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Reciclagem do copolímero acrilonitrila-butadieno-estireno e do poliestireno de alto impacto oriundos de rejeitos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos na forma de blendas poliméricas / Recycling of copolymer acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene and high impact polystyrene from waste electrical and electronic equipment in the form of polymer blendsHirayama, Denise 14 August 2015 (has links)
O crescimento na geração de rejeitos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos (REEE), legislações mais rigorosas e o valor agregado destes materiais incentivam o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de reciclagem. Contudo, a reciclagem dos componentes poliméricos dos REEE (CP-REEE) precisa superar desafios como a degradação durante o uso e reprocessamento, a presença de diferentes aditivos nos rejeitos e a depreciação de propriedades causada pela mistura não controlada de polímeros. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um estudo sobre a reciclagem mecânica na forma de blendas poliméricas de rejeitos do copolímero acrilonitrila-butadieno-estireno (ABS) e do poliestireno de alto impacto (HIPS), empregando agentes compatibilizantes. No desenvolvimento do trabalho foram realizadas a caracterização dos CP-REEE, análise das propriedades mecânicas, químicas, térmicas e morfológicas dos polímeros e das blendas de ABS/HIPS nas proporções de 1:3, 1:1 e 3:1 com variações na composição dos polímeros reciclados e virgens e por fim, realizado um estudo do envelhecimento foto-oxidativo acelerado de uma blenda ABS/HIPS. Os resultados mostraram que os polímeros ABS e HIPS reciclados ainda apresentam boas propriedades mecânicas e que a presença de agentes compatibilizantes provoca o aumento da tenacidade nas blendas ABS/HIPS. A incorporação de polímeros virgens nos materiais reciclados não promove ganho significativo nas propriedades mecânicas das blendas. Blendas com até 50% de ABS demonstraram ter propriedades próximas às do HIPS, enquanto as blendas com altos teores de ABS não alcançaram valores de propriedades mecânicas similares aos do ABS virgem. O comportamento das propriedades das blendas virgens e recicladas frente ao envelhecimento fotoquímico foi similar, indicando que o material reciclado apresenta grande potencial para aplicações. O estudo de blendas ABS/HIPS de CP-REEE demonstra que o controle da composição das blendas definem a sua aplicação. / The growth in waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) generation, directives more stringent and the aggregate value presents in these waste are encouraging the development of recycling technologies. However, recycling of polymeric components from WEEE (PC-WEEE) must overcome challenges such as degradation during use and reprocessing, the presence of various additives in the waste and the depreciation of properties caused by uncontrolled polymers mixture. The aim of this work was to develop a study of the mechanical recycling in the form blends with of polymeric waste of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer blends (ABS) and high impact polystyrene (HIPS) using compatibilizers. During the study was carried out the characterization of the PCWEEE and mechanical, chemical, thermal and morphological analysis of the polymers and the ABS / HIPS blends in proportions of 1:3, 1:1 and 3:1 with recycled and virgin polymers, as well as a study of the accelerated photo-oxidative aging of the ABS/HIPS blends. The results showed that ABS and HIPS recycled polymers still have good mechanical properties and the presence of compatibilization agents leads to increased toughness in ABS/HIPS blends. The incorporation of virgin polymers in recycled materials does not promote significant gain in the mechanical properties of the blends. Blends with up to 50% ABS have demonstrated to be closer to the HIPS, while blends with high content of ABS did not reach values of mechanical properties similar to the virgin ABS. The mechanical properties of virgin and recycled blends during the photochemical aging were similar, indicating that the recycled material has great potential for applications. The study of ABS/HIPS blends from PC-WEEE demonstrated that control of the blend composition establish their applications.
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Compatibilisation de matières plastiques en mélange issues de déchets d’équipements électriques et électroniques en vue de leur valorisation par recyclage mécanique / Compatibilization of mixed plastics from waste electrical and electronic equipment for recovery by mechanical recyclingMaris, Joachim 16 May 2018 (has links)
Le recyclage des déchets plastiques issus des déchets d'équipements électriques et électroniques (D3E) est devenu un enjeu majeur de nos sociétés afin de limiter leur impact environnemental. Le recyclage mécanique apparaît aujourd’hui comme une solution mature industriellement et adaptée pour produire de matières premières de recyclage (MPR). L’objectif de cette thèse est la compatibilisation de mélange de plastiques issus de la filière de tri des D3E en vue de leur valorisation par recyclage mécanique. La caractérisation des mélanges D3E par des analyses FT-IR, fluorescence-X, ATG et DSC a montré qu’il s’agissait de mélanges complexes contenant majoritairement des polymères styréniques et des polyoléfines et de faible pourcentage de PVC, PMMA, PC… Ces mélanges, mis en œuvre, présentent des propriétés mécaniques très faibles par rapport aux polymères techniques et de commodité. Ces résultats ont démontré la nécessité d’une compatibilisation de ces D3E en vue de leur transformation en MPR. Au vu de la complexité des mélanges, la compatibilisation in situ à l’aide de réactions radicalaires est apparue particulièrement prometteuse. Une première approche a consisté à générer les radicaux par irradiation puis, en deuxième approche, par ajout d’amorceurs chimiques. Ces deux approches n’ont pas produit d’améliorations significatives des propriétés. Suite à ces résultats, des essais de compatibilisation par ajout de copolymères ont été entrepris, conduisant à une amélioration importante des propriétés mécaniques. La réalisation de prototypes techniques, à partir de MPR compatibilisés, a été validée et permet de démontrer leur potentiel technique. / The recycling of the plastics from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has attracted great attention recently for environmental reasons. Mechanical recycling has emerged as the most economical, as well as the most energetic and ecologically efficient option. The aim of this work is the mechanical recycling of WEEE mixed plastic waste (MPW) streams. First, MPW composition has been evaluated by FT-IR and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopies, and ATG and DSC analyses. MPW are complex blend composed of thermoplastics, mainly styrenic polymers (ABS, HIPS, PS) and polyolefins. The remaining were other thermoplastics as PVC, PE, PMMA, PC…. After processing, these mixtures show very low mechanical properties compared to commodity and engineering thermoplastics. These results demonstrated that compatibilization is necessary to transform these D3E into secondary raw materials (SRM). In situ compatibilization using radical reactions appeared to be an attractive solution. Two pathways have been studied to generate the radicals, firstly, by electron beam radiation and, secondly, by adding chemical initiators. These two approaches didn’t show any substantial improvement in mechanical properties. Following these results, compatibilization by addition of reactive and non-reactive commercial copolymers were undertaken, leading to a significant improvement in mechanical properties. The production of technical prototypes and 3D printing wires from compatibilized SRM has been validated and allows considering an industrial development.
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Resíduos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos em instituições de ensino superior: estudo de caso e diretrizes para elaboração de plano de gestão integrada / Electrical and electronic equipment waste in Higher Education Institutions: a case study and guidelines for the development of an integrated management planNivea Maria Vega Longo Reidler 27 March 2012 (has links)
Introdução: no Brasil, ainda não há legislação específica, em nível nacional, sobre resíduos de equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos (REEE). Com a regulamentação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, as instituições de ensino superior (IES) no país se deparam com a necessidade de criar sistemas de gestão integrada que incluam logística reversa e disposição desses equipamentos ao final de sua vida útil. Objetivo: estudar a geração, fluxo e destino dos REEE de IES e propor diretrizes para a gestão institucional desses resíduos. Estudou-se o caso de duas IES, em dois cenários distintos: A) a Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil), sem influência de legislação específica sobre o tema e que não possui política de resíduos consolidada; B) A Universidade de Cádiz (Espanha), sob influência das Diretivas da União Europeia e de legislação nacional e que conta com política de resíduos e sistemas integrados de gestão de REEE. Método: análise quali/quantitativa em ambas as IES que constou de: I) Diagnóstico da geração, fluxo e destino dos REEE. Técnica utilizada: levantamento dos dados censitários dos bens que sofreram processo de baixa em um período de dez anos, no sistema de informação da Administração Patrimonial; II) Criação de nova base de dados, com inclusão de classificação dos REEE por tipo, peso médio e periculosidade; III) Pesquisa participativa com os responsáveis por setores envolvidos com a gestão interna de REEE; e IV) Observação sistemática, com registros fotográficos e de dados obtidos, em locais de destino de REEE e em nove Sistemas de Gestão Integrada de REEE (SIG-REEE) da Espanha. Resultados: o diagnóstico foi apresentado aos responsáveis por setores envolvidos com a gestão interna desses resíduos nas instituições, com objetivo de coletar sugestões para um plano de gestão de REEE que atendesse às suas necessidades e expectativas. Os resultados desta pesquisa levaram à proposta de diretrizes para a gestão institucional de REEE, orientando a execução das ações de controle de seus impactos econômicos, sociais, ambientais e de saúde de forma integrada e que seja sustentável e possa ser adaptado a quaisquer tipos de instituição, com flexibilidade para atender a diferentes necessidades e realidades. Conclusão: I) Os procedimentos adotados atualmente nas IES estudadas não atendem aos requisitos fundamentais de sustentabilidade. II) Constatou-se que fatores internos determinam os caminhos da gestão externa do REEE. III) As diretrizes propostas para gestão integrada de REEE baseiam-se em três etapas principais: a) planejamento para aquisição do EEE; b) vida útil; c) gestão de REEE. O estudo conclui que para se conseguir um sistema de gestão sustentável e efetivo, é necessário considerar todas as etapas do ciclo de vida do produto, a partir do planejamento para sua aquisição, até seu destino final. Para que o sistema de gestão de REEE em IES seja efetivo, propõe-se a integração da gestão de EEE/REEE / Introduction: in Brazil, there is no specific law at the national level for the disposal of electrical and electronic equipment waste (WEEE). With the National Solid Waste Policy regulations, Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the country are faced with the need to create integrated management systems that include reverse logistics and disposal of such equipment at the end of its life time. Objective: to study the generation, flow, and destination of WEEE from HEI and propose guidelines for developing an institutional management system for such waste. Two HEIs in two distinct scenarios were analyzed: A) the University of São Paulo (Brazil), which operates without the influence of legislation on the subject and does not have a consolidated waste policy; and B) The University of Cádiz (Spain), which operates under European Union Directives and national legislation, featuring an integrated waste management policy on WEEE. Methods: qualitative/quantitative analyses in both institutions consisted of: i) Diagnosis of the generation, flow, and destination of WEEE based on census data on goods that have undergone a process of decline over a period of ten years in the Administração Patrimonial (Asset Management) information systems; ii) Creation of a new database, which includes the classification of WEEE by type, average weight, and hazard risk; iii) Research with the participation of the responsible parties of the sectors involved with the internal management of WEEE, and iv) Systematic observation, with photographic records and retrieved data from WEEE destinations and from nine Integrated Management Systems of WEEE (SIG-REEE) in Spain. Results: the diagnoses were presented to the responsible parties of the sectors involved with the internal management of such waste in institutions, with the objective of gathering suggestions for a WEEE management system that meets needs and expectations. The results led to the proposal of guidelines for the preparation of an institutional WEEE management plan, to orient the implementation of sustainable practices in order to better control economic, social, environmental, and health impact in an integrated manner that is sustainable and can be adapted to any type of institution, with enough flexibility to meet different needs and realities. Conclusion: I) the procedures currently in effect in HEI do not meet the core requirements of sustainability II) It was noted that internal factors determine the paths of external WEEE management. III) The guidelines proposed in this study for integrated management of WEEE were based on three main stages: a) acquisition of the EEE, b) useful life period; c) WEEE management. The study concludes that to achieve a sustainable and effective management system, it is necessary to consider all stages of the life cycle of a product, from planning to acquisition, to its final destination. The integration of EEE/WEEE management is recommended
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Reverse Logistics and Environmental Considerations in Equipment Leasing and Asset ManagementSharma, Manu 01 December 2004 (has links)
Reverse Logistics and Environmental Considerations in Equipment Leasing and Asset Management
Manu Sharma
151 Pages
Directed by Dr. Jane C. Ammons
Today many business enterprises employ capital assets in the form of electronic equipment (e.g., personal computers, workstations and peripherals) in large quantities. As a result of rapid technological progress, these products have a very short life cycle, typically not much more than three or four years. Unfortunately, the disposal of electronic equipment (which contains hazardous materials) presents an environmental problem. In the face of rapid equipment changes, current tax laws and disposal challenges, leasing or procurement contracts with take-back considerations are attractive. For a large electronic equipment leasing company, optimal management of assets supported by good logistics decisions is crucial and may provide a significant competitive advantage. The leasing company tries to maximize operating profits through key decisions associated with the length of leases, efficient utilization of logistics facilities for material flow to and from customer sites, and equipment reuse, refurbishment and disposal actions.
In this research, a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model is developed to facilitate better decisions from the perspective of an electronic equipment leasing company. The model reduces to a linear program (LP) under certain cost assumptions. All computational results are based on the LP version of the model. A case study with representative industry data validates the approach and demonstrates the utility of the model in answering key research questions. Next, important problem uncertainties are identified and prioritized. The effects of these key uncertainties on optimal lease length and product flow decisions are examined in detail via an extended case study. It is also shown how the leasing company can make near-robust leasing decisions in the face of these uncertainties.
The computational research results also have implications for policy formulation on electronic waste. The important insights include an understanding of the potential impacts and expected effectiveness of alternative environmental legislation in different geographic areas, and the imposition of negative externalities on other policy realms as a result of this non-uniform approach. Therefore, this research contributes new models and understanding to the intersection of the fields of reverse logistics and equipment replacement, and provides valuable insights to both business asset managers and environmental policy makers.
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An Electromagnetic Actuated Microvalve Fabricated on a Single WaferSutanto Bintoro, Jemmy 23 November 2004 (has links)
Microvalves are essential components of the miniaturization of the fluidic systems to control of fluid flow in a variety of applications as diverse as chemical analysis systems, micro-fuel cells, and integrated fluidic channel arrangements for electronic cooling. Using microvalves, these systems offer important advantages: they can operate using small sample volumes and provide rapid response time.
This PhD dissertation presents the world first electromagnetically actuated microvalve fabricated on a single wafer with CMOS compatibility. In this dissertation, the design, fabrication, and testing results of two different types of electromagnetic microvalves are presented: the on/off microvalve and the bistable microvalve with latching mechanism. The microvalves operate with power consumption of less than 1.5 W and can control the volume flow rate of DI water, or a 50% diluted methanol solution in the range 1 - 50 µL in. The leaking rate of the on/off microvalve is the order of 30 nL/min. The microvalve demonstrated a response time for latching of 10 ms in water and 0.2 ms in air. This work has resulted in a US patent, application no. 10/699,210.Other inventions that have been developed as a result of this research are bidirectional, and bistable-bidirectional microactuators with latching mechanism, that can be utilized for optical switch, RF relay, micro mirror, nano indenter, or nano printings.
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Cooling Of Electronics With Phase Change Materials Under Constant Power And Cyclic Heat LoadsSaha, Sandip Kumar 02 1900 (has links)
The trend in the electronic and electrical equipment industry towards denser and more powerful product requires a higher level of performance from cooling devices. In this context, passive cooling techniques such as latent heat storage systems have attracted considerable attention in recent years. Phase change materials (PCMs) have turned out to be extremely advantageous in this regard as they absorb high amount of latent heat without much rise of temperature. But unfortunately, nearly all phase change materials (PCMs) with high latent heat storage capacity have unacceptably low thermal conductivity, which makes heating and cooling processes slow during melting and solidification of PCMs. Augmentation of heat transfer in a PCM is achieved by inserting a high thermal conductivity material, known as thermal conductivity enhancer (TCE), into the PCM. The conglomeration of PCM and TCE is known as a thermal storage unit (TSU).
In this thesis, detailed and systematic analyses are presented on the thermal performance of TSUs subjected to two types of thermal loading- (a) constant power loading in which a constant power level is supplied to the chip (heater) for a limited duration of time, and (b) cyclic loading. Eicosane is used as the PCM, while aluminium pin or plate fins are used as TCEs.
First, a 1-D analytical model is developed to obtain a closed-form temperature distribution for a simple PCM domain (without TCE) heated uniformly from the bottom. The entire heating process is divided into three stages, viz. (a) sensible heating period before melting, during which heat is stored in the solid PCM in the form of specific heat,
(b) melting period, during which a melt front progresses from the bottom to the top layer of the PCM and heat is stored in latent as well as in sensible forms, and (c) post melting period, during which energy is stored again in the form of sensible heat. For each stage, conduction energy equation is solved with a set of initial and boundary conditions. Subsequently, a resistance capacitance model of phase change process is developed for further analysis.
For transient performance under constant thermal loading, experimental investigations are carried out for TSUs with different percentages of TCE. A numerical model is developed to interpret the experimental results. The thermal performance of a TSU is found to depend on a number of geometrical parameters and boundary conditions. Hence, a systematic approach is desirable for finding the best TSU design for which the chip can be operated for a longer period of time before it reaches a critical temperature (defined as the temperature above which the chip starts malfunctioning). As a first step of the approach, it is required to identify the parameters which can affect the transient process. It is found that the convective heat transfer coefficient, ‘h’ and the exposed area for heat transfer have little effect on the chip temperature during the constant power operation. A randomized search technique, Genetic Algorithm (GA), is coupled with the CFD code to find an optimum combination of geometrical parameters of TSUs based on the design criteria. First, the optimization is carried out without considering melt convection within the PCM. It is found that the optimum half-fin width remains fixed for a given heat flux and temperature difference. Assuming a quasi steady process, the results of optimization are then explained by constructing and analyzing a resistance network model. The resistance network model is then extended to include the effect of melt convection, and it is shown that the optimum pitch changes with the strength of convection. Accordingly, numerical analysis is carried out by considering the effect of melt convection, and a correlation for optimum pitch is developed.
Having established the role of melt convection on the thermal performance of TSUs, rigorous computational and experimental studies are performed in order to develop correlations among different non-dimensional numbers, such as Nusselt number, Rayleigh number, Stefan number and Fourier number, based on a characteristic length scale for convection. The enclosures are classified into three types, depending on the aspect ratio of cavity, viz. shallow, rectangular and tall enclosures. For a shallow enclosure, the characteristic length is the height of cavity whereas for a tall enclosure, the characteristic length is the fin pitch. In case of rectangular enclosure, both pitch and height are the important characteristic lengths.
For cyclic operation, it is required that the fraction of the PCM melting during the heating cycle should completely solidify back during the cooling period, in order that that TSU can be operated for an unlimited number of cycles. If solidification is not complete during the cooling period, the TSU temperature will tend to rise with every cycle, thus making it un-operational after some cycles. It is found that the solidification process during the cooling period depends strongly on the heat transfer coefficient and the cooling surface area. However, heat transfer coefficient does not play any significant role during the heating period; hence a TSU optimized for transient operation may not be ideal for cyclic loading. Accordingly, studies are carried out to find the parameters which could influence the behaviour of PCM under cyclic loading. A number of parameters are identified in the process, viz. cycle period and heat transfer coefficient. It is found that the required heat transfer coefficient for infinite cyclic operation is very high and unrealistic with air cooling from the surface of the TSU. Otherwise, the required cooling period for complete re-solidification will be very high, which may not be suitable for most applications.
In an effort to bring down the cooling period to a duration that is comparable to the heating period, a new design is proposed where both ‘h’ and area exposed to heat transfer can be controlled. In this new design, the gaps between the fins in a plate-fin TSU are alternately filled with PCM, such that only one side of a fin is in contact with PCM and the other side is exposed to the coolant (air). In this arrangement, the same heat flow path through the fin which is used for heating the PCM (during the heating stage) can also be used for cooling and solidifying the PCM during the cooling part of the cycle. Natural or forced air cooling through the passages can be introduced to provide a wide range of heat transfer coefficient which can satisfy the cooling requirements. With this arrangement, the enhanced area provided for cooling keeps the ‘h’ requirement within a realistic limit. This cooling method developed is categorized as a combination of active and passive cooling techniques. Analytical and numerical investigations are carried out to evaluate the thermal performance of this modified PCM-based heat sink in comparison to the ones with conventional designs. It is found that, the performance of new PCM-based heat sink is superior to that of the conventional one. Experiments are performed on both the conventional and the new PCM-based heat sinks to validate the new findings.
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A PFC Power Supply with Minimized Energy Storage Components and a New Control Ttechnique for Cascaded SMPSFrost, Damien F. 04 December 2012 (has links)
This Master of Applied Science thesis proposes a new design of low
power, power factor corrected (PFC), power supplies. By lifting the
hold up time restriction for devices that have a battery built in,
the energy storage elements of the converter can be reduced,
permitting a small and inexpensive power converter to be built. In
addition, a new control technique for controlling cascaded
converters is presented, named duty mode control (DMC). Its
advantages are shown through simulations. The system was proven
using a prototype developed in the laboratory designed for a
universal ac input voltage (85 - 265VRMS at 50 - 60Hz)
and a 40W output at 12V. It consisted of two interleaved phases
sensed and digitally controlled on the isolated side of the
converter. The prototype was able to achieve a power factor of
greater than 0.98 for all operating conditions, and input harmonic
current distortion well below any set of standards.
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A PFC Power Supply with Minimized Energy Storage Components and a New Control Ttechnique for Cascaded SMPSFrost, Damien F. 04 December 2012 (has links)
This Master of Applied Science thesis proposes a new design of low
power, power factor corrected (PFC), power supplies. By lifting the
hold up time restriction for devices that have a battery built in,
the energy storage elements of the converter can be reduced,
permitting a small and inexpensive power converter to be built. In
addition, a new control technique for controlling cascaded
converters is presented, named duty mode control (DMC). Its
advantages are shown through simulations. The system was proven
using a prototype developed in the laboratory designed for a
universal ac input voltage (85 - 265VRMS at 50 - 60Hz)
and a 40W output at 12V. It consisted of two interleaved phases
sensed and digitally controlled on the isolated side of the
converter. The prototype was able to achieve a power factor of
greater than 0.98 for all operating conditions, and input harmonic
current distortion well below any set of standards.
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Anisotropic parameters of mesh fillers relevant to miniature cryocoolersLandrum, Evan 08 April 2009 (has links)
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling is possibly the best available technique in designing and predicting the performance of Stirling and pulse tube refrigerators (PTR). One of the limitations of CFD modeling of these systems, however, is that it requires closure relations for the micro porous materials housed within their regenerators and heat exchangers. Comprehensive prediction of fluid-solid interaction through this media can be obtained only by direct pore level simulation, a process which is time consuming and impractical for system level examination. Through the application of empirical correlations including the Darcy permeability and Forchheimer's inertial coefficient, the microscopic momentum equations governing fluid behavior within the porous structure can be recast as viable macroscopic governing equations. With these constitutive relationships, CFD can be an efficient and powerful tool for system modeling and optimization.
The purpose of this study is to determine the hydrodynamic parameters of two mesh fillers relevant to miniature PTRs; stacked screens of 635 mesh stainless steel and 325 mesh phosphor-bronze wire cloth. Experimental setups were designed and fabricated to measure steady and oscillatory pressures and mass flow rates of the working fluid, research-grade helium. Hydrodynamic parameters for the two mesh fillers were determined for steady-state and steady periodic flow in both the axial and radial directions for a range of flow rates, operating frequencies and charge pressures. The effect of average pressure on the steady axial flow hydrodynamic parameters of other common PTR filler materials was also investigated. The determination of sample hydrodynamic parameters and their subsequent computational and experimental methodologies utilized are explained.
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-11 / This study has been dedicated to 􀁗􀁋􀁈􀀃 􀁕􀁈􀁖􀁈􀁄􀁕􀁆􀁋􀀃 􀁒􀁉􀀃 􀂳􀀨􀁑􀁙􀁌􀁕􀁒􀁑􀁐􀁈􀁑􀁗􀁄􀁏􀀃 􀀰􀁄􀁕􀁎􀁈􀁗􀂴􀀏􀀃 􀁉􀁒􀁕􀀃 􀁗􀁋􀁈􀀃
Master's Degree in Law, International Relations and Development, on Academic
Master's Degree of the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás and presents an
􀂳􀀲􀁙􀁈􀁕􀁙􀁌􀁈􀁚􀀃 􀁒􀁉􀀃 􀀨􀁏􀁈􀁆􀁗􀁕􀁌􀁆􀁄􀁏􀀃 􀁄􀁑􀁇􀀃 􀀨􀁏􀁈􀁆􀁗􀁕􀁒􀁑􀁌􀁆􀁖􀀃 􀀨􀁔􀁘􀁌􀁓􀁐􀁈􀁑􀁗􀀃 􀀺􀁄ste: electronics waste 􀂱 e-
this scientific study is to identify the reality that permeates the waste of electronics
internationally and nationally, combining the available data, identify the risks and to
point out need for environmental management and the adequate way to handle ewaste,
not only by the government but throughout society, primarily those involved in
the production of electrical and electronic products. In face of the domestic and foreign
situation will become clear that electronic products are discarded as scrap after its
useful life, sometimes inappropriately, given the governmental omission of some States
and the lack of specifications for the management and handling of e-waste. In this
sense, it has been elucidated critical and positive aspects of domestic and foreign legal
policies to the objects of analysis. It matters because the perception of how important
the care of the e-waste and how large are the implications and consequences of
improper waste management. Remain to be highlighted specific initiatives on recycling
and final destination of e-waste for prevention of environmental pollution. And
particularly with a view to environmental protection, enable to foster intelligible
discussions to provide to government, business and society robust scientific evidence
in order to effectuate the mechanisms of protection and control of disposal of electrical
and electronic equipment waste. The methodology applied to the academic endeavor
is a hypothetical-deductive effort, which is part of a rational analysis of specific and
general factors in order to show the reality about the foreign and domestic electronic
equipment waste, to emphasize the importance of adequate environment management
waste of solid of this kind. / Esta pesquisa volta-􀁖􀁈􀀃 􀁪􀀃 􀁏􀁌􀁑􀁋􀁄􀀃 􀁇􀁈􀀃 􀁓􀁈􀁖􀁔􀁘􀁌􀁖􀁄􀀃 􀂳􀀰􀁈􀁕􀁆􀁄􀁇􀁒􀀃 􀀤􀁐􀁅􀁌􀁈􀁑􀁗􀁄􀁏􀂴􀀏􀀃 􀁇􀁒􀀃 􀀳􀁕􀁒􀁊􀁕􀁄􀁐􀁄􀀃 􀁇􀁈􀀃
Pós-Graduação em Direito, Relações Internacionais e Desenvolvimento, na
modalidade Mestrado Acadêmico, da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás e
apresenta 􀁘􀁐􀀃􀂳􀀳􀁄􀁑􀁒􀁕􀁄􀁐􀁄􀀃􀁇􀁒􀁖􀀃􀀵􀁈􀁖􀁴􀁇􀁘􀁒􀁖􀀃􀁇􀁈􀀃􀀨􀁔􀁘􀁌􀁓􀁄􀁐􀁈􀁑􀁗􀁒􀁖􀀃􀀨􀁏􀁰􀁗􀁕􀁌􀁆􀁒􀁖􀀃􀁈􀀃􀀨􀁏􀁈􀁗􀁕􀁻􀁑􀁌􀁆􀁒􀁖􀀝􀀃􀁒􀀃
lixo eletroeletrônico 􀂱 e-􀁏􀁌􀁛􀁒􀂴􀀑􀀃 A par do pressuposto de preocupação para com a
questão ambiental, o foco do estudo científico está em identificar a realidade
internacional e nacional que permeia o resíduo eletroeletrônico; conjugar os dados
disponíveis, identificar os riscos e, apontar a necessidade de gestão e manejo
ambientalmente adequado do e-lixo, não somente pelo Poder Público, mas sim, por
toda a sociedade, primordialmente, aqueles que participam da cadeia produtiva de
produtos elétricos e eletrônicos. Diante da conjuntura estrangeira e doméstica
verificar-se-á que produtos eletroeletrônicos são descartados como sucata após o
ciclo de vida útil, por vezes de modo inapropriado, face à omissão governamental de
alguns Estados e a ausência de ações específicas para a gestão e manejo idôneo
do lixo eletrônico. Nesse sentido, são elucidados aspectos críticos e positivos de
ordenamentos jurídicos externos e interno em relação ao objeto de análise.
Interessa, pois, a percepção de quão importante são os cuidados com o resíduo
eletroeletrônico e como são amplas as implicações e reflexos em decorrência da
gestão inadequada dos mesmos. Restam evidenciadas iniciativas pontuais sobre
reutilização, reciclagem e destinação final do e-lixo, em prevenção à poluição
ambiental. Sobretudo e, com vistas à proteção ambiental, enseja-se fomentar
discussões inteligíveis, para propiciar à Administração Pública, empresas e
sociedade elementos científicos robustos a fim de efetivar mecanismos de tutela e
controle do descarte de resíduos de equipamentos elétricos e eletroeletrônicos. A
metodologia aplicada ao esforço acadêmico consiste num esforço hipotéticodedutivo,
no qual se parte de uma análise racional de fatores gerais e específicos,
para evidenciar a realidade internacional e doméstica acerca dos resíduos de
equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos, com a finalidade de ressaltar a importância da
gestão ambientalmente adequada dessa espécie de resíduo sólido.
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