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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Übereinstimmung in der Beurteilung zwischen Pneumologen und dem Zytopathologen, die identisches Pleuraergussmaterial untersucht haben / -

Pietrzak, Sebastian 27 October 2106 (has links)
No description available.

Ultrasonografija pluća u dijagnostici i praćenju pneumonija kod dece / Lung ultrasonography in the diagnosis and follow-up of pneumonia in children

Balj Barbir Svetlana 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Pneumonije su jedne od najče&scaron;ćih infekcija u dečjem uzrastu, a rendgenografija (RTG) grudnog ko&scaron;a se jo&scaron; uvek smatra metodom izbora za potvrđivanje dijagnoze. Cilj istraživanja je bio ispitivanje uloge ultrasonografije (US) pluća u dijagnostici i praćenju pneumonija kod dece. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje prospektivnog karaktera sprovedeno je u Institutu za zdravstvenu za&scaron;titu dece i omladine Vojvodine i obuhvatilo je 130 pacijenata uzrasta od 3 meseca do 18 godina kod kojih je zbog kliničke sumnje na pneumoniju bio načinjen RTG i US pregled pluća, u vremenskom razmaku do 24h. Kao referentni standard za utvrđivanje pouzdanosti US, RTG i auskultatornog pregleda u dijagnostici pneumonije kori&scaron;ćena je zavr&scaron;na dijagnoza pneumonije pri otpustu iz bolnice. US kriterijum za postavljanje dijagnoze pneumonije bio je nalaz subpleuralne konsolidacije plućnog parenhima. Deca sa US znacima pneumonije praćena su do potpune normalizacije US nalaza, a kod većine su kontrolni pregledi rađeni u vremenskim intervalima od 7-10 dana. Rezultati: Dijagnoza pneumonije je ustanovljena kod 105/130 (80,8%) pacijenata. US nalaz je ukazivao na pneumoniju kod 99/105 (senzitivnost 94,3%), a bio je negativan kod 25/25 pacijenata koji nisu imali pneumoniju (specifičnost 100%), dok je RTG bio pozitivan kod 98/105 (senzitivnost 93,3%), a negativan kod 23/25 pacijenata (specifičnost 92%). US je bila osetljivija od RTG metode u detekciji plućnih konsolidacija manjih od 15mm. Promene plućnog intersticijuma su registrovane ultrasonografijom kod 50/105 (47,62%), a rendgenografijom kod 21/105 (20%) pacijenata. Pleuralni izliv je registrovan ultrasonografijom kod 24/105 (22,86%), a rendgenografijom kod 14/105 (13,33%) pacijenata. Tokom kontrolnih pregleda utvrđeno je umereno do značajno slaganje US i kliničke procene toka bolesti (k=0,406-0,621). Kod pacijenata sa potpunom kliničkom, a nepotpunom US regresijom pneumonije, najče&scaron;će su bile zastupljene konsolidacije manje od 15mm. Prosečan broj dana do potpune regresije US nalaza je iznosio 16,3&plusmn;10,24 dana. Zaključak: Ultrasonografija pluća u dijagnostici pneumonija kod dece je pouzdana kao i rendgenografija. Ultrasonografija pluća treba da postane deo standardnog protokola dijagnostike pneumonije kod dece.</p> / <p>Background: Pneumonia is one of the most common infections in the pediatric population and chest radiography (CR) is still considered the method of choice to confirm the diagnosis. The aim of the study was to investigate the role of lung ultrasonography (LUS) in the diagnosis and follow-up of pneumonia in children. Methods: A prospective study was carried out in the Institute for Children and Youth Health Care of Vojvodina and it included 130 children with clinically suspected pneumonia, aged 3 months to 18 years, in whom CR and LUS were performed within 24h. The final diagnosis of pneumonia at discharge was used as a reference test to determine the reliability of LUS, CR and auscultatory findings in the diagnosis of pneumonia. A LUS finding of subpleural lung consolidation was considered a diagnostic sign for pneumonia. The children with LUS signs of pneumonia were followed up until complete resolution of the LUS findings. In most children, the follow-up LUS examinations were performed in time intervals of 7-10 days. Results: A final diagnosis of pneumonia was confirmed in 105/130 (80.8%) patients. LUS was positive in 99/105 patients (sensitivity 94.3%) and negative in 25/25 (specificity 100%), whereas CR was positive in 98/105 (sensitivity 93.3%) and negative in 23/25 (specificity 92%). LUS was superior to CR in the detection of lung consolidations less than 15mm. Interstitial lung changes were detected by LUS in 50/105 (47.62%) patients and by CR in 21/105 (20%). LUS was able to detect pleural effusion in 24/105 (22.86%) patients, whereas CR detected pleural effusion in 14/105 (13.33%). During the follow-ups, moderate to substantial agreement between LUS and clinical evaluation of the course of the disease was obtained (k=0.406-0.621). In children with complete clinical and incomplete US regression of pneumonia, consolidations less than 15 mm were the most prevalent finding. The average time period until complete resolution of the LUS findings was 16.3 &plusmn;10.24 days. Conclusions: Lung ultrasonography in the diagnosis of pneumonia in children is just as reliable as radiography. Lung ultrasonography should be included in the standard diagnostic protocol of pneumonia in children.</p>

Habilidade de atenção auditiva em crianças de sete anos com fissura labiopalatina: estudo comparativo / Auditory attention ability in 7 years old cleft palate and lip children: comparative study

Lemos, Isabel Cristina Cavalcanti 02 March 2007 (has links)
A fissura labiopalatina é um indicador de risco para alterações de orelha média e estas podem prejudicar o desenvolvimento de habilidades auditivas como, por exemplo, a atenção, que é essencial para o aprendizado de novas habilidades, inclusive da comunicação oral e escrita. O estudo do processo atencional na população com fissura labiopalatina é algo recente e pouco explorado na literatura específica consultada, assim, este trabalho poderá contribuir com novos subsídios na área, uma vez que teve como objetivos: a) verificar o desempenho de crianças com essa anomalia craniofacial em dois testes, o THAAS e o teste dicótico de dígitos (etapa de escuta direcionada, que avaliaram processos de atenção auditiva); b) comparar o resultado com um grupo sem fissura labiopalatina e; c) verificar a associação entre os dois testes aplicados. Fizeram parte do estudo 55 crianças, de ambos os gêneros, na faixa etária de 7 anos a 7 anos e 11 meses, que foram distribuídas em dois grupos: a) grupo controle, formado por crianças sem fissura labiopalatina; b) grupo experimental, formado por crianças com fissura labiopalatina. Para ambos os grupos, o processo de avaliação constituiu-se em: aplicação de um questionário; bateria de testes auditivos convencionais; aplicação do teste da habilidade de atenção auditiva (THAAS) (FENIMAN, 2004) e do teste dicótico de dígitos etapa de escuta direcionada (SANTOS; PEREIRA, 1997). Foi possível observar que o desempenho do grupo com fissura labiopalatina foi inferior ao do grupo controle em todos os tipos de resposta do THAAS e diferença estatisticamente significativa ocorreu para o decréscimo da vigilâ (p=0,014). No teste dicótico de dígitos - etapa de escuta direcionada, o grupo com fissura labiopalatina apresentou porcentagens de acerto inferiores ao grupo controle, tanto para a orelha direita quanto para a orelha esquerda. A análise estatística mostrou interação estatisticamente significante entre grupo e gênero (p=0,026). Ao comparar o THAAS com o teste dicótico de dígitos, foi possível observar que existe associação entre os testes, mas, essa associação mostrou-se muito baixa (R²=0,27). As crianças com fissura labiopalatina apresentaram desempenho no THAAS inferior àquelas sem esta anomalia craniofacial, apenas para o decréscimo da vigilância. No teste dicótico de dígitos - etapa de escuta direcionada, somente as crianças do gênero feminino com fissura labiopalatina obtiveram índices de acerto inferiores às do grupo controle. Uma baixa associação foi verificada entre o THAAS e o teste dicótico de dígitos - etapa de escuta direcionada, permitindo supor que habilidades diferentes são responsáveis pelo desempenho nos dois testes. / Cleft lip and palate indicates risk to alterations in the middle ear. These risks may impair the development of some hearing abilities, such as attention, which is essential to learn new abilities, including oral and written communication. Studies on attention process with the population with cleft lip and palate are recent and not widely found in literature. Therefore, this study can contribute to the area. The aims of this study were to examine children with this craniofacial anomaly through two tests: The SAAAT and the Dichotic Digit test - directed hearing stage which evaluated the hearing attention processes; to compare the results with a group without cleft lip and palate; to verify the association between the two tests. 55 children, both genders, aged 7 to 7 years and 11 months old were divided in two groups to be submitted to the study. Experimental group consisted of children with cleft lip and palate and Control group consisted of children without it. Both groups were assessed through a questionnaire, conventional hearing tests battery, the Sustained Auditory Attention Ability test (SAAAT) (Feniman, 2004), and the Dichotic Digit test - directed hearing stage (Santos; Pereira, 1997). Experimental group showed lower performance than the control group in all kinds of answers of the SAAAT and, significant difference regarding decrease in vigilance (p=0,014). In the Dichotic Digit test the experimental group showed lower percentages of right answers than the control group, not only for the right ear but also for the left ear. Statistic analysis showed significant interaction between group and gender (p=0,026). When compared, the SAAAT and the Dichotic digit test had low association (R²=0,27). Experimental Group presented lower performance in the SAAAT only at the vigilance decrease. At the Dichotic Digit test female children with cleft lip and palate presented lower scores of right answers than the Control group. The SAAAT and The Dichotic Digit test - directed hearing stage - were not closely associated. Thus, it is possible to assume that different abilities are responsible for the performance in both tests.

The middle ear : The inflammatory response in children with otitis media with effusion and the impact of atopy : clinical and histochemical studies

Hurst, David S. January 2000 (has links)
<p>Otitis media with effusion (OME) is the major form of chronic relapsing inflammatory disease of the middle ear, constitutes the most common diagnosis for children under 15 years old and is the major cause of auditory dysfunction in pre-school children. OME is a disease more commonly found in allergic children. These studies sought to investigate the inflammatory response in the middle ear of patients and test the hypothesis that an allergic-like response might occur in the ear. Atopy was diagnosed by standard in vitro tests. Immunochemical techniques used to study classic allergic rhinitis and asthma were extrapolated to the evaluation of OME children whose effusion persisted beyond 2 months. Not only eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), tryptase, CD3-positive and IL-5 producing cells, but also myeloperoxidase (MPO) was found in middle ear fluid and/or mucosa in the majority of patients with OME and atopy. </p><p>Initially, levels of ECP, MPO, and tryptase were measured in effusions from 97 random OME patients whose atopic status was determined by in vitro testing to 12 inhalants and 5 foods. The response of eosinophils, neutrophils and mast cells in the middle ear was distinctly different between atopic and non-atopic patients (p<0.001) with higher levels of the cell markers in the atopic group of patients. This suggested that 1) perhaps OME was predominantly a disease of atopics and that 2) they differed in their response from non-atopics.</p><p>Tryptase was measured in middle ear effusions from 38 patients with OME, 94.7% of whom were atopic by in vitro testing. Tryptase was elevated only in the effusion of atopic patients as compared to 5 controls (p<0.01). Biopsies stained histochemically for tryptase showed evidence of mast cells in the mucosa and submucosa from 6 of 8 OME ears but absent in 4 normals.</p><p>Middle ear biopsies, embedded in a plastic resin to improve the structural preservation, from 5 patients with OME and 5 normals were evaluated for the presence of eosinophils and neutrophils with monoclonal antibodies against 4 specific granule proteins. Eosinophils and neutrophils were present in the mucosa and mucus in significantly higher numbers than in the control group.</p><p>In an effort to determine whether the middle ear itself might be involved in allergic disease, evidence that some of the cells, mediators and cytokines associated specifically with a Th-2 response were sought for in the middle ear mucosa of these children. Middle ear biopsies from 7 atopic patients with OME and 4 controls demonstrated the presence of activated eosinophils, CD-3+ T cells and IL-5 mRNA cells only in the mucosa from atopic OME children. </p><p>Conclusion: Effusion and mucosal biopsies containing ECP, tryptase, and/or IL-5 mRNA cells, CD3+ T cells, eosinophils, and mast cells indicate that many of the mediators and cells essential to the production of a Th-2 immune mediated response are present in ears with chronic effusion. The increased levels of MPO in atopic patients further suggest that the general inflammatory response to putative inciting agents such as bacterial and viral products may be altered in atopy. These studies support the hypothesis that the exaggerated inflammation within the middle ear associated with most cases of OME is possibly the result of an atopic response within the middle ear itself.</p>

The middle ear : The inflammatory response in children with otitis media with effusion and the impact of atopy : clinical and histochemical studies

Hurst, David S. January 2000 (has links)
Otitis media with effusion (OME) is the major form of chronic relapsing inflammatory disease of the middle ear, constitutes the most common diagnosis for children under 15 years old and is the major cause of auditory dysfunction in pre-school children. OME is a disease more commonly found in allergic children. These studies sought to investigate the inflammatory response in the middle ear of patients and test the hypothesis that an allergic-like response might occur in the ear. Atopy was diagnosed by standard in vitro tests. Immunochemical techniques used to study classic allergic rhinitis and asthma were extrapolated to the evaluation of OME children whose effusion persisted beyond 2 months. Not only eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), tryptase, CD3-positive and IL-5 producing cells, but also myeloperoxidase (MPO) was found in middle ear fluid and/or mucosa in the majority of patients with OME and atopy. Initially, levels of ECP, MPO, and tryptase were measured in effusions from 97 random OME patients whose atopic status was determined by in vitro testing to 12 inhalants and 5 foods. The response of eosinophils, neutrophils and mast cells in the middle ear was distinctly different between atopic and non-atopic patients (p&lt;0.001) with higher levels of the cell markers in the atopic group of patients. This suggested that 1) perhaps OME was predominantly a disease of atopics and that 2) they differed in their response from non-atopics. Tryptase was measured in middle ear effusions from 38 patients with OME, 94.7% of whom were atopic by in vitro testing. Tryptase was elevated only in the effusion of atopic patients as compared to 5 controls (p&lt;0.01). Biopsies stained histochemically for tryptase showed evidence of mast cells in the mucosa and submucosa from 6 of 8 OME ears but absent in 4 normals. Middle ear biopsies, embedded in a plastic resin to improve the structural preservation, from 5 patients with OME and 5 normals were evaluated for the presence of eosinophils and neutrophils with monoclonal antibodies against 4 specific granule proteins. Eosinophils and neutrophils were present in the mucosa and mucus in significantly higher numbers than in the control group. In an effort to determine whether the middle ear itself might be involved in allergic disease, evidence that some of the cells, mediators and cytokines associated specifically with a Th-2 response were sought for in the middle ear mucosa of these children. Middle ear biopsies from 7 atopic patients with OME and 4 controls demonstrated the presence of activated eosinophils, CD-3+ T cells and IL-5 mRNA cells only in the mucosa from atopic OME children. Conclusion: Effusion and mucosal biopsies containing ECP, tryptase, and/or IL-5 mRNA cells, CD3+ T cells, eosinophils, and mast cells indicate that many of the mediators and cells essential to the production of a Th-2 immune mediated response are present in ears with chronic effusion. The increased levels of MPO in atopic patients further suggest that the general inflammatory response to putative inciting agents such as bacterial and viral products may be altered in atopy. These studies support the hypothesis that the exaggerated inflammation within the middle ear associated with most cases of OME is possibly the result of an atopic response within the middle ear itself.

Fabrication And Doping Of Thin Crystalline Si Films Prepared By E-beam Evaporation On Glass Substrate

Sedani, Salar Habibpur 01 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis study, fabrication and doping of silicon thin films prepared by electron beam evaporation equipped with effusion cells for solar cell applications have been investigated. Thin film amorphous Si (a-Si) layers have been fabricated by the electron beam evaporator and simultaneously doped with boron (B) and phosphorous (P) using effusion cells. Samples were prepared on glass substrates for the future solar cell operations. Following the deposition of a-Si thin film, crystallization of the films has been carried out. Solid Phase Crystallization (SPC) and Metal Induced Crystallization (MIC) have been employed to obtain thin film crystalline Si. Crystallization was performed in a conventional tube furnaces and Rapid Thermal annealing systems (RTA) as a function of process parameters such as annealing temperature and duration. Produced films have been characterized using chemical and structural characterization techniques such as Raman Spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffractometer and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (SIMS). The electrical properties of the films have been studied using Hall Effect and I-V measurements as a function of doping. We have demonstrated successful crystallization of a-Si by SPC at temperatures above 600 &deg / C. The crystallization occurred at lower temperatures in the case of MIC. For doping, P was evaporated from the effusion cell at a temperature between 600 &deg / C and 800 &deg / C. For B, the evaporation temperature was 1700 &deg / C and 1900 &deg / C. The thickness and the band gap of the Si films were determined by ellipsometry method and the results were compared for different evaporation temperatures. The effect of doping was monitored by the I-V and Hall Effect measurements. We have seen that the doping was accomplished in most of the cases. For the samples annealed at relatively high temperatures, the measured doping type was inconsistent with the expected results. This was attributed to the contamination from the glass substrate. To understand the origin of this contamination, we analyzed the chemical structure of the film and glass by X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and seen that the glass is the main source of contamination. In order to prevent this contamination we have suggested covering the glass substrate with Si3N4 (Silicon Nitride) which act as a good diffusion barrier for impurities.

Flaskmatning och andra faktorer som påverkar mellanörats miljö hos barn : -Stödjande hälsoundervisning till närstående / Bottle feeding and other factors that affect children´s middle ear environment : -Supporting health education for close family

Eriksson, Charlotte, Linnå, Britt January 2014 (has links)
Introduktion: Sekretorisk media otit (SOM) är den vanligaste öronsjukdomen och uppkommer oftast i efterförloppet till akut media otit (AOM). Om barnet får SOM leder det till hörselnedsättning som kan påverka språklig utveckling och ge beteendeproblem. Etiologin bakom SOM anses vara multifaktoriell. Barnets tryck i mellanörat kan påverkas vid flaskmatning. Allergier, bakteriella/virus infektioner och inflammationer har också betydelse för utvecklandet av SOM. Syfte: att studera frekvensen av att använda nappflaska och liggande position vid flaskmatning relaterat till sekretorisk media otit och akut media otit i samband med rörbehandling. Metod: En deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Datainsamling skedde via enkäter som besvarades av närstående till barn 2- 5 år som genomgått rörinsättning på öronoperation. Resultat: 103 barn med närstående deltog i studien. 87% av barnen som genomgick rörinsättning använde eller hade använt nappflaska och av dessa barn låg 55% i planläge. Hereditet gällande SOM kunde skönjas. Konklusion: Studien visade hög frekvens av flaskmatning där lite mer än hälften, 55% låg i planläge men studiens begränsning kunde inte åskådligöra samband med planläge och SOM. Det är av vikt att belysa faktorer som har betydelse för utveckling av SOM för att minska behov av rörbehandling. Dessa faktorer kan sjuksköterskan informera närstående om via hälsoundervisning för att öka barn och närståendes empowerment. / Introduction: Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) is the most common ear disease and arises mostly in the end of akut media otit (AOM). If a child contracts OME, it will result in a hearing loss which can affect the verbal development and may lead to behavior difficulties. The etiology behind OME is considered to be multifactorial. A child’s middle ear pressure may be affected by bottle nursing. Furthermore, the development of OME may be caused by allergies, bacterial/virus infections and inflammations. Purpose: To study the frequency of using a feeding bottle while the child is lying down related to OME and AOM when tube insertion. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. A survey data collection was used wherein the people who were surveyed were close family to two to five year old children, who have had ear tubes inserted. Result: 103 children with their close family participated in the study. 90% of these children who went through an ear tube insertion used or had used a feeding bottle and 50% of them lied down as they were fed. The heredity regarding SOM could be picked out. Conclusion: The study showed a high frequency of bottle nursing where just over the half (55%) lied down, but the restriction of the study could however not visualize the relation between lying down and SOM. Moreover, it is important to bring up the factors that are significant for the development of SOM to decrease the need of ear tube treatment/insertion. The nurse can inform close family about these factors through health education in order to increase children and close family´s empowerment.

Morphology and biochemistry of the tympanic membrane in relation to retraction pathology

Knutsson, Johan, January 2010 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2010.

Toracoscopia vídeo-assistida para crianças com derrame parapneumônico complicado : quando indicar?

Knebel, Rogério January 2012 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar a efetividade e o momento ideal da realização da toracoscopia vídeoassistida (TVA) para o tratamento de crianças com derrame pleural parapneumônico complicado (DPPC), bem como determinar se a drenagem torácica realizada como procedimento inicial pode influenciar os resultados da TVA. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de 79 crianças (idade média de 35 meses) submetidas à TVA, entre janeiro de 2000 e dezembro de 2011. Os pacientes foram tratados com o mesmo algoritmo de tratamento e os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram realizados ou supervisionados pelo mesmo cirurgião. As crianças foram divididas em dois grupos de acordo com o intervalo de quatro dias entre o diagnóstico do DPPC e a cirurgia. Resultados: Pacientes operados até o 4º dia após o diagnóstico do DPPC apresentaram menor tempo de internação (p=0,008), de uso de antibióticos (p=0,023) e de uso de dreno torácico (p=0,019), além de serem submetidos a menor número de procedimentos cirúrgicos (p<0,001). A drenagem pleural prévia retardou a realização da TVA em três dias, com consequente aumento no tempo de internação (p=0,050), no tempo de permanência do dreno torácico (p<0,001) e no tempo cirúrgico da TVA (p<0,001). TVA foi eficaz em 73 crianças (92,4%). Nem o intervalo entre o diagnóstico e a cirurgia, nem a drenagem pleural prévia, influenciaram a taxa de insucesso da TVA. Conclusões: TVA é um procedimento altamente efetivo em crianças com DPPC. TVA realizada até quatro dias após o diagnóstico do DPPC está associada à redução nos tempos de internação, de permanência do dreno torácico e do uso de antibióticos, além de diminuição no número de intervenções invasivas. / thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) in the treatment of children with complicated parapneumonic pleural effusion (CPPE) and to determine whether the use of initial chest tube drainage (CTD) may influence VATS outcome. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed medical records of 79 children (mean age, 35 months) undergoing VATS from January 2000 to December 2011. The same treatment algorithm was used in the management of all patients, and all surgical procedures were performed or supervised by the same surgeon. The children were divided into two groups according to a 4-day interval between CPPE diagnosis and surgery. Results: Patients undergoing VATS within 4 days of CPPE diagnosis had a shorter hospital stay (p=0.008), fewer number of antibiotics administered (p=0.023), and decreased time with a chest tube (p=0.019), in addition to undergoing fewer number of surgical procedures (p<0.001). Initial CTD resulted in a delay of 3 days in performing VATS, leading to longer hospital stay (p=0.050), increased time with a chest tube (p<0.001), and longer VATS operating time (p<0.001). VATS was effective in 73 children (92.4%). The interval from diagnosis to surgery and initial CTD had no influence on VATS failure rate. Conclusions: VATS is a highly effective procedure for treating children with CPPE. VATS performed within 4 days of CPPE diagnosis is associated with shorter hospital stay, decreased time with a chest tube, fewer antibiotics administered, and fewer invasive interventions.

Jämförelse mellan konventionell utstryksmetod och vätskebaserad ThinPrepmetod vid preparering av etanolfixerade exsudat / Comparison of conventional smears and liquid-based ThinPrep preparations of effusions fixated with ethanol

Andersson, Emma, Lindh, Andréa January 2018 (has links)
Vid cytologisk bedömning av celler i exsudat kan olika metoder användas vid preparering. Vid konventionell utstryksmetod stryks provet ut manuellt på objektglas medan vätskebaserad ThinPrepmetod preparerar provet i en automatiserad process. Studiens syfte var att jämföra konventionell utstryksmetod och vätskebaserad ThinPrepmetod med tillsats av ättiksyra vid preparering av etanolfixerade exsudat. I studien användes totalt 34 prover av pleuravätska och ascites. Proverna preparerades med konventionell utstryksmetod och två varianter av ThinPrepmetod, ThinPrepmetod 1 och ThinPrepmetod 2. Preparaten bedömdes av två cytodiagnostiker utifrån fem kriterier; cellförekomst, förekomst av inflammatoriska celler, cellmorfologi, bakgrundsmaterial och förekomst av atypiska eller maligna celler. Resultaten visade på att ThinPrepmetod 2 gav likvärdiga, och i vissa avseenden bättre, resultat än konventionell utstryksmetod. ThinPrepmetoden har generellt fler fördelar jämfört med konventionell utstryksmetod, framförallt innebär den en tidsbesparing för de som bedömer preparaten vilket också gynnar patienter. En mer omfattande studie rekommenderas för att konfirmera resultaten i denna studie. / Preparation of effusions for cytological evaluation can be performed with different methods. Conventional smears are performed by spreading the sample directly onto a slide while liquid-based ThinPrep method prepares the sample in an automated process. The aim of this study was to compare conventional smears with liquid-based ThinPrep preparation, with additional acetic acid, of effusions fixated with ethanol. A total of 34 samples of pleural effusions and ascites were included. The samples were prepared with conventional smears and two versions of the ThinPrep method, ThinPrep method 1 and ThinPrep method 2. The preparations were examined by two cytotechnologists based on five criteria; occurrence of cells, occurrence of inflammatory cells, cell morphology, background material and the presence of atypical or malignant cells. The results showed that ThinPrep method 2 obtained equivalent and, in some aspects, even better results compared to conventional smears. In general, the ThinPrep method has several advantages compared to the conventional smears. In particular, it is timesaving when examining the slides, which also benefits the patients. A more comprehensive study is recommended to confirm the results of this study.

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