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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo eletromiográfico simultâneo das regiões superior, média e inferior do músculo masseter em indivíduos portadores de maloclusão classe III de Angle. / Electromyographic study of superior, middle and inferior regions of masseter muscle in ANGLE’s class III malocclusion.

Gomes, Antonio Carlos Pereira 04 December 2001 (has links)
A parte superficial do músculo masseter, subdividido em três regiões - superior, média e inferior - foi estudado por meio da eletromiografia de superfície em pacientes com maloclusão dental classe III de Angle. Participaram deste estudo 14 pacientes (4 do sexo masculino, 10 do sexo feminino, com idade de 7 a 12 anos). Utilizou-se o “scan" nº. 9 do eletromiógrafo modelo K6-I/EMG Eight Channel Surface Electromyograph (Myo-tronics Co., Seatle, WA, EUA). Empregou-se na análise estatística não-paramétrica o teste de Wilcoxon para a comparação entre os lados, e o teste de Friedman para a comparação entre as regiões. Concluiu-se que: (1) nos movimentos de Abertura e Fechamento, Deglutição de Saliva, Oclusão Cêntrica Forçada e Mordida Molar Bilateral com Algodão, houve diferença estatística significante de atividade entre os lados, e o músculo masseter esquerdo apresentou maior atividade eletromiográfica que o músculo masseter direito; (2) a atividade da região superior predominou nas posições de Repouso e Repouso Pós-Exercícios, com diferença estatística significante, seguida pelas atividades das regiões média e inferior, respectivamente; (3) a atividade da região inferior predominou nos movimentos de Propulsão Livre, Deglutição de Água, Deglutição de Saliva e Desvio Lateral Esquerdo sem Contato, com diferença estatística significante, seguida pelas atividades das regiões média e superior, respectivamente; (4) a atividade da região inferior também foi predominante nos movimentos de Abaixamento Livre, Abertura e Fechamento, Abertura contra Resistência e Propulsão contra Resistência, com diferença estatística significante; e (5) a região média apresentou atividade intermediária às demais regiões nas posições de Repouso e Repouso Pós-Exercícios, e nos movimentos de Abertura e Fechamento, Abertura contra Resistência, Propulsão Livre, Deglutição de Água e de Saliva, e Desvio Lateral Esquerdo sem Contato, com diferença estatística significante. / The participation of superior, middle and inferior regions of superficial masseter was evaluated by surface electromyography of 14 patients, 04 male and 10 female, ranging in age from 7 to 12 years, with Angle’s class III dental malocclusion. The Scan #9 of the computerized program of K6-I/EMG Eight Channel Surface Electromyograph system (Myo-tronics Co., Seatle, WA, EUA) was employed with bipolar surface double electrodes. The non-parametric test of Wilcoxon was employed to the comparison between sides, and the non-parametric test of Friedman was employed to the comparison among regions. It was concluded that: (1) at the “opening and closing", “swallowing saliva", “centric occlusion" and “clenching with cotton rolls bilaterally at molar region", there was statistical differences between sides, and the left masseter developed more activity; (2) the superior region developed more activity with statistical differences at “rest" and “rest after exercises" positions, and was followed by the activity of middle and inferior regions, respectively; (3) the inferior region developed more activity with statistical differences at “free protraction of the jaw", “swallowing water", “swallowing saliva" and “lateral movement to the left side without occlusal contact", and was followed by the activity of middle and superior regions, respectively; (4) the inferior region developed more activity with statistical differences at “free opening", “opening and closing", “opening of the jaw against resistance" and “protraction of the jaw against resistance"; and (5) the middle region developed intermediary activity with statistical differences at “rest" and “resting after exercises", and at “opening and closing", “opening the jaw against resistance", “free protraction", “swallowing water", “swallowing saliva", and “lateral movement to the left side without occlusal contact".

Análise de parâmetros eletromiográficos durante testes de contrações isométricas fatigantes e do efeito de um treinamento de resistência de curta duração

Cardozo, Adalgiso Coscrato [UNESP] 17 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:30:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-04-17Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:00:56Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 cardozo_ac_dr_rcla.pdf: 3587488 bytes, checksum: ff0be2637194999f9f8d93c83e5adb1a (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o comportamento de variáveis de amplitude e freqüência do sinal eletromiográfico (EMG) do músculo longuíssimo do tórax durante exercícios isométricos fatigantes e o efeito de um treinamento de resistência de curta duração. Participaram deste estudo 20 voluntários do gênero masculino, divididos em dois grupos: grupo controle (GC) e grupo treinamento (GT). Os resultados apontaram a possibilidade em se identificar o limiar de fadiga eletromiográfico (EMGLF) nas diversas combinações de cargas e inclusive por meio de protocolo de teste de 30 segundos para o músculo longuíssimo do tórax. As variáveis de amplitude e freqüência do sinal EMG apresentaram altos valores de reprodutibilidade. No domínio das freqüências as bandas de freqüência do sinal, as mais baixas são as mais influenciadas pelo processo de fadiga sendo que no domínio do tempo os valores iniciais de root mean square (RMS) são influenciados pelo nível de carga não ocorrendo o mesmo para os valores iniciais de freqüência mediana (FM) e freqüência média (Fmed), portanto os parâmetros de amplitude são mais indicados para verificação de nível de contração muscular do que parâmetros de freqüência do sinal EMG. Quanto ao protocolo de treino, foi verificado que o tempo de resistência isométrica (TRI) foi significantemente maior para a condição pós-treino do GT comparada à condição pré-treino do GT e comparada à condição pós-treino do GC. Nenhuma diferença foi encontrada na análise entre as condições pré-treino e pós-treino para ambos os grupos bilateralmente, para todas as variáveis eletromiográficas. / The aim of the present was to analyze the behavior of the electromyographic and tiguing test and the effect of a short endurance training. Participated in this study 20 male health subjects, divided into two groups: control group (CG) and training groups (TG). The EMG signals were detected using disposable pre-gelled bipolar surface electrodes (Medi-Trace) with 1cm of diameter and positioned with an interelectrode distance of 3cm. The electrodes were placed in a bipolar configuration bilaterally over the right longissimus thoracis and left longissimus thoracis muscles leveled at the spinous process L1, displaced 3cm laterally. The results showed the possibility in identifying the phic fatigue threshold (EMGFT) by means the load combination and electromyogra by means the 30 seconds protocol. It is also possible to note highs reliable values to the amplitude and frequency variables. Analyzing the frequency banding it is possible to note that the low frequencies are more affected by the fatigue process. Besides, the initial values to the root mean square (RMS) are influenced by the load level, and the median frequency (MF) and the mean power frequency (MPF) are not. About the training protocol, it was verify an increase in the endurance time (ET) to the pos training condition. No difference was found to the EMG variables after training.

Estudo da atividade mioelétrica em exercícios isométricos com diferentes contrações / Study of myoeletric activity in isometric exercise with different contractions

Emanuele Moraes Mello 15 January 2007 (has links)
Para atividade isométrica há relativamente pouca fundamentação na literatura que aborde o contexto de sua variação em função da contração muscular. Assim, este trabalho buscou estudar exercícios isométricos realizados de formas distintas, com o objetivo de verificar variações na atividade mioelétrica. No exercício denominado dissipativo, a contração voluntária é realizada contra um fio inextensível, e no conservativo, a mesma carga é sustentada segurando um peso. Este estudo demonstrou experimentalmente que os sinais de eletromiografia de superfície são diferentes em função do tipo de força isométrica contra a qual o músculo contrai. Os resultados mostram que as diferenças entre os exercícios dissipativo e conservativo dependem do nível de força utilizado, sendo maior em níveis elevados. Os resultados levam a supor que a diferença está associada ao padrão de ativação muscular e ao tipo de fibra muscular recrutada de forma predominante, durante a execução de uma ou outra atividade. De maneira geral, as análises permitem inferir que os exercícios dissipativos apresentam maior ativação muscular e maior ativação de fibras de contração lenta. Já o conservativo, apresenta menor ativação muscular e maior ativação de fibras de contração rápida. As diferenças obtidas foram confirmadas pelas técnicas de visualização denominadas coordenadas paralelas e Viz3D. Estas apresentaram grande potencialidade para o estudo destes sinais, por possibilitar incluir os parâmetros de diferentes sujeitos e músculos como atributos dos exercícios, resultando numa avaliação globalizada. Isso permitiu afirmar que os exercícios apresentam características diferentes. / There are few studies about isometric activity at the literature that approaches the context of his variation in function of the muscle contraction. The aim of the present study is an evaluation of isometric exercises in different ways, analyzing variations at mioelectric activity. In the exercise named dissipative, the voluntary contraction pulls an inextensible wire, whereas in the exercise named conservative the same load is pulled by lifting weights. This study showed experimentally that the electromyography signals are different in function of the two kind of isometric exercises. The results show that the differences among the dissipative and conservative exercises depend on the level of force used, being larger in high levels. These results may be related to the different pattern of muscular activation and the muscular fiber type. The dissipative exercises show a larger muscular activation and larger activation of fibers of slow contraction, whereas the conservative have smaller muscular activation and larger activation of fast contraction fibers. The obtained differences were confirmed by the visualization techniques denominated parallel coordinates and Viz3D. These kind of analyses presented great potentiality for the study of these signals, making possible to include the parameters of subjects and muscles differences as exercises attributes, possibly a global evaluation. The conclusion of this work is that these two isometric exercises present different characteristics.

Razão da força muscular e eletromiográfica dos músculos extensores e flexores cervicais em indivíduos com migrânea - um estudo transversal / Extensor/flexor ratio of neck muscle strength and electromyographic activity of individuals with migraine - a cross-sectional study

Benatto, Mariana Tedeschi 26 October 2018 (has links)
Objetivo: verificar a razão extensores/flexores dos músculos cervicais no âmbito de força muscular e atividade eletromiográfica durante a mensuração da força na contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM) e teste de flexão craniocervical (TFCC) em pacientes com migrânea e em indivíduos sem cefaleia. Além de verificar o desempenho muscular, avaliado pelo TFCC, em ambos os grupos. Materiais e métodos: foram incluídas 52 mulheres com diagnóstico de migrânea segundo a Classificação Internacional de Cefaleias e 52 mulheres sem histórico de cefaleia ou dor cervical com idade entre 18 e 55 anos. No grupo migrânea os questionários Neck Disability Index, Migraine Disability Assessment e 12-item Allodynia Symptom Checklist foram aplicados. Em ambos os grupos a força dos músculos flexores e extensores cervicais foi avaliada utilizando-se um dinamômetro manual (Lafayette Instrument Company®, Lafayette, IN, USA). A CIVM foi mantida por 3 segundos e foram realizadas 3 repetições. Além do teste de força, o TFCC também foi realizado para os dois grupos utilizando-se o dispositivo de pressão Stabilizer Pressure Biofeedback® (Chatanooga, Hixson, TN, USA). O dispositivo, incialmente, foi inflado a 20 mmHg e a participante deveria aumentar 2 mmHg a cada estágio, totalizando cinco estágios (30 mmHg), e manter a pressão por 10 segundos. Em ambos os testes, para os dois grupos, a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos cervicais foi avaliada por meio de sensores de superfície sem fio (TrignoTM Wireless System, Delsys Inc. Boston, MA). Resultados: observamos que o grupo migrânea apresenta uma redução na força dos músculos flexores em comparação ao grupo controle e consequentemente, uma maior razão de força dos músculos extensores/flexores além de uma reduzida razão eletromiográfica dos músculos extensores/flexores durante a CIVM em flexão. Nossos resultados demonstraram ainda uma pior performance no TFCC no grupo migrânea e consequente aumento da razão eletromiográfica dos músculos extensores/flexores cervicais no último estágio do teste. Conclusão: de acordo com os nossos resultados podemos concluir que mulheres com migrânea apresentam um notável desequilíbrio dos músculos flexores e extensores cervicais em comparação a controles não apenas na produção de força, mas também na atividade muscular. / Objective: To verify the extensor/flexor ratio of neck muscle strength and electromyographic activity at maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) and at the craniocervical flexion test (CCFT) of patients with migraine and of individuals with no history of headache. In addition, we aimed to assess the performance of both groups at the CCFT. Materials and methods: Fifty-two women with a diagnosis of migraine according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders and 52 women without history of migraine or cervical pain with ages between 18 and 55 years were included. The Neck Disability Index, Migraine Disability Assessment and 12-item Allodynia Symptom Checklist questionnaires were applied to the migraine group. In both groups, cervical muscle strength was assessed during a MVIC using a hand-held dynamometer (Lafayette Instrument Company®, Lafayette, IN, USA). The MVCI was maintained for 3 seconds and 3 repetitions were performed. The CCFT was also performed by the two groups using the Stabilizer Pressure Biofeedback® (Chatanooga, Hixson, TN, USA). The device was initially inflated to 20 mmHg and the participant had to increase 2 mmHg at each stage, achieving five stages (30 mmHg), and maintaining the pressure for 10 seconds. In both tests, the electromyographic activity of the cervical muscles was evaluated using wireless surface sensors (TrignoTM Wireless System, Delsys Inc. Boston, MA). Results: migraine group has a reduction in flexor muscle strength compared to the control group and consequently a greater muscle strength ratio of extensor/flexor and a reduced electromyographic ratio of the extensor/flexor muscles during MVIC in flexion. Our results also demonstrated a worse performance in the CCFT in the migraine group and consequent increase in the electromyographic ratio of the extensor/flexor neck muscles in the last stage of the test. Conclusion: women with migraine present a remarkable imbalance of the flexor and extensors cervical muscles compared to controls not only in the production of strength but also in muscle activity.

Atividade muscular e alterações mandibulares em usuários de prótese fixa implanto suportada / Muscular activity and mandibular bone changes on patients provided with implant-supported fixed prosthesis

Lopes, Mônica Moraes Waldemarin 30 October 2006 (has links)
Objetivo: As alterações na altura óssea da região posterior ao último implante mandibular em indivíduos reabilitados com próteses fixas implanto suportadas foram correlacionadas com força de mordida (FM) e com a atividade massetérica em função. Métodos: radiografias panorâmicas antes e 1 ano depois da reabilitação de 10 pacientes do Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais (HRAC – USP), foram avaliadas quanto à presença de alteração dimensional óssea. A FM foi registrada por meio de um gnatodinamômetro. Eletromiografia dos masseteres foi realizada e traduzida pelos parâmetros: contração voluntária isométrica máxima (CVIM) durante 5 segundos, mastigação habitual de cenoura (MHC) e mastigação unilateral direita (MUD) e esquerda (MUE) com látex. Resultados: houve um aumento médio da altura óssea mandibular de 0,23 ±0,4 mm; a FM média foi 42 ±5,9 Kgf e a CVIM foi de 66,7 ±23,7 µV. Os valores médios para MHC foram: ato 0,52 ±0,02 s; ciclo 1,3± 0,67s e amplitude (potência) 85,98 ±19,53µV; para MUD com látex foram: ato 0,59s, ciclo 0,89 ±0,22s amplitude 86,93 ±26,67µV, e os da MUE com látex foram: ato 0,56s, ciclo 1,35 ±0,69s e amplitude 90,89 ±32,96µV. Somente houve significância estatística do lado direito entre alteração dimensional óssea e o ato da MHC (p= 0,036); do lado esquerdo com o ato da MUD com látex - lado de balanceio (p= 0,026). Conclusão: o aumento médio da altura óssea na região posterior da mandíbula não se correlacionou significantemente com a maioria dos parâmetros analisados, sugerindo que a duração, mais que a potência da atividade muscular pode ter influência nas alturas observadas. / Objectives: Changes on mandibular high posterior to the most distally positioned implant on patients provided with implant-supported fixed prosthesis were related to bite force (FM) and functional maseteric activity. Methods: orthopantograms taken before and one year after rehabilitation of 10 patients from the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies (HRAC-USP) were evaluated. The FM was registered by a gnatodynamometer. Electromyography of masseteric muscle was performed and interpreted as follows: maximum voluntary isometric clench (CVIM) during 5 seconds, habitual chewing of carrot (MHC) and unilateral right (MUD) and left (MUE) chewing with latex. Results: there was a mean increases in mandibular bone high of 0,23 ± 0,4mm; the mean FM was 42 ±5,9Kgf and CVIM was 66,7 ± 23,7 µV. The mean values for MHC were: act 0,52± 0,02s; cycle 1,3± 0,67s and the voltage amplitudes 85,98± 19,53µV; for MUD with latex the values were: act 0,59s, cycle 1,35 ± 0,69s and voltage amplitudes 90,89± 32,96µV. There was only statistically significant difference between dimensional bone changes and act of MHI (p= 0,036) for the right side; and for the left side between MUD act with latex and balance side (p=0,026). Conclusions: the mean increase on bone high observed at the posterior region of the mandible was not significantly related to the majority of the analyzed parameters. This suggests that the lasting more than the amplitude of the muscular activity may have influenced the measurements observed.


Bezerra, Ewertton de Souza 12 April 2006 (has links)
Dentre os fatores relacionados ao treinamento, a escolha do exercício representa um dos aspectos menos abordados na literatura especializada. Ainda que seja determinante para a implementação do treinamento, tendo em vista que se trata do vetor a partir dos quais as adaptações neuro-musculares irão ocorrer, pouco se tem estudado acerca de suas características biomecânicas. O presente estudo objetivou caracterizar as ações de músculos do membro inferior durante a execução do levantamento terra no estilo convencional (LT) e na sua variação com os joelhos estendidos (LTJE). No protocolo proposto as variáveis relativas a atividade muscular foram registradas através de sistema de aquisição EMG 1000 (Lynx Inc). Para cada um dos músculos analisados - bíceps femoral (BF), vasto lateral (VL), multifido lombar (ML), tibial anterior (TA) e gastrocnêmio medial (GM) - foram analisados parâmetros relativos ao nível de máxima ativação durante o movimento, ao padrão temporal de ativação e ao tempo de contração. Para o nível de máxima ativação durante o LT, o BF (1,001±0,247U.A), VL (1,283±0,339U.A), (1,127±0,427U.A), TA (1,040±0,188U.A), GM (1,0385±0,120U.A) apresentaram variações discretas e não significativas (p<0,05). quando comparados com o LTJE, onde o BF apresentou (0.986±0,285U.A), o VL (1,011±0,146U.A), ML (1,060±0,205U.A), TA (1,092±0,153U.A), GM (1,083±0,163U.A). Comportamento semelhante foi verificado para o tempo de contração. As ausências de diferenças significativas evidenciam que os dois movimentos não apresentam estruturas diferentes, pois o comportamento temporal, intensidade de ativação muscular e tempo de ativação são semelhantes, o que mostra efetividade na utilização destes como estratégia de implementação em programas de treinamento e de reabilitação física. / Among the factors related to the training, the exercise choice represents one of the aspects less boarded in specialized literature. Yet it is determinative for the training implementation and considering it attends the vector that from it the neuromuscular adaptations will occur, and its biomechanical characteristics have been little studied. The present study aimed at characterizing the actions of selected muscles of the inferior member during the execution of the deadlift in the conventional style (LT) and its variation with the extended knees (LTJE). In the proposed protocol the variants of EMG have been registered by the acquisition system EMG1000 (Lynx Inc). For each analized muscle – lateral hamstring (BF), lateral vastus (VL), multifidus lumbar (ML), anterior tibia (TA) and medial gastrocnemius (GM) – were analized parameters related to the maximum activation level during the movement, to activation time standard and to contraction time. For the maximum activation level during the LT, the BF (1,001±0,247U.A), VL (1,283±0,339U.A), (1,127±0,427U.A), TA (1,040±0,188U.A), GM (1,0385±0,120U.A) have been presented discrete variations without significant differences (p<0,05), when compared with the LTJE, where the BF presented (0.986±0,285U.A), the VL (1,011±0,146U.A), ML (1,060±0,205U.A), TA (1,092±0,153U.A), GM (1,083±0,163U.A). The same result was verified for the contraction time. The absence of significant differences makes evident that both movement didn’t present different structures, therefore the activation time standard, the maximum muscular activation and contraction time were equal, what it shows effectiveness in the use of these as strategy of implementation in programs of training and physical rehabilitation.

Estudo da atividade mioelétrica em exercícios isométricos com diferentes contrações / Study of myoeletric activity in isometric exercise with different contractions

Mello, Emanuele Moraes 15 January 2007 (has links)
Para atividade isométrica há relativamente pouca fundamentação na literatura que aborde o contexto de sua variação em função da contração muscular. Assim, este trabalho buscou estudar exercícios isométricos realizados de formas distintas, com o objetivo de verificar variações na atividade mioelétrica. No exercício denominado dissipativo, a contração voluntária é realizada contra um fio inextensível, e no conservativo, a mesma carga é sustentada segurando um peso. Este estudo demonstrou experimentalmente que os sinais de eletromiografia de superfície são diferentes em função do tipo de força isométrica contra a qual o músculo contrai. Os resultados mostram que as diferenças entre os exercícios dissipativo e conservativo dependem do nível de força utilizado, sendo maior em níveis elevados. Os resultados levam a supor que a diferença está associada ao padrão de ativação muscular e ao tipo de fibra muscular recrutada de forma predominante, durante a execução de uma ou outra atividade. De maneira geral, as análises permitem inferir que os exercícios dissipativos apresentam maior ativação muscular e maior ativação de fibras de contração lenta. Já o conservativo, apresenta menor ativação muscular e maior ativação de fibras de contração rápida. As diferenças obtidas foram confirmadas pelas técnicas de visualização denominadas coordenadas paralelas e Viz3D. Estas apresentaram grande potencialidade para o estudo destes sinais, por possibilitar incluir os parâmetros de diferentes sujeitos e músculos como atributos dos exercícios, resultando numa avaliação globalizada. Isso permitiu afirmar que os exercícios apresentam características diferentes. / There are few studies about isometric activity at the literature that approaches the context of his variation in function of the muscle contraction. The aim of the present study is an evaluation of isometric exercises in different ways, analyzing variations at mioelectric activity. In the exercise named dissipative, the voluntary contraction pulls an inextensible wire, whereas in the exercise named conservative the same load is pulled by lifting weights. This study showed experimentally that the electromyography signals are different in function of the two kind of isometric exercises. The results show that the differences among the dissipative and conservative exercises depend on the level of force used, being larger in high levels. These results may be related to the different pattern of muscular activation and the muscular fiber type. The dissipative exercises show a larger muscular activation and larger activation of fibers of slow contraction, whereas the conservative have smaller muscular activation and larger activation of fast contraction fibers. The obtained differences were confirmed by the visualization techniques denominated parallel coordinates and Viz3D. These kind of analyses presented great potentiality for the study of these signals, making possible to include the parameters of subjects and muscles differences as exercises attributes, possibly a global evaluation. The conclusion of this work is that these two isometric exercises present different characteristics.

Lower Extremity Neuromechanics During a Forward-Side Jump Following Functional Fatigue in Patients with Ankle Instability

Kim, Hyun 01 June 2015 (has links)
Ankle instability (AI) and fatigue impair neuromuscular control as well as dynamic joint stability of the lower extremity. No one has comprehensively examined the effects of AI and fatigue on neuromechanics of the lower extremity during a functional activity. Deficits associated with AI and fatigue could be additive in increasing the risk for injury in patients with AI. PURPOSE: To examine the interaction of AI and fatigue on lower extremity muscle activity, kinematic, and kinetic patterns during a forward-side jump. METHODS: 25 AI (23.3 ± 1.9 yrs, 176.5 ± 10.5 cm, 70.9 ± 11.4 kg), and 25 matched control subjects (23.7 ± 2.5 yrs, 175.0 ± 10.8 cm, 70.3 ± 12.8 kg) were categorized according to the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM) (ADL: 84.3 ± 7.6%, Sport: 63.6 ± 8.6%) and the Modified Ankle Instability Instrument (MAII) (3.7 ± 1.2). Fifty-nine reflective markers were place over anatomical landmarks and eight electromyography (EMG) electrodes were placed on tibialis anterior (TA), peroneus longus (PL), medial gastrocmedius (MG), medial hamstring (MH), vastus lateralis (VL), adductor longus (AL), gluteus medius (GMed), and gluteus maximus (GMax) muscles in the involved leg. Subjects performed five forward-side jumps on a force plate before and after functional fatiguing exercises. To induce fatigue, subjects began 5-min incremental running on a treadmill between 5 and 6 mph. Next, subjects performed 20-second lateral counter movement jumps (CMJ), and 20 vertical CMJs. After each fatigue cycle, subjects performed one max vertical jump. Subjects repeated three exercises until Borg's rating of perceived exertion (RPE) reached 17 and the vertical jump height fell below 80% of their max jump height. Functional analysis of variance (FANOVA) (p < 0.05) was used to evaluate differences (a group by fatigue interaction) between two conditions (pre- vs post-fatigue) in each group (AI and control) for lower-extremity kinematic, kinetic and neuromuscular patterns. Pairwise comparison functions as well as 95% confidence interval (CI) bands were plotted to determine specific differences. If 95% CI bands did not cross the zero line, we considered the difference significant. RESULTS: Compared to the control group, the AI group demonstrated less range of dorsiflexion, knee and hip flexion motions during early phase of landing after fatigue. For sagittal-plane hip kinetics, subjects with AI decreased the hip extension moment while control subjects increased hip extension moments during landing following functional fatiguing exercise. The AI group showed less reduction of anterior-posterior ground reaction force (AP GRF) during transition phase of a forward-side jump after fatigue compared to control subjects. The AI group decreased EMG amplitude of PL, MH, and GMed while increased VL and GMax during landing after fatigue compared to control subjects. CONCLUSION: AI subjects demonstrated greater impairments in neuromechanical control patterns than a matched control group during a sport movement as fatigue progressed. Compared to AI group, control subjects showed a coordinated joint control strategy after fatigue, increasing joint angles from distal (ankle) to proximal (hip) joints by increasing hip extensor moments during landing from a forward-side jump in an attempt to reduce ground impact force. EMG alterations were consistent with patterns observed in injured patients, which may predispose patients to poor positions associated with lower extremity joint injury. These interactions between neuromuscular fatigue and AI may predispose individuals to lower extremity injuries.

Interfacing and Control of Artificial Hands

Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis discusses three projects that revolve around the central concept of the control of artificial hands. The first part of the thesis discusses the design of a museum exhibit for the South Florida Science Center that allows the public to control an i-limb Revolution prosthetic hand using electromyograph (EMG) sensors. A custom armature was designed to house the EMG sensors that are used to control the prosthesis. The top arm of the armature utilized a double rocker design for a greater range of motion which allows the display to accommodate arm sizes ranging from small children to large adults. This display became open to the public in March of 2019. The second part of the thesis describes a new concept for a simultaneous multi-object grasp using the Shadow hand robotic hand. This grasp is tested in an experiment that involves grasp and transportation tasks. This experiment also aims to analyze the benefit of soft robotic haptic feedback armband during the grasp and transportation tasks when a simulated break threshold is imposed on the objects. The usefulness of the haptic feedback was further tested with a guess the object task where the subjects had to determine which object was in the hand based solely off the armband. The new grasp synergy was deemed a success as all subjects were able to use the control method effectively with very little initial training. It was also found that the haptic feedback greatly aided in the successfully completing the transportation tasks. The human subjects were asked to rate the haptic feedback after each task, the overall rating for the helpfulness of the haptic feedback was rated as 4.6 out of 5. The final part of the thesis discusses an approach at gaining additional control signals for a dexterous artificial hand using a brain computer interface. This project seeks to investigate three neuromarkers for control which are: mu, xi and alpha. During analysis, the mu rhythm was not seen in our subject but alpha and xi were. Using deep learning approaches at classification, we were able to classify alpha and xi with at least a 90 percent accuracy. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2019. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Role of an Aquatic and Non Aquatic Environment on Trunk Muscle Activation

VandenBerg, Jeanne P. 01 May 2011 (has links)
Low back pain (LBP) is a widespread problem affecting a number of people. Traditionally treated by nonoperative approaches the recent development of water currents and treadmills imbedded into pools has spurred physical therapists and athletic trainers to incorporate the use of aquatic therapy into their rehabilitation programs. OBJECTIVE: Determine if select trunk muscle activity levels are different in water-based exercises compared to land-based exercises. METHODS: 11 healthy male participants age 25.9 ± 5.53 years, whom did not have a history of and were not currently experiencing LBP or injury. Muscle activity was monitored via electromyography (EMG) at the rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique (EO), lower abdominals (LA), erector spinae (ES), and lumbar multifidis (MT). Each subject performed (1) maximum voluntary contractions (MVC’s), (2) land-based exercises, and (3) water-based exercises. A paired samples t test was used to compare abdominal bracing (ABbrace), abdominal hallowing (ABhol), Anterior/Posterior pelvic tilts (APTilts), and lateral pelvic tilts (LatTilts) between comparable land and water conditions; general linear model-repeated measures was run to compare the 11 different water exercises; ABbrace, ABhol, APTilts, LatTilts, physioball push down (PBPushDown), PB lateral flexion, PB transverse rotations, stationary marching, leg abduction, and wall sits with sagittal and transverse plane arm movements. Follow-up multiple comparisons (LSD) were performed between water exercises using a Holm’s corrected alpha level set at 0.05. RESULTS: Land-based exercises elicited greater EMG activity compared to water-based activities for all muscles (%MVC land vs. %MVC water): RA %MVC (8.3-19.3 vs. 2.1-9.7, P = .003-.029); LA %MVC (27-105 vs. 5.2-25, P = .001-.016); EO %MVC (13-59 vs. 4.8-24.5, P = .001-.303); ES %MVC (19.1-37.6 vs. 7.75-22.1, P = .001-.039) and MT %MVC (16-25.4 vs. 5.9-8.8, P = .00-.005). For water comparison ABbrace and PB exercises produced the most muscle activity while WallSitSag/Trans consistently produced the least muscle activity. CONCLUSION: Even with reduced muscle activity in the water, the calculated % mean MVCs were high enough (at or below 25% MVC) to provide muscle endurance and stability gains. With the information provided from the analysis of water exercise comparison, practitioners can effectively progress patients through a rehabilitation program.

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