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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Porodnické intervence ve vztahu k poruchám pánevního dna / Obstetric interventions and pelvic floor disorders

Rušavý, Zdeněk January 2016 (has links)
Obstetric interventions and pelvic floor disorders - Abstract One of the principal objectives of obstetric interventions in the second stage of labor is prevention of pelvic floor trauma and associated pelvic floor disorders. The most commonly used and also most frequently discussed interventions are manual perineal protection and episiotomy. The majority of pelvic floor disorders are of subjective nature. Therefore, tools for objectification and severity quantification of these disorders are the key to reliable comparison and identification of the most effective interventions. The aim of the dissertation was to find the most effective modification of manual perineal protection, to compare two frequently used types of episiotomy regarding all pelvic floor disorders and finally to find a consensus on the most suitable instrument for anal incontinence severity assessment. Our studies concerning manual perineal protection experimentally described the direction and extent of perineal deformation during vaginal delivery. The subsequent studies on biomechanical model demonstrated that the most effective method of manual perineal protection in peak perineal strain reduction is when the fingers are placed on the perineum 6 cm laterally and 2 cm ventrally from the posterior commissure at both sides and are...

Construire le corps féminin à travers les pratiques obstétricales à Phnom Penh, Cambodge / Constructing female body through obstetrical practices, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Schantz, Clémence 16 December 2016 (has links)
Le Cambodge est l'un des neuf pays au monde à avoir atteint l'OMD 5 des Nations Unies, c'est-à-dire à avoir diminué de trois quarts le taux de mortalité maternelle au niveau national entre 1990 et 2015. Ce taux est ainsi passé de 1020 à 161 décès maternels pour 100 000 naissances au cours de ces 25 années. Ce succès est le résultat de politiques publiques volontaristes : une politique de planification familiale, la mise en place de systèmes de financements de la santé, la formation puis le déploiement de milliers de sages-femmes sur le territoire. Cette réussite s'explique également par une mutation sociologique de premier plan : l'accouchement, qui était historiquement un événement avant tout social et qui se déroulait dans l'intimité de la maison, est devenu un événement public pour la femme et sa famille. Alors qu'en 2000 moins de 10% des femmes accouchaient dans une structure médicalisée, elles étaient plus de 80% dans cette situation en 2014, traduisant ainsi la biomédicalisation massive et soudaine de l'accouchement dans tout le pays. Cette recherche sociodémographique remet en question la vision idéalisée des Nations Unies concernant la santé maternelle au Cambodge en rendant visibles et en observant les pratiques obstétricales « par le bas » à partir d'une enquête empirique sur plusieurs terrains à Phnom Penh et en Kandal (milieu rural). La méthodologie développée conjugue une observation participante, à des entretiens semi-directifs auprès de soignants et de non soignants (hommes et femmes), des questionnaires auprès de femmes enceintes puis accouchées (cohorte), ainsi qu'une collecte de données médicales dans quatre maternités de Phnom Penh. Les résultats montrent que certains hôpitaux et cliniques pratiquent des épisiotomies systématiques, ce qui est contraire aux recommandations internationales, et que le taux de césariennes dans la capitale a presque triplé en quinze ans, dépassant depuis le début des années 2000 le seuil de 10% recommandé par l'OMS. Enfin, une pratique répandue de périnéorraphies visant à resserrer fortement le vagin de femmes jeunes et en bonne santé après des accouchements par voie basse, sans indication médicale, est courante dans la capitale. Ces pratiques obstétricales, historiquement construites, vont alors fréquemment être détournées de leur usage médical pour répondre à une demande sociale. Le corps des femmes a été appréhendé dans cette recherche comme un corps social et politique, révélateur des rapports sociaux, sur lequel se jouent de nombreux enjeux de pouvoirs. La thèse a révélé que ces trois pratiques obstétricales faisaient système en se renforçant les unes les autres. A l'intersection entre corps, genre et biomédecine, la recherche a montré que ces différentes pratiques obstétricales pouvaient être conçues comme des instruments de domination. Le genre, tel qu'il est pensé dans la société, va contribuer à fabriquer un sexe féminin, mais aussi à construire un corps féminin de façon plus générale. Mais la thèse a dévoilé également que certaines de ces pratiques vont être saisies par les femmes, afin d'accroître leur attractivité sexuelle, leur permettant de renégocier les rapports de genre, et de maintenir l'harmonie et la stabilité du couple. / Cambodia is one of the nine countries worldwide to have reached the United Nations - MDG 5. A reflection of this achievement is a 75% drop in the national maternal mortality ratio from 1020 to 161 deaths for 100 000 live births between 1990 and 2015. This success is the result of voluntary public policies i.e. a family planning policy; the set-up of health care financing systems; and the training of thousands of midwives across the country. A deep sociological transformation can also help to explain this success. While childbirth in Cambodia used to be a private event, which took place at home, it has now become a public event for women and their families. In 2000, less than 10% of women were giving birth in a medicalized structure. By 2014, this number rose to over 80%, showing the sudden and massive biomedicalization of childbirth across the country. This socio-demographic research challenges the idealized vision of the United Nations regarding maternal health in Cambodia by showing and observing obstetrical practices on the ground, from an empirical study led in several setups in Phnom Penh and in Kandal province (rural sector). This mixed method research draws from participant observation, semi-structured interviews with healthcare professionals and patients (men and women), questionnaires with pregnant women (pre- and post- childbirth), as well as examination of medical records from four Phnom Penh maternity wards. The results show that episiotomies are systematically performed in some hospitals and clinics, in contradiction with international recommendations. Furthermore, the number of caesarean sections in Phnom Penh has almost tripled in fifteen years, and since the beginning of the 2000s it is above the 10% threshold recommended by the WHO. Finally, in the capital city, a common practice is observed: perineorraphy, which aims at tightening the vagina of young and healthy women shortly after a vaginal delivery without any medical indication. These three obstetrical practices have historical roots and are now frequently used outside of their medical purpose, as a response to a rising social demand. In this research, women' body has been considered as a social and political object that reveals social relationships, where many power negotiations occur. The thesis shows that these three obstetrical practices are interconnected and form a system. At the intersection between body, gender and biomedicine, these different obstetrical practices can be understood as tool of domination that seeks to shape the female body according to social expectations. In this way, the perception of gender in a society shapes the female body, and more precisely, the female sexual organs. Nevertheless, some of these practices are nowadays consciously chosen by women to increase their erotic capital, in an attempt to renegotiate gender relationships and preserve marital harmony.

Die Episiotomie in der akademischen Diskussion

Nahlik, Constance 23 August 2006 (has links)
Einleitung: Ein Eingriff, der in der heutigen Zeit sehr häufig angewandt wird, gleichzeitig aber Thema einer kontroversen wissenschaftlichen Debatte ist, ist die Episiotomie. Methode: Dieser Untersuchung liegt eine qualitative Analyse von 39 Dissertationen im Fach Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe zu Grunde, die im Zeitraum zwischen 1885 und 1996 an deutschen Hochschulen und Universitäten zum Thema Episiotomie veröffentlicht wurden. Die Doktorarbeiten wurden anhand eines Fragerasters untersucht und die Ergebnisse in Tabellenformaten zusammengefasst. Ergebnisse: Es ist festzustellen, dass eine Entwicklung weg von den Indikationen "Missverhältnis" und "Prophylaxe des Dammrisses" hin zu sehr zahlreichen und verschiedenartigen Indikationen stattgefunden hat. Details der Schnittführung werden ab 1927 so intensiv und breit diskutiert, dass dieser Punkt bis in die heutige Zeit als der Diskussionspunkt um die Episiotomie überhaupt gelten kann. Diskussion: Die Diskussion und Interpretation der Ergebnisse erfolgte nach den von Fleck postulierten Annahmen von Denkstilen, Denkkollektiven und systemimmanenten Fragestellungen der Forschenden. Ausgehend davon wurde der Untersuchungszeitraum in drei Abschnitte unterschiedlicher wissenschaftlicher Prägung unterteilt. Schlussfolgerung: Die Forschungsgegenstände, Forschungsergebnisse und auch die Interpretationen sind zeitabhängig. Eine jede Arbeit muss im Kontext ihrer Entstehungsgeschichte betrachtet werden. Somit ist jeder Forschende in zweierlei Hinsicht ein Abhängiger: Er produziert die Wissenslandschaft seiner Zeit, aber er reproduziert sie auch. / Introduction: The episiotomy is an operation applied frequently, at present, and at the same time it is a topic of a scientific controversy. Methods: This treatise is based on a qualitative analysis of 39 doctoral thesisses of obstetrics and gynocology published in the period between 1885 and 1996 at German universities und medical academies concerning the topic of episiotomy. The thesisses are analyzed by means of a pattern of questions. The results are summarized in tables. Results: The described indications change from "disproportion" and "prophylaxis of the rupture" to various indications. Details of the direction of the cut are discussed intensivly and widly, since 1927. Nowadays this is the most important point of discussion in the community. Discussion: The discussion and interpretation of the results is based on Ludwik Fleck´s postulates of thought styles, thought communities and system inherent questions of the scientists. Proceeding from this theory the mentioned period is divorsed in three phases of different scientific characters. Conclusion: The objects, results and interpretation of research depend on the scientific period. Every treatise has to be considered in the context of its genesis. Every scientist creates and reproduces the knowlegde and the ideas of his time.

Repensando a tesoura: compreendendo o posicionamento dos obstetras diante da episiotomia / Rethinking scissors: understanding obstetricians positioning facing episiotomy

Priscila Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Carvalho 20 September 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A episiotomia é intervenção instituída rotineiramente no Brasil, a partir da hospitalização do parto, em meados do século XX. Tida como facilitadora do parto no período expulsivo, vem sendo questionada pelas evidências científicas. Comprovou-se que a intervenção não impede lacerações importantes, incontinência urinária, dispareunia ou disfunções sexuais, e é associada a mais dor pós-parto e a complicações da episiorrafia. No Brasil, há médicos que fazem o procedimento rotineiramente, enquanto outros a praticam de modo seletivo ou, mais raramente, nunca o fazem. Este estudo buscou compreender o processo por meio do qual tais profissionais aprenderam e iniciaram sua prática, se esta foi revista, e as razões do posicionamento técnico e ético quanto ao procedimento, na atualidade. Objetivos: descrever e analisar o processo vivenciado pelos médicos obstetras, e que os levou ao posicionamento com relação à prática da episiotomia, tendo em vista sua formação, sua prática, o posicionamento de seus pares e o ambiente institucional. Método: Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, com análise temática a partir do referencial de gênero. A população de estudo foi composta por 12 médicos(as) obstetras que atendiam partos pela via vaginal, obedecendo ao método snowball. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas norteadas por questões semiestruturadas. Resultados: A educação médica, no recorte da episiotomia, dá-se em escalonamento hierárquico, sem que o aluno aprenda por meio de professor, mas entre alunos, do mais graduado para o menos graduado. Transmite-se a insegurança técnica e o impedimento de questionar as indicações, a segurança do procedimento ou lesões decorrentes. Não se discute a autonomia da paciente, os direitos reprodutivos, o direito à integridade corporal ou a real informação para o consentimento. Vários entrevistados relatam dificuldades para deixar de praticar a episiotomia, o que resulta de pressão exercida pelos pares, pela corporação e pela instituição em que atende. Conclusões: É imprescindível a reforma na educação médica, para que professores, atualizados com as evidências científicas, transmitam as técnicas de modo adequado às taxas preconizadas internacionalmente. Sugerese alterar a didática e conteúdo de disciplina que discuta bioética, tornando-a mais conectada com a prática e a ética médica, além de contextualizar a lei vigente. Conclui-se, enfim, pela necessidade de exigir a justificativa em prontuário para a intervenção, a anotação de toda episiotomia realizada e de toda lesão espontânea, além da aplicação de ferramentas de segurança da paciente, adotando uma assistência que promova a integridade genital no parto. / Introduction: Episiotomy is an intervention routinely established in Brazil, from birth hospitalization, in mid-twentieth. Considered as a facilitative intervention in the expulsive stage of birth, it has been questioned by scientific evidences. It was concluded that the intervention does not prevent main lacerations, urinary incontinence, either dyspareunia or sexual dysfunction, and is related to after-birth pain and complications developed from episiorrhaphy. In Brazil, there are physicians that perform it routinely, while some perform it selectively or never use it. This ressearch aimed to understand the way those professionals learned and started their practice, if it has been reviewed, and the reasons for their technical and ethic positioning about the intervention, nowadays. Objective: Describe and analyze the process experienced by obstetricians, and what took them to their positioning regarding to episiotomy practice, in terms of their professional education, their practice, their peers positioning and institutional environment. Method: This is a qualitative study, with thematic analysis, based on gender references. The study population was composed by 12 obstetricians, who attended vaginal births, following snowball method. Data were obtained by interviews guided by semi-structured questions. Results: The medical education, on episiotomy, occurs in a hierarchical scheduling, and the student doesnt learn through a teacher, but through a more graduate student, resulting on technical uncertainty and the impossibility to question indications, the procedure safety or resulting injuries. Patient autonomy, reproductive rights, body integrity or information to the consent are not questioned. Many physician finds it difficult to stop practicing episiotomy, because of intense pressure from peers, corporative and institution. Conclusions: Some changes are essential in medical education, so that teachers, updated on scientific evidences, transmit the techniques adequately to the internationally recommended rates. It is suggested to change teaching and disciplines that discuss bioethics, making it more connected with the practice and medical ethics, and contextualize it to the current law. It follows, finally, the need to require physicians to justify interventions in medical charts, the annotation of all performed episiotomy and all spontaneous lacerations, as well as applying patient safety tools, adopting an assistance that promotes genital integrity at birth.

Impacto nas taxas de lacerações obstétricas do esfíncter anal com o uso restrito da episiotomia em um hospital escola

Schneider, Samanta January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A laceração obstétrica do esfíncter anal (LOEA) está associado com incontinência anal. A episiotomia foi proposta como uma forma de proteção do esfíncter anal no parto, especialmente a episiotomia mediolateral; entretanto, diversos estudos mostraram que o uso de rotina da episiotomia não reduz o risco de LOEA. Objetivo: Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar se a redução na taxa de episiotomia em hospital escola no Brasil foi associada a um aumento na incidência de lacerações obstétricas do esfíncter anal, além de fatores associados a elas. Métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal e retrospectivo, realizado no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram incluídos todos os partos vaginais de gestações únicas, apresentação cefálica, a partir de 34 semanas de idade gestacional, realizados em 2011-2012 (uso liberal da episiotomia) e 2015-2016 (uso restrito da episiotomia), e comparados em relação a taxa de episiotomia mediolateral e de LOEA. Resultados: foram analisados 4268 partos (2043 no período de 2011-2012, 2225 de 2015-2016), foram analisados 2043 partos. A taxa de episiotomia reduziu de 59.4% para 44.2% (p≤0.0001). No período 2011-2012, ocorreram 10 lacerações obstétricas do esfíncter anal em 2043 partos (0.48%), enquanto que no período 2015-2016, ocorreram 31 lacerações em 2225 partos (1.39%). Houve interação quando comparado os dois períodos em relação a realização de episiotomia e a ocorrência de LOEA (p≤0.0001). A episiotomia foi fortemente associada a não ocorrência de LOEA em 2011-2012 (59.5%), enquanto que não ter episiotomia foi associado ao grupo com (67.7%) e sem LOEA (55.7%) em 2015-2016. Fatores associados a LOEA foram indução do parto e distócia de ombro. Conclusão: Houve um aumento na taxa de lacerações do esfíncter anal com a diminuição da taxa de episiotomia. A episiotomia de rotina foi prote / Introduction: Obstetric anal sphincter tear (OAST) is associated with anal incontinence. Episiotomy was proposed as a form of protection of the anal sphincter at delivery, especially mediolateral episiotomy; however, several studies have shown that routine use of episiotomy does not reduce the risk of OAST. Objective: This study aims to analyse whether the reduction in the rate of episiotomy in a school hospital in Brazil was associated with an increase in the incidence of obstetric lacerations of the anal sphincter, in addition to associated factors. Methods: Observational, cross-sectional and retrospective study, conducted at Hospital de Clínicas, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We included all vaginal deliveries of single pregnancies, cephalic presentation, from 34 weeks of gestational age, performed in 2011-2012 (liberal episiotomy) and 2015- 2016 (restricted episiotomy), and compared in relation to the rate of mediolateral episiotomy and OAST. Results: 4268 births were analysed (2043 in 2011-2012 and 2225 in 2015-2016). The episiotomy rate decreased from 59.4% to 44.2% (p≤0.0001). In 2011-2012, there were 10 obstetric anal sphincter lacerations in 2043 births (0.48%), while in the period 2015-2016 there were 31 lacerations in 2225 births (1.39%). There was interaction when comparing the two periods in relation to the episiotomy and the occurrence of OAST (p≤0.0001). Episiotomy was strongly related to 2011-2012 group with no OAST (59.5%), while not having an episiotomy was related to both OAST (67.7%) and no OAST (55.7%) group in 2015-2016. Factors associated with OAST were labor induction and shoulder dystocia. Conclusion: There was an increase in the rate of lacerations of the anal sphincter with a decrease in the rate of episiotomy. Routine episiotomy was protective.

Repensando a tesoura: compreendendo o posicionamento dos obstetras diante da episiotomia / Rethinking scissors: understanding obstetricians positioning facing episiotomy

Carvalho, Priscila Cavalcanti de Albuquerque 20 September 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A episiotomia é intervenção instituída rotineiramente no Brasil, a partir da hospitalização do parto, em meados do século XX. Tida como facilitadora do parto no período expulsivo, vem sendo questionada pelas evidências científicas. Comprovou-se que a intervenção não impede lacerações importantes, incontinência urinária, dispareunia ou disfunções sexuais, e é associada a mais dor pós-parto e a complicações da episiorrafia. No Brasil, há médicos que fazem o procedimento rotineiramente, enquanto outros a praticam de modo seletivo ou, mais raramente, nunca o fazem. Este estudo buscou compreender o processo por meio do qual tais profissionais aprenderam e iniciaram sua prática, se esta foi revista, e as razões do posicionamento técnico e ético quanto ao procedimento, na atualidade. Objetivos: descrever e analisar o processo vivenciado pelos médicos obstetras, e que os levou ao posicionamento com relação à prática da episiotomia, tendo em vista sua formação, sua prática, o posicionamento de seus pares e o ambiente institucional. Método: Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, com análise temática a partir do referencial de gênero. A população de estudo foi composta por 12 médicos(as) obstetras que atendiam partos pela via vaginal, obedecendo ao método snowball. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas norteadas por questões semiestruturadas. Resultados: A educação médica, no recorte da episiotomia, dá-se em escalonamento hierárquico, sem que o aluno aprenda por meio de professor, mas entre alunos, do mais graduado para o menos graduado. Transmite-se a insegurança técnica e o impedimento de questionar as indicações, a segurança do procedimento ou lesões decorrentes. Não se discute a autonomia da paciente, os direitos reprodutivos, o direito à integridade corporal ou a real informação para o consentimento. Vários entrevistados relatam dificuldades para deixar de praticar a episiotomia, o que resulta de pressão exercida pelos pares, pela corporação e pela instituição em que atende. Conclusões: É imprescindível a reforma na educação médica, para que professores, atualizados com as evidências científicas, transmitam as técnicas de modo adequado às taxas preconizadas internacionalmente. Sugerese alterar a didática e conteúdo de disciplina que discuta bioética, tornando-a mais conectada com a prática e a ética médica, além de contextualizar a lei vigente. Conclui-se, enfim, pela necessidade de exigir a justificativa em prontuário para a intervenção, a anotação de toda episiotomia realizada e de toda lesão espontânea, além da aplicação de ferramentas de segurança da paciente, adotando uma assistência que promova a integridade genital no parto. / Introduction: Episiotomy is an intervention routinely established in Brazil, from birth hospitalization, in mid-twentieth. Considered as a facilitative intervention in the expulsive stage of birth, it has been questioned by scientific evidences. It was concluded that the intervention does not prevent main lacerations, urinary incontinence, either dyspareunia or sexual dysfunction, and is related to after-birth pain and complications developed from episiorrhaphy. In Brazil, there are physicians that perform it routinely, while some perform it selectively or never use it. This ressearch aimed to understand the way those professionals learned and started their practice, if it has been reviewed, and the reasons for their technical and ethic positioning about the intervention, nowadays. Objective: Describe and analyze the process experienced by obstetricians, and what took them to their positioning regarding to episiotomy practice, in terms of their professional education, their practice, their peers positioning and institutional environment. Method: This is a qualitative study, with thematic analysis, based on gender references. The study population was composed by 12 obstetricians, who attended vaginal births, following snowball method. Data were obtained by interviews guided by semi-structured questions. Results: The medical education, on episiotomy, occurs in a hierarchical scheduling, and the student doesnt learn through a teacher, but through a more graduate student, resulting on technical uncertainty and the impossibility to question indications, the procedure safety or resulting injuries. Patient autonomy, reproductive rights, body integrity or information to the consent are not questioned. Many physician finds it difficult to stop practicing episiotomy, because of intense pressure from peers, corporative and institution. Conclusions: Some changes are essential in medical education, so that teachers, updated on scientific evidences, transmit the techniques adequately to the internationally recommended rates. It is suggested to change teaching and disciplines that discuss bioethics, making it more connected with the practice and medical ethics, and contextualize it to the current law. It follows, finally, the need to require physicians to justify interventions in medical charts, the annotation of all performed episiotomy and all spontaneous lacerations, as well as applying patient safety tools, adopting an assistance that promotes genital integrity at birth.

Impacto nas taxas de lacerações obstétricas do esfíncter anal com o uso restrito da episiotomia em um hospital escola

Schneider, Samanta January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A laceração obstétrica do esfíncter anal (LOEA) está associado com incontinência anal. A episiotomia foi proposta como uma forma de proteção do esfíncter anal no parto, especialmente a episiotomia mediolateral; entretanto, diversos estudos mostraram que o uso de rotina da episiotomia não reduz o risco de LOEA. Objetivo: Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar se a redução na taxa de episiotomia em hospital escola no Brasil foi associada a um aumento na incidência de lacerações obstétricas do esfíncter anal, além de fatores associados a elas. Métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal e retrospectivo, realizado no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram incluídos todos os partos vaginais de gestações únicas, apresentação cefálica, a partir de 34 semanas de idade gestacional, realizados em 2011-2012 (uso liberal da episiotomia) e 2015-2016 (uso restrito da episiotomia), e comparados em relação a taxa de episiotomia mediolateral e de LOEA. Resultados: foram analisados 4268 partos (2043 no período de 2011-2012, 2225 de 2015-2016), foram analisados 2043 partos. A taxa de episiotomia reduziu de 59.4% para 44.2% (p≤0.0001). No período 2011-2012, ocorreram 10 lacerações obstétricas do esfíncter anal em 2043 partos (0.48%), enquanto que no período 2015-2016, ocorreram 31 lacerações em 2225 partos (1.39%). Houve interação quando comparado os dois períodos em relação a realização de episiotomia e a ocorrência de LOEA (p≤0.0001). A episiotomia foi fortemente associada a não ocorrência de LOEA em 2011-2012 (59.5%), enquanto que não ter episiotomia foi associado ao grupo com (67.7%) e sem LOEA (55.7%) em 2015-2016. Fatores associados a LOEA foram indução do parto e distócia de ombro. Conclusão: Houve um aumento na taxa de lacerações do esfíncter anal com a diminuição da taxa de episiotomia. A episiotomia de rotina foi prote / Introduction: Obstetric anal sphincter tear (OAST) is associated with anal incontinence. Episiotomy was proposed as a form of protection of the anal sphincter at delivery, especially mediolateral episiotomy; however, several studies have shown that routine use of episiotomy does not reduce the risk of OAST. Objective: This study aims to analyse whether the reduction in the rate of episiotomy in a school hospital in Brazil was associated with an increase in the incidence of obstetric lacerations of the anal sphincter, in addition to associated factors. Methods: Observational, cross-sectional and retrospective study, conducted at Hospital de Clínicas, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We included all vaginal deliveries of single pregnancies, cephalic presentation, from 34 weeks of gestational age, performed in 2011-2012 (liberal episiotomy) and 2015- 2016 (restricted episiotomy), and compared in relation to the rate of mediolateral episiotomy and OAST. Results: 4268 births were analysed (2043 in 2011-2012 and 2225 in 2015-2016). The episiotomy rate decreased from 59.4% to 44.2% (p≤0.0001). In 2011-2012, there were 10 obstetric anal sphincter lacerations in 2043 births (0.48%), while in the period 2015-2016 there were 31 lacerations in 2225 births (1.39%). There was interaction when comparing the two periods in relation to the episiotomy and the occurrence of OAST (p≤0.0001). Episiotomy was strongly related to 2011-2012 group with no OAST (59.5%), while not having an episiotomy was related to both OAST (67.7%) and no OAST (55.7%) group in 2015-2016. Factors associated with OAST were labor induction and shoulder dystocia. Conclusion: There was an increase in the rate of lacerations of the anal sphincter with a decrease in the rate of episiotomy. Routine episiotomy was protective.

Impacto nas taxas de lacerações obstétricas do esfíncter anal com o uso restrito da episiotomia em um hospital escola

Schneider, Samanta January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A laceração obstétrica do esfíncter anal (LOEA) está associado com incontinência anal. A episiotomia foi proposta como uma forma de proteção do esfíncter anal no parto, especialmente a episiotomia mediolateral; entretanto, diversos estudos mostraram que o uso de rotina da episiotomia não reduz o risco de LOEA. Objetivo: Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar se a redução na taxa de episiotomia em hospital escola no Brasil foi associada a um aumento na incidência de lacerações obstétricas do esfíncter anal, além de fatores associados a elas. Métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal e retrospectivo, realizado no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram incluídos todos os partos vaginais de gestações únicas, apresentação cefálica, a partir de 34 semanas de idade gestacional, realizados em 2011-2012 (uso liberal da episiotomia) e 2015-2016 (uso restrito da episiotomia), e comparados em relação a taxa de episiotomia mediolateral e de LOEA. Resultados: foram analisados 4268 partos (2043 no período de 2011-2012, 2225 de 2015-2016), foram analisados 2043 partos. A taxa de episiotomia reduziu de 59.4% para 44.2% (p≤0.0001). No período 2011-2012, ocorreram 10 lacerações obstétricas do esfíncter anal em 2043 partos (0.48%), enquanto que no período 2015-2016, ocorreram 31 lacerações em 2225 partos (1.39%). Houve interação quando comparado os dois períodos em relação a realização de episiotomia e a ocorrência de LOEA (p≤0.0001). A episiotomia foi fortemente associada a não ocorrência de LOEA em 2011-2012 (59.5%), enquanto que não ter episiotomia foi associado ao grupo com (67.7%) e sem LOEA (55.7%) em 2015-2016. Fatores associados a LOEA foram indução do parto e distócia de ombro. Conclusão: Houve um aumento na taxa de lacerações do esfíncter anal com a diminuição da taxa de episiotomia. A episiotomia de rotina foi prote / Introduction: Obstetric anal sphincter tear (OAST) is associated with anal incontinence. Episiotomy was proposed as a form of protection of the anal sphincter at delivery, especially mediolateral episiotomy; however, several studies have shown that routine use of episiotomy does not reduce the risk of OAST. Objective: This study aims to analyse whether the reduction in the rate of episiotomy in a school hospital in Brazil was associated with an increase in the incidence of obstetric lacerations of the anal sphincter, in addition to associated factors. Methods: Observational, cross-sectional and retrospective study, conducted at Hospital de Clínicas, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We included all vaginal deliveries of single pregnancies, cephalic presentation, from 34 weeks of gestational age, performed in 2011-2012 (liberal episiotomy) and 2015- 2016 (restricted episiotomy), and compared in relation to the rate of mediolateral episiotomy and OAST. Results: 4268 births were analysed (2043 in 2011-2012 and 2225 in 2015-2016). The episiotomy rate decreased from 59.4% to 44.2% (p≤0.0001). In 2011-2012, there were 10 obstetric anal sphincter lacerations in 2043 births (0.48%), while in the period 2015-2016 there were 31 lacerations in 2225 births (1.39%). There was interaction when comparing the two periods in relation to the episiotomy and the occurrence of OAST (p≤0.0001). Episiotomy was strongly related to 2011-2012 group with no OAST (59.5%), while not having an episiotomy was related to both OAST (67.7%) and no OAST (55.7%) group in 2015-2016. Factors associated with OAST were labor induction and shoulder dystocia. Conclusion: There was an increase in the rate of lacerations of the anal sphincter with a decrease in the rate of episiotomy. Routine episiotomy was protective.

Porodnické intervence ve vztahu k poruchám pánevního dna / Obstetric interventions and pelvic floor disorders

Rušavý, Zdeněk January 2016 (has links)
Obstetric interventions and pelvic floor disorders - Abstract One of the principal objectives of obstetric interventions in the second stage of labor is prevention of pelvic floor trauma and associated pelvic floor disorders. The most commonly used and also most frequently discussed interventions are manual perineal protection and episiotomy. The majority of pelvic floor disorders are of subjective nature. Therefore, tools for objectification and severity quantification of these disorders are the key to reliable comparison and identification of the most effective interventions. The aim of the dissertation was to find the most effective modification of manual perineal protection, to compare two frequently used types of episiotomy regarding all pelvic floor disorders and finally to find a consensus on the most suitable instrument for anal incontinence severity assessment. Our studies concerning manual perineal protection experimentally described the direction and extent of perineal deformation during vaginal delivery. The subsequent studies on biomechanical model demonstrated that the most effective method of manual perineal protection in peak perineal strain reduction is when the fingers are placed on the perineum 6 cm laterally and 2 cm ventrally from the posterior commissure at both sides and are...

Technické aspekty druhé doby porodní / Technical Aspects of the Second Stage of Labor

Karbanová, Jaroslava January 2019 (has links)
Obstetrical intervantion`s goal is to normalize an abnormal or pathological course of labour. In a certain case (e.g. fetal distress) this is not fully achievable. Then the goal is to accelerate the delivery without inadequate increase of risk of maternal or neonatal trauma. The aim of this dizertation thesis was to offer an up-to-date definition and to outline a proper performance of these interventions. Therefore, it was necessary to properly and timely describe the labour layout in which the accoucheur and/or the parturient happen to occurr when an intervention is to take place. It was essential to describe the quantity of perineal loading as well as to define the main vector of perineal strain and deformation. Based on the range of this deformation it was subsequently possible to adequately describe and execute some obstetrical interventions (e.g. a variety of types of episiotomy) or to evaluate a variety of modifications by means of computational modelling (e.g. manual perineal protection) that might have so tiny nuances between each other or differences that are difficult to measure because the clinical evaluation is impossible due to interindividual imprecision or very short duration of the intervention. We described the maximum strain on the perineal surface during vaginal delivery that...

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