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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison between email and twitter as knowledge platforms in small South African businesses located in the Western Cape

Heyns, Wiaan 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research is to shed more light on an aspect identified as a gap in knowledge in the literature; the use of a social networking service as knowledge sharing platform. More specifically, this research sets out to establish if the social networking service Twitter could be used as knowledge-sharing platform in small South African businesses in the Western Cape. A mixed method research design is used. This includes gathering data through questionnaires as well as conducting semi-structured interviews for case study participants. The sample comprises 122 questionnaire participants together with 14 semi-structured interview participants across three small businesses located in the Western Cape Province. Although it is apparent from the study conducted that small businesses are not yet willing to forego traditional platforms such as Email to use Twitter exclusively as a knowledge sharing tool, the researcher proposes a case for using Twitter, which he believes, could take the most advantage of the functions Twitter brings to a small business operation. / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)


蔡欣惠, Tsai, Hsin-huei Unknown Date (has links)
當您看到此份研究計畫書時,五分鐘內可能您的e-mail郵箱已湧進二十封垃圾郵件(通稱SPAM)。據Ferris Research指出,社會花費在圍堵垃圾郵件的成本開銷上一年高達一百億美元。而根據聯合國國際電信聯盟(International Telecommunication Union,ITU)統計, Spam每年更浪費全球各國250億美元。這個驚人的數據傳達出一個訊息:對多數人而言-聽到「You've Got Mail!」,已經不再是令人愉悅的聲音了。Spamhaus的調查報告顯示 ,台灣及HINET一直是垃圾郵件主要輸出來源,過去AOL曾封鎖由HINET 寄送的郵件,一度造成台灣HINET使用者相當大的困擾。隨著數位匯流(Digital Convergence)時代的來臨,除了Email Spam外,電話行銷、Mobile Spam、SMS簡訊SPAM及VoIP都是數位匯流時代下垃圾郵件客攻掠的戰場,而我國行政院所草擬之「濫發商業電子郵件管理條例」草案明文只規範垃圾「郵件」問題,而未及其它垃圾訊息,法律若未對此議題及早規範,可能草案還沒出立法院大門就已經被時代淘汰。 因此,本文欲針對數位時代下可能興起之垃圾訊息型態作全面性的檢討,以建構一更為完善的垃圾訊息法制已未雨綢繆。本文之研究方法如下: 第一,針對美國之垃圾訊息法制的內容與立法背景,進行比較法研究。台灣的濫發商業電子郵件管制條例草案,內容主要係參考美國法,但在若干立法例仍有所不同,例如於是否需要標示主旨欄(Subject Line Labeling)則有不同選擇。對此,筆者曾於在律師雜誌發表對美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)研究報告反對強制行銷業者寄送廣告信必需標示主旨欄的不同意見,且建議台灣的「濫發商業電子郵件管制條例」草案做相反規定 。此外,在處罰對象及門檻之設計亦大相逕庭,例如沒有刑罰規定。而在於規制主體上,我國草案的內容明文只限於垃圾『郵件』之規範,對於日益惡化的的新型態未經邀約的商業訊息,像是透過無線傳輸設備或是行動設備所接收的未經邀約之商業訊息等,草案並無法可管。因此,本文並將針對垃圾電子郵件以外的其它新興垃圾訊息法制進行說明與分析,以供未來立法及執法的參考。 再者,本文將藉由國內外的實務案例研究了解法律實際操作情況。因為台灣法律目尚前無法處理垃圾郵件這個新興法律問題,導致檢察官無法可用,之後通過草案亦可能會面臨到法律不足的問題,因此實有必要針對實際案例操作深入了解。 第三,本文擬就我國之「濫發商業電子郵件管理條例草案」內容進行通盤檢討,提出更符合數位匯流時代之法制架構,以更有效防堵垃圾訊息。美國史丹佛教授Dr. Dan Boneh在「the Difficulties of Tracing Spam Email」 一文中提及垃圾郵件客技術日新月異,防不勝防。可預見SPAM這個議題將隨著科技演進而日益嚴重。隨著數位匯流(Digital Convergence)時代的來臨,除了垃圾郵件外,電話行銷、行動簡訊(Mobile Spam)、簡短訊息服務SMS 及網路語音(Voice over Internet Protocal)、多媒體圖片訊息(MMS)都是數位匯流時代下垃圾郵件客攻掠的戰場,實有必要針對此些新興類型之Spam進行防範。 / Within the five minutes it takes for you to read this essay, your e-mail box may have already received 20 spam mails. Ferris Research has pointed out that the costs incurred to society in blocking spam has reached US$10 billion per year. And according to International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the annual global cost of spam is US$2.5 billion. These startling figures convey a bit of information: for most people, the message “You’ve got mail!” is no longer welcome.. Based on a survey conducted by Spamhaus, Taiwan is a leading source of spam messages. AOL once blocked all e-mail messages coming from Hinet, which at one blow caused huge difficulties for Taiwanese Internet users. With the coming of the Digital Convergence era, besides e-mail spam, new forms are emerging such as mobile spam, telemarketing calls, SMS messaging spam, and VoIP spam. The Digital Convergence era will provide all kinds of opportunities for spammers to attack. However, Taiwan’s draft Anti-UCE Act addresses only e-mail spam. If the law does not address the broader issue early on, it may be outmoded even before it is passed. The US remains the main source of reference for Taiwan in the area of technology law. Long ago, before the US enacted the “Can-Spam Act,” there was “Shiksaa.” I would like to do in-depth research on American cyber and technology law so I can develop a suitable legal solution to Taiwan’s very serious UCE problem, to reduce the losses to society and to business productivity that are caused by spam, to eliminate Taiwan’s bad reputation for being a main spam exporter, and to spur e-commerce development. My research project would be as follows. 1. To examine the inner traits of various SPAM regulation and do interdisciplinary research 2. Deploy case-based and comparative law study to gather practical material 3. Combine the research results from technology and law to contribute to the ultimate resolution of SPAM.

The regulation of unsolicited electronic communications (SPAM) in South Africa : a comparative study

Tladi, Sebolawe Erna Mokowadi 06 1900 (has links)
The practice of spamming (sending unsolicited electronic communications) has been dubbed “the scourge of the 21st century” affecting different stakeholders. This practice is also credited for not only disrupting electronic communications but also, it overloads electronic systems and creates unnecessary costs for those affected than the ones responsible for sending such communications. In trying to address this issue nations have implemented anti-spam laws to combat the scourge. South Africa not lagging behind, has put in place anti-spam provisions to deal with the scourge. The anti-spam provisions are scattered in pieces of legislation dealing with diverse issues including: consumer protection; direct marketing; credit laws; and electronic transactions and communications. In addition to these provisions, an Amendment Bill to one of these laws and two Bills covering cybercrimes and cyber-security issues have been published. In this thesis, a question is asked on whether the current fragmented anti-spam provisions are adequate in protecting consumers. Whether the overlaps between these pieces of legislation are competent to deal with the ever increasing threats on electronic communications at large. Finally, the question as to whether a multi-faceted approach, which includes a Model Law on spam would be a suitable starting point setting out requirements for the sending of unsolicited electronic communications can be sufficient in protecting consumers. And as spam is not only a national but also a global problem, South Africa needs to look at the option of entering into mutual agreements with other countries and organisations in order to combat spam at a global level. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.

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