duomenų bazėje. Kiekvienai katei buvo atliktas klinikinis tyrimas ir jei buvo įtariamas pleuritas, buvo atlikti kiti tyrimo metodai kaip rentgeninis ar ultragarsinis tyrimas. Torakocentezė buvo atliekama diagnostiniu ir gydomuoju pagrindu prieš ar po rentgeninio tyrimo. Torakocentezės metu buvo paimti mėginiai citologiniam ir bakteriologiniam tyrimams. Pagrindiniai taikyti gydymo metodai pleurito metu buvo pleuros ertmės drenažas ir antimikrobinė terapija. Atlikus tyrimą nustatyta,kad kvėpavimo takų ligomis sirgo 130 katės. Pleuritas buvo diagnozuota 19 proc. pacientų. Pastebėta, kad katės tarp 1 ir 5 metų amžiaus sirgo pleuritu dažniau(50 proc.). Dažniau sirgo mišrios veislės katės (67 proc.). Nustatyta, kad patelės dažniau sirgo nei patinai (67 proc). Sergant pleuritu pacientams dažniausiai pasireiškė anoreksija (100 proc.), dyspnėja (66,7 proc.) ir letargija (50 proc.). Atlikus kraujo morfologinius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main goal of this thesis was to determine how often cats suffer from pleural effusion and what are the main clinical symptoms, determine and evaluate the risk factors, analyze which diagnostic and treatment methods are most effective. To achieve this goal was formulated work tasks and choose the location and period of research. Research was carried out in a small animal veterinary clinic “X” in Kaunas from 1st January 2011 to 1st January 2013. Every cat who had the respiratory system disease was brought to the clinic during this period was registred in the clinic database. The clinical exam was carried out to all cats and if pleural effusion was suspected, further diagnostic methods as x-ray or ultrasound was performed. Thoracocentesis was performed as a diagnostic and therapeutic technique, before or after radiographic confirmation of pleural effusion. To confirm inflammatory conditions of pleura were taken samples of liquid for cytology and bacteriology analysis. The mainstay of pyothorax management was thoracic drainage and appropriate antibiotic therapy. During research period, respiratory system disease was diagnosed to 130 cats. Pleuritis was diagnosed to 19 % of patient. The largest number of pleuritis was observed in cats that were between the age of 1 to 5 years (50%). 67 % of the cats diagnosed with pleuritis were mixed bread. Females more frequently than males suffer from pleural effusion (67%). The most expressed clinical symptoms for patients with pleuritis... [to full text]

Deneysel efüzyonlu otitis mediada metilprednizolon, montelukast ve indometazin'in antienflamatuar etkilerinin karşılaştırılması /

Aynali, Giray. Yarıktaş, Murat. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Tez (Tıpta Uzmanlık) - Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Kulak Burun Boğaz Anabilim Dalı, 2006. / Bibliyografya var.

Pleurodesis in chronic effusions : studies on inflammatory mediators, respiratory function, predictability of treatment outcome, drug efficiency and survival after treatment /

Ukale, Valiant, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2004. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

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