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Effect of Oral Contraceptives on the Rat Brain and Pituitary Opioid PeptidesTejwani, Gopi A., Vaswani, Kuldeep K., Barbacci, Josephine C. 01 January 1985 (has links)
This study was designed to explore the hormonal regulation of CNS opioid peptide levels in female Sprague Dawley rats. Forty-eight animals were divided into 2 equal groups for acute and chronic studies. Each group was further divided into 4 subgroups, each containing 6 animals. Each rat in the control group received an inert pill (in 0.25 ml corn oil daily by gavage); the second group, 15 μg norethindrone (NE, a potent progestin present in the oral contraceptive Micronor®); the third group, 15 μg NE and 1 μg ethinyl estradiol, EE2 (present in the oral contraceptive Modicon®) and the fourth group, 10 times the dose of the third group. Rats were treated either acutely for 5 days or chronically for 7 weeks. Opioid peptides were estimated by radioimmunoassay. Acute administration of 150 μg NE + 10 μg EE2 decreased the levels of methionine-enkephalin (ME), leucine-enkephalin (LE), dynorphin (DYN) and β-endorphin like immunoreactivity (β-EI) by about 50% in the pituitary. The same dose on chronic administration also decreased DYN, but increased the levels of ME and LE in the pituitary by 331 and 69%, respectively. In the hypothalamus, chronic administration of NE + EE2 increased the level of ME (155%) and LE (87%) as well as of DYN (97%). In the striatum, the levels of LE (33%) and DYN (115%) were elevated during chronic administration. It is concluded that the acute administration of NE + EE2, in general, reduces the levels of ME, LE, DYN and β-EI. The extent of this decrease is about the same in the pituitary, hypothalamus and striatum. Chronic administration of these hormones, however, results in a reversal of this decrease (except for β-EI) and actually can increase the levels of ME, LE and DYN in all three tissues.
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The Processing of β-Endorphin in Morphine Treated Rats Using SELDI-TOF Mass SpectrometryEdwards, Jennifer Y. 18 December 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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A Single Neonatal Injury Induces Life-Long Adaptations In Stress And Pain ResponsivenessVictoria, Nicole C 27 August 2013 (has links)
Approximately 1 in 6 infants are born prematurely each year. Typically, these infants spend 25 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where they experience 10-18 painful and inflammatory procedures each day. Remarkably, pre-emptive analgesics and/or anesthesia are administered less than 30% of the time. Unalleviated pain during the perinatal period is associated with permanent decreases in pain sensitivity, blunted cortisol responses and high rates of neuropsychiatric disorders. To date, the mechanism(s) by which these long-term changes in stress and pain behavior occur, and whether such alterations can be prevented by appropriate analgesia at the time of injury, remains unclear. We have previously reported in rats that inflammation experienced on the day of birth permanently upregulates central opioid tone, resulting in a significant reduction in adult pain sensitivity. However, the impact on early life pain on anxiety- and stress-related behavior and HPA axis regulation is not known. Therefore the goal of this dissertation was to determine the long-term impact of a single neonatal inflammatory pain experience on adult anxiety- and stress-related responses. Neuroanatomical changes in stress-associated neurocircuits were also examined. As the endogenous pain control system and HPA axis are in a state of exaggerated developmental plasticity early in postnatal life, and these systems work in concert to respond to noxious or aversive stimuli, this dissertation research aimed to answer the following questions: (1) Does neonatal injury produce deficits in adult stress-related behavior and alter stress-related neuroanatomy through an opioid-dependent mechanism? (2) Does neonatal injury alter receptor systems regulating the activation and termination of the stress response in adulthood? (3) Are stress- and pain-related neurotransmitters altered within the first week following early life pain? (4) Is early activation of the pain system necessary for the long-term changes in anxiety- and stress-related behavior? Together these studies demonstrate the degree, severity and preventability of the long-term deficits in stress responding associated with a single painful experience early in life. The goal of this research is to promote change in the treatment of infant pain in the NICU to reduce long-term sensory and mental health complications associated with prematurity.
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A Single Neonatal Injury Induces Life-Long Adaptations In Stress And Pain ResponsivenessVictoria, Nicole C 27 August 2013 (has links)
Approximately 1 in 6 infants are born prematurely each year. Typically, these infants spend 25 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where they experience 10-18 painful and inflammatory procedures each day. Remarkably, pre-emptive analgesics and/or anesthesia are administered less than 30% of the time. Unalleviated pain during the perinatal period is associated with permanent decreases in pain sensitivity, blunted cortisol responses and high rates of neuropsychiatric disorders. To date, the mechanism(s) by which these long-term changes in stress and pain behavior occur, and whether such alterations can be prevented by appropriate analgesia at the time of injury, remains unclear. We have previously reported in rats that inflammation experienced on the day of birth permanently upregulates central opioid tone, resulting in a significant reduction in adult pain sensitivity. However, the impact on early life pain on anxiety- and stress-related behavior and HPA axis regulation is not known. Therefore the goal of this dissertation was to determine the long-term impact of a single neonatal inflammatory pain experience on adult anxiety- and stress-related responses. Neuroanatomical changes in stress-associated neurocircuits were also examined. As the endogenous pain control system and HPA axis are in a state of exaggerated developmental plasticity early in postnatal life, and these systems work in concert to respond to noxious or aversive stimuli, this dissertation research aimed to answer the following questions: (1) Does neonatal injury produce deficits in adult stress-related behavior and alter stress-related neuroanatomy through an opioid-dependent mechanism? (2) Does neonatal injury alter receptor systems regulating the activation and termination of the stress response in adulthood? (3) Are stress- and pain-related neurotransmitters altered within the first week following early life pain? (4) Is early activation of the pain system necessary for the long-term changes in anxiety- and stress-related behavior? Together these studies demonstrate the degree, severity and preventability of the long-term deficits in stress responding associated with a single painful experience early in life. The goal of this research is to promote change in the treatment of infant pain in the NICU to reduce long-term sensory and mental health complications associated with prematurity.
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Einfluss verschiedener medikamentöser Interventionen auf den perioperativen Verlauf von ACTH, Cortisol und immunreaktiven Beta-Endorphin sowie die postoperative Infektionsrate bei alkoholkranken PatientenHegenscheid, Katrin 30 March 2005 (has links)
Alkoholkranke Patienten haben postoperativ ein 2- bis 4fach erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko und eine verlängerte intensivmedizinische Behandlungszeit. Als Ursache werden durch chronischen Alkoholkonsum und operativen Stress induzierte Veränderungen der Hypothalamus-Hypophysen-Nebennieren (HHN) Achse diskutiert. Ziel dieser Studie war es, zu klären, ob die Intervention mit niedrig dosiertem Ethanol, Morphin oder Ketoconazol im Vergleich zu Placebo einen Einfluss auf die HHN-Achse hat und ob dadurch die postoperative Infektionsrate und intensivstationäre Behandlungszeit verkürzt werden können. 64 alkoholkranke Patienten mit elektiver Tumorresektion des oberen Aerodigestivtraktes wurden in diese randomisierte, doppelblinde, kontrollierte Studie eingeschlossen. Chronisch alkoholkranke Patienten konsumierten täglich >60g Alkohol und erfüllten die DSM-IV Kriterien für Alkoholabhängigkeit oder –abusus. Die perioperative Intervention begann am Vorabend der Operation und endete am 3. postoperativen Tag. Blutproben zur Bestimmung von ACTH, beta-Endorphin und Cortisol wurden präoperativ sowie am 1., 3. und 7. postoperativen Tag entnommen. Chirurgischer Stress induzierte in der Placebo-Gruppe einen signifikanten postoperativen Anstieg von ACTH und Cortisol. Ethanol, Morphin und Ketoconazol verhinderten den postoperativen Anstieg von ACTH und Cortisol. Für den perioperativen Verlauf von beta-Endorphin gab es keine signifikanten Unterschiede. Placebo-Patienten hatten eine deutlich erhöhte postoperative Infektionsrate, die jede der Interventionen signifikant reduzierte. Zusätzlich konnte im Vergleich zu Placebo-Patienten die intensivstationäre Behandlungszeit um 9 Tage gesenkt werden. Eine prophylaktische Intervention mit niedrig dosiertem Ethanol, Morphin oder Ketoconazol verhinderte ein perioperatives Entgleisen der HHN-Achse bei alkoholkranken Patienten. Dadurch wurden die postoperative Infektionsrate und die intensivstationäre Behandlungsdauer bei diesen Patienten reduziert. / Postoperative infections are 2- to 4-times more frequent in patients with alcohol use disorders with the sequel of prolonged ICU stay. Its association with an altered perioperative hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis as response to chronic alcohol consumption and surgical stress is discussed. The aim of this study was to evaluate an intervention with low-dose ethanol, morphine or ketoconazole compared to placebo on the HPA axis and the postoperative infections rate as well as the ICU stay in chronic alcoholic patients. 64 patients with alcohol use disorders undergoing elective surgery of the aerodigestive tract were included in this randomized, double-blind controlled study. Chronic alcoholic patients were defined as having a daily ethanol consumption of at least 60 g and fulfilling the DSM-IV criteria for either alcohol abuse or dependence. Perioperative intervention was started on the evening before surgery and continued for three days after surgery. Blood samples to analyze ACTH, immune reactive beta-endorphine and cortisol were obtained on the morning before intervention and continued on day 1, 3 and 7 after surgery. In the placebo group surgical stress induced a significant increase of ACTH and cortisol. Perioperative intervention with ethanol, morphin or ketoconazol decreased the postoperative ACTH and cortisol increase in these patients. Plasma immune reactive beta-endorphine levels did not differ between groups. Placebo patients had a significantly increased postoperative infections rate whereas any intervention decreased the incidence of infections. Additionally ICU stay was reduced by 9 days in each intervention group compared to placebo. Prophylactic intervention with low dose ethanol, morphine or ketoconazole prevented a postoperative alteration of the HPA axis in chronic alcoholic patients. This was associated with a decreased postoperative infections rate and decreased ICU stay in these patients.
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Early Environment, Adolescent Alcohol Drinking and Neurobiological Responses to DrugsPalm, Sara January 2014 (has links)
Genes and environment interact to determine an individual’s vulnerability or resilience to several psychiatric disorders, including alcohol use disorder (AUD). Alcohol use is often initiated during adolescence and early onset drinking is associated with increased risk for later AUD. Childhood and adolescence are periods of extensive brain maturation, which makes young individuals more susceptible to environmental influence. However, little is known about early environmental influence on reward pathways and behaviors involved in the development of AUD. Changes in the endogenous opioid and dopamine systems, as well as individual differences in risk behaviors are all believed to play important roles in the increased vulnerability seen after adverse early life events and early onset drinking. The overall aim of the thesis was therefore to investigate the influence of early environmental factors on adolescent alcohol intake, endogenous opioids, dopamine dynamics and alcohol-induced effects in rats to increase our knowledge of neurobiological factors underlying vulnerability to AUD. Furthermore, individual behavioral differences and their correlation to basal and drug-induced neurobiological responses in rats were also investigated. Animal models of different early environments, e.g. maternal separation and social vs. single housing, and adolescent alcohol consumption have been used to study effects on behavior, endogenous opioid peptides and dopamine dynamics. The results identified the amygdala and dorsal striatum as interesting brain regions in which endogenous opioids and dopamine, respectively, are impacted by early environmental factors. The amygdala and the dorsal striatum are both hypothesized to be involved in the shift from initial drug use to compulsive use and changes in these areas may be underlying environmentally increased vulnerability to AUD. Furthermore, behavioral phenotypes in relation to individual neurobiological responses were identified. High risk-taking behavior was associated with a more pronounced response to amphetamine, but the inherent dopamine response was instead associated with risk-assessment behavior. In conclusion, several brain regions of interest for future research were identified. Furthermore, the results contribute to increased understanding of factors involved in the development of vulnerability for AUD in adolescents and young adults.
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Papel da atividade física regular realizada durante vários anos na função imune do idoso / Role of regular practice of physical activity over several years on immune function in the elderlyArai, Milton Hideaki 12 November 2004 (has links)
A proposta principal deste estudo foi de avaliar o efeito da prática regular de atividade física por longos anos na imunossenescência, isto é, nas alterações que o sistema imune sofre com o envelhecimento. Para tal, comparou-se os resultados dos exames imunológicos de 20 idosos praticantes de corrida (idade média = 67 anos) aos de 20 idosos sedentários (idade média = 66 anos) e 10 jovens sedentários (idade média = 26 anos). Os idosos corredores eram praticantes da modalidade em média nos últimos 23 anos e vinham percorrendo uma distância semanal média de 39 quilômetros. O consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2 max) deles foi 52% maior do que o dos idosos sedentários, atingindo valores similares aos dos jovens. Os parâmetros imunológicos analisados foram: contagem de linfócitos e seus subtipos, resposta proliferativa dos linfócitos T a mitógenos, atividade citotóxica das células natural killer e produção de citocinas (interleucinas 2, 3, 4, 6, 10 e 12). A dosagem das mesmas citocinas no soro também foi realizada, porém somente nos dois grupos de idosos. Os idosos corredores apresentaram resposta proliferativa dos linfócitos T a OKT-3 e produção de interleucina-2 significativamente maiores do que as dos idosos sedentários. Eles apresentaram também uma produção de interleucina-3 significativamente menor do que a dos seus pares sedentários. Por outro lado, não apresentaram diferença significativa destes parâmetros em relação aos jovens. Os níveis séricos das interleucinas 3, 6 e 12 dos idosos corredores foram significativamente menores do que os dos idosos sedentários. A influência da prática de atividade física regular sobre os níveis séricos do hormônio de crescimento, da testosterona e da dehidroepiandrosterona sulfato (DHEAS), que sofrem redução com o envelhecimento (\"endocrinossenescência\"), também foi estudada. Não houve diferença significativa entre os níveis séricos destes hormônios anabólicos dos idosos corredores e dos idosos sedentários. O efeito da atividade física regular sobre a beta-endorfina também foi avaliado. Os idosos corredores não apresentaram diferença significativa nos níveis séricos deste neuropeptídeo em relação aos idosos sedentários. Em virtude do possível envolvimento do sistema endócrino na imunossenescência, avaliou-se a correlação entre os hormônios anabólicos e as citocinas. Não se constatou correlação relevante entre eles, especialmente entre a DHEAS e a interleucina-6. Os resultados indicam que a prática regular de atividade física por longos anos tem o potencial de desacelerar a imunossenescência / The main objective of this study was to assess the effect of regular practice of physical activity on immunosenescence, that is, the changes that occur when the immune system is affected by aging. The results of immune tests conducted on 20 elderly runners (mean age = 67 years) were compared to those of 20 elderly sedentary individuals (mean age = 66 years) and to those of 10 young sedentary individuals (mean age = 26 years). On average, the elderly runners had practiced this activity for the last 23 years, running a mean weekly distance of 39 kilometers. Their maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) was 52% higher than that of sedentary elderly group, and similar to that of the group of younger individuals. The immune parameters studied were: lymphocyte and lymphocyte subtype counts, the proliferative response of T-lymphocytes to mitogens, cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells and production of cytokines (interleukins 2, 3, 4, 6, 10 and 12). The same cytokines were measured in serum, but only in the two groups of elderly people. Elderly runners presented a significantly higher proliferative response of T-lymphocytes to OKT-3 as well as interleukin-2 production than the sedentary group. The production of interleukin-3 was also significantly lower in the group of runners. On the other hand, the results of these parameters did not differ significantly from those of young subjects. Serum levels of interleukins 3, 6, and 12 were significantly lower in elderly runners than in sedentary individuals. The impact of regular physical activity on serum levels of growth hormone, testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), which are affected by aging (\"endocrinosenescence\"), was also studied. The serum levels of these anabolic hormones did not differ significantly between the groups of elderly runners and the elderly sedentary individuals. When the impact of regular physical activity on beta-endorphin was studied, again no significant difference in the serum levels of this neuropeptide was found between the two elderly groups. Owing to the possible involvement of the endocrine system in immunosenescence, the correlation between anabolic hormones and cytokines was assessed. No relevant correlation was found, especially between DHEAS and interleukin-6. The results indicate that the regular practice of physical activity for several years may delay immunosenescence
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Papel da atividade física regular realizada durante vários anos na função imune do idoso / Role of regular practice of physical activity over several years on immune function in the elderlyMilton Hideaki Arai 12 November 2004 (has links)
A proposta principal deste estudo foi de avaliar o efeito da prática regular de atividade física por longos anos na imunossenescência, isto é, nas alterações que o sistema imune sofre com o envelhecimento. Para tal, comparou-se os resultados dos exames imunológicos de 20 idosos praticantes de corrida (idade média = 67 anos) aos de 20 idosos sedentários (idade média = 66 anos) e 10 jovens sedentários (idade média = 26 anos). Os idosos corredores eram praticantes da modalidade em média nos últimos 23 anos e vinham percorrendo uma distância semanal média de 39 quilômetros. O consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2 max) deles foi 52% maior do que o dos idosos sedentários, atingindo valores similares aos dos jovens. Os parâmetros imunológicos analisados foram: contagem de linfócitos e seus subtipos, resposta proliferativa dos linfócitos T a mitógenos, atividade citotóxica das células natural killer e produção de citocinas (interleucinas 2, 3, 4, 6, 10 e 12). A dosagem das mesmas citocinas no soro também foi realizada, porém somente nos dois grupos de idosos. Os idosos corredores apresentaram resposta proliferativa dos linfócitos T a OKT-3 e produção de interleucina-2 significativamente maiores do que as dos idosos sedentários. Eles apresentaram também uma produção de interleucina-3 significativamente menor do que a dos seus pares sedentários. Por outro lado, não apresentaram diferença significativa destes parâmetros em relação aos jovens. Os níveis séricos das interleucinas 3, 6 e 12 dos idosos corredores foram significativamente menores do que os dos idosos sedentários. A influência da prática de atividade física regular sobre os níveis séricos do hormônio de crescimento, da testosterona e da dehidroepiandrosterona sulfato (DHEAS), que sofrem redução com o envelhecimento (\"endocrinossenescência\"), também foi estudada. Não houve diferença significativa entre os níveis séricos destes hormônios anabólicos dos idosos corredores e dos idosos sedentários. O efeito da atividade física regular sobre a beta-endorfina também foi avaliado. Os idosos corredores não apresentaram diferença significativa nos níveis séricos deste neuropeptídeo em relação aos idosos sedentários. Em virtude do possível envolvimento do sistema endócrino na imunossenescência, avaliou-se a correlação entre os hormônios anabólicos e as citocinas. Não se constatou correlação relevante entre eles, especialmente entre a DHEAS e a interleucina-6. Os resultados indicam que a prática regular de atividade física por longos anos tem o potencial de desacelerar a imunossenescência / The main objective of this study was to assess the effect of regular practice of physical activity on immunosenescence, that is, the changes that occur when the immune system is affected by aging. The results of immune tests conducted on 20 elderly runners (mean age = 67 years) were compared to those of 20 elderly sedentary individuals (mean age = 66 years) and to those of 10 young sedentary individuals (mean age = 26 years). On average, the elderly runners had practiced this activity for the last 23 years, running a mean weekly distance of 39 kilometers. Their maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) was 52% higher than that of sedentary elderly group, and similar to that of the group of younger individuals. The immune parameters studied were: lymphocyte and lymphocyte subtype counts, the proliferative response of T-lymphocytes to mitogens, cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells and production of cytokines (interleukins 2, 3, 4, 6, 10 and 12). The same cytokines were measured in serum, but only in the two groups of elderly people. Elderly runners presented a significantly higher proliferative response of T-lymphocytes to OKT-3 as well as interleukin-2 production than the sedentary group. The production of interleukin-3 was also significantly lower in the group of runners. On the other hand, the results of these parameters did not differ significantly from those of young subjects. Serum levels of interleukins 3, 6, and 12 were significantly lower in elderly runners than in sedentary individuals. The impact of regular physical activity on serum levels of growth hormone, testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), which are affected by aging (\"endocrinosenescence\"), was also studied. The serum levels of these anabolic hormones did not differ significantly between the groups of elderly runners and the elderly sedentary individuals. When the impact of regular physical activity on beta-endorphin was studied, again no significant difference in the serum levels of this neuropeptide was found between the two elderly groups. Owing to the possible involvement of the endocrine system in immunosenescence, the correlation between anabolic hormones and cytokines was assessed. No relevant correlation was found, especially between DHEAS and interleukin-6. The results indicate that the regular practice of physical activity for several years may delay immunosenescence
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