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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pokročilý výpočtový nástroj pro návrh systému čištění spalin z procesu termického zpracování odpadů / Advanced Computational Tool for Flue Gas Cleaning System Design in Thermal Processing of Waste

Kropáč, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The thesis describes the development of a computational tool that allows sophisticated analysis and design of flue gas cleaning technologies for thermal treatment of waste. The assessment of a technological composition of the process in terms of energy consumption, temperature of the flue gas stream and ensuring the fulfilment of emission limits allows estimating the influence of flue gas cleaning system on parameters of an up-to-date waste incinerator. The work is based on an already created computational system. Its output will be integrated into a software system with a user-friendly interface. Creation of the computational system is based on the performed research in the given area. The work presents sets of operational values and relationships describing current technologies used to reduce harmful emissions in the flue gas from thermal treatment of waste.

Potential for the anaerobic digestion of municipal solid waste (MSW) in the city of Curitiba, Brazil

Remy, Florian January 2018 (has links)
Curitiba is a city of two million inhabitants located in the South of Brazil. It is a pioneer in waste management in the country, and is famous for its programs promoting recycling and organic waste collection. The city is now willing to take waste management one step further by investigating new solutions to treat and recover energy from organic municipal solid waste. This report is the fruit of a collaboration between two departments of the municipality of Curitiba, four local universities, the Swedish environment protection agency and the Royal Institute of Technology – KTH. The purpose of this report is to assess the potential for the development of anaerobic digestion as a solution to treat the organic municipal solid waste generated in Curitiba. The report offers an overview of the current waste treatment and of the main sources of organic waste in Curitiba. The annual amount of organic waste generated in the city is estimated to 144,350 tons, of which 913 tons come from food markets supervised by SMAB, the secretary of food supply. Three different scenarios, corresponding to three ranges of waste sources, have been considered. In the first one, the organic wastes generated by one of the two public markets of Curitiba are treated on-site. In the second one, all the organic wastes from food markets, street markets and popular restaurants are treated together in a medium-scale anaerobic digester. In the third one, all the sources of organic municipal solid waste identified in Curitiba are considered, including residential, institutional and small commercial waste. The annual methane production is estimated to 5,400 m3, 86,000 m3 and 12,600,000 m3 respectively for the three scenarios. In the last two scenarios, the methane could be converted into electricity, resulting in an annual electricity production of 257 MWh and 37,600 MWh. The first scenario does not consider a post-treatment of the digestate remaining at the end of the digestion. Between 46 and 50 tons of digestate could be used as a liquid fertilizer on-site and the surplus could be sold. For the two other scenarios, the digestate would be dewatered and composted to be sold as a dry fertilizer. The dry fertilizer production is estimated to 386 tons and 63,000 tons respectively every year. Each of the scenario considered would be financially viable, with a discounted payback period varying from 8 months for the small-scale scenario, to over 15 years for the second scenario. The third scenario would be the most lucrative, with a net present value of about 150 million reals. / Curitiba i Södra Brasilien är en stad med två miljoner invånare som har positionerat sig som pionjär inom avfallshantering. Staden är känd i landet med sin främjande strategi för återvinning och organisk avfallshantering. Curitiba planerar att undersöka och experimentera med nya metoder för behandling av avfall kombinerad med energiåtervinning från kommunalt organiskt avfall. Denna rapport är resultat av ett samarbete mellan två avdelningar inom Curitibas kommun, fyra lokala universitet, Sveriges miljöskyddsmyndighet och den Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. Syftet med denna rapport är att utvärdera den potentialen som den anaeroba nedbrytningen har som medel för behandling av det kommunala fasta avfallet som genereras i Curitiba. Rapporten går även igenom hur avfallshanteringen ser ut i staden i dagsläget samt sammanfattar de största källorna för organiskt avfall i Curitiba. Den årliga mängden organiskt avfall som produceras i staden uppskattas till 144 350 ton, varav 913 ton kommer från livsmedelsaktiviteter som övervakas av det brasilianska livsmedelsverket SMAB. Tre olika scenarier representeras i denna rapport och omfattar tre områden av avfallskällor. I det första scenariot behandlas det organiska avfallet som genereras av en av de två köpmarknaderna i Staden direkt på plats. I det andra behandlas allt organiskt avfall från livsmedelsmarknader, gatumarknader och populära restauranger tillsammans i en medelstor anaerob kokare. I det tredje beaktas alla källor till organiskt kommunalt avfall som identifierats i Curitiba, inklusive bostads-, institutionellt och litet kommersiellt avfall. Den årliga metanproduktionen uppskattas till 5 400 m3, 86 000 m3 respektive 12 600 000 m3 för de tre scenarierna. I det andra och tredje scenariot kunde metan omvandlas till el, vilket resulterade i en årlig elproduktion på 257 MWh respektive 37 600 MWh. I det första scenariot anses inte en efterbehandling av digestatet kvar vid slutet av matsmältningen. Mellan 46 och 50 ton digestat kan användas som flytande gödselmedel på plats och överskottet kan säljas. För de två andra scenarierna skulle digestatet avvattnas och komposteras för att senare säljas som torr gödsel vars produktion beräknas uppgå till 386 ton respektive 63 000 ton varje år. Alla tre scenario som presenteras i denna rapport anses vara ekonomiskt genomförbara med en diskonterad återbetalningstid som varierar mellan 8 månader för det första scenariot till över 15 år för det andra scenariot. Det tredje scenariot anses vara det mest lukrativa med ett nuvärde på ca 150 miljoner realer.

Sammankoppling av tryckluftssystem i SBC / Connection of compressed air system at SBC

Küller, Victor, Garp, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har genomförts på AstraZenecas produktionsanläggning i Gärtuna, Södertälje och behandlar ett av AstraZenecas dyraste media, tryckluft. Mer specifikt behandlar rapporten tryckluftsanläggningen i byggnad 921 (B921) där optimal drift på kompressorerna inte har lyckats uppnås på grund av att kapaciteten på kompressorerna inte matchar flödesbehovet i byggnaden, som i sin tur har skapat onödiga kostnader och utgifter. Det centrala tryckluftssystemet som finns i Gärtuna har på vissa delar en underkapacitet och är hårt belastat. Detta beror på att Astra Zeneca också har underkapacitet på elnätet i Gärtuna som minskar möjligheterna till att sätta in större kompressorer på området. Genom att sammankoppla dessa system kan det centrala systemet avlastas samtidigt som kompressorerna i B921 får arbeta som de är tillverkad för att göra. Målet med arbetet har varit att hitta lösningar för att uppnå en bättre drift på kompressorerna i B921 samtidigt som redundansen i byggnaden och hela produktionsområdet i stort ökar genom att bygga ihop tryckluftssystemet i B921 med det centrala tryckluftssystem som finns på Gärtuna och betjänar övriga delar av anläggningen. Samtidigt som det centrala värmeåtervinningssystemet ansluts till B921 för att optimera energiförbrukningen genom att ta tillvara på den värme som uppstår vid komprimering av luft. Efter genomfört arbete framkom att bästa lösningsalternativet för att åtgärda den ojämna och osäkra driften på kompressorerna är att koppla samman tryckluftssystemet i B921 med det centrala tryckluftssystemet som betjänar övriga delar av Gärtuna. Genom att göra detta kommer kompressorerna kunna arbeta kontinuerligt på ett effektivt flöde. Samtidigt kommer B921 att kunna förse det centrala systemet med luft, något som ökar tillgängligheten för hela Gärtuna. Dock kommer ingen luft att kunna erhållas från det centrala systemet då B921 arbetar på ett högre tryck. Vidare så kommer värmeåtervinningen att öka när det centrala värmeåtervinningssystemet ansluts till kompressorernas kylning. Något som även kommer minska utsläppen av koldioxid då behovet av fjärrvärme kommer minska. / This thesis work has been done together with AstraZeneca at their manufacturing site in Gärtuna, Södertälje. The work treats the compressed air system which is their most expensive media. This report will be about the compressed air system in building 921 (B921) where the operation is not optimal due to low flow requirements which do not meet the specifications of the compressor. This has created unnecessary costs and losses in energy.The central compressed air system at Gärtuna that supplies most of the production has under capacity. While there is under capacity in the electricity network at Gärtuna which limits the possibility to use bigger compressors. By connecting these systems the central system will be relieved and the compressors in B921 will get the workload they are designed for. The goal with this thesis have been to achieve a better operation for the compressors in B921 as well as achieve higher redundancy in both B921 and gärtuna by connecting the compressed air systems. At the sametime the heat recovery system will be connected to B921 to optimize the recovery by recovering the heat in the compressor. After completing the work, it emerged that the best alternative to fix the workload on the compressors is to connect the compressed air system in B921 with Gärtuna. By doing this the compressors workload will be the same as they are designed for. This will increase the availability for Gärtuna. B921 will not be able to receive air from the centralsystem, due to a higher pressure in B921. The heat recovery will be increased when the heat recovery system will be connected to the compressors. Which will decrease the emissions of carbondioxide due to less need of district heating.

Mathematical and Molecular Modeling of Ammonia Electrolysis with Experimental Validation

Estejab, Ali 14 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Metodología basada en el desarrollo de estrategias de regulación para la mejora de indicadores de sostenibilidad a través de la instalación de microgeneración eléctrica en sistemas de distribución presurizados

Macías Ávila, Carlos Andrés 19 January 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El agua y la energía son unos de los recursos más importantes para el desarrollo de la sociedad. El nexo entre el agua y la energía es de gran interés por su importancia dentro de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. Como respuesta a la búsqueda de la sostenibilidad y la mejora de la calidad de vida, se desarrollan nuevas tecnologías que permiten la recuperación de energía mediante el potencial hidráulico que existe en las redes de distribución de agua urbana o de riego. El exceso de presión, envejecimiento de las tuberías y otros factores externos, incrementan los niveles de fugas, afectando al rendimiento volumétrico en las redes de distribución de agua potable. Esta pérdida del recurso agua es sinónimo de pérdidas económicas, debido a que el caudal a inyectar para lograr satisfacer la demanda hídrica será mayor para compensar el volumen perdido por fugas. Las fugas suponen una pérdida de energía en la red, lo que obligará a incrementar la presión en las estaciones de bombeo para cumplir las presiones mínimas requeridas en las tomas, el aumento de la potencia en estos equipos generará mayores costes energéticos. La creación de energía renovable remplaza la producción de energía no renovable permitiendo la reducción de gases de efecto invernadero. La presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal desarrollar estrategias hidráulicas para mejorar la recuperación de energía en los sistemas de distribución de agua considerando la influencia de las fugas en el sistema, mediante la optimización de la ubicación y selección de bombas funcionando como turbinas (PATs). El cumplimiento del objetivo de esta tesis requirió de la elaboración de cuatro artículos publicados, que permitieron (i) la contextualización sobre las fugas, demostrar los métodos de cálculo existentes para la estimación de las fugas en las redes de distribución y su influencia en el rendimiento volumétrico de los sistemas. En este punto se analizó 45 redes de distribución de agua con fugas y 17 redes donde se habían instalado PATs, lo que permitió definir diferentes indicadores claves de rendimiento (KPIs) y caracterizar el estado de las redes; (ii) la propuesta de de diferentes expresiones de regresión que permitan definir las tres curvas operaciones cuando las PATs operan bajo la estrategia de velocidad de rotación variable, estas son: curva de altura de mejor eficiencia (BEH), curva de mejor altura de potencia (BPH) y curva de mejor flujo de potencia (BPF); (iii) la propuesta de una metodología que permita definir la ubicación y la selección del sistema de recuperación de energía, a través de un procedimiento de simulación de doble recocido en una red de riego; y (iii) la aplicación y mejora de la metodología en una red de abastecimiento de agua urbana. / [CA] L'aigua i l'energia són uns dels recursos més importants per al desenvolupament de la societat. El nexe entre l'aigua i l'energia és de gran interés per la seua importància dins dels objectius de desenvolupament sostenible. Com a resposta a la cerca de la sostenibilitat i la millora de la qualitat de vida, es desenvolupen noves tecnologies que permeten la recuperació d'energia mitjançant el potencial hidràulic que existeix en les xarxes de distribució d'aigua urbana o de reg. L'excés de pressió, envelliment de les canonades i altres factors externs, incrementen els nivells de fugides, afectant el rendiment volumètric en les xarxes de distribució d'aigua potable. Aquesta pèrdua del recurs aigua és sinònim de pèrdues econòmiques, pel fet que el cabal a injectar per a aconseguir satisfer la demanda hídrica serà major per a compensar el volum perdut per fugides. Les fugides suposen una pèrdua d'energia en la xarxa, la qual cosa obligarà a incrementar la pressió en les estacions de bombament per a complir les pressions mínimes requerides en les preses, l'augment de la potència en aquests equips generarà majors costos energètics. La creació d'energia renovable reemplaça la producció d'energia no renovable permetent la reducció de gasos d'efecte d'hivernacle. La present tesi té com a objectiu principal desenvolupar estratègies hidràuliques per a millorar la recuperació d'energia en els sistemes de distribució d'aigua considerant la influència de les fugides en el sistema, mitjançant l'optimització de la ubicació i selecció de bombes funcionant com a turbines (*PATs). El compliment de l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi va requerir de l'elaboració de quatre articles publicats, que van permetre (i) la contextualització sobre les fugides, demostrar els mètodes de càlcul existents per a l'estimació de les fugides en les xarxes de distribució i la seua influència en el rendiment volumètric dels sistemes. En aquest punt es va analitzar 45 xarxes de distribució d'aigua amb fugides i 17 xarxes on s'havien instal·lat *PATs, la qual cosa va permetre definir diferents indicadors claus de rendiment (*KPIs) i caracteritzar l'estat de les xarxes; (*ii) la proposta de de diferents expressions de regressió que permeten definir les tres corbes operacions quan les *PATs operen sota l'estratègia de velocitat de rotació variable, aquestes són: corba d'altura de millor eficiència (*BEH), corba de millor altura de potència (*BPH) i corba de millor flux de potència (*BPF); (*iii) la proposta d'una metodologia que permeta definir la ubicació i la selecció del sistema de recuperació d'energia, a través d'un procediment de simulació de doble recuit en una xarxa de reg; i (*iii) l'aplicació i millora de la metodologia en una xarxa de proveïment d'aigua urbana. / [EN] Water and energy are some of the most important resources for the development of society. The nexus between water and energy is of great interest due to its importance within the sustainable development goals. In response to the search for sustainability and the improvement of quality of life, new technologies are developed that allow the recovery of energy through the hydraulic potential that exists in the urban or irrigation water distribution networks. Excess pressure, pipe aging and other external factors increase leak levels, affecting volumetric performance in drinking water distribution networks. This loss of water resources is synonymous with economic losses, since the flow to be injected to satisfy the water demand will be greater to compensate for the volume lost due to leaks. Leaks mean a loss of energy in the network, which will force an increase in the pressure in the pumping stations to meet the minimum pressures required in the intakes. The increase in power in this equipment will generate higher energy costs. The creation of renewable energy replaces the production of non-renewable energy allowing the reduction of greenhouse gases. The main objective of this thesis is to develop hydraulic strategies to improve energy recovery in water distribution systems considering the influence of leaks in the system, by optimizing the location and selection of pumps working as turbines (PATs). Fulfilling the objective of this thesis required the preparation of four published articles, which allowed (i) contextualization of leaks, demonstrating existing calculation methods for estimating leaks in distribution networks and their influence on performance volumetric systems. At this point, 45 water distribution networks with leaks and 17 networks where PATs had been installed were analyzed, which made it possible to define different key performance indicators (KPIs) and characterize the state of the networks; (ii) the proposal of different regression expressions that allow defining the three operating curves when the PATs operate under the variable rotation speed strategy, these are: best efficiency head curve (BEH), best power head curve (BPH) and best power flow curve (BPF) ; (iii) the proposal of a methodology that allows defining the location and selection of the energy recovery system, through a double annealing simulation procedure in an irrigation network; and (iii) the application and improvement of the methodology in an urban water supply network. / Macías Ávila, CA. (2022). Metodología basada en el desarrollo de estrategias de regulación para la mejora de indicadores de sostenibilidad a través de la instalación de microgeneración eléctrica en sistemas de distribución presurizados [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191525 / Compendio

Advanced Technologies for Resource Recovery and Contaminants Removal from Landfill Leachate

Iskander, Syeed Md 25 April 2019 (has links)
Landfill leachate contains valuable, recoverable organics, water, and nutrients. This project investigated leachate treatment and resource recovery from landfill leachates by innovative methods such as forward osmosis (FO), bioelectrochemical systems (BES), and advanced oxidation. In this study, a microbial fuel cell (MFC) removed 50-75% of the ammonia from a leachate through the electricity driven movement of ammonium to the cathode chamber followed by air stripping at high pH (> 9). During this process, the MFC system removed 53-64% of the COD, producing a net energy of 0.123 kWh m-3. Similarly, an integrated microbial desalination cell (MDC) in an FO system recovered 11-64% of the ammonia from a leachate; this was affected by current generation and hydraulic retention time in the desalination chamber. The MDC-FO system recovered 51.5% of the water from a raw leachate. This increased to 83.5% when the FO concentrate was desalinated in the MDC and then recirculated through the FO unit. In addition, the project investigated humic acid (HA) recovery from leachate during the synergistic incorporation of FO, HA recovery, and Fenton's oxidation to enhance leachate treatment and to reduce Fenton's reagent requirements. This led to the investigation of harmful disinfection byproducts (DBPs) formation during Fenton's oxidation of landfill leachate. The removal of leachate UV-quenching substances (humic, fulvic, and hydrophilic acids) using an MFC and a chemical oxidant (i.e., sodium percarbonate) with a focus on energy production and cost efficiency were also studied. BES treatment can reduce leachate organics concentrations; lower UV absorbance; recover ammonia; and, in combination with FO, recover water. Although BES is promising, significant work is needed before its use in landfill leachate becomes practical. FO application to leachate treatment must consider the choice of an appropriate draw solute, which should require minimal effort for regeneration. Resources like HA in leachate deserve more attention. Further efforts can focus on purification and application of the recovered products. The emerging issue of DBP formation in leachate treatment also requires attention due to the potential environmental and human health effects. The broader impact of this study is the societal benefit from more sustainable and cost-efficient leachate treatment. / Doctor of Philosophy / On average, each of us produces 3 – 4 pounds of solid waste every day. In the U.S., the yearly generation of solid waste is 250 million tons, while the global generation is 1.1 billion tons. The global management cost of solid waste is around 200 billion dollars. About half of U.S. municipal solid waste ends up in landfills, in China, this number is 80%. Among the different municipal solid waste (MSW) management approaches, landfilling is the most common because of its low cost and relatively low maintenance requirements. In a landfill, the combination of precipitation and solid waste degradation produce leachate, a complex wastewater. A ton of municipal solid waste can generate 0.05–0.2 tons of leachate in its lifetime during the process of landfilling. Leachate contains a vast array of pollutants, which can result in major environmental impact and adverse human health risk if not contained and treated appropriately. At present, leachate is mostly treated biologically, without any resource recovery. Among the myriad recoverable resources in landfill leachates, water and ammonia are the most abundant. We applied innovative approaches such as, bioelectrochemical systems, forward osmosis, advanced oxidation to recover resources and remove contaminants from leachate simultaneously. We also incorporated these novel technologies to help each other. For instance, we recovered humic fertilizer from leachate prior to advanced oxidation (i.e., Fenton’s oxidation) that helped the reduction of Fenton’s reagent requirements. The next step of our study could be the pilot scale application of the proposed techniques so that it can be applied in field. The broader impacts of this study include improvements in sustainability and cost efficiency of leachate treatment that can benefit the society.

Träavfallshantering vid nyproduktion av byggnader : Åtgärdsförslag för att minska mängden träavfall och öka återbruk av träprodukter vid nyproduktion

Cordts, Linda, Nordlund, Isabel January 2024 (has links)
I takt med att medeltemperaturen på jorden ökar och allt fler krav ställs på företag gällande hållbarhetsarbete behöver konsumtionen minska. Bygg- och anläggningssektorn står för 20 procent av Sveriges växthusutsläpp och genererar 14,2 miljoner ton avfall varje år, där större delen av avfallet är dåligt sorterat och ibland funktionsdugligt. Ökandet av återbruk och återvinning skulle medföra både miljömässiga och ekonomiska nyttoeffekter. Detta examensarbete genomfördes tillsammans med Einar Mattsson Byggnads AB där syftet var att undersöka avfallshanteringen, problematiken som finns och hur den går att förbättra för att minska mängden träavfall att gå till energiåtervinning. Studien har innefattat intervjuer med logistikansvariga, träleverantörer, hantverkare och arbetsledare för att bilda en uppfattning om nuvarande avfallshantering och möjligheten till återbruk eller alternativa lösningar. Detta har kompletterats med en enkät och observationer från ett nyproduktionsprojekt där träavfallet har identifierats och volymuppskattats. Kombinationen av använda metoder fastställde engångspall som största fraktion i träavfallet och att mycket avfall bestod av spill från träfiberskivor och konstruktionsvirke. Det framgår att det finns en positiv inställning till återbruk och att ökad plats och kommunikation i stort hade minskat avfallsmängden. Träavfall som inte går att undvika kan i stället gå till produktion av träfiberskivor. En branschgemensam förändring hade kunnat bidra till en omställning men att det för ett enskilt företag kan vara svårt. För att minska mängden lastpall i avfallet ses införande av retursystem som en lönsam och hållbar åtgärd. / Due to the increasing average temperature of the earth and the increase in requirements the consumption must decrease. The construction industry in Sweden currently accounts for 20 per cent of the green house emission and generates 14,2 million tons of waste each year. An increased reuse and recycling would bring both environmental and economic benefits. The thesis is produced in collaboration with Einar Mattsson AB with the purpose to investigate the possibilities to decrease the amount of wood waste in new construction building and to present a recommendation of solutions. To do that, the study has included interviews with logistic managers, wood suppliers, craftsmen, and supervisors which made it possible to estimate current waste management and the possibility of reuse or alternative solutions. The interviews were supplemented with questionnaires and observations form a new construction project, where the volume of wood waste was identified and estimated. This resulted in the largest fraction being disposable pallets and waste of material. Furthermore, the suggested solutions to decrease the waste of wood are believed to be increased communication between all actors involved and greater space of storage may lead to an improved waste management. Also, a change in working methods and agreements with suppliers is required. Wood waste that still occurs should be used in manufacturing of wooden fiberboards used in building production.

Membrane-Based Energy Recovery Ventilator Coupled with Thermal Energy Storage Using Phase Change Material for Efficient Building Energy Savings

Mohiuddin, Mohammed Salman 12 1900 (has links)
This research work is focused on a conceptual combination of membrane-based energy recovery ventilator (ERV) and phase change material (PCM) to provide energy savings in building heating, ventilation & air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. An ERV can recover thermal energy and moisture between the outside fresh air (OFA) entering into the building and the exhaust air (EA) leaving from the building thus reducing the energy consumption of the HVAC system for cooling and heating the spaces inside the building. The membranes were stacked parallel to each other forming adjacent channels in a counter-flow arrangement for OFA and EA streams. Heat and moisture is diffused through the membrane core. Flat-plate encapsulated PCM is arranged in OFA duct upstream/downstream of the ERV thereby allowing for further reduction in temperature by virtue of free cooling. Paraffin-based PCMs with a melting point of 24°C and 31°C is used in two different configurations where the PCM is added either before or after the ERV. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and heat and mass transfer modeling is employed using COMSOL Multiphysics v5.3 to perform the heat and mass transfer analysis for the membrane-based ERV and flat-plate PCMs. An 8-story office building was considered to perform building energy simulation using eQUEST v3.65 from Department of Energy (DOE). Based on the heat and mass transfer analysis, it is found that the sensible effectiveness (heat recovery) stood in the range of 65%-97% while the latent effectiveness (moisture recovery) stood at 55%-80%. Also, the highest annual energy savings achieved were 72,700 kWh in electricity consumption and 358.45 MBtu in gas consumption.

Právní úprava skládkování odpadů / Landfilling legislation

Černý, David January 2016 (has links)
Abstract AJ The goal of this thesis is to thoroughly chart the problem of waste management in Czech Republic and the European Union and to outline legal and economic situation in waste treatment and in its alternatives. This thesis deals with different types of landfills, their technical aspects and methods of depositing waste. The thesis also tries to point out material and energetic use of waste before landfilling. Recycling is considered to be important because it decreases the amount of waste stored in landfills. Composting and anaerobic digestion are the other methods of disposal. The thesis also describes the possibilities of usage of the landfill gasses with the help of cogeneration units. The thesis refers to current level of waste landfilling in the Czech Republic and in other countries of the European Union. Key words: waste management, landfilling, landfills, waste sorting, material recovery from waste, recycling, composting, energy recovery from waste, incineration,

Study of convective heat transfer phenomena for turbulent pulsating flows in pipes / Etude du transfert thermique convectif dès écoulements turbulents pulsés dans un conduit cylindrique

Simonetti, Marco 15 December 2017 (has links)
Dans le but de réduire la consommation en carburant et les émissions de CO2 des moteurs à combustion interne, un des leviers, qui a intéressé diffèrent acteurs dans le secteur automobile, est la récupération de l’énergie thermique disponible dans les gaz d’échappement. Malgré différents technologie ont été investigués dans le passé; les transferts de chaleur qui apparient dans les gaz d’échappement n’ont pas encore étés suffisamment étudiés. Le fait que les échanges de la chaleur apparent dans des conditions pulsatives, notamment due aux conditions de fonctionnement moteur, rende les connaissances acquis jusqu’à présent limités et ne pas exploitables. A l’état actuel on n’est pas capable de pouvoir prédire le transfert thermique convectif des écoulements pulsé. Les travaux de cette thèse s’instaurent dans la continuité de ce besoin, l’objectif principal est donc l’étude expérimentale du transfert thermique convectif des écoulements turbulent pulsés dans un conduit cylindrique. La première partie de ce travail a été consacrée à le dimensionnement d’un moyen d’essais permettant la création d’un écoulement pulsé type moteur; en suite différents méthodes de mesures ont étés développes afin de connaitre les variations instantanés de vitesse et température de l’écoulement. Plusieurs essais ont été reproduits afin de caractériser l’impact de la pulsation sur le transfert de la chaleur. Les résultats expérimentaux ont été analysés avec deux approches différentes: dans un premier temps une approche analytique 1D a permis de mettre en évidence le mécanisme principal responsable de l’amélioration du transfert thermique convectif,ainsi, il a fourni des éléments supplémentaires pour le futur développement de modèles mathématiques plus adaptés à la prédiction des transferts d’énergie. En suite une approche 2D, supporté d’une phase de modélisation numérique, a permis de caractériser le mécanisme de transport radial d’énergie thermique. / Waste Energy Recovery represents a promising way to go further in fuel saving and greenhouse emissions control for Internal Combustion Engine applications. Although several technologies have been investigated in the past few years, the convective heat transfers, playing an important role in the energy exchanges at the engine exhaust, has not receive enough attention. Heat transfers, in such applications, occur in pulsating conditions because of the engine operating conditions, making thus the actual knowledge of the heat transfer phenomena limited and not exploitable. Nowadays there is not any model capable to predict convective heat transfers for pulsating flows. In this context, the present thesis addresses the purpose to study the convective heat transfer phenomena, by an experimental approach, occurring for turbulent pulsating flows in pipes. In the first part of this work, an experimental apparatus has been designed to reproduce an exhaust type pulsating flow in fully managed conditions, as well as, several measurement techniques have been developed to know the instantaneous profiles of air temperature and velocity. Many experiments have been performed in order to characterize the impact of the flow pulsation on the convective heat transfers. In the second part of this work, the experimental results have been analyzed with two different approaches: firstly, with a 1D assumption the time-average convective heat transfers has been computed, and the major mechanism responsible of the heat transfer enhancement has been pointed out. Furthermore, it has been possible to highlight the mathematical term representative of such mechanism, which should be accounted in future to define a more adapted numerical model for the heat transfer prediction. In a second phase with a 2D assumption, and, with an energy and a fluid-mechanic computational phase, the radial transport of thermal energy has been characterized for a pulsating flow.

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