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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projektering och energieffektivisering av värme- och ventilationssystem för ett flerbostadshus vid Vänern / Design and Energy Efficiency Calculations of the Heating and Ventilation System in a Building with Apartments Located at the lake Vänern in Sweden

Burrows, Michel January 2021 (has links)
En fastighet med ett antal lägenheter lokaliserad i den lilla tätorten Otterbäcken i Gullspångs kommun har brunnit ner. Fastigheten kommer att byggas upp på nytt igen. Det kommer att ske i enlighet med Boverkets byggregel BBR och de krav som är aktuella för 2021. Examensarbetet har varit ett samarbete mellan Högskolan i Borås och konsultföretaget Energitriangeln AB i Göteborg. Examensarbetet omfattar en ny projektering av fastigheten med avseende på val av teknisk lösning för uppvärmningssystemet och ventilationen. Som hjälp i projekteringen användes simuleringsprogrammet ”MagiCad från företaget Autodesk. De energitekniska beräkningarna av uppvärmningsbehovet genomfördes i simuleringsprogrammet BV2, ”Byggnadens Värmebalans i Varaktighetsdiagrammet” som tillhandahålls av företaget CIT, Chalmers Industriteknik. Den tekniska lösningen för lägenhetshuset omfattar en förbättring från den ursprungliga ventilationen som var ett självdragssystem till att bli antingen ett till- och frånluftssystem med värmeåtervinning, (FTX) eller ett frånluftssystem där värmeåtervinning i frånluften erhålls med hjälp av en frånluftvärmepump. Båda alternativen för en förbättrad ventilation projekterades med MagiCad programmet. Examensarbetet omfattar även en analys och beräkning av fastighetens energiprestanda med hjälp av simuleringsprogrammet BV2. Genom användningen av BV2 beräknades två fall och resultatet uttrycktes i specifik energiförbrukning av både el och värme i kWh/m2, år. Dels för fastigheten som projekteras med ett FTX- system för ventilationen och för projektering av en frånluftvärmepump för värmeåtervinning ur frånluften. För att kunna utföra detta projekt behövdes det bland annat tillgång till byggnadsritningar på den fastighet som håller på att byggas och projekteras oberoende av detta examensarbete. Syftet och huvudmålet med rapporten är att ge färdigheter och kunskap inom användningen och konfigurering av simuleringsprogrammet BV2 för energieffektivisering och på det viset kunna göra en jämförelse mellan två olika lösningar ur en ekonomisk synpunkt. Det är också viktigt att visa om de två tekniska lösningarna för ventilationen ger en energi-prestanda som överensstämmer med de krav som ingår Boverkets byggregler, BBR 28 från år 2019. Som en fortsättning av kursen CAD för VVS installationer ingick i examensarbetet en projektering av värme sekundär VS, tappvarmvatten, tappkallvatten och spillvatten med hjälp av MagiCad. Metodiken för energiprestandaberäkningarna i detta projekt var att mäta arean på skalet i fasaden, fönster och dörrar på byggnaden och använda som indata i simuleringsprogrammet av BV2. Resultatet av examensarbetet konstaterar att valet av en bergvärmepump är det bästa alternativet ur en ekonomisk synvinkel. Detta eftersom man behöver köpa färre antal kilowattimmar elektricitet för att kunna täcka värmebehovet i huset. Väljer man en bergvärmepump med ett FTX aggregat sparas i köpt värme för att kunna tillfredsställa fastighetens energibehov cirka 12 527 kWh/el som ger med ett rörligt elpris cirka 14 907 kr om året i besparing av köpt el för värmeproduktion i jämförelse med alternativet där en frånluftsvärmepump användes för värmeåtervinning från frånluften och där den kalla tilluften värms med en utökad area på radiatorsystemet. / A property with several apartments located in the small village of Otterbäcken in Gullspång municipality has burned down. The property will be rebuilt in accordance with Boverket buildings rules BBR and the requirements that are relevant for 2021.The diploma project has been a collaboration between the University of Borås and the consulting company Energi Triangeln AB located in the city of Gothenburg. As part of the project a re-design of the heating and ventilation system of the property will be carried out using two different simulation programs used when designing buildings. The first program is MagiCad from the company Autodesk. In this program drawings are made of the building including the drawings of the heating and ventilation systems. The second program is more focused at energy balances and energy efficiency calculation of the property. You get the energy performance of the property. The translated name is “Heat balances in a duration diagram”. The program is developed by a consulting company connected to Chalmers University of Technology named “Chalmers Industrial Technology”, CIT. The original technical solution for the ventilation in the building before it burned down was a system not using any fans. When rebuilding the house, the design of the ventilation system includes the comparison of two modern system both using extraction fans for forcing spent air to leave the building. The first alternative uses both a supply fan and exhaust fan with a heat exchanger for heat recovery of the heat in the exhaust ventilation duct. This system is used together with a heat pump taking heat from the ground. The second technical solution of ventilation system uses an exhaust fan in connection to a heat pump. That is a system where the heat recovery of the heat in the exhaust duct is recovered in the heat pump instead of extracting heat from the ground as in alternative one. Alternative two has no centralized intake of ventilation air, instead fresh air is coming into the apartments below windows in the sleeping rooms and living room of the apartments through individual ducts. By using the program energy performance program “BV2”, two different cases were calculated and expressed in specific energy consumption of both electricity and heat using the unit kWh/m2, per year. This means that the property which was designed with both an exhaust and a supply fan (and heat exchanger) for ventilation of the building and for the design with an exhaust air fan only but using a heat pump for heat recovery from the exhaust air, these two cases can be compared. To be able to carry out this project, it was necessary, among other things there was a need to access proper building drawings of the property that is being built and projected. The purpose and main objectives of the project are fulfilled. Furthermore, as a continuation of the course called “Computed Aided Design, (CAD), for buildings, the design of secondary heating, domestic hot and cold water and sewage water was carried out using MagiCad. The method used to carry out this project was to use the drawings of the building, measure the area of the shell, windows, doors, roofs and floor of the building and by using the second simulation program BV2 to be able to calculate the energy required of the building. The result of the degree project states that the choice of a geothermal heat pump with a heat exchanger for heat recovery between the exhaust duct and the duct with incoming fresh air provides the best alternative from an energy performance perspective. You consume fewer kilowatt hours to be able to cover the heating demand in the building. If you choose a geothermal heat pump with a heat recovery using only a heat exchanger the saving in purchased electricity to be able to satisfy the property´s energy demand is approximately 12 527 kWh/ electricity annually. which with a common electricity price in Sweden, (of 1.19 crowns/kWh) provides approximately 14 900 Swedish crowns per year in savings of purchased electricity for heat production.

Towards a comprehensive energy assessment of residential buildings: a multi-scale life cycle energy analysis framework

Stephan, André 19 June 2013 (has links)
Buildings are directly responsible for 40% of the final energy use in most developed economies and for much more if indirect requirements are considered. This results in huge impacts which affect the environmental balance of our planet.<p>However, most current building energy assessments focus solely on operational energy overlooking other energy uses such as embodied and transport energy. Embodied energy comprises the energy requirements for building materials production, construction and replacement. Transport energy represents the amount of energy required for the mobility of building users.<p>Decisions based on partial assessments might result in an increased energy demand during other life cycle stages or at different scales of the built environment. Recent studies have shown that embodied and transport energy demands often account for more than half of the total lifecycle energy demand of residential buildings. Current assessment tools and policies therefore overlook more than 50% of the life cycle energy use.<p>This thesis presents a comprehensive life cycle energy analysis framework for residential buildings. This framework takes into account energy requirements at the building scale, i.e. the embodied and operational energy demands, and at the city scale, i.e. the embodied energy of nearby infrastructures and the transport energy of its users. This framework is implemented through the development, verification and validation of an advanced software tool which allows the rapid analysis of the life cycle energy demand of residential buildings and districts. Two case studies, located in Brussels, Belgium and Melbourne, Australia, are used to investigate the potential of the developed framework.<p>Results show that each of the embodied, operational and transport energy requirements represent a significant share of the total energy requirements and associated greenhouse gas emissions of a residential building, over its useful life. The use of the developed tool will allow building designers, town planners and policy makers to reduce the energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions of residential buildings by selecting measures that result in overall savings. This will ultimately contribute to reducing the environmental impact of the built environment. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Low power memory controller subsystem IP exploration using RTL power flow : An End-to-end power analysis and reduction Methodology

Balachandran, Neerajnayan January 2020 (has links)
With FinFET based Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) designs delivering on the promises of scalability, performance, and power, the road ahead is bumpy with technical challenges in building efficient ASICs. Designers can no longer rely on the ‘auto-scaling’ power reduction that follows technology node scaling, in these times when 7nm presents itself as a ‘long-lived’ node. This leads to the need for early power analysis and reduction flows that are incorporated into the ASIC Intellectual Property (IP) design flow. This leads to a focus on power-efficient design in addition to being functionally efficient. Power inefficiency related hotspots are the leading causes of chip re-spins, and a guideline methodology to design blocks in a power-efficient manner leads to a power-efficient design of the Integrated Circuits (ICs). This alleviates the intensity of cooling requirements and the cost. The Common Memory controller is one of the leading consumers of power in the ASIC designs at Ericsson. This Thesis focusses on developing a power analysis and reduction flow for the common memory controller by connecting the verification environment of the block to low-level power analysis tools, using motivated test cases to collect power metrics, thereby leading to two main goals of the Thesis, characterization and optimization of the block for power. This work also includes an energy efficiency perspective through the Differential Energy Analysis technique, initiated by Qualcomm and Ansys, to improve the flow by improving the test cases that help uncover power inefficiencies/bugs and therefore optimize the block. The flow developed in the Thesis fulfills the goals of characterizing and optimizing the block. The characterization data is presented to provide an idea of the type of data that can be collected and useful for SoC architects and designers in planning for future designs. The characterization/profiling data collected from the blocks collectively contribute to the Electronic System-level power analysis that helps correlate the ASIC power estimate to silicon. The work also validates the flow by working on a specific sub-block, identifying possible power bugs, modifying the design and validating improved performance and thereby, validating the flow. / Med FinFET-baserade applikationsspecifika integrerade kretsar (ASIC) -konstruktioner som ger löften om skalbarhet, prestanda och kraft är vägen framåt ojämn med tekniska utmaningar när det gäller att bygga effektiva ASIC: er. Formgivare kan inte längre lita på den "autoskalande" effektminskningen som följer teknisk nodskalning, i dessa tider då 7nm presenterar sig som en "långlivad" nod. Detta leder till behovet av tidig kraftanalys och reduktionsflöden som är integrerade i ASIC Intellectual Property (IP) designflöde. Detta leder till fokus på energieffektiv design förutom att det är funktionellt effektivt. Krafteffektivitetsrelaterade hotspots är de ledande orsakerna till respins av chip, och en riktlinjemetodik för att konstruera block på ett energieffektivt sätt leder till energieffektiv design av Integrated Circuits (ICs). Detta lindrar intensiteten hos kylbehovet och kostnaden. Common Memory-kontrollen är en av de ledande energikonsumenterna i ASIC-designen hos Ericsson. Denna avhandling fokuserar på att utveckla en effektanalys och reduktionsflöde för den gemensamma minneskontrollern genom att ansluta verifieringsmiljön för blocket till lågnivåeffektanalysverktyg, med hjälp av motiverade test caser för att samla effektmätvärden, vilket leder till två huvudmål för avhandlingen, karakterisering och optimering av blocket för kraft. Detta arbete inkluderar också energieffektivitetsperspektiv genom Differential Energy Analys-teknik, initierad av Qualcomm och Ansys, för att förbättra flödet genom att förbättra test cases som hjälper till att upptäcka effekteffektivitet / buggar och därför optimera blocket. Flödet som utvecklats i avhandlingen uppfyller målen att karakterisera och optimera blocket. Karaktäriseringsdata presenteras för att ge en uppfattning om vilken typ av data som kan samlas in och vara användbara för SoC-arkitekter och designers i planering för framtida mönster. Karaktäriserings/ profileringsdata som samlats in från blocken bidrar tillsammans till effektanalysen för elektronisk systemnivå som hjälper till att korrelera ASIC-effektberäkningen till kisel. Arbetet validerar också flödet genom att arbeta på ett specifikt underblock, identifiera möjliga effektbuggar, modifiera utforma och validera förbättrad prestanda och därmed validera flödet.

Sur le comportement magnéto-mécanique des alliages à mémoire de forme magnétiques

Chen, Xue, Moumni, Ziad, He, Yong Jun 25 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les Alliages à Mémoire de Forme Magnétiques (AMFM) sont des matériaux actifs qui présentent des comportements inhabituels par rapport aux matériaux " classiques ". Ils peuvent par exemple présenter de larges déformations réversibles sous l'action d'un champ magnétique ou sous une action mécanique. Ce sont des candidats potentiels pour des applications dans des domaines de pointe (automobile, aéronautique, spatial, etc.). Les AMFM présentent par ailleurs un avantage indéniable par rapport aux matériaux à mémoire de forme " thermique " en raison de leur réponse dynamique à haute fréquence. Il est bien connu que ces comportements sont dus à un couplage magnéto-mécanique et à un phénomène physique lié à l'orientation des variantes de martensite. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'analyser les comportements magnéto-mécaniques des AMFM. Pour ce faire, nous étudions expérimentalement et théoriquement, la réorientation martensitique dans les AMFM. Tout d'abord, une analyse énergétique en 2D/3D est proposée et intégrée dans des diagrammes d'état pour une étude systématique de la réorientation martensitique dans les AMFM sous chargements tridimensionnels quelconques. Ainsi, des critères de large déformation réversible sous des chargements cycliques sont obtenus. L'analyse énergétique montre que les AMFM, sollicités sous chargement multiaxiaux présentent plus d'avantages que ceux sollicités en 1D ; en particulier, on montre que l'état multiaxial permet d'augmenter (d'améliorer) la contrainte fonctionnelle, ce qui augmente le champ d'application des ces matériaux. Ensuite, afin de valider les prédictions de l'analyse énergétique, des expériences bi-axiales ont été effectuées sur des éprouvettes en AMFM. Les résultats révèlent que la dissipation intrinsèque et la déformation de transformation dues à la réorientation martensitique sont constantes dans tous les états de contraintes. De plus, les résultats ont permis de valider nos prédictions théoriques quant à l'augmentation de la contrainte fonctionnelle. Enfin, afin de prédire les comportements magnéto-mécaniques des AMFM sous des chargements multiaxiaux, un modèle tridimensionnel est développé dans le cadre de la thermodynamique des processus irréversibles avec liaison interne. Toutes les variantes de martensite ont été considérées et l'effet de température a également été pris en compte. Les simulations numériques montrent un très bon accord (rejoignent/confirment les résultats) avec les résultats expérimentaux existant dans la littérature. Le modèle a ensuite été programmé dans un code de calcul par éléments finis afin d'étudier les comportements non linéaires de flexion des poutres en AMFM. L'effet géométrique et l'effet d'anisotropie du matériau ont été systématiquement pris en compte.

熱泵熱水系統生命週期評估與淨能源分析之整合研究 / Integrated Studies on Life Cycle Assessment and Net Energy Analysis of the Heat Pump Water Heater System

郭乃頊 Unknown Date (has links)
根據歐盟2009 年發布之再生能源指令,定義熱泵系統所擷取之大氣熱能、水熱能以及地熱能為再生能源之選項,熱泵技術不受日夜與天候影響,且具安全、有低耗能、低排碳的優點,可應用在空調、暖氣、熱水等設備,備受歐美日本等先進國家重視,也是歐美各國政府極力推廣的項目之一。本研究針對台灣地區家戶住宅所使用小型空氣源熱泵熱水機組,透過環境資源及能源效率的角度,來探討熱泵熱水系統對於台灣住宅部門的適用性。 在研究方法上,針對國內熱泵個案廠商進行系統盤查分析,並且估算使用運轉過程中所需之能源投入,以計算熱水系統在製造過程與運轉使用過程中之環境影響。選擇生命週期評估軟體SimaPro 7.3做為評估工具,使用Eco-Indicator 95、EPS 2000兩種衝擊評估模式,來以生命週期評估探討熱泵熱水系統對環境之影響。並輔以淨能源分析法中能源投資報酬率與能源回收期,以及估算熱泵熱水系統生命週期CO2排放量,來衡量熱泵熱水系統之能源效率是否具有其效益。並進一步針對不同的再生能源發電比例與提升熱泵能源效率比例,探討不同方案的敏感度分析。 根據本研究分析結果顯示,熱泵熱水系統不管從Eco-indicator 95或EPS 2000衝擊評估模式下,運轉使用階段對環境衝擊較大,主要的衝擊項目為重金屬汙染,是因為熱泵熱水系統運轉所使用的電力消耗所致。使用熱泵熱水系統對環境衝擊程度遠較電熱水系統來得小,雖在Eco-indicator 95之衝擊評估模式下,瓦斯熱水系統較熱泵熱水系統環境衝擊程度較小,但以EPS 2000衝擊評估模式下,熱泵熱水系統對環境是最為友善的熱水系統。以淨效益估算熱泵熱水系統源投資報酬(EROI)值為1.45~5.55,能源回收期約為0.22年至2.16年,表示熱泵熱水系統從生命週期的角度來檢視能源效率是具有效益的。由於目前熱泵熱水系統對環境最大的負擔來源是電力的使用,若未來能提高再生能源發電比例、降低臺灣電能含碳濃度,或者提高熱泵能源生產效率,均能降低熱泵熱水系統對環境的負面影響。 / The purpose of this study is to apply life cycle assessment (LCA) and net energy analysis to explore the environmental impacts of the heat pump water heater in Taiwan. In order to achieve this objective, domestic data inventory was gathered from local heat pump industry in Taiwan through questionnaires including input of energy, product output and waste, etc. The SimaPro7.3 program and two impact assessment methods including Eco-Indicator 95, EPS 2000 were utilized to evaluate the environmental impact of the heat pump water heater. Also, we used net energy analysis such as energy return on investment and energy payback time, and estimated the life-cycle CO2 emissions to see whether if the heat pump water heater has its energy efficiency. In addition, the sensitivity analysis was performed by varying renewable energy generation portfolio and the heat pump energy efficiency ratio. Emprical results of two impact assessment methods (Eco-indicator 95 and EPS 2000) show that the main impact on environment of heat pump water heater is from operation phase. When operating the heat pump water heater, it needs to consume electricity which is generated from fossil fuel and caused the environmental impact. Compared with the electric water heater, the environmental impact degree of heat pump water heater is much smaller. In Eco-indicator 95 method, gas water heater has less influence on the environment than heat pump water heater; however, heat pump water heater is the most environment-friendly system in EPS 2000 method. That is because gas is a kind of nonrenewable resource. From the viewpoint of resource stock, gas indeed influence “Depletion of reserves” of environmental impact. By utilizing net energy analysis, the estimated energy return on investment (EROI) of heat pump water heater is 1.45~5.55, and energy payback time is 0.22~2.16 years. It indicates that heat pump water heater has significant benefit from life-cycle perspective. The main impact to environment by heat pump water heater is essentially derived from electricity input. To mitigation this environmental issue, one can reduce environmental impact by increase the proportion of renewable energy generation, and reducing the electricity CO2 emission. Furthermore, improving the energy efficiency of the heat pump would also helpful.

Výpočtové modelování vysokofrekvenčního hluku v kabině letounu EV-55M / Computational modelling of high-frequency noise inside cabin of aircraft EV-55M

Straka, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes methods of high frequency noise and vibrations computation of cabin part of EV–55M (aircraft developed by Evektor Kunovice). There is a brief summary of methods used for determining high frequency noise and vibrations in the first part of the thesis. Detailed explanation is given for Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) which is nowadays the most dominant method in this area. The energy balance equation is derived in this chapter and SEA parameters such as modal density, damping loss factor, coupling loss factor and power input are introduced here. Next part deals with main noise sources of propeller driven and jet aircraft and passive and active noise controls are discussed. Practical part of this thesis deals with modeling aircraft EV–55M fuselage using VA One SEA module. Two models were created. First of them is only an outside fuselage with aircraft flooring and the second one is extended by interior trim panels and is applicable for simulation of noise control treatments. Computational modeling is accompanied by experimental measurement of passive noise control material characteristics. Postprocessing of information obtained from impedance tube measurement was performed in FOAM – X. Determined characteristics of porous material were used as inputs to VA One and reduction of sound pressure level in fuselage cavities by using noise control treatment was found. In conclusion there is a summary of noise transmission paths from sources to interior cavity and some treatments of them are simulated

Improving Climate Control and Energy Performance in Greenhouses and Livestock Houses: Modelling Advances and Experimental Results

Costantino, Andrea 16 December 2021 (has links)
[IT] Importanti cambiamenti sociodemografici, come la crescita della popolazione mondiale e l’urbanizzazione, stanno incrementando il fabbisogno di alimenti a livello mondiale. In contemporanea si sta assistendo ad una profonda trasformazione della dieta umana che tende sempre più a prediligere prodotti di origine animale, frutta e verdura al posto dei cereali. In quest’ottica, serre e stalle per l’allevamento intensivo possono ricoprire un ruolo di spicco, in quanto in grado di produrre tali alimenti con dei rendimenti decisamente maggiori rispetto a quelli che caratterizzano la produzione di vegetali in campo aperto e l’allevamento estensivo. Tra i vari fattori che contribuiscono ad incrementare la produttività di questi edifici agricoli vi è il controllo delle condizioni climatiche interne. Tale controllo del clima interno avviene, in molti casi, attraverso sistemi meccanici il cui utilizzo causa un considerevole consumo energetico che costituisce una minaccia per la transizione verso un’agricoltura più sostenibile. L’obiettivo generale di questa tesi è, quindi, di contribuire alla transizione verso un’agricoltura più sostenibile attraverso il miglioramento della prestazione energetica per il controllo climatico di serre e stalle per l’allevamento intensivo. Per raggiungere tale obiettivo, è stato adottato un triplice approccio basato su un’analisi di letteratura, campagne sperimentali di monitoraggio ed attività di modellazione energetica. L’analisi di letteratura è stata svolta con il fine di districare la complessa rete di relazioni esistente tra controllo climatico e altri domini di interesse della produzione agricola. Il nesso tra prestazione energetica e controllo climatico è stato approfondito analizzando dei set di dati reali acquisiti in una serra e due porcilaie attraverso campagne di monitoraggio. Questo nesso è stato ulteriormente approfondito adottando un approccio numerico che ha portato allo sviluppo e validazione di tre modelli di simulazione energetica per serre, per stalle da polli da carne e per stalle da suini da ingrasso. Ciascun modello di simulazione integra le principali caratteristiche tipiche di tali edifici per stimare con accuratezza i profili temporali delle condizioni ambientali interne e del consumo di energia termica ed elettrica. Le potenzialità di questi modelli nel migliorare la prestazione energetica e le condizioni climatiche di serre e stalle sono state esplorate analizzando specifiche problematiche relazionate al consumo energetico. Il modello energetico per le stalle per polli da carne, infatti, è stato adottato per valutare le potenzialità di un nuovo approccio per la progettazione energeticamente efficiente dell’involucro basato sull’energia primaria. Lo stesso modello è stato usato per valutare la variazione del consumo energetico causata dall’adozione di una strategia di ventilazione mirata al miglioramento del benessere dei polli allevati attraverso la riduzione della concentrazione interna di gas nocivi. Questa tesi contribuisce alla transizione verso una agricoltura più sostenibile fornendo nuove conoscenze e strumenti necessari al miglioramento della prestazione energetica per controllo climatico di serre e stalle per l’allevamento intensivo. Le analisi svolte, infatti, quantificano potenziali riduzioni del consumo energetico ottenibili attraverso l’implementazione di misure di efficientamento energetico, sia a livello di involucro (isolamento termico) che a livello di sistema di controllo climatico (ventilatori a portata variabile). Ulteriori misure per l’efficientamento energetico potrebbero essere valutate attraverso tali modelli che rappresentano importanti risultati di questa ricerca. Essi, infatti, potrebbero avere ricadute positive a livello locale in quanto vari portatori d’interesse (agricoltori, ingegneri e fabbricanti) potrebbero adottarli come strumenti di supporto alle decisioni per valutare nuove tecnologie, strategie e soluzioni mirate alla diminuzione del consumo energetico di serre e stalle. Questi nuovi modelli rappresentano anche un solido punto di partenza per future ricerche in questo campo. Futuri sviluppi potrebbero portare alla creazione di ulteriori moduli di calcolo per valutare altri aspetti, come la variazione della produttività, l’emissione di contaminanti e il benessere animale. Le nuove conoscenze generate in questa tesi potrebbero avere ricadute positive anche a livello globale, in quanto potrebbero rappresentare i fondamenti tecnici per nuovi quadri normativi e schemi di incentivi mirati al miglioramento della performance energetica di edifici agricoli controllati climaticamente attraverso una strategia di tipo top-down. / [ES] Importantes cambios sociodemográficos están conduciendo hacia un considerable crecimiento de la demanda de alimentos a nivel mundial. Al mismo tiempo se está observando una profunda transformación de la dieta humana, que tiende a incluir más productos de origen animal, fruta y verdura. Invernaderos y granjas de ganadería intensiva pueden desempeñar un papel principal, debido a que proporcionan los productos agrícolas necesarios con rendimientos notablemente mayores que los de la producción en campo abierto y de la ganadería extensiva. Entre los factores que contribuyen a incrementar la productividad de estos edificios agrícolas se sitúa el control de las condiciones climáticas internas. Dicho control se realiza a través de sistemas mecánicos cuyo uso causa un considerable consumo energético que representa una amenaza para la transición hacia una agricultura sostenible. El objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir a la transición hacia una agricultura más sostenible a través de la mejora de la prestación energética por control climático de invernaderos y granjas de ganadería intensiva. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo, se ha adoptado un enfoque triple basado en un análisis de literatura, campañas experimentales de monitorización y actividades de modelización energética. El análisis de literatura se ha llevado a cabo con el fin de desentrañar la red de relaciones existentes entre el control climático y otros dominios de interés de la producción agrícola. El nexo entre prestación energética y control climático se ha acometido analizando conjuntos de datos reales, adquiridos en un invernadero y dos granjas de cerdos. El análisis de dicho nexo se ha profundizado adoptando un enfoque numérico que ha llevado al desarrollo y validación de tres modelos de simulación energética para invernaderos y para granjas de pollos y cerdos. Las potencialidades de estos modelos para la mejora de las prestaciones energéticas y las condiciones climáticas se han explorado analizando problemáticas específicas. El modelo energético para granjas de pollos se ha adoptado para el diseño energéticamente eficiente de la envolvente de este tipo de edificio. El mismo modelo se ha usado para evaluar las variaciones de consumo energético causadas por la adopción de una estrategia de ventilación orientada a la mejora del bienestar de los pollos. Esta tesis contribuye a la transición hacia una agricultura más sostenible proporcionando nuevos conocimientos e instrumentos para la mejora de la prestación energética para el control climático de invernaderos y granjas. Los análisis realizados cuantifican potenciales disminuciones del consumo energético alcanzables a través de la implementación de medidas para la eficiencia energética a nivel de envolvente (aislamiento térmico) y a nivel de sistema de control climático (ventiladores con caudal variable). Ulteriores medidas para la eficiencia energética podrían evaluarse a través de dichos modelos que representan importantes resultados de esta investigación. Estos modelos podrían tener repercusiones positivas a nivel local, ya que muchas partes interesadas (agricultores, ingenieros y fabricantes) podrían adoptarlos como instrumentos de apoyo a la toma de decisiones para evaluar nuevas tecnologías y estrategias orientadas a la disminución del consumo energético. Estos nuevos modelos representan también un sólido punto de partida para futuras investigaciones en este campo. Futuros desarrollos podrían implementar nuevos módulos de cálculos para evaluar otros aspectos, como la variación de la productividad, la emisión de contaminantes y el bienestar animal. Los nuevos conocimientos generados en esta tesis podrían tener repercusiones positivas incluso a nivel global, puesto que podrían representar los fundamentos técnicos para nuevos marcos normativos y sistemas de incentivos orientados a la mejora de la prestación energética de edificios agrícolas controlados climáticamente a través de una estrategia de tipo top-down. / [CA] Importants canvis sociodemogràfics estan conduint cap a un considerable creixement de la demanda d'aliments a nivell mundial. Al mateix temps s'està observant una profunda transformació de la dieta humana, que tendeix a incloure més productes d'origen animal, fruita i verdura. Hivernacles i granges de ramaderia intensiva poden exercir un paper principal, pel fet que proporcionen els productes agrícoles necessaris amb rendiments notablement majors que els de la producció en camp obert i de la ramaderia extensiva. Entre els factors que contribueixen a incrementar la productivitat d'aquests edificis agrícoles se situa el control de les condicions climàtiques internes. Aquest control del clima intern es realitza a través de sistemes mecànics, l'ús dels quals causa un considerable consum energètic que representa una amenaça per a la transició cap a una agricultura sostenible. L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi és contribuir a la transició cap a una agricultura més sostenible a través de la millora de la prestació energètica per al control climàtic d'hivernacles i granges de ramaderia intensiva. Per a aconseguir aquest objectiu, s'ha adoptat un enfocament triple basat en una anàlisi de literatura, campanyes experimentals de monitoratge i activitats de modelització energètica. L'anàlisi de literatura s'ha dut a terme amb la finalitat de desentranyar la complexa xarxa de relacions existents entre el control climàtic i altres dominis d'interés de la producció agrícola. El nexe entre prestació energètica i control climàtic s'ha analitzat amb conjunts de dades reals, adquirides en un hivernacle i dues granges de porcs. L'anàlisi d'aquest nexe s'ha aprofundit encara més adoptant un enfocament numèric que ha portat al desenvolupament i validació de tres models de simulació energètica per a hivernacles i per a granges de pollastres i porcs d'engreixament. Les potencialitats d'aquests models per a la millora de les prestacions energètiques i les condicions climàtiques s'han explorat analitzant problemàtiques específiques. El model energètic per a granges de pollastres s'ha adoptat per al disseny energèticament eficient de l'envolupant d'aquesta mena d'edifici. El mateix model s'ha usat per a avaluar les variacions de consum energètic causades per l'adopció d'una estratègia de ventilació orientada a la millora del benestar dels pollastres. Aquesta tesi contribueix a la transició cap a una agricultura més sostenible proporcionant nous coneixements i instruments per a la millora de la prestació energètica per al control climàtic d'hivernacles i granges. Les anàlisis realitzades quantifiquen potencials disminucions del consum energètic assolibles a través de la implementació de mesures per a l'eficiència energètica tant a nivell d'envolupant (aïllament tèrmic) com a nivell de sistema de control climàtic (ventiladors amb cabal variable). Ulteriors mesures per a l'eficiència energètica podrien avaluar-se a través d'aquests models que representen importants resultats d'aquesta investigació. Aquests models podrien tindre repercussions positives a nivell local, ja que moltes parts interessades (agricultors, enginyers i fabricants) podrien adoptar-los com a instruments de suport a la presa de decisions per a avaluar noves tecnologies i estratègies orientades a la disminució del consum energètic d'hivernacles i granges. Aquests nous models representen també un sòlid punt de partida per a futures investigacions en aquest camp. Futurs desenvolupaments podrien implementar nous mòduls de càlculs per a avaluar altres aspectes, com la variació de la productivitat, l'emissió de contaminants i el benestar animal. Els nous coneixements generats en aquesta tesi podrien tindre repercussions positives fins i tot a nivell global, ja que podrien representar els fonaments tècnics per a nous marcs normatius i sistemes d'incentius orientats a la millora de la prestació energètica d'edificis agrícoles controlats climàticament a través d'una estratègia de tipus top-down. / [EN] Socio-demographic trends, such as population growth and urbanization, are leading to a significant increase of the world food demand. At the same time, there is a shift of the human diet toward livestock products, vegetables, and fruit rather than cereals. Greenhouses and livestock houses can play a primary role since they can supply the necessary agricultural products with higher yields than on-field crop production and extensive animal farming. One way in which productivity is enhanced in these agricultural buildings is by a fine-tuned control of the indoor climate conditions. For this purpose, mechanical climate control systems are often adopted, but they entail a considerable energy consumption whose estimated increase may jeopardize the transition toward a sustainable agriculture. The overall objective of this thesis, hence, is to contribute to the transition toward a sustainable agriculture by improving the energy performance for climate control of greenhouses and livestock houses. To achieve this objective, a three-pronged approach was taken involving a literature review, experimental monitoring campaigns, and energy modelling activities. The literature review was performed to unpick the tangle of mutual relations between climate control and other domains of agricultural production. The nexus between energy performance and climate control was investigated analyzing real datasets acquired through monitoring campaigns performed in a greenhouse and two pig houses. This nexus was further studied adopting a numerical approach which led to the development and validation of three energy simulation models for greenhouses, broiler houses and pig houses. Each simulation model integrates the main features typical of greenhouses and livestock houses to estimate the time profiles of lumped indoor climate conditions and thermal and electrical energy consumption. The opportunities in improving the energy performance and the indoor climate conditions provided by the developed energy models were explored by analyzing specific energy-related problems. The broiler house energy model was adopted to evaluate the potentialities of a new primary energy approach for the energy-efficient envelope design of broiler houses. The same model was applied to evaluate the variation of energy consumption achieved by an improved ventilation strategy aimed at enhancing broiler welfare by reducing indoor noxious gas concentrations. This thesis contributes to the transition toward a more sustainable agriculture providing new knowledge and tools necessary for improving the energy performance for climate control of greenhouses and livestock houses. The performed analyses, in fact, quantify potential decrease of energy consumption achievable through the implementation of energy-efficient measures at both envelope -thermal insulation- and climate control system -variable angular speed fans- level. Further energy-efficient measures could be evaluated adopting the developed energy simulation models that are valuable outputs of this investigation. These models could have a positive impact at local level since stakeholders -farmers, engineers, and manufacturers- could adopt them as decision support tools for the evaluation of new technologies, strategies and solutions aimed at decreasing the overall energy consumption of greenhouses and livestock houses. These novel models represent also a robust starting point for future research in this field. Future advances may lead to the development of further calculation modules to evaluate other aspects of greenhouses and livestock houses, such as productivity variations, contaminant emissions and animal welfare. The new knowledge generated in this thesis could have positive impacts also at global level since it may represent the technical basis for new normative frameworks and incentive schemes aimed at improving the energy performance of climate-controlled agricultural buildings through a top-down approach. / Costantino, A. (2021). Improving Climate Control and Energy Performance in Greenhouses and Livestock Houses: Modelling Advances and Experimental Results [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/178457 / TESIS

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