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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Turnover of women audit managers in audit firms

Groenewald, Jurika 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Sepedi / Approximately half of the people in the world is female and yet women hold just more than one in every five senior management positions. This underrepresentation is a worldwide phenomenon that is also evident in the audit profession where there are few women at audit partner level. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of women audit managers – to gain an understanding of the reasons why they resign from audit firms before they are promoted to audit partner level. It was anticipated that this understanding could enable audit firms to develop and implement effective retention strategies to retain women in audit partner positions and to overcome the potential barriers to the equal representation of men and women in senior management positions in audit firms. An exploratory qualitative research approach and an interpretative phenomenological analysis design were used to explore and interpret the lived experiences of the women audit managers to understand the reasons why they resign from audit firms. The study found that unclear progression paths due to uncertain timelines, as well as the black economic empowerment pressures experienced by the audit firms, explained some of the women’s resignations from the audit firms. Unhealthy supervisor relationships, discrimination, no female role models and the “old boys club” as part of the audit firms’ leadership and organisational culture also played a prominent role in the women audit managers’ experiences. Moreover, unsatisfactory compensation together with no work-life balance were found to have influenced the majority of the women’s decisions to resign from the audit firms. Finally, the study also found that some of the participants’ aspirations to become audit partners were not distinct and that other matters were more important to them than their careers. / Alhoewel ongeveer die helfte van die wêreldbevolking vrouens is, is net een uit elke vyf senior bestuurders 'n vrou. Hierdie onderverteenwoordiging is 'n wêreldwye fenomeen, ook in die ouditberoep waar daar net 'n paar vrouens op ouditvennootvlak is. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die ervarings van vroulike ouditbestuurders te verken – om 'n begrip te kry van die redes waarom hulle bedank uit ouditfirmas voordat hulle tot ouditvennootvlak bevorder word. Die verwagting is dat hierdie begrip ouditfirmas in staat kan stel om effektiewe behoudstrategieë te ontwikkel en te implementeer om vrouens in ouditvennootposisies te behou en om die potensiële struikelblokke tot die gelyke verteenwoordiging van mans en vrouens in seniorbestuursposisies in ouditfirmas te bowe te kom. 'n Eksploratiewe, kwalitatiewe navorsingbenadering en 'n interpretatiewe, fenomenologiese ontledingsontwerp is gebruik om die geleefde ervarings van die vroulike ouditbestuurders te verken en te interpreteer om te kan verstaan waarom hulle uit ouditfirmas bedank. Die studie het bevind dat onduidelike progressiebane as gevolg van vae tydlyne, asook die druk van swart ekonomiese bemagtiging wat oudifirmas ervaar, kan verduidelik waarom sommige van die vrouens uit die ouditfirmas bedank. Ongesonde toesighouerverhoudings, diskriminasie, geen vroulike rolmodelle en die stelsel van baantjies vir boeties as deel van die ouditfirmas se leierskap- en organisasiekultuur speel ook 'n prominente rol in die vroulike ouditbestuurders se ervarings. Boonop is bevind dat onbevredigende vergoeding asook geen werk-lewebalans die meerderheid van die vrouens se besluite beïnvloed om uit die ouditfirmas te bedank. Die studie het ten slotte bevind dat dit nie sommige van die deelnemers se kennelike ambisie is om ouditvennote te word nie, en dat ander aangeleenthede van groter belang vir hulle is as hulle loopbane. / Tekanyetšo ya seripa sa batho mo lefaseng ke basadi efela basadi ke fela o tee godimo ga maemo a mahlano a bolaodi bja godimo. Kemedi ye ye nnyane ke setlwaedi sa motlalanaga seo se bonagalago ka go mošomo wa tlhakišo fao go nago le basadi ba bannyane maemong a bolekane bja tlhakišo. Mohola wa phatišišo ye e be e le go nyakolla maitemogelo a basadi ba balaodi ba batlhakiši – go kwešiša mabaka a go re ke ka lebaka la eng ba tlogela mešomo difemeng tša tlhakišo pele ba ka hlatlošetšwa maemong a bolekane bja tlhakišo. Go be go lebeletšwe gore kwešišo ye e ka kgontšha difeme tša tlhakišo go tlhabolla le go phethagatša maanotšhomo a maleba a go dula le bona sebaka mo go maemo a molekane wa tlhakišo le go fediša tšeo e ka bago mapheko go kemedi ya go lekana ga banna le basadi maemong a taolo ya godimo ka go difeme tša tlhakišo. Mokgwa wa diphatišišo tša boleng bja go nyakolla le tlhamo ya kahlaahlo ya ditiragalo tšeo di hlaloswago di be di šomišwa go nyakolla le go hlatholla maitemogelo ao balaodi ba tlhakišo ba basadi go kwešiša mabaka a go re ke ka lebaka la eng ba tlogela mošomo mo difemeng tša tlhakišo. Thuto ye e hweditše gore ditsela tša go se bonale tša kgatelopele ka lebaka la ditatelano tšeo di se nago bohlatse, go tee le matlafatšo ya ikonomi ya bathobaso tšeo di itemogetšwego ke difeme tša tlhakišo, e tlhalositše tše dingwe tša ditlogelo tša mošomo ka basadi go difeme tša tlhakišo. Dikamano tšeo di sa lokago le balebeledi, kgethollo, basadi ba go se tšewe bjalo ka mehlala le “old boys club” bjalo ka karolo ya boetapele bja difeme tša tlhakišo le setšo sa sehlongwa le tšona di ralokile karolo ya bohlokwa go boitemogelo bja balaodi ba basadi ba difeme tša tlhakišo. Go feta fao, tefelo yeo e sa kgotsofatšego go tee le tekanyetšo ya bophelo bja mošomo di hwetšagetše di na le khuetšo go bontši bja diphetho tša basadi tša go tlogela mošomo go tšwa go difeme tša tlhakišo. Mafelelong, phatišišo e hweditše go re ditumo tša batšeakarolo ba bangwe tša go ba balekane ba tlhakišo di be di sa bonale le go re merero ye mengwe e be e le bohlokwa kudu go bona go feta mešomo ya bona. / Auditing / M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

Workplace wellness, organisational commitment and retention in an insurance company in South Africa

Ncube, Smangaliso 11 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Venda and Zulu / Workplace wellness, organisational commitment and retention play a phenomenal role in organisations. Insurance companies form part of the organisations affected by retention of employees. Employees need to be physically, spiritually, socially, emotionally, intellectually, occupationally and environmentally well to perform, commit and remain in the organisation for longer. The objective of the study was to (i) establish a relationship between workplace wellness, organisational commitment and retention among employees of an insurance organisation in Johannesburg, (ii) to establish whether a relationship exists between the variables and the demographics age, gender, race groups, marital status and education levels. A deductive quantitative research method with systematic sampling was utilized to gather and evaluate the data in a sample of 726 randomly selected participants. A 22.59% response rate was obtained. The findings indicate significant relationships between the respondents', workplace wellness, organisational commitment and retention, also between workplace wellness, retention and education level. This is an indication that workplace wellness and organisational commitment has an influence on retaining employees and that employees with a level of education attest to that. No significant relations found between variables workplace wellness, organisational commitment, retention and the biographical variables age, gender, marital status, employment levels. No significant relations were found between organisational commitment and education level. The findings of this research contribute to the existing body of knowledge by providing human resource managers and practitioners with insights on specific commitment and retention strategies that will make employees commit and remain longer in the organisation. An important understanding gained on retention strategies will assist human resource managers to design relevant interventions to have committed employees and retain them. / Impilonhle emsebenzini, ukuzibophezela kwabasebenzi enhlanganweni kanye nokugcinwa kwabasebenzi kudlala indima enkulu ezinhlanganweni. Izinkampani zomshwalense ziyingxenye yezinhlangano ezithintekayo ekugcinweni kwabasebenzi. Abasebenzi kumele babe sesimweni esihle ngokomzimba, ngokomphefumulo, ngokwemizwa, ngokwengqondo, ngokomsebenzi kanye nangokwesimo semvelo abaphila kusona ukuze bakwazi ukwenza umsebenzi wabo kahle futhi bahlale isikhathi eside enhlanganweni. Injongo yalolu cwaningo kwabe (i) kuwukubheka nokuthola ubudlelwano phakathi kwempilonhle emsebenzini, ukuzibophezela kwabasebenzi enhlanganweni kanye nokugcinwa kwabasebenzi ezinhlanganweni zomshwalense eGoli, (ii) ukuthola ukuthi bukhona yini ubudlelwano phakathi kwezimo ezintathu ezishiwo ngenhla (impilonhle emsebenzini, ukuzibophezela kwabasebenzi enhlanganweni kanye nokugcinwa kwabasebenzi) kanye nezici eziphathelene nabantu ezinjengeminyaka yobudala, ubulili, uhlanga/ibala lomuntu, isimo somshado kanye namazinga emfundo. Kwasetshenziswa i-deductive quantitative research method ehambisana ne-systematic sampling ukuqoqa nokuhlola idatha kubabambiqhaza bocwangino abangama-726 ababeqokwe ngaphandle kokulandela indlela ethile ehlelekile. Kwatholakala izinga lokuphendula (response rate) elingama-22.59%. Imiphumela yocwaningo ibonisa ukuba khona kobudlelwano obukhulu phakathi kwempilonhle emsebenzini, ukuzibophezela kwabasebenzi enhlanganweni kanye nokugcinwa kwabasebenzi; futhi bukhona ubudlelwano phakathi kwempilonhle emsebenzini nokugcinwa kwabasebenzi kanye nezinga lemfundo. Lokhu kuyinkomba yokuthi impilonhle emsebenzini kanye nokuzibophezela kwabasebenzi enhlanganweni kunawo umthelela ekugcinweni kwabasebenzi futhi abasebenzi abanezinga elithile lemfundo bawubufakazi balokho. Abukho ubudlelwano obuphawulekayo obatholakala phakathi kwezimo ezinjengempilonhle emsebenzini, ukuzibophezela kwabasebenzi enhlanganweni kanye nokugcinwa kwabasebenzi kanye nezici eziphathelene nabantu ezinjengeminyaka yobudala, ubulili, isimo somshado kanye namazinga okuqashwa. Futhi abukho ubudlelwano obuphawulekayo obatholakala phakathi kokuzibophezela kwabasebenzi enhlanganweni kanye nezinga lemfundo. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo ifaka isandla olwazini olukhona njengamanje ngokuhlinzeka abaphathi kanye nabasebenzi beminyango yezindaba zabasebenzi ngolwazi oluzobalekelela ukuthi bakwazi ukuqonda kahle amaqhingasu athile aphathelene nokuzibophezela kwabasebenzi kanye nokugcinwa kwabo emsebenzini okuyinto ezokwenza ukuthi abasebenzi bazibophezele futhi bahlale isikhathi eside enhlanganweni. Ukuqonda amaqhingasu okugcinwa kwabasebenzi kuzolekelela abaphathi beminyango yezindaba zabasebenzi ukuthi bakwazi ukwenza izinhlelo zokungenelela ezifanelekile ukuze babe nabasebenzi abazibophezele futhi babagcine emsebenzini. / Mutakalo mushumoni, u ḓikumedzela ha tshiimiswa na u dzudza zwi shela mulenzhe nga huhulu kha tshiimiswa. Khamphani dza ndindakhombo dzi vhumba tshipiḓa tsha zwiimiswa zwo khwameaho zwa u dzudza vhatholwa mushumoni. Vhatholwa vha tea u vha vhe na mutakalo muvhilini, muyani, matshilisano, mielekanyo, vhuṱali, mushumo na vhupo havhuḓi u kona u shuma, u ḓikumedzela, na u dzula kha tshiimiswa lwa tshifhinga tshilapfu. Ndivho ya ngudo ho vha u (i) thoma vhushaka vhukati ha mutakalo mushumoni, u ḓikumedzela ha tshiimiswa na u dzudza vhukati ha vhatholwa vha tshiimiswa tsha ndindakhombo ngei Johannesburg, (ii) u vhona arali hu na vhushaka vhukati ha zwishanduwaho na vhukale ha tshandukisatshivhumbeo, mbeu, zwigwada zwa mirafho, nyimele ya mbingano na vhuimo ha pfunzo. Kuitele kwa ṱhoḓisiso dzo no itwaho nga vhaṅwe kwa khwaḽithethivi na vhukhethatsumbonanguludzwa kwo shumiswa u kuvhanganya na u ela data kha tsumbonanguludzwa dza 726 dza vhadzheneli vho nangwaho nga nḓila ye zwa itea ngayo. Ho waniwa phimo ya u fhindula ya 22.59%. Mawanwa a sumbedzisa vhushaka ha ndeme vhukati ha vhafhinduli vha mutakalo mushumoni, u dzudza na u ḓikumedzela ha tshiimiswa; na vhukati ha mutakalo mushumoni, u dzudza na vhuimo ha pfunzo. Heyi ndi tsumbo ya uri mutakalo mushumoni na u ḓikumedzela ha tshiimiswa zwi na ṱhuṱhuwedzo kha u dzudza vhatholwa na uri vhatholwa na vha re na vhuimo ha pfunzo vho zwi khwaṱhisedza. A huna vhushaka ha ndeme he ha wanala vhukati ha zwishanduwaho zwa mutakalo mushumoni, u ḓikumedzela ha tshiimiswa na u dzudza, vhukale ha zwishanduwaho zwa nganeavhutshilo, mbeu, nyimele ya mbingano na vhuimo ha mushumo. Mawanwa a ṱhoḓisiso iyi o shela mulenzhe kha ndivho ya tshiimiswa i re hone nga u ṋetshedza ndivho vhalanguli vha zwiko zwa vhashumi na vhashumeli nga ha u ḓikumedzela ho tiwaho na zwiṱirathedzhi zwa u dzudza zwine zwa ḓo ita uri vhatholwa vha ḓikumedzele nga vhone vhaṋe kha, na u dzula tshifhinga tshilapfu kha tshiimiswa. U pfesesa zwi tshi elana na zwiṱirathedzhi zwa u dzudza zwi ḓo thusa vhalanguli vha zwiko zwa vhashumi u dzudzanya u dzhenelela ho teaho u vha na vhatholwa vho ḓikumedzelaho na u vha dzudza. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Assessment of skills retention strategies in a health sub-district within a metropolitan municipality in the Western Cape

Sayers, Stanley Andrew January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Public Administration)--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / Organisations spend large sums of money on staff after they have been recruited in order to make them proficient in their jobs. It is therefore important to ensure that staff remain with the organisation for as long as possible, allowing the organisation to reap the benefit from its investment in the form of good performance by staff. Work performance can however, be affected negatively when labour turnover is high. This research project reflects on staff turnover amongst professional nurses, posing the question, “What can be done to alleviate high staff turnover?” A quantitative approach to research was followed within a Western Cape Metropolitan Municipality. The significance of the research is reflected in the recommendations made to the management of the municipality to address staff turnover in the specified category of employees.

What is the Nature of the Conflict Experienced by Japanese Workers in International Companies Based in Japan and What Type of Conflict Management Do They Access?

Le, Tomoko Shinohara 03 August 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to identify and analyze workplace conflict by enquiring into the nature of conflict, conflict management, and human resources (HR) strategies for conflict management in international companies based in Japan (ICBIJ). This study explores one part of a conflict system comprising cultural issues, HR strategies, conflict, and its effect on retention. The research question is "What is the nature of the conflict experienced by Japanese workers in international companies based in Japan and what type of conflict management do they access?" 16 Japanese workers were surveyed yielding qualitative and qualitative data. Findings indicate that workplace conflicts are both interpersonal and organizational. Participants used a variety of strategies to manage conflict which varied depending on the type of conflict and the rank of the participant. The findings indicate gaps between the ideal situation as described in the literature and reality.

Relationships among intensity of stressors, chronic stressors, perceived autonomy support, coping and nurses' affective commitment to their current jobs

King, Cynthia Andrea, 1975- 28 September 2012 (has links)
Hospitals are experiencing a critical shortage of qualified registered nurses. While traditional research explored reasons why nurses choose to leave their jobs, this study examined why nurses may choose to stay. Inter-relationships among cognitive, affective, and demographic variables and their impact on hospital nurses’ affective commitment to their current jobs were assessed. Participants included 134 full-time registered nurses in Dallas, Texas. They were asked about their tenure and educational degree, and completed the following measures online: Nurses’ Affective Commitment to Their Current Jobs; Nursing Stress Scale; Work Climate Questionnaire; and Coping Response Inventory. The results supported previous findings that nurses’ affective commitment to their current jobs was positively related to perceived autonomy support, percentage of reported coping approach strategies, and number of years worked in their current hospital unit. Furthermore, nurses’ affective commitment was negatively related to the two stress-related variables: number of chronic stressors (NCS) and intensity of stressors. In the primary analysis of the proposed Model of Nurses’ Affective Commitment to Their Current Jobs, a significant three-way interaction was found among perceived autonomy support and percentage of reported coping approach strategies (RCAS) on the relationship between NCS, and nurses’ affective commitment. A post hoc analysis found that nurses with a low level of RCAS had a significant change in the relationship between NCS and nurses’ affective commitment, depending on their level of perceived autonomy support. There was a negative relationship between NCS and nurses’ affective commitment for nurses’ with low levels of perceived autonomy support; whereas, there was a positive relationship between NCS and nurses’ affective commitment for nurses’ with high levels of perceived autonomy support. In addition, a secondary analysis on the model revealed that, for nurses working in their units less than six years, there was a varying degree of a positive relationship between RCAS and nurses’ affective commitment to their current jobs depending on the level of perceived autonomy support. However for nurses working more than six years, there was a negative relationship between RCAS and nurses’ affective commitment to their current jobs for nurses with low levels of perceived autonomy support. / text

Fostering psychological safety through facework: the importance of the effective delivery of performance feedback

Smith, Mary Eileen 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

The relationships between collectivist orientation, perception of practice environment, organizational commitment, and intention to leave current job among Asian nurses working in the U.S.

Liou, Shwu-ru, 1963- 28 August 2008 (has links)
Estimates indicate that Asian nurses have become the majority of international registered nurses (RNs) working in U.S. Studies have shown that differences in values exist between members of collectivistic cultures, such as those in Asian countries, and members of individualistic cultures, such as those in most Western countries. The purpose of this study was to understand factors related to turnover among Asian RNs working in the U.S.: level of collectivist orientation; perception of practice environment; degree of organizational commitment, and intention to leave current job. The research design was cross-sectional, correlational, and descriptive. A temporally ordered model was developed using the research literature and well-established instruments measured Asian RNs' level of collectivist orientation (Collectivist Orientation Scale), perception of practice environment (Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index), organizational commitment (Organizational Commitment Questionnaire), and intention to leave current job (Anticipated Turnover Scale). A snowball of 120 RNs was obtained. Descriptive, Pearson correlation, hierarchical regression, and the Sobel test were used to analyze data. Results showed that Asian nurses were highly collectivist-oriented. Generally, they had high levels of satisfaction with their practice environment and organizational commitment, but had low intention to leave their current jobs. Collectivist orientation, perception of practice environment, and organizational commitment were significantly and positively correlated to each other, but were significantly and negatively associated with intention to leave. The strongest predictor of intention to leave was organizational commitment. Organizational commitment mediated the relationship between perception of practice environment and intention to leave. It is important for administrators to understand characteristics of members of collectivist cultures and their organizational commitment. This may be crucial for administrators to lower the rate of turnover among Asian RNs. Future research should focus on longitudinal and controlled interventional studies to understand Asian nurses' satisfaction with their practice environment and their organizational commitment.

Effects of certified nursing assistant program commitment on perceptions of work conditions in Austin area nursing homes

Douglas, Nora Elizabeth 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available

How can the DOD minimize the impact on the reservist/National Guardsman's civilian employer while transforming to an operational force?

Wright, Timothy H. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Master of Military Art and Science)--Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, 2008. / Title from title screen (viewed June 16, 2009). "ADA482989"-DTIC URL. Includes bibliographical references (p. 77-81).

Turnover intention and employee engagement : exploring eliciting factors in South African audit firms

Van der Westhuizen, Nicola 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In response to globalisation and competition, today’s organisations are changing at an accelerating and radical pace. A review of the literature revealed that the demanding and often repetitive nature of work increases employees’ turnover intention. This is generally attributed to a lack of employee engagement. This trend is especially evident within the South African financial services industry. Without a functional workforce, no organisation can survive. Therefore organisations within this sector need to establish a balance between the provision of meaningful work, and profitability. The primary objective of this research study was to develop and empirically test a structural model that elucidates the antecedents of variance in turnover intention and employee engagement among employees employed by audit firms operating in the South African financial services industry. In addition, this research study investigated whether employees employed by these audit firms engage in job crafting to modify their work environment (i.e. job resources, personal resources and job demands, as illustrated in the Job Demands-Resources model) (Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner & Schaufeli, 2001) to cultivate meaningful work that decreases turnover intentions while increasing employee engagement. In this research study, an ex post facto correlational design was used to test the formulated hypotheses. Quantitative data was collected from 391 employees employed by audit firms operating in the South African financial services industry. Data was collected specifically for the purpose of this research study. Participation was voluntary. A self-administered web-based survey was distributed electronically to the participants. The data collected was strictly confidential and anonymous. The survey comprised seven sections. The first two sections measured the participants’ biographical and employment information. Subsequent sections measured specific latent variables using valid and reliable measuring instruments. These instruments include the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) (Schaufeli, Bakker & Salanova, 2006), the Turnover Intention Scale (Moore, 2000), the Psychological Meaningfulness Scale (May, Gilson & Harter, 2004), the Job Crafting Scale (Tims, Bakker & Derks, 2012), and the six-item Proactive Personality Scale (Claes, Beheydt & Lemmens, 2005). Data was subjected to a range of statistical analyses. The findings shed light on the seriousness of turnover intention and the lack of employee engagement among employees employed by audit firms operating in the South African financial services industry. It provides South African industrial psychologists with much needed insight into the presenting problem. With reference to the highlighted managerial implications of the research findings and the recommended interventions, industrial psychologists can ensure the retention and engagement of employees. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Globalisering en mededinging veroorsaak dat hedendaagse organisasies al hoe vinniger en ook ingrypend verander. ’n Oorsig van die literatuur het getoon dat werknemers se voorneme om van werkplek te verander al hoe meer toeneem weens die veeleisende en dikwels herhalende aard van die werk wat hulle doen. Hierdie voorneme is veral in die Suid-Afrikaanse finansiële diensbedryf sigbaar en kan toegeskryf word aan ’n gebrek aan werknemerbegeestering. Geen organisasie kan egter sonder ’n funksionele werksmag oorleef nie. Gevolglik moet organisasies in hierdie bedryf sorg dat hulle ’n balans tussen betekenisvolle werk en winsgewendheid skep. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om ’n strukturele model te ontwikkel en empiries te toets wat lig werp op die voorkoms van verskille in die voorneme om van werkplek te verander en werknemerbegeestering onder werknemers in diens van ouditeursfirmas in die Suid-Afrikaanse finansiële diensbedryf. Daarbenewens het hierdie studie ook ondersoek of werknemers in hierdie ouditeursfirmas betrokke is by werksfatsoenering om hulle werkomgewing aan te pas (m.a.w. werkshulpbronne, persoonlike hulpbronne en taakeise, soos in die Job Demands-Resources model aangedui) (Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner & Schaufeli, 2001) om betekenisvolle werk te skep wat hulle voorneme om van werk te verander, kan verminder en terselfdertyd werknemerbegeestering kan aanvul. ‘n Ex post facto korrelasie-ontwerp is gebruik om die geformuleerde hipoteses te toets. Kwantitatiewe data is by 391 werknemers in diens van ouditeursfirmas in die Suid-Afrikaanse finansiële diensbedryf ingesamel. Die data is spesifiek vir hierdie studie ingesamel. Deelname was vrywillig. ’n Selftoegepaste webgebaseerde opname is elektronies onder die deelnemers versprei. Die dataversameling was streng vertroulik en anoniem. Die opname het uit sewe afdelings bestaan. Die eerste twee afdelings het die biografiese en werksinligtiging van die deelnemers ingesamel. Die daaropvolgende afdelings het spesifieke latente veranderlikes met behulp van geldige en betroubare instrumente gemeet. Hierdie instrumente was die Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, UWES-9 (Schaufeli, Bakker & Salanova, 2006), die Turnover Intention Scale (Moore, 2000), die Psychological Meaningfulness Scale (May, Gilson & Harter, 2004), die Job Crafting Scale (Tims, Bakker & Derks, 2012), en die ses-item Proactive Personality Scale (Claes, Beheydt & Lemmens, 2005). Die data is aan ’n reeks statistiese analises onderwerp. Die bevindinge werp lig op die erns van voorneme om van werkplek te verander en die gebrek aan werkenemerbetrokkenheid onder werknemers in diens van ouditeursfirmas in die Suid-Afrikaanse finansiële diensbedryf. Dit bied aan Suid-Afrikaanse bedryfsielkundiges belangrike insae in die tersaaklike probleem. Bedryfsielkundiges kan, met verwysing na die aangeduide bestuursimplikasies van die bevindinge en aanbevelings van hierdie studie, die behoud en begeestering van werknemers verseker.

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