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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maturation Of Shavian Women: A Study Of The Maturation Processes Of Female Pratogonists In Pygmalion And Mrs. Warren&#039 / s Profession

Dortkulak, Funda 01 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT MATURATION OF SHAVIAN WOMEN: A STUDY OF THE MATURATION PROCESSES OF FEMALE PRATOGONISTS IN PYGMALION AND MRS. WARREN&#039 / S PROFESSION M.A., Department of English Literature May, 2009, 112 pages George Bernard Shaw is a celebrated playwright for his depiction of emancipated women. His women, regardless of the conditions they are in at the beginning of the play, experience a maturation process in the flow of the events and especially discussions which direct the change in his characters. In this thesis, the maturation processes Vivie Warren and Eliza Doolittle experience are analyzed in the plays Mrs. Warren&#039 / s Profession and Pygmalion, respectively. Vivie is a typical Shavian heroine who is educated and free-spirited even at the beginning of the play. At the end, she chooses to start a professional life breaking with the domestic and social boundaries by rejecting to see her mother or marry Frank. Likewise, Eliza, who is a simple flower girl at the beginning of the play, seems to bear the free spirit Vivie has because she earns her living and makes her own decision of taking phonetics courses, which causes the events in the play to take place. At the end, she rejects marrying to support her life and chooses to pursue phonetics as a profession to earn her living. As a result, her free-spirited personality leads her to her maturation process. In this study, it is concluded that no matter what their starting point is, both Shavian women bear the characteristics of New Woman at the beginning of the play which facilitates their progress into New Women at the end of the plays.

The Emancipation Of Women In Stalinist Central Asia

Erdal, Sule 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis mainly deals with the issue that if the policies of women&#039 / s emancipation implemented in Stalinist Central Asia were constructed on the basis of Marxist ideology. For this purpose, after how the issue of women


JÉSSICA SANTOS DA SILVA 14 December 2017 (has links)
[pt] Nos interessamos aqui por pesquisar o trabalho feminino a partir das noções do trabalho como afirmação e negação do ser em si, permeado por processos das pseudoconcreticidades, nos termos de Karel Kosik (1969), que se erguem em sociedade sob as mais variadas formas, incluindo os discursos emancipatórios. Pensar em pseudoconcreticidades, exige um pensar crítico e interessado. Nesse caso, interessado e interesseiro sobre o espaço. Assim, temos que olhares lançados sobre o mundo devem ser na tentativa de desvendá-lo, de ultrapassar suas aparências, frisando sempre que aparência e essência não são separadas e ambas compõem o real, o verdadeiro. A partir disso, propomos uma discussão e reflexão sobre as condições do trabalho feminino constantemente naturalizadas. Assim, nos inquietamos em investigar o trabalho da mulher, vez que nos interessamos por um cotidiano onde desenvolvem múltiplas atividades notadamente no âmbito do lar. Para tal, achamos conveniente nos debruçar e iniciar desenvolvendo um tópico sobre Trabalho e Espaço. Pretendemos nesse tópico levantar algumas considerações para, a partir disso, propormos uma discussão de gênero; em seguida, introduzimos um estudo de aproximação a partir do trabalho doméstico não-remunerado e em domicílio desenvolvido por mulheres da COOPA-ROCA (Cooperativa de Trabalho Artesanal e de Costura da Rocinha LTDA); acreditamos que o trabalho desenvolvido por essas mulheres é uma excelente oportunidade de aproximação, observação e pesquisa. / [en] We have an interest in researching the female work through the notions of afirmation and negation of the self. Permeated by the process of pseudoconcreticidade, in the terms of Karol Kosik (1969), Which is raised in the society by so many varied forms, including the emancipating discourses. Thinking about pseudoconcreticidade requires a critical and interested thought. In this case, interested and curious about the space. Thus, we believe that the looks released upon the world should be trying to uncover the world, overcoming its appearances, always emphatizing that appearance and essence aren t separated and both are part of the real, the true. From that on, we suggest a discussion and reflexion of the usually naturalized female work. Thus, we matter to investigate the female work, once we are interested about a routine where multiples activities are developed notedly at homeworking. For that, we thought appropriate to analyse and start developing a topic about work and space. On this matter we intend to raise some considerations to suggest a gender discussion; following, we introduced a study of approximation beginning from the unpaid homeworking developed by the women of COOPA-ROCA (cooperative of homemade work and sewing of Rocinha LTDA); we believe that the work developed by these women is an excelent opportunity of approach, observation and research.

Geschlechterrollentausch in der DDR-Literatur : eine Untersuchung des literarischen Diskurses zur Emanzipation der Frau in den 1970er Jahren / Sex change in the GDR literature : examination of literary discourse on the emancipation of women in the 1970s

Denkiewicz, Malgorzata January 2011 (has links)
Diese Magisterarbeit ist dem bis heute sehr komplexen Geschlechterverhältnis gewidmet. Dieses Verhältnis werde ich analysieren, indem ich das literarische Motiv des Geschlechtertausches ausarbeite. Dabei werde ich seine kulturhistorische Entwicklung berücksichtigen. Das Thema wird interdisziplinär behandelt und zwar mithilfe anthropologischer, psychoanalytischer, literaturwissenschaftlicher sowie ideengeschichtlicher Perspektiven und Methoden – all dies um seine Komplexität zu erfassen. Zunächst wird die menschliche Geschlechtsidentität als ein naturbedingtes Phänomen einerseits und als ein kulturelles Konstrukt andererseits diskutiert. Die Psychoanalyse wird den feministischen Theorien entgegen gestellt, woraufhin sie sich als Versuch der Legitimierung der gesellschaftlichen Ordnung erweist. Die anschließende Analyse der kulturellen Repräsentationsformen des Weiblichen wird es deutlich machen, wie schwer es ist, die über mehrere Jahrhunderte tradierten Weiblichkeitsbilder zu „neutralisieren“. Die literarische Grundlage für die Untersuchung der Geschlechterbeziehungen verschaffen die drei „Geschichten über die Umwandlung der Verhältnisse“ (1980). In allen Texten vollzieht sich ein Geschlechtswandel: die Protagonistinnen schlüpfen in männliche Körper ein und auf einmal erfahren sie die Welt aus der bisher unbekannten Perspektive. Dabei empfindet jede von denen die neue Situation anders und doch so ähnlich. Anhand von Sarah Kirschs „Blitz aus dem heiterm Himmel“, Irmtraud Morgners „Gute Botschaft der Valeska in 73 Strophen“ und Christa Wolfs „Selbstversuch. Traktat zu einem Protokoll“ werden die regressiven patriarchalischen Strukturen aufgedeckt, in denen der Frau eine minderwertige Positionierung in einer Gesellschaft zugeschrieben wird. Da sich die Beziehungen zwischen Männern und Frauen in den gesellschaftlichen Machtverhältnissen widerspiegeln, werden die Geschichten im Kontext der sozialistischen Wirklichkeit der DDR in den 1970er Jahre analysiert. Aus diesen Untersuchungen ergeben sich klare Erkenntnisse: die Realität des „emanzipierten“ DDR-Staates hatte mit dem marxistischen Traum nichts zu tun. Diese in den Erzählungen widerspiegelte historisch-politische Wirklichkeit stellte die propagandistische Gleichberechtigung der Frauen in Frage. Die Sozialpolitik wird als eine der modernen männlichen Legitimationsstrategien für die Erhaltung der patriarchalischen Ordnung entschleiert. Damit die Frau nicht mehr über den Mann definiert wird, müsste eine grundlegende Veränderung der gesellschaftlichen Geschlechtsvorstellungen erfolgen. Alle in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Geschlechtertauschgeschichten beinhalten diverse Utopie-Entwürfe, die jedoch keine perfekte Ordnung darstellen. Ganz im Gegenteil – das sind eher negative Utopien, die fundamentale Kritik an der Ungleichheit der gesellschaftlichen Positionierung der Geschlechter zum Ziel haben. Christa Wolf, Irmtraud Morgner und Sarah Kirsch thematisierten in ihren Erzählungen die Problematik der Geschlechterverhältnisse in der DDR der 1970er Jahre und machten auf die Dringlichkeit des weiblichen Widerstandes aufmerksam. Gleichzeitig soll dieser literarische Diskurs die eigentliche Möglichkeit der Veränderung des gesellschaftlichen Status der Frauen aufzeigen. Daher sind diese imaginierten Geschlechtertauschgeschichten als Manifeste für wahre Gleichstellung der Frauen zu lesen. / The present master’s dissertation focuses on the complex topic of sex and gender relations. The analysis is based on a literary motif of a sex change, taking into account its historical dimension as well as its cultural heritage. In order to capture the complexity of the topic, it will be treated interdisciplinarily. This means that the variety of methods and perspectives will be considered, including anthropological approach, psychoanalysis, literary, historical and ideological theories. To begin with, gender identity will be discussed as a natural phenomenon on the one hand and as a cultural construction on the other hand. The psychoanalysis will be discussed as an attempt of legitimization of societal order and confronted with modern feminist thought. Through the subsequent analysis of the cultural forms of feminine representation it will become obvious how difficult it is to dismantle the predominant images of feminity, which have evolved over many centuries. The three stories published in a volume “Geschlechtertausch” (“Sex Change”, 1980) will provide the literary basis for the interrogation of gender roles and relations. There is a sex change motif in every single story: all main female characters miraculously change from a woman to a man and experience the world from a new male perspective. Each protagonist perceives the situation differently and yet so similar. The analysis of “Bolt from the Blue” by Sarah Kirsch, “Gospel of Valeska” by Irmtraud Morgner and “Self-Experiment: Appendix to a Report” by Christa Wolf will reveal the regressive patriarchal structures in which women are usually given an inferior position. The common relations between men and women reflect the distribution of social power between the sexes. Therefore, all three stories shall be re-read in the context of the socialist realism in East Germany (GDR) in 1970s. The conclusions derived from these examinations are clear: the reality in the “emancipated” GDR state had absolutely nothing to do with the Marxist utopian vision. In their stories, all three authors questioned the socialist propaganda of pseudo gender equality. The GDR social policy will be unveiled as one of the modern male legitimization strategies with the sole purpose of preserving the rigid patriarchal order. A redefinition and revision of the traditional understanding of the genders appear necessary, if a woman shall no longer be defined by a man. In addition, the analyzed sex change stories contain diverse utopian visions, which however do not portray a perfect social order. On the contrary, they depict rather negative utopias that aim at revealing and emphasizing the unjustified unequal positioning of both sexes within the society. Christa Wolf, Irmtraud Morgner and Sarah Kirsch have made a successful attempt to explore the problematic nature of gender relations in the GDR in 1970s. This literary discourse represents a radical interrogation of gender roles and relations, but it also shows the possibility and necessity of changing the status of women. Taken together, those three imaginary sex change tales should be read as manifestos for true equality of women.


LUCIANE GARCIA MOREIRA 30 July 2018 (has links)
[pt] Esse estudo pretende analisar a imprensa feminina brasileira na década de 1960. Para tanto escolhemos concentrar-nos na coluna Em dia com a moda, veiculada na revista A Cigarra entre outubro de 1963 e junho de 1968. Com base na análise das cinquenta e sete edições da coluna, procuramos destacar como, aliado a um conjunto de características próprias da jornalista Walda Menezes, se formou um discurso capaz de difundir conceitos relacionados aos anos 60, como o culto à juventude, nova exposição do corpo através da moda e liberação sexual. Mais do que relacionar as transformações exemplificadas nas imagens publicadas n A Cigarra, importou-nos articular uma relação entre o final do século XIX e a década em questão, dois momentos em que os papeis femininos foram questionados. Passando pela representação da feminilidade no Brasil Colonial, chegamos à sua representação nas páginas de A Cigarra, para investigar de que maneira se cria identificação ou não entre a leitora e a publicação. / [en] This study aims to analyse the Brazilian women s press in the 1960s. We chose to concentrate on the column Keeping up with fashion, conveyed in A Cigarra magazine between October 1963 and June 1968. Based on the analysis of the fifty-seven editions of the column, we observe how, under the influence of journalist Walda Menezes, a new speech was formed, capable of spreading the concepts related to the 60 s, as the cult of youth, the new way of exhibiting the body through fashion and sexual liberation. Rather than report the changes depicted in images published in A Cigarra, we chose to portray a relationship between the late nineteenth century and the decade in question, two periods of time when the female roles were under scrutiny. Through the image of femininity in colonial Brazil, we came to their image in the pages of A Cigarra, to investigate how identity is created or not between reader and publication.

Emancipace žen, první světová válka a československá národní revoluce 1918/19 / The Emancipation of Women, the First World War and the Czechoslovak National Revolution od 1918/1919

Baršová, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts Department of Political Science Political Science, PhD. Program Andrea Baršová The Emancipation of Women, the First World War and the Czechoslovak National Revolution of 1918/1919 PhD. Thesis Supervisor: Doc. PhDr. Ing. Ondřej Císař, PhD. 2015 Abstract This thesis deals with the enfranchisement of women during the Czechoslovak national revolution of 1918/1919, a topic that has so far remained little researched. It explores most important contexts and conditions which framed the process. These are the Czech, Austrian and international female suffrage movements, the mutual relations of the Czech women's emancipation movement with political parties, including the progressive incorporation of women's rights and agendas in party programmes, and the profound impacts of the First World War on gender relations both in private and public spheres. This paper defends the following theses. 1) The women's protest movement, which demanded peace, justice and national self-determination and also called for female suffrage and the equality of women, formed a specific aspect of the social protest movement and the Czechoslovak national revolution of 1918/1919. Through the protest, Czech women's activists and suffragists took a part in the factual enfranchisement of women during...

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