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[pt] Nos dias atuais, muito mais do que no passado, é sabido que o sucesso de
projetos de software depende criticamente de requisitos. Um exemplo de GORE,
que significa Engenharia de Requisitos Orientada a Metas, é o Framework i* (iestrela).
Este afirma que os requisitos devem representar a intencionalidade do
grande número de atores sociais, os quais são pessoas ou sistemas. Dentro desse
contexto, existe ainda um vazio de métodos para cobrir o processo da elicitação de
metas. Vários métodos para SMA (Sistemas Multi-Agentes) mencionam a
elicitação das metas, mas eles não fornecem detalhes de como essa atividade é
feita, eles tratam principalmente da modelagem de metas sem antes cuidar dos
detalhes da elicitação. Em adição, modelos intencionais como exemplo o
Framework i*, podem ser complexos e até mesmo incompreensíveis. Esta tese
propõe um método chamado ERi*c – “Engenharia de Requisitos Intencional”, o
qual primeiro provê um processo de elicitação que aplica uma abordagem
“bottom-up” e simples, com perguntas que podem identificar metas concretas e
metas flexíveis. Além disso, o método Eri*c propõe uma solução para reduzir o
problema da “escalabilidade” de modelos i* que inclui heurísticas para a
especificação desses modelos. O método contém também uma estratégia para
fazer diagnósticos de modelos i* de maneira a cobrir o processo de análise de
requisitos. / [en] Nowadays, much more than in the past, it is known that the
success of
software projects depends critically on the requirements.
Goal Oriented
Requirements Engineering - GORE, for example i Framework,
says that
requirements must represent the intentionality of a large
number of social actors,
which can be people or systems. Several Multi-Agent Systems
(MAS) methods
mention goals elicitation but they do not provide details
of how this is performed,
they mainly focus on goals modeling. In this context, there
is still a lack of
methods to cover the goal elicitation process. Only after
eliciting goals,
requirements engineers will be able to deal properly with
goal models. Typically,
this is a difficult task to carry on since requirements
engineers are not familiarized
with the domain from the early stages of software
development. And,
intentionality models, for example i Framework, can be
complex and
incompreensible. This thesis proposes a method called
ERi c - Engenharia de
Requisitos Intencional which provides an inquire process
that can identify goals
and softgoals in a bottom-up and simple elicitation
approach together with one
solution to reduce the problem of scalability of i models.
The method ERi c also
includes heuristics for modeling specification and a
diagnoses aproach in order to
analyze i models.
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Elicitation of natural products biosynthesis from endophytic microorganisms´ interactions / Eliciação da biossíntese de produtos naturais a partir da interação de microorganismos endofíticosCaraballo Rodríguez, Andrés Mauricio 10 February 2017 (has links)
In order to continue with the study of natural products from previously isolated endophytes of the Brazilian medicinal plant Lychnophora ericoides, the main goal of this work focused on the metabolic exchange of endophytic microorganisms from this plant. As it has been demonstrated during the last years, elicitation of different molecules is consequence of microbial interactions, mainly due to the need to compete, survive and establish microbial communities in shared environments. Recent mass spectrometry related approaches, such as imaging and molecular networking, in combination with purification and structural elucidation were applied to the current study of the microbial interactions of endophytes. During this study, several chemical families were identified, such as polyene macrocycles, pyrroloindole alkaloids, leupeptins, angucyclines, siderophores, amongst others. Amongst the polyene macrocycles, the well-known antifungal amphotericin B was identified as a biosynthetic product of the endophytic actinobacteria Streptomyces albospinus RLe7. When S. albospinus RLe7 interacted with an endophytic fungus, Coniochaeta sp. FLe4, a red pigmentation was observed. A new fungal compound was detected from microbial interactions. Isolation and structure elucidation of this new compound enabled to demonstrate the elicitation of fungal secondary metabolites by amphotericin B, an actinobacterial metabolite. It was also demonstrated the elicitation of griseofulvin and its analogue dechlorogriseofulvin from another endophytic fungus, FLe9, as a consequence of exposition to amphotericin B. In addition, investigation of the chemical profile of another endophytic actinobacteria, S. mobaraensis RLe3, led to reveal this strain as angucycline-derivatives producer. Besides that, coculturing of this actinobacteria against Coniochaeta sp. FLe4 also demonstrated elicitation of angucycline analogues. In conclusion, this study demonstrated elicitation of natural products from microbial interactions as well as new compounds from endophytes from L. ericoides and contributed to the identification of microbial metabolites / Com o propósito de continuar com os estudos de produtos naturais de microorganismos endofíticos da planta medicinal Brasileira Lychnophora ericoides, o principal objetivo desse trabalho focou-se no estudo da troca metabólica de microorganismos endofíticos dessa planta. Como tem sido demonstrado durante os últimos anos, a elicitação de diferentes compostos é consequência das interações microbianas, principalmente devido à necessidade de competir, sobreviver e estabelecer comunidades microbianas em diversos ambientes naturais. Abordagens recentes de espectrometria de massas, tais como imageamento e molecular networking, junto com purificação e elucidação estrutural foram aplicadas durante o estudo de interações microbianas de endofíticos. Durante este estudo, várias classes químicas foram identificadas, tais como polienos macrocíclicos, alcaloides pirroloindólicos, leupeptinas, anguciclinas, sideróforos, entre outras. Da classe química de polienos macrocíclicos, foi identificada a anfotericina B como produto da biossíntese da actinobactéria endofítica Streptomyces albospinus RLe7. Durante a interação da S. albospinus RLe7 com o fungo endofítico Coniochaeta sp. FLe4, uma pigmentação vermelha foi observada. Um novo composto de origem fúngica foi detectado a partir de interações microbianas. O isolamento e posterior elucidação estrutural do novo composto permitiu demonstrar a eliciação de metabólitos secundários fúngicos pela anfotericina B, metabólito da actinobactéria S. albospinus RLe7. Foi também demonstrada a eliciação de griseofulvina e desclorogriseofulvina a partir de outro fungo endofítico, FLe9, como consequência da exposição à anfotericina B. Adicionalmente, a investigação do perfil químico de outra actinobactéria endofítica, S. mobaraensis RLe3, evidenciou essa linhagem como produtora de compostos da classe das anguciclinas. Além disso, o cocultivo dessa actinobacteria com o fungo endofítico Coniochaeta sp. FLe4 também eliciou análogos de anguciclinas. Em conclusão, neste estudo demonstrou-se a elicitação de produtos naturais a partir das interações microbianas assim como de novos compostos de endofíticos de L. ericoides e contribuiu-se com a identificação de metabólitos microbianos
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Une approche d'aide multicritère à la décision pour l'évaluation du confort dans les trains : construction d'un modèle d'évaluation / A multiple criteria decision aiding tool for evaluating the overall comfort on board trainsMammeri, Mohamed 17 September 2013 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche menés dans cette thèse s’inscrivent dans deux champs disciplinaires que sont l’évaluation du confort et l’aide multicritère à la décision.L’objectif de la thèse est de construire un modèle pour évaluer des trains sur le point de vue du confort tel qu’il est perçu par les voyageurs. L’approche utilisée pour cela repose sur trois étapes principales de construction d’un modèle d’aide multicritère à la décision. La première consiste à définir et à formaliser les critères de confort du problème. Dans la deuxième étape, il s’agit de construire les échelles afin de pouvoir évaluer les trains sur chaque critère de confort considéré.La troisième étape consiste à agréger les critères de confort en utilisant des méthodes d’agrégation multicritère. Cette étape nécessite l’élicitation des préférences des décideurs afin de mettre en oeuvre les méthodes d’agrégation.Notre contribution est de formaliser une approche pour la construction d’un modèle d’évaluation du confort dans les trains. Cette approche peut être appliquée à d’autres problématiques que l’évaluation du confort. Elle présente deux particularités principales. La première est d’intégrer dans la construction du modèle des facteurs importants traduisant la perception du confort. Nous avons choisi pour cela un modèle hiérarchique comportant plusieurs niveaux. La deuxième particularité de l’approche est d’utiliser des méthodes d’agrégation pouvant être différentes d’un noeud à un autre du modèle. Elle présente également d’autres aspects plus spécifiques, notamment lors de l’élicitation des préférences où nous construisons des exemples d’apprentissage informatifs pour accélérer le processus d’élicitation / This PhD thesis falls within two scientific areas, which are comfort evaluation and multiple criteria decision aiding. The main purpose is to develop a model in order to evaluate trains on the comfort point of view, as percieved by passengers. The developed approach is based on three main steps of developing a multiple criteria decision aiding model. The first one consists on defining and formalizing the criteria of comfort. In the second step, the scales of each considered criterion must be built in order to evaluate the trains on these last. The third step aims at aggregating the criteria, using multiple criteria aggregation methods, in order to obtain an overall comfort evaluation of trains. For this purpose, the decision maker’s preferences must be elicited
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Using Photo Elicitation to Understand ELA Teacher Decision Making in the Age of Common CoreKeith, Karin, Moran, Renee Rice, Hong, H. 01 February 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Swedish Dimensional AdjectivesVogel, Anna 04 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to give a thorough and detailed account and analysis of the semantics of twelve Swedish dimensional adjectives: hög ‘high/tall', låg ‘low', bred ‘broad/wide', smal ‘narrow/thin', vid ‘broad', trång ‘narrow', tjock ‘thick', tunn ‘thin', djup ‘deep', grund ‘narrow', lång ‘long' and kort ‘short'. Focus has been placed on their spatial, non-metaphorical sense. The study was written within the framework of cognitive linguistics, where lexical definitions may be given in terms of prototypical and peripheral uses. Four sources of data have been considered: a corpus, consisting of contemporary fiction, an elicitation test, designed for the purpose, dictionary articles on the pertinent adjectives, and the author's own linguistic intuition as a native speaker. The methodology has involved categorisation of combinations of adjective and noun, based upon three major themes: orientation, function, and shape. In order to determine prototypical uses, precedence has been given to the outcome of the elicitation test over the corpus search. For both sources, frequency has played an important part. The ranking of senses as stated in the dictionary articles has also been considered. The results indicate that the dimensional adjectives differ quite markedly from each other, as opposed to a structural view where the adjectives traditionally have been regarded as forming a neat patchwork. Adjectives overlap each other for some uses (högt gräs ‘high grass', långt gräs ‘long grass' and even djupt gräs ‘deep grass'), while there are also situations in which no dimensional adjective can describe an object. Furthermore, adjectives forming pairs, such as djup – grund ‘deep – shallow', do not exhibit full antonymy, despite the fact that dimensional adjectives are traditionally cited as examples par excellence concerning antonymy.
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Der Wortassoziationsversuch als wissensdiagnostisches Instrument im arbeitspsychologischen Kontext : eine Befundintegration zur Verfahrensvalidierung / Word associations as an knowledge elicitation instrument in the context of occupational psychologyCeglarek, Petra January 2008 (has links)
Wissensanalysen besitzen arbeitspsychologische Relevanz, da kompetentes Arbeitshandeln das Beherrschen eines gesicherten Basiswissens voraussetzt. In der arbeitspsychologischen Praxis werden Wissensdiagnosen beispielsweise eingesetzt in Wissensmanagementprozessen, zur Evaluation von Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen oder zur Entwicklung wissensbasierter Systeme. Der Wortassoziationsversuch als ein Verfahren zur Verbalisation fachspezifischen Wissens kann dazu einen Beitrag leisten. Dabei werden Probanden Stimuli aus einer umschriebenen Domäne des Fachwissenbereichs vorgegeben, auf welche diese stichwortartig alle Assoziationen benennen sollen, welche ihnen einfallen. Je mehr jemand assoziiert, desto größer ist – gemäß der Annahme einer netzwerkanalogen Repräsentation – dessen Wissensbesitz.
Da die Verfahrensgüte des Wortassoziationsversuchs bisher ungeklärt war, sollten anhand von insgesamt 17 Feldstudien die Haupt- und Nebengütekriterien bestimmt werden. Es zeigte sich, daß der Wortassoziationsversuch in der Lage ist, explizites, deklaratives Fachwissen von Probanden zu erheben, und somit ein brauchbares wissensdiagnostisches Instrument darstellt. Die Reliabilität des Wortassoziationsversuchs konnte belegt werden, somit ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung zur Beurteilung der Validität sowie der Veränderungssensitivität gegeben. Auch die Prüfung der Validität anhand der Außenkriterien Geschäftsführerbeurteilung sowie Klausurleistung erbrachte zufriedenstellende Koeffizienten und kann daher ebenfalls als belegt angesehen werden. Ebenso konnte i.S. der diskriminanten Validierung gezeigt werden, daß mittels der Assoziationstechnik tatsächlich das Konstrukt des Fachwissens und nicht der generellen Fähigkeit zur Wortflüssigkeit erfaßt wird. Insgesamt zeigt sich der Wortassoziationsversuch damit als ein valides, reliables, m.E. Objektives, veränderungssensitves, von den Probanden akzeptiertes, ökonomisches und damit für die arbeitspsychologische Praxis nützliches Verfahren. / Providing methods and instruments to assess the elicitation of domain-specific knowledge from (working) persons is of major relevance for occupational psychology, since basic knowledge is a precondition for competent work performance. In occupational practice, knowledge elicitation methods are realised in organisational knowledge management processes, for training evaluations or for developing knowledge based systems. Free term entry (FTE), which helps to verbalise domain specific knowledge, can contribute greatly in this context. The method involves presenting subjects with stimuli from a specific domain, then the subjects have to list in note form all associations that come to their minds. The more the subject associates, the grater his knowledge – assuming a network-analog representation.
Since the quality of the performance data of FTE tests has as of yet been inconclusive, I identified primary and secondary quality criteria using a total of 17 field studies. I was able to show that FTE is able to elicit explicit, declarative domain specific knowledge, and thus is a useful tool for this purpose. Its reliability, an important precondition for validity and sensitivity, was proved.
An assessment of the validity on the basis of two external criteria (an appraisal of the subject's vocational expertise by the managing director as a performance measure performance and the subject´s exam performance as a measure of individual domain-specific knowledge) leads to good coefficients. Assessment of the discriminant validity shows that the FTE method captures the construct of domain specific knowledge instead of the general word fluency ability. Overall, the mean frequency of associations is a sensitive measurement for the extent of the individual domain-specific knowledge as well as the extent of vocational expertise – the FTE method is a valid, reliable, objective, economical instrument accepted by the subjects, and therefore is useful for the practice of occupational psychology.
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Mr and Mrs: How 'I Do' Impacts Physical Activity in Married IndividualsMichel, Kacy L. 2012 May 1900 (has links)
This dissertation presents three separate studies designed to investigate the relationship between marriage and physical activity behavior. First, a systematic literature review of nineteen articles presents qualitative and quantitative articles from 2000 to 2010 that focus on the relationship between marriage and physical activity and/or exercise. Based on the findings from the review, social support (or lack of support), culturally-determined gender roles, environmental factors such as income level, and intrapersonal factors such as self-efficacy each influenced spousal physical activity.
Secondly, a qualitative study based on interviews and photographs from twenty-four married individuals utilized Social Cognitive Theory to explore the mechanisms, determinants, and influences of spousal physical activity. Findings indicate verbal persuasion by husbands encouraged wives, yet verbal persuasion by wives was perceived as nagging by men. While verbal persuasion by husbands increased a small number of wives' sense of self-efficacy, the majority of women felt that persuasion increased motivation, not necessarily confidence. Findings also highlighted the power of modeling to increase husbands' physical activity. Overwhelmingly, men reacted more positively to modeling than verbal persuasion.
Lastly, a second qualitative piece employed General Systems Theory to conceive of the marital unit as a type of system working within other broader systems. Findings highlighted the desire for increased quality time as a motivator for physical activity within the marital system. Also, the larger cultural, occupational, and familial systems greatly influenced marital dyads. Cultural expectations to be the primary caregiver negatively impacted wives while occupational pressures negatively influenced both parts of the marital dyad. Regarding the familial system, parents cited the influence of their own parents as well as a desire to "pass on" exemplary physical activity habits to their children. Finally, couples with children highlighted an increase in exercise frequency yet decrease in exercise intensity.
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Corrective feedback in online asynchronous and synchronous environments in spanish as a foreign language (sfl) classesCastañeda, Martha E 01 June 2005 (has links)
This dissertation reports on an investigation of corrective feedback provided by instructors to learners in sixteen online asynchronous and synchronous interactions. The overarching objective of this study was to examine the provision of corrective feedback in computer-mediated communication (CMC) environments. This study also sought to examine the frequency of corrective feedback types and the relationship between learner error and corrective feedback provision. Finally, this study investigated what types of corrective feedback led to repaired learner responses.Over the course of one university semester, the instructors and students in four second-semester Spanish courses participated in bulletin board and chat room discussions and a detailed analysis of the transcripts revealed that instructors do provide learners with corrective feedback in online asynchronous and synchronous environments.
The results also reveal that corrective feedback is more prevalent in the asynchronous environment than in the synchronous environment. A total of six corrective feedback typesexplicit correction, recasts, metalinguistic feedback, clarification request, elicitation, and repetitionwere found in these environments. All corrective feedback types were present in the asynchronous environment while repetition was not observed in the synchronous environment. The results indicate instructors overall preference for explicit correction in the asynchronous environment and preference for recasts in the synchronous environment. In the synchronous environment, different types of learner errors are followed by different types of corrective feedback. Recasts most often follow grammatical and lexical errors, while an opportunity to negotiate form is most often provided for multiple errors.
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"It's This Simple, You Really Have to Want to Be Together": A Qualitative Study of African American Military CouplesCurry, Emelda 01 January 2013 (has links)
Recent studies have reported that African American couples in the military are less likely to divorce than their civilian counterparts. This dissertation was designed to document the experiences of African American military couples in order to understand the challenges they face while serving in the armed forces and the strategies they have used to maintain their marriages. A grounded theory approach was utilized to produce 12 main themes that categorize experiences of both the individual and the couple within the context of their respective military branch. Photo-elicitation was incorporated into semi-structured interviews with 10 couples to identify what they consider to be the important aspects of their marriage, the ways in which their relationships were impacted by the demands of duty, and their perspectives on the role that race plays in an institution that has been characterized as relatively race-neutral.
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Swedish Dimensional Adjectives / Svenska dimensionsadjektivVogel, Anna January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to give a thorough and detailed account and analysis of the semantics of twelve Swedish dimensional adjectives: hög ’high/tall’, låg ’low’, bred ’broad/wide’, smal ’narrow’ vid ’broad’, trång ’narrow’, tjock ’thick’, tunn ’thin’, djup ’deep’, grund ’narrow’, lång ’long’ and kort ’short’. Focus has been placed on their spatial, non-metaphorical sense. The study was written within the framework of cognitive linguistics, where lexical definitions may be given in terms of prototypical and peripheral uses. Four sources of data have been considered: a corpus, consisting of contemporary fiction, an elicitation test, designed for the purpose, dictionary articles on the pertinent adjectives, and the author's own linguistic intuition as a native speaker. The methodology has involved categorisation of combinations of adjective and noun, based upon three major themes: orientation, function, and shape. In order to determine prototypical uses, precedence has been given to the outcome of the elicitation test over the corpus search. For both sources, frequency has played an important part. The ranking of senses as stated in the dictionary articles has also been considered. The results indicate that the dimensional adjectives differ quite markedly from each other, as opposed to a structural view where the adjectives traditionally have been regarded as forming a neat patchwork. Adjectives overlap each other for some uses (högt gräs ’high grass’, långt gräs ’long grass’ and even djupt gräs ’deep grass’), while there are also situations in which no dimensional adjective can describe an object. Furthermore, adjectives forming pairs, such as djup – grund ’deep – shallow’, do not exhibit full antonymy, despite the fact that dimensional adjectives are traditionally cited as examples par excellence concerning antonymy.
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