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Empirical Evaluation of DSGE Models for Emerging CountriesGarcia Cicco, Javier January 2009 (has links)
<p>This dissertation is the collection of three essays aimed to evaluate the empirical performance of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models in explaining the behavior of macroeconomic dynamics in emerging countries. </p><p>Chapter 1, which is joint work with M. Uribe and R. Pancrazzi, investigates the hypothesis that a real business cycles model driven by permanent and transitory productivity shocks can explain well observed business-cycle fluctuations in emerging countries. The model is estimated using more than a century of Argentine data. </p><p>In Chapter 2, a comprehensive real DSGE model of an emerging country is estimated using Bayesian techniques, expanding the data set used in Chapter 1. The goal is to characterize the relative relevance of ten different business cycles' drivers: three sectorial technology shocks, embodied and disembodied non-stationary technology, terms of trade, the world interest rate, trade policy, government expenditures and the country premium. </p><p>Finally, Chapter 3 estimates (using Mexican data) a DSGE model of an emerging country containing many frictions, as has been recently argued, that impose non-trivial constraints for monetary-policy design. In particular, the framework features a sectorial decomposition of the productive sector, intermediate inputs, imperfect pass-through, endogenous premium to finance capital accumulation, a liability-dollarization problem, currency substitution, price and wage rigidities, and dynamics driven by eleven shocks.</p> / Dissertation
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Minskar handel den ekonomiska ojämlikheten i utvecklingsländer? : En studie över tidigare europeiska kolonier med kust / Does Trade Reduce Economic Inequality in Developing Countries? : A Study on Former European Colonies with Coastal LinesFredriksson, Elin, Sjöberg, Helene January 2015 (has links)
Handel och dess konsekvenser för samhället är ett omdiskuterat ämne inom såväl den ekonomiska forskningen som inom den politiska debatten. Diskussionen utgörs av starka motsättningar och bristen på konsensus riskerar att leda till felaktiga politiska beslut. Alltfler handelsavtal implementeras och utvecklingsländers roll på den globala marknaden blir allt större. Det är således av ökad betydelse att utreda handelns faktiska konsekvenser. Syftet med denna studie är därför att analysera hur handel påverkar den ekonomiska ojämlikheten i utvecklingsländer. Studien utgår från hypotesen att en ökad handel leder till en minskad ekonomisk ojämlikhet vilket är i enlighet med klassisk nationalekonomisk teori. Studien utfördes genom en ekonometrisk analys där en paneldataregression på 41 länder över 23 år skattades. Gini-index användes som beroendevariabel, medan handelsflöde samt sju kontrollvariabler utgjorde förklarande variabler. För att minska risken för heterogenitet i urvalet begränsades de studerade länderna i huvudsak till forna europeiska kolonier med kust. Resultatet från studien indikerar att en ökad handel leder till en minskad ekonomisk ojämlikhet. Resultatet bör dock beaktas med försiktighet med anledning av statistiskt icke-signifikanta effekter. Studien finner dessutom att förekomst av korruption är av betydelse när sambandet mellan handel och ekonomisk ojämlikhet undersöks. / The impacts of trade on the society are a common subject of debate, both in the research field of economics and in the political debate. The lack of consensus poses a risk in political decision-making. New trade agreements are being implemented while the role of developing countries is growing on the global market. Hence, there is an increasing importance of examining the actual impacts of trade. This study, therefore, analyses the impact of trade on the economic inequality in developing countries. This study hypothesizes that trade decreases inequality, which is in accordance with classical economic theory. Using a panel data regression on 41 countries over 23 years, this study examines how Gini index interacts as the dependent variable with trade flow and seven control variables. The countries studied are mainly limited to former European colonies with coastal lines to reduce the risk of heterogeneity within the sample. This study finds that trade reduces inequality, although the result should be interpreted with care due to statistically insignificant effects. This study also finds that presence of corruption is of importance when the relationship between trade and inequality is examined.
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Inflation targeting in emerging countries: the exchange rate issuesReyes Altamirano, Javier Arturo 30 September 2004 (has links)
The current discussion of Inflation Targeting (IT) in emerging economies deals with the effects that nominal exchange rate movements have on the overall inflation rate. The literature has focused in the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages that IT has with respect to other monetary policy regimes and the relevancy of the nominal exchange rate pass-through effect into inflation. So far none of them have dealt with the differences arising from the policy instruments used to fight off inflationary pressure under an IT regime. The literature on IT for emerging economies can be separated in two categories. In the first category the monetary authority uses interest rate policy as the instrument variable to implement and control the inflation target. The second category illustrates when the monetary authorities use international reserves as the instrument to influence the nominal exchange rate in such a way that the depreciation rate is consistent with the overall inflation target. This dissertation presents a model in which both policy instruments are available to the monetary authority. This model is used to address two questions: i) Is IT better than a monetary rule regime? and ii) Is it better to intervene directly in the foreign exchange market rather than use interest rate policy to control exchange rate pressure on inflation, or are they equivalent? The results show that there are important differences between these choices and the answers to these questions are shock dependent. These differences arise because the intervention needed under IT is accompanied by important output costs or benefits depending on the direction of the shock being analyzed.
Regarding the pass-through effect, some studies have shown that the pass-through effect from currency depreciation into inflation has been decreasing and therefore is becoming less of an issue for these countries. The literature has offered different explanations for these declines but so far they have not been directly linked to the adoption of IT. This dissertation shows that lower pass-through levels can be a natural result of fear of floating observed in emerging countries that adopted IT and therefore exchange rate effects on inflation are still relevant.
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Integration of Finance and Supply Chain : Emerging Frontier in Growing Economies (A Case Study of Exporting Companies)Saeed, Muhammad Ahmar, Lv, Xiaonan January 2011 (has links)
Financing is necessary for investments in new production processes, in new production equipment, in new innovative products, and for expansion in new markets. Firms operating under cash constraints may not be able to order or produce optimally. Especially for fast-growing firms in emerging countries, money acts as a catalyst if potential demand is high but financial constraints leave them no choice but to order less. In this setting, implications for supply chain can be detrimental where lack of financial resources at one level can plague the performance of the whole supply chain, at least temporarily until restored. In this study for supply chain finance we focused on supply side of the exporting firms and especially length of Accounts Receivables (A/R) and Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) because it’s directly related to the supply chain used by the exporting companies and this can squeeze or prolong the time of A/R. It is obvious that the period of the receivables will be squeezed and the working capital will be required for a shorter period of time and it can save cost of interest. As the period of CCC shortened exporting firms can get benefits from that. We took one exporting firm each from China and India as a case study to know how these firms use logistics for exporting because logistics is the largest single expenditure in the cost of products sold and is a major critical success facto impacting on productivity, profitability, shareholder volume and competitive advantage. It is important to note the key role and impact of logistics in the exporting companies, on the sustainability, competitiveness and profitability as well as in the economy of the country.
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Determinantes estruturais do nível de interação entre universidades e empresasSchaeffer, Paola Rücker January 2015 (has links)
A interação universidade-empresa (IUE) é uma das ferramentas fundamentais para estimular o desenvolvimento social e econômico de um país. De um lado, a possibilidade de interação depende, em primeira instância, da oferta de conhecimento científico e tecnológico existente no contexto da relação. De outro lado, para haver interação de fato, não basta existir uma malha de instituições de ciência e tecnologia (C&T), mas é fundamental que haja, acima de tudo, a necessidade de interação por parte das empresas. É justamente o tamanho das demandas das empresas por conhecimento e tecnologia que irá desenhar os contornos da interação universidade-empresa. Isso posto, este estudo tem como objetivo analisar os elementos estruturais, exógenos e endógenos às firmas, que determinam o nível de interação entre universidades e empresas. Dependendo do setor, do tamanho da firma, dos investimentos em P&D e das capacidades de inovação, isto é, dos determinantes estruturais, espera-se identificar os diferentes níveis de interação entre universidades e empresas. Para alcançar esse objetivo, utilizou dados secundários coletados em uma pesquisa survey, coordenada pelo NITEC (UFRGS), que abrangeu 1.331 empresas dos mais diversos setores industriais, as quais foram classificadas de acordo com o nível de interação: baixo nível de interação e alto nível de interação. Os principais resultados obtidos indicam que, primeiramente, a intensidade tecnológica setorial não é determinante do nível de interação das empresas com as universidades. Em compensação, os determinantes endógenos, como o tamanho da firma, os investimentos em P&D e as capacidades de inovação confirmaram-se como variáveis previsoras significantes do nível de interação. Entre os elementos endógenos, as capacidades de inovação se destacam como variáveis com poder explicativo superior aos outros determinantes que já são amplamente investigados na literatura. Já em relação ao desempenho da firma, somente o registro de patentes e o desempenho econômico encontramse determinados pelo nível de interação. Por fim, essas descobertas em relação aos determinantes do nível de interação e do desempenho da firma comprovam o pressuposto teórico defendido nesse trabalho: o nível tecnológico das empresas é determinante do nível de interação das firmas com as universidades; contudo, são as variáveis internas às firmas, e não as externas, que ditam esse nível. / The university-industry interaction is one of the key tools to stimulate social and economic development of a country. On one side, the possibility of interaction depends, in the first instance, on the offer of scientific and technological knowledge existing in the context of the relationship. On the other hand, to really have interaction, is not enough to just exist a network of science and technology institutions, but it is fundamental to have, above all, the need for interaction by firms. It is precisely the size of the demands of companies by knowledge and technology that will draw the contours of university-industry interaction. That said, this study aims to identify and analyze the structural elements, exogenous and endogenous to firms, that determine the level of interaction between universities and firms. Depending on the sector, firm size, investment in R&D and innovation capabilities, that is, structural determinants, it is expected to identify the different levels of interaction between universities and firms. To achieve this goal, it was used secondary data collected in a survey research coordinated by NITEC (UFRGS), which covered 1,331 companies from various industrial sectors, which were classified according to the level of interaction: low level of interaction and high level of interaction. The main results indicate that, first, the sectoral technological intensity is not determinant of the level of interaction with universities. On the other hand, the endogenous determinants, such as firm size, investment in R&D and innovation capabilities were confirmed as significant predictor variables of the level of interaction. Among the endogenous elements, innovative capabilities stand out as variables with greater explanatory power than other determinants that already are widely investigated in literature. In relation to the firm's performance, only the registration of patents and economic performance are determined by the level of interaction. Finally, these findings about the determinants of the level of interaction and firm performance confirm the theoretical assumption defended in this work: the technological level of the companies is determining of the level of interaction of firms with universities. However, the internal variables of the firms, and not external, are which dictate this level.
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Transferência de conhecimento em multinacionais : uma análise multidimensional de casos de empresas brasileiras no mercado portuguêsMaehler, Alisson Eduardo January 2011 (has links)
Para as empresas multinacionais, transferir conhecimento disperso em diferentes localidades ao redor do globo, de modo rápido e eficiente, tem sido, ao mesmo tempo, uma vantagem e uma necessidade constante (KOGUT e ZANDER, 1993). Nos últimos anos, têm se intensificado os debates acerca do tema, em especial na área de gestão internacional. Além disso, há um aumento considerável no número de empresas brasileiras atuando no exterior e uma maior importância das multinacionais de países emergentes (GUILLEN e GARCIACANAL, 2009). No entanto, apesar de terem sido registrados inúmeros avanços, esses dois fenômenos - aumento do número de multinacionais de países emergentes ou em desenvolvimento e a acentuada discussão sobre a transferência de conhecimento em multinacionais - ainda apresentam uma série de questões não respondidas, além de haver uma série de conceitos, taxonomias e modelos sobre os quais se necessita avançar, pois o tema é cada vez mais importante e emergente (FOOS et al. 2010). Nesse sentido, nesta tese, procurase analisar como ocorre o processo de transferência de conhecimento das multinacionais brasileiras para suas unidades localizadas no exterior e vice-versa, através da análise da estratégia internacional e de uma visão multidimensional, que inclui as dimensões organizacional, pessoal e tecnológica, utilizando como aparato teórico a estratégia internacional e a Visão da Firma Baseada em Recursos – VBR. Através de abordagem qualitativa e do método estudo de caso foram pesquisados quatro grupos multinacionais sediados no Brasil e com operações em Portugal - país com quem o Brasil possui uma intensa e histórica relação comercial. Para análise dos dados, foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo. Ao todo, foram entrevistados 23 executivos ligados às áreas de recursos humanos, sistemas de informação e comercial/internacional, das matrizes e das filiais, e três especialistas foram consultados para a validação do roteiro de entrevistas. Os resultados evidenciam um aumento dos investimentos de multinacionais brasileiras no exterior, sobretudo em países emergentes. Também é possível ressaltar que em Portugal a entrada se deu principalmente via aquisições e Green fields. As filiais nesse país são, sobretudo, contribuidoras especializadas e a integração global vem ocorrendo, ainda que não de forma totalmente efetiva, sendo frequente a troca de conhecimento entre essas unidades e a sede no Brasil. No que tange à dimensão organizacional, observou-se que a geração de inovações é frequente nos grupos pesquisados e se dá, sobretudo, por meio da análise do mercado, amparada fortemente no conhecimento disponível na matriz. O tempo é um fator fundamental e há a visão de que o conhecimento é um recurso estratégico, embora isso não esteja totalmente claro. Na dimensão pessoal, observou-se que o expatriamento de executivos é muito maior do que o impatriamento, e que existe a prática de job rotation e formação de equipes, embora esta última numa frequência não tão grande quanto o esperado. A realização de reuniões é frequente, mas não existe apoio financeiro para a troca de conhecimento. Por fim, na dimensão tecnológica, observou-se a importância das tecnologias de comunicação e informação como forma de redução de custos e de aumento da conectividade. Há uma considerável base de conhecimento nos grupos multinacionais e boas relações com universidades e centros de pesquisa. / For multinational companies the act of transferring knowledge, quickly and efficiently, diffuse in different locations around the globe, has been both an advantage and a constant need (KOGUT; ZANDER, 1993). In recent years, the debate about this theme has been intensified, particularly in the international management field. In addition, there is an increase in the number of Brazilian companies operating abroad and a rise of importance of multinationals from emerging countries (GUILLEN; GARCIA-CANAL, 2009). However, despite having been registered numerous advances, these two phenomena – the increasing number of multinationals from emerging and developing countries and the discussion about the knowledge transfer in multinational companies – still present some unanswered questions. The existence of concepts, taxonomies and a variety of models which demonstrates a need to advance shows how important and emerging the theme is (FOOS et al. 2010). In this sense, this thesis aims to analyze how the process of knowledge transfer from Brazilian’s multinational to their units located abroad and vice versa happens. This will be made through the analysis of international acting and multidimensional view, which includes the organizational, personal and technological dimensions, using the Vision of the Resource- Based Firm - VBR and the international strategy as theoretical apparatus. Based on a qualitative approach, the case study method will be used, analyzing four multinational groups based in Brazil with operations in Portugal, a country which Brazil has an intense and historical trade relationship. Data were analyzed through the technique of content analysis. In this sense, 23 executives were interviewed, from the areas of human resources, information systems and commercial / international, from headquarters and subsidiaries, and three experts were consulted for validation of the interview script. The results show the increase in investments of Brazilian multinationals abroad, especially in emerging countries. In Portugal this expansion was mainly by green fields operations and through acquisitions. The subsidiaries in this country are mainly specialist contributors, while global integration is happening, even though not totally effective, with frequent exchange of knowledge between units and headquarters in Brazil. Regarding the organizational dimension, it was observed that the generation of innovations is frequent in the groups analyzed, and it occurs mainly through market analysis, being strongly supported by the knowledge available in headquarter. Time is a key factor and there is a view that knowledge is a strategic resource, although this is not entirely clear. It is noted that in the personal dimension the expatriation of executives is much higher than impatriation, there is the practice of job rotation and teams formation, although the latter at a frequency not as large as expected. Meetings are common, but there is no financial support for the exchange of knowledge. Finally, in the technological dimension we noted the importance of communication and information technologies as a way of reducing costs and increasing connectivity. There is a considerable knowledge base in the multinational groups and good relations with universities and research centers.
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Recursos do país na internacionalização de PMES de países emergentes : um estudo no contexto brasileiroWinckler, Natália Carrão January 2018 (has links)
Esta tese investiga a relação entre recursos do país e desempenho internacional de Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs) brasileiras. Com a abertura dos mercados globais, PMEs de países emergentes enfrentam novos entrantes no mercado doméstico, se tornam multinacionais com expansão internacional tardia e características distintivas, e passam a lidar com recursos que devem ser adequados para estratégias voltadas ao mercado interno e externo, sendo a exportação o nível menos complexo e mais adotado de internacionalização dessas empresas. Compreender a internacionalização a partir das características da firma e da localização em um país de origem emergente mostra-se um desafio gerencial e teórico. A Visão Baseada em Recursos (VBR) é apropriada para esse tópico de pesquisa, pois permite abordar os recursos da firma e do país na geração de vantagem competitiva sob a lógica da internacionalização. Recursos do país são externos à firma e disponíveis a qualquer empresa localizada em um país (FAHY, 2002) e ainda não foram investigados quanto ao seu uso e relação com o desempenho na internacionalização de PMEs de países emergentes. Para suprir esta lacuna teórica, esta pesquisa se dividiu em duas fases: a etapa qualitativa e exploratória identificou recursos para internacionalização de PMEs de países emergentes. Adotaram-se técnicas de revisão sistemática de literatura, seguida de entrevistas com especialistas, instituições e PMEs no contexto brasileiro. Identificaram-se 11 recursos do país por meio de análise de conteúdo com apoio do software Nvivo. O grau de utilização e a relação dos recursos do país com o desempenho internacional das empresas foram verificados empiricamente na etapa quantitativa e descritiva da pesquisa, em uma Survey com 222 PMEs brasileiras. O desempenho internacional foi medido de modo subjetivo, por um construto de satisfação com atividades internacionais nos últimos três anos, e de modo objetivo, baseado na intensidade exportadora da empresa. A análise dos dados foi feita com técnicas estatísticas paramétricas e apoio do software SPSS. Os principais resultados apontam que os recursos do país mais utilizados são os de acesso à informação, infraestrutura logística e cadeias produtivas bem desenvolvidas, os quais explicam 9,4% do desempenho internacional subjetivo das PMEs brasileiras. Por outro lado, não há relação entre recursos do país e intensidade exportadora das empresas. Houve diferenças no uso de recursos do país quanto às características da empresa exportadora, como idade, escopo geográfico, intensidade tecnológica e tipo de gestão, o que não ocorreu quanto à experiência internacional. Embora os recursos do país sejam utilizados pelas PMEs brasileiras, destaca-se que não são determinantes para sua vantagem competitiva no mercado externo. As PMEs brasileiras estão otimistas em relação ao crescimento nas exportações. Os recursos do país associados à satisfação com atividades internacionais devem embasar políticas e projetos setoriais para internacionalização dessas empresas. Os resultados desta pesquisa cobriram lacunas teóricas sobre o tema de internacionalização de PMEs de países emergentes sob a Visão Baseada em Recursos e abriram novos caminhos de investigação. Pesquisas futuras podem comparar estes resultados com o contexto de empresas de diferentes portes e países emergentes. Possivelmente, os recursos do país menos estratégicos para PMEs brasileiras sejam estratégicos em outros contextos, o que deve ser verificado empiricamente. Por fim, sugere-se verificar quais recursos da firma estão associados ao uso de recursos do país e demais fatores determinantes no desempenho internacional de PMEs de países emergentes. / This thesis investigates the relationship between country resources and the international performance of Brazilian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). With the opening of global markets, emerging market SMEs face new entrants in the domestic market, become multinationals with late international expansion and distinctive characteristics, and begin to deal with resources that should be adequate for strategies aimed at the domestic and foreign market. Export is the less complex and more used mode of entry of SMEs in foreign markets. Understanding the internationalization through the characteristics of the firm and its location in an emerging country of origin is a managerial and theoretical challenge. The Resource Based View (VBR) is appropriate for this research topic because it allows an approach to the country and the firm resources to create competitive advantage in internationalization. Country resources are external to the firm and available to any company located in a country (FAHY, 2002). There are no researches about the use and relation of country resources to internationalization performance of SMEs in emerging countries. To fill this theoretical gap, this research was divided into two phases: the qualitative and exploratory stage identified resources for internationalization of SMEs from emerging countries. Techniques of systematic literature review were adopted, followed by interviews with specialists, institutions and SMEs in the Brazilian context. Eleven country resources were identified through content analysis supported by Nvivo software. The use and the relation of country resources to the international performance of the SMEs were verified empirically in the quantitative and descriptive stage of the research, in a Survey with 222 Brazilian SMEs International performance was measured subjectively by a construct of satisfaction with international activities in the last three years, and in an objective way, based on the export intensity of the company. Data analysis was performed using parametric statistical techniques with SPSS software support. The main results indicate that the most used country resources are information access, logistics infrastructure and well-developed production chains, which are responsible for 9.4% of the subjective international performance of Brazilian SMEs. On the other hand, there is no relation between resources of the country and export intensity SMEs. There were differences in the use of country resources regarding the characteristics of the exporting SMEs, such as age, geographic scope, technological intensity and type of management. There were no differences regarding international experience of firms. Although country resources are used by Brazilian SMEs, it is highlighted that they do not generate competitive advantage in the foreign market. Brazilian SMEs are optimistic about the growth in exports. Country resources associated to the satisfaction with international activities should support policies and sectoral projects for the internationalization of these firms. The results of this research covered theoretical gaps on the theme of internationalization of SMEs from emerging countries under the Resource Based View and opened new avenues of research. Future research can compare these results with other firms with different sizes and from other emerging countries. Possibly, the less strategic country resources for Brazilian SMEs are strategic in other contexts, which should be verified empirically. Finally, it is suggested to verify which firm resources are associated to the use of country resources, as well as other determining factors to the international performance of SMEs in emerging countries.
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A study of innovation barriers and the resulting strategic options in the brazilian industryLima, Mateus José do Rêgo Ferreira January 2018 (has links)
Innovation has been acknowledged as a main driver for competitiveness whether it is for a firm, industry, region or country. Solutions for improvements in products and processes have emerged from the multitude of innovation tools and its techno-scientific features. However, the path traced by firms to innovate is rarely clear and not always successful. In this regard, a variety of uncertainties have been shaped into the obstacles that hinder firm’s innovation activities and prevent them to innovate. To the best of our knowledge, there is no literature that directly addresses the obstacles for innovation in Brazil in a broader sense. Also, the articles focused on the strategies of innovation did not investigated its antecedents, characterizing a clear avenue for research. The objective of this study is to understand which innovation barriers affect the Brazilian industry and how they influence the adoption of innovation strategies. In this way, one of the main strategies that stand out in literature is industrial cooperation. Secondly, a discussion that stands out in literature regards the existence of two juxtaposed strategies, known as Market-orientation and Technology-acquisition. This work combined with an exploration of the current state of industrial innovation studies in Brazil through a systematic review. Also, we combined multiple methods to quantitatively analyze the relationship among variables of the Brazilian innovation survey (PINTEC). The main results of this dissertation are: (i) the systematization of the industrial innovation literature in Brazil and the proposition of a research agenda; (ii) the assessment of which innovation barriers trigger or which affect industrial cooperation for R&D; (iii) the exploration of the innovation barriers’ role on the choice of firms to adopt either Market-orientation or Technology-acquisition as innovation strategies. From an academic perspective, this study contributes to clarify future avenues of research on industrial innovation in Brazil and to provide insights about the role of innovation barriers in the Brazilian industry. From a practical point of view, this manuscript presents a map of findings so as industries can use in a strategic way. Also, we bring insights on how innovation strategies should be adopted in relation to innovation barriers.
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Esforço de modernidade do mercado de capitais no Brasil : o novo mercado /Silva, Gustavo Travassos Pereira da. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Elton Eustáquio Casagrande / Banca: Alexandre Sartoris Neto / Banca: Patrícia Helena Fernandes Cunha / Resumo: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo investigar como pode ser diferente o padrão financeiro e de financiamento entre empresas quando um ambiente com maior proteção ao investidor resultante de melhor proteção legal e melhores práticas de governança por parte das empresas passa a existir. É essa a nova perspectiva que foi instaurada no Brasil a partir de 2000, denominado de Novo Mercado contrapondo-se ao mercado tradicional de capitais, representado pelo IBOVESPA. A comparação que propomos é entre duas amostras através de índices econômicofinanceiros, na qual a primeira amostra possui firmas do Novo Mercado enquanto a segunda possui firmas do IBOVESPA. Observaremos a experiência de três países emergentes (México, Polônia e Chile) no desenvolvimento de seus mercados de capitais. Tais evidências sugerem que um ambiente de liberalização financeira e de boas práticas de governança corporativa, são capazes de influenciar positivamente o desenvolvimento e o crescimento das firmas. Para criar o contexto da análise nos dedicamos a explorar como a estrutura financeira torna-se relevante à análise econômica e como o sistema financeiro é capaz de fomentar o desenvolvimento econômico através de intermediários mais eficientes. / Abstract: This work has the purpose of investigating how different the financial and funding pattern can be among firms when exists an environment with more investor protection resulting from better legal protection and corporate governance practices at firms. That is the new perspective in Brazil since 2000, with Novo Mercado becoming the counterpart of traditional capital markets, represented by IBOVESPA. We propose a comparison using economic-financial indexes for two samples, the first one is formed with Novo Mercado companies, and the second one with IBOVESPA companies. We also will observe three emerging countries (Mexico, Poland and Chile) in their capital markets development. There is evidence that an environment with financial liberalization and good corporate governance practices are capable of influentiating positively the development and growth of firms. To create the analysis context, we dedicate to explore how the financial structure became relevant in the economic analysis and how the financial system can foment economic development through more efficient intermediaries. / Mestre
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Esforço de modernidade do mercado de capitais no Brasil: o novo mercadoSilva, Gustavo Travassos Pereira da [UNESP] 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
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silva_gtp_me_arafcl.pdf: 586589 bytes, checksum: cb3373fc13737cea0537525e7742cd59 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo investigar como pode ser diferente o padrão financeiro e de financiamento entre empresas quando um ambiente com maior proteção ao investidor resultante de melhor proteção legal e melhores práticas de governança por parte das empresas passa a existir. É essa a nova perspectiva que foi instaurada no Brasil a partir de 2000, denominado de Novo Mercado contrapondo-se ao mercado tradicional de capitais, representado pelo IBOVESPA. A comparação que propomos é entre duas amostras através de índices econômicofinanceiros, na qual a primeira amostra possui firmas do Novo Mercado enquanto a segunda possui firmas do IBOVESPA. Observaremos a experiência de três países emergentes (México, Polônia e Chile) no desenvolvimento de seus mercados de capitais. Tais evidências sugerem que um ambiente de liberalização financeira e de boas práticas de governança corporativa, são capazes de influenciar positivamente o desenvolvimento e o crescimento das firmas. Para criar o contexto da análise nos dedicamos a explorar como a estrutura financeira torna-se relevante à análise econômica e como o sistema financeiro é capaz de fomentar o desenvolvimento econômico através de intermediários mais eficientes. / This work has the purpose of investigating how different the financial and funding pattern can be among firms when exists an environment with more investor protection resulting from better legal protection and corporate governance practices at firms. That is the new perspective in Brazil since 2000, with Novo Mercado becoming the counterpart of traditional capital markets, represented by IBOVESPA. We propose a comparison using economic-financial indexes for two samples, the first one is formed with Novo Mercado companies, and the second one with IBOVESPA companies. We also will observe three emerging countries (Mexico, Poland and Chile) in their capital markets development. There is evidence that an environment with financial liberalization and good corporate governance practices are capable of influentiating positively the development and growth of firms. To create the analysis context, we dedicate to explore how the financial structure became relevant in the economic analysis and how the financial system can foment economic development through more efficient intermediaries.
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