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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Åtgärder för ökad läslust av skönlitteratur / Measures to increase the desire of reading fiction

Stjernberg, Ester, Ali Nejad, Sara January 2024 (has links)
Several reports claims that the interest in reading has been declining for several years among young people. There is not enough time that is set aside for reading in school and there is also no follow-up on what students like to read. The fact that the students in Sweden have a reduced desire for reading, but also impaired reading ability means that the positive factors that exist with reading are absent. The aim of this research review is to see what creates a desire for reading and what challenges students' existing negative attitude towards reading. This research is relevant for the Swedish teacher profession, but also for other school subjects because reading is important for learning and for an increased understanding of words. The research review examines what reading promoting measures exist to increase the interest in reading fiction among secondary school students. The method section in this research review includes a consistent search process for articles using key terms that are linked to the question in the research review. The material resulted in ten selected scientific articles. The results of the articles showed that there are several different factors that influence students' desire to read. The results of the articles are categorized into three themes: Social Interaction as Part of Reading, Digital Tools and Selection of Literature. The conclusions of this research review are that the open dialogue in the relationship between teacher and student is important for the development of the desire to read. Students also need more time for reading at school. Digital tools and selection of fiction are other conclusions that are important to promote the desire to read

Da natureza jurídica da prodigalidade na sociedade de consumo / The legal nature of prodigality in the consumer society

Gonçalves, Tiago Luís Pavinatto 05 June 2014 (has links)
Quando o ato de consumir deixa de ser normal? A questão é muito antiga e antiga também é a resposta, bem como a consequência jurídica. Muito embora, hoje, discorrer sobre a normalidade seja tarefa inglória, no que toca ao consumo, argumenta-se ainda, gastar muito, desordenadamente, sem finalidade, como um louco, em resumo, deixa de ser normal. Quem assim procede é denominado pródigo e o direito, historicamente, reduz sua capacidade de agir. Mas seria o pródigo alguém que, deliberadamente, gasta o que é seu, gozando da liberdade sobre seus atos e bens, ou o faz em decorrência de doença mental? Seria, assim, essa redução de capacidade imposta pelo direito, mera ficção pautada em regras morais ou necessária medida de proteção? Diversas e sempre inconclusivas foram as respostas. Posto que, mesmo sem uma conclusão, o debate tenha cessado e a doutrina atual só faz repetir as reflexões inconclusas do passado, o presente trabalho retoma a discussão sobre essa figura ainda enigmática através de um enfrentamento interdisciplinar. Direito, psiquiatria, sociologia e economia devem ser observados de forma conjunta para que se possa entender a prodigalidade, seja pelo inafastável respeito às liberdades individuais, seja pelas novas descobertas no campo da psiquiatria, uma ciência recente, como a identificação sintomática de gastos exacerbados em algumas doenças como o transtorno bipolar, seja pela nova cultura da sociedade de consumo, que colocou ponto final aos valores experimentados pela geração passada, seja, ainda, em decorrência das políticas governamentais de incentivo ao consumo. Tudo isso a demonstrar, por fim, a necessária revisão do tratamento jurídico dado ao pródigo. / When the consuming act ceases to be normal? The question is very old and ancient is also the answer as well is the legal consequence. Although talk about normality is an inglorious task today, when the matter is consumption, it is argued that spend a lot, disorderly, without purpose, like a madman, in short, this is abnormal. Who acts in that way is called spendthrift and, historically, has ability to act reduced by the law. Is the spendthrift someone who deliberately spend what is his, enjoying the freedom of his actions and possessions, or act in this way because of a mental illness? So is this ability to act reduction imposed by law a mere fiction grounded in moral rules or a necessary protective measure? The answers were diverse and always inconclusive. Since the debate has finished even without a final conclusion and the current doctrine only repeats the inconclusive reflections of the past, the present work takes up the discussion of this still enigmatic figure through an interdisciplinary confrontation. Law, psychiatry, sociology and economics should be observed jointly so that one can understand the prodigality respecting to the irremovable individual freedoms, the new discoveries in the psychiatric field, a new science, as, for example, the extravagant spending like a symptom in some diseases such as the bipolar disorder, the new consumer society culture, which placed end to the values experienced by the previous generation, and the government policies to stimulate consumption. All with the goal of demonstrating the necessary revision of the spendthrift legal treatment.

Unga Örnar i Norrbotten

Haking Junggren, Jack January 2020 (has links)
In this paper, the aim has been to describe the Young Eagles in Norrbotten and the organization during the period 1955-1970. It was a knowledge on research on Young Eagles in Norrbotten in the previous research There is research on Young Eagles around outdoor life and citizenship. There is also research on the Workers' Education Association and IOGT, which were other organizations related to the Young Eagle's National Association. Through my addition to writing about Young Eagles in Norrbotten, the picture of the Young Eagles National Association's activities is widening. The questions were How was the organization of Young Eagles in Norrbotten 1955-1970? and What was the main purpose of their organization? There was a district board and local departments that were part of the Young Eagles National Association  which stood for the values ​​of democracy solidarity and cooperation. The organization was conducted through activities of various kinds. These were summer camps, activities for teens, study circles, leadership education outdoor courses and courses for the board in the departments. The first main purpose of the Young Eagles in Norrbotten from 1955 to 1970 was to attract teens to the activities within the district and to the local associations through forum groups and study circles. The other main purpose was to educate young people into the ideas and values ​​of the Young Eagles National Association through leadership training and activities of various kinds. The third main purpose was to encourage leaders in the Young Eagles in Norrbotten. The source material has been handled with a qualitative text analysis aimed at idea and ideology analysis. / I denna uppsats har syftet varit att beskriva Unga Örnar i Norrbottens verksamhet under perioden 1955–1970. Det finns en kunskapslucka kring Unga Örnar i Norrbotten i den tidigare forskningen. Det finns forskning om Unga Örnar kring friluftsliv och medborgarskap. Det finns även forskning om Arbetarnas bildningsförbund och IOGT som var andra organisationer med koppling till Unga Örnars Riksförbund. Genom mitt bidrag att skriva om Unga Örnar i Norrbotten breddas bilden av Unga Örnars Riksförbunds verksamhet. Frågeställningarna var Hur bedrevs verksamheten inom Unga Örnar i Norrbotten 1955–1970? och Vad var huvudsyftet med deras verksamhet 1955–1970? Det fanns en distriktsstyrelse och lokalavdelningar som var en del av Unga Örnars Riksförbund som stod för värderingarna demokrati solidaritet och samarbete. Verksamheten bedrevs genom aktiviteter av olika slag. Dessa var sommarläger, tonårsinriktade aktiviteter, studiecirklar, ledarutbildningar, friluftskurser och kurser för styrelsearbete. Det första huvudsyftet med verksamheten 1955–1970 var att locka tonåringar till aktiviteterna inom distriktet och de lokala föreningarna genom forum grupper och studiecirklar. Det andra huvudsyftet var att fostra ungdomar in i Unga Örnars Riksförbunds idéer och värderingar genom ledarutbildningar och aktiviteter av olika slag. Det tredje huvudsyftet var att fostra ledare inom Unga Örnar i Norrbotten. Källmaterialet har hanterats med en kvalitativ textanalys inriktad mot idé och ideologianalys.

O primeiro fim do MinC / The First End of the MinC

Fabio Maleronka Ferron 20 October 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe uma reflexão sobre as razões que levaram o presidente Fernando Collor a impor, de forma abrupta e imediata, mudanças profundas no setor cultural. Ao tomar posse, em 15 de março de 1990, Collor, por meio de Medidas Provisórias, extinguiu o MinC, dissolveu inúmeras fundações e determinou o fim da Lei Sarney. A pesquisa parte da discussão sobre o processo de construção do MinC em 1985, as polêmicas em torno da pertinência ou não de sua criação, e a campanha presidencial de 1989, focalizando fundamentalmente o ano de 1990, quando o presidente eleito impôs uma verdadeira mudança na cultura. A extensão e o significado do impacto causado pelas medidas baixadas naquele ano por Collor que levaram à extinção do MinC e da Lei Sarney e à dissolução de inúmeras fundações, bem como as repercussões que essas mudanças causaram na vida de artistas, intelectuais e gestores culturais que vivenciaram esse desmonte, são objetos de análise na presente investigação. No estudo, além de pesquisa documental, foram utilizados como fonte de análise empírica quatro periódicos de circulação nacional: os jornais Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S.Paulo, Jornal do Brasil e O Globo. A investigação envolveu também a análise de entrevistas, algumas delas realizadas pelo pesquisador em 2010 para a série Produção Cultural no Brasil. Além disso, entrevistas de tipo semiestruturado foram realizadas pelo pesquisador com gestores culturais e lideranças políticas que, durante o período analisado, atuaram na coordenação de órgãos federais e estadual específicos. Essas entrevistas semiestruturadas tiveram o propósito de atender ao objetivo da pesquisa e aos seus pressupostos metodológicos / This dissertation proposes a reflection on the reasons that led President Fernando Collor to impose, abruptly and immediately, profound changes in the cultural sector. Upon taking office on March 15, 1990, Collor, through provisional measures, extinguished the MinC, dissolved numerous foundations and determined the end of the Sarney Law. The research is based on the discussion around the construction process of the MinC in 1985, the controversies surrounding the pertinence or not of its creation, and the presidential campaign of 1989, focusing fundamentally on the year 1990, when the president-elect imposed a real change in the culture. The extent and significance of the impact of the measures taken that year by Collor, and which led to the abolition of the MinC and the Sarney Act and the dissolution of countless foundations, as well as the repercussions that these changes have had on the lives of artists, intellectuals and cultural managers who experienced this dismantling, are objects of analysis in the present investigation. In addition to documentary research, four national newspapers were used as sources of an empirical analysis: Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S.Paulo, Jornal do Brasil and O Globo. The research also involved the analysis of interviews, some of them carried out by the researcher in 2010 for the series Cultural Production in Brazil. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted by the researcher with cultural managers and political leaders who, during the period analyzed, acted in the coordination of specific federal and state bodies. These semi-structured interviews had the purpose of meeting the research objective and its methodological assumptions

O primeiro fim do MinC / The First End of the MinC

Ferron, Fabio Maleronka 20 October 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe uma reflexão sobre as razões que levaram o presidente Fernando Collor a impor, de forma abrupta e imediata, mudanças profundas no setor cultural. Ao tomar posse, em 15 de março de 1990, Collor, por meio de Medidas Provisórias, extinguiu o MinC, dissolveu inúmeras fundações e determinou o fim da Lei Sarney. A pesquisa parte da discussão sobre o processo de construção do MinC em 1985, as polêmicas em torno da pertinência ou não de sua criação, e a campanha presidencial de 1989, focalizando fundamentalmente o ano de 1990, quando o presidente eleito impôs uma verdadeira mudança na cultura. A extensão e o significado do impacto causado pelas medidas baixadas naquele ano por Collor que levaram à extinção do MinC e da Lei Sarney e à dissolução de inúmeras fundações, bem como as repercussões que essas mudanças causaram na vida de artistas, intelectuais e gestores culturais que vivenciaram esse desmonte, são objetos de análise na presente investigação. No estudo, além de pesquisa documental, foram utilizados como fonte de análise empírica quatro periódicos de circulação nacional: os jornais Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S.Paulo, Jornal do Brasil e O Globo. A investigação envolveu também a análise de entrevistas, algumas delas realizadas pelo pesquisador em 2010 para a série Produção Cultural no Brasil. Além disso, entrevistas de tipo semiestruturado foram realizadas pelo pesquisador com gestores culturais e lideranças políticas que, durante o período analisado, atuaram na coordenação de órgãos federais e estadual específicos. Essas entrevistas semiestruturadas tiveram o propósito de atender ao objetivo da pesquisa e aos seus pressupostos metodológicos / This dissertation proposes a reflection on the reasons that led President Fernando Collor to impose, abruptly and immediately, profound changes in the cultural sector. Upon taking office on March 15, 1990, Collor, through provisional measures, extinguished the MinC, dissolved numerous foundations and determined the end of the Sarney Law. The research is based on the discussion around the construction process of the MinC in 1985, the controversies surrounding the pertinence or not of its creation, and the presidential campaign of 1989, focusing fundamentally on the year 1990, when the president-elect imposed a real change in the culture. The extent and significance of the impact of the measures taken that year by Collor, and which led to the abolition of the MinC and the Sarney Act and the dissolution of countless foundations, as well as the repercussions that these changes have had on the lives of artists, intellectuals and cultural managers who experienced this dismantling, are objects of analysis in the present investigation. In addition to documentary research, four national newspapers were used as sources of an empirical analysis: Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S.Paulo, Jornal do Brasil and O Globo. The research also involved the analysis of interviews, some of them carried out by the researcher in 2010 for the series Cultural Production in Brazil. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted by the researcher with cultural managers and political leaders who, during the period analyzed, acted in the coordination of specific federal and state bodies. These semi-structured interviews had the purpose of meeting the research objective and its methodological assumptions

Le commerce martiniquais entre insularité et mondialisation / The martinican trade between insular situation and glogalization

Jean-Alexis, Philippe 03 April 2008 (has links)
La Martinique est un département français situé dans l'archipel des Caraïbes. Comme toutes ses voisines elle recense les contraintes de l'insularité, comme l'espace, l'exposition aux risques naturels, l'éloignement. Elle bénéficie du statut de région ultra-périphérique de l'Europe. Le cadre européen se conjugue avec la concurrence caraïbéenne et la proximité commerciale américaine. Sur le plan du commerce la Martinique est rentrée dans la mondialisation par trois chemins ; le processus d'européanisation, le tourisme, son appartenance géographique au continent américain et l'espace caraïbéen. / Martinique is a french departement who is situated in the caribbean archipelago. As her neighbour she have the constraint of insular like small space, exposure of naturals risks, distant. She has european statue of ultra periferik region. This legal fram conjugue itself with caraibeen competition and american nearness. Concerned martinican trade he is coming in globalization by three ways ; the european process, tourism, and geographical position in american continent and caraibbean space.

Factors encouraging or discouraging men in the informal sector to attend HIV counselling and testing (HCT) in South Africa : a case study of Pretoria

Radingwana, Tiny Mashiane 02 1900 (has links)
In English / The purpose of this study was to establish factors affecting the participation of men working in the informal sector economy of South Africa in HIV counselling and testing (HCT) or voluntary counselling and testing (VCT). This includes the exploration of reasons for acceptance and non-acceptance of HIV testing, knowledge and perceptions about HIV testing and behaviours and attitudes towards HIV testing. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire and a sample of fifty (50) men was purposively selected. It was found that the reasons for acceptance of HIV testing are satisfactory and reasons for non-acceptance are still a concern, and that several issues such as education about HIV testing and HIV in general still need to be addressed. Most of the respondents had undergone testing for HIV, but there is still a stigma attached to HIV testing. / Sociology / M. A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)

Factors encouraging or discouraging men in the informal sector to attend HIV counselling and testing (HCT) in South Africa : a case study of Pretoria

Radingwana, Tiny Mashiane 02 1900 (has links)
In English / The purpose of this study was to establish factors affecting the participation of men working in the informal sector economy of South Africa in HIV counselling and testing (HCT) or voluntary counselling and testing (VCT). This includes the exploration of reasons for acceptance and non-acceptance of HIV testing, knowledge and perceptions about HIV testing and behaviours and attitudes towards HIV testing. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire and a sample of fifty (50) men was purposively selected. It was found that the reasons for acceptance of HIV testing are satisfactory and reasons for non-acceptance are still a concern, and that several issues such as education about HIV testing and HIV in general still need to be addressed. Most of the respondents had undergone testing for HIV, but there is still a stigma attached to HIV testing. / Sociology / M. A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)

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