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Studies on the Ascaridia galli embryonal stages, potential maternal protection and immune response in chickenRahimian, Shayan 04 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Rising Temperatures and the Damselfly Shrinkage / Stigande temperaturer och krympande flicksländorHaglund, Ernie Hacko January 2023 (has links)
Body size governs how temperature affects an organism. As temperature vary on different geographical scales, it mediates activity based on size. How does temperature distribute different sized individuals - and what reproductive fitness follow? This study involves the damselfly Enallagma exsulans and field studies at lake Fayetteville, United States. By measuring body length, temperature, copulatory status, and egg counts, I perform regression analysis to determine the fitness implications of varying temperature. Smaller individuals manage to stay active at higher temperatures, they mate at a higher rate, and they generate more eggs. My study contrasts previous research and highlights both the relevance and complexity of specificity when connecting temperature to fitness. / Kroppsstorlek styr hur temperatur påverkar en organism. Eftersom temperatur varierar på olika geografiska nivåer möjliggörs aktivitet baserat på storlek. Hur fördelar temperatur individer av olika storlekar – och vilka reproduktiva konsekvenser medför det? Den här studien involverar flicksländan Enallagma exsulans och fältarbete vid sjön Fayetteville, USA. Genom att mäta kroppslängd, temperatur, kopulationsstatus och antal ägg, utför jag regressionsanalys för att utröna fitness-implikationerna av varierande temperatur. Mindre individer förmår vara aktiva vid högre temperaturer, de parar sig till högre grad och de genererar fler ägg. Min studie står i kontrast till tidigare forskning och belyser både relevansen och komplexiteten i specificitet, när temperatur kopplas till fitness.
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Electroglottography in Real-Time Feedback for Healthy Singing / Elektroglottografi i realtidsfeedback för hållbar sångteknikNilsson, Isak January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis describes early attempts at using electroglottography (EGG) to capture such changes in vocal fold vibration patterns that could be of interest to teachers of contemporary commercial music. After initial explorations, focus is placed on detecting potentially detrimental phonation; more specifically on the pressed quality often associated with loud singing in high register (belting). FonaDyn, a program written in the SuperCollider language, is used to detect pressedness using an algorithm based on K-means clustering of Fourier components of EGG cycles. Results indicate that pressedness affects phonation in ways detectable using EGG. Changes caused by pressedness seem to vary between registers and this variation is similar between subjects. Detection of pressedness in a subject is quite successful when training the algorithm on the same subject, but not always across subjects. / Denna masteruppsats beskriver inledande försök att använda elektroglottografi (EGG) för att avläsa sådana förändringar i stämbandens vibrationsmönster som skulle kunna vara av intresse för sånglärare inom icke-klassisk stil. Tidiga undersökningar leder till att fortsatt fokus läggs på att detektera fonationstyper som kan orsaka röstskador; mer specifikt den typ av pressad röstkvalitet som ofta förknippas med stark sång i högt register (s.k. belting). FonaDyn, ett datorprogram skrivet i språket SuperCollider, används för att detektera pressad fonation med hjälp av K-means-klustring av EGG-cykler baserat på deras Fourierkomponenter. Resultaten indikerar att pressad fonation går att urskilja med hjälp av EGG. Kännetecknen för pressad fonation tycks skilja sig mellan röstregister och denna skillnad är snarlik hos olika försökspersoner. Programmet klarar av att känna igen pressad fonation hos samma person som algoritmen tränats på men inte alltid om algoritmen tränats på en annan sångare.
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Development of analytical methods for the characterization of tempera paintings at micro- and nano-scale and their deterioration and biodeterioration processesORTIZ MIRANDA, ANNETTE 06 November 2017 (has links)
Egg (the whole, the yolk or the white) is a natural product used since ancient times as tempera painting medium mainly in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin countries. In addition, egg is a complex multicomponent microstructured system susceptible of being influenced by the pigments that compose the paints, as well as a source of nutrient susceptible of biodeterioration. Modifying effect of artists' pigments on the binding medium as well as, the microbial biodeterioration are responsible for changes in the structure and composition of the binding medium and, consequently, on the physico-chemical properties of the paint.
For this purpose, analytical techniques such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy - attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR) was used for the chemical characterization, Field emission scanning microscopy (FESEM) and Atomic force microscopy - nanoindentation (AFM-nanoindentation) were run for morphological and mechanical characterization of the deterioration processes resulted from the pigment-binder interactions involved in tempera painting.
On the other hand, the current research report the application of the voltammetry of microparticles (VMP), complemented with FTIR-ATR, FESEM and AFM-nanoindentation techniques to monitor the deterioration of a series of tempera reconstructed model paint specimens under the action of different biological agents. This methodology would be of application for identifying the type of biological agent causing deterioration of painting, which is an important problem affecting cultural heritage. The analysis of biodeterioration processes is complicated by the fact that the action of microorganisms can affect both pigment and binding media. The deterioration of pictorial specimens by Acremonium chrysogenum, Aspergillus niger, Mucor rouxii, Penicillium chrysogenum and Trichoderma pseudokoningii fungi and Arthrobacter oxydans, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Streptomyces cellulofans bacteria was tested using sample-modified graphite electrodes immersed into aqueous electrolytes.
Finally, the study carried out by means of FTIR-ATR, FESEM and AFM-nanoindentation confirms that egg proteins attached to the pigment grains changes their secondary structures. The results obtained also confirm that proteins and phospholipids are prevalently established linkages with the solid particles of pigment whereas triglycerides should be integrated in the complex binding network responsible for the cohesion of the paint film. Interactions between egg components with solid pigment particles are described and correlated with micromorphology and mechanical properties determined at micro- and nano-scale on the reconstructed model paint specimens. As a result of the crossing of VMP data with the results obtained by means of FTIR, FESEM and AFM-nanoindentation, the voltammetric signals obtained were associated to the electrochemical reduction of pigments and different complexes associated to the binding media. These results were particularly relevant in the study of biodeterioration, to allowing the electrochemical monitoring of biological attack. / El huevo (entero, yema o clara) es un producto natural utilizado desde la antigüedad como medio aglutinante en la pintura al temple, principalmente en Europa y los países de la cuenca mediterránea. Además, el huevo es un complejo sistema multicomponente microestructurado susceptible de ser alterado por los pigmentos que componen las pinturas, así como fuente de nutrientes susceptible de biodeterioro. El efecto de los pigmentos sobre el medio aglutinante, así como el biodeterioro microbiano son responsables de cambios en la estructura y composición del medio aglutinante y, por consiguiente, en las propiedades fisicoquímicas de la pintura.
Es por esto que, se utilizaron técnicas analíticas como la Espectroscopía Infrarroja por Transformada de Fourier en modo Reflexión Total Atenuada (FTIR-ATR), para la caracterización química de los procesos de deterioro resultantes de las interacciones pigmento-aglutinante en la pintura al temple. Así mismo, se utilizó Microscopía Electrónica de Emisión de Barrido (FESEM) para el estudio morfológico de las muestras, y para el estudio de las propiedades mecánicas Microscopía de Fuerza Atómica en modo Nanoindentación (AFM-nanoindentación).
Por otro lado, la presente investigación propone el uso de la Voltamperometría de Micropartículas (VMP), en conjunto con otras técnicas de análisis como FTIR-ATR, FESEM y AFM-nanoindentación para el estudio del biodeterioro producido por hongos y bacterias sobre una serie muestras pictóricas sometidas. El estudio de las alteraciones causadas por el biodeterioro es complicado por el hecho de que la acción de los microorganismos puede afectar tanto al pigmento como al medio aglutinante. Para esto, se prepararon una serie de muestras de pinturas al temple y emulsión que fueron inoculadas con los hongos Acremonium chrysogenum, Aspergillus niger, Mucor rouxii, Penicillium chrysogenum, y Trichoderma pseudokoningii, y las bacterias Arthrobacter oxydans, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens y Streptomyces cellulofans. El estudio voltamperometrico se realizó utilizando electrodos de grafito modificados con las muestras inmersos en un electrolito acuoso.
Las conclusiones obtenidas de manera general, apuntan a que las proteínas presentes en el huevo cambian su estructura secundaria al adherirse a los granos de pigmento. La información química, morfológica y mecánica obtenida por las diferentes técnicas de análisis instrumental es consistente. Finalmente, como resultado del cruce de los datos VMP con los resultados obtenidos mediante FTIR, FESEM y AFM-nanoindentación, las señales voltamperometricas obtenidas se asociaron a la reducción electroquímica de los pigmentos y a los complejos formados con el medio aglutinante. Estos resultados fueron particularmente relevantes en el estudio del biodeterioro de las películas pictóricas inoculadas, para permitir la monitorización electroquímica del ataque microbiológico. / L'ou (sencer, rovell o clara) és un producte natural utilitzat des de l'antiguitat com a mitjà aglutinant en la pintura al tremp, principalment a Europa i els països de la conca mediterrània. A més, l'ou és un complex sistema multicomponent MICROESTRUCTURAT susceptible de ser alterat pels pigments que componen les pintures, així com a font de nutrients susceptible de biodeterioració. L'efecte dels pigments sobre el medi aglutinant, així com el BIODETERIORI microbià són responsables de canvis en l'estructura i composició del medi aglutinant i, per tant, en les propietats fisicoquímiques de la pintura.
És per això que, es van utilitzar tècniques analítiques com l'Espectroscòpia Infraroja per Transformada de Fourier en mode Reflexió Total Atenuada (FTIR-ATR), per a la caracterització química dels processos de deteriorament resultants de les interaccions pigment-aglutinant en la pintura al tremp. Així mateix, es va utilitzar Microscòpia Electrònica d'emissió de Rastreig (FESEM) per a l'estudi morfològic de les mostres, i per a l'estudi de les propietats mecàniques Microscòpia de Força Atòmica en mode Nanoindentació (AFM-nanoindentació).
D'altra banda, la present investigació proposa l'ús de la Voltamperometría de Micropartícules (VMP), en conjunt amb altres tècniques d'anàlisi, com FTIR-ATR, FESEM i AFM-nanoindentació per a l'estudi de l'biodeterioració produït per fongs i bacteris sobre una sèrie de mostres pictòriques sotmeses. L'estudi de les alteracions causades pel biodeteriori és complicat pel fet que l'acció dels microorganismes pot afectar tant el pigment com al medi aglutinant. Per això, es van preparar una sèrie de mostres de pintures al tremp i emulsió que van ser inoculades amb els fongs Acremonium chrysogenum, Aspergillus niger, Mucor rouxii, Penicillium chrysogenum, i Trichoderma pseudokoningii i els bacteris Arthrobacter oxydans, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens i Streptomyces cellulofans. L'estudi voltamperomètric es va realitzar utilitzant electrodes de grafit modificats amb les mostres immersos en un electròlit aquós.
Les conclusions obtingudes de manera general, apunten que les proteïnes presents en l'ou canvien la seva estructura secundària al adherir-se als grans de pigment. La informació química, morfològica i mecànica obtinguda per les diferents tècniques d'anàlisi instrumental és consistent. Finalment, com a resultat de l'encreuament de les dades VMP amb els resultats obtinguts mitjançant FTIR, FESEM i AFM-nanoindentació, els senyals voltamperomètrics obtinguts es van associar a la reducció electroquímica dels pigments i als complexos formats amb el medi aglutinant. Aquests resultats van ser particularment rellevants en l'estudi del biodeteriori de les pel·lícules pictòriques inoculades, per tal de permetre la monitorització electroquímica de l'atac microbiològic. / Ortiz Miranda, A. (2017). Development of analytical methods for the characterization of tempera paintings at micro- and nano-scale and their deterioration and biodeterioration processes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90571
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Use of Ultrasonic Imaging to Evaluate Egg Maturation of Humpback Chub Gila CyphaBrizendine, Morgan E. January 2016 (has links)
Humpback Chub Gila cypha are endangered cyprinids endemic to the Colorado River drainage and are adapted to live in fast currents of warm, turbid water. Although nine known aggregations of Humpback Chub currently exist in the main-stem Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, little is known about their reproduction. I hypothesized that Colorado River water temperatures below Glen Canyon Dam are too low due to hypolimnetic water releases from Lake Powell for female Humpback Chub to develop mature eggs for spawning. Ultrasonic imaging, also called ultrasound, is an effective, non-lethal method used to determine sex and maturity of a variety of freshwater, anadromous, and marine fishes. However, many previous studies have been performed in laboratory environments. I developed a standardized method for ultrasonically scanning endangered Humpback Chub Gila cypha in remote locations within Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA. This method minimized stress to individual fish and took less than 1 min to perform. I was able to identify female fish with eggs based on two jpeg images and one 10 s video clip collected in the field. I also used ImageJ®, a National Institute of Health image processing program, to develop a brightness index to evaluate the maturity of eggs in female fish. I collected ultrasonic scans of captive, ripe Humpback Chub held at the Southwestern Native Aquatic Resources and Recovery Center (SNARRC) to determine that female fish were potentially ripe when a subsample of their eggs exhibited a brightness value within the 32-44 range. Although I was able to estimate egg maturity, I was not able to estimate egg mass of female fish. I used ultrasound to evaluate reproductive condition of 751 Humpback Chub in Grand Canyon. I documented egg development in female fish from the main-stem Colorado River, Little Colorado River, Havasu Creek, and Shinumo Creek. Egg development in Humpback Chub varies by location and time of year. Potentially ripe (stage 3) female fish were found at all sample locations and dates except at Shinumo Creek in 2013 and 2014. Potentially ripe females were also detected in every main-stem aggregation except for Pumpkin Springs and in two locations outside of established aggregations. Fisheries managers can use ultrasound to collect vital information about the reproductive status of fishes that cannot be killed and that are found in remote or rugged field locations. My findings indicate that female Humpback Chub are able to produce eggs throughout the main-stem Colorado River and that internal egg development and egg production likely do not limit recruitment. However, female fish may never experience the environmental triggers they need to spawn or may not experience conditions that would allow eggs and larvae to survive.
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The Reproductive Ecology and Biology of the Pill-box Crab: Halicarcinus cookii (Brachyura: Hymenosomatidae) Filhol, 1885van den Brink, Anneke Maria January 2006 (has links)
This study investigates the reproductive strategies of the pill-box crab, Halicarcinus cookii on the Kaikoura Peninsula, New Zealand. Various aspects essential to understanding reproductive strategies were examined including growth, population dynamics, reproductive biology and mating behaviour. H. cookii exhibits obvious sexual dimorphism such that females develop wide abdomens forming brood chambers, and males tend to grow larger than females and have larger chelipeds in relation to body size. H. cookii allocates energy into growth and reproduction in separate phases of its life cycle where growth ceases as reproductive maturity begins due to a terminal/pubertal moult. Despite the presence of ovigerous females throughout the 15 month sampling period, the population was highly seasonal, with peaks in recruitment and growth occurring primarily during the winter months and peaks in numbers of mature individuals during the summer months. Reproductive output increased with body size in H. cookii, as larger females produced more eggs and larger males transferred more sperm than their smaller counterparts. Ovaries matured prior to the terminal/pubertal moult (anecdysis) and, in multiparous females, in synchrony with brood development, allowing females to produce broods in quick succession, maximising their reproductive output in their short life span (approximately 12-18 months, 6 months as an adult). Incubation duration of broods decreased as seawater temperature increased, suggesting that temperature is the primary cause of the seasonal population cycling. Sperm storage allowed females to produce at least 4 fertilised broods without re-mating. Some sperm mixing in the spermathecae appeared to occur and the ventral-type structure implies last male sperm precedence. Males therefore preferentially mated with females closest to laying a new brood and guarded them longer than other females to ensure their paternity. Guarding duration varied according to the sex ratio allowing males to maximise their reproductive output.
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Egg and Egg Product Safety and QualityMisner, Scottie, Whitmer, Evelyn 05 1900 (has links)
2 pp. / Revision of 1997 title by Meer and Misner / From 1988 to 1992, 66% of all food-borne illnesses caused by salmonella enteritidis involved eggs or foods containing eggs. Contamination of eggs may occur on the inside as well as the outside of the shell. This article outlines the proper refrigeration, cooking and handling methods to prevent most egg safety problems.
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No description available.
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Sustainable Development in egg production : Perceived key challenges farmers face in GermanyHernandes, Emilie January 2016 (has links)
The subject matter of this paper is a comparative review of egg production systems for theircontribution to sustainable development of egg production in order to assess the perceived challenges of eggfarmers in Germany. The thesis features a case study which presents two farms located in Germany, andimplementing different farming methods. The floor-range farming method and the organic system illustrate thisexample. The methodological approach is based on a three-phase framework, in which significant issuesconcerning sustainable development are presented (Phase 1), the significant issues are translated into sustainableindicators (Phase 2), and the contribution of sustainable indicators to sustainable development is assessed (Phase3). Phase 1 and 2 build on an extensive literature review and farmers consultation. Phase 3 relies on numericalcomparisons. A comparative analysis of the empirical data is based on theories and the developed conceptualframework. Based on the comparison of two specific farms, the results of this work indicate that the organicfarming system reveals the least negative contribution to sustainable development of egg production in Germany.The floor-range farming system shows a slightly more negative contribution to sustainable developmentcompared with the organic EPS. The organic farming system, therefore, is considered the better animal-friendlysystem. It is certainly noteworthy to mention that the organic system however fail to contribute to sustainabledevelopment from an economic perspective. Thus, the main perceived challenge for the organic farmer is tooperate his organic business in a more profitable way. The floor-range system on the other hand, succeeds tocontribute to sustainable development in economic terms, but fails to contribute positively from an ecologicaland social perspective. Therefore, the farmer operating the floor-range EPS needs to improve the ecological aswell as social conditions on his farm in order to achieve an equal positive contribution to sustainabledevelopment.
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Predation Pressure on Emergent Lake Trout Fry in Lake Champlain and Techniques for Assessing Lake Trout Reproduction in Deep-Water HabitatsRiley, Jacob W. 17 June 2008 (has links)
Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) were extirpated from Lake Champlain around 1900 and from the lower four Great Lakes by 1960. Their ecological, commercial and recreational importance has prompted extensive restoration efforts. Despite widespread evidence of natural reproduction by stocked lake trout, there is minimal evidence of survival of wild progeny beyond age-0. Various abiotic and biotic impediments may be preventing self-sustaining lake trout populations from becoming established. Unsuccessful restoration in shallow areas has recently prompted a shift to restoration efforts to offshore, deep reefs in the Great Lakes. The first objective of this study was to develop, test, and implement methods for evaluating lake trout reproduction in deep water, where previously established techniques were ineffective. The second objective addressed the recruitment bottleneck between the emergent fry and juvenile life stages in Lake Champlain, by assessing the severity of predation on lake trout fry by epi-benthic fish. In order to quantify egg density on deep-water habitats (>18 m), we paired a deep-water egg trap with egg bags to establish a relationship between the two types of gear in Lake Champlain. There was no significant difference between densities in the egg bags and deep-water traps, but there was a positive correlation of their ranks (correlation coefficient = 0.514, p<0.0001). The deep-water traps were then used in Lake Michigan to successfully acquire the first egg density data from two sites on the deep Mid Lake Reef Complex. A drop electroshocker was developed to detect fry presence and tested in Lake Champlain in conjunction with emergent fry traps. Both types of gear exhibited similar patterns of fry relative abundance. To assess fry predation in Lake Champlain, two-hour gillnet sets during the period of fry emergence to identify fry predators and to describe how predation patterns changed diurnally and temporally. Seven species of epi-benthic fry predators were identified, including five species that had not been previously identified as fry predators. Yellow perch and rock bass dominated the predator community at two study sites (83% of total catch, N=1179, 77% of all fry predators, N=57). Predator presence and fry consumption was almost entirely nocturnal. There was a linear aggregational response in predator CPUE (fish/hr) to increasing fry relative abundance (p<0.033) but confirmed predators did not exhibit a functional response. There was evidence of a threshold of fry relative abundance at 1 fry/trap/day for the onset and conclusion of fry predation. Temperature was a driving factor in the timing of fry emergence and predator abundance, allowing us to predict the relative impact of predators based on temperature scenarios. Only 5% of the potential predators consumed fry. We used empirical probabilities of consumption to model loss of fry due to predation. This consumption model revealed that predator abundances would have to be extremely high for predation to significantly reduce the population of fry. However, given the relatively high species richness of predators observed at the shallow water study sites, lake trout fry survival is likely to be higher at deep, offshore reefs. These results support the recent shift in restoration efforts to focus on deep reefs.
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