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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ångest : En fenomenologisk självstudie i komposition / Anxiety : A Phenomenological Self Study in Composition

Bro, Viktoria January 2017 (has links)
I detta självständiga arbete studeras en skapandeprocess av ett klassiskt stycke för solofiol med en dikt som inspirationskälla. Syftet med denna studie är att belysa hur känsloliv och livsvärld påverkat skapandet av ett musikaliskt verk genom ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Studien grundar sig på fem separata självobservationer genom ljudinspelning. Med hjälp av fenomenologin undersöks hur komponerandet som fenomen kan möjliggöras med hjälp av stimulans från en dikt. Resultatet redovisas genom fyra olika teman: Komponerandets begynnelse, Komponerandets fortskridande, Färdigställande av verket samt Känsloliv och livsvärld. I resultatet framkom att känsloliv och livsvärld påverkade skapandeprocessen av verket på olika sätt genom arbetet. I början av studien hägrade utopiska tankar som hindrade skapandeprocessen. Därefter skedde en förändring i attityd till de egna förmågorna och genom reflektion och kontemplation kunde stycket skapas. Avslutningsvis följer en diskussion kring resultatanalysen i relation till vald litteratur som utgår ifrån tidigare forskning, studier samt det fenomenologiska perspektivet. / In this independent study the process in composing a classical piece for solo violin with a poem as inspiration is examined. The purpose of this study is to enlighten how the emotional life as well as the lived life have affected the making of a classical composition through a phenomenological perspective. The study is based on five separate self-observations through audio recording. With the help of phenomenology the study examines how the composition as a phenomenon can be accomplished with the stimulation from a poem. The result is shown through four different themes: The Composition Birth, The Composition Progress, Finishing the Piece and Emotional Life and Lived Life. In the result it appeared that the emotional life and lived life affected the making process of the piece in different ways throughout the work. In the beginning of the study utopian thoughts lingered and prevented the making process. Thereafter a change occurred in relation to my own abilities and through reflection and contemplation the piece could be created. Thereafter a chapter on discussion treats the result analysis in relation to the chosen literature which is based on previous research, studies and the phenomenological perspective.

Personers erfarenheter av att drabbas av stroke : En litteraturöversikt

Johansson, Emma, Sjöström, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjukdomsbördan orsakat av stroke ökar globalt vilket gör detta till ett relevant och viktigt omvårdnadsområde för sjuksköterskor. Konsekvenserna efter stroke innefattar varierande grader av nedsatt funktionsförmåga såväl fysiskt som kognitivt. Fatigue, afasi och depression är vanliga i efter skedet av stroke. Syfte: Att beskriva personers erfarenheter av att drabbas av stroke. Metod: Litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats där data har analyserats genom Braun och Clarkes tematiska analys. Resultatet är baserat på tio kvalitetsgranskade artiklar.Resultat: Tre slutgiltiga teman identifierades: förlorad kontroll och identitet, förändrat känsloliv och depression samtvikten av ett tryggt socialt nätverk. Majoriteten av deltagarna beskrev att livet förändrats drastiskt efter stroke, att stöd från närstående var av stor vikt och att händelsen påverkat deras självbild samt identitet. Slutsatser: Personer som drabbats av stroke kan erfara en svår och lång väg tillbaka till återhämtning. Individer erfar att de inte alltid får tillräckligt med stöd och hjälp på vägen att finna sig till rätta i sina liv efter en stroke. Hälso- och sjukvården kan förbättra den personcentrerade vården genom att utföra fler studier kring de psykosociala aspekterna som individer kan uppleva efter en stroke. / Background: The burden of stroke is rising globally which makes this a relevant and important subject for nurses. Consequences after stroke vary in its degree of functional ability, both physical and cognitive. Fatigue, aphasia, and depression are common in the aftermath of a stroke. Aim: To describe people and their experiences of suffering a stroke. Method: A literature review using a qualitative approach where the data has been analyzed using a thematic analysis by Braun and Clark. The result is based on ten quality reviewed articles.Result: Three final themes: “the loss of control and identity “, “changed emotional life and depression” and “the importance of a safe social network”. Most participants described the stroke as a dramatic change in their life where support from significant others were important and that the event influenced their self-image and identity. Summary: The journey to recovery for a person who’s suffered a stroke can be long and hard. People don’t always experience enough support or help along the way back to a normal life post stroke. Healthcare can improve person-centered care by conducting more studies about the psychosocial aspects that people who've suffered a stroke can experience.


Il presente lavoro muove dall’idea che nell’autenticità sia possibile rintracciare una tematica importante per la teorizzazione pedagogica e un obiettivo rilevante per la formazione, soprattutto in questa epoca storica in cui l’uomo è sempre più spaesato, frammentato, in bilico nel rischio di perdersi e di non pervenire mai a sé stesso. La prospettiva dell’autenticità risulta aspetto rilevante della pienezza esistenziale della persona, ma è anche una dimensione valoriale e una “direzione intenzionale” capace di orientare e fornire direttrici di senso al percorso educativo, poiché non esiste intervento educativo che non sia sostenuto dalla ricerca di portare a compimento le possibilità più proprie dell’educando. È anche una indicazione epistemologica e metodologica attraverso la quale l’educatore rispetta la possibilità dell’educando di esistere secondo il più proprio poter-essere, il che si traduce nel riconoscere e sostenere il suo progetto di mondo, nell’alimentare il suo desiderio di divenire pienamente quello che può essere, nel far sì che si assuma la responsabilità di dare forma alla sua originale presenza nel mondo. Il riferimento teoretico è individuabile principalmente nell’ambito della pedagogia fenomenologico-esistenziale (ivi compresi i suoi sviluppi nell’ermeneutica e nelle filosofie della persona), con rimandi ai principali esponenti di tale orientamento in ambito filosofico e psicologico oltre che, principalmente, pedagogico. Nel percorso di ricerca sono stati individuati molteplici nuclei tematici di approfondimento, dovuti alla dimensione “di confine” dell’autenticità che tocca più campi educativi quali: relazione, comunicazione, cura, etica, identità, progetto, scelta, libertà, temporalità, morte, dolore, vita emotiva, tempo, corpo, spazio. La tesi si articola in due sezioni che procedono da considerazioni teoretico-pedagogiche verso indicazioni pratico-educative. / This works takes as a departing point the idea that authenticity is an important issue in pedagogical theorization as well as a relevant goal for education, and particularly so in the current historical era when the human being is increasingly bewildered, fragmented and subject to the risk of losing oneself and never attaining selfhood. Beside being an important aspect of existential wholeness, authenticity may act as a directional goal able to steer and provide meaning to an educational journey aiming to bring into actuality the person’s potentials. Authenticity also provides epistemological and methodological directions through which the educator respects the individuality of the person to be educated. The theoretical approach here adopted mostly refer to phenomenological-existential pedagogy (including developments in hermeneutics and philosophies of the person), with additional references to the main exponents of such perspective in philosophy, psychology and, mostly, theory of education. During the research process many themes have been thoroughly investigated, because of the boundary spanning nature of authenticity, which touches upon several educational fields, including: relationships, communication, care, ethics, identity, project, choice, freedom, temporality, death, sorrow, emotional life, time, body, space. The thesis consists of two sections that go from theoretical-pedagogical considerations to practical-educational directions.

Accompagnement de la vie relationnelle, affective et sexuelle des personnes en situation de handicap : regards croisés Franche-Comté - Suisse Romande / Accompaniment for the disabled, in their relational, emotional and sexual life : comparative view between Franche-Comté and french speaking Switzerland

Maurice, Sarah 16 November 2017 (has links)
L’évolution des droits des personnes en situation de handicap leur garantit une prise en compte singulière de leurs besoins et de leurs attentes. Les associations se mobilisent pour que leur vie relationnelle, affective et sexuelle (VRAS) puisse être reconnue dans l’accompagnement au sein des établissements et des services médico-sociaux. Cette dimension, qui se situe au cœur de l’intime, comporte de multiples enjeux. La protection de l’individu doit être assurée au même titre que son autonomie, et la proximité quotidienne entre les acteurs doit être suivie d’une remise en question permanente. Les bénéficiaires, les professionnels et les familles se retrouvent dans des situations parfois complexes et paradoxales, qui sont résolues par différents mécanismes de régulation. Les modalités s’inscrivent aujourd’hui dans une logique inclusive et se construisent en cohérence avec le droit, l’éthique et les moyens dont disposent les acteurs. Il existe des leviers d’action qui renforcent la capacité d’agir et les compétences de l’ensemble des parties prenantes. L’approche comparative utilisée ici débouche sur une analyse des pratiques existantes et innovantes, tant en Franche-Comté qu’en Suisse romande. Cette recherche, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un contrat doctoral Région, repose sur un paradigme interactionniste et s’appuie sur diverses disciplines. Ce travail mobilise plusieurs techniques de recueil de données (entretiens, questionnaires et observations), et propose un certain nombre de recommandations. / Today, the development of rights for the disabled, guarantees that their needs and expectations are met in a singular manner. Associations are mobilised so that their relational, emotional and sexual life may be recognised during their accompaniment within medico-social establishments and departments. This dimension, present in the heart of the intimate, includes numerous challenges. The individual’s protection must be ensured, just in the same way as their autonomy. Moreover, daily proximity between the various actors involved must be followed through by permanent questioning. Beneficiaries, professionals and families sometimes find themselves in complex, paradoxical situations, solved thanks to various regulating mechanisms. Today, the modalities involved figure within inclusive logic and are being developed in coherence with the law, ethics and the different actors’ means. There are action levers, reinforcing the empowerment and skills of all the parties implied. The comparative approach used here results in an analysis of existing and innovative practice in Franche-Comté (France), as well as in French-speaking Switzerland. This research, carried out within the scope of a regional Doctorate contract, rests on an interactional paradigm and is based on various different disciplines. This work mobilises several techniques, with a view to collecting data (interviews, questionnaires and observation) and proposes a number of recommendations.

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