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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification and evaluation of internal leakages of a BFB Boiler integrated within a pulp and paper mill.

Gomez, Adrian January 2018 (has links)
Alternative fuels like biomass have become really popular in the last decades as a substitute to fossil fuels. One of the most used technologies in Sweden for the obtention of the energy from the biomass is its direct combustion in a boiler. Bomhus Energi is a company with the purpose of creating steam and district heating for Billerudkorsnäs pulp and paper mill in Gävle and district heating for the city by operating a biomass BFB boiler. Despite being a quite new boiler, there are many sources of errors, losses and unnecessary costs. Between huge number of different losses that can happen in this kind of industrial boilers, the concern about internal leakages is not usually popular among plant designers and operators. This often leads to forget about them or not giving the importance that they could have.This study consists on, firstly, an analysis of different boiler equipment that have potential possibilities of internal leakages by mass and energy balances and by the tracking of possible mass losses. The second point of this thesis is to evaluate the cost of internal leakages that could have happen before, in order to be aware of how important they are. Additionally, measures are proposed in order to avoid or reduce the duration of the internal leakages, where the most common problem is the ignorance of their existence. This study focuses partially on the valve condition and maintenance. It is highly important to carry out valve maintenance procedures at least once per year during the general stop of the plant. Checking and verifying valve perfect conditions, can avoid a waste of a huge quantity of money just by replacing some internal elements that are possibly damaged due to the extreme working conditions. This small damages in valve can lead to a non-proper water tightening, which will be increasing its leakage over time. In the present paper, possible internal leakages through the valves belonging to the feedwater, steam drum, preheater and pressure vessel in general have been the principal aim. The key of this study was to take into account that biggest part of the draining system and valves that are supposed to be closed end in the Bottom blowdown tank. By then a deep study was done regarding this tank. The results show that there is a clear relationship between mass that is getting loss from feedwater tank and pressure vessel and the necessary cooling flow in the bottom blowdown tank. This means that if the cooling flow increases at the same rate as a possible leakage in mass and energy balance, there is an internal leakage somewhere in the system. The author proposes add an alarm to the DCS system in order to alert the plant operations of possible internal leakages. On the other hand, this paper also recommends to carry out a general valve maintenance per year and check which of them could be leaking, a general stop is the perfect time for carrying it out.In conclusion, the study finds that internal leakages can be even automatically detected if the system is provided with the necessary tools for it. The study concludes that internal leakages are not impossible to detect and their cost is non-negligible: the latest two internal leakages in the boiler, happened in the last two years, were from the feedwater draining system and from the steam drum heating loop with a total cost of 200,000 SEK (4240 SEK/day during 47 days) and 263,000 SEK (2120 SEK/day during 124 days) respectively. Additionally, days after the study, the plant general stop was carried out, finding that 12 valves were leaking due to internal damage. The cost of repairing the broken or damaged elements were almost negligible compared with the expected savings estimated in 2 Million SEK per year.

Calibração de modelo de decaimento de cloro aplicado a setor de rede de distribuição de água / Calibration of the chlorine decay model applied to a prototype water supply distribution network sector

Moraes, Fausto de Assis 29 September 2008 (has links)
O crescente adensamento populacional em grandes centros urbanos vem propiciando crescentes demandas hídricas. Esse fato aliado às limitações das fontes para abastecimento, tanto do ponto de vista quantitativo como qualitativo, impõe que políticas de gerenciamento da água sofram transformações no futuro próximo. Nesse sentido, devem merecer atenção especial as técnicas de reuso, bem como o uso racional e otimizado da água em meio urbano. O presente trabalho enfoca um dos principais aspectos do gerenciamento da qualidade da água para abastecimento, que é a manutenção do residual de cloro no interior da rede conforme a Portaria 518/2004. Trata-se de um problema complexo, uma vez que o cloro decai, ao longo do tempo, e se mistura nos nós da rede, sofrendo mudanças de concentração. Visando à modelagem e simulação do comportamento do cloro residual como uma ferramenta eficiente de gerenciamento dos sistemas de distribuição de água, muitos estudos têm sido realizados e reportados pela literatura assumindo-se que os efeitos do decaimento são representados pelos coeficientes Kbulk e Kwall. O presente trabalho realiza a calibração hidráulica e de qualidade para um setor de distribuição de água real do município de São Carlos - SP - Brasil, considerando o vazamento. Para tanto, calibradores hidráulicos já testados por outros autores foram usados, e um calibrador de qualidade para resolução do problema inverso, que utilizam em conjunto o simulador EPANET 2.0 e os algoritmos genéticos (AGs) como ferramenta de otimização, foram desenvolvidos. Foi evidenciada a importância de se considerar o vazamento na calibração hidráulica e conseqüentemente na calibração de qualidade. Foi desenvolvida também uma metodologia para a calibração dos parâmetros dos AGs através do uso do \"Particle Swarm Optimization\" (PSO). Foram testados ainda diversos modelos de vazamento para determinação de qual modelo seria capaz de representar de maneira mais fidedigna o comportamento hidráulico da rede e os resultados obtidos apontaram os modelos que admitem vazamento por comprimento linear da tubulação como sendo mais adequados. / The rising population density of large urban centers is gradually increasing water supply demands. This together with the paucity of water sources requires that the future water administration policies go through a transformation from both quantitative and qualitative points of view. Thus rational use of available water and water reuse deserve special attention in the urban environment. This study focuses on one these main aspects of water quality management, namely, the maintenance of residual chlorine in the hydraulic network according the respective Directive nº 518/2004. This is a complex problem in view of the fact chlorine decays in time and undergoes mixing at the network nodes, consequently producing changes in its concentration. Numerous studies on modeling and simulation of behavior of residual chlorine, as an efficient water distribution system management tool, have been made and reported in literature. These studies assume that chlorine decay in the network can be represented through Kbulk and Kwall coefficients. This research work conducts hydraulic and water quality calibration of a prototype water distribution sector in the city of São Carlos - SP - Brazil, while taking into account leakages in the network. Hydraulic calibration programs previously tested by others and a water quality calibration program were employed for the solution of the inverse problem for determination of unknown parameters. This problem was solved using hydraulic simulator EPANET 2.0 in conjunction with the genetic algorithms (AGs). These procedures showed the importance of considering network leakages in hydraulic calibration and consequently in the calibration of water quality. A method for the calibration of AG parameters was also developed through the use of \"Particle Swarm Optimization\" (PSO). Various representations for leakage were tested in order to identify the model that best described the hydraulic performance of the network. Thus it was possible to show that the models, which consider leakage per unit length, were the most adequate.

Μελέτη της επίδρασης του CO2 στην ποιότητα υπόγειων υδάτων, υπό συνθήκες ροής

Τερζή, Αικατερίνη 16 May 2014 (has links)
Η διαρροή αέριου CO2 προς υπερκείμενους ταμιευτήρες υπογείων υδάτων ως συνέπεια της δέσμευσης και αποθήκευσης του σε υπόγειους γεωλογικούς σχηματισμούς μπορεί να έχει αντίξοες συνέπειες στη ποιότητα του πόσιμου νερού. Μελέτες έχουν δείξει ότι υψηλά επίπεδα CO2 στο πόσιμο νερό ταμιευτήρων μπορεί να αυξήσει τις συγκεντρώσεις ιχνοστοιχείων μετάλλων σε ανεπιθύμητα επίπεδα. Η παρούσα εργασία αποτελεί μία μελέτη, υπό συνθήκες συνεχούς ροής, της επίδρασης της εισβολής CO2 σε ταμιευτήρες πόσιμου νερού λόγω πιθανών διαρροών από τους υπόγειους σχηματισμούς αποθήκευσης. Η ορυκτολογική σύσταση πυριτικής άμμου τροποποιήθηκε, με την ελεγχόμενη από το pH καθίζηση οχτώ μετάλλων (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd). Διοξείδιο του άνθρακα και νερό διοχετεύονταν ταυτόχρονα σε μία στήλη γεμάτη με την τροποποιημένη άμμο, ενώ σε μία άλλη απαράλλακτη στήλη, διοχετευόταν μόνο νερό (πείραμα αναφοράς). Από τις εκροές των δύο στηλών συλλέγονταν δείγματα νερού και γινόταν μέτρηση των συγκεντρώσεων των μετάλλων με φασματοσκοπία ατομικής απορρόφησης (AAS). Το πείραμα διήρκεσε 2 μήνες. Η ορυκτολογική ανάλυση της άμμου πριν και μετά το τέλος των πειραμάτων έγινε με ηλεκτρονική μικροσκοπία σάρωσης και στοιχειακή ανάλυση μέσω φασματοσκοπίας διασποράς ενέργειας (SEM-EDS), φωτοηλεκτρική φασματοσκοπία ακτίνων Χ, (XPS)και ατομική απορρόφηση (AAS). Η διάλυση του CO2 στο νερό μείωσε το pH, αυξάνοντας τις συγκεντρώσεις των μετάλλων Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, στα δείγματα εκροής. Επιπλέον, οδήγησε σε μερική εκρόφηση του Cr, σε ολική εκρόφηση του Cd αλλά με πολύ γρήγορο ρυθμό σε σχέση με το πείραμα αναφοράς, ενώ δεν αποδεσμεύτηκε καθόλου ο Fe. Για να προσδιοριστεί η ευαισθησία του συντελεστή κατανομής κάθε μετάλλου στο pH, πραγματοποιήθηκαν συμπληρωματικά πειράματα διαλείποντος έργου και τα αποτελέσματα προσαρμόστηκαν σε ισόθερμες Freudlich. Για την ποσοτική ερμηνεία του πειράματος συνεχούς ροής, αναπτύχθηκε ένα δυναμικό μακροσκοπικό μοντέλο της διεργασίας με τη σύζευξη των φαινομένων μεταφοράς με τις αντιδράσεις διαλυτοποίησης του CO2 στο νερό και απελευθέρωσης των μετάλλων στην υδατική φάση. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι η απελευθέρωση των μετάλλων στην υδατική φάση υπό συνθήκες ροής μοντελοποιήθηκε ως διεργασία εκρόφησης 2-θέσεων (ισορροπίας και μη ισορροπίας). Οι παράμετροι εκρόφησης των μετάλλων εκτιμήθηκαν με δυναμική προσαρμογή του μακροσκοπικού μοντέλου μεταφοράς/αντιδράσεων σε πειραματικές μετρήσεις της χρονικής μεταβολής της συγκέντρωσης των κατιόντων μετάλλων στην εκροή της στήλης. / Potential leakages of CO2 to shallow aquifers, as a result of its storage in underground reservoirs, could have adverse impacts on the groundwater quality. The mineralogical composition of well-sorted silica sand is modified by the pH-controlled precipitation of eight metals (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd). Gas carbon dioxide and distilled, deaerated water are both injected in a fixed-bed column packed with the modified sand. In another identical column distilled and deaerated water is injected. Metal concentration in effluent by both columns is measured with atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Mineralogical analysis of sand before and after the flow tests is done by Scanning Electron Microscopy – X-ray Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), and AAS. Due to continuous CO2 dissolution, the pH is decreased and the release of Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Co is enhanced profoundly, the release of Cr increases moderately, the Cd dissolution accelerates, whereas Fe is strongly bonded as goethite and does not dissolve almost at all. To determine the sensitivity of partition coefficient for each metal with pH, batch experiments is done and the results were adjusted to isothermal Freudlich. The metal release from solid phase is modeled by a two-site desorption model (equilibrium and non-equilibrium), which is coupled with flow and mass-transfer processes. Inverse modeling of the flow test quantifies the dynamics of metal release in terms of equilibrium and kinetic desorption parameters, estimated under realistic flow conditions.

Calibração de modelo de decaimento de cloro aplicado a setor de rede de distribuição de água / Calibration of the chlorine decay model applied to a prototype water supply distribution network sector

Fausto de Assis Moraes 29 September 2008 (has links)
O crescente adensamento populacional em grandes centros urbanos vem propiciando crescentes demandas hídricas. Esse fato aliado às limitações das fontes para abastecimento, tanto do ponto de vista quantitativo como qualitativo, impõe que políticas de gerenciamento da água sofram transformações no futuro próximo. Nesse sentido, devem merecer atenção especial as técnicas de reuso, bem como o uso racional e otimizado da água em meio urbano. O presente trabalho enfoca um dos principais aspectos do gerenciamento da qualidade da água para abastecimento, que é a manutenção do residual de cloro no interior da rede conforme a Portaria 518/2004. Trata-se de um problema complexo, uma vez que o cloro decai, ao longo do tempo, e se mistura nos nós da rede, sofrendo mudanças de concentração. Visando à modelagem e simulação do comportamento do cloro residual como uma ferramenta eficiente de gerenciamento dos sistemas de distribuição de água, muitos estudos têm sido realizados e reportados pela literatura assumindo-se que os efeitos do decaimento são representados pelos coeficientes Kbulk e Kwall. O presente trabalho realiza a calibração hidráulica e de qualidade para um setor de distribuição de água real do município de São Carlos - SP - Brasil, considerando o vazamento. Para tanto, calibradores hidráulicos já testados por outros autores foram usados, e um calibrador de qualidade para resolução do problema inverso, que utilizam em conjunto o simulador EPANET 2.0 e os algoritmos genéticos (AGs) como ferramenta de otimização, foram desenvolvidos. Foi evidenciada a importância de se considerar o vazamento na calibração hidráulica e conseqüentemente na calibração de qualidade. Foi desenvolvida também uma metodologia para a calibração dos parâmetros dos AGs através do uso do \"Particle Swarm Optimization\" (PSO). Foram testados ainda diversos modelos de vazamento para determinação de qual modelo seria capaz de representar de maneira mais fidedigna o comportamento hidráulico da rede e os resultados obtidos apontaram os modelos que admitem vazamento por comprimento linear da tubulação como sendo mais adequados. / The rising population density of large urban centers is gradually increasing water supply demands. This together with the paucity of water sources requires that the future water administration policies go through a transformation from both quantitative and qualitative points of view. Thus rational use of available water and water reuse deserve special attention in the urban environment. This study focuses on one these main aspects of water quality management, namely, the maintenance of residual chlorine in the hydraulic network according the respective Directive nº 518/2004. This is a complex problem in view of the fact chlorine decays in time and undergoes mixing at the network nodes, consequently producing changes in its concentration. Numerous studies on modeling and simulation of behavior of residual chlorine, as an efficient water distribution system management tool, have been made and reported in literature. These studies assume that chlorine decay in the network can be represented through Kbulk and Kwall coefficients. This research work conducts hydraulic and water quality calibration of a prototype water distribution sector in the city of São Carlos - SP - Brazil, while taking into account leakages in the network. Hydraulic calibration programs previously tested by others and a water quality calibration program were employed for the solution of the inverse problem for determination of unknown parameters. This problem was solved using hydraulic simulator EPANET 2.0 in conjunction with the genetic algorithms (AGs). These procedures showed the importance of considering network leakages in hydraulic calibration and consequently in the calibration of water quality. A method for the calibration of AG parameters was also developed through the use of \"Particle Swarm Optimization\" (PSO). Various representations for leakage were tested in order to identify the model that best described the hydraulic performance of the network. Thus it was possible to show that the models, which consider leakage per unit length, were the most adequate.

Étude de la filtration des aérosols nanométriques / Study on nanoparticles aerosol filtration

Mouret, Guillaume 07 November 2008 (has links)
Cette étude vise à une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes rencontrés en filtration des aérosols nanométriques, c’est-à-dire inférieurs à 100 nm, neutres et/ou chargés. Pour ce faire, trois différents types de média ont été étudiés : des grilles, en acier et matières synthétiques, des filtres non tissés, en fibres de verre ou polymériques, et des lits granulaires, constitués de billes d’acier ou de zéolithe. Il ressort des résultats expérimentaux obtenus que quel que soit le média testé, l’efficacité de collecte des particules augmente lorsque le diamètre de l’aérosol diminue, et ce jusque 4 nm. Ceci entre en contradiction avec l’approche théorique dite du rebond thermique, développée par Wang et Kasper en 1991, selon laquelle l’efficacité de collecte serait susceptible de diminuer en-dessous de 10 nm. La vérification des calculs de Wang et Kasper permet d’expliquer cette incohérence, et montre, à partir de valeurs plus réalistes de l’énergie d’adhésion particule-fibre, que si le rebond thermique existe, celui-ci ne pourra se manifester qu’en-dessous de 1 nm, au mieux. Ainsi, les perméances expérimentales des différents médias testés ont pu être modélisées en tenant compte des mécanismes de collecte par diffusion et/ou par effets électrostatiques. Une étude originale sur les performances, dans le domaine nanométrique, de filtres en fibres de verre intentionnellement percés complète ce travail. Pour un même média fibreux, la perméance augmente avec le diamètre de perforation réalisée. Par ailleurs, pour une taille de perforation donnée, la perméance devient indépendante du diamètre des particules en-dessous d’une taille limite, fonction de la dimension de la perforation. Il a enfin été mis en évidence que la baisse d’efficacité est d’autant plus importante que la résistance à l’écoulement de l’air du filtre est importante. Un modèle semi-empirique, fondé sur la différenciation du flux d’aérosol traversant la fuite du flux traversant le matelas fibreux résiduel du filtre, permet de bien représenter ces états de fait / This study aims to better understand the mechanisms encountered in nanoparticles aerosol filtration, the particles being charged or not. Three different types of media were studied: stainless steel or synthetics wire screens, unwoven filters in glass or polymer fibres, and at last, granular beds made from steel or zeolite balls. Experimental results show that, whatever the media, collection efficiency increases as the particle diameter decreases down to 4 nm. This point conflicts with the so-called thermal rebound effect developed by Wang and Kasper in 1991, according to which collection efficiency could decrease below 10 nm. The checking of Wang and Kasper’s calculations enables to explain this discrepancy and shows from more probable particle-to-fibre adhesion energy values that if thermal rebound phenomenon exists, it would only be measurable below 1 nm. Then, experimental points can be modelled from both diffusion and electrostatic forces collection mechanisms. An investigation on the filtration behaviour of fibreglass filters in the nanometric domain when intentionally-pierced with calibrated needles completes the above-mentioned works. For a same media, penetration increases as the leak diameter does. On the other hand, for a given hole size, penetration becomes independent of the particle diameter below a critical scale, which is a function of the leak diameter. It was lastly shown that the efficiency of a pierced media decreases all the more that its air flow resistance is higher. A semi-empirical model based on the differentiation between the aerosol flow across the leak and the one through the residual fibrous bed of the filter enables to well represent these points

Détection des fuites d'eau dans les barrages en terre par polarisation spontanée : détermination expérimentale du potentiel zêta et du coefficient de couplage

Ould Hamoni, Mohamed Abderrahmane January 2013 (has links)
Résumé : Au Québec, les ouvrages hydrauliques représentent une source indéniable pour la production d’énergie et la gestion hydraulique, et par conséquent un moteur nécessaire pour le développement socioéconomique. De ce fait, une conception adéquate et des inspections continues sont nécessaires pour assurer la stabilité et la sécurité de ces ouvrages. Ainsi, les anomalies dans les barrages doivent être localisées dans le plus court délai. L’érosion interne est la cause principale de la rupture des ouvrages en remblai. En conséquence, l’infiltration de l’eau dans les barrages, qui engendre le phénomène d’érosion interhe, doit être détectée. Quelques méthodes non destructives ont été développées pour ausculter ces ouvrages et déterminer le niveau piézométrique dans les ouvrages en remblai. Dans le cadre de ce projet, la méthode de la polarisation spontanée a été adoptée. Cette méthode consiste à mesurer de façon passive un champ électrique généré à la surface des particules du sol par électrofiltration. Le phénomène d’électrofiltration est défini par la circulation hydrique dans la matrice poreuse d ’un matériau qui engendre un champ électrique mesurable à la surface du sol. Des essais au laboratoire de l’Université de Sherbrooke ont été réalisés pour déterminer l’effet de la circulation de l’eau sur les propriétés électriques de différents matériaux. Un dispositif d’essai a été développé et utilisé pour les essais et le modèle théorique est celui de Helmholtz-Smoluchowski. Durant les essais, l’influence de la charge hydraulique, de la température et de la granulométrie sur les propriétés électriques des matériaux ont été vérifiées. Les expériences ont pour objectif primaire de déterminer le rapport entre le coefficient de couplage et le potentiel zêta en utilisant la méthode de la polarisation spontanée. Les résultats expérimentaux obtenus ont été comparés avec des valeurs tirées de la littérature pour tester le modèle et le protocole utilisés. Étant donné que les données expérimentales correspondent avec les valeurs acceptées dans la communauté scientifique, le modèle expérimental adopté peut être considéré fiable. Ce projet est un préalable pour une recherche future qui permettra de développer un algorithme d’inversion pour déterminer et localiser les anomalies dans les ouvrages en remblai. Les études expérimentales ont démontrées que la charge hydraulique a eu un effet considérable sur les propriétés électriques des différents matériaux. Le coefficient de couplage et le potentiel zêta varie proportionnellement avec la charge hydraulique. De plus, les propriétés électriques ont subi une variation en fonction de la température du fluide. Enfin, le coefficient de couplage et le potentiel zêta des différents matériaux ont subi des variations proportionnelles à l’uniformité de chacun des matériaux. Pour un matériau plus uniforme, le coefficient de couplage est plus faible et le potentiel zêta est plus élevé. // Abstract : In Quebec, hydraulic represents an undeniable source for energy production and therefore needed an engine for economie development. Therefore, proper design and ongoing inspections are necessary to ensure the stability and safety of these structures. Thus, abnormaiities in embankment dams should be located in the shortest time. The internai erosion is the main cause of the failure of embankment dams. Consequently, the infiltration of water in dams, which generates the internai erosion, should be detected. Several non-destructive methods have been developed to auscultate these structures and determine the groundwater level in the embankment works. In this project, the self-potential (SP) method was adopted. This method consists in measuring a passive electric field at the surface of the soil. The phenomenon is defined by the electrofiltration circulation water into the porous matrix of a material which generates a measurable electric current to the ground surface. Laboratory tests at the Université de Sherbrooke were performed to determine the effect of water flow on the electrical properties for different materials. Plexiglas pipe was used for testing and the theoretical model is the Helmholtz-Smoluchowski. During the tests, the influence of hydraulic loading and temperature on the electrical properties of the materials has been checked. The experiments aim at determining the primary relationship between the coupling coefficient and zeta potential using the self-potential (SP) method. The experimental results were compared with values from the literature to confirm the model and protocol used. Thus since that the experimental data are consequent with those theoretical, experimental model adopted can be considered as reliable. This project is a prerequisite for future research that will develop an inversion algorithm to identify and locate anomalies in the embankment dams. Experimental studies have demonstrated that the hydraulic load had a significant effect on the electrical properties of different materials. The coupling coefficient and the zeta potential vary proportionally to the hydraulic load. In addition, the electrical properties underwent change depending on the fluid temperature. Finally, the coupling coefficient and zeta potential of different materials have fluctuated proportionally to the uniformity of each material. For a more uniform material, the coupling coefficient is lower and the zeta potential is higher.

Makroprudenční politika a bankovní přeshraniční kapitálové toky / Macro-prudential policy and banks' cross-border capital flows

Rabinovich, Ilia January 2018 (has links)
This thesis analyzes spillover effects of prudential policies on cross-border capital flows in the period from 2000 until 2014 for 64 countries. It estimates the size of the effect, which 9 most common prudential policy tools had on capital flows based on BIS LBS. The findings show spillover effect of general capital requirements and consumer credit capital requirements on the cross-border capital flows. This work provides analysis of spillover effects in several groups of countries with special accent on CEE countries. JEL Classification F32, F34, G21 Keywords Macroprudential policies; Prudential and supervisory measures; Cross-border banking flows; Leakages; Regulatory arbitrage; CEE Author's e-mail ilyshar@gmail.com Supervisor's e-mail adam.gersl@gmail.com

Essays in Health Economics

Appiah Minta, Audrey 19 October 2022 (has links)
My doctoral thesis examines the broad question of the effect of some recent health policies on health and also tries to measure socioeconomic inequalities. The first essay investigates the effect of public health insurance on people with vulnerable health. The second chapter analyses the effect of the legalization of marijuana on health, while the third chapter measures socioeconomic inequalities in health. In chapter 1, I study the evolution of access to health care for individuals in vulnerable health before and after the Affordable Care Act. I define leakage of health care as the aggregation of accessibility hurdles for individuals in vulnerable health. However, "being in vulnerable health" is a linguistic concept that does not have a sharp mathematical definition. I draw on the fuzzy sets theory and assume a non-dichotomous membership function to capture the linguistic imprecision. However, the task of choosing the "right" membership function remains an issue. To circumscribe this additional issue, I use a stochastic dominance approach to test for changes in leakage. In order to establish causality, I exploit two quasi-experimental settings offered by the dependent coverage and the states in which medicaid expansion took place. In order to use these quasi-experiments in a stochastic dominance framework, I extend Athey and Imbens (2006) changes in changes approach to a bivariate setting. Using data from the National Health Interview Survey, the results from a before and after analysis show that leakages are much lower in 2015 compared to 2009 in the US. These before and after results hold irrespective of a person's sex or socio-economic status. The causal analysis shows that leakages in not having insurance and access are reduced in medicaid expansion states after the ACA. Chapter 2 analyzes the implications of these recreational marijuana legalization (RML) on Body Mass Index (BMI) and some healthy behaviours. I exploit the quasi experimental nature of marijuana legalization policy in states using changes in changes and difference in difference approaches to identify the effect of these recreational marijuana policies. Using data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), the results show that recreational marijuana legalization reduces BMI for the entire population. The effect is mainly in the mid and top part of the BMI distribution. Subgroup analysis shows that the reduced BMI resulting from RML is significant among women but not among men. For females, the effect is found both at the lower tail (being underweight) and at the upper tail (morbid obesity). While we found evidence of a reduction in being overweight for both whites and non-whites due to RML, the reduction in obesity and morbid obesity was only found for non-whites. In addition, RML reduces obesity for those below 45 years. I also found evidence that RML increases alcohol consumption, has no effect on smoking of tobacco and binge drinking but reduces the probability of doing any physical activity. The final chapter explores the measurement of socioeconomic inequality using ordinal variables. Most measures of socioeconomic inequality are developed for ratio scale variables. These measures use the mean as a reference point which is non-robust in the presence of categorical variables. This chapter extends Allison and Foster (2004) median based approach to measuring inequalities to a bivariate case and provides conditions to robustly rank any two distributions of socioeconomic inequalities in well-being or mental health. Using the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), I provide robust ordering for socioeconomic inequalities in well-being and mental health for different sub-populations in 2015. The results show that there is less socioeconomic inequality in life satisfaction, happiness, mental health, and general health status among employed males and females compared to their respective unemployed groups in 2015.

Metodología basada en el desarrollo de estrategias de regulación para la mejora de indicadores de sostenibilidad a través de la instalación de microgeneración eléctrica en sistemas de distribución presurizados

Macías Ávila, Carlos Andrés 19 January 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El agua y la energía son unos de los recursos más importantes para el desarrollo de la sociedad. El nexo entre el agua y la energía es de gran interés por su importancia dentro de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. Como respuesta a la búsqueda de la sostenibilidad y la mejora de la calidad de vida, se desarrollan nuevas tecnologías que permiten la recuperación de energía mediante el potencial hidráulico que existe en las redes de distribución de agua urbana o de riego. El exceso de presión, envejecimiento de las tuberías y otros factores externos, incrementan los niveles de fugas, afectando al rendimiento volumétrico en las redes de distribución de agua potable. Esta pérdida del recurso agua es sinónimo de pérdidas económicas, debido a que el caudal a inyectar para lograr satisfacer la demanda hídrica será mayor para compensar el volumen perdido por fugas. Las fugas suponen una pérdida de energía en la red, lo que obligará a incrementar la presión en las estaciones de bombeo para cumplir las presiones mínimas requeridas en las tomas, el aumento de la potencia en estos equipos generará mayores costes energéticos. La creación de energía renovable remplaza la producción de energía no renovable permitiendo la reducción de gases de efecto invernadero. La presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal desarrollar estrategias hidráulicas para mejorar la recuperación de energía en los sistemas de distribución de agua considerando la influencia de las fugas en el sistema, mediante la optimización de la ubicación y selección de bombas funcionando como turbinas (PATs). El cumplimiento del objetivo de esta tesis requirió de la elaboración de cuatro artículos publicados, que permitieron (i) la contextualización sobre las fugas, demostrar los métodos de cálculo existentes para la estimación de las fugas en las redes de distribución y su influencia en el rendimiento volumétrico de los sistemas. En este punto se analizó 45 redes de distribución de agua con fugas y 17 redes donde se habían instalado PATs, lo que permitió definir diferentes indicadores claves de rendimiento (KPIs) y caracterizar el estado de las redes; (ii) la propuesta de de diferentes expresiones de regresión que permitan definir las tres curvas operaciones cuando las PATs operan bajo la estrategia de velocidad de rotación variable, estas son: curva de altura de mejor eficiencia (BEH), curva de mejor altura de potencia (BPH) y curva de mejor flujo de potencia (BPF); (iii) la propuesta de una metodología que permita definir la ubicación y la selección del sistema de recuperación de energía, a través de un procedimiento de simulación de doble recocido en una red de riego; y (iii) la aplicación y mejora de la metodología en una red de abastecimiento de agua urbana. / [CA] L'aigua i l'energia són uns dels recursos més importants per al desenvolupament de la societat. El nexe entre l'aigua i l'energia és de gran interés per la seua importància dins dels objectius de desenvolupament sostenible. Com a resposta a la cerca de la sostenibilitat i la millora de la qualitat de vida, es desenvolupen noves tecnologies que permeten la recuperació d'energia mitjançant el potencial hidràulic que existeix en les xarxes de distribució d'aigua urbana o de reg. L'excés de pressió, envelliment de les canonades i altres factors externs, incrementen els nivells de fugides, afectant el rendiment volumètric en les xarxes de distribució d'aigua potable. Aquesta pèrdua del recurs aigua és sinònim de pèrdues econòmiques, pel fet que el cabal a injectar per a aconseguir satisfer la demanda hídrica serà major per a compensar el volum perdut per fugides. Les fugides suposen una pèrdua d'energia en la xarxa, la qual cosa obligarà a incrementar la pressió en les estacions de bombament per a complir les pressions mínimes requerides en les preses, l'augment de la potència en aquests equips generarà majors costos energètics. La creació d'energia renovable reemplaça la producció d'energia no renovable permetent la reducció de gasos d'efecte d'hivernacle. La present tesi té com a objectiu principal desenvolupar estratègies hidràuliques per a millorar la recuperació d'energia en els sistemes de distribució d'aigua considerant la influència de les fugides en el sistema, mitjançant l'optimització de la ubicació i selecció de bombes funcionant com a turbines (*PATs). El compliment de l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi va requerir de l'elaboració de quatre articles publicats, que van permetre (i) la contextualització sobre les fugides, demostrar els mètodes de càlcul existents per a l'estimació de les fugides en les xarxes de distribució i la seua influència en el rendiment volumètric dels sistemes. En aquest punt es va analitzar 45 xarxes de distribució d'aigua amb fugides i 17 xarxes on s'havien instal·lat *PATs, la qual cosa va permetre definir diferents indicadors claus de rendiment (*KPIs) i caracteritzar l'estat de les xarxes; (*ii) la proposta de de diferents expressions de regressió que permeten definir les tres corbes operacions quan les *PATs operen sota l'estratègia de velocitat de rotació variable, aquestes són: corba d'altura de millor eficiència (*BEH), corba de millor altura de potència (*BPH) i corba de millor flux de potència (*BPF); (*iii) la proposta d'una metodologia que permeta definir la ubicació i la selecció del sistema de recuperació d'energia, a través d'un procediment de simulació de doble recuit en una xarxa de reg; i (*iii) l'aplicació i millora de la metodologia en una xarxa de proveïment d'aigua urbana. / [EN] Water and energy are some of the most important resources for the development of society. The nexus between water and energy is of great interest due to its importance within the sustainable development goals. In response to the search for sustainability and the improvement of quality of life, new technologies are developed that allow the recovery of energy through the hydraulic potential that exists in the urban or irrigation water distribution networks. Excess pressure, pipe aging and other external factors increase leak levels, affecting volumetric performance in drinking water distribution networks. This loss of water resources is synonymous with economic losses, since the flow to be injected to satisfy the water demand will be greater to compensate for the volume lost due to leaks. Leaks mean a loss of energy in the network, which will force an increase in the pressure in the pumping stations to meet the minimum pressures required in the intakes. The increase in power in this equipment will generate higher energy costs. The creation of renewable energy replaces the production of non-renewable energy allowing the reduction of greenhouse gases. The main objective of this thesis is to develop hydraulic strategies to improve energy recovery in water distribution systems considering the influence of leaks in the system, by optimizing the location and selection of pumps working as turbines (PATs). Fulfilling the objective of this thesis required the preparation of four published articles, which allowed (i) contextualization of leaks, demonstrating existing calculation methods for estimating leaks in distribution networks and their influence on performance volumetric systems. At this point, 45 water distribution networks with leaks and 17 networks where PATs had been installed were analyzed, which made it possible to define different key performance indicators (KPIs) and characterize the state of the networks; (ii) the proposal of different regression expressions that allow defining the three operating curves when the PATs operate under the variable rotation speed strategy, these are: best efficiency head curve (BEH), best power head curve (BPH) and best power flow curve (BPF) ; (iii) the proposal of a methodology that allows defining the location and selection of the energy recovery system, through a double annealing simulation procedure in an irrigation network; and (iii) the application and improvement of the methodology in an urban water supply network. / Macías Ávila, CA. (2022). Metodología basada en el desarrollo de estrategias de regulación para la mejora de indicadores de sostenibilidad a través de la instalación de microgeneración eléctrica en sistemas de distribución presurizados [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191525 / Compendio

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