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Bateriový box pro elektromobil / Battery pack for an electric carList, Jaroslav January 2020 (has links)
Thesis deals with the design of a battery box with lithium-ion technology, for the largest possible driving range of the BUT SuperEL II electric car. Based on the analysis of the electric vehicle available space and the parameters of the electronic system, the maximum size of the entire set of 84s130p batteries was designed. 18650 cells with NMC technology were selected due to the very high gravimetric and volumetric density, which reaches 274 Wh/kg and 564 kWh/m3. The total nominal capacity of the designed battery boxes in the electric car is 138 kWh. The total gravimetric energy density of the designed box is 215.6 Wh/kg. It allows the electric car to reach the theoretical range with a consumption of 14 kWh/100 km of almost 1000 km. The individual battery modules of the battery box are controlled for optimal operating conditions by means of a BMS. The whole set is divided into 5 battery boxes. These boxes are manufactured using the technology of bent welded sheets from aluminum alloy EN AW 1050A and steel 1.4301. FEM analyzes were performed to verify the mechanical strength of the designed structure. The work also deals with the design of battery modules and their connection.
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Transdisziplinäre Produktentwicklung am Beispiel eines elektrisch getriebenen innerstädtischen ServicefahrzeugsGlatzel, Gerhard January 2012 (has links)
Lösungen der Elektromobilität gelten als große Herausforderung für Entwickler und Gestalter. Da die technischen, ökonomischen, gesellschaftlichen und politischen Randbedingungen einer zukünftigen Elektromobilität noch nicht fixiert sind und diese sich zudem gegenseitig beeinflussen, bedarf es bei der Gestaltung von elektrisch getriebenen Fahrzeugen eines effizienten und effektiven Zusammenspiels aller angesprochenen Disziplinen. Innovationen, die das Feld der Mobilität definieren, sind gesucht, wobei bei einer kurz- bis mittelfristigen Betrachtung sprunghafte Veränderungen nicht zu erwarten sind. Bekannte, weitgehend sequentielle und arbeitsteilige Arbeitsabläufe haben sich bislang kaum bewährt, wenn es darum geht, in kurzer Zeit erfolgreiche und zukunftsweisende Mobilitätslösungen zu generieren. Die erforderliche Entwicklungsdynamik kann nur von neuen, die Komplexität und Nichtlinearität des Zielsystems abbildenden Prozessen und Methoden erbracht werden. Dieser Text stellt einen möglichen organisatorischen Weg und einige konzeptionelle Ergebnisse vor. Beispiele für Ansätze der Automobilindustrie, das eigene Feld bei der Entwicklung von Mobilitätslösungen zu verlassen, sind der Future Award der Audi AG (Audi AG) und das BMW Guggenheim Lab (BMW AG). Zur Lösung der hier beschriebenen Aufgabe wurden in einem BMU-geförderten Forschungsvorhaben transdisziplinäre Vorgehensweisen zum Konzipieren und Gestalten eines elektrisch getriebenen innerstädtischen Servicefahrzeugs weiterentwickelt und an einem Ausführungsbeispiel erprobt (Autorenkollektiv). [... Einleitung]
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An Exploration of the Macroeconomic and Industry Factors Influencing the Implementation of Battery Electric Buses : A Multiple Case Study of the Swedish Public Transport SectorThakur, Viraj January 2022 (has links)
Background:Rising greenhouse gas levels through the use of traditional ICE technology in the transport industry have created a worldwide environmental crisis. Battery Electric Bus adoption is a prominent alternative currently being discussed in the public transport industry and represents an inevitable change towards a sustainable future. Purpose:The establishment of a theoretical framework that analyzes primary and secondary data todefine the factors promoting BEB implementation. Method:The study follows a qualitative research approach gathering data in the form of semi-structured interviews which are analyzed to develop an objective theory. Conclusion:The results show that the primary factors influencing diffusion of BEBs are technology factors, macro-economic factors, and socio-political factors. The research defines the relationships between them to further understand their effects on BEB diffusion. The findings develop a theoretical framework around these factors and their effects on one another and the diffusion of BEBs in the industry.
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Design of the model Community to Electric Vehicle to Community (C2V2C) for increased resilience and network friendliness in photovoltaic energy-sharing building communitiesOcampo Alvarez, Edgar Mauricio January 2022 (has links)
Both the solar photovoltaic (PV) installation and electric vehicles (EVs) deployment are increasing significantly in Sweden. With the large-scale integration of PV and EVs, problems such as the voltage deviations and overloading of components can arise, since the existing distribution grids are not designed to host the large shares of new EV loads and the intermittent PV power feed-in. This thesis investigates a C2V2C (i.e., Community to EV to Community) energy flow concept and evaluates how it can improve the power balance performances in communities with both PV and EV integrated in Sweden. Community refers to a group of buildings (i.e., two or more) connected within the same microgrid. It aims to develop a C2V2C model, which utilizes smart charging of electric vehicles to deliver electricity between different communities, for improving the performances at multiple-community-level. A coordinated control of EV smart charging is developed using the genetic algorithm, and its performance is compared with an existing individual control. Two control strategies are considered: (i) minimizing the peak energy exchanges with the grid and (ii) minimizing the electricity costs. Case studies are conducted considering a residential community and workplace community, as well as one EV commuting between them. The study results show that the advanced control achieves a cost reduction of up to 280 % in a summer week compared to the individual control. In a winter week, a performance improvement of up to 13 % can be achieved using advanced control. The advanced control can also reduce the energy exchange peaks with the power grid of the multiple communities. This study has proven the effectiveness of the C2V2C model in enhancing the local power balance at multiple-community-level. It will enhance the resilience and grid-friendliness of building communities, thus paving way for the large PV and EV penetration in the future.
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Improvement of the 1D CFD method for Thermal management of a Battery Electric VehicleCHHETRI, SASHWAT January 2022 (has links)
Electrification of vehicles is necessary to combat greenhouse gas emissions, whichcauses global warming and climate change. There has been a demand in the use ofBattery Electric Vehicles due to this increased awareness of sustainability. However,they have been beset with issues such as range and conservation of energy. A partof the solution could be an energy-efficient thermal management system. A 1-Dimensional (1-D) complete vehicle thermal model in GT-SUITE is used topredict the energy efficiency of the vehicle at the conceptual stage. The model helpspredict results quickly and is used for complete system-level simulations. This thesisfocuses on optimizing the method for predicting the realistic and accurate energyconsumption of the thermal management system in the vehicle at the 1-D level. TheCompact Modular Architecture (CMA) platform, which is the vehicle platform usedin current production cars by Volvo Cars will be used for the study and all studiesare performed using a standardized drive cycle. Initial sensitivity studies with afully open grille are performed to understand the operating points of the variouscomponents of interest to investigate. The mass flow rate, ambient temperature,battery temperature, and cooling fan speed are varied.The Active Grille Shutters (AGS) which provides aerodynamic benefit at high speedis implemented in the existing thermal model which could previously accommodateonly the fully open grille. This allows the grille shutters to vary at different anglesbased on cooling demand. The previous existing thermal model method also neededto be optimized to accommodate the AGS. The cooling fan control logic needed tobe improved for better accuracy and energy consumption prediction. Furthermore,the grille shutters and cooling fan speed is needed to regulate the amount of air flowthrough the heat exchangers for the model to behave as close to a real productionvehicle. A code was developed which generated fan speed and grille shutter anglesbased on mass flow rate values to input in the model.Further investigations were made with the optimized thermal model with AGS tostudy the influence of additional mass flow rate on the mass power consumptionof the thermal management system components of interest. It was observed in the initial sensitivity studies that the additional mass flow rate saw significant power savings. However, with the implementation of AGS and additional mass airflowinto the system, the power due to the variation of shutters is taken into account.The results indicate that the total power consumption gradually decreases with theincreasing mass flow rate. But, this is up to a certain extent where the energyconsumption due to the shutter opening takes over the overall power consumptionof the vehicle and overcomes the savings seen by other components in the system causing the total power to increase.
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Smart EV Charging for Improved Sustainable MobilityShivakumar, Ashutosh 06 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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A indústria automotiva em transição? análise do posicionamento das subsidiárias nacionais das montadoras frente aos desafios da mobilidade urbana sustentável no Brasil. / Positioning analysis of the national subsidiaries of automakers ahead to the challenges of sustainable urban mobility in Brazil.Lara, Felipe Ferreira de 23 November 2016 (has links)
Os desafios relacionados à mobilidade têm gerado diversas discussões entre todos os setores da sociedade e têm exercido influência determinante sobre o declínio da qualidade de vida das pessoas. No centro desta discussão está a dificuldade crescente em se acessar os serviços e as oportunidades presentes nas cidades em função das barreiras impostas pelos atuais padrões de mobilidade urbana. Partindo-se do entendimento de que a utilização do uso do modelo atual de mobilidade urbana é uma questão muito complexa, pois está enraizada na cultura em algumas sociedades, a pesquisa se utiliza de uma abordagem qualitativa por meio de um estudo multicasos (AB Volvo; Daimler AG; FIAT Chrysler Automobiles; PSA Peugeot Citroën S.A.; Renault S.A; Volkswagen Group AG) para avaliar como a indústria automotiva nacional se posiciona a partir de um processo de transição em que a mobilidade urbana vem enfrentando, no qual a sustentabilidade também é uma exigência da sociedade. E mais do que isso, o estudo busca avaliar se essa indústria de fato participa direta e ativamente dessa transição ou se posiciona de forma defensiva. O framework fornecido pela abordagem da Perspectiva Multi Nível ou MLP (do inglês MultiLevel Perspective) fornece uma teoria que conceitua padrões dinâmicos globais em transições sócio-técnicas por meio da combinação de conceitos como trajetórias, regimes e nichos e teoria institucional a partir do posicionamento de atores em contextos que se formam a partir de suas próprias ações. Ao apresentar o caso brasileiro e suas particularidades, a tese explora um contexto específico, de um dos principais fabricantes e mercados de consumo do mundo, mas que não conta com uma montadora de capital nacional. Ao focar as montadoras, a tese traz um recorte de um dos principais atores inseridos no processo de transição para a mobilidade urbana sustentável. / The mobility challenges have generated several discussions among all sectors of society and have exercised decisive influence on the decline in the quality of life. In the center of this discussion is the increasing difficulty in accessing services and opportunities in the cities due to the barriers imposed by current patterns of urban mobility. Starting from the understanding that the use of the current mobility model is a very complex issue, because it is rooted in the culture in some societies, the research uses a qualitative approach through a multicases study (AB Volvo, Daimler AG, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, PSA Peugeot Citroën SA, Renault SA, Volkswagen Group AG) to evaluate how the national automotive industry is positioned from a transition process in which urban mobility is facing, in which sustainability is also a requirement of society. And more than that, the study aims to assess whether the fact that industry participate or directly and actively in this transition or it is positioned defensively. The framework provided by the approach of the MLP (MultiLevel Perspective) provides a theory that conceptualizes global dynamic patterns in socio-technical transitions through the combination of concepts like trajectories, schemes and niches and institutional theory from the positioning of actors in some contexts. Presenting the case of Brazil and its particularities, the thesis explores a specific context, an important manufacturer and consumer in the automotive industry, but that does not have a national automaker. By focusing on the automakers, the thesis brings a look of one of the most important actors inserted in the transition process to the sustainable urban mobility.
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A indústria automotiva em transição? análise do posicionamento das subsidiárias nacionais das montadoras frente aos desafios da mobilidade urbana sustentável no Brasil. / Positioning analysis of the national subsidiaries of automakers ahead to the challenges of sustainable urban mobility in Brazil.Felipe Ferreira de Lara 23 November 2016 (has links)
Os desafios relacionados à mobilidade têm gerado diversas discussões entre todos os setores da sociedade e têm exercido influência determinante sobre o declínio da qualidade de vida das pessoas. No centro desta discussão está a dificuldade crescente em se acessar os serviços e as oportunidades presentes nas cidades em função das barreiras impostas pelos atuais padrões de mobilidade urbana. Partindo-se do entendimento de que a utilização do uso do modelo atual de mobilidade urbana é uma questão muito complexa, pois está enraizada na cultura em algumas sociedades, a pesquisa se utiliza de uma abordagem qualitativa por meio de um estudo multicasos (AB Volvo; Daimler AG; FIAT Chrysler Automobiles; PSA Peugeot Citroën S.A.; Renault S.A; Volkswagen Group AG) para avaliar como a indústria automotiva nacional se posiciona a partir de um processo de transição em que a mobilidade urbana vem enfrentando, no qual a sustentabilidade também é uma exigência da sociedade. E mais do que isso, o estudo busca avaliar se essa indústria de fato participa direta e ativamente dessa transição ou se posiciona de forma defensiva. O framework fornecido pela abordagem da Perspectiva Multi Nível ou MLP (do inglês MultiLevel Perspective) fornece uma teoria que conceitua padrões dinâmicos globais em transições sócio-técnicas por meio da combinação de conceitos como trajetórias, regimes e nichos e teoria institucional a partir do posicionamento de atores em contextos que se formam a partir de suas próprias ações. Ao apresentar o caso brasileiro e suas particularidades, a tese explora um contexto específico, de um dos principais fabricantes e mercados de consumo do mundo, mas que não conta com uma montadora de capital nacional. Ao focar as montadoras, a tese traz um recorte de um dos principais atores inseridos no processo de transição para a mobilidade urbana sustentável. / The mobility challenges have generated several discussions among all sectors of society and have exercised decisive influence on the decline in the quality of life. In the center of this discussion is the increasing difficulty in accessing services and opportunities in the cities due to the barriers imposed by current patterns of urban mobility. Starting from the understanding that the use of the current mobility model is a very complex issue, because it is rooted in the culture in some societies, the research uses a qualitative approach through a multicases study (AB Volvo, Daimler AG, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, PSA Peugeot Citroën SA, Renault SA, Volkswagen Group AG) to evaluate how the national automotive industry is positioned from a transition process in which urban mobility is facing, in which sustainability is also a requirement of society. And more than that, the study aims to assess whether the fact that industry participate or directly and actively in this transition or it is positioned defensively. The framework provided by the approach of the MLP (MultiLevel Perspective) provides a theory that conceptualizes global dynamic patterns in socio-technical transitions through the combination of concepts like trajectories, schemes and niches and institutional theory from the positioning of actors in some contexts. Presenting the case of Brazil and its particularities, the thesis explores a specific context, an important manufacturer and consumer in the automotive industry, but that does not have a national automaker. By focusing on the automakers, the thesis brings a look of one of the most important actors inserted in the transition process to the sustainable urban mobility.
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Entwicklungshürden der Elektromobilität: Das Verhältnis zwischen Antriebsparadigma und AutomobilleitbildScherf, Christian 14 January 2020 (has links)
Im Entwicklungsplan Elektromobilität der Deutschen
Bundesregierung wird „eine technologische
Zeitenwende im Verkehrsbereich“ angekündigt.
Tatsächlich zeigt die technikhistorische
Rückschau, dass die Wahl des
Antriebs die Bedeutung des Automobils insgesamt
Im vorliegenden InnoZ-Baustein wird mit den
Begriffen Paradigma und Leitbild eine soziologische
Unterscheidungshilfe vorgeschlagen,
um die innerwissenschaftliche mit der gesamtgesellschaftlichen
Entwicklung zu vergleichen.
Die Begriffe beschreiben in doppelter Hinsicht
die kulturelle 'Verfestigung' automobiler Entwicklungen
zu einem Funktionsraum aus
technischer, politischer und sozialer Dimension.
Die Geschichte des Elektromobils zeigt,
dass es nicht allein aufgrund technologischer
Defizite unterlegen war, sondern weil es den
einmal gesetzten Parametern des automobilen
Funktionsraums immer weniger entsprach.
Dies zeigt das Beispiel des gescheiterten Elektromobiles
im Frankreich der 1970er Jahre.
Die Arbeit gelangt zu dem Schluss, dass für
den Erfolg der Elektromobilität das Verhältnis
zwischen den Überzeugungen der Fachwelt
und den Ansprüchen der Öffentlichkeit von
zentraler Bedeutung ist. Ein ausgewogenes
Verhältnis ist durch eine „konzertierte Aktion“
aus technologischem Paradigmenwechsel und
gesellschaftlichem Leitbildwandel erreichbar.
Dies beinhaltet ein grundlegend neues Verständnis
von (Auto)mobilität, wie es sich durch
Schlagwörter wie City Car, Public Electric / Nothing less than “a technological turn of the
tides” has been announced by the Cabinet of
Germany in its master plan for electromobility,
the Entwicklungsplan Elektromobilität. Indeed,
the techno-historical retrospective shows that
the choice of propulsion has a great effect on
the automobile as such.
This issue of the InnoZ-Baustein proposes a
classification approach via the terms paradigm
and visions of technology. These terms allow
for a comparison between innovation within
the scientific community and within the whole
of society. Also, they describe - in two distinct
respects - the cultural “hardening” of automotive
development towards a confined space.
This space is constructed in three dimensions:
the technological, the political and the social
dimension. The history of the electric vehicle
shows that this technology was ultimately noncompetitive
not only due to technological hurdles
but also because it just did not fit with the
confined space of the automobile. This is well
demonstrated by the example of the failed
electric vehicle in the France of the 1970s.
The paper concludes with the finding that the
balance between expert opinion s and public
requirements is of essential relevance for the
successful introduction of electromobility. A
well balanced ratio is achievable through a
“concentrated initiative” of change regarding
the technological paradigm as well as the societal
principle. This includes a fundamentally
new perspective on (auto)mobility – represented
by the key words City Car, Public
Electric Car or Vehicle to Grid.
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Electromobility in the News Media: A Qualitative Analysis of News Magazines in Germany and the U.S.Jahn, Daniel 01 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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