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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Through the lens : using auto-driven photo-elicitation to capture the development of career aspirations of business management and fine art students

Turley, Helene January 2018 (has links)
The uniqueness of this study is primarily in the application of a visual research methodology to generate knowledge and understanding in an area that is often associated with quantitative research. Careers and employment research typically focuses on statistical information which can provide general information but does not give an in-depth understanding of the area under study. Visual research can give an in-depth understanding; in addition to giving access to a different kind of knowledge, supported by Harper (2002) who proposes “that images can evoke deeper elements of human consciousness than words alone.” I explore the various ways in which students perceive and develop different career aspiration including what motivates and what might inhibit students’ development of their career aspirations. This understanding will enhance my professional practice and encourage the Careers and Employment department within the University to adapt their service and give students the relevant tools and information to prepare them for employment. A visual research methodology is utilised as this fits comfortably with my background in art and gives the in-depth knowledge I require for my research (see Clark-Ibáñez, 2004; Collier (1957); Collier and Collier, 1986; Cousin, 2009; Guillemin and Drew, 2010; Harper, 2002; Harris and Guillemin, 2012 and O’Brien, 2013 for further information on the benefits of using a visual research methodology). Auto-driven photo-elicitation (ADPE) is used with six fine art and six business management students. These students often have less career direction and tend to struggle to secure graduate level positions (Swani, 2016); in addition, the two subject areas were chosen because they are a contrast in terms of how their curriculum is delivered. Using visual research to inform careers and employment is unique and through sharing my research and research experience I want to initiate a shift in how careers and employment research is approached in the future. In addition to the uniqueness of using a visual research methodology in careers and employment my findings indicate there are five orientations business management and fine art students’ use when developing their career aspirations: a strong sense of direction, intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, weak planning and dreams. This research discusses the five orientations and the factors that might contribute to a rich learning environment for career building. Subject and professional identity are discussed in relation to identity formation and career building. Four main sources of identity formation are identified: identity through being (transition from study to profession), identity through self-discovery, identity through belonging (concerning the informal and cultural aspects of community life), and identity through peripheral participation (activities that are akin to peripheral participation in a professional community). This research establishes there is a relationship between the development and building of identity and self-efficacy through belonging, professional experience and working alongside mentors when developing strategies to develop career aspirations.

The lived experience of older women with learning disabilities

Pointu, Alison Jean January 2017 (has links)
Background: In recent decades, improvements in medical treatment, public health, technology and education have resulted in people living much longer. This includes people with learning disabilities, the fastest growing sector being the over-70s, and those who are women. There have been a limited number of studies exploring ageing in the population of people with learning disabilities, and very few of these have studied ageing from the perspectives of women. Aim: To develop a contemporary perspective of the lived experiences of older women with learning disabilities. Objectives - To identify how women with learning disabilities construct the experience of ageing, through the lens of an asset theoretical framework - To examine how older women with learning disabilities experience the wider cultural and socio-political influences, and how these impact on their lives - To utilise a narrative approach that integrates stories and photo elicitation to facilitate a more in-depth understanding of their experiences - To indicate how a refined model could be developed to improve policy and practice in the provision of services for older women with learning disabilities An inclusive methodology is central to this thesis, with an expert reference group of four women with learning disabilities working in partnership with the researcher. The expert reference group ensure that this work is grounded in everyday experience, providing both support and challenge. Ten women over 55 with mild or moderate learning disabilities were purposively invited to take part. Narrative methods integrated with photograph elicitation captured their lived experiences, facilitating a more in-depth 3 understanding of their experiences of ageing. In methodological terms this offered a number of strengths in helping the women to engage with the research process and provided a visual reference that promoted a more inclusive and flexible approach to capturing the lived experiences of older women with learning disabilities. Findings The findings identify how a group of older women construct their experiences of ageing. The equanimity and positive outlook on life is interpreted and understood through developing and understanding their protective health assets. A central theme is the importance of friendships and relationships, providing a buffer during adverse times and helping the women to feel supported and valued by their local community. Conclusion In its contribution to service development and knowledge, this thesis provides a contemporary perspective of the lived experience of women with learning disabilities as they age. Furthermore, mapping the narrated assets of these women introduces a new and alternative model for representing individual experiences that challenge the mainstream perspective that has been central to UK policy and practice during the 21st century. This thesis has begun to address a gap between policy and the reality of the lived experience, and presents an alternative asset-based relationship framework (Fig 30 p. 248) that has the potential to guide and shape future learning disability practices. Finally, this appears to be the first study to apply an asset theoretical framework to underpin research with women who have learning disabilities, offering an alternative perspective that challenges social care policy and professionally-defined integration and social inclusion indicators.

Efeito de elicitação biótica com o fungo Nomuraea rileyi (Farlow) Samson no metabolismo secundário de plantas aclimatadas de Hypericum polyanthemum Klotzsech ex Reichardt / Effect of biotic stress in secondary metabolism of Hypericum polyanthemum Klotzsech ex Reichardt

Meirelles, Gabriela de Carvalho January 2012 (has links)
Hypericum polyanthemum é uma planta nativa do Sul do Brasil que contém compostos como flavonóides, taninos, derivados de floroglucinol (uliginosina B) e benzopiranos: HP1 (6-isobutiril-5,7-dimetóxi-2,2-dimetilbenzopirano), HP2 (7-hidróxi-6-isobutiril-5- metóxi-2,2-dimetilbenzopirano), e HP3 (5-hidróxi-6-isobutiril-7-metóxi-2,2- dimetillbenzopirano). Esses metabólitos são responsáveis por uma série de atividades biológicas como inibidores da monoaminoxidase (IMAO), antiproliferativa e antitumoral. No presente trabalho modificações na biomassa vegetal e no teor de metabólitos bioativos de plantas de H. polyanthemum cultivadas sob condições controladas e após 18 semanas de aclimatação foram investigadas após elicitação com o fungo Nomuraea rileyi através da adição do microrganismo liofilizado e pulverizado (LP), ou liofilizado, autoclavado e pulverizado (LAP) por curtos e longos períodos de tempo. Plantas cultivadas sob condições controladas tratadas com LAP demonstraram aumento na concentração dos benzopiranos HP1, HP2 e HP3 enquanto LP provocou efeito negativo ou ainda, não alterou a síntese destes compostos. Porém, baixos níveis do floroglucinol uliginosina B foram detectados em todos os tratamentos. Tratamentos com LAP por longos períodos de tempo em plantas cultivadas a campo provocaram aumento de biomassa (2x) e a análise química demonstrou elevação do teor de compostos fenólicos totais nas partes vegetativas das plantas submetidas a todos os tratamentos. Ainda, a análise apontou um diferente grau de acúmulo dos metabólitos, com maiores teores de HP1, HP2, HP3 e uliginosina B sendo encontrados nas partes reprodutivas das plantas tratadas com LAP. A elevação dos metabólitos bioativos em resposta ao elicitor fúngico sugere que estes compostos são induzíveis na resposta de defesa de H. polyanthemum. Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho são relevantes em virtude da planta não sofrer danos. Assim, o sistema descrito representa uma nova abordagem em pesquisas com plantas visando otimizar condições para a produção de biomassa e metabólitos secundários de interesse medicinal. / Hypericum polyanthemum is a native plant of South Brazil that contains compounds such as flavonoids, tannins, phloroglucinol derivatives (uliginosin B) and benzopyrans: HP1 (6-isobutyryl-5,7-dimethoxy-2,2-dimethylbenzopyran), HP2 (7-hydroxy-6-isobutyryl-5- methoxy-2,2-dimethylbenzopyran), and HP3 (5-hydroxy-6-isobutyryl-7-methoxy-2,2- dimethylbenzopyran). These metabolites are responsible for biological activities such as monoamine oxidase inhibitor, antiproliferative and antitumoral. In this work changes in biomass and bioactive metabolites after elicitation with the fungi Nomuraea riley added as freeze dried culture (DC) or as freeze dried autoclaved cell powder (DACP) for short and long periods of time have been investigated in Hypericum polyanthemum plants grown under controlled conditions and after 18 weeks of field acclimatization. Plants treated with DACP showed increased concentrations of the benzopyrans while the DC affected negatively or did not alter the synthesis of these compounds. Nevertheless, low levels of uliginosin B were detected in all treatments. Long time treatment of field grown acclimatized plants with DACP triggered plant growth doubling the biomass and chemical analyses demonstrated increased total phenolic compounds yields in the vegetative parts of plants submitted to the treatments. Furthermore, the analysis showed different pattern of metabolites accumulation, with higher yields of benzopyrans and uliginosin B accumulated in the reproductive parts of the plants treated with DACP during all experiment. The elevation of bioactive metabolites levels in response to the elicitor suggests that these compounds are inducible in plant defense response of H. polyanthemum. The results obtained are relevant since the plant did not suffer injury. Then, the system described represents a new approach in plant research aimed to optimize the conditions for biomass and accumulation of secondary metabolites.

Students as Experts: Using Photo-Elicitation Facilitation Groups to Understand the Resiliency of Latina Low-Income First-Generation College Students

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT Historically, first-generation college students (FGCS), students whose parents have not attended college nor earned a degree, are more likely to have lower college retention rates and are less likely to complete their academic programs in a timely manner. Despite this, there are many FGCS who do succeed and it is imperative to learn what fuels their success. The theoretical perspectives that framed this study included: hidden curricula, resiliency theory and community cultural wealth. Drawing from these perspectives, this qualitative research study consisted of a 10-week photo-elicitation facilitation and reflection group in which participants identified aspects of the hidden curricula encountered in the university that were challenging in their educational journeys and guided them in identifying the sources of strength (i.e. protective factors) that they channeled to overcome those challenges. The participants for this study were selected using a stratified purposeful sampling approach. The participants identified as Latina, low-income FGCS who were on good academic standing and majored in two of the largest academic units at Arizona State University's Tempe campus- the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Fulton College of Engineering. This study used participants’ testimonios (critical, reflexive narratives), photo-elicitation images, student journal responses, focus group dialogue and Facebook group posts to better understand the resiliency of Latina, low-income FGCS at ASU. Using grounded theory analysis, this study revealed the following, Latina, low-income FGCS: - Primarily define and develop their academic resiliency outside of the classroom and use social capital connections with peers and aspirational capital connections to their future to be successful inside the classroom. - Are heavily driven to succeed in the university setting because of their family's support and because they view their presence in college as a unique opportunity that they are grateful for. - Operationalize their academic resiliency through a combination of hard work and sacrifice, as well as an active implementation of resilience tactics. - Are motivated to pass on their resiliency capital to other students like them and perceive their pursuit of a college education as a transformative action for themselves, their families and their communities. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Leadership and Innovation 2016

Proposta de um catálogo de padrões aplicados ao processo de elicitação de requisitos para software de gestão comercial. / Sem título em inglês.

Kleber Rocha de Oliveira 15 April 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa do campo da Engenharia de Software explora a aplicação do conceito de padrões no tratamento dos problemas da fase inicial da produção de software. Essa fase visa à compreensão do problema com objetivo de sugerir uma solução viável ao projeto. A área que estuda esses fenômenos é conhecida como Engenharia de Requisitos, e a fase que compreende o levantamento das necessidades dos usuários e dos sistemas denomina-se \"elicitação\". No desenvolvimento deste trabalho, é aplicada a pesquisa-ação como método de pesquisa. Foram selecionadas três empresas do ramo comercial em segmentos diferentes, através da técnica de observação e análise das atividades aplicadas na elicitação de requisitos, contidas no processo de construção de software nessas organizações. A abordagem teórica se limitou aos conceitos essenciais da Engenharia de Requisitos, com ênfase na fase de elicitação de requisitos, uma exploração sobre padrões, apresentando suas características e as diversas aplicações na padronização da solução geral para problemas complexos. Essencialmente, a pesquisa sugere um catálogo de padrões candidatos, aplicável ao processo de elicitação de requisitos. Cada padrão é extraído dos documentos de requisitos construídos com base em estudo de campo realizado. São organizados por tipo de requisitos e organizados em um gabarito proposto pelo pesquisador. Posteriormente, são relacionados de acordo com suas afinidades e preocupações, transformando-os dessa maneira em um catálogo de padrões devido a sua classificação e sumarização. Por fim, o pesquisador apresenta as conclusões e desenvolve as críticas acerca do catálogo de padrões, sugere melhorias, indica as limitações, e aponta as contribuições relativas à redução da complexidade na execução da atividade de elicitação de requisitos com a possibilidade de se antecipar ao problema que provavelmente o analista ou engenheiro de requisitos irá enfrentar. / This research in the Software Engineering field explores the application of the patterns concept in the treatment of initial phase problems in software production. This phase aims at understanding the problem with the objective of suggesting a viable solution to the project. The area that studies those phenomena is known as Requirements Engineering and the phase that comprehends the detection of users needs and the systems needs is called \"elicitation\". In the development of this work the research-action is applied as research method. Three commercial companies branch were selected in different segments, through the observation technique and analysis of applied activities in requirements elicitation, contained in construction process of software in these organizations. The theoretical approach was limited to essential concepts of Requirements Engineering with emphasis in the phase of requirements elicitation, an exploration on patterns, to show the characteristics and the several applications in patterns of general solution for complex problems. Essentially, the research suggests a pattern catalog, containing candidates for requirements elicitation process. Each pattern is extracted from requirements documents built based on field studies implemented. They are organized by requirements type in a format proposed by the researcher. Then, they are related to each other according to their similitarities and concerns, transforming them in a pattern catalog due to their classification and summarization. Finally, the researcher presents the conclusions and develops critics concerning the patterns catalog, suggesting improvements, establishing restrictions, as well as pointing out the relative contributions to the reduction of complexity in the execution of the requirements elicitation activity with possibility of anticipating problems that will be presumably be detected by the analyst or requirements engineer.

Elicitation and planning in Markov decision processes with unknown rewards / Elicitation et planification dans les processus décisionnel de MARKOV avec récompenses inconnues

Alizadeh, Pegah 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les processus décisionnels de Markov (MDPs) modélisent des problèmes de décisionsséquentielles dans lesquels un utilisateur interagit avec l’environnement et adapte soncomportement en prenant en compte les signaux de récompense numérique reçus. La solutiond’unMDP se ramène à formuler le comportement de l’utilisateur dans l’environnementà l’aide d’une fonction de politique qui spécifie quelle action choisir dans chaque situation.Dans de nombreux problèmes de décision du monde réel, les utilisateurs ont despréférences différentes, donc, les gains de leurs actions sur les états sont différents et devraientêtre re-décodés pour chaque utilisateur. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressonsà la résolution des MDPs pour les utilisateurs ayant des préférences différentes.Nous utilisons un modèle nommé MDP à Valeur vectorielle (VMDP) avec des récompensesvectorielles. Nous proposons un algorithme de recherche-propagation qui permetd’attribuer une fonction de valeur vectorielle à chaque politique et de caractériser chaqueutilisateur par un vecteur de préférences sur l’ensemble des fonctions de valeur, où levecteur de préférence satisfait les priorités de l’utilisateur. Etant donné que le vecteurde préférences d’utilisateur n’est pas connu, nous présentons plusieurs méthodes pourrésoudre des MDP tout en approximant le vecteur de préférence de l’utilisateur.Nous introduisons deux algorithmes qui réduisent le nombre de requêtes nécessairespour trouver la politique optimale d’un utilisateur: 1) Un algorithme de recherchepropagation,où nous propageons un ensemble de politiques optimales possibles pourle MDP donné sans connaître les préférences de l’utilisateur. 2) Un algorithme interactifd’itération de la valeur (IVI) sur les MDPs, nommé algorithme d’itération de la valeurbasé sur les avantages (ABVI) qui utilise le clustering et le regroupement des avantages.Nous montrons également comment l’algorithme ABVI fonctionne correctement pourdeux types d’utilisateurs différents: confiant et incertain.Nous travaillons finalement sur une méthode d’approximation par critére de regret minimaxcomme méthode pour trouver la politique optimale tenant compte des informationslimitées sur les préférences de l’utilisateur. Dans ce système, tous les objectifs possiblessont simplement bornés entre deux limites supérieure et inférieure tandis que le systèmeine connaît pas les préférences de l’utilisateur parmi ceux-ci. Nous proposons une méthodeheuristique d’approximation par critère de regret minimax pour résoudre des MDPsavec des récompenses inconnues. Cette méthode est plus rapide et moins complexe queles méthodes existantes dans la littérature. / Markov decision processes (MDPs) are models for solving sequential decision problemswhere a user interacts with the environment and adapts her policy by taking numericalreward signals into account. The solution of an MDP reduces to formulate the userbehavior in the environment with a policy function that specifies which action to choose ineach situation. In many real world decision problems, the users have various preferences,and therefore, the gain of actions on states are different and should be re-decoded foreach user. In this dissertation, we are interested in solving MDPs for users with differentpreferences.We use a model named Vector-valued MDP (VMDP) with vector rewards. We propose apropagation-search algorithm that allows to assign a vector-value function to each policyand identify each user with a preference vector on the existing set of preferences wherethe preference vector satisfies the user priorities. Since the user preference vector is notknown we present several methods for solving VMDPs while approximating the user’spreference vector.We introduce two algorithms that reduce the number of queries needed to find the optimalpolicy of a user: 1) A propagation-search algorithm, where we propagate a setof possible optimal policies for the given MDP without knowing the user’s preferences.2) An interactive value iteration algorithm (IVI) on VMDPs, namely Advantage-basedValue Iteration (ABVI) algorithm that uses clustering and regrouping advantages. Wealso demonstrate how ABVI algorithm works properly for two different types of users:confident and uncertain.We finally work on a minimax regret approximation method as a method for findingthe optimal policy w.r.t the limited information about user’s preferences. All possibleobjectives in the system are just bounded between two higher and lower bounds while thesystem is not aware of user’s preferences among them. We propose an heuristic minimaxregret approximation method for solving MDPs with unknown rewards that is faster andless complex than the existing methods in the literature.

Efeito de elicitação biótica com o fungo Nomuraea rileyi (Farlow) Samson no metabolismo secundário de plantas aclimatadas de Hypericum polyanthemum Klotzsech ex Reichardt / Effect of biotic stress in secondary metabolism of Hypericum polyanthemum Klotzsech ex Reichardt

Meirelles, Gabriela de Carvalho January 2012 (has links)
Hypericum polyanthemum é uma planta nativa do Sul do Brasil que contém compostos como flavonóides, taninos, derivados de floroglucinol (uliginosina B) e benzopiranos: HP1 (6-isobutiril-5,7-dimetóxi-2,2-dimetilbenzopirano), HP2 (7-hidróxi-6-isobutiril-5- metóxi-2,2-dimetilbenzopirano), e HP3 (5-hidróxi-6-isobutiril-7-metóxi-2,2- dimetillbenzopirano). Esses metabólitos são responsáveis por uma série de atividades biológicas como inibidores da monoaminoxidase (IMAO), antiproliferativa e antitumoral. No presente trabalho modificações na biomassa vegetal e no teor de metabólitos bioativos de plantas de H. polyanthemum cultivadas sob condições controladas e após 18 semanas de aclimatação foram investigadas após elicitação com o fungo Nomuraea rileyi através da adição do microrganismo liofilizado e pulverizado (LP), ou liofilizado, autoclavado e pulverizado (LAP) por curtos e longos períodos de tempo. Plantas cultivadas sob condições controladas tratadas com LAP demonstraram aumento na concentração dos benzopiranos HP1, HP2 e HP3 enquanto LP provocou efeito negativo ou ainda, não alterou a síntese destes compostos. Porém, baixos níveis do floroglucinol uliginosina B foram detectados em todos os tratamentos. Tratamentos com LAP por longos períodos de tempo em plantas cultivadas a campo provocaram aumento de biomassa (2x) e a análise química demonstrou elevação do teor de compostos fenólicos totais nas partes vegetativas das plantas submetidas a todos os tratamentos. Ainda, a análise apontou um diferente grau de acúmulo dos metabólitos, com maiores teores de HP1, HP2, HP3 e uliginosina B sendo encontrados nas partes reprodutivas das plantas tratadas com LAP. A elevação dos metabólitos bioativos em resposta ao elicitor fúngico sugere que estes compostos são induzíveis na resposta de defesa de H. polyanthemum. Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho são relevantes em virtude da planta não sofrer danos. Assim, o sistema descrito representa uma nova abordagem em pesquisas com plantas visando otimizar condições para a produção de biomassa e metabólitos secundários de interesse medicinal. / Hypericum polyanthemum is a native plant of South Brazil that contains compounds such as flavonoids, tannins, phloroglucinol derivatives (uliginosin B) and benzopyrans: HP1 (6-isobutyryl-5,7-dimethoxy-2,2-dimethylbenzopyran), HP2 (7-hydroxy-6-isobutyryl-5- methoxy-2,2-dimethylbenzopyran), and HP3 (5-hydroxy-6-isobutyryl-7-methoxy-2,2- dimethylbenzopyran). These metabolites are responsible for biological activities such as monoamine oxidase inhibitor, antiproliferative and antitumoral. In this work changes in biomass and bioactive metabolites after elicitation with the fungi Nomuraea riley added as freeze dried culture (DC) or as freeze dried autoclaved cell powder (DACP) for short and long periods of time have been investigated in Hypericum polyanthemum plants grown under controlled conditions and after 18 weeks of field acclimatization. Plants treated with DACP showed increased concentrations of the benzopyrans while the DC affected negatively or did not alter the synthesis of these compounds. Nevertheless, low levels of uliginosin B were detected in all treatments. Long time treatment of field grown acclimatized plants with DACP triggered plant growth doubling the biomass and chemical analyses demonstrated increased total phenolic compounds yields in the vegetative parts of plants submitted to the treatments. Furthermore, the analysis showed different pattern of metabolites accumulation, with higher yields of benzopyrans and uliginosin B accumulated in the reproductive parts of the plants treated with DACP during all experiment. The elevation of bioactive metabolites levels in response to the elicitor suggests that these compounds are inducible in plant defense response of H. polyanthemum. The results obtained are relevant since the plant did not suffer injury. Then, the system described represents a new approach in plant research aimed to optimize the conditions for biomass and accumulation of secondary metabolites.

Reduzindo a volatilidade de requisitos com o volaRE. / Reducing requirements volatility by using volaRE.

Eston Almança dos Santos 12 May 2008 (has links)
A oferta de bens e serviços para atendimento da demanda dos consumidores atuais tem uma forte base na personalização, ou seja, na busca da satisfação individual dos clientes. Essa tem sido a forma que as empresas tem encontrado para se diferenciar. Para tanto, as organizações necessitam de modelos de negócios que permitam ajustar seus processos com as freqüentes necessidades de mudanças. A metodologia utilizada foi a observação de estudo de casos com projetos de Inovação Tecnológica, que possuem altos índices na característica de mudança dos requisitos. A proposta deste trabalho é permitir que essa volatilidade seja identificada na fase de eliciação de requisitos, com base nas intenções de cada envolvido no processo de engenharia de requisitos, e que tais solicitações possam ser melhor compreendidas através da prototipação baseada nas perspectivas dos participantes: de negócio, operacional, de design e gerencial. Como resultado foi definido o volaRE, que permite se conhecer a volatilidade de um requisito, com base nas características definidas do mesmo, ainda na fase de eliciação. / Current consumers have demanded a special attention in the production and distribution of goods and services which have turned organizations to mass customization, looking for an individual satisfaction of their customers. This has been the form that companies have found to differentiate themselves. Therefore, the integration of business and productive processes must be adaptable to the frequent changes in the company\'s environment. The used methodology was the observation of cases study with of Technological Innovation projects, which have high rates of requirements changes. The proposal of this work is that this volatility could be identified in the requirements elicitation phase, based on the intent of each involved in the process of requirements engineering, and that such requests can be better understood through perspectives prototyping based of those participants: business, operational, design and management. As result volaRE was defined, that lets to know the requirement\'s volatility, based on defined characteristics, yet at elicitation phase.

Elicitação de especialistas em estudos de confiabilidade e análise de risco. / Expert opinion on reliability studies and risk analysis.

Marco Aurélio Pestana 17 April 2017 (has links)
O propósito desta dissertação é apresentar o uso da opinião de especialistas e outras questões relevantes acerca do assunto na avaliação das incertezas em estudos de análise de risco e confiabilidade, com apresentação de um estudo de caso prático. Em estudos de confiabilidade umas das principais preocupações está na determinação das frequências de ocorrência dos eventos e seu comportamento ao longo do tempo. Muitas vezes, os dados de frequência estão obsoletos, não estão disponíveis ou mesmo, não são suficientes para se avaliar a probabilidade de ocorrência de eventos. Nestes casos, a elicitação da opinião de especialista surge como uma alternativa a suplementar estas ausências de dados possibilitando assim uma melhor análise das incertezas. Baseado na condição da subjetividade, a elicitação dos especialistas tem como objetivo quantificar as incertezas a partir da experiência prévia e estado atual de conhecimento. Combinado com métodos matemáticos, a elicitação possibilita o gerenciamento de conflitos de informações de forma a atingir o consenso e possibilitar uma análise subjetiva dos problemas. / The purpose of this dissertationis to present the use of expert opinion and other relevant issues on the subjective assessment of uncertainties in risk analysis and reliability studies, presenting a practical case study. In reliability studies a major concern is to determine the frequencies of occurrence of events and their behavior through time. Often, the available data are not representative enough to evaluate the event probability or it is obsolete for use. In these cases, the elicitation of expert opinion is an alternative to supplement these data absences, Thus enabling a better uncertainties analysis. Based on the subjectivity condition, the elicitation of experts aims to quantify the uncertainty considering the previous experiences and current state of knowledge. Combined with mathematical elicitation methods, it enables the manegement of information conflicts in order to reach consensus and makes possible a subjective analysis of problems.

Creadtivity: um processo que integra design thinking e técnicas de criatividadade na elicitação de requisitos de software

VALENÇA, Marcello Cysneiros Landim 10 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rafael Santana (rafael.silvasantana@ufpe.br) on 2017-05-04T18:50:45Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação - Marcello.pdf: 3678946 bytes, checksum: 257c255d9fcd97bd9f9631b0200bad58 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-04T18:50:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação - Marcello.pdf: 3678946 bytes, checksum: 257c255d9fcd97bd9f9631b0200bad58 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-10 / As soluções de Tecnologia da Informação vêm se tornando cada vez mais parte da vida cotidiana das pessoas, e com isso as exigências sobre a utilidade e a usabilidade têm crescido continuamente. Os problemas a serem resolvidos estão cada vez mais complexos, e as técnicas tradicionais utilizadas pelos engenheiros de software para encontrar oportunidades e resolver problemas nem sempre conseguem atingir o seu objetivo e, quando o fazem, nem sempre chegam a produtos que satisfaçam os usuários e tragam vantagem competitiva para a empresa. A verdade é que os produtos de TI dependem, cada vez mais, da dinâmica da vida social, que não são primariamente a preocupação da engenharia, mas do design. Nesse contexto, o Design Thinking fornece uma metodologia para elicitar as necessidades dos usuários, produzindo uma série de protótipos rápidos e simples que eventualmente convergem para soluções inovadoras. Já as técnicas de criatividade possuem uma grande capacidade de geração de novas ideias, o que pode ajudar na elicitação de requisitos. Para integrar a filosofia do Design Thinking e as técnicas de criatividade, unindo assim os conceitos do design com a exploração de novas ideias, um processo estruturado foi proposto. Este trabalho descreve esse processo, chamado de Creadtivity, que integra a metodologia do Design Thinking com técnicas de criatividade para elicitação de requisitos de software, visando promover a inovação. Espera-se que este processo possa ser utilizado para ampliar as habilidades das equipes de TI para resolver problemas de forma criativa. Uma primeira avaliação do processo foi realizada através da aplicação do processo em uma empresa de desenvolvimento de software e da utilização de um questionário para coletar os dados. Uma segunda avaliação foi feita através de um experimento para a utilização do processo por alunos de mestrado e posterior comparação dos protótipos gerados, realizada pelos stakeholders e especialistas em design. Como resultado das duas avaliações, o Creadtivity se mostrou fácil de ser aprendido e utilizado, sistemático e possível de ser integrado com outros processos e técnicas. Já o resultado da comparação dos protótipos mostrou que o protótipo gerado pela equipe que utilizou o Creadtivity possui indícios de inovação. / IT solutions are becoming more and more part of people’s everyday life, and with that the demands on usefulness and usability have been growing continuously. The problems to be solved are increasingly complex, and traditional techniques used by software engineers to find opportunities and solve problems do not always manage to achieve their goals and, when they do, the result is not always a product that satisfies users and brings competitive advantage to the company. The truth is that IT products deeply depend on social life dynamics, which are primarily not the concern of engineering but of design. In this context, Design Thinking provides a methodology to elicit user needs, producing a series of quick and simple prototypes that eventually converge to innovative solutions. In addition, creativity techniques have a great capacity to generate new ideas, which can help in the requirements elicitation. To integrate the philosophy of design thinking with creativity techniques, thus uniting concepts of design with the exploitation of new ideas, a structured process was proposed. This paper describes this process, called Creadtivity, which integrates the Design Thinking methodology with creativity techniques for software requirements elicitation, in order to reach innovation. The aim is that this process can be used to expand the skills of IT teams to solve problems creatively. A first evaluation of the process was carried out by applying the process in a software development company and by using a questionnaire to collect data. A second evaluation was performed through an experiment for the use of the process by master's students and subsequent comparison of the prototypes generated, getting the opinion of stakeholders and experts in design. As a result of the two assessments, Creadtivity proved to be easy to be learned and used, systematic and possible to be integrated with other processes and techniques. In addition, the result of the comparison of the prototypes showed that the prototype generated by the team using Creadtivity has indication of innovation.

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