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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alterações ambientais associadas à mineração no município de São Carlos (SP), utilizando AHP e SIG / Environmental changes associated with mining in the municipality of São Carlos (SP), using AHP and GIS

Liz Abreu Denúbila 08 November 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um método de avaliação preliminar e regional dos impactos ambientais existentes e potenciais associados às atividades minerárias em um território municipal. A avaliação foi centrada nos impactos de natureza geológico-geotécnica e sócio-biótica abrangendo as seguintes etapas: revisão bibliográfica, levantamento dos processos minerários no Departamento Nacional de Produção Mineral (DNPM), classificação dos processos ativos e inativos, definição dos polígonos dos processos para análise com os mapas analíticos. Paralelamente fez-se a elaboração da base cartográfica digital e Modelo Digital do Terreno (MDT), elaboração dos mapas de suscetibilidade à erosão e de danos e restrições ambientais utilizando AHP, vistorias de campo, e finalmente análise e elaboração da avaliação dos impactos ambientais e sugestão de medidas mitigadoras. Todas essas etapas de trabalho foram realizadas em ambiente SIG (Sistema de Informação Geográfica). Os trabalhos cartográficos foram desenvolvidos na escala 1:50.000. O método desenvolvido foi aplicado no município de São Carlos, localizado na região centro-oeste do estado de São Paulo. Como resultado obteve-se cinqüenta e cinco áreas requeridas para mineração, onde quarenta e seis estão com seus processos ativos e nove inativos. Em relação aos processos ativos existem treze áreas requeridas que já possuem minerações instaladas e em operação. O trabalho também levantou minerações abandonadas no município que foram classificadas como áreas com passivos ambientais. / This paper shows a method of preliminary and regional assessment of existing and potential environmental impacts associated with mining activities in a municipality. The review was focused on the impacts of geological and geotechnical nature and socio- biotic comprising the following steps : literature review, survey of mining processes in the National Department of Mineral Production (DNPM), classification of active and inactive processes, defining processes for polygons analysis with analytical maps. Made parallel to the preparation of digital base map and Digital Terrain Model (MDT), preparation of maps of susceptibility to erosion and damage and environmental constraints using AHP , field inspections, and finally analysis and preparation of environmental impact assessment and suggested mitigation measures. All these steps were performed work in GIS (Geographic Information System) environment. The cartographic work was done on 1:50,000 scale. The developed method was applied in São Carlos, located in the midwestern region of the state of São Paulo. As a result we obtained fifty-five areas required for mining, which forty-six are active processes with their nine inactive. In relation to active processes are required thirteen areas that already have installed and operating mines. The work also raised abandoned mines in the county that were classified as areas with environmental liabilities.

Evaluation of environmental liabilities of degradeted soils by salts in Curu Pentecoste Perimeter irrigated, Ceara / AvaliaÃÃo do passivo ambiental de solos degradados por sais no perÃmetro irrigado Curu Pentecoste, CearÃ

Josà Alfredo de Albuquerque 19 May 2015 (has links)
nÃo hà / A pesquisa tem como base fÃsica o PerÃmetro Irrigado Curu Pentecoste, jurisdicionado ao Departamento Nacional de Obras Contra as Secas, e como objetivo geral quantificar a extensÃo, o custo da reversÃo e a responsabilidade legal pelo passivo ambiental. A irrigaÃÃo pÃblica no semiÃrido brasileiro tem gerado como subproduto a degradaÃÃo dos solos por sais, formando um passivo ambiental, cuja responsabilidade legal da reversÃo à do poder pÃblico. Para quantificar a extensÃo e o custo da reversÃo do dano ambiental, inicialmente, aplicou-se um questionÃrio aos agricultores irrigantes para analisar o significado que eles dÃo aos problemas relacionados com a irrigaÃÃo, com a Ãgua de irrigaÃÃo e com a degradaÃÃo dos solos. Posteriormente, utilizou-se um sensor de induÃÃo eletromagnÃtica para medir a condutividade elÃtrica no solo, estimando-se o total de sais solÃveis em sua soluÃÃo. Os valores da condutividade elÃtrica aferidos pelo sensor nortearam a coleta de amostras de solo para fins de anÃlise fÃsica e quÃmica, procedendo-se à identificaÃÃo das Ãreas degradadas por sais. Com a definiÃÃo da extensÃo dos danos ambientais, levantaram-se os valores de produtividade das principais culturas e o valor bruto da produÃÃo agrÃcola, para aferir os custos da reversÃo do passivo ambiental. Os resultados demonstraram uma hipossuficiÃncia financeira e tÃcnica dos agricultores irrigantes; que a degradaÃÃo ambiental por sais atinge 67,27% da Ãrea do perÃmetro irrigado. Conclui-se que, em decorrÃncia dos aspectos de solidariedade, a responsabilidade civil objetiva na reparaÃÃo do dano ambiental provocado pela irrigaÃÃo à do poder pÃblico. / The research has as a physical basis the Curu Pentecoste Irrigated Perimeter, under jurisdiction of the Departamento Nacional de Obras Contra as Secas (National Department of Works to Combat Drought) and as an objective quantify the extent, the cost of reversal and legal responsibility for the environmental liability. The public irrigation in the Brazilian semi-arid has generated salt-induced soil degradation as a by-product, originating a legal liability, and its legal responsibility lies with the state authority. To quantify the extent and cost of reverting the environmental damage, initially, a survey was conducted among irrigating farmers to analyze the meaning they give to the problems related to the irrigation, the water used in irrigation and the degradation of the soil. Beforehand an electromagnetic induction sensor was used to measure the electrical conductivity in the soil, estimating the total of soluble salts in its solution. The electrical conductivity values obtained by the sensor oriented the collection of soil samples for the purposes of physical and chemical analyses, proceeding to the identification of the areas degraded by salt. With the definition of the extent of the environmental damage, the values of the main crops and the gross value of the agricultural production were collected to assess the costs of reverting the environmental liability. The results showed financial and technical insufficiencies of the irrigating farmers; that the environmental degradation by salt reaches 67,27% of the irrigated perimeter. In conclusion, as a result of the solidarity aspects, the strict civil liability in repairing the environmental damage caused by irrigation lies with the state authority.

A comparative study of liability arising from the carriage of dangerous goods between Chinese and English Law

Lu, Chang January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is about the rights and liabilities arising under English and Chinese law in respect of the carriage of dangerous cargo. It is noted that the danger in dangerous cargoes was not necessarily something in the goods themselves, but might well lie in the way they were packaged, looked after or transported. Accordingly, the responsibilities and liabilities of the various parties with regards to the carriage of dangerous cargoes are usually intertwined and complex. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse and evaluate the dangerous cargoes liabilities in English and Chinese law, by providing suggestions for existing problems in each country based on three sources: contract, tort and statute. Moreover, the chain of causation and concept of remoteness has particular importance in order to establish liability and decide which type and what amount of damage is recoverable. This thesis compares both countries’ liability regimes and how to secure compensation for its victims, and the restoration of the environment, with reference to the EU Environmental Liability Directive and relevant international conventions. The author draws her final conclusions from four important issues: (1) the meaning of dangerous cargo, the packing and handling; (2) the scheme of liability; (3) the channelling of liability; and (4) the type of recoverable damage.

Passivo ambiental de empresas em regime de insolvência.

Nascimento, Flávia de Oliveira Santos do 30 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2019-01-31T11:35:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia de Oliveira Santos do Nascimento.pdf: 416611 bytes, checksum: 23ebf9ab9c4fe8d364f82108c961cfec (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-01-31T11:35:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia de Oliveira Santos do Nascimento.pdf: 416611 bytes, checksum: 23ebf9ab9c4fe8d364f82108c961cfec (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-10-30 / Este estudo busca tratar do tema do passivo ambiental que possa ser oriundo da atividade empresarial e o tratamento desse passivo a partir da eventual insolvência empresarial e suas repercussões no mundo jurídico diante da pluralidade de sanções e normas protetivas do ambiente. Empregando método hipotético-dedutivo e dialético, o estudo tem o objetivo de desvendar a forma pela qual se dá o tratamento do passivo ambiental nos processos de recuperação judicial e de falência. Através de pesquisa bibliográfica, jurisprudencial e documental sobre o tema, no contexto nacional, o estudo apresenta análise crítica sobre a empresa na ordem econômica constitucional contemporânea. Também são tratados aspectos dos processos concursais de falência e de recuperação judicial, ao lado da questão do passivo ambiental em suas múltiplas facetas, incluindo eventual solução de multas e penalidades geradas no decorrer da existência da empresa. / This study aims to deal with the environmental liabilities that may arise from business activity and the treatment of these liabilities based on the eventual insolvency of the company and its repercussions in the legal world due to the plurality of sanctions and protective norms of the environment. Using a hypothetical-deductive and dialectical method, the study aims to uncover the way in which environmental liabilities are treated in judicial reorganization and bankruptcy proceedings. Through a bibliographical, jurisprudential and documentary research on the subject, in the national context, the study presents a critical analysis about the company in the contemporary constitutional economic order. Aspects of bankruptcy and judicial reorganization proceedings are also dealt with, along with the issue of environmental liability in its many facets, including the possible settlement of fines and penalties generated during the company's existence.

Custeio das atividades de natureza ambiental / Environmental activietes costing

Ribeiro, Maisa de Souza 07 July 1998 (has links)
Os fatos econômicos, políticos, sociais e ambientais estão levando as empresas a se conscientizarem da responsabilidade social que cabe a cada uma delas. Ao longo dos séculos, as atividades econômicas se desenvolveram sem muitas preocupações com fatores externos. Todavia, o elevado nível de degradação do patrimônio natural mundial acabou impulsionando a sociedade em geral (clientes, credores, governo, comunidade etc.) a exigir das empresas uma atuação mais responsável e enérgica no que tange à proteção ambiental. Porém, dada a complexidade dos diversos processos operacionais existentes em cada companhia e, em muitos casos, a dimensão do parque operacional, aliados aos inúmeros tipos de resíduos poluentes passíveis de serem produzidos, os mecanismos de proteção ambiental são, via de regra, enormes e complexos, implicando gastos vultosos. Tratando-se de fluxo de caixa ou de rentabilidade, qualquer investimento de ordem relevante deve merecer cuidadosos e rigorosos estudo e avaliação, devido ao fato de afetar a continuidade ou a forma de continuidade da organização. Diante da inevitabilidade destes gastos, é mister que se adote uma metodologia estratégica para o gerenciamento de custos, visando à otimização dos recursos consumidos e à identificação de estratégias competitivas. O custeamento das atividades realizadas para o controle, preservação e recuperação ambiental evidencia-se como a metodologia mais apropriada para identificar e apurar os custos ambientais, em função do nível de detalhamento do consumo de recursos. A metodologia tradicional da Contabilidade, de alocação de custos por meio de rateio, impossibilita a visualização dos fatores que realmente consomem os recursos econômicos e financeiros da empresa. A gestão estratégica de custos ambientais é fundamental para o bom desempenho das empresas, como também para informar, adequadamente, aos usuários externos acerca da atuação da empresa, relativamente à proteção ambiental. Informar que investimentos estão sendo realizados não é o bastante; necessário se faz acrescentar dados sobre o sucesso destes investimentos, a evolução dos impactos de natureza ambiental sobre os resultados de cada período, assim como dos passivos ambientais da companhia. / The economic, political, social and environmental events are making companies aware of its social responsibilities. Over the centuries, economic activities have been carried out without much concern about external factors. However, with the increasing depletion of natural resources, society as a whole (customers, creditors, governments, communities etc) has been forced to demand more responsibility and determination on the part of companies, when it comes to environmental protection. Nevertheless, given the complexity of the various operating processes used by each company and, quite often, the size of the industrial complex, and the numerous types of pollutants likely to be released, the environmental protection mechanisms ares usually huge and complex, and as such, extremely expensive. As regards cash flow or profitability, any significant investment calls for careful, in-depth study and evaluation, because both affect an organization?s ability to continue in business, or the way it does so. Given the inevitability of such expenses, it is essential to adopt a cost management strategy aimed at optimizing resouces used and identifying competitive methods. Costing activities involved in environmental control, preservation and recovery is the most suitable method for identifying and determining overall environmental costs, due to the level of detail required in breaking down resource expenditures. Under the traditional accounting methods of appropriating cost on a prorated basis, it is impossible to identify factors that actually drain a company?s economic and financial resources. The strategic management of environmental costs is essential no only for the companies good performance, but also to properly maintain external users abreast of the company?s actions, as far as environmental protection is concerned. Simply informing about investments being made is not enough. More is needed, namely, provide additional data on the success of such investments, the way environmental developments impact each period?s results, and the company?s environmental obligations.

Implementeringen av miljöansvarsdirektivet i den svenska rätten : En europarättslig studie om förvaltningsförfarandet vid miljöskador utifrån principerna om god förvaltning och processuell autonomi / The implementation of the Directive on Environmental Liability in the Swedish legal order : A European legal study on the administrative procedure for environmental damage through the principles of good administration and procedural autonomy

Sundblad, Maria January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine how the EU directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability impacts the Swedish administrative legal order. The thesis examines the directive through two main EU principles - the principle of good administration and the principle of procedural autonomy. The EU principle of good administration as a concept contains various procedural and substantive obligations that make up the subject for examination of the directive, both as regulated in the directive and as general principles of EU law. The directive is analyzed using a comparative method to determine to what extent the procedural and substantive principles of the directive impacts the Swedish administrative law, and weather or not the Swedish regulations comply with the EU principle of good administration. The results of the study shows that, althought there’s a general principle of national procedural autonomy, the EU principles of good administration do affect the Swedish administrative regulation in various aspects, through the implementaion of the directive on environmental liability as well as general principles of EU law. Furthermore the study shows that the Swedish regulations that are used to implement the directive don’t always act in accordance with the EU principles of good administration in certain areas, which potentially could restrain the impact of the directive in the Swedish legal order.

Environmental damage in the General Environmental Law / El daño ambiental en la Ley General del Ambiente

Lanegra Quispe, Iván Kriss 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper looks at environmental damage definition stipulated by Peruvian General Environmental Law as well as its implications for the environmental policy development. It also outlines complexities involved identifying environmental damage as much as designing and implementing public policies according to Peruvian legislation processing. / El presente ensayo analiza la definición de daño ambiental querecoge la Ley General del Ambiente, así como sus implicancias para el desarrollo de la política ambiental. Describe las complejidades presentes en la identificación del daño ambiental así como en el diseño y aplicación de las políticas públicas relacionadas a su tratamiento en la legislación peruana.

The death throes of the old spanish system of liability for environmental damage / Los últimos coletazos del viejo sistema español de responsabilidad por daños ambientales

Valencia Martín, Germán 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper analyzes the last judgments in the case of the Aznalcóllar mines (or Boliden case). A well-known event in Spain that produced significant environmental damage, and that, having occurred before the new Law on Environmental Liability and to be resolved under the previous legislation, is causing countless problems for reimbursement of the substantial expenditures invested by the Spanish Public Administration inrepairing the damage. Posed a negative conflict of jurisdiction between civil and administrative courts, the Special Chamber of Conflicts of Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court has just returned the matter back to the former. To the author, it is, however, a false or apparent conflict, because of loopholes in that previous law, fortunately overcome for the future. / Este trabajo analiza las últimas resoluciones judiciales en el caso de las minas de Aznalcóllar (o caso Boliden). Un suceso bien conocido en España que produjo importantes daños ambientales y que, por ser previo a la nueva Ley de Responsabilidad Medioambiental y tenerse que resolver con arreglo a la legislación anterior, está causando innumerables problemas para obtener el reembolso de los cuantiosos gastos invertidos por las administraciones públicas españolas en la reparación de los daños. Planteado un conflicto negativo de competencia entre las jurisdicciones civil y contencioso-administrativa, la Sala Especial de Conflictos de Competencia del Tribunal Supremo acaba de devolver el conocimiento del asunto a la primera. A juicio del autor, se trata,sin embargo, de un falso o aparente conflicto, provocado por las lagunas de aquella legislación, afortunadamente superada de cara al futuro.Una versión ligeramente distinta de este trabajo, con el título de «Boliden: un extraño conflicto negativo de competencia», se va a publicar en el número 24 (2013) de la Revista Aranzadi de Derecho Ambiental, actualmente en prensa.

Custeio das atividades de natureza ambiental / Environmental activietes costing

Maisa de Souza Ribeiro 07 July 1998 (has links)
Os fatos econômicos, políticos, sociais e ambientais estão levando as empresas a se conscientizarem da responsabilidade social que cabe a cada uma delas. Ao longo dos séculos, as atividades econômicas se desenvolveram sem muitas preocupações com fatores externos. Todavia, o elevado nível de degradação do patrimônio natural mundial acabou impulsionando a sociedade em geral (clientes, credores, governo, comunidade etc.) a exigir das empresas uma atuação mais responsável e enérgica no que tange à proteção ambiental. Porém, dada a complexidade dos diversos processos operacionais existentes em cada companhia e, em muitos casos, a dimensão do parque operacional, aliados aos inúmeros tipos de resíduos poluentes passíveis de serem produzidos, os mecanismos de proteção ambiental são, via de regra, enormes e complexos, implicando gastos vultosos. Tratando-se de fluxo de caixa ou de rentabilidade, qualquer investimento de ordem relevante deve merecer cuidadosos e rigorosos estudo e avaliação, devido ao fato de afetar a continuidade ou a forma de continuidade da organização. Diante da inevitabilidade destes gastos, é mister que se adote uma metodologia estratégica para o gerenciamento de custos, visando à otimização dos recursos consumidos e à identificação de estratégias competitivas. O custeamento das atividades realizadas para o controle, preservação e recuperação ambiental evidencia-se como a metodologia mais apropriada para identificar e apurar os custos ambientais, em função do nível de detalhamento do consumo de recursos. A metodologia tradicional da Contabilidade, de alocação de custos por meio de rateio, impossibilita a visualização dos fatores que realmente consomem os recursos econômicos e financeiros da empresa. A gestão estratégica de custos ambientais é fundamental para o bom desempenho das empresas, como também para informar, adequadamente, aos usuários externos acerca da atuação da empresa, relativamente à proteção ambiental. Informar que investimentos estão sendo realizados não é o bastante; necessário se faz acrescentar dados sobre o sucesso destes investimentos, a evolução dos impactos de natureza ambiental sobre os resultados de cada período, assim como dos passivos ambientais da companhia. / The economic, political, social and environmental events are making companies aware of its social responsibilities. Over the centuries, economic activities have been carried out without much concern about external factors. However, with the increasing depletion of natural resources, society as a whole (customers, creditors, governments, communities etc) has been forced to demand more responsibility and determination on the part of companies, when it comes to environmental protection. Nevertheless, given the complexity of the various operating processes used by each company and, quite often, the size of the industrial complex, and the numerous types of pollutants likely to be released, the environmental protection mechanisms ares usually huge and complex, and as such, extremely expensive. As regards cash flow or profitability, any significant investment calls for careful, in-depth study and evaluation, because both affect an organization?s ability to continue in business, or the way it does so. Given the inevitability of such expenses, it is essential to adopt a cost management strategy aimed at optimizing resouces used and identifying competitive methods. Costing activities involved in environmental control, preservation and recovery is the most suitable method for identifying and determining overall environmental costs, due to the level of detail required in breaking down resource expenditures. Under the traditional accounting methods of appropriating cost on a prorated basis, it is impossible to identify factors that actually drain a company?s economic and financial resources. The strategic management of environmental costs is essential no only for the companies good performance, but also to properly maintain external users abreast of the company?s actions, as far as environmental protection is concerned. Simply informing about investments being made is not enough. More is needed, namely, provide additional data on the success of such investments, the way environmental developments impact each period?s results, and the company?s environmental obligations.

Les réponses pénales aux atteintes à l'environnement / Criminal responses to environmental attacks

Blanc, Marjorie 12 December 2014 (has links)
Depuis toujours, l’homme agit sur le milieu naturel pour développer son cadre de vie. Ce comportement peut avoir des effets néfastes sur l’environnement, de sorte que l’idée de le protéger a progressivement émergé dans la conscience collective. Le législateur français a ainsi développé un important arsenal législatif parmi lequel figurent des dispositions d’ordre pénal ayant vocation à sanctionner les auteurs d’atteintes à l’environnement. Mais le dispositif pénal, bien que nécessaire, ne doit pas être l’unique réponse aux atteintes à l’environnement. Il doit s’articuler avec d’autres mécanismes, tels que la responsabilité civile, et ce afin de permettre notamment la réparation du préjudice écologique. Le droit pénal de l’environnement tel qu’il est aujourd’hui mis en œuvre n’est pas satisfaisant. Il souffre d’imperfections qui affectent son efficacité. Les présents travaux tentent de remédier à cette situation. / Traditionally, the human being has acted on nature to develop its living environment. This behaviour can have bad effects on the environment, so that the idea of protecting it gradually came into the collective consciousness. The French legislature thus developed an important arsenal of laws among which we can find penal provisions made to sanction those who damage environment. But the penal system, while necessary, should not be the only answer to the environment attacks. It must be linked with other mechanisms, such as civil liability, and that in order to allow, among others, the repair of the ecological damage. Criminal law for the environment as it is implemented today is not satisfactory. It suffers from flaws that affect its efficiency. The present works try to find a remedy for this situation.

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