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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da implantação do sistema de hemovigilância no Estado de São Paulo / Evaluation of the implantation of the hemovigilance system in the state of São Paulo

Fernandes, Maria de Fátima Alves 12 June 2017 (has links)
A hemovigilância é considerada uma importante ferramenta para a segurança transfusional. Os primeiros sistemas nacionais de hemovigilância, no mundo, foram implantados na década de 1990. No Brasil, o Sistema Nacional de Hemovigilância (SNH), que é coordenado pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa), iniciou sua implantação, em 2002, com foco nas reações transfusionais (RT), em uma rede restrita de hospitais. No final de 2006, a possibilidade de notificar RT foi estendida aos demais serviços de saúde e os gestores de saúde da esfera estadual também foram inseridos nesse processo. O estado de São Paulo (SP), onde funciona um subsistema do SNH (SNH-SP), colaborou com 41% do total de RT notificadas, no período de 2002 a 2014, segundo a Anvisa. Contudo, apesar de decorridos cerca de 10 anos, o SNH-SP nunca foi avaliado. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a implantação do SNH-SP, a fim de obter subsídios para sua melhoria. Trata-se de um estudo avaliativo, utilizando-se metodologia de avaliação baseada no Updated Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Systems do Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Foram utilizadas duas bases de dados secundários: das transfusões e das notificações das RT. Foram também utilizados três questionários concebidos para identificar fatores que contribuem ou não com a adesão e com a implantação do SHN-SP, pelos hospitais, serviços de hemoterapia (SH) e pela vigilância sanitária (Visa). Eles foram respondidos por 81 hospitais, 61 SH e 22 das 28 regionais de Visa. Verificou-se que o SNH-SP tem adesão crescente dos hospitais, especialmente os de maior porte, embora a aceitabilidade destes seja baixa, quando comparada com a dos SH. Foram realizadas 12.182.981 transfusões em 947 serviços de saúde, entre 2008 a 2015, mais de 55% delas, de concentrado de hemácias. O número de notificações de RT aumenta a cada ano, mas há subnotificação geral e de alguns tipos específicos de RT. Foram notificadas 23.942 RT, por 353 serviços de saúde. As 23.734 RT ocorridas nesse período se caracterizaram, predominantemente, como imediatas (97,96%), dos tipos febril não hemolítica (51,81%) e alérgica (38,20%). Apresentaram gravidade leve (87,62%), contudo, houve 35 (0,15%) óbitos. Concentraram-se nos maiores de 50 anos (51,49%). A incidência de RT nesse período variou entre 3,44 e 4,55/1.000, sendo mais elevada nas transfusões de concentrados de granulócitos, chegando a 53,06 RT/1.000. O SNH-SP tem gestão centralizada e tanto ele quanto o sistema de informação utilizado para notificação ainda são desconhecidos de parte dos hospitais. Há déficit de pessoal para trabalhar na área, tanto nos hospitais quanto nas Visa. Há falta de integração com outros sistemas de saúde afins, sugerindo a subnotificação de doenças transmitidas pelo sangue no SNH-SP, como as hepatites B e C. A estruturação do SNH apresenta simplicidade, porém, seu funcionamento atual, em SP, prejudica a avaliação desse atributo. Ao se analisar as RT definidas como eventos sentinela, a oportunidade e a qualidade dos dados foram consideradas insatisfatórias. O SNH-SP foi considerado útil, mas ajustes são recomendados para seu efetivo funcionamento. / Haemovigilance is considered an important tool for transfusion safety. The first national hemovigilance systems in the world were implemented in the 1990s. The Brazilian Hemovigilance System (BHS), which is managed by Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa), began in 2002, focusing on the transfusion reactions (TR) in a limited hospital network. At the end of 2006, the possibility of reporting TR was extended to all health services and state health managers were also included in this process. The state of São Paulo (SP), where a BHS subsystem (BHS-SP) operates, contributed with 41% of the total reported RTs, from 2002 to 2014, according to Anvisa. However, after about 10 years, the BHS-SP has never been evaluated. The objective of this study was to evaluate the implementation of the BHS-SP, in order to obtain inputs for its improvement. This is an evaluative study, using an evaluation methodology based on the Updated Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Systems of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Two secondary databases were used: transfusions and reported TR. Three questionnaires designed to identify factors that whether or not contribute to the adherence and to the implementation of the SHN-SP, by hospitals, blood banks (BB) and by health surveillance (Visa) were also used. 81 hospitals, 61 BB and 22 out of 28 regional Visa answered them. It was verified that the BHS-SP has an increasing adherence of the hospitals, especially of the larger ones, although the acceptability of these is low, when compared with the BB. 12,182,981 transfusions were performed in 947 health services, from 2008 to 2015, more than 55% of them, of red blood cells. The number of reported TR increases each year, but there is underreporting, in general and in some specific types of RT. 23,942 TRs were reported from 353 health services. The 23,734 TR occurred in this period were characterized as immediate (97.96%), non-haemolytic (51.81%) and allergic (38.20%). They were classified as non-severe (87.62%), however, there were 35 (0.15%) fatalities. They concentrated on those over 50 years old (51.49%). The incidence of TR in this period varied between 3.44 and 4.55/1,000, higher in granulocyte concentrates transfusions, reaching 53.06 TR/1,000. The BHS-SP has centralized management. Both, the BHS-SP and the information system used for reporting TR are still unknown by the hospitals. There is a shortage of staff to work in the area, in hospitals and in Visa. There is a lack of integration with other related health systems, suggesting the underreporting of bloodborne diseases in BHS-SP, such as hepatitis B and C. The organizational structure of the BHS demonstrates simplicity, but its current functioning in SP impairs the evaluation of this attribute. When RTs defined as sentinel events were analyzed, the timeliness and the quality of the data were considered unsatisfactory. The BHS-SP was considered useful, but adjustments are recommended for its effective functioning.

Doença diarréica aguda: aspectos epidemiológicos e vigilância no município de Avaré, interior do Estado de São Paulo / Acute diarrheal illness: epidemiologic aspects and surveillance in Avaré City, inland of State of São Paulo

Cesar, Maria Lucia Vieira da Silva 21 August 2006 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A doença diarréica aguda é ainda importante causa de morbidade no mundo. Sua elevada incidência e a aceitação de sua ocorrência como fato "normal" impõem desafios para seu registro e implantação de seus sistemas de vigilância. OBJETIVOS: Conhecer as características epidemiológicas da diarréia aguda e avaliar a capacidade de detecção de surtos pelo Programa de Monitorização da Doença Diarréica Aguda, no município de Avaré. MÉTODOS: De 27 de fevereiro a 16 de julho 2005, realizou-se estudo prospectivo da diarréia em unidade sentinela do programa. Os surtos identificados foram investigados por estudos descritivos e analíticos. Amostras de fezes foram coletadas para os casos envolvidos nos surtos. A avaliação dos propósitos do programa embasou-se em indicadores de utilidade, sensibilidade e oportunidade. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 408 casos (Coeficiente de Incidência = 4,7/1000 habitantes); idade mediana de 7 anos (variação de 1 mês a 89 anos) e 54% do sexo masculino. Dos quatro surtos de diarréia confirmados, dois ocorreram em uma creche e em um orfanato, devido à Giárdia lamblia e Cryptosporidum spp.; um intradomiciliar de origem alimentar, sem identificação do agente, e uma epidemia na comunidade associada ao rotavírus. Dos casos atendidos, 63 (15,5%) pertenciam a surtos, identificando-se mais 56 casos, em um total de 119 casos (Coeficiente de Incidência de Surtos=1,4/1000 habitantes). CONCLUSÕES: O estudo mostrou que o programa responde ao seu principal propósito, respeitando-se as condições de regularidade na informação, análises dos padrões da diarréia e investigação criteriosa. Intensificar treinamentos para aumentar a habilidade das equipes locais nas avaliações e investigações é uma das principais recomendações deste estudo. / BACKGROUND: Acute diarrheal illness remains an important cause of morbidity worldwide. Its high incidence and the acceptance of its occurrence as “normal" fact impose challenges for its report and implantation of its surveillance systems. OBJECTIVES: To describe the epidemiologic characteristics of the acute diarrhea and to evaluate the capacity of the Monitoring Program of the Acute Diarrheal Illness for early detection of outbreaks, in the city of Avaré, State of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: From February 16 to July 28, 2005, was a prospective study of the diarrhea in a sentinel health service of the program. Descriptive and analytical studies were developed to investigate the potential outbreaks identified in this period. Stool samples were collected from the involved cases in the outbreaks. The evaluation of purpose of the program was based on indicators of usefulness, sensitivity and timeliness. RESULTS: A total of 408 cases were identified (incidence rate=4.7/1000 inhabitants). The median age was 7 years (range 1-89 years) and 54% were male. Among four confirmed diarrhea outbreaks, two occurred in a day nursery and orphanage, due to Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidum spp., respectively; one was caused by food in dwelling-house, without identification of the agent, and one caused by rotavirus spread citywide. Of all monitored cases, 63 (15.5%) were involved in outbreaks, linked to more 56 cases, in a total of 119 cases (outbreaks incidence rate=1.4/1000 inhabitants). CONCLUSIONS: The study showed that the program enables prompt detection and investigation of outbreaks, respected the conditions of reliability of the information, evaluation of the acute diarrhea trends and careful inquiry. To intensify training to increase the ability of local professionals to recognize patterns of possible outbreaks and for suitable investigations is one of the major recommendations of this study.

Epidemiologia e caracterização molecular de vírus da Influenza em aves residentes e migratórias no Brasil. / Epidemiology and molecular characterization of Influenza virus in migratory and resident birds in Brazil.

Golono, Miguel Augusto 11 December 2009 (has links)
Os vírus da influenza aviária têm provocado epidemias e pandemias através dos tempos, a pandemia mais devastadora que se tem notícia, a gripe espanhola em 1918, teve sua origem no vírus aviário do tipo A subtipo H1N1. Desde 2003 o vírus aviário do subtipo H5N1 infectou 442 pessoas e levou a morte 262. Além do aspecto de saúde os vírus da gripe aviária causam grande impacto econômico. O Brasil como maior exportador de frango do mundo tem muito a perder caso a gripe aviária chegue ao país. Devido às aves selvagens serem o reservatório natural influenza A, é que se faz necessário a execução do monitoramento. Apesar de existir programas de monitoramento contínuo de aves selvagens na Europa, EUA, Canadá, Japão entre outros, pouco foi feito no Brasil. Amostras coletadas de 671 aves foram testadas por meio das técnicas de GeneScan, PCR em tempo real e RT-PCR e Duplex Nested-PCR. / The avian influenza virus has caused epidemics and pandemics through the ages, the most devastating pandemic that we know, the Spanish flu in 1918, had its origin in the avian virus type A subtype H1N1. Since 2003 the avian virus subtype H5N1 has infected 442 people and led to death 262. Besides the health aspect of the avian influenza viruses cause major economic impact. Brazil as the largest exporter of chicken in the world has much to lose if bird flu reaches the country. Because wild birds are the natural reservoir of influenza A, is that it is necessary to implement the monitoring. Although programs exist for continuous monitoring of wild birds in Europe, USA, Canada, Japan and others, little has been done in Brazil. Samples collected from 671 birds were tested by GeneScan techniques, real-time PCR and RT-PCR and nested-PCR Duplex.

As práticas de vigilância na supervisão técnica de saúde do Butantã - São Paulo (SP): perspectivas para o alcance da vigilância à saúde / Surveillance practices of health technical supervision of Butantã - São Paulo (SP): perspectives to attain health surveillance

Faria, Liliam Saldanha 31 May 2007 (has links)
A Vigilância à Saúde se constitui como Modelo Assistencial com potencial para a reorganização dos processos de trabalho, a partir da análise de problemas de saúde de grupos sociais de determinado território, valendo-se da intersetorialidade e da participação popular. Neste sentido, o presente estudo teve como objetivo, geral, identificar e analisar a estruturação das ações de vigilância no âmbito da Atenção Básica à Saúde em uma região de saúde. Para tanto, foram entrevistados gerentes de Unidades Básicas de Saúde, da Supervisão de Vigilância Epidemiológica e trabalhadores responsáveis pela Vigilância Epidemiológica de Unidades Básicas de Saúde da Supervisão Técnica de Saúde do Butantã, no Município de São Paulo, totalizando 14 sujeitos. As entrevistas, realizadas no período de fevereiro a abril de 2006, foram gravadas e transcritas na íntegra, sendo resguardadas as devidas precauções éticas. O material foi analisado segundo técnica apropriada de análise de discurso, no marco teórico materialista histórico e dialético dos conceitos de processos de trabalho e saúde-doença. A vigilância epidemiológica constituiu-se como a prática predominante, incluindo seus instrumentos de trabalho tradicionais. Os principais agentes desse trabalho são a enfermeira, que mais se detém no gerenciamento das ações; os auxiliares de enfermagem, voltados para a intervenção sobre os processos de adoecimento; e os agentes comunitários de saúde em ações no âmbito extra-muros. O trabalho se apresentou fragmentado, com ações pontuais, restritas ao evento (a doença ou o surto), sem alcançar a prevenção da saúde e com tendência à alienação do trabalhador. Por outro lado, verificou-se, principalmente, que os profissionais interpretavam a vigilância à saúde de duas formas: pela ampliação do objeto da vigilância epidemiológica e integrando-se a assistência à informação em saúde; e como prática que organiza o serviço, considerando-se a unidade dialética indivíduo/coletivo que habita o território adstcrito à Unidade Básica de Saúde. Esta ultima ainda contempla a participação da população na detecção de problemas e no planejamento das ações, assim como a intersetorialidade, para alcançar a promoção da saúde. A contradição entre o conteúdo dos depoimentos e a prática da vigilância à saúde foi evidente em todas unidades investigadas. Foram identificados como limitantes para a implementação da vigilância à saúde, a precariedade de estrutura para o trabalho, incluindo a insuficiência quantitativa de recursos humanos, assim como em relação à qualificação profissional apropriada; a precariedade de recursos materiais e físicos; além da falta de incentivo político-gerencial e de participação da população para operar as ações de vigilância no sentido ampliado. Conclui-se que, no nível local, reside um potencial para transformar a organização do trabalho em saúde, atendendo-se às necessidades de saúde da população, através do Modelo da Vigilância à Saúde, a partir do trabalho em equipe e da integração da assistência à informação em saúde. Para tanto, é imprescindível a participação ativa e aliada dos trabalhadores e usuários de saúde, bem como a implantação da Educação Permanente em Saúde no âmbito das Supervisões Técnicas de Saúde para se alavancar e acompanhar esse processo / The Health Surveillance is constituted as an Assistance Model with potential to reorganize work processes, from the analysis of health problems of social groups in a specific territory, using the intersectoriality and the population participation. In this sense, the present study aimed, in general, to identify and analyze the structure of surveillance actions in the scope of Basic Health Attention in a determined region for health care. For doing so, managers of Health Basic Units, Epidemiologic Surveillance Supervision and workers responsible for Epidemiologic of Health Care Units from the Health Technical Supervision of Butantã were interviewed in the city of Sao Paulo, making up 14 subjects. The interviews were made between February and April 2006, recorded and completely transcript, keeping the ethical precautions. The material was analyzed according to appropriate technique of discourse analysis, in the historic materialist theoretical mark and dialectic of concepts of health-disease and the processes of work. The epidemiological surveillance is seen as predominant practice, including its instruments of traditional work. The main agents in this work are the nurses, who mostly manage these acts; the nursing auxiliaries, turned to the intervention on the sickening process; and the health community agents in actions of outreach scope. Their work was found fragmented, with punctual actions restricted to the event (the illness or outbreak), without achieving health prevention and tended to alienate the worker. On the other hand, it was verified, mainly, that providers interpreted health surveillance in two ways: by the amplification of the object of epidemiologic surveillance and integrate it to assistance of health information, and a practice that organizes the service, considering itself as an individual/collective dialectics unit that resides the territory enlisted in the Basic health Unit. The latter still contemplates the participation of the population in detecting the problems and planning the actions, as well as intersectoriality to attain health promotion. The contradiction between statement content and the practice of health surveillance was evident in all the units searched. The precariousness of work structure, including the quantitative insufficiency of human resources, as well as related to the appropriateness of professional qualification; the precariousness of physical and material resources were all identified as barriers to implement health surveillance; besides the lack of management-political funding and the participation of the population to develop surveillance actions in a broad sense. It can be concluded that, in a local level, there is a potential to change the organization of health work, meeting the health needs of the population through a Health Surveillance Model, by teamwork and the integration of assistance in health information. For doing that, it’s imperative the active and allied participation of health workers and their users, as well as the implementation of Permanent Education in Health in the scope of Health Technical Supervisions to get it on and follow up this process

Internação hospitalar de doentes com tuberculose em Manaus e fatores sociais e ambientais.

Oliveira, Nathália França de 28 February 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Alisson Mota (alisson.davidbeckam@gmail.com) on 2015-06-10T20:30:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Nathália França de Oliveira.pdf: 1926376 bytes, checksum: 4d35759daf8e313eb31f4d1350fe95d5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2015-06-11T14:04:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Nathália França de Oliveira.pdf: 1926376 bytes, checksum: 4d35759daf8e313eb31f4d1350fe95d5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-11T14:04:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Nathália França de Oliveira.pdf: 1926376 bytes, checksum: 4d35759daf8e313eb31f4d1350fe95d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-28 / FAPEAM - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Estado do Amazonas / Objective: To identify social and environmental factors associated with hospitalization of patients with tuberculosis (TB) in Manaus-Amazonas in 2010. Method: An epidemiological cross-sectional, exploratory and analytical, which used quantitative analysis of hospitalization of patients with tuberculosis. Data collection was conducted through structured questionnaires and tested previously, patients were interviewed during hospitalization and after discharge, data were collected in their records. The population included patients admitted with TB in referral hospitals in Manaus-AM, in the period January to December 2010. Data were entered by the method of double entry, with analysis and correction of mismatches between digitizers. To assess the association between the variables that constitute the social and environmental factors in relation to comparison groups, we used the χ2 test, with significance level of 5%, with the analysis of Waste Standard (RP), significance for the positive values greater than or equal to 1.96. Results: Of the 278 cases interviewed, 43.9% had coinfection with TB-HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and only 56.1% TB. Among the social factors examined, the association was significant among coinfected source of income and wage labor (39.23%, PR = 3.10, p = 0.02), alcohol use (50.8% ; PR = 3.20, p = 0.01) and alcohol dependence (37.7%, RP = 2.50, p = 0.011). Among non-coinfected was associated with income less than minimum wage (30.8%, RP = 2.10, p = 0.040) and the source of retirement income, Family Allowance or other benefits (38.5%; PR = 3.40, p = 0.002). But among the environmental factors, the association was significant among coinfected, for the following categories: not owning their own house (32.5%, RP = 2.30, p = 0.023), the appearance of housing be masonry (80 %, RP = 3.00, p = 0.003) and presence of garbage collection day (90.8%, RP = 2.10, p = 0.042) among non-coinfected: owning their own house (79 , 6%, RP = 2.30, p = 0.023); appearance of wood or other (36.2%, RP = 3.00, p = 0.003) and do not have garbage collection day (17, 8%, RP = 2.10, p = 0.042). Conclusion: The results allow the knowledge of social and environmental characteristics of cases and TB-HIV co-infected with TB cases only hospitalized in Manaus, with the potential to direct the multidisciplinary care, especially nursing professional bearer of TB with or without associated with HIV. It allows also the development of health interventions, in order to minimize and prevent the occurrence of other outcomes. / Objetivo: Identificar os fatores sociais e ambientais associados a internação hospitalar de doentes com tuberculose (TB) em Manaus-Amazonas em 2010. Método: Estudo epidemiológico transversal, exploratório e analítico, que utilizou análise quantitativa de internação de pacientes com tuberculose. A coleta dos dados ocorreu por meio de questionários estruturados e testados previamente; os pacientes foram entrevistados durante a internação e após a alta, foram coletados dados em seus prontuários. A população incluiu os pacientes internados com TB nos hospitais de referência em Manaus-AM, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2010. Os dados foram digitados pelo método de dupla entrada, com análise e correção das incompatibilidades entre os digitadores. Para verificar associação entre as variáveis que constituem os fatores sociais e ambientais em relação aos grupos de comparação, utilizou-se o Teste χ2, ao nível de significância de 5%, com a análise dos Resíduos Padronizados (RP), significância para os valores positivos iguais ou superiores a 1,96. Resultados: Dos 278 casos entrevistados, 43,9% apresentavam coinfecção TB-HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) e 56,1% apenas TB. Dentre os fatores sociais analisados, a associação foi significativa entre os coinfectados e a origem da renda o trabalho assalariado (39,23%; RP=3,10; p-valor=0,02), ao uso de álcool (50,8%; RP=3,20; p-valor=0,01) e dependência ao álcool (37,7%, RP=2,50; p-valor=0,011). Entre os não coinfectados houve associação com o rendimento menor que um salário mínimo (30,8%; RP=2,10; p-valor=0,040) e a origem desta renda a aposentadoria, Bolsa Família ou outros benefícios (38,5%; RP=3,40; p-valor=0,002). Já dentre os fatores ambientais, a associação foi significativa entre os coinfectados, para as seguintes categorias: não possuir moradia própria (32,5%; RP=2,30; p-valor=0,023), o aspecto da moradia ser alvenaria (80%; RP=3,00; p-valor=0,003) e a presença da coleta de lixo diária (90,8%; RP=2,10; p-valor=0,042), entre os não coinfectados: possuir moradia própria (79,6%; RP=2,30; p-valor=0,023); aspecto de madeira ou outras (36,2%; RP=3,00; p-valor=0,003) e não possuir coleta de lixo diária (17,8%; RP=2,10; p-valor=0,042). Conclusão: Os resultados permitem o conhecimento das características sociais e ambientais dos casos TB-HIV coinfectados e casos somente com TB que internam em Manaus, com o potencial de direcionar a assistência multiprofissional, principalmente do profissional de enfermagem ao portador da TB com ou sem associação com HIV. Possibilita, além disso, a elaboração de intervenções em saúde, com o intuito de minimizar e prevenir a ocorrência de outros desfechos.

The Relationships Between Sleep Disturbances, Depression, Inflammatory Markers, and Sexual Trauma in Female Veterans

Marcolongo, Ellen 22 April 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this secondary data analysis was to assess for the relationships among sleep disturbances, depressive symptoms, inflammatory markers, and sexual trauma in female veterans. This may contribute to an understanding of the physical and mental health effects of sexual trauma in female veterans. Correlational analyses were conducted to evaluate the strength of these relationships. A reported history of sexual trauma was significantly correlated with longer sleep latencies, poorer sleep efficiency, shorter sleep durations, more daytime dysfunction, and poorer overall sleep quality in female veterans. A reported history of sexual trauma was also significantly correlated with depressive symptoms including anhedonia and a negative affect in female veterans. No significant correlations were noted between inflammatory markers and a reported history of sexual trauma in female veterans. Female veterans with a reported history of sexual trauma had more trouble falling and staying asleep, had more trouble functioning during daytime hours, and had total poorer sleep quality. These veterans also appeared depressed and they found normally pleasurable activities unenjoyable. Disturbed sleep and depressive symptoms may be risk factors in the development of chronic health diseases. By assessing and treating the sleep disturbances and depressive symptoms experienced by sexually traumatized female veterans, nurses may help to prevent the development of costly and deadly chronic diseases

The two faces of smallpox : a disease and its prevention in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Sweden

Sköld, Peter January 1996 (has links)
This study deals with the history of smallpox in Sweden between 1750 and 1900 and the two preventive measures that were used against it: inoculation during the eighteenth and vaccination during the nineteenth Century. Between 1750 and 1800 300,000 children died from smallpox in Sweden. During the nineteenth Century smallpox death rates decreased considerably and by the end of the Century the disease was very rare. The purpose of this study has been to examine the occurrence of smallpox at local, regional and national levels and to explain the changes in the light of general models of the epidemiologic transition. Smallpox mortality has been analyzed by demographic variables such as age, sex, and social class. The adaptation and practise of inoculation and vaccination has been examined by using a model of preventive health care behaviour. When smallpox mortality decreased sharply at the beginning of the nineteenth century, a greater proportion of adults were represented. More men than women died. Due to diminished immunity most of those who were vaccinated became susceptible about ten years later. There is only a slight tendency that smallpox impaired a persons fertility. Sterility, however, often resulted from an infection. Disfiguring facial pockmarks were also a serious complication of smallpox infection. Those who had been infected from smallpox married later in life than those who were susceptible or vaccinated. Inoculation was never widely accepted in eighteenth-century Sweden since a fatalistic attitude did not encourage preventive measures. The physicians monopoly and a general lack of organization were other important impediments. Vaccination was successfully implemented in 1802 and became the single most important factor for the decrease in smallpox mortality. By employing the clergy and allowing everyone to practise vaccination a great majority of the new-born were immunized. Vaccination rates were raised further when the method was made compulsory in 1816. Since there were no risks involved and after experiencing the advantages of vaccination during smallpox epidemics the inhabitants of Sweden were easily to persuaded of its benefits. By then smallpox had changed from a fatal killer to a rare disease. / digitalisering@umu

Higher dietary intake of alpha-linolenic acid is associated with lower insulin resistance in middle-aged Japanese.

Tamakoshi, Koji, Murohara, Toyoaki, Matsushita, Kunihiro, Mitsuhashi, Hirotsugu, Hotta, Yo, Wada, Keiko, Otsuka, Rei, Li, Yuanying, Sasaki, Satoshi, Toyoshima, Hideaki, Yatsuya, Hiroshi, Muramatsu, Takashi 04 March 2010 (has links)
名古屋大学博士学位論文 学位の種類 : 博士(医学)(課程) 学位授与年月日:平成23年3月25日 村松崇氏の博士論文として提出された

Physical activity from the epidemiological perspective - measurement issues and health effects /

Lagerros, Ylva Trolle, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2006. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Low social support and disturbed sleep : epidemiological and psychological perspectives /

Nordin, Maria, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

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