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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Causes and Consequences of Perceptions of Election Unfairness

Sedziaka, Alesia A. January 2014 (has links)
The role of unfair elections in breakdown or maintenance of electoral authoritarian regimes has been subject to debate in recent research. On the one hand, the conduct of elections may serve to enhance popular legitimacy and deter challenges to the regime. On the other hand, electoral manipulation may contribute to grievances that fuel mass protest. However, empirical research on the consequences of electoral manipulation for popular support has been limited by the availability of appropriate survey data and has mostly focused on summary or process-based assessments of electoral unfairness. The premise of this study is that electoral manipulation is difficult to assess due to its inherent complexity and ambiguity. As a result, citizens are likely to use cognitive shortcuts to interpret electoral manipulation. Applying psychological theories of justice and motivated political reasoning in this context, this project aims to investigate how both process- and outcome-based assessments of election unfairness influence summary judgments of election quality, regime support, and support for electoral protest. It further seeks to determine how voters' political preferences bias, or condition, the impact of election unfairness evaluations. These propositions are tested using novel data from the XIX New Russia Barometer survey, conducted shortly after the controversial 2011 Russian State Duma election that triggered mass electoral protests. This study finds that perceived election outcome unfairness affects reactions to elections alongside assessments of the electoral process; it also shows evidence of partisan reasoning in evaluations of election unfairness. Ultimately, this project points to some factors that may explain the diverging consequences of electoral manipulation for popular support.

Volební systém do poslanecké sněmovny v ČR: geneze, vývoj a jeho další směřování / The electroral system for the Chamber of Deputies of Czech Republic: genesis, evolution and its future direction

Peškar, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This final thesis deals with electoral system to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Its genesis, evolution and future are presented in 3 chapters and in the Conclusion. Work is designed as a case-study and it employs two methods - from general to particular, and from earlier to later. These methods are used in whole work as well as in particular chapters and subchapters. The first chapter introduces readers to the issue of electoral system in general. There are described two main voting systems - proportional and majority vote. Stress is put to the proportional system which has used for elections to the Chamber of Deputies. Also the question "which electoral system is the best" is mentioned. Following chapter surveys history of the electoral system and evolution from its establishment to the present. Main part of this chapter deals with a reform introduced in the year 2000 which was declared by the Constitutional Court as unconstitutional. New law, instead of blank spaces after the decision of the Constitutional Court, was adopted in the year 2002 and since that it has been valid till the present. The third chapter presents proposals of electoral reform from the year 2008 prepared by a group of experts on the basis of political assignment of contemporary Government....

Governismo, cédula e voto: alternativas golpistas à crise política de 1954-1955 / Governism, ballot and vote: coup alternatives to the crisis on 1954-1955

Oliveira, Juliana de Souza 29 May 2019 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar o processo político e institucional que levou, em 1954, à aprovação da reforma eleitoral que introduziu a cédula única de votação nas eleições presidenciais que elegeu Juscelino Kubitschek. A dissertação argumenta que ao contextualizar a decisão que levou à aprovação do novo método de votação, emergem novos elementos que ajudam a esclarecer o controverso episódio conhecido como contragolpe do Marechal Lott que garantiu a posse do candidato eleito. O material analisado consiste na legislação eleitoral, propostas de reformas eleitorais e a narrativa dos líderes do governo e da oposição a respeito do episódio. Conclui-se que escolha por um novo método de votação, a cédula oficial, deve ser tomada como caso de reforma eleitoral que expressa a emergência de uma dinâmica competitiva na Terceira República Brasileira. / The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the political and institutional process that resulted, in 1954, to the approval of the electoral reform that introduced the unique voting ballot in the presidential elections that elected Juscelino Kubitschek. The dissertation argues that the contextualization of the decision, by the new voting method, offers elements to understand the controversial episode known as \"Marshal Lott\'s coup\" that secured the winner\'s ternure. The material analyzed consists of electoral legislation, proposals for electoral reforms and the narrative of government\'s and opposition\'s leaders. It is concluded that by choosing a new method of voting, the official ballot should be taken as a case of electoral reform that expresses the emergence of a competitive dynamic in the Third Brazilian Republic.

Emendas ao orçamento e conexão eleitoral na Câmara dos Deputados / Amendments on budget and electoral connection in brazilian chamber of deputies

Mesquita, Lara 13 March 2009 (has links)
Esse trabalho aborda a questão da conexão eleitoral no Brasi l, sendo o objetivo principal a avaliação do impacto que a execução das emendas individuais que os deputados federais apresentam ao orçamento da União exercem sobre as suas chances de reeleição. As emendas são tradicionalmente associadas à manutenção de uma estrutura arcaica de relação entre políticos e eleitores, baseada em políticas distributivistas que buscariam levar benefícios concentrados à base eleitoral de cada deputado. Para essa pesquisa foram analisadas a execução das emendas individuais nas 50ª, 51ª e 52ª legislaturas, e o desempenho dos deputados que concorreram à reeleição nos pleitos subseqüentes, a saber, 1998, 2002 e 2006. O que o esforço analítico empreendido nesta dissertação indica é que não se pode afirmar que a execução das emendas individuais ao orçamento produza o retorno eleitoral apregoado. Mais do que isso, não foi possível identificar um padrão claro na alocação das mesmas , o que reforça a hipótese de que são múltiplas as estratégias para a alocação das emendas, e variam conforme a ambição de cada parlamentar. / This thesis considers the electoral connection in Brazil. Its main goal is to evaluate the impact of the individual budget amendments proposed by federal deputies on their chances of reelection. These amendments are traditionally associated to the maintenance of an archaic structure of relationship between politicians and their electorate, based on distributivist politics that seek to deliver concentrated benefits to the particular constituency of each deputy (pork barrel). This research analyzes the implementation of individual amendments during the 50ª, 51ª and 52ª legislatures, as well as the performance of the deputies that ran for the subsequent elections of 1998, 2002 and 2006. The conclusions of this thesis reveal that the implementation of individual budget amendments does not produce the expected positive electoral return. Moreover, the research did not identify any clear pattern for the allocation of the budget amendments, which strengthens the hypothesis that there are multiple strategies for the allocation of these amendments and that they vary according to the ambitions of each member of the parliament.

Bases sociais e interiorização: o predomínio eleitoral do PSDB paulista (1994-2014) / Social bases and interiorization: the electoral prevalence of PSDB in São Paulo State (1994-2014)

Fiore, Danilo Cesar 11 March 2016 (has links)
Desde 1994, ininterruptamente o PSDB elege seus candidatos ao governo do Estado de São Paulo. Hegemonia eleitoral de tamanha duração vitória em seis eleições consecutivas não foi alcançada por nenhum outro partido em pleitos estaduais na história democrática brasileira recente. Tal feito é ainda mais relevante ao levarmos em conta a trajetória eleitoral paulista, historicamente associada a quadros partidários e resultados das urnas surpreendentes. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar as bases sociais e territoriais do voto nos principais partidos do Estado de São Paulo, com ênfase no PSDB. Para tanto, utilizamos as seguintes variáveis: pesquisas eleitorais estratificadas por renda e escolaridade; tamanho dos municípios; nível de desenvolvimento médio das localidades (ao nível das zonas eleitorais e municípios) para duas regiões previamente estabelecidas a Grande São Paulo e o interior. Identificamos que o partido tucano obtém apoio crescente na medida em que se elevam os índices socioeconômicos do eleitorado. O partido, porém, mantém um importante suporte entre os setores populares sobretudo no interior do Estado. Por fim, ainda que obtenha penetração elevada em todos os municípios paulistas, o PSDB possui melhores resultados nas pequenas localidades. Ao final, discutimos estes achados à luz do panorama eleitoral, partidário e federativo no Brasil. / Since 1994 until this date the Social Democrat Brazilian Party PSDB has been continuously able to elect its candidates to the government of the state of São Paulo. Electoral hegemony for a very long time victory in 6 consecutive elections, it has been unmatched by any other party in any State of the federation in the history of Brazilian Democracy. This is extraordinary especially if we take on account the electoral politics in the history of São Paulo where political parties and election results are usually full of surprises. Thus the objective of this research is to identify the social and territorial localization of voters according to the major parties present in the State of São Paulo, emphasizing the PSDB. In order to achieve this analysis we work with the following variables: electoral surveys stratified by income and level of education; size of the municipalities; average development of the localities (at the level of constituencies and municipalities) for two regions previously selected: the Great São Paulo and the inland. We identified a growing support to PSDB as the income rises. Nevertheless the party maintains an important level of support among the popular sectors - especially in the inland of the State of São Paulo. Finally, although it has obtained a high level of support in all the municipalities of the State of São Paulo, PSDB had its best results in the small localities. These data are discussed in the light of the political and electoral panorama in Brazil.

Les discours politiques dans l'Espagne démocratique (1982-2006) / Political speeches in democratic Spain (1982-2008)

Decobert, Claire 19 November 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, j’ai souhaité explorer la communication politique espagnole réactivée après plus de quarante ans de dictature et porter une attention particulière au nouveau schéma communicationnel que l’Espagne a dû se réinventer, en s’inspirant des pratiques marketing déjà ancrées chez ses homologues européens et américains. Encouragé par l’augmentation du nombre de convocations électorales, la prolifération des discours parlementaires et l’essor des moyens de communication de masse, un nouveau jeu de langage politique est né entre les acteurs de cette communication politique que sont les hommes politiques, les médias et l’opinion publique. Aussi, insérés dans un contexte socio-historique extrêmement riche, les discours politiques prononcés dans l’Espagne démocratique (1982-2008) par le PP et le PSOE en campagne ou hors campagne sont non seulement révélateurs de l’évolution d’une société démocratique en quête de construction et de reconnaissance sur la scène internationale ; ils marquent également la fin des clivages idéologiques. La diversité de mon corpus a cherché à lever le voile sur la nouvelle parole politique, tiraillée entre la transmission des idéologies et la politique spectacle. La première partie de ce travail de recherche jette les bases théoriques de la communication politique et du discours politique généralisables à toutes les démocraties occidentales, en centrant son attention sur le cas espagnol, qui a su adapter sa manière de communiquer et de produire des discours dans la sphère politique aux exigences contemporaines sous l’égide du marketing politique. La seconde partie interroge les spots électoraux émis par les deux partis majoritaires au cours des élections législatives de 1982 à 2008 du point de vue des stratégies discursives en portant une attention particulière à l’image. La troisième partie livre une analyse lexicale des discours d’investiture prononcés depuis 1982 par les chefs de gouvernement espagnols, étude complétée par une analyse du contenu qui met en exergue les caractéristiques de chacun d’entre eux et confronte chaque allocution au débat qui a opposé le candidat aspirant à la Moncloa au porte-parole de l’opposition. / In this thesis, I intend to investigate the Spanish means of political communication that have been reactivated after more than forty years of dictatorship, and to pay particular attention to the new communication strategy that Spain has had to reinvent, by drawing inspiration from marketing practices already well established in her European and American counterparts. Encouraged by the increase in the number of elections, the proliferation of parliamentary speeches and the development of mass media, a new kind of political language has come about between the political communicators who are the politicians, the media, and the public. Furthermore, set in an extremely rich socio-historic context, the political speeches delivered in democratic Spain (1982-2008) by the PP and the PSOE during or outside their campaigns not only deal with a society in transition to democracy and which is internationally recognised on the but they also mark the end of ideological splits. The variety of documents in my corpus aims at unveiling the new political vocabulary, pulled between conveying ideologies and « showbiz politics ». The first part of this research lays the foundations of political communication and political language that can be applied to all western democracies, focusing on the Spanish case which was able to adapt its way of communicating and producing speeches in the political sphere to the contemporary requirements under the aegis of political marketing. The second part questions t both major parties’ party political broadcast during the general elections from 1982 to 2008 from the strategic point of view of the speeches, by paying particular attention to images. Third part is a lexical analysis of nomination speeches since 1982 by successive Spanish heads of government. This study is completed by an analysis of the content of the speeches and compares every political commentary with the debate that set the candidate aspiring to the Moncloa against the opposition’s spokesman.

Coordenação eleitoral e voto dividido no Brasil: o caso das eleições municipais de 2004 e 2008 / Electoral co-ordination and Split vote in Brazil: the case of municipal polls of 2004 and 2008

Costa, Constância Lira de Barros Correia Rodrigues 18 February 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o voto dividido para as eleições municipais de 2004 e 2008 no Brasil. A análise está centrada em verificar se os eleitores votam em candidatos de partidos e/ou coligações diferentes em um mesmo pleito, ou seja, se dividem ou não o voto para prefeito e vereador. Considera-se aqui que a coordenação eleitoral entre os partidos e as elites políticas tem um papel estruturador para uma divisão ou não do voto, sendo que um dos indícios de maior coordenação eleitoral está relacionado à capacidade dos partidos em coordenar suas ações a partir das coligações eleitorais. Assim, os resultados expostos demonstram como a coordenação eleitoral dos partidos, além de resultar em um maior sucesso eleitoral, diminui a probabilidade de divisão do voto por parte do eleitor. / The current work aims to investigate the split vote for the municipal elections of 2004 and 2008 in Brazil. The study focuses on verifying whether the electorate votes for candidates from different parties and/or coalitions in the same round or not i.e. whether voters split their votes in between the mayor and city counsellor. It is taken for granted in the literature the fact that the electoral co-ordinations among the various parties and political elites has an influential role for the splitting or not of the vote. One of the main indicators of greater electoral co-ordination is related to the party ability to co-ordinate its actions as from electoral coalitions. Thus, the results show how the party electoral co-ordination, besides fostering a greater electoral success, reduces the probability of splitting the vote on the part of the voter.

Los jurados electorales especiales bajo análisis. Un diagnóstico sobre los problemas relacionados a su configuración orgánica

Rodríguez Sánchez, Daniel Ernesto 28 January 2019 (has links)
instituciones cuya función principal es resolver conflictos en materia electoral. Estos jurados han sido parte del Jurado Nacional de Elecciones desde 1931, en los que han sido, y son hoy en día, órganos jurisdiccionales de primera instancia en sede electoral. Estos órganos solo funcionan durante cada periodo electoral, por lo que una de sus características es su temporalidad. A la fecha, no existen estudios sobre los Jurados Electorales Especiales. Esto ha creado la necesidad de investigaciones dirigidas a saber cuáles son sus principales características, de dónde provienen, cómo se crean y se clausuran, cómo influyen en ellos los procesos electorales y qué problemas están vinculados a su temporalidad. De esta manera, el objetivo del presente trabajo es responder a cada una de las interrogantes anteriores. Así, esta tesis se enfoca en describir la estructura y funciones de los Jurados Electorales Especiales, en realizar un breve estudio histórico sobre su origen, en realizar una descripción de su proceso de creación y disolución, en realizar una breve descripción de la influencia que tiene en ellos los procesos electorales y, finalmente, en analizar y proponer soluciones a uno de los principales problemas originados por su carácter temporal: El problema de la doble instancia en sede electoral para periodo no electoral. / Tesis

Emendas ao orçamento e conexão eleitoral na Câmara dos Deputados / Amendments on budget and electoral connection in brazilian chamber of deputies

Lara Mesquita 13 March 2009 (has links)
Esse trabalho aborda a questão da conexão eleitoral no Brasi l, sendo o objetivo principal a avaliação do impacto que a execução das emendas individuais que os deputados federais apresentam ao orçamento da União exercem sobre as suas chances de reeleição. As emendas são tradicionalmente associadas à manutenção de uma estrutura arcaica de relação entre políticos e eleitores, baseada em políticas distributivistas que buscariam levar benefícios concentrados à base eleitoral de cada deputado. Para essa pesquisa foram analisadas a execução das emendas individuais nas 50ª, 51ª e 52ª legislaturas, e o desempenho dos deputados que concorreram à reeleição nos pleitos subseqüentes, a saber, 1998, 2002 e 2006. O que o esforço analítico empreendido nesta dissertação indica é que não se pode afirmar que a execução das emendas individuais ao orçamento produza o retorno eleitoral apregoado. Mais do que isso, não foi possível identificar um padrão claro na alocação das mesmas , o que reforça a hipótese de que são múltiplas as estratégias para a alocação das emendas, e variam conforme a ambição de cada parlamentar. / This thesis considers the electoral connection in Brazil. Its main goal is to evaluate the impact of the individual budget amendments proposed by federal deputies on their chances of reelection. These amendments are traditionally associated to the maintenance of an archaic structure of relationship between politicians and their electorate, based on distributivist politics that seek to deliver concentrated benefits to the particular constituency of each deputy (pork barrel). This research analyzes the implementation of individual amendments during the 50ª, 51ª and 52ª legislatures, as well as the performance of the deputies that ran for the subsequent elections of 1998, 2002 and 2006. The conclusions of this thesis reveal that the implementation of individual budget amendments does not produce the expected positive electoral return. Moreover, the research did not identify any clear pattern for the allocation of the budget amendments, which strengthens the hypothesis that there are multiple strategies for the allocation of these amendments and that they vary according to the ambitions of each member of the parliament.

Who Gets Selected? : A quantitative analysis exploring the effect of ideology and electoral vulnerability on the ballot placement of ethnic minority women candidates

Gisgård, Hannah January 2018 (has links)
This quantitative study aims to investigate the mechanisms for ballot placement of underrepresented groups by examining how ideology and electoral vulnerability affect the ballot placement of ethnic minority women candidates in the case of the election to the Swedish Riksdag in 2018. Four hypotheses for the relationship are set: that the Red-Greenswillputethnicminoritywomencandidates higherupontheirballots;that the Alliance will put ethnic minority women candidates higher up on their ballots; that electoral vulnerability will have a stronger effect on the Red-Greens’ ballot placement of ethnic minority women candidates; that electoral vulnerability will have the same or no effect on the Red-Greens’ and the Alliance’s ballot placement of ethnic minority women candidates. The results show a significant relationship between ideology and ballot placement of ethnic minority women candidates but no effect of electoral vulnerability. The conclusion is therefore that the Red-Greens are more likely to put ethnic minority women higher up on their ballots compared to the Alliance, and that it does not matter if a party belongs to the Red-Greens or the Alliance, because if the party is at risk of electoral defeat the effect of electoral vulnerability on the ballot placement of ethnic minority women candidates will be the same in both blocs.

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