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Vliv institucí na klimatickou politiku Velké Británie / The influence of institutions on the United Kingdom's climate policyStanová, Natália January 2017 (has links)
The thesis analyses the state of the United Kingdom's climate policies and it particularly focuses on the question, how these policies are determined by its institutional system, that is majoritarian democracy. Theoretically majoritarian democracies generally have a weaker record in the environmental policy and the thesis aims to research, if and how the features of majoritarian democracies in reality influence the policy outcomes. The thesis focuses on the two party system, that often produces adversary and inconsistent politics and the pluralist system of the interest groups that tends to give better possibilities to the economically powerful actors such as business and energy groups. The base for the analysis will be the climate policies during the last twenty years and the performance and general discours of two main governing parties. Thesis also takes a closer look on the cases of Climate Change Act and Energy Act 2015 and their ability of the interest groups to achieve their goals. The thesis concludes that the combination of the institutional system with the low salience of the topic for the main parties poses significant obstacles and limitations to an active and progressive climate politics.
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Komparace vývoje vztahu Číny-Angoly a Číny-Nigérie z hlediska energetické bezpečnosti a čínských investic / Comparison of China-Angola and China-Nigeria relations in regards to energy security and Chinese investmentLöfflerová, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
Michaela Löfflerová Comparison of China-Angola and China-Nigeria relations in regards to energy security and Chinese investments Abstract The master thesis "Comparison of China-Angola and China-Nigeria relations in regards to energy security and Chinese investment" focuses on the analysis of Chinese activities towards Angola and Nigeria as representatives of Subsaharan oil-rich countries. The thesis aims to test two hypotheses about China's approach to Angola and Nigeria in the period 2000-2007 and 2008-2018. The first hypothesis, based on the concept of energy security, tests whether China's approach to oil-rich countries has changed over the period under review as a result of the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent global trends. The second hypothesis, based on the concept of neocolonialism, tests whether Chinese activities have expanded into other sectors through oil extraction, which in turn has led to a significant dependence of states on China. The diploma thesis aims to focus on economical, security, and political aspects using quantitative and qualitative analyzes. Monitoring China's activities in these countries serve as a case study of the impact of Chinese foreign policy on resource-rich countries in the second and third world. In the last chapters, the thesis will focus on the analysis of the...
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Capacity Building for Energy Performance Contracting in European UnionBasar, Ezgi January 2013 (has links)
Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is an important tool to disseminate energy efficiency measures. This study focuses on the main barriers and success factors for EPC market in order to build capacity in this subject. A pilot study of questionnaire took part among the local authorities of four countries within the European Union; Croatia, Denmark, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The results of this pilot study were combined with the results of a literature research to identify common disadvantages and key points of the market. Afterwards, the most important actions to be taken on national and international level in European Union were discussed. According to this study, the supportive legal framework for the energy efficiency measures, access to financial resources, reliable energy consumption data and trust in Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) were remarked as the essential factors for increasing the capacity of the EPC. / Intelligent Energy Europe, ManagEnergy
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Is energy efficiency the forgotten key to successful energy policy? : Investigating the Swedish caseXylia, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Sweden aims to become one of the first fossil-free welfare countries in the world. In 2009, specific energy and climate policy targets were announced for 2020, which exceed the ambition of respective EU targets in some areas. The overarching objective of the thesis is to understand the role of energy efficiency in Swedish energy and climate policy frameworks, and identify the gaps that need to be addressed. In this context, energy efficiency is recognized as a challenge to address. Yet, there are reasons to believe that it is not being pursued with the same dedication as other energy and climate-related targets. This hypothesis is tested using Mixed Methods research, with cases on different sectors of the Swedish economy, namely energy intensive industry and public bus transport, as well as comparisons with energy efficiency within the EU-28. With the help of abductive reasoning, the observations are inferred to an explanation, and common themes for Swedish energy efficiency policies emerge. The evidence indicates that energy efficiency has received lower priority than other energy and climate policies. This is demonstrated by the conflict between energy efficiency, emission reduction and renewable energy targets, for example in the case of public transport. There is generally a mismatch between targets and the instruments in place. Thus more attention should be given to energy efficiency and its potential benefits for the Swedish energy system. Opportunities for energy efficiency improvements are not being fully realized, but new policy initiatives could provide the necessary support to harness the potential. In-depth evaluation of new policy instruments should be integrated in the policy-making process, in order to provide a clear picture of costs versus benefits. An example is given with a Cost-Benefit Analysis for energy efficiency obligations targeting the Swedish energy intensive industry. Simplicity and transparency in the introduction and monitoring of new instruments need to be sought for. Energy efficiency should be given first priority in relation to other energy and climate targets. The basis for future policies should be grounded now in order for energy efficiency to become the key for successful Swedish energy policy. / <p>QC 20160914</p>
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Německá energetická politika v kontextu zahraniční politiky SRN / German Energy Policy in the Context of the Foreign Policy of the FRGChrpa, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis called "The German energy policy in the context of the foreign policy of the FRG" deals with the energy policy and its transfer abroad. The aim of this study is to answer the questions, whether Germany makes efforts to transfer its policy, whether the transfer occurs and, if so, what kind of actors are actively involved in it, what type of transfer it is and what is the result. The first part is dedicated to the theoretical frame of the topic, especially to the concept of policy transfer, which is the main theoretical pillar of this work. The second part deals with the formation of the German energy policy at the domestic level - with the historical and social context, the motives for eventual policy transfer and the attitudes of key actors: German government (with an emphasis on the Chancellor), political parties and industry. The next two chapters are devoted to the policy transfer on the bilateral level to the neighbouring Czech Republic and on the multilateral level to the European Union. It turns out that the roots of "Energiewende" can be found in the historical development of Germany and the main features of this policy have a consensual support of the key actors on the German level. Germany is a pioneer of a new energy policy model, whose success is however not yet...
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Vliv havárie ve Fukušimě na francouzskou energetickou politiku / The Impact of Fukushima Accident on Energy Policy in FranceSlepčan, Matej January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis examines how the Fukushima accident has affected the French energy policy and the impact on the perception of nuclear energy by policymakers, the public and energy companies. Nuclear energy does comprises three-quarters of the total electricity production in the country and thus forms the backbone of the energy mix in France. The study uses comparative analysis as a main approach, to compare public discourse of state actors (in particular the President, the Ministry of Energy and Nuclear Safety Agency) and the French energy companies before and after the accident from March 11, 2011. At the beginning, the study refers on the position of nuclear energy in the world, historical development of nuclear energy in France and its importance for the energy security of the country. It also describes the Fukushima accident and its immediate consequences on nuclear energy worldwide. In a research section it presents a summary of France's energy policy before the Fukushima accident, in which emphasis was placed on maintaining a high share of nuclear energy in the energy mix of the country. In the next part of the research is described the French energy policy after the accident and subsequently the prospect of possible change of energy strategy of France.
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Risk Implications of Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Implementations: the Case of the NordicsMijolović, Denis January 2023 (has links)
Climate change is no novelty – we witness its disastrous impact more and more by each day. Although we already started envisaging a future where the vitality of our societies is derived not from conventional fossil fuels, but from a sophisticated, clean, and steadfast energy source – the latest benchmarks tracked by leading global energy agencies show grim performance, thereby calling for an intervention. The exploration into Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMRs) could present a stable and likely journey towards this vision – offering a glimpse into a future where energy is not only abundant, but also conscientiously generated. SMRs are compact versions of traditional nuclear power plants, yet they bring additional advantages such as potential cost-effectiveness and adaptability to diverse locations and environments. These reactors promise to cater to our escalating energy demands while simultaneously upholding environmental integrity. However, as this research reveals, their implementation – particularly in Finland and Sweden – isn't without challenges. While SMRs offer potential benefits, the regulatory landscapes in both countries present formidable obstacles. Finland's regulatory body, known for its stringent oversight, ensures adherence to the highest safety standards. Yet, this rigor can sometimes be a double-edged sword – especially when navigating the dynamic realm of SMRs. In contrast, Sweden grapples with pronounced regulatory uncertainties and ambiguity, further complicated by historical public skepticism towards the nuclear sector. Safety perceptions in the nuclear industry often deviate towards feelings rather than quantifiable metrics. This underlines an ongoing debate: should we define an acceptable safety threshold or aim for absolute safety? Moreover, the intertwined nature of politics and large-scale nuclear projects necessitates well-considered, stable strategies to harness SMRs' potential. Focused on Finland and Sweden – countries with rich nuclear histories – this research offers a deep dive into the complex narrative of risks, opportunities, and strategic challenges surrounding SMRs in the Nordic context. It underscores the need for a nuanced approach that combines technological innovation with socio-political considerations.
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One for all, all for one? : An analysis of EU Member States' positions on a European external energy policyTalvén, Erica January 2022 (has links)
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has once again demonstrated that the European Union does not have a common external energy policy since it has struggled to take on a common energy position towards Russia. Prior research has stated that this can mainly be attributed to member states' divergent energy supply objectives towards Russia, which can be divided into two groups. One group comprises Central and East European member states who want to reduce their import dependencies on Russia. The other group, mainly composed of Western member states, seek to maintain their relations with Russia. This paper analyzes how these two groups' divergent energy supply objectives have changed and how these objectives can explain the lack of consensus regarding an external energy policy of the EU. Three hypotheses are constructed on rational choice and sociological institutionalism. The main findings are that member states' energy supply objectives towards Russia have changed. Both groups of member states have attempted to reduce their import dependencies on Russia. At the same time, the countries continue to pursue their energy supply objectives at the bilateral level, which can be explained by member states' divergent perceptions of solidarity.
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Methods for local energy and climate planning : A Case stuudy on the Urban Community of DunkirkThibault, Sacha January 2023 (has links)
Energy management concerns were raised in France after the oil crisis in the 1970s. From then, the local actors developed policies to better control the energy production and consumption on the territories. Climate considerations and the need to limit greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions were then added to these energy issues in the early 2000s. The Climate Plans first appeared in France in 2004, in the National Climate Plan. This regulatory document outlined the desire to apply national and European energy and climate objectives at the territorial level. This initiative laid the foundations for the principle of territorial climate-air-energy planning, which became statutory in 2015 for Public Establishment of Intercommunal Cooperation with over 50,000 inhabitants. A regulatory framework has defined the ins and outs of this planning exercise, but the first results have shown that not all local authorities have fully taken up these planning issues, due to a lack of internal competence, means and method to answer the formal exercise. Tot heir credit, the regulatory objectives imposed by the National Low Carbon Strategy were quickly judged to be out of touch and disconnected from local reality, particularly for industrial territories. More recently, a growing number of local authorities have chosen to flesh out their territorial strategy by drawing up an Energy Master Plan, a roadmap that outlines a comprehensive and integrated approach to managing energy resources. Based on a case study of the Urban Community of Dunkirk, this thesis investigates how local authorities have taken up these energy and climate planning challenges, the difficulties they face, and how the Plan Climat-Air-Energie Territoriaux (Local Climate Air Energy Plan) could become essential monitoring tools for the low-carbon transition of territories if they were equipped with real decision-support tools. The case of the Urban Community of Dunkirk is emblematic. Responsible for 4% of France's GHG emissions due to its port and industrial activities, the urban area has committed itself to implementing accelerated decarbonisation. An exploratory study is carried out based on a comparative analysis of the 2022 revised climate plan of the Urban Community of Dunkirk and the Energy Master Plan developed by the Greater Lyon Metropolis in 2019, as well as a series of interviews with the departments and researchers specialising in environmental and territorial planning. On the one hand, results identified approximations in the calculations of emissions reduction, and in particular on the formulation of the working and calculation hypotheses for energy and carbon trends by 2050 in the revised climate plan of the Urban Community of Dunkirk. They led to a lack of clarity in the presentation of the territorial strategy defined by the community. On the other hand, results showed that the Energy Master Plan of Grand Lyon allows to build a more robust action plan, whose strength lies in integrating economic, temporal, technical and governance issues. However, a number of limitations have been identified, related to the cumbersome nature of implementing integrated tools for local authorities and the rapid obsolescence of the energy diagnoses carried out on territories resulting from a difficult updating process. Finally, results showed that the decision-support tools that will be developed must meet the technical needs of fine-tuned modelling of territories, the practical needs of coordinating actions over time and measuring their impact, and the cross-sectoral needs of organising governance between all the players involved. / Energifrågorna aktualiserades i Frankrike efter oljekrisen på 1970-talet. Därefter utvecklade de lokala aktörerna strategier för att hantera energiförbrukningen på sina territorier. Klimathänsyn och behovet av att begränsa utsläppen av växthusgaser lades sedan till dessa energifrågor i början av 2000-talet. Klimatplanerna dök först upp i Frankrike 2004, i den nationella klimatplanen. I detta lagstiftningsdokument beskrevs önskan att tillämpa nationella och europeiska energi- och klimatmål på territoriell nivå. Detta initiativ lade grunden till principen om lokal klimat-, luft- och energiplanering, som 2015 blev lagstadgad för offentliga inrättningar för interkommunalt samarbete med över 50 000 invånare. Ett regelverk har definierat hur denna planering ska gå till, men de första resultaten har visat att inte alla lokala myndigheter har tagit sig an dessa planeringsfrågor fullt ut, på grund av brist på intern kompetens, medel och metoder för att svara på den formella uppgiften. De lagstadgade mål som infördes genom den nationella strategin för låga koldioxidutsläpp bedömdes snabbt vara verklighetsfrämmande och inte kopplade till den lokala verkligheten, särskilt för industriområden. På senare tid har ett växande antal lokala myndigheter valt att konkretisera sin territoriella strategi genom att utarbeta en energiplan, en färdplan som beskriver en omfattande och integrerad strategi för att hantera energiresurser. Med utgångspunkt i en fallstudie av stadsregionen Dunkerque undersöker denna avhandling hur lokala myndigheter har tagit sig av dessa utmaningar inom energi- och klimatplanering, vilka svårigheter de möter och hur den lokala klimat- och energiplanen (Plan Climat-Air-Energie Territoriaux) skulle kunna bli viktiga övervakningsverktyg för den koldioxidsnåla omställningen av territorier om de utrustades med verkliga beslutsstödsverktyg. Fallet med den urbana gemenskapen i Dunkerque är emblematiskt. Stadsområdet står för 4% av Frankrikes utsläpp av växthusgaser på grund av sin hamn- och industriverksamhet, och har åtagit sig att genomföra en snabbare utfasning av fossila bränslen. En explorativ studie genomförs baserad på en jämförande analys av den reviderade klimatplanen 2022 för Dunkerque och Energy Master Plan som utvecklades av Greater Lyon Metropolis 2019, samt en serie intervjuer med avdelningar och forskare som är specialiserade på miljö- och territoriell planering. Å ena sidan identifierar resultaten approximationer i beräkningarna av utsläppsminskningar, och i synnerhet i formuleringen av arbets- och beräkningshypoteser för energi- och koldioxidtrender fram till 2050 i den reviderade klimatplanen för Dunkerques stadsgemenskap. De leder till en brist på tydlighet i presentationen av den territoriella strategi som fastställts av kommunen. Å andra sidan visar resultaten att Grand Lyons energimasterplan gör det möjligt att bygga en mer robust handlingsplan, vars styrka ligger i att integrera ekonomiska, tidsmässiga, tekniska och styrningsfrågor. Vi har dock identifierat ett antal begränsningar som rör den besvärliga implementeringen av integrerade verktyg för lokala myndigheter och den snabba föråldringen av de energidiagnoser som utförts på territorier till följd av en svår uppdateringsprocess. Slutligen visade sig att det behövs utveckla beslutsverktyg som måste uppfylla de tekniska behoven av finjusterad modellering av territorier, de praktiska behoven av att samordna åtgärder över tid och mäta deras effekter, samt de sektorsövergripande behoven av att organisera styrning mellan alla aktörer som är involverade.
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Rural energy systems and the rural development process: a case study from Limpopo ProvinceNtobeng, Ntwampe Albert 30 April 2007 (has links)
The rapid and sustained development of the rural regions of South Africa continues to pose an
extraordinary challenge to the development community of the country. Policy makers continue to be overwhelmed by the lack of development in the rural areas in spite of the various efforts made to develop them. A review of the publications and development plans of the study region indicates that the planners have for long been pre-occupied with taking limited perspectives of the development
planning problems. Development plans have been conceived and implemented in terms of individual
sectors instead of looking at their relations with other sectors and regions.
This study seeks to make a contribution to the solution of the development problems of the rural
areas of the former homeland regions by demonstrating how an integrated approach to the research process and to development planning could make a difference to the lives of the rural communities.
This theme is illustrated with reference to the rural energy sector and its relations with the broader regional development problems, challenges and plans of the Sekhukhune district municipality of the Limpopo Province. / GEOGRAPHY / MA (GEOGRAPHY)
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