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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diseño de un Sistema de Criptografía Asimétrica para dotar Seguridad de Confidencialidad e Integridad a las Comunicaciones SMTP y SFTP para Scharff Logística Integrada S.A.

Fernández Asencios, Nery Benjamín 24 April 2021 (has links)
El correo electrónico se ha convertido en uno de los métodos de comunicación más importantes para cualquier persona y organización. Sin embargo, los estándares actuales de la industria no ponen énfasis en la seguridad del correo electrónico. Los correos electrónicos pueden ser interceptados fácilmente por otros. Potencialmente, cada correo electrónico no cifrado enviado a través de una red o almacenado en un servidor de correo electrónico puede leerse, copiarse o modificarse. Existe una gran necesidad de entrega segura de correo electrónico. Algunos proveedores de servicios de correo electrónico, como Google, tomaron algunas medidas para mejorar la protección de la privacidad basada en el protocolo https. La principal motivación para https es evitar las escuchas telefónicas y los ataques de hombre en el medio. Esto, proporciona autenticación del sitio web de Gmail y el servidor web asociado con el que se está comunicando, y proporciona cifrado bidireccional de las comunicaciones entre una computadora cliente y el servidor de Gmail. En la práctica, esta es una garantía razonable de que uno se está comunicando con el servidor de Gmail con el que está destinado a comunicarse, así como también asegurar que el contenido de las comunicaciones entre el usuario y el servidor de Gmail no pueda ser leído o falsificado por ningún tercero. Sin embargo, https solo evita que los correos electrónicos sean rastreados durante la transmisión de red. No impide que los administradores del servidor de correo electrónico, o cualquier otra persona que pueda acceder a varios servidores de correo electrónico para leer los mensajes de correo electrónico, porque https no es un cifrado de extremo a extremo. La organización en la que se basa este trabajo tiene más de 30 años en el mercado con las comunicaciones por correo electrónico y SFTP. La tesis identificó problemas de comunicación por correo electrónico y otros protocolos sin asegurar la data enviada, así como en quiénes debían tener acceso a los datos; además, se encontró problemas en la confidencialidad e integridad en la información enviada; finalmente, se requería un diseño de un sistema criptográfico para dotar de seguridad las comunicaciones y así tener acceso a la información desde cualquier lugar, dispositivo, y cualquier momento. La tesis analizó las opciones en el mercado y determinó el uso del estándar PGP como la solución más adecuada para el proyecto. / Email has become one of the most important communication methods for any person and organization. However, current industry standards do not emphasize email security. Emails can be intercepted by others easily. Potentially, every not encrypted email sent over a network or stored on an email server can be read, copied, or modified. There is a great need for safe email delivery. Some email service providers, such as Google, took some steps to improve privacy protection based on the https protocol. The main motivation for https is to prevent wiretapping and the attacks of man in the middle. This provides authentication of the Gmail website and the associated web server with which you are communicating, and provides bidirectional encryption of communications between a client computer and the Gmail server. In practice, this is a reasonable guarantee that one is communicating with the Gmail server with which it is destined to communicate, as well as ensuring that the content of the communications between the user and the Gmail server cannot be read or falsified by any third party. However, https only prevents emails from being tracked during network transmission. It does not prevent email server administrators, or anyone else who can access multiple email servers to read email messages, because https is not end to end encryption. The organization on which this work is based, has been in the market for email and SFTP communications for more than 30 years. The thesis identified communication problems by email and other protocols without securing the data sent, as well as who should have access to the data; Furthermore, confidentiality and integrity problems were found in the information sent. Finally, a cryptographic system design is required to provide security for communications and thus have access to information from any place, device, and at any time. The thesis analyzed the options in the market and determined the use of the PGP standard as the most suitable solution for the project. / Tesis

Evaluation of the performance of machine learning techniques for email classification / Utvärdering av prestationen av maskininlärningstekniker för e-post klassificering

Tapper, Isabella January 2022 (has links)
Manual categorization of a mail inbox can often become time-consuming. Therefore many attempts have been made to use machine learning for this task. One essential Natural Language Processing (NLP) task is text classification, which is a big challenge since an NLP engine is not a native speaker of any human language. An NLP engine often fails at understanding sarcasm and underlying intent. One of the NLP challenges is to represent text. Text embeddings can be learned, or they can be generated from a pre-trained model. Google’s pre-trained model Sentence Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (SBERT) is state-of-the-art for generating pre-trained vector representation of longer text. In this project, different methods of classifying and clustering emails were studied. The performances of three supervised classification models were compared to each other. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) and a Neural Network (NN) were trained with SBERT embeddings, and the third model, a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) was trained on raw data. The motivation for this experiment was to see whether SBERT embedding is an excellent choice of text representation when combined with simpler classification models in an email classification task. The results show that the SVM and NN perform higher than RNN in the email classification task. Since most real data is unlabeled, this thesis also evaluated how well unsupervised methods could perform in email clustering taking advantage of the available labels and using SBERT embeddings as text representations. Three unsupervised clustering models are reviewed in this thesis: K-Means (KM), Spectral Clustering (SC), and Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC). The results show that the unsupervised models all had a similar performance in terms of precision, recall and F1-score, and the performances were evaluated using the available labeled dataset. In conclusion, this thesis gives evidence that in an email classification task, it is better for supervised models to train with pre-trained SBERT embeddings than to train on raw data. This thesis also showed that the output of the clustering methods compared on par with the output of the selected supervised learning techniques. / Manuell kategorisering av en inkorg kan ofta bli tidskrävande. Därför har många försök gjorts att använda maskininlärning för denna uppgift. En viktig uppgift för Natural Language Processing (NLP) är textklassificering, vilket är en stor utmaning eftersom en språkmotor inte talar något mänskligt språk som modersmål. En språkmotor misslyckas ofta med att förstå sarkasm och underliggande avsikt. En av språkmotorns utmaningar är att representera text. Textinbäddningar kan bli inlärda, eller så kan de genereras av en förutbildad modell. Googles förutbildade modell Sentence Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (SBERT) är den senaste tekniken för att generera förtränade vektorrepresentation av längre text. I detta projekt studerades olika metoder för att klassificera e-postmeddelanden. Prestandan av tre övervakade klassificeringsmodeller jämfördes med varandra, och av dessa var två utbildade med SBERT-inbäddningar: Support Vector Machine (SVM), Neural Network (NN) och den tredje modellen tränades på rådata: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Motivationen till detta experiment var att se om SBERT-inbäddningar tillsammans med enklare klassificeringsmodeller är ett bra val av textrepresentation i en e-post klassificeringsuppgift. Resultaten visar att SVM och NN har högre prestanda än RNN i e-postklassificeringsuppgiften. Eftersom mycket verklig data är omärkt utvärderade denna avhandling också hur väl oövervakade metoder kan utföras i samma e-postklassificeringsuppgift med SBERT-inbäddningar som textrepresentationer. Tre oövervakade klustringsmodeller utvärderas i denna avhandling: K-Means (KM), Spectral Clustering (SC) och Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC). Resultaten visar att de oövervakade modeller hade liknande prestanda i precision, recall och F1-score, och prestandan var baserad på de tillgängliga klassannoteringarna. Sammanfattningsvis ger denna avhandling bevis på att i en e-postklassificeringsuppgift är det bättre att övervakade modeller tränar med förtränade SBERT-inbäddningar än att träna på rådata. Denna avhandling visade också att resultatet av klustringsmodellerna hade en jämförbar prestanda med resultatet av de valda övervakade inlärningstekniker.

You've got mail the study of the attorney-client privilege and the use of electronic mail

McConnell, Justin W. 01 May 2011 (has links)
The prolific use of the internet and electronic mail within the legal profession presents novel challenges to the application of the attorney-client privilege; especially, in regards to protecting intended confidential communications relayed through e-mail. This thesis addresses the question of whether an attorney in Florida, through electronic mail use, can waive his client's right to the protections of the attorney-client privilege. After a review of current case law, law review articles, statutes, and texts, this thesis concluded that an attorney's communication through e-mail warrants a reasonable expectation of privacy, permitting the attorney to speak in reasonable confidence to clients through the web. However, attorneys, ethically, should consider the strong repercussions for using such a potentially transparent medium for communication. By examining the relationship between current law, the application of the attorney-client privilege, and a reasonable expectation of privacy, this study provides a comprehensive analysis for attorneys concerned with electronic mail usage. Lastly, this thesis provides attorneys with best practices for their electronic mail communications.

Peer interaction in university-level distance education

Fink, Mark L. 12 September 2007 (has links)
No description available.

En Ny Era - Artificiell Intelligens inom Digital Marknadsföring

Bergström Stacey, Emily, Björk, Fredrika January 2023 (has links)
I slutet av år 2022 introducerades det nya AI-verktyget ChatGPT, en AI-modell som använder maskininlärning för att generera människoliknande svar i stor skala. ChatGPT:s snabba framväxt medför en ovisshet kring hur AI-verktyget kommer påverka praxis för digital marknadsföring. Denna studie utreder därför vilken roll ChatGPT kommer spela inom olika praxis för digital marknadsföring och ämnar därmed att utreda forskningsfrågan: Hur kommer ChatGPT att påverka praxis för digital marknadsföring? Den valda forskningsstrategin för denna studie är en kartläggning där ansikte-mot-ansikte kartläggning tillämpas. Detta stöds med hjälp av intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod och vidare appliceras en tematisk analys för att analysera insamlad data. Fem marknadsföringsexperter intervjuades i denna studie och samtliga menade att ChatGPT på något vis påverkar praxis inom digital marknadsföring. Slutsatsen pekar därför mot att ChatGPT, trots dess nya upptäckt, redan börjat påverka processer inom praxis för digital marknadsföring och att det troligtvis i bredare utsträckning kommer fortsätta göra det på olika vis, genom att fortsätta inspirera, effektivisera och optimera. Vidare hade alla respondenter en positiv inställning till att se ChatGPT som ett komplement till dagens marknadsföringspraxis, dock en mer negativ inställning till att se det som ett substitut. / In late 2022, the new AI tool, ChatGPT, was introduced. It is an AI-model that uses machine learning to generate human-like responses on a large scale. The rapid rise of ChatGPT has resulted in a lack of sufficient knowledge about the effect that ChatGPT will have on digital marketing practices. Therefore, this study investigates the role of ChatGPT in different digital marketing practices and aims to address the research question: How will ChatGPT af ect digital marketing practices? The chosen research strategy for this study is a survey strategy, as well as the application of the face-to-face survey. This is supported by the data collection method interviews and then a thematic analysis is applied to analyse the collected data. Five marketing experts were interviewed in this thesis and all believed that ChatGPT will, and already has, in some way influenced digital marketing practices. The conclusion therefore points to the fact that ChatGPT, despite its recent discovery, has already begun to influence processes within the practice of digital marketing. Furthermore ChatGPT will most likely continue to enhance digital marketing in a variety of ways on a wider scale, through continuing to inspire as well as contribute with efficiency and optimisation. In addition, all respondents had a positive attitude towards seeing ChatGPT as a complement to current marketing practices, however a more negative attitude towards seeing it as a substitute.

Vie privée et bon usage des NTIC au travail : risques et responsabilités

Eone, Hortense Y. 09 1900 (has links)
Un nombre croissant de salariés ont aujourd’hui accès à l’Internet et à la messagerie électronique sur leur lieu de travail. Ils sont parfois tentés d’utiliser ces outils à des fins autres que professionnelles, ce qui constitue une source potentielle de conflits. En effet, sous prétexte d’assurer la protection de leurs biens et équipements, de vérifier que les salariés exécutent leurs obligations et de prévenir les risques de responsabilité, les entreprises contrôlent de plus en plus souvent – et parfois subrepticement – l’utilisation qui est faite des ressources ainsi fournies. Les employés, de leur côté, revendiquent leur droit à ce que leurs activités personnelles en ligne demeurent privées, même lorsqu’elles sont réalisées durant leur temps de travail et avec le matériel de l’employeur. Peuvent-ils raisonnablement voir leurs droits protégés, bien que le droit à la vie privée soit traditionnellement atténué en milieu de travail et que les entreprises aient accès à des technologies offrant des possibilités d’espionnage toujours plus intrusives? Comment trouver un équilibre viable entre le pouvoir de direction et de contrôle de l’employeur et les droits des salariés? Il s’agit d’une problématique à laquelle les tribunaux sont de plus en plus souvent confrontés et qui les amène régulièrement à réinterpréter les balises établies en matière de surveillance patronale, au regard des spécificités des technologies de l’information. Ce contexte conflictuel a également entraîné une évolution des pratiques patronales, dans la mesure où un nombre grandissant d’employeurs se dotent d’outils techniques et juridiques leur permettant de se protéger contre les risques, tout en s’aménageant un droit d’intrusion très large dans la vie privée des salariés. / A growing number of employees now have access to the Internet and email in the workplace. They are sometimes tempted to use these tools for other purposes than business, creating thus a potential source of conflict. Indeed, under the pretext of protecting the company’s property and equipment, verifying that the employees execute their contractual obligations, and preventing risks of liability, employers more frequently – and sometimes surreptitiously – monitor the use of the resources so provided. Employees, on the other side, are claiming their right to have their personal online activities remain private, even when these are conducted during their working hours and with the equipment provided by the employer. However, can they reasonably expect to have their rights protected, when the right to privacy in the workplace has traditionally been mitigated and when employers have access to spying technologies that are more and more invasive? How then to find a workable balance between employer’s management rights and employees’ rights? It is an issue that courts increasingly face and that regularly induces them to reinterpret the rules set for the employer’s surveillance with regard to the specificities of information technologies. That situation of conflict has also brought changes to the practices in the workplace, insofar as employers are increasingly likely to adopt legal and technical tools enabling them to protect themselves against risks, while keeping a large right of intrusion into employees’ privacy.

Vie privée et bon usage des NTIC au travail : risques et responsabilités

Eone, Hortense Y. 09 1900 (has links)
Un nombre croissant de salariés ont aujourd’hui accès à l’Internet et à la messagerie électronique sur leur lieu de travail. Ils sont parfois tentés d’utiliser ces outils à des fins autres que professionnelles, ce qui constitue une source potentielle de conflits. En effet, sous prétexte d’assurer la protection de leurs biens et équipements, de vérifier que les salariés exécutent leurs obligations et de prévenir les risques de responsabilité, les entreprises contrôlent de plus en plus souvent – et parfois subrepticement – l’utilisation qui est faite des ressources ainsi fournies. Les employés, de leur côté, revendiquent leur droit à ce que leurs activités personnelles en ligne demeurent privées, même lorsqu’elles sont réalisées durant leur temps de travail et avec le matériel de l’employeur. Peuvent-ils raisonnablement voir leurs droits protégés, bien que le droit à la vie privée soit traditionnellement atténué en milieu de travail et que les entreprises aient accès à des technologies offrant des possibilités d’espionnage toujours plus intrusives? Comment trouver un équilibre viable entre le pouvoir de direction et de contrôle de l’employeur et les droits des salariés? Il s’agit d’une problématique à laquelle les tribunaux sont de plus en plus souvent confrontés et qui les amène régulièrement à réinterpréter les balises établies en matière de surveillance patronale, au regard des spécificités des technologies de l’information. Ce contexte conflictuel a également entraîné une évolution des pratiques patronales, dans la mesure où un nombre grandissant d’employeurs se dotent d’outils techniques et juridiques leur permettant de se protéger contre les risques, tout en s’aménageant un droit d’intrusion très large dans la vie privée des salariés. / A growing number of employees now have access to the Internet and email in the workplace. They are sometimes tempted to use these tools for other purposes than business, creating thus a potential source of conflict. Indeed, under the pretext of protecting the company’s property and equipment, verifying that the employees execute their contractual obligations, and preventing risks of liability, employers more frequently – and sometimes surreptitiously – monitor the use of the resources so provided. Employees, on the other side, are claiming their right to have their personal online activities remain private, even when these are conducted during their working hours and with the equipment provided by the employer. However, can they reasonably expect to have their rights protected, when the right to privacy in the workplace has traditionally been mitigated and when employers have access to spying technologies that are more and more invasive? How then to find a workable balance between employer’s management rights and employees’ rights? It is an issue that courts increasingly face and that regularly induces them to reinterpret the rules set for the employer’s surveillance with regard to the specificities of information technologies. That situation of conflict has also brought changes to the practices in the workplace, insofar as employers are increasingly likely to adopt legal and technical tools enabling them to protect themselves against risks, while keeping a large right of intrusion into employees’ privacy.

Electronic workplace surveillance and employee privacy : a comparative analysis of privacy protection in Australia and the United States

Watt, James Robert January 2009 (has links)
More than a century ago in their definitive work “The Right to Privacy” Samuel D. Warren and Louis D. Brandeis highlighted the challenges posed to individual privacy by advancing technology. Today’s workplace is characterised by its reliance on computer technology, particularly the use of email and the Internet to perform critical business functions. Increasingly these and other workplace activities are the focus of monitoring by employers. There is little formal regulation of electronic monitoring in Australian or United States workplaces. Without reasonable limits or controls, this has the potential to adversely affect employees’ privacy rights. Australia has a history of legislating to protect privacy rights, whereas the United States has relied on a combination of constitutional guarantees, federal and state statutes, and the common law. This thesis examines a number of existing and proposed statutory and other workplace privacy laws in Australia and the United States. The analysis demonstrates that existing measures fail to adequately regulate monitoring or provide employees with suitable remedies where unjustifiable intrusions occur. The thesis ultimately supports the view that enacting uniform legislation at the national level provides a more effective and comprehensive solution for both employers and employees. Chapter One provides a general introduction and briefly discusses issues relevant to electronic monitoring in the workplace. Chapter Two contains an overview of privacy law as it relates to electronic monitoring in Australian and United States workplaces. In Chapter Three there is an examination of the complaint process and remedies available to a hypothetical employee (Mary) who is concerned about protecting her privacy rights at work. Chapter Four provides an analysis of the major themes emerging from the research, and also discusses the draft national uniform legislation. Chapter Five details the proposed legislation in the form of the Workplace Surveillance and Monitoring Act, and Chapter Six contains the conclusion.

Digitální marketing na B2B trhu. / Digital marketing on the B2B market.

MARTINÁK, Petr January 2018 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis was to design a digital campaign for Atos IT Solutions and Services, s.r.o., which offers solutions in the B2B market. In the theoretical part of the thesis I have described the concepts related to marketing, digital marketing, the tools used in this field and the steps that the digital campaign goes through, Market analysis, SWOT analysis, campaign goals, target group, campaign budget. In the analytical part, I introduced Atos IT Solutions and Services, s.r.o. company, which operates in the IT sector and offers digital solutions to other companies that are active on the Czech market. At the beginning of this chapter, I analyzed the company's existing marketing activities so that we could, if necessary, build on the company's current activities.

Trust relationships in exchange protocols

Gonzãlez-Deleito Collell, Nicolãs 20 December 2005 (has links)
Les protocoles d'échange d'informations représentent un des grands domaines actuels de recherche en sécurité informatique, et sont entre autres à la base des mécanismes de commerce électronique. Ils sont par exemple nécessaires à la réalisation d'un achat en ligne, à la signature d'un contrat électronique et au courrier électronique recommandé. Dans ces exemples, les échanges d'informations consistent à échanger respectivement un objet électronique contre un paiement, des signatures digitales sur un même contrat, et un courrier électronique contre un accusé de réception.<p><p>Informellement, un protocole mettant en oeuvre de tels types d'échanges est dit équitable si et seulement si à la fin du protocole soit l'échange d'information a eu lieu, soit aucune information (même en partie) n'a été échangée. Afin d'assurer cette propriété d'équité de manière efficace, et d'éviter ainsi des éventuels comportements malhonnêtes de la part des participants à l'échange d'informations qui chercheraient à nuire au bon déroulement du protocole, une tierce partie de confiance est utilisée.<p><p>Un des buts de cette thèse est de discerner les tâches devant être assurées par une telle tierce partie de confiance et développer des méthodes permettant d'en minimiser le nombre et l'importance, afin de limiter la confiance que les entités effectuant l'échange doivent porter à cette tierce partie. Pour cela, nous identifions tout d'abord de manière générique quels sont ces types de tâches, puis nous analysons sous ce point de vue les principaux protocoles ayant été proposés dans la littérature.<p><p>Cette démarche nous conduit ensuite naturellement à nous pencher sur les relations de confiance entre les participants à un protocole d'échange. Ce type de relations est particulièrement significatif pour des protocoles à plus de deux participants.<p><p>Enfin, dans ce travail, nous observons à la lumière des aspects de confiance, les différentes propriétés propres aux protocoles d'échange, et nous proposons plusieurs nouveaux protocoles ayant des besoins en confiance limités.<p> / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation Informatique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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