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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Survey of Housing Conditions and Proposed Housing for the Utah State Agricultural College

Lewis, Lenore 01 May 1936 (has links)
One of the most obvious as well as the most complex problems with which the Utah State Agricultural College has to deal is that of finding and keeping suitable living quarters for the students under its care. When the institution was small the matter was fairly easy to adjust. But with the extraordinarily rapid increase in the number of young people attending the college it has become a most perplexing problem.

Housing, environment and cardio-respiratory health : the relative influence of the past and the present

Walker, Jeremy Joseph January 2010 (has links)
The existence of socially-patterned health (with poorer health generally being experienced by those in more disadvantaged circumstances) is widely recognised. Social differentials have been observed for (inter alia) respiratory disorders, and for cardiovascular disease. One possible explanation for social inequality in these areas of health posits a mediating effect of housing conditions: disadvantaged individuals may face greater exposure to residential hazards (such as dampness), which may in turn adversely influence cardiorespiratory health. However, few studies have examined a complete posited causal chain linking socioeconomic position (SEP) with health via housing. Using pre-existing data, this study constructed detailed representations of the social and residential experiences over adult life (15 to 60 years) of a sample of elderly British people. Both measures of accumulated exposure (to disadvantage, and to housing hazards), and explicit trajectories of social and residential experience, were derived. Construction of trajectories required the development of methods for condensing individuals’ diverse experiences into higher-level groups, in the interests of analytical tractability. Relationships between the derived measures of lifetime exposure and a range of outcomes expressing aspects of cardio-respiratory health in old age were assessed. No persuasive evidence was observed to support the hypothesis that lifetime residential exposures may mediate the relationship between SEP and the health outcomes examined. In addition to testing this specific conceptual model, the study examined how exposure to social disadvantage and to residential risks varied over adult life, identifying distinctive features of the exposure experience which could not readily be captured by the infrequent sampling of SEP commonly featured in health inequality research. The respective merits of such ‘sparse’ sampling and the more intensive sampling used in the study were compared. It was concluded that fully exploiting the additional information captured by intensive sampling requires confronting a number of methodological challenges. Because of this, it is argued that the collection of detailed information on exposures over time does not automatically confer genuine advantages over the hitherto dominant approach of sampling at only a small number of time points. Future development of lifecourse epidemiology will require further debate over how lifetime exposure (to both social and environmental risk factors) can most effectively be represented in quantitative analysis.

O acidente vascular cerebral na área de abrangência do hospital universitário da USP / The stroke in the coverage area of the USP\'s university hospital

Bustos, Iara Rosa da Silva 31 July 2009 (has links)
O acidente vascular cerebral é considerado problema crítico de saúde pública no Brasil, tendo sido, em 2005, a principal causa de morte no país, seguido pela doença coronariana. Esta dissertação integra a etapa 2 do projeto Vigilância Epidemiológica da Doença Cerebrovascular. The WHO STEPwise approach to stroke surveillance aplicado no Distrito de Saúde Escola do Butantã, São Paulo (SP), Brasil. Foram analisadas as taxas de mortalidade e os anos potenciais de vida perdidos em decorrência do acidente vascular cerebral no período de 1997 a 2007 por sexo, faixa etária e acima de 35 anos nos seis distritos administrativos da área de abrangência do Hospital Universitário, totalizando 2 036 óbitos. Utilizou-se também a área técnica de detecção de aglomerados (cluster) por acidente vascular cerebral nos 489 setores censitários. Foram analisados 645 casos de acidente vascular cerebral no período de julho de 2004 a dezembro de 2007, utilizando como covariáveis sexo e faixas etárias acima de 35 anos de idade. Foi proposto e aplicado um questionário a fim de caracterizar os domicílios das pessoas que faleceram de acidente vascular cerebral em 53 domicílios entre julho de 2004 a junho de 2005. As taxas de mortalidade em decorrência do acidente vascular cerebral seguiram as tendências de queda na área de abrangência do Hospital Universitario de 1997 a 2007. A utilização da técnica de detecção de aglomerados (cluster) puramente espacial, puramente temporal e espaço-temporal foi estatisticamente significativa, principalmente para setores censitários dos distritos Raposo Tavares e Rio Pequeno, sendo um importante instrumento de vigilância epidemiológica. Considerando o acidente vascular cerebral uma questão de saúde pública importante, sugere-se incorporar a análise das condições de habitação para identificar as características do ambiente dos pacientes prevalentes para, futuramente, verificar o impacto social da doença. / Stroke is considered a critical public health problem in Brazil, it was in 2005 the main death cause in Brazil followed for coronary disease. This dissertation is part of step 2 project Vigilância Epidemiológica da Doença Cerebrovascular. The WHO STEPwise approach to stroke surveillance aplicado no Distrito de Saúde Escola do Butantã, São Paulo (SP), Brasil. We analyzed the mortality taxes and years of potential life lost for stroke from 1997 to 2007 per gender and age strata above 35 years old in the six districts from Hospital Universitário area, totalizing 2036 deaths. We also used cluster detection technical of stroke inside the 489 census area. We analyzed 645 stroke cases of death from 2004 July to 2007 December using as covariates gender and age strata above 35 years old. We suggested and applied a questionnaire to describe the patientss houses who died from stroke in the area, in 53 patientss houses who died from 2004 July and 2005 June. The mortality taxes of stroke followed the fall tendency in the Hospital Universitário area from 1997 to 2007. The cluster technical use as purely spatial, purely temporal and space time was statistically meaningful specially to some census area of Raposo Tavares and Rio Pequeno districts and it represents a important approach surveillance. Considering stroke as a important public health problem we suggest include the housing conditions analyzes to identify the environment characteristics of prevalent patients to in the future verify the social disease impact.

Women and Housing Co-operatives in Nairobi, Kenya

Voellmecke, Lesley 06 September 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the potential of housing co-operatives to provide adequate housing for women, focusing on the context of Nairobi, Kenya. The limitations of the current approaches to housing provision in Kenya are discussed, along with their gendered implications. A review of the potential benefits which housing co-operatives provide for women is conducted. As part of this examination, a multi-scalar analysis of the housing co-operative sector in Kenya illuminates the role of gender mainstreaming policies and their role in addressing discrimination and inequality in the housing sector in Kenya. A case study of Rooftops Canada’s gender mainstreaming work in Kenya is used to provide examples of gender mainstreaming work being undertaken in the housing co-operative sector. This case study also provides insight into the role of international donors in gender equality work in Kenya’s housing co-operative sector.

Women and Housing Co-operatives in Nairobi, Kenya

Voellmecke, Lesley 06 September 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the potential of housing co-operatives to provide adequate housing for women, focusing on the context of Nairobi, Kenya. The limitations of the current approaches to housing provision in Kenya are discussed, along with their gendered implications. A review of the potential benefits which housing co-operatives provide for women is conducted. As part of this examination, a multi-scalar analysis of the housing co-operative sector in Kenya illuminates the role of gender mainstreaming policies and their role in addressing discrimination and inequality in the housing sector in Kenya. A case study of Rooftops Canada’s gender mainstreaming work in Kenya is used to provide examples of gender mainstreaming work being undertaken in the housing co-operative sector. This case study also provides insight into the role of international donors in gender equality work in Kenya’s housing co-operative sector.

Women and Housing Co-operatives in Nairobi, Kenya

Voellmecke, Lesley 06 September 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the potential of housing co-operatives to provide adequate housing for women, focusing on the context of Nairobi, Kenya. The limitations of the current approaches to housing provision in Kenya are discussed, along with their gendered implications. A review of the potential benefits which housing co-operatives provide for women is conducted. As part of this examination, a multi-scalar analysis of the housing co-operative sector in Kenya illuminates the role of gender mainstreaming policies and their role in addressing discrimination and inequality in the housing sector in Kenya. A case study of Rooftops Canada’s gender mainstreaming work in Kenya is used to provide examples of gender mainstreaming work being undertaken in the housing co-operative sector. This case study also provides insight into the role of international donors in gender equality work in Kenya’s housing co-operative sector.

Liv med kvalité vid 75+ : En intervjuundersökning av äldres uppfattning om livskvalitet och boende / Life With Quality at 75+years : An interview study of older adults ́views onquality of life and living conditions

Löf, Hans January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Med en växande andel äldre i befolkningen i Norden följer ett ökat intresse för vad som ger ett gott åldrande och vad äldre själva anser skapar god livskvalitet. Forskningen inom området i Sverige har i stort varit riktad mot individens yttre livsvillkor för att indirekt ge en bildav livskvali-teten. Bostaden är en viktig kontextuell faktor särskilt mot bakgrund av att ca hälften av alla personer som är 80 år och äldre bori en bostad med bristande tillgänglighet. Syfte: Att undersöka synen på den egna livskvaliteten hos personer i den tredje åldern och identifiera vad som är viktigt för deras upplevda livskvalitet.Studien syftar till att öka förståelsen för enskildas uppfattningar om vad som är viktigt för upplevd livskvalitet under åldrandeprocessen. Den avser också att belysa om bostaden anses viktig för livskvaliteten och i så fall på vilket sätt, samt ge ökad kunskap om hur äldre personer, som fortfarande befinner sig i den tredje åldern, resonerar kring sitt boende. Metod: En intervjuundersökning genomfördes med 16 personer som var 75 år och äldre i en större stadi södra Sverige. Informanterna, tio kvinnor och sex män, befann sig alla i ”den tredje åldern” som omfattar den aktiva period i livet som inträder efter avslutat yrkesliv. De anmälde sig frivilligt att delta i studien efter att en förfrågan ställts till tre lokala pensionärsföreningar. Resultat: Resultaten visar att det för personer i den tredje åldern är de upplevelsemässiga värdena som är avgörande för den subjektiva livskvaliteten. Upplevd hälsa, genom rörlighet och förmåga att klara vardagslivet, Trivsel i boendet samt meningsfulla sociala relationer &amp; aktivitetär avgörande för hur man upplever sin livskvalitet. Bostadens tillgänglighet har ingen betydelse för den upplevda livskvaliteten och är ointressant innan man får egna erfarenheter av konsekvenserna. Att kunna bo kvar i sin bostad är viktigt för livskvaliteten och man är inte beredd att byta bostad för att få bättre tillgänglighet. Slutsatser: På kort sikt behöver äldre i tredje åldern bättre kunskaper och större medvetenhet om vilka fördelar det kan medföra att ta ansvar för och planera sitt boende inför de funktionsned-sättningar som kan följa av hög ålder. Eftersom möjligheten att bo kvar i sin bostad är så väsentlig för livskvaliteten är det på längre sikt viktigt med fler tillgängliga bostäder, föratt äldre inte ska behöva byta bostad när funktionsnedsättningar inträder. Bostadsbeståndet som helhet behöver således bli mer tillgängligt. Det finns anledning att i större utsträckning koppla ihop bostadspolitik och folkhälsopolitik avseende äldre / Background: The rapidly ageing population in the Nordic countries warrants research on factors that older adults self-report as contributing to healthy ageing and enhanced quality of life. In Sweden,previous research focused mainly on structural factors related to living conditions. Housing is important because almost 50 % of all people 80 years or older live in homes that lack adequate accessibility. Aim:This study aimed to nvestigate how older adults experience quality of life and identify related key factors.We also aimed to increase understanding of what older adults consider important to quality of life, and how home accessibility contributes to such quality and how they view their living situation. Methods: We interviewed 16 adults aged 75 years or older,residing in a larger city in southern Sweden. All informants were in “the third age”(i.e., the period of active and healthy ageing that usually follows retirement).The informants, ten females and six males, volunteered to an interview after an inquiry was directed to three local pensioners associations. Results: Our results demonstrate that perception outweighs structure for quality of life among active and healthy older people. We identified three key factors that influence quality of life, (i) experienced health status (i.e., mobility and ability to cope with everyday life); (ii) residential comfort; and (iii) meaningful social relationships and activity. Interviewees reported that factors related to residential accessibility are not as important, at least as long as the consequences of limited access do not interfere with everyday life. Conclusions: For the near future, older people in the third age need better understanding and awareness of the benefits that result from taking responsibility for and planning their living arrangements before disabilities affect quality of life. Because remainingin one'sown home is so essential to quality of life, Sweden ́s housing stock must become more accessible.Long-termplanning(i.e.,national and local government building regulations)should ensureav ailability of accessible homes for the elderly, to avoid forcing them to move when disability occurs. Achieving these goals will require stronger links between housing and public health policies regarding the elderly / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-87-4</p>

Public Housing Relocation and Its Effect on Residents' Self-esteem and Self-efficacy

Dorrington, Amanda 10 May 2014 (has links)
In 2008, Atlanta was the first city in the United States to completely eliminate its high-rise public housing projects. Georgia State University professors Drs. Ruel, Oakley, and Reid undertook a three-year study to determine the health, behavior, and attitudes of residents both before and after relocation. This study sought to determine whether residents' self-esteem and self-efficacy improved after relocation into areas that have lower levels of social disorder and poor housing conditions. Overall, results show that while housing conditions, social disorder, and fear of crime had little or no significant effect on changes in residents' self-esteem, an improvement in these indicators in residents' new neighborhoods had a significant effect on self-efficacy. The significance of decreased social disorder and poor housing conditions, as well as fear of crime on residents' self-efficacy (but not self-esteem) has important implications for future research regarding neighborhood and housing effects as well as public housing relocation.

Riscos de deslizamentos e inundações e condições de moradia em aglomerados subnormais na bacia do rio Sanhauá: avaliação e análise integrada / Risks of landslides and floods and housing conditions in the Sanhauá river basin: evaluation and integrated analysis

Nascimento, Maria Odete Teixeira do 24 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:09:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 parte1.pdf: 1888088 bytes, checksum: a4891da88deeeb89246adb032ce8fb19 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The problems of the areas of risk disaster in Brazilian cities, especially the environmental risks of geological and geotechnical character, such as landslides, and hydrometeorological such as floods, are often related to socioeconomic and environmental determinants. Thus, the subnormal agglomerations (slums) are situated in areas with major problems in several aspects, since they are usually subject to high levels of environmental risks due to occupation of unsuitable areas, driven by the exclusive real estate market. Therefore, the search for methodologies that cover the vicissitudes of the dynamics of the urban environment is essential to optimize actions that minimize this problem. Thus, this work analyzes social risks, including geological and geotechnical components in addition to hydrometeorological data, together with social indicators of housing conditions in subnormal agglomerations: Saturnino de Brito, Renascer I, and Santa Emília de Rodat, situated in the basin of Sanhauá river in João Pessoa, Paraíba State. It proposes a methodology for priorizing actions to improve housing or home reallocations. Regarding to the determination of environmental risks indices we used the methodology proposed by the Ministério das Cidades (Brazil, [2006]). For determination of housing conditions, we used the methodology developed by Silva (2006), focused on the indicator of living conditions which covers subindicators of density and housing quality. The analyse of the results included an integrated multiobjective methodology whic h makes use of a two-dimensional representation of the field of possible solutions of indicators obtained that describes together housing conditions and risk variables, based on integrated environmental methodology of hydrographical basins used by UNESCO (1987). Its is concluded that the agglomerations have low levels of risk in their majority, while in some areas, especially in Saturnino de Brito agglomeration, there was observed higher frequency of high and very high levels of occurrence of geological and geotechnical disaster. The greatest risks of flooding, classified as high, were detected only in the Santa Emília Rodat agglomerate. Regarding to the housing conditions in this agglomeration we observed that the majority of dwellings are classified as midst salubrious. The integrated analysis of the studied sample indicated that for most groups of households it is more relevant the reallocation instead of improvements of housing. / Os problemas das áreas de riscos de desastres nas cidades brasileiras, principalmente os riscos ambientais de caráter geológico-geotécnico, como deslizamentos, e hidrometeorológico, como as inundações, estão normalmente relacionados a determinantes socioeconômicos e ambientais. Assim, os aglomerados subnormais situam-se em áreas com maiores problemas em diversos aspectos, já que geralmente estão submetidos a níveis altos de riscos ambientais, devido à ocupação de áreas inadequadas, motivada pelo excludente modelo econômico vigente. Desse modo, a busca por metodologias que abarquem as vicissitudes da dinâmica do ambiente urbano torna-se fundamental para otimizar ações que oportunizem minimizar essa problemática. Sendo assim, realiza-se neste trabalho uma análise sobre riscos socioambientais, compreendendo as componentes geológico-geotécnicas e hidrometeorológicas conjuntamente com os indicadores das condições de moradia nos aglomerados subnormais Saturnino de Brito, Renascer I e Santa Emília de Rodat, situadas na bacia hidrográfica do rio Sanhauá na cidade de João Pessoa, estado da Paraíba. Propõe-se uma metodologia para priorizar ações de melhoria habitacional ou relocação de moradias. Para a determinação dos riscos ambientais foi utilizada a metodologia desenvolvida pelo Ministério das Cidades (Brasil, [2006]). No que se refere às condições de moradia utilizou-se a metodologia desenvolvida por Silva (2006) centrada no Indicador de Condições de Moradia, que abrange os subindicadores de densidade e qualidade da habitação. A análise dos resultados contemplou uma metodologia integradora multiobjetivo em que se lança mão da representação bidimensional do campo das soluções possíveis dos indicadores envolvidos, que descreve conjuntamente o estado das variáveis riscos e condições de moradia, com base na metodologia ambiental integrada de bacias hidrográfica utilizada por UNESCO (1987). Conclui-se que os aglomerados apresentam graus de risco baixos em sua maioria, sendo que, em algumas áreas, principalmente no aglomerado Saturnino de Brito, observa maior freqüência de graus alto e muito alto de ocorrência de desastres geológico-geotécnico. Os maiores riscos de inundação, classificados como alto, ocorrem apenas no aglomerado Santa Emilia de Rodat. Relativamente às condições de moradias observou-se que a maioria das habitações é classificada na situação de Média Salubridade. Já a análise integrada indicou mais grupos de moradias da amostra estudada como indicadas para a relocação do que para obras de melhorias habitacionais.

Análise integrada de salubridade ambiental e condições de moradia: aplicação no município de Itaguaçu da Bahia

Cunha., Tássio Barreto 11 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:09:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 6996866 bytes, checksum: bca541cf6cc5481bd0b530abab17e570 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The environmental health is one of the most important aspects to achieve satisfactory quality of human life. It is directly related to basic sanitation services, normally offered by the public institutions, and adequate living conditions and the existence of appropriate socio-economic and cultural policies. In this way, this work deals with the relationship that unifies aspects of environmental health of a population with good housing conditions. An integrated analysis of the variables that represent the environmental health is made, applying it to municipality headquarter of Itaguaçu da Bahia - BA and three sites located in the Rio Verde basin. A methodology to prioritize actions that can improve the environmental quality of sites is proposed. The ISA/JP - Indicator of Environmental Healthy developed by the technical team of the State Council of Sanitation of the State of São Paulo (SÃO PAULO, 1999) and the indicator of housing conditions Icm developed by Silva (2006) were used. Criteria are defined to prioritize actions that could improve the quality of the environmental and housing, as defined. The integrated analysis of the results of the indices of Environmental Health and Housing Conditions was based on an integrative multiobjective approach that makes use of two-dimensional representation on the field of possible solutions of the indicators involved. The description of the joint state of these variables is attempted based on the methodology of integrated environmental watershed used by UNESCO (1987). The four sites analyzed showed similar results with respect to its low state of environmental health and coincidentally a deficit in services related to sanitation and socioeconomic aspects. The ICM showed greater variation between study sites and the highest values occurred where GDP per capita (headquarter municipality and Rio Verde) is higher and certainly it is a factor directly linked to adequate living conditions. With regard to the actions proposed by the integrated analysis, improvements in sanitation and the structure of the houses were the most frequently pointed in the search for better quality of the environmental and housing for the four communities. / A salubridade ambiental é um dos aspectos mais importantes para se alcançar qualidade de vida humana satisfatória. Está relacionada diretamente a serviços de saneamento ambiental, oferecidos normalmente pelo poder público, a uma adequada condição de moradia e a existência de adequadas políticas socioeconômicas e culturais. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho busca aglutinar aspectos concernentes à relação da salubridade ambiental de uma população com uma boa condição de moradia. É desenvolvida uma metodologia multiobjetivo para realizar a análise integrada das variáveis representativas da salubridade ambiental, aplicando-a na sede do município de Itaguaçu da Bahia e mais três povoados (Barreiros, Fazenda Almas e Rio Verde I). Incluem-se critérios para priorizar ações que possam melhorar o que se define como QAM - Qualidade do Ambiente e da Moradia. É utilizado o Indicador de Salubridade Ambiental ISA proposto pelo Conselho Estadual de Saneamento do Estado de São Paulo CONESAN (SÂO PAULO, 1999) e o Indicador de Condições de Moradia ICM, desenvolvido por Silva (2006). A análise integrada dos resultados dos Índices de Salubridade Ambiental e de Condições de Moradia foi feita segundo a metodologia integradora em que se lança mão da representação bidimensional do campo das soluções possíveis dos indicadores envolvidos. O estado conjunto dessas variáveis é descrito à semelhança da metodologia para análise ambiental integrada de bacias hidrográficas utilizada pela UNESCO (1987). As quatro localidades analisadas apresentaram resultados similares no que diz respeito ao baixo estado de salubridade ambiental em que se encontravam, e coincidentemente, apresentaram déficit nos serviços ligados ao saneamento ambiental e a aspectos socioeconômicos. O ICM teve uma maior variação entre as localidades estudadas e os maiores índices prevaleceram nas localidades com maior Produto Interno Bruto - PIB per capita (Sede e Rio Verde), fator diretamente associado a uma adequada condição de moradia. No que diz respeito às ações propostas na análise integrada, melhorias nos serviços de saneamento e na estrutura das habitações foram as mais apontadas nas quatro localidades estudadas visando obter qualidade do ambiente e da moradia mais favorável.

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