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Alternatives de rupture d'une émulsion cationique par hétérofloculation ou par changement de pH / Cationic emulsions breaking alternatives by heteroflocculation or by pH increaseMercado Ojeda, Ronald Alfonso 03 July 2012 (has links)
Deux émulsions cationiques modèles sont mises au contact avec un solide présentant une charge superficielle négative et avec une solution alcaline. Premièrement, lorsque des quantités déterminées de sable de Fontainebleau sont ajoutées sur une émulsion stabilisée par un ammonium quaternaire, la viscosité des émulsions résiduelles diminue avec l'addition de sable et l'hétérofloculation a lieu si nous ajoutons suffisamment de sable. Les résultats montrent que la concentration de la phase dispersée diminue et le processus dépends de la concentration de tensioactif dans la phase continue de l'émulsion. Etant donné que ni la taille des gouttes ni la distribution ne changent pendant l'addition des solides, nous proposons l'adsorption directe des gouttes sur la surface minérale, suivie par leur coalescence sur les particules de sable. Par ailleurs, lorsqu'une solution alcaline est rajoutée sur une émulsion stabilisée par une amine, l'équilibre chimique est rapidement perturbé. L'addition de NaOH implique la production d'amine, le volume effectif des gouttes diminue et le comportement rhéologique des émulsions évolue de rhéofluidifiant à Newtonien. La déstabilisation résultant de la remontée de pH est due à la coalescence des gouttes à cause de la déprotonation du tensioactif. La formulation interfaciale évolue à chaque addition de la solution alcaline et le système bascule vers la production d'une microémulsion très instable. Les conditions pour la déstabilisation des émulsions peuvent être optimisées par un suivi rhéologique, mais il est fondamental de tenir compte des diverses possibilités pouvant se présenter si le processus n'est pas contrôlé strictement / Two cationic model emulsions are contacted with a solid having a negative-charged surface and with a caustic soda solution. In one hand, emulsions stabilized by a quaternary ammonium are contacted with Fontainebleau sandstone, as a consequence, a viscosity reduction of the remaining emulsion is observed, as well as the emulsion break-up through a heteroflocculation mechanism provided the solid surface is large enough. Results show that the dispersed oil fraction decreases after addition of sandstone aliquots, and this depends on the concentration of surfactant in the continuous phase of the emulsion. As the droplet size and distribution remain constant during the process, it is assumed that the emulsion heteroflocculation is the result of direct oil droplets adhesion on the sand surface, followed by their coalescence around the sand particles. On the other hand, when an alkali solution is added to a model cationic oil-in-water emulsion, chemical equilibrium is rapidly affected. The effective droplets volume decreases and rheological behavior which firstly exhibits a shear-thinning behavior becomes gradually Newtonian. The abrupt emulsion destabilization by pH increase is the result of droplets coalescence as a consequence of electrostatic repulsions disappearance among droplets. The surfactant adsorption at the liquid-liquid interface changes, the optimal formulation is reached and emulsion becomes unstable. After all, the emulsion morphology, stability and even emulsion inversion are all controlled by pH. Emulsion destabilization can be studied by a rheological monitoring process but it is hardly recommended keep in mind all physicochemical phenomena if this method is not strictly controlled
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Estudo de eficácia e segurança (citotoxicidade) do ácido gálico incorporado a um sistema emulsionado. /Custodio, Alessandra Aparecida Cruz. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Antônio Correa / Resumo: A busca por ativos naturais que apresentem mais de uma função em uma única formulação é pautada em um novo conceito de praticidade e economia, estando em acordo com a visão crítica do consumidor moderno. Neste contexto, a presença dos compostos fenólicos em plantas tem sido estudada por estes apresentarem diversas atividades farmacológicas e cosméticas. Os ácidos hidroxibenzoicos fazem parte desse grupo de compostos orgânicos, sendo o ácido gálico um de seus representantes, conhecido principalmente por sua atividade antioxidante. Um grande número de formulações tópicas contendo antioxidantes tem sido lançado nos últimos anos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a eficácia do ácido gálico para uso cosmético. Para escolha dos solventes utilizados no estudo levou-se em consideração o desenvolvimento sustentável da pesquisa, ou seja a utilização de solventes verdes. Para a avaliação da atividade antioxidante foram utilizados dois métodos diferentes o DPPH e o ABTS. Também foi realizada a avaliação das atividades despigmentantes, antimicrobiana, citotóxica, bem como estudos da formulação desenvolvida, como: estabilidade, liberação, permeação e retenção, através de experimentos in vitro. Os resultados demonstram que o ácido gálico é um potente antioxidante, suas ações despigmentante e antimicrobiana também foram comprovadas. Pelos estudos de citotoxidade in vitro pode-se constatar que a porcentagem de ácido gálico utilizada na emulsão desenvolvida é segura. A validação da metodol... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The search for natural assets that present more than one function in a single formulation is based on a new concept of practicality and economy, being in agreement with the critical view of the modern consumer. In this context, the presence of phenolic compounds in plants has been studied because they present several pharmacological and cosmetic activities. Hydroxybenzoic acids are part of this group of organic compounds, and gallic acid is one of its representatives, known mainly for its antioxidant activity. A large number of topical formulations containing antioxidants have been launched in recent years. The objective of this work was to study the efficacy of gallic acid for cosmetic use. To choose the solvents used in the study took into consideration the sustainable development of the research, ie the use of green solvents. For the evaluation of the antioxidant activity, two different methods were used: DPPH and ABTS. The evaluation of depigmenting activities, antimicrobial, cytotoxic, as well as studies of the developed formulation, such as: stability, release, permeation and retention, were carried out through in vitro experiments. The results demonstrate that gallic acid is a potent antioxidant, its depigmenting and antimicrobial actions have also been proven. By in vitro cytotoxicity studies it can be verified that the percentage of gallic acid used in the developed emulsion is safe. The validation of the methodology by HPLC ensured all parameters necessary for the s... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Experimental study and modeling of methane hydrates cristallization under flow from emulsions with variable fraction of water and anti-agglomerant / Étude expérimentale et modélisation de la cristallisation d'hydrates de méthane en écoulement à partir d'une émulsion à pourcentages variables d'eau et d’anti-agglomérantMendes Melchuna, Aline 04 January 2016 (has links)
La cristallisation des hydrates pendant la production de pétrole est une source de risques, surtout liés au bouchage des lignes de production dû à l’agglomération des hydrates. Pendant l'extraction de pétrole, l'huile et l'eau circulent dans le pipeline et forment une émulsion instable. La phase eau se combine avec les composants d'hydrocarbures légers et peut former des hydrates. La cristallisation des hydrates a été intensivement étudiée, principalement à faible fraction d’eau. Cependant, lorsque le champ de pétrole devient mature, la fraction d’eau augmente et peut devenir la phase dominante, un système peu étudié concernant à la formation d'hydrates. Plusieurs techniques peuvent être combinées pour éviter ou remédier la formation d'hydrates. Récemment, une nouvelle classe d'additifs a commencé à être étudiée : Inhibiteurs d'Hydrates à Bas Dosage (LDHI), divisés en Inhibiteurs Cinétiques (KHI-LDHI) et anti-agglomérants (AA-LDHI).Ce travail est une étude paramétrique de la formation d'hydrates à partir de l'émulsion, en variant la fraction d’eau, le débit, en absence et en présence d’AA-LDHI. Les expériences ont été réalisées sur la boucle d'écoulement Archimède, qui est en mesure de reproduire les conditions de la mer profonde. L'objectif de cette étude est d'améliorer la compréhension de la formation d'hydrate et de comprendre comment l'additif dispersant évite l'agglomération. Pour ce faire, un modèle comportemental de la cristallisation pour les systèmes sans et avec additif a été développé. Il a également été proposé une technique pour déterminer la phase continue du système et un mécanisme d'action pour l'anti-agglomérant a été suggéré. / Crystallization of hydrates during oil production is a major source of hazards, mainly related to flow lines plugging after hydrate agglomeration. During the petroleum extraction, oil and water circulate in the flow line, forming an unstable emulsion. The water phase in combination with light hydrocarbon components can form hydrates. The crystallization of hydrates has been extensively studied, mainly at low water content systems. However, as the oil field matures, the water fraction increases and can become the dominant phase, a system less known in what concerns hydrate formation. Actually, several techniques can be combined to avoid or remediate hydrate formation. Recently, a new class of additives called Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitor (LDHI) started to be studied, they are classified as Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitors (KHI-LDHI) and Anti-Agglomerants (AA-LDHI).This work is a parametric study about hydrate formation from emulsion systems ranging from low to high water content, where different flow rates and the anti-agglomerant presence were investigated. The experiments were performed at the Archimède flow loop, which is able to reproduce deep sea conditions. The goal of this study is enhancing the knowledge in hydrate formation and comprehending how the dispersant additive acts to avoid agglomeration. For this matter, it was developed a crystallization topological model for the systems without and with additive. A technique to determine the system continuous phase and a mechanism of the anti-agglomerant action from the chord length measurements were also proposed.
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Mechanics of adhesion and friction in stick insects and tree frogs / Mechanik der Adhäsion und Reibung von Stabheuschrecken und BaumfröschenDrechsler, Patrick Hans January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Many arthropods and vertebrates can cling to surfaces using adhesive pads on their legs. These pads are either smooth and characterised by a specialised, soft cuticle or they are hairy, i.e. densely covered with flexible adhesive setae. Animals climbing with adhesive organs are able to control attachment and detachment dynamically while running. The detailed mechanisms of how tarsal pads generate adhesive and frictional forces and how forces are controlled during locomotion are still largely unclear. The aim of this study was to clarify the attachment mechanism of smooth adhesive pads as present in many insects and tree frogs. To understand the function of these fluid-based adhesive systems, I characterized their performance under standardized conditions. To this end, experiments were conducted by simultaneously measuring adhesion, friction, and contact area in single adhesive pads. The first result of this study showed that friction in stick insect attachment pads is anisotropic: Attachment pads regularly detached when slid away from the body. Further analyses of "immobilized" arolia revealed that this anisotropy is not caused by an increased shear stress in the proximal direction, but by the instability of the tarsus when pushed distally. In the second part of this study, I analysed the role of the pad secretion present in insects and tree frogs. In stick insects, shear stress was largely independent of normal force and increased with velocity, seemingly consistent with the viscosity effect of a continuous fluid film. However, measurements of the remaining force two minutes after a sliding movement showed that adhesive pads could sustain considerable static friction in insects and tree frogs. Repeated sliding movements and multiple consecutive pull-offs of stick insect single legs to deplete adhesive secretion showed that on a smooth surface, friction and adhesion strongly increased with decreasing amount of fluid in insects. In contrast, stick insect pull-off forces significantly decreased on a rough substrate. Thus, the secretion does not generally increase attachment but does so only on rough substrates, where it helps to maximize contact area. When slides with stick insect arolia were repeated at one position so that secretion could accumulate, sliding shear stress decreased but static friction remained clearly present. This suggests that static friction in stick insects, which is biologically important to prevent sliding, is based on non-Newtonian properties of the adhesive emulsion rather than on a direct contact between the cuticle and the substrate. % Analogous measurements in toe pads of tree frogs showed that they are also able to generate static friction, even though their pads are wetted by mucus. In contrast to the mechanism proposed for insects, static friction in tree frogs apparently results from the very close contact of toe pads to the substrate and boundary lubrication. In the last section of this study, I investigated adhesive forces and the mode of detachment by performing pull-off measurements at different velocities and preloads. These experiments showed that preload has only an increasing effect on adhesion for faster pull-offs. This can be explained by the viscoelastic material properties of the stick insect arolium, which introduce a strong rate-dependence of detachment. During fast pull-offs, forces can spread over the complete area of contact, leading to forces scaling with area. In contrast, the pad material has sufficient time to withdraw elastically and peel during slow detachments. Under these conditions the adhesive force will concentrate on the circumference of the contact area, therefore scaling with a length, supporting models such as the peeling theory. The scaling of single-pad forces supported these conclusions, but large variation between pads of different stick insects did not allow statistically significant conclusions. In contrast, when detachment forces were quantified for whole insects using a centrifuge, forces scaled with pad contact area and not with length. / Viele Arthropoden und Vertebraten können sich mit Hilfe tarsaler Haftorgane an Oberflächen festhalten. Diese Organe sind entweder glatt, mit einer spezialisierten, weichen Cuticula oder haarig, d.h. dicht besetzt mit mikroskopisch kleinen, biegsamen Hafthaaren. Mit Haftorganen kletternde Tiere können während des Laufens Haftkräfte dynamisch kontrollieren. Die genaueren Mechanismen, mit denen Adhäsions- und Reibungskräfte erzeugt werden und mit denen die Kräfte während des Laufens schnell kontrolliert werden können, sind allerdings noch immer weitgehend unklar. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den Haftmechanismus von glatten Haftorganen bei Insekten und Baumfröschen näher aufzuklären. Um die Funktion dieser flüssigkeitsbasierten Haftsysteme zu verstehen, charakterisierte ich ihr Adhäsions- und Reibungsverhalten unter standardisierten Bedingungen. Dazu führte ich Experimente an einzelnen Haftorganen durch, bei denen ich gleichzeitig Adhäsion, Reibung, und Kontaktfläche erfasste. Das erste Ergebnis dieser Arbeit war, dass die Reibung von Insektenhaftorganen von der Bewegungsrichtung abhängt. Ein Haftorgan, das vom Körper weg bewegt wird (distale Richtung), löst sich meist von der Oberfläche ab. Weitere Untersuchungen an Haftorganen bei fixiertem Tarsus zeigten, dass die Richtungsabhängigkeit nicht durch eine erhöhte Scherspannung in der proximalen Richtung hervorgerufen wird, sondern durch die Instabilität des Tarsus, wenn der Fuß vom Körper weg bewegt wird. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit untersuchte ich die Rolle des Haftsekrets bei Stabheuschrecken und Baumfröschen. Bei Stabheuschrecken war die Scherspannung unabhängig von der Normalkraft und nahm mit der Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit zu, scheinbar in Einklang mit der viskosen Reibung eines durchgehenden Flüssigkeitsfilms. Jedoch ergaben Scherspannungsmessungen bei Stabheuschrecken und Fröschen selbst zwei Minuten nach einer Gleitbewegung ein beträchtliches Maß an statischer "Rest"-Reibung. Um den Einfluss geringer werdender Haftflüssigkeit zu untersuchen, wurden wiederholte Gleitversuche sowie aufeinanderfolgende Ablöseversuche auf glatten Oberflächen durchgeführt. Diese Experimente zeigten, dass sowohl die Reibungs- als auch die Adhäsionskraft mit abnehmender Flüssigkeitsmenge anstieg. Im Gegensatz hierzu nahm die Adhäsionskraft auf rauen Oberflächen mit abnehmender Haftflüssigkeitsmenge ab. Demzufolge führte die Haftflüssigkeit nur auf rauen Oberflächen zu einer Vergrößerung der Kontaktfläche und zu einer Erhöhung der Adhäsionskraft. Reibungskräfte auf glatten Oberflächen wurden bei Stabheuschrecken umso geringer, je häufiger Reibungsversuche an ein und der selben Stelle durchgeführt wurden (um die Menge an Haftflüssigkeit zu erhöhen). Dennoch blieb immer eine statische Reibung vorhanden. Das Vorhandensein von statischer Reibung ist biologisch wichtig um das unfreiwillige Ausrutschen zu verhindern. Meine Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die Haftreibung bei Insekten nicht auf direkte Kontakte zwischen Cuticula und Untergrund zurückzuführen ist, sondern auf die (scherverdünnende) nicht-Newtonschen Eigenschaften des zweiphasigen Haftsekrets. Analoge Messungen an Haftzehen von Baumfröschen zeigten, dass auch diese statische Reibungskräfte erzeugen können, obwohl sie von einem flüssigen Schleim benetzt sind. Im Gegensatz zu dem bei Insekten gefundenen Mechanismus, entsteht bei Fröschen die statische Reibung wahrscheinlich durch Trockenreibung und den sehr nahen Kontakt zur Oberfläche. Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit untersuchte ich Adhäsionskräfte und den Ablösevorgang durch Haftkraftmessungen bei verschiedenen Geschwindigkeiten und Normalkräften. Diese Experimente zeigten, dass die Normalkraft nur bei schnellem Ablösen zu höheren Adhäsionskräften führt. Dies ist durch die viskoelastischen Materialeigenschaften der Stabheuschrecken-Arolien erklärbar, die zu einer starken Geschwindigkeitsabhängigkeit des Ablösevorgangs führen. Bei schnellem Ablösen breiten sich die Kräfte über die gesamte Kontaktzone aus, was zu einer Flächenskalierung der Adhäsion führt. Im Gegensatz dazu hat das Haftorgan bei einem langsamen Ablöseprozess genügend Zeit, sich elastisch zurückzuziehen und abzuschälen. Unter diesen Bedingungen konzentriert sich die Kraft am Rand der Kontaktzone, wodurch die Adhäsionskräfte mit einer Länge skalieren, wie z.B. von der "peeling" Theorie vorhergesagt. Die Skalierung von Einzelbein-Haftkräften bestätigte diese Schlußfolgerungen, aber die starke Variation zwischen verschiedenen Stabheuschrecken erlaubte es nicht, diese statistisch abzusichern. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten die Haftkräfte ganzer Insekten, welche mit Hilfe einer Zentrifuge gemessen wurden, eine deutliche Flächenskalierung.
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Elementos traço em óleo cru: determinação total e estudo de especiação / Trace elements in crude oil: total determination and speciation studyLuz, Maciel Santos 17 December 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o desenvolvimento de métodos para: determinação simultânea de Cr/Fe/Ni/V em óleo cru; determinação simultânea de Co/Cu/Pb/Se em óleo cru, gasolina e diesel; determinação monoelementar de Si em óleo cru, gasolina e diesel; e determinação de espécies porfirínicas de Fe/Ni/V em óleo cru, utilizando ultracentrifugação e extração em ponto nuvem, por espectrometria de absorção atômica com forno de grafite e detecção simultânea (SIMAAS). Foram estudadas as condições de preparo das amostras por emulsão, empregando Triton X-100® como surfactante e hexano ou clorofórmio como solventes diluentes do óleo cru. Nas melhores condições, as emulsões foram preparadas em 6% (m v-1) de Triton X-100® com o óleo cru previamente diluído com 125 µL de hexano (nos métodos para as determinações totais dos elementos) ou diluído com 400 µL de clorofórmio (no método para a determinação das espécies porfirínicas). No método envolvendo a determinação simultânea total de Cr/Fe/Ni/V não foi utilizada agitação ultrassônica devido à pequena massa de óleo necessária (50 mg) para análise. Por outro lado, a agitação ultrassônica foi essencial para possibilitar a estabilização de maiores massas de óleo cru (200 mg e 400 mg) na emulsão. A estabilidade da emulsão só foi melhorada com agitação ultrassônica, antes da etapa de diluição com água. Nessa condição, foi possível obter emulsões estáveis com 200 mg ou 400 mg de óleo cru, por 30 min ou mais de 8 h, respectivamente. O programa de aquecimento do forno de grafite foi avaliado em cada caso, com e sem uso de diferentes modificadores químicos (Pd e Mg), especialmente nos métodos de determinação simultânea, em que foi necessário adotar condições de compromisso. Para a determinação monoelementar de Si foi verificado melhora nos parâmetros analíticos (sensibilidade e repetibilidade) com o uso de NbC como modificador permanente combinado com 20 µg de Pd como modificador químico co-injetado. Os LODs estimados para Cr (0,07 µg g-1), Fe (2,15 µg g-1), Ni (1,25 µg g-1), V (1,25 µg g-1), Co (0,02 µg g-1), Cu (0,03 µg g-1), Pb (0,04 µg g-1), Se (0,11 µg g-1) e Si (0,16 µg g-1) foram suficientemente baixos para permitir as determinações dos elementos com boas precisão e exatidão. Análises de materiais de referência forneceram resultados a um nível de confiança de 95%, quando aplicado o teste t>/i> de Student. O fracionamento de porfirinas de Fe/Ni/V foi feito em emulsão de óleo cru combinando com a extração por ponto nuvem (CPE) e ultracentrifugação. Nesse estudo, foi verificado a necessidade do uso de 0,1 mol L-1 de HCl para extração dos elementos associados a espécies organometálicas não porfirínicas. Após a ultracentrifugação da emulsão de óleo cru, os alfaltenos e material particulado foram separados e no sobrenadante permaneceram espécies inorgânicas, compostos organometálicos leves e porfirinas de Fe, Ni e V. Após CPE de outra emulsão de óleo cru permaneceram na fase aquosa espécies inorgânicas e composto organometálicos leves. As concentrações das porfirinas de Fe, Ni e V foram determinadas após a subtração dos resultados obtidos no primeiro (ultracentrifugação) e segundo (CPE) procedimentos. / The objective of this research was the methods development for: simultaneous determination of Cr/Fe/Ni/V in crude oil; simultaneous determination of Co/Cu/Pb/Se in crude oil, gasoline and diesel; determination of Si in crude oil, gasoline and diesel; and determination of porphyrin species of Fe/Ni/V in crude oil using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with simultaneous detection (SIMAAS). It was studied the conditions for the emulsion sample preparation, employing Triton X-100® as surfactant and hexane or chloroform as diluent of the crude oil. Under the best conditions, the emulsions were prepared in 6% (m v-1) of Triton X-100® with crude oil previously diluted with 125 µl of hexane (in methods for total determination of elements) or diluted with 400 µl of chloroform (in the method for determination of porfhyrin species). In the method for the simultaneous determination of Cr/Fe/Ni/V it was not necessary to use ultrasonic agitation due to the small mass of oil needed (50 mg) for analysis. On the other hand, ultrasonic agitation was essential to enable the stabilization of larger masses of crude oil (200 mg and 400 mg) in emulsion. The emulsion stability was improved with ultrasonic agitation, before dilution step with water. In this condition, it was possible to obtain stable emulsions with 200 mg or 400 m;g of crude oil, for 30 min or more than 8 h, respectively. The heating program of graphite furnace was evaluated in each case, with and without use of different chemical modifiers (Pd and Mg), especially in the methods for simultaneous determination, in which was necessary to adopt compromise conditions. For Si determination, was verified significant improvement in analytical parameters (sensitivity and repeatability) with the use of NbC as permanent modifier, combined with co-injected 20 µg of Pd as chemical modifier. The LODs estimated for Cr (0.07 µg g-1), Fe (2.15 µg g-1), Ni (1.25 µg g-1), V (1.25 µg g-1), Co (0.03 µg g-1), Cu (0.03 µg g-1), Pb (0.04 µg g-1), Se (0.11 µg g-1) and Si (0.16 µg g-1) were low enough to allow measurements of the elements with great precision and accuracy. Analysis of reference materials provided results at confidence level of 95%, when applied to the Student\'s t-test. The Porphyrin fractionation of Fe/Ni/V was done on crude oil emulsion by combining cloud point extraction (CPE) and ultracentrifugation. In this method, 0.1 mol L-1 of HCl must be used for extraction of elements associated with the organometallic species different of porfhyrins. After the ultracentrifugation of crude oil emulsion, asfalthene and particulate matter were separated and in the supernatant remained inorganic species, organometallic compounds and porphyrins of Fe, Ni and V. After CPE of another emulsion of crude oil, remained in the aqueous phase only the inorganic and organometallic compound species. The porphyrin concentrations of Fe, Ni and V were determined after the subtraction of the results obtained in the supernatant from the first (centrifugation) and second (CPE) procedures.
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Estudo da copolimerização em emulsão de estireno e acrilato de butila com alto teor de sólidos em reator semicontínuo. / Study of the emulsion copolymerization of styrene and butyl acrylate with high solid contents in a semi-batch reactor.Marinangelo, Giovane 29 August 2005 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se o processo de coplimerização em emulsão de estireno e acrilato de butila em processo semicontínuo onde o produto final é um látice com alto teor de sólidos. Foi realizada uma série de experimentos de copolimerização em emulsão em um reator de vidro, empregando receitas com teores de sólidos na faixa de 50 a 64% em massa. Foram estudados os seguintes fatores: teor de sólidos, teor de ácido acrílico, teor de emulsificantes e tempo de adição dos monômeros. Os efeitos estudados são avaliados principalmente em termos de conversão, diâmetro médio das partículas, concentração de partículas, número médio de radicais por partícula, taxa de polimerização, viscosidade e fração de coágulos. Também se avaliou a distribuição de tamanhos de partículas para o processo. Utilizando informações experimentais e da literatura, foi aplicado um modelo matemático para o processo, com razoável adequação aos dados experimentais. / The aim of this work was the study of the high solid contents emulsion copolymerization of styrene and butyl acrylate in semi-batch process. Copolymerization reactions were undertaken in a glass reactor, and recipes with solid contents up to 64 wt.% were used. Were evaluated the effects of: solid contents on recipe, amounts of acrylic acid and surfactants on recipe and monomer feeding time. The effects were evaluated in terms of conversion, particle mean diameter, and particle concentration, average number of radicals per particle, polymerization rate, viscosity and coagulum content. It was performed a characterization of the particle size distribution for this process. Using experimental observations and literature information, it was applied a mathematical model for this process, with satisfactory agreement with experimental data.
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Encapsulação de montmorilonita por meio da polimerização radicalar controlada via RAFT em emulsão para produção de filmes nanoestruturados com propriedades anisotrópicas / Encapsulation of Montmorillonite by RAFT-mediated emulsion polymerization for the preparation of nanostructured films with anisotropic propertiesSilva, Rodrigo Duarte 06 March 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve a síntese de látices poliméricos híbridos contendo a argila natural Montmorilonita (MMT) por meio da polimerização radicalar controlada via mecanismo de transferência reversível de cadeia por adição-fragmentação (RAFT) em emulsão sem adição de surfatante. Primeiramente, copolímeros anfifílicos com diferentes estruturas e composições, foram preparados por meio da polimerização via RAFT em solução e caracterizados por ressonância magnética nuclear de hidrogênio (RMN 1H) e cromatografia por exclusão de tamanho (SEC). A interação entre os copolímeros sintetizados, chamados de macroagentes RAFT, e a superfície da MMT foi estudada por meio de isotermas de adsorção experimentais, as quais foram ajustadas por modelos teóricos. Os macroagentes RAFT à base de ácido acrílico (AA), acrilato de metil éter poli(etileno glicol) (PEGA) e acrilato de n-butila (BA) apresentaram afinidade pela argila como mostraram as isotermas do \"tipo L\" (Langmuir) obtidas. Os látices híbridos preparados utilizando esses macroagentes RAFT foram analisados por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão em temperatura criogênica (cryo-TEM), que revelou lamelas de MMT decoradas com nanopartículas poliméricas. As isotermas de adsorção dos macroagentes RAFT catiônicos à base de metacrilato de 2-(dimetilamino)etila (DMAEMA), PEGA e BA foram do \"tipo H\" (alta afinidade). Esses macroagentes RAFT possibilitaram a preparação de dispersões estáveis de complexos de MMT/macroagente RAFT, o que foi verificado por espalhamento dinâmico de luz (DLS), e sua utilização na síntese de látices híbridos levou à formação de uma camada polimérica em torno das lamelas de MMT. Os filmes poliméricos nanocompósitos obtidos a partir de látices catiônicos estáveis de poli(metacrilato de metila-co-acrilato de n-butila)/MMT apresentaram melhor estabilidade térmica e melhores propriedades mecânicas do que os filmes poliméricos preparados sem adição de argila como mostraram, respectivamente, os resultados de análise termogravimétrica (TG) e de análise termodinâmico-mecânica (DMA) dos materiais. / This work describes the synthesis of hybrid polymer latexes containing natural Montmorillonite clay (MMT) by reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)-mediated surfactant-free emulsion polymerization. Firstly, amphiphilic copolymers with different structures and compositions were prepared by RAFT polymerization in solution and characterized by hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC). The interaction between these copolymers (referred to as macroRAFT agents) and the MMT surface was studied by experimental adsorption isotherms, which were adjusted by theoretical adsorption models. MacroRAFT agents based on acrylic acid (AA), poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether acrylate (PEGA) and n-butyl acrylate (BA) displayed affinity for MMT as shown by the \"L-type\" (Langmuir) isotherms obtained. The hybrid latexes prepared using these macroRAFT agents were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy at cryogenic temperatures (cryo-TEM), which revealed polymer-decorated MMT platelets. The adsorption isotherms of cationic macroRAFT agents based on 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA), PEGA and BA were of the \"H-type\" (high affinity). These RAFT macroRAFT agents allowed the preparation of stable dispersions of MMT/macroRAFT agents complexes, which was verified by dynamic light scattering analysis (DLS), and their use in the synthesis of hybrid latexes led to the formation of a polymer layer surrounding the MMT platelets. Nanocomposite films obtained from stable cationic latexes of poly(methyl methacrylate-co-n-butyl acrylate)/MMT showed better thermal stability and better mechanical properties than polymer films prepared without addition of clay as shown, respectively, by the results of thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) of the final materials.
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Otimização de métodos para a determinação de P, Pb e Si em gasolinas por ICP-OES / Optimization of methods for the determination of Pb, Si and P in gasolines by ICP-OESSantos, Sandra Patricia de Andrade Mariano 08 December 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver métodos para a determinação simultânea de Pb, Si e P em gasolinas por ICP OES em conformidade com a Agência Nacional de Petróleo (ANP). O mercado da gasolina no Brasil é regulado pela Agência Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) e pela Lei Federal 9.478/97 (Lei do Petróleo) e, conforme Resolução ANP n°40, de 25.10.2013, a determinação de chumbo é exigida quando houver suspeita de contaminação. O chumbo era adicionado, desde 1922 para elevar o índice antidetonante da gasolina, mas devido a sua toxicidade foi mundialmente substituído. A determinação do silício passou a ser exigida em 1 de Janeiro de 2014 nas gasolinas, porque frações leves contaminadas com silício, quando usadas como combustíveis, podem gerar problemas aos motores automotivos, uma vez que os aditivos antiespumantes, a base de oligômeros contendo silício, são adicionados durante o processo de refino. O fósforo é um aditivo estimulante da extração do petróleo, sua determinação também é exigida quando houver suspeita de contaminação, pois concentrações acima do limite máximo podem desativar os catalisadores dos carros. No preparo de amostras foram utilizadas duas estratégias, a primeira diluição da gasolina com solventes orgânicos 10% da gasolina e 90% de Premisolv-Constan, com a vantagem da int rodução direta, porém necessita câmara refrigerada e fluxo de O2. E preparo da amostra por emulsão tipo óleo/água (O/W), preparada utilizando 1 mL de gasolina com 3 mL de surfactante Tergitol TMN-6® (20% m v-1), o qual foi escolhido entre 4 surfactantes (TritonTM X-100,TritonTM X-114, TergitolTMTMN-6 e TergitolTM 15-S-9) por ter apresentado melhor desempenho na formação da emulsão e menor branco analítico. Essa segunda estratégia apresentou vantagens em relação a primeira, pois reduz a introdução da matéria orgânica para 10% e dispensa o uso de câmara especial e fluxo de O2. As amostras foram analisadas com a construção de curvas de adição padrão a fim de eliminar os efeitos de matriz. Também foram analisadas amostras dopadas com padrão orgânico nas concentrações dos limites estabelecidos pela Resolução ANP. As recuperações foram de 86% a 98% para Pb, 90% a 106% para Si e 86% a 110% para P. Portanto o método desenvolvido demonstrou a possibilidade da determinação simultânea de Si, Pb e P nos limites estabelecidos pela legislação (Pb = 5 mg LTM-1, P = 1,3 mg L-1 e Si limite máximo ainda não estabelecido) e está de acordo com a Química Verde e Gestão de Saúde Meio Ambiente e Segurança. / The objective of this work was to develop methods for the simultaneous determination of Pb, Si and P in gasoline by ICP-OES in accordance with the National Petroleum Agency (ANP). The Brazilian gasoline market is regulated by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) and Federal Law 9.478 / 97 (Petroleum Law) and according to ANP Resolution No. 40, dated 10.25.2013, the determination of lead is required when there is suspected contamination. Lead was added since 1922 to raise the antiknock index of gasoline, but because of its toxicity it has been worldwide replaced. The determination of silicon was required on 1 January 2014 in gasoline. Light fractions contaminated with silicon, when used as fuel, can cause problems for automotive engines, since antifoaming additives, based on silicon-containing oligomers, are added during the refining process. Phosphorus is a stimulating additive to petroleum extraction; its determination is also required when contamination is suspected, as concentrations above the upper limit can deactivate the catalysts of the cars. In the preparation of samples, two strategies were used, the first dilution of gasoline with organic solvents 10% of the gasoline and 90% of Premisolv-Constan, with the advantage of direct introduction, however, requires refrigerated chamber and O2 flow. Preparation of the sample by oil / water (O / W) emulsion, using 1 ml of gasoline with 3 ml of Tergitol TMN-6 surf surfactant (20% m v-1), which was chosen among 4 surfactants (TritonTM X-100, TritonTM X-114, TergitolTM TMN-6 e TergitolTM 15-S-9), because it showed better performance in the formation of the emulsion and lower analytical blank. This second strategy presents advantages over the first one because it reduces the introduction of the organic matter to 10% and dispenses with the use of special chamber and O2 flow. Samples were analyzed by constructing standard addition curves to eliminate matrix effects. We also analyzed doped samples with organic standards in the concentrations of the limits established by ANP Resolution. The recoveries were 86% to 98% for Pb, 90% to 106% for Si and 86% to 110% for P. Therefore, the method developed demonstrated the possibility of simultaneous determination of Si, Pb and P within the limits established by the legislation (Pb = 5 mg L-1, P = 1,3 mg L-1 and Si maximum limit not yet established) and is in accordance with the Green Chemistry and Health Management Environment and Safety.
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Efeitos do Triton WR 1339, sulfato de protamina E heparina sobre a lipólise e a remoção plasmática de quilomícrons artificiais em ratos / Effects of Triton WR 1339, protamine sulfate and heparin in the lipolise and plasma removal of artificial quilomicrons in ratsHirata, Mario Hiroyuki 27 December 1985 (has links)
Emulsões artificiais sem proteína simulando quilomicrons e remanescentes de quilomícron foram preparadas por sonicalcação de trioleína, lecitina, colesteril oleato e colesterol em solução aquosa. A seguir foram ultracentrifugadas em gradiente descontínuo de densidade. As emulsões, marcadas com 3H-trioleína e 14C-colesteril oleato foram injetadas via intra-arterial em ratos controle e em ratos tratados com Triton WR1339, sulfato de protamina e heparina, medindo-se a seguir a remoção plasmática do colesteril-ester e dos triglicérides, durante dez minutos. O Triton WR 1339 e a protamina inibiram a lipólise dos quilomícrons artificiais, diminuindo a remoção destas partículas do plasma. O Triton WR 1339 mostrou ser mais efetivo que a protamina nestes efeitos. Por outro lado, a heparina promoveu uma lipólise rápida e brusca nos quilomícrons artificiais, assim como uma aceleração na remoção destas partículas do plasma. Em contraste flagrante com esses resultados, o metabolismo dos remanescentes de quilomícron não foi consideravelmente afetado pelo tratamento com Triton e heparina. Estas experiências indicam que as emulsões artificiais reproduzem o comportamento metabólico dos quilomícrons e remanescentes de quilomícron naturais, em condições em que a atividade da lipase lipoproteica esteja alterada. / Protein-free emulsions models of chylomicrons and chylomicron remnants were prepared by sonicating triolein, lecithin., cholesteryl oleate and cholesterol in aqueous saline media, followed by ultracentrifugation in density gradient solution. The 3H-triolein and 14C-cholesteryl oleate labeled emulsions were injected into the carotid artery of control rats and rats treated with Triton WR 1339, protamine sulphate and heparin. Plasma removal of both labels was measured during ten minutes in two minutes intervals. Triton WR 1339 and protamine sulphate strongly inhibited lipolysis of chylomicron-like emulsions leading to delayed removal of the particles from blood. Triton WR 1339 de appeared to be more effective than protamine to elicit these effects. On the other hand, heparin produced instantaneous lipolysis of the chylomicron-like particles markedly enhancing its removal from plasma. Contrarily, chylomicron remnant-like emulsions were not considerably affected either by Triton WR 1339 or by heparin treatment. The above described results obtained with artificial emulsions support current concepts on the metabolic behavior of natural chylomicron and remnant submitted to changes in lipoprotein lipase action.
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Estudo da emulsão precursora no encapsulamento de óleo de linhaça e adição das microcápsulas em uma tinta a fim de torná-la autorreparadora. / Study of the precursor emulsion in encapsulation of linseed oil and doping the microcapsules into a paint in order to make it self-healing.Corrêa, Bruna Barros de Mattos 16 February 2017 (has links)
A corrosão nos materiais metálicos causa sérias perdas financeiras e impactos ambientais. Apesar de eficientes, os revestimentos orgânicos podem gerar fissuras com o tempo, propiciando locais favoráveis à corrosão. Diante disso, o conceito de autorreparação em revestimentos tem sido estudado, para que este tipo de dano seja minimizado, sem necessitar da intervenção humana. O método de encapsulamento de formadores de filme em microcápsulas poliméricas é bastante utilizado nos sistemas de autorregeneração. Neste trabalho, estudou-se o processo de emulsificação do óleo de linhaça, etapa determinante para a obtenção das microcápsulas, que serão posteriormente aditivadas em um primer de epóxi base água. Inicialmente, foi necessário aperfeiçoar o preparo da emulsão, analisando-se para isso três tipos diferentes de tensoativos em termos de propriedades e composições. Foi feito um planejamento estatístico no qual se adotou o modelo de projeto fatorial completo para cada um dos tensoativos, onde os fatores analisados foram a variação da fração mássica do tensoativo, a aplicabilidade do ultrassom ou dispersor Ultra-Turrax® e a adição ou não de cloreto de sódio. O pequeno número de ensaios envolvidos e a simplicidade para se analisar e interpretar os dados justificam a escolha deste modelo. As variáveis resposta foram a determinação do diâmetro médio volumétrico das gotículas e a medida do potencial zeta das emulsões para analisar a estabilidade das mesmas. Além disso, observou-se a forma, tamanho e característica das gotículas com o auxílio de um microscópio óptico. A estabilidade da emulsão também foi avaliada pela observação e registro fotográfico da separação de fases, depois de certo tempo em repouso, em um tubo de ensaio. Após a determinação do melhor tensoativo e condições de preparo da emulsão na obtenção das microcápsulas, estas foram obtidas e adicionadas no primer e o mesmo foi aplicado sobre corpos de prova de aço carbono. O efeito de autorreparação proporcionado pela ruptura das microcápsulas ao se provocar um defeito foi avaliado pelas técnicas de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIS), técnica de varredura com eletrodo vibratório (SVET) e pelo ensaio acelerado de corrosão em câmara de névoa salina (SSC). As microcápsulas foram caracterizadas por microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM). / The corrosion of metallic materials causes serious financial losses and environmental impacts. Although efficient, organic coatings may generate cracks over time, generating potential sites for corrosion. Hence, the self-healing concept on coatings has been studied in order to minimize this type of damage, without requiring human intervention. The encapsulation method of film formers in polymeric microcapsules is widely used in self-healing systems. In this study, the emulsification process of linseed oil was investigated, since it is a determining step to obtain the microcapsules that will later be doped in a water based epoxy primer. Initially, it was necessary to improve the emulsion preparation, by analyzing three types of surfactants with different properties and compositions. A statistical planning adopting the full factorial design model was conducted for each of the surfactants, in which the factors considered were the variation of the weight fraction of surfactant, and the use or not of ultrasound, Ultra-Turrax® disperser and sodium chloride. The small number of trials involved and the simplicity to analyze and interpret the data justify the choice of this statistical model. The response variables were the determination of the droplet volumetric mean diameter and the measurement of the zeta potential of the emulsions to assess its stability. Moreover, the shape and characteristics of the droplets were observed with the aid of an optical microscope. The emulsion stability was also evaluated by observation and photographic register of phase separation after some rest time in a test tube. After determining the best surfactant and conditions for the emulsification to obtain the microcapsules, they were produced and added to the primer, which was applied on carbon steel specimens. The self-healing effect provided by the rupture of the microcapsules after an intentional defect was evaluated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET) and accelerated corrosion tests in a salt spray chamber (SSC). The microcapsules were characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopes (SEM).
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