Spelling suggestions: "subject:"energy field""
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Cross-country (c.c.) skiing is a complex sport discipline from both physiological and biomechanical perspectives, with varying course topographies that require different proportions of the involved sub-techniques to be utilised. A relatively new event in c.c. skiing is the sprint race, involving four separate heats, each lasting 2-4 min, with diverse demands from distance races associated with longer durations. Therefore, the overall aim of the current thesis has been to examine the biomechanical and physiological factors associated with sprint c.c. skiing performance through novel measurements conducted both in the field (Studies I-III) and the laboratory (Studies IV and V). In Study I sprint skiing velocities and sub-techniques were analysed with a differential global navigation satellite system in combination with video recording. In Studies II and III the effects of an increasing velocity (moderate, high and maximal) on the biomechanics of uphill classical skiing with the diagonal stride (DS) (Study II) and herringbone (HB) (Study III) sub-techniques were examined. In Study I the skiers completed the 1,425 m (2 x 712 m) sprint time trial (STT) in 207 s, at an average velocity of 24.8 km/h, with multiple technique transitions (range: 21-34) between skiing techniques (i.e., the different gears [G2-7]). A pacing strategy involving a fast start followed by a gradual slowing down (i.e., positive pacing) was employed as indicated by the 2.9% faster first than second lap. The slower second lap was primarily related to a slower (12.9%) uphill velocity with a shift from G3 towards a greater use of G2. The maximal oxygen uptake ( O2max) was related to the ability to maintain uphill skiing velocity and the fastest skiers used G3 to a greater extent than G2. In addition, maximal speed over short distances (50 and 20 m) with the G3 and double poling (DP) sub-techniques exerted an important impact on STT performance. Study II demonstrated that during uphill skiing (7.5°) with DS, skiers increased cycle rate and cycle length from moderate to high velocity, while cycle rate increased and cycle length decreased at maximal velocity. Absolute poling, gliding and kick times became gradually shorter with an elevated velocity. The rate of pole and leg force development increased with elevated velocity and the development of leg force in the normal direction was substantially faster during skiing on snow than previous findings for roller skiing, although the peak force was similar in both cases. The fastest skiers applied greater peak leg forces over shorter durations. Study III revealed that when employing the HB technique on a steep uphill slope (15°), the skiers positioned their skis laterally (“V” between 25 to 30°) and planted their poles at a slight lateral angle (8 to 12°), with most of the propulsive force being exerted on the inside forefoot. Of the total propulsive force, 77% was generated by the legs. The cycle rate increased across all three velocities (from 1.20 to 1.60 Hz), while cycle length only increased from moderate to high velocity (from 2.0 to 2.3 m). Finally, the magnitude and rate of leg force generation are important determinants of both DS and HB skiing performance, although the rate is more important in connection with DS, since this sub-technique involves gliding. In Studies IV and V skiers performed pre-tests for determination of gross efficiency (GE), O2max, and Vmax on a treadmill. The main performance test involved four self-paced STTs on a treadmill over a 1,300-m simulated course including three flat (1°) DP sections interspersed with two uphill (7°) DS sections. The modified GE method for estimating anaerobic energy production during skiing on varying terrain employed in Study IV revealed that the relative aerobic and anaerobic energy contributions were 82% and 18%, respectively, during the 232 s of skiing, with an accumulated oxygen (O2) deficit of 45 mL/kg. The STT performance time was largely explained by the GE (53%), followed by O2 (30%) and O2 deficit (15%). Therefore, training strategies designed to reduce energetic cost and improve GE should be examined in greater detail. In Study V metabolic responses and pacing strategies during the four successive STTs were investigated. The first and the last trials were the fastest (both 228 s) and were associated with both a substantially larger and a more rapid anaerobic energy supply, while the average O2 during all four STTs was similar. The individual variation in STT performance was explained primarily (69%) by the variation in O2 deficit. Furthermore, positive pacing was employed throughout all the STTs, but the pacing strategy became more even after the first trial. In addition, considerably higher (~ 30%) metabolic rates were generated on the uphill than on the flat sections of the course, reflecting an irregular production of anaerobic energy. Altogether, a fast start appears important for STT performance and high work rates during uphill skiing may exert a more pronounced impact on skiing performance outdoors, due to the reduction in velocity fluctuations and thereby overall air-drag. / <p>Vid tidpunkten för disputationen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete 5 inskickat</p><p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished: paper 5 submitted</p>
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Optimal Grid Connected Inverter Sizing for Different Climatic ZonesDiyad Elmi, Mohamed, Manoharan, Lavaraj January 2019 (has links)
Grid connected inverter requires accurate and appropriate sizing which depends on the temperature, inverter operating efficiency, performance ratio, annual system yield and solar radiation characteristics. The aim of this study was to design and size for optimum sizing factor for grid connected inverter. The main component to be considered in any photovoltaic grid connected system is the inverter since the output depends on the inverter sizing ratio, therefore optimal sizing factor was designed by considering factors that affects inverter sizing such as temperature, irradiance and the location. Large and small systems of 50 kW and 5 kW respectively were considered to determine grid connected inverter sizing factors for different climates in Kenya, Sweden, and India using PVsyst simulation. Two different inverter brands of SMA and ABB with 20 kW and 25 kW rating for large system and 4.6 kW, 4 kW inverters for small system. PVsyst simulation result showed that different locations with different orientation angles, the optimum sizing varies hence affects the annual performance of the system. Photovoltaic system inverters are sized based on the rated power of the installed system and this can be achieved when the inverter size is either almost matching or not. In this case the study presents the optimal sizing factor for grid connected inverter for Mandera in Kenya, Norrköping in Sweden and Kerala in India. The determination was done through the use of designing, assessing and analyzing of the relationship between the sizing factor with performance ratio, operational efficiency and annual hourly energy yield. The unique weather profile in Kerala and in Mandera favors the adoption of solar energy technology in the location. Solar radiation for one year was used as a baseline input and the result reveals that Mandera receives yearly radiation of 2.1 MWh/m² while Kerala and Norrköping receives 2 MWh/m² and 1.1 MWh/m² respectively. Design simulation using PVsyst tool made it possible for the determination of the optimal sizing factor for the grid connected system. Considerations such as the losses and the variations within the specific location was done and a graph showing the relationship between the sizing factor in relation to the operational inverter efficiency as well as energy yield and performance ratio was later on compared to see the behavior of the sizing factor. The study concludes that operational efficiency, performance ratio and energy yield affects the array optimum sizing ratio. For the three locations, inverters (SMA and ABB) shows different variations because optimal sizing ratio depends on the location and irradiation. The results reveal that Mandera has an optimal grid connected inverter sizing of the range from 1.1 to 1.4 while in Kerala it has from 1.2 to 1.4 and Norrköping has the range from 1.1 to 1.3. Optimal sizing of grid connected inverters depends on the energy yield and the location therefore the inverter mismatch voltage and its rating values have to be considered while determining the optimal sizing factor. The 25 kW inverters in all the locations had better efficiency and sizing factor and this proves that sizing the photovoltaic inverter will give better performance and efficiency.
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Impact of Solar Resource and Atmospheric Constituents on Energy Yield Models for Concentrated Photovoltaic SystemsMohammed, Jafaru 24 July 2013 (has links)
Global economic trends suggest that there is a need to generate sustainable renewable energy to meet growing global energy demands. Solar energy harnessed by concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) systems has a potential for strong contributions to future energy supplies. However, as a relatively new technology, there is still a need for considerable research into the relationship between the technology and the solar resource. Research into CPV systems was carried out at the University of Ottawa’s Solar Cells and Nanostructured Device Laboratory (SUNLAB), focusing on the acquisition and assessment of meteorological and local solar resource datasets as inputs to more complex system (cell) models for energy yield assessment.
An algorithm aimed at estimating the spectral profile of direct normal irradiance (DNI) was created. The algorithm was designed to use easily sourced low resolution meteorological datasets, temporal band pass filter measurement and an atmospheric radiative transfer model to determine a location specific solar spectrum. Its core design involved the use of an optical depth parameterization algorithm based on a published objective regression algorithm. Initial results showed a spectral agreement that corresponds to 0.56% photo-current difference in a modeled CPV cell when compared to measured spectrum.
The common procedures and datasets used for long term CPV energy yield assessment was investigated. The aim was to quantitatively de-convolute various factors, especially meteorological factors responsible for error bias in CPV energy yield evaluation. Over the time period from June 2011 to August 2012, the analysis found that neglecting spectral variations resulted in a ~2% overestimation of energy yields. It was shown that clouds have the dominant impact on CPV energy yields, at the 60% level.
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Ετήσια ενεργειακή απόδοση πλαισίων λεπτού φιλμ και ισοδύναμη μοντελοποίησηΤσόλκας, Γεώργιος 16 June 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός αυτής της διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι να εμβαθύνουμε στη λειτουργία των
φωτοβολταϊκών πλαισίων λεπτού φίλμ (και συγκεκριμένα των πλαισίων άμορφου πυριτίου - a-Si -
και CIS) και μέσα από τα αριθμητικά δεδομένα, να αποφανθούμε πώς η λειτουργία σε πραγματικές
συνθήκες μπορεί να επηρεάσει την παραγόμενη ισχύ τους.
Στα πλαίσια αυτά, πραγματοποιήθηκαν πειραματικές μετρήσεις, στο χώρο της ταράτσας του
κτιρίου του τμήματος των Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών, με
φωτοβολταϊκά πλαίσια άμορφου πυριτίου και CIS ισχύος αιχμής 32 και 75 W αντίστοιχα. Οι
μετρήσεις πραγματοποιούνταν μια φορά την εβδομάδα κατά τη διάρκεια ενός ημερολογιακού έτους
(Μάιος 2009-Απρίλιος 2010) υπό διάφορες συνθήκες ακτινοβολίας και θερμοκρασίας και για
αρκετές γωνίες κλίσης, με σκοπό να αποκτήσουμε μια ολοκληρωμένη εικόνα της ενεργειακής τους
Οι μετρήσεις πραγματοποιήθηκαν με τη βοήθεια του μηχανήματος PVPM 2540C το οποίο
αποτυπώνει τη χαρακτηριστική ρεύματος-τάσης του προς μέτρηση πλαισίου για μια χρονική στιγμή
(σε χρόνο δυο δευτερολέπτων περίπου), ενώ επιπλέον σημειώναμε την ακτινοβολία, τη
θερμοκρασία του περιβάλλοντος, καθώς και την κλίση τοποθέτησής τους. Επίσης μελετούσαμε πώς
επηρεάζει τη χαρακτηριστική καμπύλη I-V, και κατά συνέπεια την απόδοση, τυχόν σκίαση από
παρακείμενο αντικείμενο. Ο προσανατολισμός των πλαισίων ήταν πάντα προς το Νότο, ώστε να
έχουμε περισσότερες ώρες ηλιοφάνειας, διότι η Ελλάδα είναι χώρα του βόρειου ημισφαιρίου.
Κατά την επεξεργασία των μετρήσεων καταλήξαμε στην βέλτιστη κλίση τοποθέτησης των
πλαισίων ανά εποχή καθώς και σε μία βέλτιστη κλίση τοποθέτησης για όλο τo χρόνο για την
περιοχή της Πάτρας. Επιπλέον, υπολογίσαμε με τη μέγιστη δυνατή ακρίβεια την ετήσια ενεργειακή
απόδοση του κάθε πλαισίου για όλο το έτος και συγκρίναμε τα παραγόμενα αποτελέσματα. Τέλος,
με τη βοήθεια του προγράμματος PV*Sol, κάναμε μια μοντελοποίηση του χρησιμοποιούμενου
συστήματος για να συγκρίνουμε μ’ αυτή τα πειραματικά μας αποτελέσματα. / The aim of this diploma thesis is to understand deeply the operation of thin-film (specifically
amorphous silicon and CIS ) modules and through the numerical data of measurements and
calculations, to make a conclusion considering how the operation in real conditions can influence
their produced power.
Measurements of current and voltage have been realized on the roof of the building of the
department of Electrical and Computer Engineering using an amorphous silicon and a CIS
photovoltaic module of 32 and 75 W peak power respectively. The measurements took place once
a week during one a year (May 2009-April 2010) and our goal was to obtain measurements under various conditions of radiation and temperature and for some tilt angles so that we acquire enough
knowledge on their energy behaviour.
The measurements were taken by the “pve PVPM 2540C“ device, which plots the characteristic
curve of current and voltage of a module (in space of two seconds) and we also noted down the
radiation, the ambient temperature, as well as the tilt angle of the modules. Moreover, we have
tested how a possible natural shading from an adjacent object influences the characteristic I-V
curve, and as a result the efficiency of the module. The orientation of the module was always South,
in order to gain more hours of sunlight, as Greece is a country of the northern hemisphere.
While processing the measurements, we found the optimal tilt angle of the modules per season as
well as per year for Patras area. Moreover, we tried to calculate with the maximum possible
accuracy, the annual energy yield by the two different types of modules and compare the results.
Finally, by using the computer modelling system “PV*sol”, we tried to simulate our photovoltaic
system, in order to compare the measured results to the experimental.
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Impact of Solar Resource and Atmospheric Constituents on Energy Yield Models for Concentrated Photovoltaic SystemsMohammed, Jafaru January 2013 (has links)
Global economic trends suggest that there is a need to generate sustainable renewable energy to meet growing global energy demands. Solar energy harnessed by concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) systems has a potential for strong contributions to future energy supplies. However, as a relatively new technology, there is still a need for considerable research into the relationship between the technology and the solar resource. Research into CPV systems was carried out at the University of Ottawa’s Solar Cells and Nanostructured Device Laboratory (SUNLAB), focusing on the acquisition and assessment of meteorological and local solar resource datasets as inputs to more complex system (cell) models for energy yield assessment.
An algorithm aimed at estimating the spectral profile of direct normal irradiance (DNI) was created. The algorithm was designed to use easily sourced low resolution meteorological datasets, temporal band pass filter measurement and an atmospheric radiative transfer model to determine a location specific solar spectrum. Its core design involved the use of an optical depth parameterization algorithm based on a published objective regression algorithm. Initial results showed a spectral agreement that corresponds to 0.56% photo-current difference in a modeled CPV cell when compared to measured spectrum.
The common procedures and datasets used for long term CPV energy yield assessment was investigated. The aim was to quantitatively de-convolute various factors, especially meteorological factors responsible for error bias in CPV energy yield evaluation. Over the time period from June 2011 to August 2012, the analysis found that neglecting spectral variations resulted in a ~2% overestimation of energy yields. It was shown that clouds have the dominant impact on CPV energy yields, at the 60% level.
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Effect of Torque Tube Reflection on Shading and Energy Yield in Bifacial Photovoltaic SystemsCoathup, Trevor 15 May 2023 (has links)
Bifacial photovoltaic (PV) modules have greater energy yield than traditional monofacial modules because they convert front and rear incident irradiance to electrical energy. Single-axis tracking systems can further increase energy yield and reduce the levelized cost of energy by rotating the modules throughout the day. However, racking elements in tracking systems introduce both shade and reflections on the rear face, increasing irradiance nonuniformity and fostering further electrical mismatch that reduces module power. The impact of racking, particularly that of the torque tube which spans the middle of the rear collector surface, must be accurately quantified in energy yield predictions to increase stakeholder confidence, and hasten the adoption of tracked bifacial modules.
Isolating the torque-tube-reflected irradiance incident on the modules is crucial for this work. This is achieved by implementing arbitrary two-dimensional (2D) irradiance sampling on a module under test in bifacial_radiance, a ray tracing bifacial PV model, and taking the difference in rear irradiance profiles for simulations with a reflective and an absorptive torque tube at each timestamp. We calculate the TT reflection for the central one-in-portrait (1P) and two-in-portrait (2P) modules on horizontal single-axis trackers over hourly timestamps in a typical meteorological year in Livermore, California, USA.
We introduce the TT reflection 2D irradiance profiles as additional light sources in DUET to quantify the TT reflection's impact on irradiance, electrical mismatch, and energy yield, as well as an incidence angle modifier's impact on TT reflection. We analyze the TT reflection based on sun zenith and diffuse fraction to group consistent illumination conditions across the year.
We identify that TT reflection reduces electrical mismatch by partially offsetting TT shading, and increases annual energy yield by 0.11% and 0.18% in our particular 1P and 2P systems. While the overall impact of TT reflection is greater in the 2P system due to direct beam light incident on the TT, the TT reflection's greatest instantaneous relative contribution to total energy yield is larger for the 1P system, at high diffuse fractions and sun zeniths.
For future work, we recommend validating simulation results with and without TT reflection against experimental data. The simulation method used for isolating the TT reflection may also be repurposed to help inform new TT designs that minimize electrical mismatch. Finally, instead of relying on bifacial_radiance to isolate the TT reflection, we recommend incorporating the TT as a Lambertian reflective surface in 3D view factor models with detailed shading for further TT reflection simulations.
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Evaluation of long-term energy yield estimation methods for photovoltaic-wind hybrid energy systemsPerez-Cazard, Alexandre January 2024 (has links)
The thesis project outlined in this report aims to comprehensively assess and optimize methods for long-term power production estimation of hybrid PV-wind energy systems. Through practical case studies, this approach seeks to exemplify the challenges and opportunities inherent in such systems. The research is conducted within the Wind Technical Team of Akuo Energy, an independent French renewable energy producer, leveraging their extensive expertise in technologies, industry practices, and data processing. The primary objective is to evaluate the relevance of two key parameters used in Akuo’s internal estimation methods, focusing on their impact on long-term production and revenues within the context of hybrid PV-wind energy systems. These parameters include unavailability losses, modeled on an hourly basis using Markovian transition matrices, and interannual variability of resources, statistically modeled by randomly shuffling yearly production profiles of individual wind and solar plants. Python will be employed to generate hybrid production time series, incorporating the models for unavailability losses and interannual variability. This approach facilitates the creation of multiple scenarios for sensitivity analysis, allowing for the variation of parameters to compare the productivity and profitability of different scenarios. The study sheds light on the importance of employing realistic models to account for unavailability losses, revealing that simpler models tend to overestimate revenues from hybrid power plants systematically. Moreover, the research shows the impact of interannual variability of resources on both production and revenues, emphasizing the necessity of generating multiple scenarios to anticipate best and worst-case outcomes. Ultimately, the results of this study aim to assist the company on the necessity and relevance of using such models for calculating long-term production and revenues in future hybrid PV-wind projects, as opposed to current simpler methods. / Det avhandlingsprojekt som beskrivs i denna rapport syftar till att heltäckande utvärdera och optimera metoder för långsiktig kraftproduktionsestimering av hybrid PV-vindenergisystem. Genom praktiska fallstudier söker detta tillvägagångssätt att exemplifiera de utmaningar och möjligheter som är inneboende i sådana system. Forskningen utförs inom vindtekniska teamet på Akuo Energy, en oberoende fransk producent av förnybar energi, där man dra nytta av deras omfattande expertis inom teknik, branschpraxis och datahantering. Det primära målet är att utvärdera relevansen av två viktiga parametrar som används i Akuos interna estimeringsmetoder och fokuserar på deras påverkan på långsiktig produktion och intäkter inom ramen för hybrid PV-vindenergisystem. Dessa parametrar inkluderar otillgänglighetsförluster, modellerade på timbasis med hjälp av Markovska övergångsmatriser, och årlig variabilitet av resurser, statistiskt modellerade genom att slumpmässigt ordna årliga produktionsprofiler för enskilda vind- och solanläggningar. Python kommer att användas för att generera hybridproduktionsserier och inkludera modeller för otillgänglighetsförluster och årlig variabilitet. Detta tillvägagångssätt möjliggör skapandet av flera scenarier för känslighetsanalys, vilket gör det möjligt att variera parametrar för att jämföra produktiviteten och lönsamheten för olika scenarier. Studien belyser vikten av att använda realistiska modeller för att ta hänsyn till otillgänglighetsförluster och visar att enklare modeller tenderar att systematiskt överskatta intäkter från hybridkraftverk. Dessutom visar forskningen påverkan av årlig variabilitet av resurser på både produktion och intäkter och betonar nödvändigheten av att generera flera scenarier för att förutse bästa och sämsta fall. Slutligen syftar resultaten av denna studie till att bistå företaget när det gäller nödvändigheten och relevansen av att använda sådana modeller för att beräkna långsiktig produktion och intäkter i framtida hybrid PV-vindprojekt, jämfört med nuvarande enklare metoder.
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Co-located offshore wind and tidal stream turbinesLande-Sudall, David January 2017 (has links)
Co-location of offshore wind turbines at sites being developed for tidal stream arrays has been proposed as a method to increase capacity and potentially reduce the cost of electricity compared to operating either technology independently. This research evaluates the cost of energy based on capital expenditure and energy yield. It is found that, within the space required around a single 3 MW wind turbine, co-location provides a 10-16% cost saving compared to operating the same size tidal-only array without a wind turbine. Furthermore, for the same cost of electricity, a co-located farm could generate 20% more yield than a tidal-only array. These results are based on analysis of a case-study site in the Pentland Firth. Wind energy is assessed using an eddy viscosity wake model in OpenWind, with a 3 MW rated power curve and thrust coefficient from a Vestas V90 turbine. Three years of wind resource data is from the UK Met Office UK Variable (UKV) 1.5 km numerical model and corrected against a 400 m Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model run over the site. Tidal stream energy is modelled using a semi-empirical superposition of self-similar plane wakes, with a generic 1 MW rated power curve and thrust based on a full-scale, fixed-pitch turbine. Coincident tidal resource data is from the Forecasting Ocean Assimilation Model (FOAM) at 7.5 km resolution and correlated with a 150 m ADvanced CIRCulation model (ADCIRC). Wave parameters are corrected from ERA-Interim data with six months of wave buoy data. Multiple tidal turbine array layouts are considered, with maximum tidal energy generated for a staggered array with spacing of 20 tidal turbine diameters, Dt , streamwise and 1.5Dt cross-stream. However, cheapest cost of electricity from the tidal-only array, was found for a single row of turbines, due to minimal wake effects. Laboratory experiments were undertaken to validate the superposition wake model for use with large, shared support structures. Two rotors mounted either side of a central tower generate a peak wake velocity deficit 70% greater than predicted by superposition. This was due to high local blockage and a complex near-wake structure, with a corresponding increase in tower drag of 9%. Further experiments evaluated the impact of oblique inflow on turbines yawed at +/-15 degrees. These results validated a theoretical cosine correction for thrust coefficient and characterised the centreline wake drift with downstream distance. Extreme environmental loads for a shared support structure, compared to structures for wind-only and tidal-only, have also been modelled. A non-linear wave model was used to represent a single wave form with 1% occurrence for each hour of time-series data. Overturning moment about the base of a shared support, with one wind and two tidal turbines, was found to be 4.5% larger than for a wind-only turbine in strong current and with turbines in different operational states. Peak loads across the tidal array were found to vary by 2.5% and so little load reduction benefit could be gained by locating a shared support in a more sheltered area of the array.
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Probabilistic modelling techniques and a robust design methodology for offshore wind farmsAli, Muhammad January 2012 (has links)
Wind power installations have seen a significant rise all over the world in the past decade. Further significant growth is expected in the future. The UK’s ambitions for offshore wind installations are reflected through Round 1, 2 and 3 projects. It is expected that Round 3 alone will add at least 25 GW of offshore wind generation into the system. Current research knowledge is mostly limited to smaller wind farms, the aim of this research is to improve offline and online modelling techniques for large offshore wind farms. A critical part of offline modelling is the design of the wind farm. Design of large wind farms particularly requires careful consideration as high capital costs are involved. This thesis develops a novel methodology which leads to a cost-effective and reliable design of an offshore wind farm. A new industrial-grade software tool is also developed during this research. The tool enables multiple offshore wind farm design options to be built and tested quickly with minimal effort using a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The GUI is designed to facilitate data input and presentation of the results. This thesis also develops an improved method to estimate a wind farm’s energy yield. Countries with large-scale penetration of wind farms often carry out wind energy curtailments. Prior knowledge of estimated energy curtailments from a wind farm can be advantageous to the wind farm owner. An original method to calculate potential wind energy curtailment is proposed. In order to perform wind energy curtailments a network operator needs to decide which turbines to shut down. This thesis develops a novel method to identify turbines inside a wind farm that should be prioritised for shut down and given priority when scheduling preventive maintenance of the wind farm. Once the wind farm has been built and connected to the network, it operates as part of a power system. Real-time online simulation techniques are gaining popularity among system operators. These techniques allow operators to carry out simulations using short-term forecasted wind conditions. A novel method is proposed to probabilistically estimate the power production of a wind farm in real-time, taking into account variation in wind speed and effects of turbulence inside the wind farm. Furthermore, a new probabilistic aggregation technique is proposed to establish a dynamic equivalent model of a wind farm. It determines the equivalent number and parameters of wind turbines that can be used to simulate the dynamic response of the wind farm throughout the year.
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Numerical models for tidal turbine farmsShives, Michael Robert 22 June 2017 (has links)
Anthropogenic climate change is approaching predicted tipping points and there is an urgent need to de-carbonize energy systems on a global scale. Generation technologies that do not emit greenhouse gas need to be rapidly deployed, and energy grids need to be updated to accommodate an intermittent fluctuating supply. Rapidly advancing battery technology, cost reduction of solar and wind power and other emerging generation technologies are making the needed changes technically and economically feasible.
Extracting energy from fast-flowing tidal currents using turbines akin to those used in wind farms, offers a reliable and predictable source of GHG free energy. The tidal power industry has established the technical feasibility of tidal turbines, and is presently up-scaling deployments from single isolated units to large tidal farms containing many turbines. However there remains significant economic uncertainty in financing such projects, partially due to uncertainty in predicting the long-term energy yield. Since energy yield is used in calculating the project revenue, it is of critical importance.
Predicting yield for a prospective farm has not received sufficient attention in the tidal power literature. this task has been the primary motivation for this thesis work, which focuses on establishing and validating simulation-based procedures to predict flows through large tidal farms with many turbines, including the back effects of the turbines. This is a challenging problem because large tidal farms may alter tidal flows on large scales, and the slow-moving wake downstream of each rotor influences the inflow to other rotors, influencing their performance and loading. Additionally, tidal flow variation on diurnal and monthly timescales requires long-duration analysis to obtain meaningful statistics that can be used for forecasting.
This thesis presents a hybrid simulation method that uses 2D coastal flow simulations to predict tidal flows over long durations, including the influence of turbines, combined with higher-resolution 3D simulations to predict how wakes and local bathymetry influence the power of each turbine in a tidal farm. The two simulation types are coupled using a method of bins to reduce the computational cost within reasonable limits. The method can be used to compute detailed 3D flow fields, power and loading on each turbine in the farm, energy yield and the impact of the farm on tidal amplitude and phase. The method is demonstrated to be computationally tractable with modest high-performance computing resources and therefore are of immediate value for informing turbine placement, comparing turbine farm-layout cases and forecasting yield, and may be implemented in future automated layout optimization algorithms. / Graduate
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